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【Abstract】 Grammar teaching has been the researchers' debating topic all the time in language teaching. During the senior high school English teaching the most important purpose is to train the students' communicative ability, which requires the process of carrying out the communicativ e principles. "Task-based" teaching fully reflects the teaching and learning process of the comm unication features with the students as the main body and with the overall goal to foster the st udents' ability to use an integrated language. The whole process of teaching is a process of com pleting a variety of tasks. Senior high phase of English teaching is an important process to tra in citizens' foreign language ability. The New High School English Curriculum advocates the impl ementation of task-based English teaching and cultivate the students' integrated language applic ation ability. Grammar knowledge is an integral part of language ability, essential to the devel opment of basic language skills. Therefore, grammar
本文主要涉及语法教学和任务型教学两方面的内容国外的专家和学者们对这两个方面都给与了足够的重视并做了相关研究This article mainly involve two aspects of grammar teaching and task-based teaching,And to do related research In this paper, involving aspects of grammar teaching and task-based teaching
foreign experts and scholars on these two aspects gave a sufficient attention and do related research 从范围看,任务型教学法和语法教学的研究大都集中在大学,之高或者部分城市中学,很少涉及县城中学;从应用方向看,主要涉及了任务型教学在阅读、听力和写作中的应用,对于在语法教学中采取任务型教学法的探讨则很少From the perspective, the task-based teaching and study of grammar teaching are concentrated in the university , high or part of the urban high schools , rarely involving county schools ; from the application direction , mainly related to the task-based instruction in reading, listening and writing applications, are rarely taken to task-based teaching of grammar teaching
外语教学的历史上先后出现了许多的教学法流派,它们对语法教学的地位及作用都有各自不同的看法The history of foreign language teaching has appeared many schools of pedagogy. They have their own different views on the status and role of grammar teaching.

因此,他把语法教学当做中心任务,而且,课堂上的教学活动也以掌握语法项目为直接目标,常以翻译题的形式出现Grammar Translation Method syntax is the main content of foreign language learning . Therefore, his grammar teaching as a central task , and classroom teaching activities to master the syntax project is directly targeted , often in the form of translation problems 听说法主张听说为首,但他并不反对语法教学,也主张句型的操练Heard that France advocated heard , led by , but he was not opposed to grammar teaching , also called for a sentence drilling
认知法认为学校语言的目的主要是掌握语法,因而十分重视语法教学,被称为现代的语法翻译法 A Cognitive Approach to think that the main purpose of the school language is to master the grammar, thus attaches great importance to grammar teaching , known as the modern grammar-translation method
直接法不主张直接教语法,而主张让学生事先掌握语言材料,再从所积累的感性材料中总结出语法规则,即通过归纳途径获得语法Direct method are not in favor of teaching grammar, and advocate for students to master language materials in advance , and then from the accumulation of emotional material , summed up the rules of grammar , by induction pathway syntax
自然法认为语言规律是自然习得的,语法学习对语言习得的促进作用并不大Natural law that the language of the law is a natural acquisition , grammar learning role in promoting language acquisition is not 任务型教学法以任务为中心组织教学,通过运用目的语执行任务,调动学习者已有的语言资源,以参与、交流、合作等学习方式,在实践中认识、运用目标语,在“做”中学,从而使学生在学习过程中发展综合运用能力。


Task-based teaching to task- organize teaching by using the target language to perform the task to mobilize learners' existing language resources , participation, communication, cooperation and learning , in practice, to recognize and use the target language , in the " do " secondary schools, so that students develop the ability to make comprehensive use of the learning process . The task-based teaching stressed that the task is focused on meaning rather than form , and advocate the task and then the grammar teaching .
目前,国外的外语教学普遍关心学生语法意识的提高,简称CR At present, foreign language teaching abroad are generally concerned about students ' grammar awareness , referred to as CR。

Ruthererford和Sharwood Smith 对CR进行了明确的定义:有意识地把学习者的注意力吸引到目标语的形式特征上。

Ruthererford and Sharwood Smith, a clear definition of CR : consciously to attract the attention of the learner to the formal characteristics of the target language . Desyser, Sharwood Smith 等人把语法教学分为显性语法教学和隐性语法教学,显性语法教学根据语法系统的缩节程度和语法术语使用的多少,可分为不同语法明显度的教法,同样,隐性语法教学也有各种方案,其语法隐藏度也有高低不同。


很明显,演绎法的语法明显度高于归纳法Desyser, Sharwood Smith , grammar teaching explicit grammar teaching and implicit grammar teaching , how many of the explicit grammar teaching according to the grammatical system of the degree of DPC and grammatical terminology used can be divided into the teachings of the different syntax obviously Similarly , the implicit
grammar teaching a variety of programs , its syntax to hide the degree of high and low . Through natural acquisition of language is clearly the "hidden grammar teaching , there is an obvious zero grammar teaching . Obviously , the syntax of the deductive method is significantly better than the induction
关于语法教学,国内不少学者不仅道出了教学语法的目的,而且提出来自己的一些看法,并进行了语法教学的相关研究,为以后的语法教学提供了些许素材和参考As to grammar teaching , quite a few scholars have not only revealed the purpose of teaching grammar , but also raised some of their own views , and the study of grammar teaching grammar teaching provide a little material and reference for the future.

换句话说,学习语法往往是为了不再依赖于语法而进行交际Wang Ming Yu , Jia Liang Yu , teaching grammar objectives are: to enable students to master the target language , and ultimately in communication with the target language do not have to basically do not rely on the rules of grammar to express their ideas and understand other people's words . In other words, the study of grammar is often no longer rely on syntax to communicate 胡壮麟(2000)指出如果语言教育的目的包括教会学生正确地有意义的和得当的使用英语,我们就应该把语法看做是一个理性的动态的动态系统,而不是任意规则的静态系统。

Hu Zhuanglin (2000) pointed out that if the purpose of language education includes that teaching students the correct meaningful and appropriate use of English. We should see the syntax as a rational dynamic system rather than static system of arbitrary rules.

Guguan Jie (2003) foreign language grammar learning to think outside the box in order to memorize foreign language grammar , but in order to better hear, say , reading , writing , learning a foreign language grammar and services for the training of foreign language proficiency , in order to help learners' language knowledge and improve foreign language listening , speaking, reading and writing .学语法不是为了练语法,外语语法教学就是为了让学生掌握必要的语法规则,为学生语言能力的提高打下基础,为培养听、说、读、写能力服务,即语法所起的只是工具作用。

Grammar is not to practice grammar , foreign language grammar teaching is to enable students to acquire the necessary grammar rules to lay the foundation for the improvement of students' language ability , and for the training , speaking, reading, and writing services , ie grammar played only a tool role .
邵有学(2007)对我国现阶段高校扩招后大学英语教学与中学英语教学的衔接提出了质疑,认为中学英语的语法教学没有得到应有的重视Shao school (2007) questioned the convergence of the college enrollment college English teaching and secondary school English teaching and thought that English grammar teaching in the secondary school has not been given enough attention.
吴军(2009)分析了我国英语语法教学的弊端,从四个方面详细阐述了语料库在英语语法教学中的作用,最后,他还指出了利用语料库改革传统语法教学的意义Wu Jun ( 2009 ) analyzed the drawbacks of the Teaching of English Grammar , from the four aspects described in detail the role of corpora in the teaching of English grammar , and finally , he also pointed out the significance of the corpus reform the traditional grammar teaching


Li Shuangyan, Ma Jiangtao (2009) proposed several grammar teaching, with the aim of establishing a relaxed and happy learning atmosphere to help students build the grammar system. The experimental results show that this method foster students' confidence.
的问题Lei Min University Teaching of English Grammar (2010) analyzed the current situation and to explore the use of " immersion " teaching to the teaching of college English grammar

Pengqing Qing ( 2010 ) to the new curriculum standards as the background , to re-examine and explore the problem of primary school English grammar teaching , it is recommended to supplement the students naturally implicit learning , thus contributing to the acquisition of language teachers use explicit teaching of grammar .



Long91985 ) that the task is for themselves or for others have done , as an unpaid or paid work . Such as a pair of shoes , clothes for the children . In other words, the task is done by people in everyday life all kinds of things .
Richard Plat(1986)认为任务是人们在学习、理解语言之后所产生的活动。


Richard Adaptation of Plat (1986 ) mission is to people in learning , understanding the language after activities . Listened recording side , draw , listen to the command to execute commands Nunan(1989)认为交际性任务是一项课堂活动,包括学习者理解、处理、传出或用目标语互动。



而且,他认为教学任务应包括以下六个方面:Nunan, (1989) that the communication tasks is a classroom activity , including learner understanding , processing, spread , or the interaction of the target language . It requires students to understand , use, or communication with the target language . In this process , the students' attention focused on the meaning of language rather than language form . Moreover, he found the task of instruction should include the following six areas :
Goals input activities teacher role learner role settings
Ellis(2003)认为任务型语言教学法是一种建立在”建构主义“上的教学法,是指根据现实生活的交际需要确定语言学习任务,由学生围绕这一任务制定计划并通过自己的努力去实现计划、完成任务,而且在这一过程中不断评估自己的学习Ellis (2003 ) , task-based language teaching is based on the "constructivist" teaching methods, is the need to determine the real-life communicative language learning tasks , this task by students around the plan through their own efforts to achieve the plan to complete the task, and constantly evaluate their own learning in the process
Jane Wills(1996)提出了任务实施需要遵循的五个原则,这五个原则是:要接触有意义且实用的语言,要使用语言,任务促使学生运用语言,在任务轮的某一点上要注重语言本身,不同时期要不同程度的突出语言。


Jane Wills, ( 1996) put forward the tasks needed to implement the follow five principles, these five principles are: exposure to meaningful and useful language to language , tasks encourage students to use language , to pay attention to the task round language itself , the different times you want to highlight the different degrees of language . She also strict task-based teaching process is divided into tasks , task round and language focus in three stages.
Skehan(1998)提出了任务的五个特征:任务活动的意义是首要的;重视学生沟通信息,而不强调使用何种语言形式;任务与现实世界中类似的活动有一定关系;有某个交际问题需要解决;完成任务是首要考虑的Skehan (1998) , the five characteristics of the task : the significance of the task activity is the primary ; to communicate information of great importance to students , rather than emphasizing the use of what language form ; task with similar activities in the real world ; a communication problems to be solved ; to complete the task is the primary consideration
David Nunan (2004)从任务型教学的定义、框架、任务构成、任务型语言教学的评价、任务与教师发展等8个方面详尽的讲解了任务型教学的各个方面David Nunan, ( 2004) from the definition of the
task-based teaching framework , the task structure, task-based language teaching eight aspects of the evaluation tasks and teacher development a detailed explanation of the various aspects of the task-based teaching

Jing (2008) of the use of input and interaction hypothesis " theory of task-based teaching model with active exploration, knowledge of teaching into the specific activities of their own to complete a task , so that students not only learn the knowledge of English , and can personally experience the " work " experience and fun, thus enhancing their ability to use English .

Wang Aihua , Wu Fang , FUJIAN AGRICULTURE (2009 ) aims to promote student-centered , meaning , language applications to convert ideas into the classroom teaching with practical significance , task -based teaching methods in the Teaching of English Grammar in order to improve the cultivation of students' learning abilities and learning strategies .
此研究进一步扩大了任务型教学的使用范围,有助于任务型教学在我国外语教学领域的本土化运用,为语法教学提供了新的理论参考依据This study further expand the scope of the use of task-based teaching , to contribute to the localization of the use of task-based teaching in the field of foreign language teaching in China , provides a new theoretical basis for grammar teaching
针对目前盛行的3P教学法为主的语法教学,改变传统的枯燥乏味的语法课堂,及其脱离交际实际的现状,任务型教学法注重人物的真实性和生活化,使学生不仅可以获得语言知识,而且可以发展扎实的语言技能,提高综合语言运用能力For prevailing 3P teaching based grammar teaching , to change the traditional boring grammar class , from the actual communication of the status quo , task-based teaching methods focus on the authenticity of the characters and life , so that students can not only obtain knowledge of the language , and can develop a solid language skills , improve the comprehensive ability to use language

The late 1980s , the rising of the task-based teaching is one of methods of the communicative language teaching ,it is a task at the core of language teaching , teaching methods , and aims to enable learners in the real , social grammar teaching to achieve the purpose of learning the language and learning to use by completing a variety of tasks.任务型教学认为任务是必需的,但也不是不考虑语言学习者对的语言形式要求,不反对在任务开展前和开展后,都有与进行的任务活动有关的集中的形式教学(Skehan ,1996) Task-based teaching that task is necessary , but not language learners do not consider the form of the language requirements, no objection to task -related activities before the task to carry out and conduct , has carried out a concentrated form of teaching ( Skehan , 1996 )



In this way, the learners' language abilities and interpersonal skills have been developed. Nevertheless , task-based teaching of language forms does not require a high level to achieve an
acceptable form of language . What level operator can accept this teaching debate , and how to learn a language form in the mission activities .
Wills (1996)提出了一个任务型教学过程实施框架。


操作过程分为三个阶段:前任务、任务环和语言焦点Wills, (1996) proposed framework for the implementation of a task-based teaching process . In her view, the framework creates a substantial environment for language learning in order to improve the learners' language perception, and fluency and accuracy of language. The procedure is divided into three stages: pre-task, task, language focus.与3P模式的明显不同是,对语言形式的聚焦安排在最后,交际任务是框架的中心。




3P mode significantly different arrangement in the end, focusing on linguistic form and communicative tasks is the center of the framework . The task to students' language expression , or related to oral or written text . A task usually involves listening, speaking, reading and writing skills . Learners to fully experience the use of language , to look at the end of the natural features of the language . It is obviously different with 3P mode. It takes the focus of language form in the end, and communicative task is the center of the frame. A task usually involves listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Learners begin with a full experience of language use, and look at the end of the natural features of the language.

Researchers have proposed task-based grammar teaching model , which aims to improve learners ' awareness of language forms at the same time , these tasks are communicative , learners must be meaning - based communication ( Dai Weidong , Li-Ping Chen , 2005) , as well as the task skill is a syntax item , the syntax of the contents of the project became the language of communication tasks , but by the way of communication activities to complete , so that problem-solving process is the students' accumulated knowledge of grammar and communicative level of process .

Ellis (2003 ) proposed three types of tasks: the structural basis of the output of task , the task of understanding and enhanced awareness of the task , but acknowledged that his findings also show that the syntax tasks and did not lead with the traditional , teacher grammar point to explain the grammar lesson for the center level of long - term syntax learning the obvious differences , he believes that perhaps this is because we know very little about the nature of the relationship between communication and language acquisition . He also pointed out that this syntax task is not very suitable for beginners, because they will not ease the exchange of the target language and they also reach the syntax level as a topic of discussion .
Ellis(2003)认为任务型语言教学法是一种建立在”建构主义“上的教学法,是指根据现实生活的交际需要确定语言学习任务,由学生围绕这一任务制定计划并通过自己的努力去实现计划、完成任务,而且在这一过程中不断评估自己的学习Ellis (2003 ) , task-based language teaching is based on the "constructivist" teaching method,and refers to real life communication need to identify the language learning task,Students around this task make plans and through their own efforts to achieve the plan, complete the task, and in the process continuously assess their own learning.
Skehan(1998)提出了任务的五个特征:任务活动的意义是首要的;重视学生沟通信息,而不强调使用何种语言形式;任务与现实世界中类似的活动有一定关系;有某个交际问题需要解决;完成任务是首要考虑的Skehan (1998) ,proposed the five characteristics of the task : the significance of the task activity is
the primary ; to pay attention to students' communication of information, rather than on what language form ; task relate with similar activities in the real world ; a communication problem to be solved ; to complete the task is the primary consideration
David Nunan (2004)从任务型教学的定义、框架、任务构成、任务型语言教学的评价、任务与教师发展等8个方面详尽的讲解了任务型教学的各个方面David Nunan, ( 2004 ) explain the various aspects of the task-based teaching from the definition of the task-based teaching 、framework ,、the structure、the evaluation of task-based teaching and the development of tasks and teacher.




列举了Wills和Skehan 提出的任务型教学模式,总结出在任务型教学方式下设计“任务”的主要原则。




(1) 学生不仅能获得语法知识,而且能够进行意义交流。






In summary, the task-based teaching in application of grammar should pay attention to "tasks" design, and the combination of grammar knowledge and task, using real English theme.



《新课标》指出,“知识是语言能力的重要组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础”The "



[2] 随着课程改革的不断深入和任务型教学法的实施,如何教授语法成为广大英语教师关心的问题。



