the eggppt课件
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In the original, the author first refers to egg in the fourth paragraph of the story. They rented ten acres of poor stony land on Griggs's Road, eight miles from Bidwell, and launched into chicken raising.
Ⅳ. A basket of small live chickens which on the wagon when we moved symbolize that Father longed of American dream once again.
• In the sixth paragraph For ten years my father and mother struggled to make our chicken farm pay and then they gave up that struggle and began another. They moved into the town of Bidwell, Ohio and embarked in the restaurant business.andIn the eleventh paragraph
this point, Father was induced by Mother to give
up his place as a farmland. Like many other
American people, Fatheng up the chicken farm was to
养鸡场里千奇百怪的畸形的小鸡象 征着父亲心中被扭曲的畸形的美国 梦。
• 红色部分为文本
here Father took good care of these
chickens which he clearly knew couldn’t live on
and saved them at any cost. He dreamed of
• 在小说的第五段中讲到,养鸡场的小鸡在 吃完父亲辛辛苦苦用劳动的汗水换来的谷 物之后,要么死于鸡瘟,要么被车轮碾死。 好不容易活下来几只,却又莫名奇妙地死 掉了。这些小鸡的突如其来的死亡就像上 天注定一样,总是那么让人不可理解。小 鸡的死亡象征着父亲夭折的美国梦,象征 着父亲无力主宰自己的生活,就像父亲无 论多么努力地工作,无论怎样坚持,始终 没有实现自己的美国梦一样,始终要遭受 挫败,一切的努力总是以失败告终。
In terms of literature, symbolism means the use of concrete symbols to represent or hint abstract conception or emotion.
In the short story Egg, egg as a symbol runs through the whole story and appears several times. It is considered as the introductory remark of the story all the time. Meanwhile, every time egg appears, it is able to link up it and Father’s destiny. Each has its own hint and symbol.
to be rich by feeding chickens with hard work,
Father’s hope and dream change to the
deformed chickens. From this point, in the
process of realizing the dream, Father suffered
The use of symbolism
搬家的车上装着的一篮活着的小鸡,这 一群活着的小鸡象征着父亲对美国梦的 再一次的追求,同时也象征和暗示着这 次追求仍是不成功的。
• 红色部分为文本
• After the failure business of raising chickens, Mother urged Father to move to another town to embark in the restaurant business. We packed our belongings on a wagon including a basket of live chickens, a tiny caravan of hope looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life. On one hand, Father wanted to start a new life and continued to seek his dream. But on the other hand, it represents that Father’s new try failed again. Father didn’t say goodbye to his past life when he began a new life. Past life deeply affected Father’s mind though it meant failure to him. In other words, Father didn’t really face the actuality. In deep of Father’s soul, past life just like a shadow played a negative role. With this state of mind, how could Father succeed in achieving his dream?
taking the wonder about to county fairs and of
growing rich by exhibiting these deformed
chickens to other people. However, failure
dropped on him again. When it came impossible
• The death of the chickens symbolizes that
Father had no power to be master of his
own destiny. No matter how hard he worked and persisted, he didn’t realize his dream all along. All the Father’s endeavors always ended up with failure.
from lots of failure and frustration as well as bad
heart’s sufferings. As a result, Father’s mind
became distorted and deformed.
• 在养鸡场里,总是会有些畸形的小鸡出生, 父亲对于这种明知不可能长久活下来的小 鸡,也是好好地照顾,不惜一切代价地救 治他们,满心希望这些畸形的小鸡可以存 活下来,希望通过去集市上展出这些畸形 的小鸡来发财。但父亲在养鸡场的经营总 是不成功,他心里的通过“鸡生蛋,蛋生 鸡”的模式来实现美国梦的理想总是不断 地受到重创的时,眼看着自己通过勤劳的 劳动饲养小鸡来发家致富的美国梦不太可 能会实现的时候,他把他的希望和梦想转 移到了畸形的小鸡上的举动。从这里可以 看出,父亲在实现梦想的过中,遭受了很 多失败和挫折,内心受到了很大的煎熬, 以小鸡象征着父亲心里被扭曲的美国梦。
Ⅲ. Exceedingly strange and
deformed chickens symbolize Father’s distorted American
d• rIneathme e.ighth paragraphAll during our ten years
on the chicken farm he had worked as a laborer on neighboring farms and most of the money he had earned had been spent for remedies to cure chicken diseases, In the tenth paragraph He had some sort of notion that if he could but bring into henhood or roosterhood a five-legged hen or a two-headed rooster his fortune would be made. He dreamed of taking the wonder about to county fairs and of growing rich by exhibiting it to other farm-hands.
realize his American dream as well as long for
the wonderful life.
• 原文里第一次提到鸡蛋是在文章最开始的第四段。 “父母亲租了十英亩贫瘠的石头地开办了养鸡 场”。在这里是有关鸡蛋的“养鸡场”象征着当 时父亲心底的美国梦。鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,鸡再生 蛋,蛋再生鸡,这样周而复始,毫无止境,用不 了多久就可以发家致富。父亲这时由原来的一个 满足生活现状的一个小帮工,在母亲的怂恿下, 也像当时的好多人一样萌发了美国梦。开办养鸡 场是为了实现他心底的美国梦,是父亲对过上好 生活的美好憧憬。随着大量移民的涌入和美国历 史上著名的“淘金潮”,美国梦逐渐演化为通过 自身不懈努力最终发家致福,实现个人梦想。美 国梦作为一种精神理想,已经植根于每个美国人 的心里,流淌在每个美国人的血液了,当然也包 括“我”的父亲。
1.在文章开始,养鸡场暗示着父亲 心底的美国梦。
• 在文章的开头第四段,红色部分为文章句 子
Here, the chicken farm which is related to
egg symbolizes Father’s American dream at
that time. He had notion of trying to rise in the
象征原指用甲物来代表、暗示乙物。 对于文学而言,则主要是指以具体的形 象来代表、暗示抽象的观念或情感。
• 在《鸡蛋》这篇短篇小说中,“鸡蛋”作为 一种象征是贯穿整个故事始终的,它出现 了好几次,它一直作为故事发展的引子, 同时它每次的出场都能够和父亲的命运联 系起来,有着各自不同的暗示和象征
Ⅰ. In the beginning, the chicken farm hints Father’s American dream inside his heart.
world. The hens lay eggs out of which come
other chickens, and then these chickens lay
eggs again. This a rolling thing which is endless.
Thus before long, or family would grow rich. At
Ⅳ. A basket of small live chickens which on the wagon when we moved symbolize that Father longed of American dream once again.
• In the sixth paragraph For ten years my father and mother struggled to make our chicken farm pay and then they gave up that struggle and began another. They moved into the town of Bidwell, Ohio and embarked in the restaurant business.andIn the eleventh paragraph
this point, Father was induced by Mother to give
up his place as a farmland. Like many other
American people, Fatheng up the chicken farm was to
养鸡场里千奇百怪的畸形的小鸡象 征着父亲心中被扭曲的畸形的美国 梦。
• 红色部分为文本
here Father took good care of these
chickens which he clearly knew couldn’t live on
and saved them at any cost. He dreamed of
• 在小说的第五段中讲到,养鸡场的小鸡在 吃完父亲辛辛苦苦用劳动的汗水换来的谷 物之后,要么死于鸡瘟,要么被车轮碾死。 好不容易活下来几只,却又莫名奇妙地死 掉了。这些小鸡的突如其来的死亡就像上 天注定一样,总是那么让人不可理解。小 鸡的死亡象征着父亲夭折的美国梦,象征 着父亲无力主宰自己的生活,就像父亲无 论多么努力地工作,无论怎样坚持,始终 没有实现自己的美国梦一样,始终要遭受 挫败,一切的努力总是以失败告终。
In terms of literature, symbolism means the use of concrete symbols to represent or hint abstract conception or emotion.
In the short story Egg, egg as a symbol runs through the whole story and appears several times. It is considered as the introductory remark of the story all the time. Meanwhile, every time egg appears, it is able to link up it and Father’s destiny. Each has its own hint and symbol.
to be rich by feeding chickens with hard work,
Father’s hope and dream change to the
deformed chickens. From this point, in the
process of realizing the dream, Father suffered
The use of symbolism
搬家的车上装着的一篮活着的小鸡,这 一群活着的小鸡象征着父亲对美国梦的 再一次的追求,同时也象征和暗示着这 次追求仍是不成功的。
• 红色部分为文本
• After the failure business of raising chickens, Mother urged Father to move to another town to embark in the restaurant business. We packed our belongings on a wagon including a basket of live chickens, a tiny caravan of hope looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life. On one hand, Father wanted to start a new life and continued to seek his dream. But on the other hand, it represents that Father’s new try failed again. Father didn’t say goodbye to his past life when he began a new life. Past life deeply affected Father’s mind though it meant failure to him. In other words, Father didn’t really face the actuality. In deep of Father’s soul, past life just like a shadow played a negative role. With this state of mind, how could Father succeed in achieving his dream?
taking the wonder about to county fairs and of
growing rich by exhibiting these deformed
chickens to other people. However, failure
dropped on him again. When it came impossible
• The death of the chickens symbolizes that
Father had no power to be master of his
own destiny. No matter how hard he worked and persisted, he didn’t realize his dream all along. All the Father’s endeavors always ended up with failure.
from lots of failure and frustration as well as bad
heart’s sufferings. As a result, Father’s mind
became distorted and deformed.
• 在养鸡场里,总是会有些畸形的小鸡出生, 父亲对于这种明知不可能长久活下来的小 鸡,也是好好地照顾,不惜一切代价地救 治他们,满心希望这些畸形的小鸡可以存 活下来,希望通过去集市上展出这些畸形 的小鸡来发财。但父亲在养鸡场的经营总 是不成功,他心里的通过“鸡生蛋,蛋生 鸡”的模式来实现美国梦的理想总是不断 地受到重创的时,眼看着自己通过勤劳的 劳动饲养小鸡来发家致富的美国梦不太可 能会实现的时候,他把他的希望和梦想转 移到了畸形的小鸡上的举动。从这里可以 看出,父亲在实现梦想的过中,遭受了很 多失败和挫折,内心受到了很大的煎熬, 以小鸡象征着父亲心里被扭曲的美国梦。
Ⅲ. Exceedingly strange and
deformed chickens symbolize Father’s distorted American
d• rIneathme e.ighth paragraphAll during our ten years
on the chicken farm he had worked as a laborer on neighboring farms and most of the money he had earned had been spent for remedies to cure chicken diseases, In the tenth paragraph He had some sort of notion that if he could but bring into henhood or roosterhood a five-legged hen or a two-headed rooster his fortune would be made. He dreamed of taking the wonder about to county fairs and of growing rich by exhibiting it to other farm-hands.
realize his American dream as well as long for
the wonderful life.
• 原文里第一次提到鸡蛋是在文章最开始的第四段。 “父母亲租了十英亩贫瘠的石头地开办了养鸡 场”。在这里是有关鸡蛋的“养鸡场”象征着当 时父亲心底的美国梦。鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,鸡再生 蛋,蛋再生鸡,这样周而复始,毫无止境,用不 了多久就可以发家致富。父亲这时由原来的一个 满足生活现状的一个小帮工,在母亲的怂恿下, 也像当时的好多人一样萌发了美国梦。开办养鸡 场是为了实现他心底的美国梦,是父亲对过上好 生活的美好憧憬。随着大量移民的涌入和美国历 史上著名的“淘金潮”,美国梦逐渐演化为通过 自身不懈努力最终发家致福,实现个人梦想。美 国梦作为一种精神理想,已经植根于每个美国人 的心里,流淌在每个美国人的血液了,当然也包 括“我”的父亲。
1.在文章开始,养鸡场暗示着父亲 心底的美国梦。
• 在文章的开头第四段,红色部分为文章句 子
Here, the chicken farm which is related to
egg symbolizes Father’s American dream at
that time. He had notion of trying to rise in the
象征原指用甲物来代表、暗示乙物。 对于文学而言,则主要是指以具体的形 象来代表、暗示抽象的观念或情感。
• 在《鸡蛋》这篇短篇小说中,“鸡蛋”作为 一种象征是贯穿整个故事始终的,它出现 了好几次,它一直作为故事发展的引子, 同时它每次的出场都能够和父亲的命运联 系起来,有着各自不同的暗示和象征
Ⅰ. In the beginning, the chicken farm hints Father’s American dream inside his heart.
world. The hens lay eggs out of which come
other chickens, and then these chickens lay
eggs again. This a rolling thing which is endless.
Thus before long, or family would grow rich. At