HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFLUOXETINE HClC17H18F3NO•HClM.W. = 345.79CAS — 59333-67-4STABILITY INDICATINGA S S A Y V A L I D A T I O NMethod is suitable for:ýIn-process controlþProduct ReleaseþStability indicating analysis (Suitability - US/EU Product) CAUTIONFLUOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE IS A HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL AND SHOULD BE HANDLED ONLY UNDER CONDITIONS SUITABLE FOR HAZARDOUS WORK.IT IS HIGHLY PRESSURE SENSITIVE AND ADEQUATE PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN TO AVOID ANY MECHANICAL FORCE (SUCH AS GRINDING, CRUSHING, ETC.) ON THE POWDER.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ PRECISION............................................................................................................................... System Repeatability ................................................................................................................ Method Repeatability................................................................................................................. Intermediate Precision .............................................................................................................. LINEARITY................................................................................................................................ RANGE...................................................................................................................................... ACCURACY............................................................................................................................... Accuracy of Standard Injections................................................................................................ Accuracy of the Drug Product.................................................................................................... VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATION........................................... Linearity at Low Concentrations................................................................................................. Accuracy of Fluoxetine HCl at Low Concentration..................................................................... System Repeatability................................................................................................................. Quantitation Limit....................................................................................................................... Detection Limit........................................................................................................................... VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl (POSSIBLE IMPURITIES).................................. Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%........................................................................... Detection Limit for Fluoxetine HCl.............................................................................................. Quantitation Limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl................................................................................ Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl ............................................................................................ Method Repeatability for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl........................................................................... Intermediate Precision for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl......................................................................... SPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATION OF THE METHOD............................. FORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT AND STANDARD..................................1. Unstressed analysis...............................................................................................................2. Acid Hydrolysis stressed analysis..........................................................................................3. Base hydrolysis stressed analysis.........................................................................................4. Oxidation stressed analysis...................................................................................................5. Sunlight stressed analysis.....................................................................................................6. Heat of solution stressed analysis.........................................................................................7. Heat of powder stressed analysis.......................................................................................... System Suitability stressed analysis.......................................................................................... Placebo...................................................................................................................................... STABILITY OF STANDARD AND SAMPLE SOLUTIONS......................................................... Standard Solution...................................................................................................................... Sample Solutions....................................................................................................................... ROBUSTNESS.......................................................................................................................... Extraction................................................................................................................................... Factorial Design......................................................................................................................... CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationBACKGROUNDTherapeutically, Fluoxetine hydrochloride is a classified as a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor. Effectively used for the treatment of various depressions. Fluoxetine hydrochloride has been shown to have comparable efficacy to tricyclic antidepressants but with fewer anticholinergic side effects. The patent expiry becomes effective in 2001 (US). INTRODUCTIONFluoxetine capsules were prepared in two dosage strengths: 10mg and 20mg dosage strengths with the same capsule weight. The formulas are essentially similar and geometrically equivalent with the same ingredients and proportions. Minor changes in non-active proportions account for the change in active ingredient amounts from the 10 and 20 mg strength.The following validation, for the method SI-IAG-206-02 , includes assay and determination of Meta-Fluoxetine by HPLC, is based on the analytical method validation SI-IAG-209-06. Currently the method is the in-house method performed for Stability Studies. The Validation was performed on the 20mg dosage samples, IAG-21-001 and IAG-21-002.In the forced degradation studies, the two placebo samples were also used. PRECISIONSYSTEM REPEATABILITYFive replicate injections of the standard solution at the concentration of 0.4242mg/mL as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the peak areas was calculated.SAMPLE PEAK AREA#15390#25406#35405#45405#55406Average5402.7SD 6.1% RSD0.1ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::PRECISION - Method RepeatabilityThe full HPLC method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method repeated six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.SAMPLENumber%ASSAYof labeled amountI 96.9II 97.8III 98.2IV 97.4V 97.7VI 98.5(%) Average97.7SD 0.6(%) RSD0.6PRECISION - Intermediate PrecisionThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was carried-out on the finished product IAG-21-001 for the 20mg dosage form. The method was repeated six times by a second analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument. The average assay and the relative standard deviation (RSD) were calculated.SAMPLENumber% ASSAYof labeled amountI 98.3II 96.3III 94.6IV 96.3V 97.8VI 93.3Average (%)96.1SD 2.0RSD (%)2.1The difference between the average results of method repeatability and the intermediate precision is 1.7%.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationLINEARITYStandard solutions were prepared at 50% to 200% of the nominal concentration required by the assay procedure. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over the concentration range required. Y-Intercept was found to be insignificant.RANGEDifferent concentrations of the sample (IAG-21-001) for the 20mg dosage form were prepared, covering between 50% - 200% of the nominal weight of the sample.Conc. (%)Conc. (mg/mL)Peak Area% Assayof labeled amount500.20116235096.7700.27935334099.21000.39734463296.61500.64480757797.52000.79448939497.9(%) Average97.6SD 1.0(%) RSD 1.0ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::RANGE (cont.)The results demonstrate linearity as well over the specified range.Correlation coefficient (RSQ)0.99981 Slope11808.3Y -Interceptresponse at 100%* 100 (%) 0.3%ACCURACYACCURACY OF STANDARD INJECTIONSFive (5) replicate injections of the working standard solution at concentration of 0.4242mg/mL, as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made.INJECTIONNO.PEAK AREA%ACCURACYI 539299.7II 540599.9III 540499.9IV 5406100.0V 5407100.0Average 5402.899.9%SD 6.10.1RSD, (%)0.10.1The percent deviation from the true value wasdetermined from the linear regression lineHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::ACCURACY OF THE DRUG PRODUCTAdmixtures of non-actives (placebo, batch IAG-21-001 ) with Fluoxetine HCl were prepared at the same proportion as in a capsule (70%-180% of the nominal concentration).Three preparations were made for each concentration and the recovery was calculated.Conc.(%)Placebo Wt.(mg)Fluoxetine HCl Wt.(mg)Peak Area%Accuracy Average (%)70%7079.477.843465102.27079.687.873427100.77079.618.013465100.0101.0100%10079.6211.25476397.910080.8011.42491799.610079.6011.42485498.398.6130%13079.7214.90640599.413080.3114.75632899.213081.3314.766402100.399.618079.9920.10863699.318079.3820.45879499.418080.0820.32874899.599.4Placebo, Batch Lot IAG-21-001HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION OF FLUOXETINE HClAT LOW CONCENTRATIONLINEARITY AT LOW CONCENTRATIONSStandard solution of Fluoxetine were prepared at approximately 0.02%-1.0% of the working concentration required by the method SI-IAG-206-02. Linear regression analysis demonstrated acceptability of the method for quantitative analysis over this range.ACCURACY OF FLUOXETINE HCl AT LOW CONCENTRATIONThe peak areas of the standard solution at the working concentration were measured and the percent deviation from the true value, as determined from the linear regression was calculated.SAMPLECONC.µg/100mLAREA FOUND%ACCURACYI 470.56258499.7II 470.56359098.1III 470.561585101.3IV 470.561940100.7V 470.56252599.8VI 470.56271599.5(%) AverageSlope = 132.7395299.9SD Y-Intercept = -65.872371.1(%) RSD1.1HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSystem RepeatabilitySix replicate injections of standard solution at 0.02% and 0.05% of working concentration as described in method SI-IAG-206-02 were made and the relative standard deviation was calculated.SAMPLE FLUOXETINE HCl AREA0.02%0.05%I10173623II11503731III10103475IV10623390V10393315VI10953235Average10623462RSD, (%) 5.0 5.4Quantitation Limit - QLThe quantitation limit ( QL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was quantified. The quantitation limit for Fluoxetine HCl is 0.02% of the working standard concentration with resulting RSD (for six injections) of 5.0%. Detection Limit - DLThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected. The detection limit of Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.01% of the working standard concentration.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::VALIDATION FOR META-FLUOXETINE HCl(EVALUATING POSSIBLE IMPURITIES)Meta-Fluoxetine HCl linearity at 0.05% - 1.0%Relative Response Factor (F)Relative response factor for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl was determined as slope of Fluoxetine HCl divided by the slope of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl from the linearity graphs (analysed at the same time).F =132.7395274.859534= 1.8Detection Limit (DL) for Fluoxetine HClThe detection limit (DL) was established by determining the minimum level at which the analyte was reliably detected.Detection limit for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is about 0.02%.Quantitation Limit (QL) for Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe QL is determined by the analysis of samples with known concentration of Meta-Fluoxetine HCl and by establishing the minimum level at which the Meta-Fluoxetine HCl can be quantified with acceptable accuracy and precision.Six individual preparations of standard and placebo spiked with Meta-Fluoxetine HCl solution to give solution with 0.05% of Meta Fluoxetine HCl, were injected into the HPLC and the recovery was calculated.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES].Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100ml)Area in SpikedSampleFound Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)0.0521.783326125.735118.10.0521.783326825.821118.50.0521.783292021.55799.00.0521.783324125.490117.00.0521.783287220.96996.30.0521.783328526.030119.5(%) AVERAGE111.4SD The recovery result of 6 samples is between 80%-120%.10.7(%) RSDQL for Meta Fluoxetine HCl is 0.05%.9.6Accuracy for Meta Fluoxetine HClDetermination of Accuracy for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl impurity was assessed using triplicate samples (of the drug product) spiked with known quantities of Meta Fluoxetine HCl impurity at three concentrations levels (namely 80%, 100% and 120% of the specified limit - 0.05%).The results are within specifications:For 0.4% and 0.5% recovery of 85% -115%For 0.6% recovery of 90%-110%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::META-FLUOXETINE HCl[RECOVERY IN SPIKED SAMPLES]Approx.Conc.(%)Known Conc.(µg/100mL)Area in spikedSample Found Conc.(µg/100mL)Recovery (%)[0.4%]0.4174.2614283182.66104.820.4174.2614606187.11107.370.4174.2614351183.59105.36[0.5%]0.5217.8317344224.85103.220.5217.8316713216.1599.230.5217.8317341224.81103.20[0.6%]0.6261.3918367238.9591.420.6261.3920606269.81103.220.6261.3920237264.73101.28RECOVERY DATA DETERMINED IN SPIKED SAMPLESHPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::REPEATABILITYMethod Repeatability - Meta Fluoxetine HClThe full method (as described in SI-IAG-206-02) was carried out on the finished drug product representing lot number IAG-21-001-(1). The HPLC method repeated serially, six times and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was calculated.IAG-21-001 20mg CAPSULES - FLUOXETINESample% Meta Fluoxetine % Meta-Fluoxetine 1 in Spiked Solution10.0260.09520.0270.08630.0320.07740.0300.07450.0240.09060.0280.063AVERAGE (%)0.0280.081SD 0.0030.012RSD, (%)10.314.51NOTE :All results are less than QL (0.05%) therefore spiked samples with 0.05% Meta Fluoxetine HCl were injected.HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::Intermediate Precision - Meta-Fluoxetine HClThe full method as described in SI-IAG-206-02 was applied on the finished product IAG-21-001-(1) .It was repeated six times, with a different analyst on a different day using a different HPLC instrument.The difference between the average results obtained by the method repeatability and the intermediate precision was less than 30.0%, (11.4% for Meta-Fluoxetine HCl as is and 28.5% for spiked solution).IAG-21-001 20mg - CAPSULES FLUOXETINESample N o:Percentage Meta-fluoxetine% Meta-fluoxetine 1 in spiked solution10.0260.06920.0270.05730.0120.06140.0210.05850.0360.05560.0270.079(%) AVERAGE0.0250.063SD 0.0080.009(%) RSD31.514.51NOTE:All results obtained were well below the QL (0.05%) thus spiked samples slightly greater than 0.05% Meta-Fluoxetine HCl were injected. The RSD at the QL of the spiked solution was 14.5%HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSPECIFICITY - STABILITY INDICATING EVALUATIONDemonstration of the Stability Indicating parameters of the HPLC assay method [SI-IAG-206-02] for Fluoxetine 10 & 20mg capsules, a suitable photo-diode array detector was incorporated utilizing a commercial chromatography software managing system2, and applied to analyze a range of stressed samples of the finished drug product.GLOSSARY of PEAK PURITY RESULT NOTATION (as reported2):Purity Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity across a peak, i.e. the weighed average of all spectral contrast angles calculated by comparing all spectra in the integrated peak against the peak apex spectrum.Purity Threshold-is the sum of noise angle3 and solvent angle4. It is the limit of detection of shape differences between two spectra.Match Angle-is a comparison of the spectrum at the peak apex against a library spectrum.Match Threshold-is the sum of the match noise angle3 and match solvent angle4.3Noise Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by system noise.4Solvent Angle-is a measure of spectral non-homogeneity caused by solvent composition.OVERVIEWT he assay of the main peak in each stressed solution is calculated according to the assay method SI-IAG-206-02, against the Standard Solution, injected on the same day.I f the Purity Angle is smaller than the Purity Threshold and the Match Angle is smaller than the Match Threshold, no significant differences between spectra can be detected. As a result no spectroscopic evidence for co-elution is evident and the peak is considered to be pure.T he stressed condition study indicated that the Fluoxetine peak is free from any appreciable degradation interference under the stressed conditions tested. Observed degradation products peaks were well separated from the main peak.1® PDA-996 Waters™ ; 2[Millennium 2010]ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationFORCED DEGRADATION OF FINISHED PRODUCT & STANDARD 1.UNSTRESSED SAMPLE1.1.Sample IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as stated in SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 98.5%.SAMPLE - UNSTRESSEDFluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.075Match Angle:0.407Purity Threshold:0.142Match Threshold:0.4251.2.Standard solution was prepared as stated in method SI-IAG-206-02 and injected into the HPLC system. The calculated assay is 100.0%.Fluoxetine:Purity Angle:0.078Match Angle:0.379Purity Threshold:0.146Match Threshold:0.4272.ACID HYDROLYSIS2.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of conc. HCl was added to this solution The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system after filtration.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 98.8%.SAMPLE- ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.055Match Angle:0.143Purity Threshold:0.096Match Threshold:0.3712.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent were added. 2mL of conc. HCl were added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with NaOH 10N, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 97.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSTANDARD - ACID HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.060Match Angle:0.060Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3713.BASE HYDROLYSIS3.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : An amount equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weight into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes. 1mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH = 5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease. Assay result obtained - 99.3%.SAMPLE - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.063Match Angle:0.065Purity Threshold:0.099Match Threshold:0.3623.2.Standard stock solution was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02 : About 22mg Fluoxetine HCl was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added. 2mL of 5N NaOH was added to this solution. The solution was allowed to stand for 18 hours, then adjusted to about pH=5.5 with 5N HCl, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did NOT decrease - 99.5%.STANDARD - BASE HYDROLYSISFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.081Match Angle:0.096Purity Threshold:0.103Match Threshold:0.3634.OXIDATION4.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as per method SI-IAG-206-02. An equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent added and the solution sonicated for 10 minutes.1.0mL of 30% H2O2 was added to the solution and allowed to stand for 5 hours, then made up to volume with Diluent, filtered and injected into HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.2%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSAMPLE - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.090Match Angle:0.400Purity Threshold:0.154Match Threshold:0.4294.2.Standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 : about 22mg Fluoxetine HCl were weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask and 25mL Diluent were added. 2mL of 30% H2O2 were added to this solution which was standing for 5 hours, made up to volume with Diluent and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity decreased to 95.8%.STANDARD - OXIDATIONFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.083Match Angle:0.416Purity Threshold:0.153Match Threshold:0.4295.SUNLIGHT5.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001 (2) (20mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 45°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak decreased to 91.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 97.0%. The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak was observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.7%).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 93.9%.SAMPLE - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.093Match Angle:0.583Purity Threshold:0.148Match Threshold:0.825 ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::HPLC ASSAY with DETERMINATION OF META-FLUOXETINE HCl.ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION10 and 20mg Fluoxetine Capsules HPLC DeterminationSUNLIGHT (Cont.)5.2.Working standard solution was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . The solution was exposed to 500w/hr. cell sunlight for 1.5 hour. The BST was set to 35°C and the ACT was 42°C. The vials were placed in a horizontal position (4mm vials, National + Septum were used). A Dark control solution was tested. A 2%w/v quinine solution was used as the reference absorbance solution.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 95.2% and the dark control solution showed assay of 99.5%.The difference in the absorbance in the quinine solution is 0.4227AU.Additional peak were observed at RRT of 1.5 (2.3).The total percent of Fluoxetine peak with the degradation peak is about 97.5%. STANDARD - SUNLIGHTFluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.067Match Angle:0.389Purity Threshold:0.134Match Threshold:0.8196.HEAT OF SOLUTION6.1.Sample solution of IAG-21-001-(2) (20 mg/capsule) was prepared as in method SI-IAG-206-02 . Equivalent to 20mg Fluoxetine was weighed into a 50mL volumetric flask. 20mL Diluent was added and the solution was sonicated for 10 minutes and made up to volume with Diluent. 4mL solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, heated at 105°C in an oven for 2 hours. The sample was cooled to ambient temperature, filtered and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak was decreased to 93.3%.SAMPLE - HEAT OF SOLUTION [105o C]Fluoxetine peak:Purity Angle:0.062Match Angle:0.460Purity Threshold:0.131Match Threshold:0.8186.2.Standard Working Solution (WS) was prepared under method SI-IAG-206-02 . 4mL of the working solution was transferred into a suitable crucible, placed in an oven at 105°C for 2 hours, cooled to ambient temperature and injected into the HPLC system.Fluoxetine peak intensity did not decrease - 100.5%.ED. N0: 04Effective Date:APPROVED::。
· 医学检验 ·糖尿病新世界 2023年4月糖尿病新世界 DIABETES NEW WORLD血清C 肽与糖化血红蛋白联合检验在糖尿病临床诊断中的效果分析郑梅淋,田萍萍,钟秋蓉厦门市海沧医院检验科,福建厦门 361000[摘要] 目的 分析糖尿病临床诊断中应用血清C 肽联合糖化血红蛋白检验的效果。
方法 选取厦门市海沧医院2020年1月—2021年12月收治的200例疑似糖尿病患者为研究对象,将口服葡萄糖耐量试验作为诊断金标准,分别对患者施以血清C 肽检验和糖化血红蛋白检验,比较两组的血清C 肽、血清C 肽联合糖化血红蛋白检验结果。
结果 在200例疑似糖尿病患者中,糖耐量试验检查确诊患者180例,占比90.00%,血清C 肽检测下,阳性检出率为98.33%(177例),血清C 肽联合糖化血红蛋白检测下,阳性检出率为86.11%(155例)。
联合检测的灵敏度、特异度、准确率优于单一检测,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
结论 血清C 肽联合糖化血红蛋白检验能够提升糖尿病临床诊断准确性,可为临床诊断提供更为科学的参考依据。
[关键词] 血清C 肽;糖化血红蛋白;糖尿病;诊断;准确度;联合检验[中图分类号] R59 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)04(b )-0066-04Effect Analysis of Combined Test of Serum C-peptide and GlycosylatedHemoglobin in Clinical Diagnosis of Diabetes MellitusZHENG Meilin, TIAN Pingping, ZHONG QiurongDepartment of Laboratory Medicine, Xiamen Haicang Hospital, Xiamen, Fujian Province, 361000 China[Abstract ] Objective To analyze the effect of serum C-peptide combined with glycosylated hemoglobin test in the clinical diagnosis of diabetes. Methods We selected 200 patients with suspected diabetes who were admitted to Xia‐men Haicang Hospital from January 2020 to December 2021 as the research object, and took the oral glucose toler‐ance test as the diagnostic gold standard. Serum C-peptide test and Glycated hemoglobin test were performed on thepatients, and the results of serum C-peptide, serum C-peptide and Glycated hemoglobin test were compared betweenthe two groups. Results Among 200 suspected diabetes patients, 180 patients were diagnosed by Glucose tolerancetest, accounting for 90.00%. The positive detection rate was 98.33% (177 cases) by serum C-peptide test, and 86.11% (155 cases) by serum C-peptide combined with Glycated hemoglobin test. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of combined detection were better than those of single detection, and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion Serum C-peptide combined with Glycated hemoglobin test can improve the accuracy of clinical diagnosis of diabetes and provide more scientific reference for clinical diagnosis.[Key words ] Serum C-peptide; Glycosylated hemoglobin; Diabetes; Diagnosis; Accuracy; Combined test糖尿病是常见的慢性代谢性疾病,主要因为胰岛素代谢紊乱而引起的代谢性疾病,按照疾病成因,可分成1型糖尿病和2型糖尿病两种类型。
峰、谷浓度分别为15.42〜89.12、7.30〜55.46 mg-L-1,谷浓度与肾毒性有弱相关性(相关系数r=0.3772,P<0.05),谷浓度超过24mg-L-1易发生肾毒性。
关键词:万古霉素;超高效液相色谱法;峰谷浓度;肝肾毒性中图分类号:R969文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-5375(2021)04-0272-006doi:10.13506/ki.jpr.2021.04.015Determination of serum vancomycin in ICU patients and its clinical applicationF^NG Fang1,U Ning2Chunli1,Y4NG丿ihong1*,ZHENG Zhichang1*(/.Department of Pharmaceutics,4^liated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang550001,China;2.National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Pharmacy,China Pharmaceutical University, Nan/ing211198,China)Abstract:Objective To develop a rapid ultra-performance liquid chromatographic(UHPLC)method for determination of vancomycin in serum from ICU patients,and investigate the relationship between serum peak-to-valley concentrations of vancomycin and its efficacy and safety.Methods Serum samples were precipitated with10%perchloric-acid,and subsequently analyzed via gradient elution.The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and0.005mol-L-1KH2PO4 buffer.Results The chromatographic peaks of vancomycin was not interfered by endogenous matrixes.The linearity of vancomycin was satisfactory.The precision,recovery rate,precision and stability of vancomycin all met the requirement of biological samples analysis.In ICU patients, the vancomycin serum peak and trough concentration were15.42-89.12mg-L-1 and7.30~55.46mg-L-1,respectively.Spearman correlation analysis showed that there was a weak correlation between serum valley concentration and nephrotoxicity(correlation coefficient r=0.3772,P<0.05).Nephrotoxicity readily occurred when the serum valley concentration exceeded24mg•L-1.Conclusion The rapid UHPLC method with high efficiency was suitable for the therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM)of vancomycin.Key words:Vancomycin;Ultra-performance liquid chromatographic(UHPLC);Serum peak-to-valley concentrations; Liver and kidney toxicity近年来,随着革兰阳性菌多重耐药的问题日益突出。
一甲基澳瑞他汀 e 化学结构-概述说明以及解释
一甲基澳瑞他汀e 化学结构-概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述一甲基澳瑞他汀(Simvastatin)是一种广泛应用于临床治疗高胆固醇血症和心血管疾病的药物。
文章结构部分的内容如下:1.2 文章结构本文主要包含以下几个部分:引言、正文和结论。
迷迭香酸(罗丹酚酸)对H2O2处理过的皮肤黑色素瘤细胞的抗氧化作用Sun Mi Yoo1 and Jeong Ran Kang2*1.韩国光州500-741号东冈大学美容系2.韩国首尔143-701号建国大学生物工程系2009.2.6收到 2009.4.17接收本学科旨在检测迷迭香酸对人工孵育的皮肤黑色素瘤细胞在ROS下的抗氧化作用。
用20-110 μM 的H2O2处理皮肤黑色素瘤细胞5-7h后,细胞活性的降低呈剂量和时间依赖性。
通过XTT比色法测得H2O2的半抑制浓度(IC50 )为90μM。
用50-90μM的H2O2处理8h后测得LDH50为60 μM H2O2。
通过H2O2的处理,迷迭香酸能在细胞内能增强细胞活性和DPPH 自由基清除活性,降低乳酸盐脱氢酶的活性。
Key words:DPPH-radical scavenging, LDH, rosmarinic acid, XTT assay关键字:DPPH自由基清除活性,乳酸脱氢酶,迷迭香酸,XTT比色法据研究发现,ROS通过氧化应激对细胞的损伤和一些脑部疾病比如帕金森症或心脏疾病例如心肌梗塞之间有很大的关联[Difazio et al., 1992; Delanty and Dichter, 1998].尤其是研究人员认为ROS是皮肤老化的一个主要的因素后,一直试图从ROS方面研究衰老。
[Yokozawa et al., 1998].据研究表明,ROS的氧化应激会通过萎缩细胞引起各种疾病,例如超氧自由基、H2O2(H2O2)或羟基自由基的巯基蛋白反应中断酶的活性,破坏脱氧RMA(DNA)或RMA(RNA),诱导细胞膜脂质过氧化。
Expression, Purification and Crystallization of
Expression, Purification and Crystallization of the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 Molecular Chaperone Background of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3HSP16.3, a 16.3 kDa protein from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, was originally identified as a prominent antigen (Kingston et al., 1987). During the stationary phase, HSP16.3 is maximally expressed and becomes a main protein of the latent phase (Yuan et al., 1996). Previous studies showed that HSP16.3 can make the cell structure stable and prevent stationary Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from autolysing (Cunningham et al., 1998). In previous studies, HSP16.3 was found as one of theα-crystallin-related small heat shock proteins (sHSP) with molecular chaperone activity. Experiments in vitro revealed that HSP16.3 can suppress the thermal aggregation of citrate synthase at 39.5˚C, without consumption of A TP (Chang et al., 1996).Now the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis HSP16.3 gene was cloned to the plasmid pSTE-HSP16.3, and transformed to E.Coli. BL21(DE3) strain.Material and MethodExpressionThings to have ready before Starting.-Plate or glycerol culture-Sterile LB 25ml in a 50mL shaker flasker, 250ml in a 500mL shaker flasker, all together autoclaved, antibiotic added afterword.- antibiotic and sterile water- TipsPrepare the LB and autoclave:Fomula of the LB medium for 1 Liter:Bacto Tryptone (BT) 10 gBacto Y east Extract (BYE) 10 gNaCl 10gThe LB medium, dd H2O and the tips all together autoclaved at 121 ˚C for 20 minutes.Method:1 Innoculate 25 ml LB Medium ( containing 100 ug) and grow culture overnight(37˚C, 200rpm).2 Next morning inoculate 250 ml prewarmed LB Medium ( containing 100 ug) with the 25 ml overnight culture and grow at 37 ˚C, 200rpm, HSP16.3 was overexpressed in soluble form intracellularly without IPTG induction.3 Incubate the Culture for 10 hours before havesting the cell at 4000 g for 20 minutes.4 Resuspend the cell pellet in 30 ml Butter A and freeze the Sample in -80˚C refigerator.PurificationDE52 Ion-Exchange columnThings to have ready before Starting.-Butter A: 50 mM Imidazole pH 6.5 (1 liter)-Butter B: 50 mM Imidazole pH 6.5 , 300mM NaClall together Fitrate with 0.2 um membrane.- DE52 medium , column ,Gradient maker, UV-monitor and Fractioner- TipsMethod:1 Thaw the cell pellet and vortex .2 Add 0.4ml 100 mM PMSF and sonicate (400kw, 4s-6s 50 cycle* 5 )3 Centrifuge 15000 rpm, 30 minutes to pellet debris4 Transfer supernatant to a 50 ml conicale tube and discard the pellet.5 The supernatant dilute to 50 ml with Buffer A and then load to DE52 ion-exchange columns (20ml), which was pre-equibrated with 100ml Buffer A. And then wash the unbound proteins with 100 ml Buffer A.6 Elute the protein with a linear gradient : 200ml buffer A plus 200ml buffer B, 2ml/min, 6ml each fraction.7 Run 15% SDS-PAGE to determine the HSP16.3 peak.Desalting by dialysis1 Preparation of the dialysis tubeCut the tube in a suitable length (20-30 cm)Boil the tube in solution containing 10 mM NaHCO3 for a few minutes.Boil the tube in solution containing 10 mM EDTA for a few minutes.Rasin the tube with de-ion water2 Pool the HSP16.3 peak and dialysis the Sample against 1000ml Buffer A for more than 6hours.Q-Separose (HP) Ion-Exchange Column1 load the sample to Q-Separose (HP) Ion-Exchange column (20ml), which was pre-equibrated with 100ml Buffer A. And then wash the unbound proteins with 100 ml Buffer A.2 Elute the protein with a linear gradient : 200ml buffer A plus 200ml buffer B, 2ml/min, 6ml each fraction.3 Run 15% SDS-PAGE to determine the purity of the HSP16.3 peak.Gel filtration ColumnThe HSP peak was a final volumn 0.3ml and then run though a Superdex75 (HR, 10/30mm) gel filtration column in 150mM NaCl and 5mM Imdazole, pH6.5. Crystallization1 The purified HSP16.3 was solvent-exchanged to water and concentrated to 20mg/ml before crystallization trails (Bradford). All the crystallization trials were carried out using the hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method at 291K: drops consisted of2 microlitres of HSP16.3 protein solution plus 2 microlitres of the precipitant. The drops were equilibrated against 0.2 ml precipitant at room temperature. The crystallization conditions were investigated with a PEG4000 Kit.Result and discussionThe purity of the final HSP16.3 was over 95% by SDS-PAGE. The crystallization trials of HSP16.3 yielded Cubic crystals with a size of 0.8*0.8*0.6mm in a few days.20040060080010001200mAUBuffer Tris-HCL pH 8.5 Precipitant PEG 4000 MethodV apor Diffusion Temperature 293 K Size0.8*0.8*0.6mmReferencesChang Z., Primm, T.P., Jakana J., Lee H. I., Serysheva I., Chiu W., Gilber H. F., Quiocho F. A., (1996) J Biol Chem 271:7218-7223Cunningham A. F., Spreadbury C. L., (1998) J. Bacteriol. 184:801-808Kingston A. E., Salgame P. R., Mitchison N.A., Colston M. J. (1987) Infect. Immun 55,3149-3154Yuan Y., Crane D. D., Barry C. E. III (1996) J Bacteriol178: 4484-4492。
本发明还包括药物组合物及其用途、制备化合物的方法以及治疗mGluR 5介导的疾病的方法。