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本) Int rodu ctio n De ar m adam, We kne w yo ur n ameandaddr essfrom the web site ofandnote wit h pl easu re t he i tems ofyour dem andjust fal l wi thin the sco pe o f ou r
bu sine ss l ine. Fir st o f al l, w e av ailours elve s of thi s op port unit y to int rodu ce o ur p any
in o rder tobe a cqua inte d wi th y ou.Ourfirm isan e xpor terof v ario us W OMEN
S C ARDI GAN. Wehigh ly h opeto e stab lish bus ines s re lati onswith you r es teem ed p anyon t he b asis ofmutu al b enef it i n an ear lier dat e. W e ar e se ndin g acata logu e an d a
pric elis t un dersepa rate cov er f or y ourrefe renc e. W e wi ll s ubmi t ou r be st p rice toyouupon rec eipt ofyour con cret e in quir y. W e ar e lo okin g fo rwar d to rec eivi ng y ourearl ierrepl y. Y ours fai thfu lly, Xia omin ma, Man ager YUN ZHOU WES TERN TRA DING
COR P 建交函至少体现出三方面内容:
围、ISO9001认证、专利技术等);极力与对方建立贸易合作关系的意愿 2.进口商收到请求建立业务关系的函电后向出口商询盘(进口商要有一套针对特定产品的询盘模板,可参考外贸英语函电课本)Inqu iryMs.x iaom in m a As wearein n eed
of W OMEN S C ARDI GAN, wou ld y ou p leas e qu oteus y ourbest pri ce T he d etai ls o f
th is e nqui ry a s fo llow s: P rice: CI F To kyoInsu ranc e: I CC(A) pl us W AR R ISKS and
STR IKEfor110% ofCIFvalu e. P ayme nt:By I rrev ocab le S ight L/C Itwill be
appr ecia tedif y ou l et u s ha ve y ourquot atio n at you r ea rlie st c onve nien ce.Sinc erel y
yo urs, Jec k, M anag er H airTrad ingComp any, LLC合同中的条款是根据函电中的条款确定的,函电中的条款不是由出口商提出就是由进口商提出,你在询盘中提出了哪些条款(品名、规格、数量、价格条款、支付条款、装运期、险别、包装等) 3.出口商收到询盘后与工厂取得联系向其询盘询盘张小五女士,您好!我们通过网站得知贵公司是女士开襟T恤衫的专业厂商,想和你们建立起长期的合作关系。
贵厂能否给我们报价(含税)女式开襟 T恤衫,报价单中请注明交货地点、要求的付款方式及最小订量。
马晓敏云舟国际股份有限公司4.工厂进行报价核算,核算后向出口商报盘(如果小数有穷则全部保留,如果无穷取四位)设给出口商的报价为p元,数量为n 合同金额=成本+费用+增值税+消费税+预期利润核算出给出口商的报价
CA RTON交货地点:
100PC S 单价:
RMB **/PC 李小红红星加工厂 5.出口商根据工厂报盘进行报价核算,核算后向进口商报盘首先确定货物数量:
第一笔货物采用整箱装,数量定为一个20’集装箱的最大承载量货物数量= 设报给进口商的单价为p美元或欧元或澳元合同金额=采购成本+费用(内陆运费+海运费+保险费+核销费+报检费+报关费+银行费用+其他费用)-退税收入+预期利润(每项都要转成人民币)合同金额=采购成本= 内陆运费=海运费= 保险费= 核销费=报检费=报关费= 银行费用=其他费用= 退税收入=出口退税收入=应退增值税 + 应
退消费税 = 采购成本/(1+增值税率)×出口退税率+采购成本/(1+增值税率) ×消费税税率预期利润=核算出给进口商的报价p= Off er D earMr.John, Th ankyouforyour
inq uiry ofMay3, r eque stin g us tooffe r yo u fo r ou r ME N ST-SH IRT. Inrepl y, w e
ha ve t he p leas ureof s ubmi ttin g to you fir m of feron t he f ollo wing ter ms a nd c ondi tion s
su bjec t to you r re plyreac hesus b y th e en d of May 15. Com modi ty:MENS T-SHIR T
Sp ecif icat ion:20PC S PE R CA RTON, CO LOR: NAV Y BL UE,FABR IC C ONTE NT:100% COT TONPack ing: Exp orte r Ca rton Pri ce:USDor E UR o r AU D **/PC. CIF
NIC E Qu anti ty:**PC S Pa ymen t: L/C I nsur ance: IC C(A) plu s WA R RI SKSand
STRI KE f or 110%of C IF v alue. Sh ipme nt:Duri ng J une, 2017 su bjec t to L/C rea chin g us bytheendof M ay 20, 2017. Wearesure you wil l fi nd o ur p rice ver y re ason able. Th e
ma rket her e is enj oyin g an upw ardtren d, s o we tru st n ot o verl ookoppo rtun ityandhope torece iveyour pro mptorde r. Y ours tru ly,Xiao huaZhan g, M anag er H uari wes tern
tra ding cor p. 发盘中应出现的条款:
6.进口商根据出口商报价进行售价核算,将核算价格与本地市场价格进行比较,如果小于等于本地市场价格可以接受发盘,如果大于本地市场价格则需要还盘设进口商在当地出售产品的单价为p美元或欧元或澳元货物总售价=采购成本+费用(内陆运费+报检费+报关费+海运费+保险费+银行费用+其他费用)+税金(进口关税+消费税+增值税)+预期利润(每项都要转成进口商本位币)货物总售价=采购成本= 内陆运费=报检费=报关费= 海运费= 保险费=银行费用= 其他费用=进口关税= 消费税= 进口消费税(CIF金额+C IF金额*关税率)*消税率 /(1-消费税率)增值税= 进口增值税( CIF金额+CIF金额*关税率+消费税)*增值税率预期利润= 核算出
产品单价p=Acce pt D earMr.Ming huaLiu, Wehave rec eive d yo ur o ffer ofMay10,2017 Aft er t he c onsi dera tion, we hav e pl easu re i n co nfir ming the fol lowi ng o ffer and
acc epti ng i t: C ommo dity: ME N ST-SH IRTSpec ific atio n:20PCSPERCART ON,
COLO R: N AVYBLUE, FA BRIC CON TENT: 100% C OTTO N Pa ckin g: E xpor ter
Cart on P rice: US D **/PC. CIF NIC E Qu anti ty:** P CS P ayme nt:L/CInsu ranc e: I CC(A) pl us W AR R ISKS and STR IKEfor110% ofCIFvalu e. S hipm ent: Dur ingJune,
2017 s ubje ct t o L/C re achi ng u s by the end ofMay20,2017. Jo hn,Mana gerSupe r
Tr adin g Co mpan y, L LC篇二:
Dea rjac ky 第一部分:
1. 请求建立商业关系2. 回复对方建立商业关系的请求 3.请求担任独家代理 4.拒绝对方担任独家代理5. 同意对方担任独家代理 6.借引荐建立业务关系 7.邀请参观贸易展览会8. 与过去有贸易往来的公司联系9. 确认约会10.感谢客户订货11. 向长期客户推销新产品 12. 为商贸指南兜揽广告13.请求客户作推荐人 14.通知客户价格调整 15. 说明价格调整原因16. 回复感谢信 17.请客户征询其它公司18. 改善服务19.拒绝客户的要求20.应付难办的客户2
1. 祝贺新公司成立22. 非正式的预约要求23.物色代理商 24. 欢迎新代理商 25.要求约见 26. 拒绝约见27. 同意约见28.欢迎新客户 29. 终止商业关系 A
1.第一次询价 A2.答复第一次询价 A3钢螺钉询价 A4. . 答复钢螺钉询价A5.询问盘子价格细目A6.索取样品和询价 A7索取临时发票A8 寄送临时发票 A9提供代用品报价A10订购商品A11开具所需商品单并要求尽快装运A12确认订货 A13要求按订货单发货 A14无法供货 A15拒绝订货 A16再次订货 A17拒绝接受再次订货 A18拒绝特别订货要求 A19招标A20要求按期发货 A21收到订单及供货安排 A22原订单与现价有出入A23通知需延期交货 B1报实价 B2主动报价B3敦促买主接受报
价B4还价B5拒绝还价条款 B6对价格作出让步B7加价前作出优惠 B8提出降价要求以便订货 B9订货前说明要求降价原因B10再次要求削价 B11对议价信件的回复B12同意削价并附价格单B13不同意削价并进行解释和说服B14婉言拒绝降价要求C1寄送销售合同 C2寄送销售确认书C3确认购货 C4买卖成交 C5寄回连署文件 C6建议用信用证付款 C7答复用信用证付款的建议C8要求分期付款C9答复分期付款的要求C10要求直接付款 C11答复直接付款的要求C12说明付款条件 C13要求修改付款条件 C14同意修改付款条件 C15要求按承兑交单付款 C16答复按承兑交单付款要求C17要求开立信用证C18要求认可信用证 C19修改信用证C20延长信用证期限 C21消除误会 C22要求付清余款C23要求提供信用资料C24拒绝特别贷款
C25拒绝赊销 C26按现金提货方式订货C27催缴通知C28过期帐项的催款单C29延迟付款C30通知逾期缴交帐款D1说明标记要求D2说明包装要求 D3催促装运安排 D4装运通知 D5要求早日装运 D6介绍集装箱服务D7建议部分装运 D8通知部分装运 D9介绍集装箱装运1请求建立商业关系 Ro gers Che mica l Su pply Co.
10E.22S tree t Om aha8,Neb Gen tlem en:We h aveobta ined you r na me a nd a ddre ss f romAris to S hoes, Mi lan, an d we are wri ting toenqu irewhet heryouwoul d be wil ling to
esta blis h bu sine ss r elat ions wit h us. We hav e be en i mpor ters ofshoe s fo r ma ny y ears. At pre sent, We are int eres tedin e xten ding our, ra ngeandwoul d ap prec iate you r ca talo gues and quo tati ons.If y ourpric es a re p etit ivewe w ould exp ectto t rans acta si gnif ican t
vo lume ofbusi ness. We loo k fo rwar d to you r ea rlyrepl y. V erytrul y yo urs自米兰职权
此致` 2.回复对方建立商业关系的请求 Tha nk y ourforyour let terof t he 16thof t hismont h. W e sh allbe g ladto e nter int o bu sine ss r elat ions wit h yo ur p any. Inplia ncewith you r re ques t, w e ar e se ndin g yo u, u nder sep arat e co ver, our lat estcata logu e an d pr icelist cov erin g ou r ex port ran ge.Paym entshou ld b e ma de b y ir revo cabl e an d co nfir med
lett er o f cr edit. Sh ould you wis h to pla ce a n or der, ple asetele x or fax us.本月16日收到有关商务关系的来函,不胜欣喜。
此致敬礼3.请求担任独家代理W e wo uldlike toinfo rm y ou t hatwe a ct o n asole
age ncybasi s fo ra n umbe r of man ufac ture rs.We s peci aliz e in fin ishe dcot tongood s fo r th e Mi ddle eas tern mar ket: Our act ivit iescove r al l ty pesof h ouse hold lin en.Unti l no w ,
we h avebeen wor king wit h yo ur t exti lesdepa rtme nt a nd o ur c olla bora tion has pro ved
to b e mu tual ly b enef icia l. P leas e re ferto t hemforanyinfo rmat ionrega rdin g ou r pa ny.We a re v eryinte rest ed i n an exc lusi ve a rran geme nt w ithyour fac tory fortheprom otio n of you r pr oduc ts i n Ba hrai n. W e lo ok f orwa rd t o yo ur e arly rep ly.`本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。
此致敬礼 4.拒绝对方担任独家代理 Th ankyouforyour let terof 1
Sep temb er s ugge stin g th at w e gr antyoua so le a genc y fo r ou r ho useh oldline ns.I re gret tosaythat, at thi s st age,suc h an arr ange ment wou ld b erat herprem atur e. W e wo uld,
how ever, be wil ling toenga ge i n atria l co llab orat ionwith you pan y to see how the
arr ange ment wor ks.It w ould benece ssar y fo r yo u to tes t th e ma rket for our pro duct satyouend. You wou ld a lsohave tobuil d up a m uchlarg er t urno vertoju stif y asole age ncy. Weencl osepric e li stscove ring all the pro duct s yo u ar e in tere sted inandlook for ward tohear ingfrom you soo n. 9月1日有关建议担任家用亚麻制品独家代理的来信收悉。
此致敬礼 5.同意对方担任独家代理T hank you for you r le tter of12 A pril pro posi ng a sol e ag ency for our off icemach ines. We hav e ex amin ed o ur l ongand,I m ust
say,mut uall y be nefi cial col labo rati on.We w ould bevery ple ased toentr ustyouwith the sol e ag ency for Bah rain. Fr om o ur r ecor ds,we a re p leas ed t o no te t hatyouhave two
ser vice eng inee rs w ho t ooktrai ning cou rses atourMila n fa ctor y .t he s oleagen cy w illnatu rall y be con ting enton y ou m aint aini ng q uali fied aft ersa lesstaf f. W e ha ve d rawn upa dr aftagre emen t th at i s en clos ed.Plea se e xami ne t he d etai ledterm s an d co ndit ions and let usknow whe ther the y me et w ithyour app rova l. O n apers onal not e, I mus t sa y th at I amdeli ghte d th at w e ar e pr obab ly g oing tostre ngth en o ur r elat ions hip. I h avevery ple asan t me mori es o f my las t vi sitto B ahra in w henyouente rtai nedme s o de ligh tful ly .I
lo ok f orwa rd t o re cipr ocat ingon y ournext vis it t o Mi lan. My ver y be st w ishe s to you
and you r wi fe.4月12日建议担任为公室器具之独家代理来信已经收悉。
此致敬礼6.借引荐建立业务关系A t th e be ginn ingof t hismont h ,I
at tend ed t he H arro gate toy fai r. W hile the re , I h ad a n in tere stin g co nver sati on w ithMr.Doug lasGage ofEdut oysplcabou t se lect ingan a genc y fo r ou r te achi ng a ids. Dou glas des crib ed y ourdyna micsale s fo rceandinno vati ve a ppro achto m arke ting. He att ribu tedhisownpany s s ucce ss t o yo ur e xcel lent dis trib utio n ne twor k wh ichhas
serv ed h im f or s ever al y ears. We nee d an org aniz atio n li ke y ours tolaun ch o ur p rodu ctsin t he U K. O ur t each ingaids cov er t he w hole fie ld o f pr imar y ed ucat ion
in a ll s ubje cts.Our pat ente d ?M atri x? m athappa ratu s is par ticu larl y su cces sful. Yo u ma y ha ve r eser vati onsabou t Am eric an t each ingaids sui ting you r ma rket. Th is i s no t a
prob lemsinc e we hav e aplet e ra ngeof B riti sh E ngli sh v ersi ons. I e nclo se a n il lust rate d ca talo gueof o ur B riti sh E ngli sh e diti onsforyour inf orma tion. Pl ease let mehave you r
re acti onsto t he m ater ial. I s hall bein L ondo n du ring the fir st t wo w eeks of
Octo ber.Per haps wecoul d ar rang e ameet ingto d iscu ss o ur p ropo sal.本用初参观哈洛加特玩具交易会时有幸与教育玩具股份有限公司的道格拉斯·盖齐先生一谈,提及本公司正物色代理人推广教学器材一事。
本人拟于10月头两星期前往伦敦,未知能否安排会面,就以上建议作一详谈? 此致敬礼7.邀请参观贸易展览会Many tha nksforyour let terandencl osur es o f 12 Sep temb er.We w erevery int eres tedto h earthat you are loo king for anUK d istr ibut or f or y our
teac hing aid s. W e wo uldlike toinvi te y ou t o vi sitourboot h,no.6,a t ne xt m onth s L ondo n To y Fa ir,at E arls co urt, wh ichstar ts o n 2Octo ber. Ifyouwoul d li ke t o se t up an
appo intm entduri ng n on e xhib it h allhour s pl ease cal l me. Icanthen arr ange for our
sen sorstaf f to bepres entat t he m eeti ng.We l ookforw ardto h eari ng f romyou.多谢9月12日的来信和附件。
8. 与过去有贸易往来的公司联系 Weunde rsta nd f romourtrad e co ntac ts t hatyour
pan y ha s re esta blis heditse lf i n Be irut and isonce aga in t radi ng s ucce ssfu llyin y our
regi on.We w ould lik e to ext endourcong ratu lati onsandoffe r ou r ve ry b est
wish es f or y ourcont inue d su cces s. B efor e th e wa r in Leb anon , o ur p anie s we re i nvol vedin a lar ge v olum e of tra de i n ou r te xtil es.We s ee f romourreco rdsthat you wer e am ongourbest tem cus tome rs.We v erymuch hop e th at w e ca n re sume our mut uall y be nefi cial rel atio nshi p no w th at p eace has ret urne d to Leb anon. Si ncewe l asttrad ed,ourline s
ha ve c hang ed b eyon d re cogn itio n. W hile the y re flec t cu rren t Eu rope an t aste infabr ics, som e of our des igns are spe cifi call y ta rget ed a t th e Mi ddle Eas tern mar ket. As
an i niti al s tep, Iencl oseourillu stra tedcata logu e fo r yo ur p erus al.Shou ld y ou w ish
to r ecei ve s ampl es f or c lose r in spec tion, we wil l be ver y ha ppyto f orwa rd t hem. Welook for ward tohear ingfrom you. 从同行中获悉贵公司贝鲁特复业,生意发展迅速。
9.确认约会 Iwoul d li ke t o co nfir m ou r ap poin tmen t to dis cuss the pos sibi lity of
merg ingourdist ribu tion net work s. I amexci tedof t he p rosp ectofex pand ingour
trad e. A s ag reed, We wil l me et o f ou r of fice inbond str eetat 9.30a.m.o n Mo nday 20Marc h. I hav e sc hedu ledthewhol e da y fo r th e me etin g. I f fo r an y re ason you are una bleto a tten d ,plea se p hone meso t hatwe c an m akealte rnat ivearra ngem ents. Pl ease let meknow ifyouwoul d li ke o ur o ffic e to arr ange hot el a cmod atio n. I loo k fo rwar d wi th g reat ple asur e to our mee ting. 承蒙拔冗讲讨论合并双方销售网,以扩大贸易发展范围,深感兴奋。
Gill ette-bur ns C o. 322 G leen wood str eetGlev elan d 5,Ohio Gle ntle men:
Tha nk y ou f or y ourorde r no,464 of20 s epte mber. Th e mo dels you sel ecte d
fr om o ur s howr oomwent out tod ay u nder mypers onal sup ervi sion.The pac kage isbein g 篇三:
Dear sir s, W e ha ve r ecei vedyour add ress fro m…abusi ness acq uain tanc e of our s
in…who als o in form ed u s th at y ou r equi re a lar ge a moun t of the ite ms w e
ma nufa ctur e. O ur…a re v erywell kno wn i n mo re t hanEuro pean and
oth er f orei gn c ount ries. Du ring the pas t…ye ars, wehave bee n ab le t o co nsta ntly exp andourexpo rt p rogr am.We a re i nter este d in gai ning foo thol d in you r co untr y an d
of feri ng o ur e ntir e li ne o f…on the mar ket. Inorde r to giv e yo u an ide a of the cap acit y of our org aniz atio n, w e ar e en clos ingourpreh ensi ve i llus trat ed b roch ure. Wewoul d be ver y pl ease d to rec eive anansw er f romyou. Sin cere ly y ours.( s igna ture ) E nclo sure:
1b roch ure篇四:
1.向长期客户推销新产品I en clos e an ill ustr ated sup plem enttoou r ca talo gue. It
cove rs t he l ates t de sign s wh icharenowavai labl e fr om s tock. We are mos t gr atif iedthat you hav e, f or s ever al y eas. Inc lude a s elec tion ofourprod ucts inyour mai l-or der
cata logu es.Theresu ltin g sa leshave bee n ve ry s tead y. W e be liev e th at y ou w illfind our new des igns mos t at trac tive. Th eysh ould get a v erygood rec epti on i n yo ur m arke t. O nceyouhave had tim e to stu dy t he u pple ment , p leas e le t us kno w if you wou ld l iketo t akethematt er f urth er.We w ould bevery hap py t o se nd s ampl es t o yo u fo r cl oser ins pect ion. For you r in form atio n, w e ar e pl anni ng a ran ge o f cl assi calEngl ishdinn er s ervi ces
whic h ,s houl d do wel l in the Nor th A meri canmark et.We w illkeep you inf orme d on our pro gres s an d lo ok f orwa rd t o he arin gfro m yo u. 随函寄奉配有插图的商品目录附页,介绍最新设计的产品。
2.为商贸指南兜揽广告T hank you for you r bu sine ss.Youarec urre ntly rep rese nted inourdire ctor y. T hisis t he o nlydire ctor y of its kin d wh ichreac hesallpani es i n th e
bu ildi ng a nd c onst ruct ionindu stry intheUK.Adve rtis ingin o ur d irec tory was a w isemove onyour par t. W e ar e cu rren tlypili ng a new edi tion ofthedire ctor y wh ich
will be p ubli shed inApri l 1995.T he n ew e diti on w illbe e xpan dedto i nclu de m ajor
man ufac ture rs o f pl umbi ng e quip ment intheEuro pean Com muni ty.Forprop er c over agein t he d irec tory, yo u ou ghtto a ppea r in mor e th an o ne c ateg ory. Ifyoudo o pt f or a
mul tipl e li stin g, y ou w illbe a blet o bu y sp acein a ddit iona l ca tego ries athalf pri ce.Youcanbe a ssur ed t hatthenewedit ionwill beon t he d esks ofallt he m ajor dec isio n ma kers
inthebuil ding and har dwar e tr ades. Pl ease ple te t he e nclo sedform and ret urnit w iththeappr opri atefee. Tha nksagai n fo r yo ur b usin ess.衷心感谢惠顾。
为达到出色的宣ory, you oug ht t o ap pear inmore tha n on e ca tego ry.If y ou d o op t fo r amult iple lis ting, yo u wi ll b e ab leto buy spa ce i n ad diti onal cat egor iesat h alf
pric e. Y ou c an b e as sure d th at t he n ew e diti on w illbe o n th e de sksof a llth e ma jor
deci sion mak ersin t he b uild ingandhard ware tra des. Ple aseplet e th e en clos ed f ormandretu rn i t wi th t he a ppro pria te f ee.Than ks a gain for you r bu sine ss.衷心感谢惠顾。
3.请求客户作推荐人 Th ankyouforyour let terof 2 Nov embe r. W e ar e de ligh ted
to h earthat you are toplea sedwith the ref urbi shme nt o f yo ur h otel. As you r
kn ow .in o ur l ineof w ork, wedepe nd o n go od ,repo rtsabou t ou r pr ojec ts t o wi n fu rthe r bu sine ss.Ourclie ntsalwa ys s hoparou nd a nd l ookforrefe renc es b efor e mi ttin g
th emse lves. Wi th y ourperm issi on,we w ould lik e to use your hot el a s arefe renc e
wh en w e di scus s si mila r re furb ishm ents inthehote l in dust ry . Wou ld y ou a gree tooursugg esti ng t hatfutu re c lien ts s houl d ca ll y ou?It w ould als o be mos t he lpfu l if wecoul d oc casi onal ly b ring a c lien t to loo k at you r ho tel. We wou ld , ofcour se , sta y ov erni ghtat l east.I l l ca ll y ou n extweek tohear you r re acti on.Than ks a gain for you kin d wo rds.从11月2日的来函得悉阁下对贵饭店的整修感到满意,此消息对本公司实是一鼓励。
未知可否让其他客户来电垂询? 此外,如获允准间或联同客户前来参观贵饭店整修,定必有莫大帮助。
4.通知客户价格调整 We enc lose our new cat alog ue a nd p rice lis t. T he r evis ed p rice s wi ll a pply fro m 1Apri l 1997.Youwill see tha t th erehave bee n nu mber ofchan ges
in o ur p rodu ct r ange. Anumb er o f im prov ed m odel s ha ve b eenintr oduc ed.Outrang e of was hing mac hine s ha s be en p lete ly r evam ped. Man y po pula r li nes, how ever, ha ve b eenreta ined unc hang ed.Youwill beawar e th at i nfla tion isaffe ctin g in dust ry a s awhol e .W s ha ve b eenaffe cted lik e ev eryo ne e lseandsome pri ce i ncre ases hav ebee n
un avoi dabl e. W e ha ve n ot,howe ver, inc reas ed o ur p rice s ac ross the boa rd,In m any
case s, t here isa sm allpric e in crea se,butin o ther s, n oneat a ll.We c an a ssur e yo u
th at t he q uali ty o f ou r co nsum er d urab leshasbeen mai ntai nedat a hig h st anda rd a nd t hatourserv icewill con tinu etobe f irst cla ss.We l ookforw ardto r ecei ving you r or ders. 谨谢上新的商品目录和价格表。
5.说明价格调整原因 I e nclo se o ur n ew p rice lis t ,whic h wi ll e int o
ef fect ,fr om t he e nd o f th is m onth. Yo u wi ll s ee t hatwe h aveincr ease d ou r pr ices onmost mod els. Wehave ,ho weve r ,refr aine d fr om d oing soon s omemode ls o f wh ich
we h oldlarg e st ocks. We fee l we sho uldexpl ainwhywe h aveincr ease d ou r pr ices. We
are pay ing10%more for our raw mat eria ls t hanwe w erepayi ng l astyear. So me o f ou r
su bcon trac tors hav e ra ised the ir b y as muc h as 15%. As you kno w ,we t akegrea t pr ide
in o ur m achi nesandarejeal ousof t he r eput atio n fo r qu alit y an d de pend abil itywhic h we hav e ac hiev ed o verthelast 40year s. W e wi ll n ot p romi se t hatrepu tati on b ecau se o f
ri sing cos ts.We h ope, the refo re d ecid ed t o ra isethepric e of som e of our mac hine s. W e ho pe y ou w illunde rsta nd o ur p osit ionandlook for ward toyour ord ers.现谨附上本公司新价格表,新价格将于本月底生效。
6.回复感谢信We g reat ly a ppre ciat e yo ur l ette r de scri bing the ass ista nceyourece ived insolv ingyour air-con diti onin g pr oble ms.We a re n ow i n ou r fi ftyyear of
oper atio n, a nd w e re ceiv e ma ny l ette rs l ikeyour ind icat inga hi gh l evel ofcust omer
sat isfa ctio n wi th o ur i nsta llat ion. Weareplea sedthat our tec hnic al s taff ass iste d yo u so cap ably. We wou ld l ikeyouto k nowthat ityouneed tocont actus a t an y ti me i n th e
fu ture. Ou r en gine erswill beequa llyresp onsi ve t o yo ur r eque st f oras sist ance. If wecanbe o f se rvic e to you aga in,plea se l et u s kn ow.Than k yo u ag ainforyour ver y ki nd l ette r. 承蒙来信赞扬本公司提供的空调维修工程服务,欣喜不已。
7. 请客户征询其它公司 Tha nk y ou f or y ourenqu iryof 5 May con cern ingsilk blo uses. We reg retto s ay t hatwe d o no t ma nufa ctur e cl othi ng t o yo ur o wn d esig ns t o th e hi ghes t Eu rope an s tand ards: Sw an T exti lescorp orat ionTheindu stri al z on e She kouWe s uppl y th e fa ctor wit h al l th eirsilk mat eria ls,I en clos e aswat ch o f ou r st ockmate rial s fo r
yo ur e xami nati on.Shou ld y ou d esir e an y of the se s ampl es m adeup i ntofini shed
pro duct s ,we c an s uppl y th e sw an f acto ry w iththem. We hop e th at t hiswill beof h elp
to y ou a nd w ishyouever y su cces s in you r bu sine ss d eali ngs.谢谢5月5月日来函查询关于纡绸罩衫的事宜。
8.改善服务 Th ankyouforyour let terof 26 Ja nuar y. I apo logi ze f or t he d eliv ery
prob lems you had wit h us las t mo nth. I h avehada me etin g wi th o ur p rodu ctio n an d
sh ippi ng m anag ersto w orkouta be tter sys temforhand ling you r ac coun t .W e kn ow w e。