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一、听句子,选出所听到的单词或词组。(听两遍)(每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. swim B. swimming C. swing D. swings

( ) 2. A. word B. world C. worker D. work

( ) 3. A. chickens B. kitchen C. chicken D. change

( ) 4. A. here B. hair C. head D. hill

( ) 5. A. a lot of horses B. a lot of houses

C. lots of houses

D. lots of horses


( ) 1. A. It’s a circle. B. It’s a rectang le. C. It’s a diamond. D. It’s a star. ( ) 2. A. They are doing their homework. B. They are in the cinema.

C. They are doing housework.

D. They are very happy.

( ) 3. A. There are three. B. I have three.

C. She has three.

D. I can see three.

( ) 4. A. There are some fruit. B. There’s a hill.

C. They’re dogs.

D. It’s near the bag.

( ) 5. A. I am skiing. B. I like skiing. C. I’d like to ski. D. We can ski.

三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,用√和×表示。(听两遍) (每题1分,共8分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


Look, Jack is __________ a picture. It is a _________. There are many _________. You can see two triangles. They are its __________. There are ________circles in it. The _________one is its head. The small ones are its _________ and eyes. How lovely!



aren’t (同音词) _________ children (单数) _________ I’ll (完整形式)_________ us (主格)_________ he (宾格) ________ my parents (名词所有格) _________

fat (反义词) _________ sit (现在分词) _________ they (物主代词) _________







6、how to make a model plane

7、喜欢唱歌跳舞8、read a magazine with him

9、五颗红星10、make a New Year card


( ) 1. There a spoon. You can use chopsticks.

A. are

B. aren’t

C. isn’t

D. is

( ) 2. Yang Ling a box of chocolates and her friends two tins of fish.

A. has, has

B. have, has

C. have, have

D. has, have.

( ) 3. Are the boys yo-yos? No, they aren’t.

A. play with

B. playing

C. playing with

D. play

( ) 4. What’s in the cup?some juice.

A. There are

B. There is

C. It’s

D. They’re

( )5. What Nancy have? She a pot and stove.

A. does, have

B. do, has

C. does, has

D. do, have

( )6. There are five____in the flag(旗帜)of the Olympic(奥林匹克), and there are five____in our national(国家) flag.

A.stars, circles

B. circles, stars

C. harts, stars

D. circle, diamond ( )7. —______ are you going? —To the playground.

A. What

B. Where

C. Who

D. How

( )8. in your new school bag? There are many books.

A.What’s B. What’re C. Where’s D.Where’re

( )9.Mr Ma is a _______. He is _____ his students about shapes.

A. teacher, teach

B. teacher, teaching

C. teach, teach

D. teachers, teacher ( )10. _____ Sundays, we can watch TV _____ the evening.

A. In; On

B. On; In

C. At; In

D. On; On

( )11. ——Are you new doctors here? ——Yes, ________.

A.I am B. I’m not C. we are D. we aren’t

( )12. Here a lot of pictures for you.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

( )13. I can the violin. I like the violin.
