4. corporate profile
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酒店内外由名家设计,风格简约、别致,设施 齐全,展现的是一个“干净、温馨”的住宿环 境。 Designed by famous architects, the hotel, with simple but unique styles and complete facilities, provides a clean and cosy environment.
用词简单 使用抽象名词 不乏行业术语 多用主动语态 多用简单句 常使用分词短语和介词短语 正式,但比较亲近读者
萃华楼烹制的菜肴选料精细、操作严谨、刀法娴 熟、讲究火候。成品具有“清、鲜、脆、嫩”的 特点,而且“色、香、味、形、养”五质具备。 Dishes served at Cui Hua Lou Restaurant require fine materials, meticulous cooking and strict cooking time. All of them are pleasant to your eye, your nose, your tongue and above all, your health.
What are the differences between English corporate profiles and Chinese corporate profiles?
Metrostav is one of the thriving leaders among Central European construction companies, characterized by sustainable growth of production performance and market value, with management levels meeting EU standards. Metrostav公司是中欧建筑公司中的龙头企 业,势头迅猛,其生产业绩和市场价值持 续增长,管理水平完全符合欧盟标准。
多使用主动语态 The company will continue to function in all the fields of building industry in the Czech Republic, with a center in Praque. 该公司总部设在布拉格,将继续在捷克建 筑行业各领域发挥作用。
四联美发美容中心的前身是由上海的“华新”、“紫 罗兰”、“云裳”、“湘铭”四家著名的理发店组合 而成, 1956 年迁至北京。“四联”的迁京,带来了先 进的理发设备和高超的理发技艺,并将南派理发细腻、 时尚与北派理发朴实、庄重的艺术风格相融合,创作 出的发型美而不艳,秀丽清新,在京城享有很高的声 誉。
Are there any differences between English corporate profiles and Chinese corporate profiles?
American Express Company, in business over 140 years, has grown and changed with the times. It started out in the express cargo business and later moved on to a variety of travel-related services. Today, it is becoming well known for its international financial operations. The original company was founded in 1850. It resulted from the merging of three firms involved in the express transport of goods, valuables, and money between the East Coast and the Midwest. By mid-1860s, it had 900 offices in ten states. It also had a major competitor called the Merchant Union Express Company. After several years of cutthroat competitions, the two rivals merged to become the American Merchants Union Express in 1873.
诞生于上世纪末的虎豹集团,信守孜孜以求、永 不言退的发展理念,在市场经济的大潮中,任凭 浊浪排空,惊涛拍岸,独有胜似闲庭信步的自信, 处变不惊,运筹帷幄。尽握无限商机于掌间,渐 显王者之气于天地。 Founded in the late 20th century, the Hubao Group, adhering to its philosophy of seizing every business opportunity, has achieved its brilliance and become the leader of its industry in the increasingly competitive market.
Which types of textபைடு நூலகம்do corporate profiles belong to?
企业的沿革、经营性质和目的、股东情况、注 册资金、从业人员构成及人数、厂房状况、业 务范围、联系电话和传真、联系人等
“calling” upon the readership to act, think or feel, in fact to “react” in the way intended by the text
句法 多使用含多个并列结构的长句
句法 多用主动语态 多用简单句
语气 正式,但比较亲近读者 语气
常使用排比、拟人、夸张的修 辞手法用以渲染宣传的效果
Critical Analysis of Corporate Profile Translation
• Linguistic level
lexical level syntactic level
• Cultural level • Pragmatic level
Lexical analysis
公司所属多个生产系统已通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证。 OT:A large number of production facilities in the company have passed the ISO9001. A large number of production facilities in the company reach the ISO9001 standard. MT:Many production systems of our company have obtained ISO9001 certificate. Many production systems of our company have been ISO9001 certified/approved.
American Express Company, in business over 140 years, has grown and changed with the times. It started out in the express cargo business and later moved on to a variety of travel-related services. Today, it is becoming well known for its international financial operations. The original company was founded in 1850. It resulted from the merging of three firms involved in the express transport of goods, valuables, and money between the East Coast and the Midwest. By mid1860s, it had 900 offices in ten states. It also had a major competitor called the Merchant Union Express Company. After several years of cutthroat competitions, the two rivals merged to become the American Merchants Union Express in 1873.
多使用分词短语和介词短语 The company has been in the manufacturing business since 1950, adopting the corporate name of GUMOTEX in 1952. 本公司自1950年起从事制造业,1952年命 名为GUMOTEX。
C-E Translation of Corporate Profile: Critical Analysis
What is a corporate profile? What are the functions of corporate profiles?
抽象名词 Reliability, security and customer proximity is included in the philosophy of PostBus Switzerland. 瑞士邮政巴士旅游局的理念是安全可靠、 亲近顾客。
较多行业术语 The company further manufactures surfacetreated textiles, especially waterproof vapor permeability textiles under brand name POROTEX. 该公司还生产表明经过处理的纺织品,尤 其是商标为POROTEX的防水透气型纺织 品。
PBI 北京加维通讯电子技术公司可独立进行数字多媒体、 有线电视、卫星电视、无线通讯和宽带等领域产品的技 术开发、生产和销售,目前已实现有线数字电视前端、 卫星数字电视接收、有线模拟电视前端、微波通讯等产 品的系列化和完整配套化。 PBI’s Beijing Jaeger Communication Electronic Technology Ltd. can independently develop, manufacture and sell digital multi-media, CATV, satellite TV, wireless communication and broad band. It has developed series of complete products in front terminal of cable digital TV, receiving of satellite digital TV, front terminal of cable simulating TV and microwave communication.
词汇 常使用描述性强的词汇 不乏行业术语
常使用排比、拟人、夸张的修辞手法用以渲染宣传的 效果 正式,更具渲染性和号召力
词汇 用词简单 使用抽象名词
词汇 常使用描述性强的词汇