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promoti on of empl oyment, form a rea sonable a nd orderly pattern of income distri buti on, buil d a more fair and sustaina ble social security systems, me dical a nd health system reform. The ple nary, innovati on of soci al governance, must focus on t he mainte nance of fundamenta l intere sts of the ov erwhelming majority of the people, maximize factor s, enhance soci al devel opme nt, improvi ng social g overna nce, the inter ests of national se curity, e nsur e that the people live a nd w ork, social sta bility and or der. To improve social g overnance, stimulati ng social organizati on, innovative and effective system of preve nting and resolving soci al conflicts, improvi ng the publi c se curity sy stem, set up the National Security Council, national se curity system s and national se curity strat egy to ensure natio nal se curity. Plenary sessi on, t he constructi on of ecol ogica l civilizati on, y ou must esta bli sh systems of ecologi cal system, using he system to prote ct the e col ogical e nvironment. To improve natural r esource s asset property right syst em and use control, re d line of delimitation of ecologi cal pr otecti on, re source s pai d use system and ecologi cal compe nsati on sy stem in ecologi cal environment pr otecti on management sy stem reform. Ple nary session, ce ntering on buil ding a list eni ng party command, can wi n and havi ng a fine style of the pe ople's army, a strong army under t he ne w situati on of the party Goals, re stricting t he dev elopment of nati onal defense and army buil ding i
s solve d outstanding contradi ctions and pr oblems, innovation and deve lopme nt of military theory, enhance military strategic gui dance, impr ove the military strategy i n the new peri od, buil ding a moder n military force system wit h Chine se characteri stics. To deepe n the a djustment of per sonnel system reform in the army, military policy a nd system reform, pr omote the devel opment of military and civil ia n integration de pth. Ple nary session stressed that com prehe nsive reform mu st be to strengthen a nd impr ove the party's leadershi p, give full play to the core r ole of the party commands t he overa ll situati on a nd coor dinating all parti es, impr oving the party's lea ding wat er ... Margi n. Challe nged t he leadership of the Communist Part y of Chi na, Marxi sm-Leni nism and Mao Z edong thoug ht by De ng Xia o-ping's flag, re placed by t hree repr ese ntatives and the harmonic s ociety. The former Communi st Party spirit a nd soci al cohesion poi nt of almost all politi cal makeover. Char acteristi cs of socia lism pu bli c ow nership is shifting to private ow nership, planne d regulati on a nd market regul ation, the pr oletaria n regime contr olle d by the elit e. Of universal e quality, fairness and basi c pri nci ples of distribution system is socialist society, how ever after economi c monopolize d by powerful, veste d intere sts grow, em ployer s do not have the same status, har dly seems fair social distribution. State key protection of ca pital intere sts rather t han the intere sts of citizens, ha d bee n hits t he bottom of the pr oletariat
bvi ously, face China's Socia list system, t he Comm unist Party is not the party. In that case, politi cal chaos has bee n very tight. Is rem odeli ng or re construction, is a corre ction or a stove. Whether t o turn rig ht or left, is ba ck to the source or put for ward new political i deas. This is to determi ne the road pr obl ems in China, is also the key out of the dee p water of the reform of the economic system. After 18, the new Ce ntral coll ective lea dership atta che s great importa nce to political orientati on. First, the "Central eight articl es" as a starting poi nt, starting from the Central Governme nt's self-restrai nt, whi ch preaches a nd pro-image, br oug ht fresh feeling t o the community. Secondly, before reform a nd ope ning up and reform and openi ng two periods after non-negative, untyi ng the tangle of the society a l ong time on this i ssue. Thir d, a ne w generati on of part y leaders on various occasi ons t o Mao Ze-Dong a nd Ma o Ze-Dong's thought of evaluati on ha s room for manoe uvre, thr oug h to the r uling i deol ogy of Mao Ze dong thought, i s the call of the soul t o the Socialist Rev oluti on and constructi on. Em pty talks jeopardize national intere sts and try again, is a n affirmation of Deng Xiao-pi ng's reform ideas. These strong politi cal signal showi ng a new ge neration of political leaders is still ke epi ng to the S ociali st road. Four is revisiting the "talking to Ma o Ze-Dong's hist orical cycle of" high pr ofile anti-corrupti on a nd t he importa nce of the Constit ution, reorga nizati on is bad style of official dom, was t o civili ze pe opl e obey the law, w hile impr oving the col or cha nge of the r egime of vigilance. Five is to reform
into de eper water s and stressed that top-level desig n, this i s a review on the reform a nd ope ning up in t he pa st, is also looking for a way out. Six foreign and Russia cl oser, the flexible attit ude on the i ssue of the Korea n pe ninsula, Sino-Japanese fishing har dline Chi na on the i sland out of the "patie nt" and l ow pr ofile sha dow began t o gradually pla n devel opme nt. Signs show that the new l eader shi p bega n to make a left turn i n politics. However, as of right now, not only ideol ogical conf usion in t he community, the new leader shi p's thi nking is me ssy. New lea der s both stre sse d the need t o impleme nt the Constit ution, stressed t he ne ed to t urn off the power i n a cage. Also stresse s that Ma o Zedong thoug ht ca nnot be lost, 30 year s after the reform and openi ng up 30 years ag o can not deny ea ch other. Bot h advocate democra cy and relea se "seven doe s not spe ak of" files of politi cal constrai nts. Neither de ny the hi story of the CPC Central Committee on several i ssues ...
Comrade s: today bri ngs toget her members, mainly in order t o provi de a platform to Ex cha nge and lear n from each other i n or der to facilitate our w ork. Just now, w e focus on taxation, pla nni ng and stability, safety, project constructi on, typical t opi cs such as private fa cts pre sentati on a nd i nteract ion, a nd towns curre ntly exist in the in-de pth a nalysis of the pr oblems t o be solve d, to expl ore new methods t o solve t he pr oblem. It can be sai d that summing up the chieveme nt, no grandstanding; analysis。