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prefi x
帮助 组成 存在 坚持,极力要求 坚持不懈,持续 抵制,抗议
• • • • • •
assist consist exist insist persist resist
prefi x
• • • • • • • •
attain contain detain entertain maintain obtain pertain retain
Word Building--Compound
• n.+ n. butcher-shop chicken-pox finger-nail hail-storm pocket-knives trouble-shooter n.+ n. (ed) marble-sized n.+ v. (ed/ing) hand-rolled fish-bearing n.+ adj. jet-black adj.+ v. (ed) middle-aged full-blown
妓女, 娼妓
wring (wrung wrung) v. to clasp and twist or squeeze as in distress
devout(由devote衍生而来) adj. devoted to divine worship or service
a devout admirer devout thanks jet-black hair 漆黑的头发
pious fervent earnest
• When did the telephone come to your life?
• Could you imagine a life without the telephone?
• How do you think the telephone relates to you and your life respenformation:
• • • • • Author Magdaluna. Lebanon (para.1) Intermarriage in Arab countries (para.1) Communion . 图(para.14) Arab women wear garments that cover their faces or heads.
这是一种宗教习俗而不是文化习俗。 除了头、脸和脚以外其他部分都要 遮盖。这种包头的围巾叫做“伊斯 兰头巾”或者“黑色斗篷”,这种 长袍式的衣服叫做黑袍。在长袍下 面,妇女也可以穿传统礼服、便装 或正装。
III. Text Theme:
1) The text describes, from a boy’s perspective, how telephone affected people’s way of life in a Lebanese mountain village. It broke the seclusion of the village. 2) The text raised us a question: What attitude we should adopt toward new things, whether we should welcome them or boycott them.
Lebanon 黎巴嫩
• The Republic of Lebanon or Lebanon is small ,largely mountainous country situated at the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. The name Lebanon derives from the Semitic languages word Laban , meaning the “ white ” peaks of the Lebanon Mountains . • 黎巴嫩共和国,位于亚洲西南部 地中海东岸,东,北部邻叙利亚, 南界巴勒斯坦、以色列,西濒地 中海。习惯上称为中东国家。
获得,得到 含有,容纳 阻止;拘留;延迟 娱乐;招待 维持;继续,保持 获得;达到 附属;适合 保留,维持
prefi x
• • • • • • •
port: any place that forms a harbor deport 逐出境 export 向(外国)输出,出口 import 引进,输入,进口 port 港口,码头 portable 便于携带的;可转移的 transport 运输,运送,搬运
• 指领圣餐:耶稣被出卖的那一夜,拿起无酵饼来 擘开,象征耶稣的身体为我们在十字架上舍身。 饭后,耶稣也照样拿起鲜红的葡萄酒杯,象征着 主的血为我们罪人而流。从此,历世历代的教会 都遵照主的教导,在地上实行圣餐礼。
Communion 领圣餐:
Arab women wear garments that cover their faces or heads.
Lebanon 黎巴嫩
Magdaluna 马格达路娜 (para.1) a village that lies in the Lebanon Mountains running parallel to the Mediterranean coastline.
Intermarriage among cousins in Arab countries 近亲结婚 (para. 1)
IV. Text Analysis:
• Plot: The coming of telephone brought some changes to the small village, both personally and socially.
• Setting: 1) social setting: in the early 20th century before the process of modernization 2) story setting: in a village in Lebanon
Para 19 • rasp • V. 1.to rub with sth. rough 擦、刮 • 2. (of sound) to have a rough, annoying effect (声音)发出刺耳声 n. 擦刮声、刺耳声 raspy: Raspy words 刺耳的话语 A raspy temper 火爆性子 Be raspy from lack of sleep 因缺少睡眠而心情烦躁
• 在阿拉伯国家堂兄妹或表兄妹之间的联姻仍很普遍。古代, 大多数阿拉伯人是游牧名族,居无定所,这样年轻人的配 偶选择范围就很小。现代,出于经济上考虑,联姻依然普 遍。对穷人来说减少了交换嫁妆的麻烦;对富人来说,近 亲联姻让他们不用担心财产罗若旁人手中。
Communion (para.14)
• It refers to the cerebration of the Lord’s supper in the Christian Church. In this religious ceremony believers eat bread and drink wine as signs of Christ’s body and blood.
Everything should be covered except hands, face and feet. Beneath a robe, a woman may be wearing a traditional dress, casual clothes or business suit.
• • • •
Para 16
chime in
a.to break into/ enter (a conversation); to interrupt b.to be compatible; to agree with “I remember another incident,” someone chimed in. a. 插话 b. 协调, 一致,融合
• Protagonist: “I” when the author was young
Word Building
1.Prefix + Root pound
prefi x
ject: to push; to drive deject 使沮丧 eject 喷射;逐出 inject 注射,注入,插入 object 反对,抗议 project 设计;投射,放映 reject 抛弃;拒收;否认 subject 使遭受;服从;提供
Unit 10. The Telephone
• • • • •
I. Warming-up exercises II. Background information III. Text Theme IV.Text Analysis V. Words & Phrases & Sentences
I. Warming-up exercises:
• The practice has come down from ancient times, when the Arabs were mostlynomadic hersmen.Today, this intermarriage is still very common because of economic sonsiderations.
Author—Anwar F. Accawi
---Born in Lebanon in a family whose ancestors are believed to have gone to Jerusalem in the Crusades. ---While he was living in Lebanon teaching English as a second language at the American University in Beruit, he married an American woman from Tennessee. ---When the civil war broke out in Lebanon, Anwar F. Accawi and his wife were forced to leave the country and eventually moved to Tennessee, and later settled down in the States. ---He currently teaches as a full-time instructor at the English Language Institute of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He has lived and taught in the U.S. since 1965.
Her expectation chimes in with the belief of many others. The artist’s illustration chimes in perfectly with the text.
twist…together 把…拧在一起
• Para17 • wriggle • to twist from side to side with small quick movements扭动、蠕动 • The detective wriggled himself through the hole. • 侦探扭动身子从洞口钻了进去。 • The child tried to wriggle out of his mother’s arms. • 孩子一扭一扭地想从母亲怀里挣脱出来。