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1 材料与方法
过程的基础. 如 河 流 连 续 统 理 论ꎬ 从 生 态 系 统 结 构
( 水生生物群落组成) 与功能( 生产力∕代谢率) 的角
度描述了河流自上而下纵向的变化规律 [1] . 河流生
流域管理有重要意义. 通过分析流域水生生物空间
二大独立入海的河流ꎬ位于海河流域最北部. 滦河发
内蒙古自治区、河北省及辽宁省的 25 个市县( 旗) ꎬ
. 此外ꎬ异质
1.河北师范大学生命科学学院ꎬ 河北 石家庄 050024
2.中国环境科学研究院ꎬ 环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京 100012
摘要: 掌握水生生物的空间分布特征及其关键影响因子是科学制定生物多样性保护策略的基础. 于 2016 年秋季对滦河 53 个样
性格局也 是 优 化 河 流 监 测 站 点 的 可 靠 依 据. Gomes
1 1 研究区域概况
于河北省乐亭县兜网铺注入渤海ꎬ全长 885 kmꎬ流域
总面 积 5 8 × 10 4 km 2 . 滦 河 流 域 在 河 北 省 境 内
1.College of Life Sciencesꎬ Hebei Normal Universityꎬ Shijiazhuang 050024ꎬ China
2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessmentꎬ Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciencesꎬ Beijing
indicator species was distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the main stem of Luanhe River and the lower reaches of the tributary.
The second group ( G2) was distributed in the upstream of the tributaryꎬ and the indicator species were Hydropsyche sp.ꎬ Antocha sp. and
种空间分布的关键环境因子. 结果表明:①滦河( 河北省) 共采集并鉴定出大型底栖动物 206 种ꎬ隶属于 8 纲 22 目 70 科 144 属ꎬ
以纹石蚕( Hydropsyche sp.) 和东方蜉蝣( Ephemera orientalis) 为优势种. ②根据滦河大型底栖动物群落结构相似性ꎬ53 个样点在空
and G2ꎬ the diversity index of G1 was significantly higher than that of G2ꎬ and the Pielou evenness index of G1 was significantly high than
收稿日期: 2019 ̄10 ̄11 修订日期: 2020 ̄02 ̄14
第 33 卷 第 10 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2020 年 10 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
沈月含1ꎬ2 ꎬ 丁 森2 ꎬ 王 慧2 ꎬ 代 阳2 ꎬ 安瑞永1 ꎬ 张晓娇2 ꎬ 高 欣2∗
Key Environmental Factors in Luanhe River in Autumn
SHEN Yuehan 1ꎬ2 ꎬ DING Sen 2 ꎬ WANG Hui 2 ꎬ DAI Yang 2 ꎬ AN Ruiyong 1 ꎬ ZHANG Xiaojiao 2 ꎬ GAO Xin 2∗
型等环境因子在第 2 组与第 3 组之间差异显著ꎬ第 2 组明显高于第 3 组. 典范对应分析( CCA) 表明ꎬ栖境复杂性、河水水量状况
和河岸土地利用类型是影响滦河大型底栖动物空间分布的关键环境因子. 研究显示ꎬ降低河岸带干扰强度、恢复河道生境多样性
关键词: 滦河ꎻ 大型底栖动物ꎻ 空间异质性ꎻ 环境因子
中图分类号: X176 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2020)10 ̄2298 ̄10
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2020 04 08
Spatial Pattern of Macroinvertebrates Community Structure and Identification of
( Neocaridina denticulate sinensis) . ③第 3 组的分类单元数显著高于第 1 组和第 2 组ꎻ第 1 组的多样性指数显著高于第 2 组ꎻ第 1 组
的均匀度指数显著高于其他 2 组. 单因素方差分析( one ̄way ANOVA) 发现ꎬpH、TN、底质、河道变化、水质状况和河岸土地利用类
100012ꎬ China
Abstract: Determining the spatial distribution characteristics of aquatic organisms and the key affecting factors are the scientific basis for
Supported by Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research of Central Public Research Institutesꎬ China ( No.2020YSKY ̄003)
第 10 期
developing biodiversity consinvestigations of macroinvertebrates and environmental factors were carried out at 53
sites in the Luanhe River in autumnꎬ 2016. The community structure and spatial distribution characteristics of macroinvertebrates were
Palaemonetes sinensis. The third group ( G3) was mainly distributed in the middle and up reaches of the main streams. The indicator
species were Ephemera orientalis and Neocaridina denticulate sinensis. (3) The taxa number of G3 was significantly higher than that of G1
Keywords: Luanhe Riverꎻ macroinvertebrateꎻ spatial heterogeneityꎻ environmental factor
in the Luanhe River. Reducing riparian disturbance and restoring channel habitats are key management strategies for conservation and
restoration of macroinvertebrate diversity of Luanhe River in the future.
Luanhe ( Hebei Province) . Hydropsyche sp. and Ephemera orientalis were the dominant species in the Luanhe River. (2) According to the
similarity of the macroinvertebrates community structureꎬ 53 sites were divided into three groups spatially. The first group ( G1) with no
作者简介: 沈月含(1996 ̄) ꎬ女ꎬ河北唐山人ꎬ1134463274@ qq.com.
∗责任作者ꎬ高欣(1982 ̄) ꎬ男ꎬ河北邯郸人ꎬ副研究员ꎬ博士ꎬ主要从事大型底栖动物群落生态学和流域水生态保护研究ꎬgaoxin@ craes.org.cn
基金项目: 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项( No.2020YSKY ̄003)
indices of G2 were significantly higher than those of G3. The result of canonical correspondence analysis showed that habitat complexityꎬ
flow conditions and riparian land ̄use were screened as the key environmental factors affecting the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates
间上被分为 3 组. 第 1 组分布在滦河干流的中下游及支流下游ꎬ无指示物种ꎻ第 2 组分布在支流上游ꎬ指示种为纹石蚕、朝大蚊
( Antocha sp.) 和中华 小 长 臂 虾 ( Palaemonetes sinensis) ꎻ 第 3 组 分 布 在 滦 河 干 流 中 上 游ꎬ 指 示 种 为 东 方 蜉 蝣 和 中 华 齿 米 虾
2 29 9
that of the other two groupsꎬ respectively. One ̄way ANOVA analysis found that environmental indices such as pHꎬ TN and sediment
qualityꎬ river channel changesꎬ water quality and river bank land use types were significantly different between G2 and G3ꎬ and these
analyzedꎬ and the key environmental factors affecting the spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates were identified in this study. The results
showed that: (1) A total of 206 macroinvertebrates taxa were identified belonged to 8 classesꎬ 22 ordersꎬ 70 families and 144 genus in