01 国际商务礼仪1(双语)

LOGO Chapter 1
Why should we learn business etiquette?
Good manners are cost-effective because:
1. They increase the quality of life in the workplace 2. They contribute to optimum employee morale 3. They embellish the company image 4. They also play a major role in generating profit
A. send an e-mail because it is faster and more efficient B. send a handwritten note
Preview (课前预习)
LOGO Chapter 1
Before we learn this chapter, try to answer the following questions based on your own understanding and then read the text on your book carefully with these questions.
4. When you receive someone else’s business card you should
A. immediately pass them your business card B. look at the card and acknowledge it
5. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should

英语表达:In international business settings, appearance and dress are crucial factors in making a first impressionFor men, formal and neat attire is often required A dark suit paired with a solidcolored shirt and tie is a common choice The suit should be welltailored and made of highquality fabric Shirt colors are mainly white or light blue, and the pattern and color of the tie should coordinate with the overall outfit Leather shoes should be kept clean and shiny, and the color of the socks should match the suitFor women, there are more options for dress, but the principle of formality and appropriateness should still be followed One can choose a suit, a dress or pantsuit The color of the suit is mainly dark, such as black or dark blue The length of the dress should be moderate, avoiding being too revealing or too fancy Pantsuits should be paired with high heels to show an elegant temperamentIn different countries and cultures, the requirements for dress may vary For example, in some conservative countries, women need to cover their heads or wear longsleeved and longpants outfits Therefore, it is very important to understand the culture and customs of the destination country before conducting international business activities二、见面礼仪见面时的问候和介绍是建立良好关系的开端。

Text APostures (体态)Want to succeed in business? New research reveals that your posture could be the key .Posture is the way you hold your body against gravity while standing, walking, sitting or lying down. Gravity is pulling down your body all the time while you are trying to hold it upright. Good posture involves training your body to move in a way where least pressure is placed on muscles. Good or correct posture is not something you have to force upon yourself ; it is the natural way your body is meant to be. Align your body and you will feel a positive change in you instantly. Good posture means less strain and more energy. Good or correct posture is where your body is in proper alignment, the joints and muscles are working without unnecessary strain.想在商业上成功吗?新的研究表明,你的姿势可能是关键。
国际商务礼仪 Unit 1 Posture Etiquette

“ Personal space” is something you need to be aware of. If you‟re in conversation and get too close to the other person, it may make them think of you as too pushy and, conversely, standing too far away can make you appear 冷酷的、高傲的 stand-offish so you need to try to find a happy medium. Often, this will simply come naturally to you but if you‟re unsure, you can often take your cues from the other person – get too close and they‟ll step back a little, too far and then usually come towards you.
Contents: Stance Eye Contract Gestures Distance Facial Expression
Head Positive. Two eyes look at the front horizontally, close mouth faintly, Collect jaws infarction neck, smile and natural face expression. Flat your shoulders. Relax your shoulders and go down a little. Vertical arms. drooping your arms naturally. Middle finger align pants seam. Quite hindquarters. Let与裤缝成一条线 your chest be straight, Shrink abdomen and tighten your buttocks. Merger legs. Two legs stand upright and stick together. Two feet Angle into 60 °.

国际商务礼仪unit1国际商务礼仪unit1TextaPostures(体态)wanttosucceedinbusiness?newresearchrevealsthatyourposturecouldbethek ey.Postureisthewayyouholdyourbodyagainstgravitywhilestanding,walking ,sittingorlyingdown.Gravityispullingdownyourbodyallthetimewhileyouare tryingtoholditupright.Goodpostureinvolvestrainingyourbodytomoveinawa ywhereleastpressureisplacedonmuscles.Goodorcorrectpostureisnotsometh ingyouhavetoforceuponyourself; itisthenaturalwayyourbodyismeanttobe.alignyourbodyandyouwillfeelapos itivechangeinyouinstantly.Goodposturemeanslessstrainandmoreenergy.Go odorcorrectpostureiswhereyourbodyisinproperalignment,thejointsandmus clesareworkingwithoutunnecessarystrain.想在商业上成功吗?新的研究表明,你的姿势可能是关键。
国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena[精]
![国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena[精]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1010dc434b35eefdc9d33322.png)
Learning objectives
By the end of this introductive chapter, you should be able to
define etiquette and business etiquette understand the origin and development of
help you appear polished and professional, rendering you knowledgeable and confident in clients’ eyes
Actions (I)
Appearance and Dress Positive first impression Business card etiquette Conversation skills
Case Study
Here is the situation: You’re meeting a client it crowded with noisy happy-hour patrons, making for an inhospitable business atmosphere-what do you do?
The word “etiquette” originated in France during the 1600s and 1700s.
It used to mean “keep off the grass” in French.

国际商务礼仪英文教程【篇一:国际商务礼仪作业(英文版)】business gift-giving around the world武汉大学何坚婷abstract: nowadays, gifts are playing as an important role in international business relations. but different countries have different customs of gift-giving. the paper gives some details about how to make a good business gift-giving in many countries around the world.key words: significance, different cultures, comparative of business gift-givingintroduction1.significance of gift-giving in businessfirst of all, in international business dealings, appropriate gift-giving can not only fully show the enterprises culture and academic spirits, but also promote each others friendship.and then, gift-giving can show peoples congratulations, condolences and thanks to others. at the same time, it is also an emotional investment, reducing the emotional distance between people and being conductive to peoples communication.2.different cultures view on giftsbefore we start to talk about how to make a good businessgift-giving, lets give a view upon different counties in the world, knowing that how the people in different cultures treat the gifts. the first one is america!in america, people like the practical and peculiar gifts very much. for example, if you could give them some small gifts with unique styles or ethnic characteristics, such as the faked terracotta warriors and horses, they will be very happy. american people treat the snails and horseshoe as the mascot. when you present some gifts to them, remember not to make the number of gifts singular, and you should be attention tothe packaging.in addition, packaging gifts, do not use black paper, because the black in american eyes was unlucky color. also, gifts should pay attention to the business end of the conversation.in the uk, people dont like the gifts that are very expensive. it will be taken as a bribe if you give them some precious gifts. gifts like premium chocolate, a two bottles of wine , and flowers would be a good choice. do remember that not to present gifts printed with company flag. also, remember not to send the lily, because it means death.in france, people are very romantic, so they usually like the artisticand intellectual gifts very much, such as picturesque, art albums, and small crafts. if you are invited to a french peoples house for a dinner, remember to take a few pieces of fresh flowers without bundling with you, but the chrysanthemums must be excluded, because chrysanthemums are only used at funerals in france. in russia, people like to treat the guests with bread and salt to show their friendship and respect. they like to receive gifts that are brand name, such as a levis jeans, regardless of the level of the value of gifts. but do not give money to people, because it will be considered as charity and insults.in japan, people think that gifts represent peoples true mind. for the japanese, the ceremony of gift giving is more important than the objects exchanged. while you give them some flowers, the flowers should not be white, as these are associated with death. also, avoid giving gifts with even numbers of components, such as an even number of flowers in a bouquet. four is an especially inauspicious number, never give four of anything.in saudi arabia, people are very hospital, but you are not expected to bring any gift when invited into a saudi home. arab traders generally presente expensive gifts to others, but also would like to receive the same valuable in return. do not present used items to them, not so as wine and gifts with animal patterns on it. it isconsidered a violation of their privacy to give the wifes of arabs gifts.3.how to make a good gift-givingas we have discussed about the different cultures attitudes toward gift-giving, im going to list the way to make a good gift-giving in different countries around the world.first, we should know about the four elements of gift-giving, thus gifts, means, time and place.to tell it in detail, lets have a look on some countries that may provide us some useful information.in america, business gifts are discouraged by the law, which allows only a $25 tax deduction on gifts. so, it is important for you to choose a good time to present gifts, the time when you arrive or when you leave america is ok. when you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, however ,it is always appreciated. you may take flowers, a plant, or a bottle of wine. take care, if you wish to give flowers, have them sent ahead so as not to burden your hostess with taking care of them when you arrive. and personal gifts such as perfume or clothing are inappropriate for women.in the uk, gifts are not part of doing business. rather than giving gifts, it is preferable to invite your hosts out for a meal or a show.but when you are invited to a english home, you may bring flowers, liquor or champagne, and chocolates. send a brief, handwritten thank-you note promptly afterwards, preferably by messenger rather than by mail.in france, it is not a good idea to give a business gift at your first encounter. for thank-yous, send at least a note, the day after you were invited to a dinner. of cause, you can send flowers or a basket of fruit if you like. to be romantic is necessary.in russia, gifts are more popular than the countries described before. so, you will have more choice to present gifts to your friends in russia. gifts like baseball caps, rock or country and western cassettes are welcome, also, camera, watches, and inexpensive jewelry is ok. thus after you choose a good time, you will make a good impression on your friends with the wonderful gifts. in japan, gift giving is very common. business gifts absolutely must be given at midyear and at year end. they are often given at first business meetings. usually, japanese do not open gifts directly once receiving them. if they do, they will be restrained in their appreciation. this does not mean that they do not like what you have given. when choosing gifts, imported goods and electronic product are fine.in saudi arabia, every saudi who must broker or approve a【篇二:商务礼仪英语bisiness etiquette】a study on international commercial etiquette and its significance商务礼仪及其意义研究contents(times new roman 小三号加黑加粗)introduction????????????????????.1chapter one abcccccccc?????????????. 71.1 abc???????????????????????. 71.2 abc ???????????????????????.81.3 abc????????????????????.???.9chapter two abcccccccc?????????????112.1abc???????????????????????. 112.2abc ???????????????????????122.3abc???????????????????????.13chapter three?chapter four??conclusion?????????????????????. references?????????????????????内容摘要当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。
Business Etiquette 商务礼仪英语双语课件

9. When talking, you’d better look at the other person right in his eyes all the time.
2. If you want to know someone’s name, you can ask “ What’s your name?”
3. You’d better extend your name card with both hands to show your respect.
4. You’d better begin with a small talk, if the person is your new customer.
Focus Homework and test
Homework and test for chapter 2
Review what you have learned in class and discuss:
How to make compliments? What are the useful phrases and sentences?
Chapter 3 Etiquette for Business Calls
Dialogues: Role play P36~P57
Making and Receiving Business Calls
Leaving Business Message Ringing Back Dealing with Urgent Call Dealing with Complaining Call


A. immediately pass them your business card B. look at the card and acknowledge it
5. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should
◊ Analyze the concept of etiquette theoretically and recognize the characteristics of etiquette.
◊ Cultivate the cross-cultural awareness in business communication.
“Whenever two people come together and their behavior affects one another, you have etiquette. Etiquette is not some rigid code of manners; it’s simply how persons’ lives touch one another.”
Chapter I
The Importance of Business Etiquette
ChLaOpGOter 1
After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
◊ Realize the necessity of learning business etiquette.
国际商务礼仪【英文】 Global Business Etiquette

But etiquette isn’t recognized as one uniform set of standards around the globe…
For example, a hand gesture in one country may have the exact opposite meaning in another culture!
• • • • •
clocks straw sandals a handkerchief a stork or a crane all of the above
5. When treating a client to a business meal in China, the most appropriate tipping strategy would be:
• • • • •
clocks straw sandals a handkerchief a stork or a crane all of the above
4. Which of the following is/are associated with death and should not be given as gifts in the Chinese culture?
What is “etiquette”?
Office Etiquette Reebok Commercial
Etiquette is…
ethical and socially acceptable behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other.

在视频会议中,要着装得体、 保持注意力集中,并确保技术 设备的良好运作。
1 正确处理错误
在发现错误时,应诚实承认 并及时纠正,同时主动向对 方道歉。
2 恢复信任
通过真诚的道歉和积极的行 动,恢复与对方的信任和合 作关系。
3 避免重复错误
在商务谈判中,善于倾听 并表达自己的观点,保持 得体的行为举止。
尊重对方的观点、保持礼 貌并寻求妥协是解决分歧 的关键。
在商务邮件中,要注意语言简 洁明了,格式规范,尊重对方 的时间。
打电话时,要注意声音亲切、 用语得体,避免打断对方和多 任务处理。
随着全球化的发展,不同 国家和地区的商务礼仪也 有所不同,需要适应当地 文化和风俗。
在商务社交场合中,优雅 得体的行为可以增进合作 伙伴关系,扩大人脉资源。
1 文化差异
2 行业特点
不同国家和地区有不同 的商务礼仪规范,了解 和尊重当地文化是关键。
不同行业也存在着一些 特定的商务礼仪要求和 规范。
细致入微的细节,如穿着得体、谦恭 有礼的态度等,能够给人留下好印象。

商务礼仪英语中英文对照篇一:商务礼仪中英对照Etiquette for Business DinnerYour image matters, especially when you’re in a business environment. Whether you’re going to a business lunch with your peers, recruiters, clients or partners, you need to make sure you behaveappropriately. We’ve put together this handy guide, with tips gathered from the business etiquette, to help make sure that someone call you out at your next business meal.Before the Meal餐前礼仪◇Shake hands with all present at the table. If necessary, introduce yourself. Concentrate on remembering your host/hostess’s name. 与到场的客人握手致意,如果需要,介绍一下自己。
◇Remain standing until host sits.在主人落座之前保持站立。
◇Place your napkin on your lap after everyone is seated and after your host has moved his/her napkin.在所有人落座之后,主人展开餐巾,这时你也可以将餐巾展开平铺在膝盖以上部位。
◇Don’t ask the waiter to explain everything on the menu; you will annoy others and appear indecisive.不要让侍者为你一一讲解菜单上的菜品,这样会招人讨厌而且显得你缺乏主见。

How to say "hello"
We must follow the 3S principles
*Stand up(站起来) *See(注视对方) *Smile (微笑)
On the basis of 3S, you can say
Good morning .Good afternoon May I help you? Excuse me! May I have your name,please? Just a moment ,please!
How to receive the unexepected guest
First of all, you should give the guest some drink enthusiastically
How to receive the unexepected guest Second, you need to ask the guest's identity
The reception of the basic procedure
Step 1
The basic procedure
Step 2
Step 3
Confirm his identity and
ask him whether he has maked a reservation
Contact respondents
(1)gather up documents (2)guide guests
How to guide guests to the reception room
1,Pay attention to the direction : You should walk in front of the guests left

商务礼仪的英文版1被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么?What's the “first custom” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么?“Lady first”.女士优先。
2社交中的“三A原则”指的是什么?What is the “ThreeA” principle in social communications? 社交中的“三A原则”指的是什么?Accept 接受对方;Appreciate 重视欣赏对方;Admire 赞美敬佩对方。
3在国际礼仪中,TOP指的是哪三个原则?What does TOP mean in the international etiquette? 在国际礼仪中,TOP指的是哪三个原则?Time时间;Objective目的;Place 地点。
4和西方人交谈时,应避免哪八个话题?When you are talking with people from western countries, eight topics should beavoided. What are they? 和西方人交谈时,应避免哪八个话题?Age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal life,religious belief, politics, and opinions about other people.年龄,婚否,收入,经历,住址,个人生活,宗教信仰,政治见解,以及对他人的看法。
5哪三个词在社交场合最常用?Which three words are the most common ones in social life? 哪三个词在社交场合最常用?Thanks谢谢;Excuse me (sorry) 对不起;Please 请。

事毕,美国客户谢绝了Catherine的午饭邀请,起身要走,Catherine站起身来,欲送他出办公室,客户摇摇手说:I will see myself out, please.【小编的小喇叭】I will see myself out, please.请留步,不用送了。
see这个词我们都很熟悉,我们还学过它的一个习语see sb. off,意为“送别某人”;今天我们学的这个see sb. out意思是“送某人出门”。
【英语情景剧】Jane: It's very late. I have to go home now.简:现在很晚了,我得回家了。
Shirley: OK, let me see you out.雪莉:好吧,那我送你出去。
Jane: Well, I'll see myself out, thank you.简:哦,谢谢,请留步。
一天,参加完会议,美国同事提议他去商场买套西装,而Tom 不以为然,这位同事就说:You know that chothes make the man.【小编的小喇叭】Clothes make the man. 人靠衣装。
我们经常说“人靠衣装,马靠鞍”,这句话的对应英文就是Clothes make the man.值得注意的是这里的make的用法,它在此意为“有利于……的发展,创造出,产生”,例如:Practice makes a winning team.勤加训练必有助于球队获得胜利。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Part II
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Basic requirements of Business Manners
1. Professional Image Positive impression
2. Dress Codes
Clean and professional
3. Communication
Succeeding in business today requires not only mastery of one’s job but also mastery of the common courtesies of give and take and of consideration for others. Put them to work today, and you will find
A. immediately pass them your business card B. look at the card and acknowledge it
5. When expressing thanks to a business client who has given you a gift, you should
look at the current situation and assess how it affects everyone involved
◇ The essence of etiquette:
sincerely considerate, respectful and honest
◇ Functions: 1. Allow
3. How to resolve different situations in interpersonal relationship
Three principles
ChaLpOGtOer 1
The three principles that govern all etiquette 1. Consideration ◇ Concept:
1. Listening to the others
2. Not interrupting the
Research the professional Have business cards client’s native Show up on time for
cultures and
Can accept different
accepts the clients business practices
1. What to do in all kinds of situations 2. What we can expect other people to do
What's the purpose of business manners? ◇ Improve the efficiency of business transactions in the long term, especially in international markets.
that they will work for you in all your professional days
to come.
Test yourself(自我测试)
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Based on your understanding of business etiquette, judge the following situations and discuss in groups.
“Whenever two people come together and their
behavior affects one another, you have etiquette. Etiquette is not some rigid code of manners;
it’s simply how persons’ lives touch one another.”
3. How can you avoid betraying yourself or compromising your integrity and be polite at the same time?
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Part 1 The Concept of Business Etiquette
1. When you have a business meeting in the UK, you should
A. get down to business straight away B. spend time eating and drinking and
getting to know each other
Pleasant office environment Better quality work
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
◇ Employee - Boss Relations
Give thank-you cards or holiday gifts as
◊ Analyze the concept of etiquette theoretically and recognize the characteristics of etiquette.
◊ Cultivate the cross-cultural awareness in business communication.
Co - workers Respect their boss, aspire to emulate
The structure of the text
◇ Business-to-Business Relations
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Foreign clients customs printed in the languastanding of the quotation
“Etiquette Is simply how persons’ lives touch one another”?
2. Why do we define etiquette as a powerful combination of manners and principles?
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Why should we learn business etiquette?
Good manners are cost-effective because:
1. They increase the quality of life in the workplace 2. They contribute to optimum employee morale 3. They embellish the company image 4. They also play a major role in generating profit
Part II
ChaLpOGtOer 1
The Characteristics and Principles of Business Etiquette
The Characteristics of Business Manners ◇ Etiquette = Manners + Principles
Chapter I
The Importance of Business Etiquette
ChaLpOGtOer 1
After you have studied this chapter, you should be able to:
◊ Realize the necessity of learning business etiquette.
2. The most ill-mannered thing to do at a business meal is
A. order a lot of food B. use a cell phone
Test yourself (自我测试) ChaLpOGtOer 1
3. You have a meeting with a client but are expecting a
— Emily Post (American etiquette
The structure of the text
ChaLpOGtOer 1
Part 2 The Effects of Business Etiquette Employee Relations
Respect individual personal space Don't interupt during meetings
ChaLpOGtOer 1
2. Respect
◇ Concept:
Look at how your possible actions will affect
in the future
◇ Importance:
The essential etiquette in interpersonal communication
Respectful, patient and calm
Use poor grammar
Speed talking
filler words
4. Timeliness organization