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【摘要】Objective To explore the clinical outcomes of nutritional support in children with high nutritional risk. Methods Improved screening tool for the assessment of malnutrition in pediatrics (STAMP) was used to make nutritional risk score in 1296 cases of consecutively hospitalized patients, and to analysis the effects of nutrition support in clinical outcome. Results In these 1296 hospitalized patients, 379 cases had STAMP score ≥ 4 and the detection rate of high nutritional risk was 29 . 24 %. A total of 304 cases were included for further analysis, including 85 cases ( 27 . 96 %) of nutritional support, among whom there were 37 cases of parenteral nutrition (PN), 23 cases of enteral nutrition (EN), 25 cases of combined application of EN and PN. Per capita and daily mean support cost were statistically different among patients with EN, PN and combination of PN and EN (P all < 0.001), and EN had least cost. Compared with patients without nutrition support, the infection rate in patients with nutrition support were lower, but there was no statistic difference (P = 0.095); the treatment fee of infectious diseases in patients without nutrition support was higher than that of patients with nutrition support and the cost of antibiotics was higher as well, and there were statistic differences (P
all < 0.001). The hospitalization costs in patients without nutrition support were different from that in patients with EN, PN, and PN combined EN (P
all < 0.001), while the duration of hospital stays were the same (P = 0.213). Conclusions Improved STAMP is a simple and practical nutritional risk screening tool for pediatric patients; there are differences in the cost among different nutrition support methods. Nutritional support can effectively improve clinical outcomes, especially in reducing infection and reducing the cost for the treatment of infection.%目的:探讨营养支持对有高营养风险患儿临床结局的影响。




营养支持患儿中,37例肠外营养支持(PN),23例肠内营养支持(EN),25例PN和EN联合应用;EN、PN、PN和EN联合应用比较,人均和日均营养支持费用的差异有统计学意义(P均 < 0.001);EN的人均和日均费用

与无营养支持患儿比较,营养支持患儿感染发生率有所降低,但差异无统计学意义(P = 0.095);无营养支持患儿抗感染治疗费用高于有营养支持患儿,抗生素治疗费用也明显高于有营养支持患儿,差异均有统计学意义(P均
 < 0.001)。

无营养支持、EN、PN、PN+EN四组间住院费用差异有统计学意义(P = 0.003),而四组间住院时间差异无统计学意义(P = 0.213)。


【作者单位】广西壮族自治区桂林市人民医院广西桂林 541001;广西壮族自治区桂林市人民医院广西桂林 541001;广西壮族自治区南溪山医院广西桂林 541002【正文语种】中文
1.术前营养风险筛查及术后营养支持对普通外科手术患者术后临床结局的影响 [J], 刘艳;吕学英;李克;黄恩民
2.营养风险筛查(NRS)指导下的营养支持对腹部外科患者临床结局的影响分析 [J], 洪东煌; 杨火保; 沈阳辉; 刘进生
3.基于STRONGkids营养风险筛查的营养支持对普外科术后患儿营养状态及临床结局的影响 [J], 王冉冉;李娜
4.营养风险评估及营养支持对心脏瓣膜病手术患者临床结局的影响 [J], 陈冬梅;黄坤琳;杨凌;江建春;肖娟
5.神经外科危重病人营养风险筛查及肠内营养支持对临床结局的影响 [J], 林媛;温群;曾兰兰;谭秋兰;卓海霞
