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BAM 荧光粉表面包膜处理及其发光性能
马 林,胡建国,王惠琴,徐 燕
为改进稀土三基色荧光粉尤其是BA M 荧光粉的光衰问题,采用铝溶胶对BA M 荧光粉粉体进行表面处理,获得了包覆氧化铝膜层的BAM 粉。
以SEM ,XPS 等方法对其表面形貌和组分进行测试。
以未经包膜处理的BAM 荧光粉作对照进行发光性能测试,测得包膜BAM 粉的热稳定性得以改善,制成单色灯燃点试验后的光衰小于对照样品。
测,包膜BAM 粉的含汞量小于未经包膜处理的对照样品。
荧光粉;包膜;光衰;铝溶胶中图分类号:O482.31 文献标识码:
*:通讯联系人:E -mail :malin @fudan .edu .cn ,Tel :(021)65643987,Fax :(021)65641740
第24卷 第5期
2003年10月发 光 学 报CHINESE JOU RNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Vol .24No .5Oct .,2003
发 光 学 报第24卷
Surface C oating and Luminescence Performance of BAM Phosphor
MA Lin ,H U Jian -guo ,WANG Hui -qin ,XU Yan
(Department of C hemistr y ,Fudan Un iversity ,S ha nghai 200433,China )
Abstract :For solving the problem on the deg radation of light efficient of BAM phosphor ,BAM phosphor w as coated w ith alumina sol (the diameter of the particle is about 10nm )making an alumina protective film around the individual pow der particle of BAM .The surface state and surface component of the coated pow -der w ere investigated with SEM and XPS .The alumina film coating rate on the pow der surface reached to be about 90%and the film layer w as found quite stable as it could stand various processes ,e .g .,w ashing 525第5期马 林,等:BA M 荧光粉表面包膜处理及其发光性能
w ith water ,coating in lamp tube and baking at high temperature .The BAM phosphor 's luminescence per -form ance was tested and compared to uncoated phosphor .An evident improvement has been found in the thermal stability .The thermal deterio ration of the phosphor w as alleviated obviously after annealing at 500,550,600and 650℃fo r 30min .By the w ay ,the fluorescent lam ps of sing le colour were prepared using the coated phospho r fo r the time lighting test .The degradation of light efficient was less than uncoated one evi -dently .For example ,the degradation of the lamps after lighting for 1000h ,for the coated BAM phosphor w as 6.1%,but 18.5%for uncoated one .The mercury amount adsorbed on the phosphor w as determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS ),and the result proved that the adsorbed amount on coated BAM phosphor w as evidently less than that fo r uncoated one .Based on a series of results in the test ,it w as proved that the coating treatment of BAM phospho r can protect the phospho r pow der and can improve the therm al stability and alleviate the decrease in luminance of the BAM phosphor .Therefore ,the study by coating treatment for BAM phosphor w ith alumina sol is of significance in practice .
Key w ords :phospho r ;coating ;degradation of light efficient ;alumina sol
Received 14September
2002526 发 光 学 报第24卷。