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王朝Dynasties 纪录片第一季中英对照剧本
家族是自然界当中最强的一股力量The family is one of the most powerful forces in nature.
家族生活充满神奇Family life is full of wonder...
以及戏剧化...and drama.
在过去四年间我们追踪拍摄了For the past four years, we've been following some
地球上最出名也是最濒危的物种of the most celebrated and endangered species on Earth.
我们追踪它们的生活从津巴布韦平原We followed their fortunes from here on the plains of Zimbabwe,
到印度的从林to the jungles of India...
从撒哈拉沙漠的边界From the edge of the Sahara...
到南极的冻土荒原...to the frozen wastes of Antarctica.
我们走进这些家族参与它们生命中的关键时刻We join each family at a crucial moment in their lives
当它们直面危机争夺生存权when they are battling against the odds.
抵御天灾对抗天敌和对手时Fighting for survival against the elements...
我们就在它们身边...and against rivals.
我们靠近它们用超过以往的拍摄技术We've got closer, and filmed in greater length,
拍下更长的镜头拍下更多的细节and in more detail, than we've ever tried to do before.
在现代社会要确保物种幸存延续到下一代In our modern world, ensuring the survival of the next generation
远比以前更难is becoming ever more difficult.
对于家族而言在危机中求生For these families to win against the odds
将成为它们最大的挑战will be their greatest challenge.
欢迎收看《王朝》This is Dynasties.
西非塞内加尔Senegal, West Africa.
这里居住着一群数量可观的黑猩猩Home to a remarkable troupe of chimpanzees.
由于常年气候干热它们的生存空间It gets so hot and dry here, it's the very limit of where
相当有限they can survive.
这片领地的黑猩猩首领既强壮又有决断力This territory is ruled by one strong and determined leader...
这头雄性黑猩猩首领名叫戴维...an alpha male known as David.
它的统治地位让它坐拥最好的一切His rule gets him the best of everything.
但它无法相信任何人But, he can trust no-one.
它的身边环伺着对手伺机行刺篡权夺位He's surrounded by rivals prepared to kill him for his crown.
它的故事关乎权力政治以及生存权的争斗This is a story of power, politics and the fight for survival.
戴维残破的耳朵记录看过往的战绩David's torn ears are testament to the many battles he's fought
它屡战屡胜保住了地位也保护了家族and won to protect his status and his family.
它统领族群已有三年He has ruled over his troupe for three years.
这里的黑猩猩首领很少能够统治得比它更久Leaders here don't usually hold power for much longer than this.
如今旱季来临戴维的对头再度聚首And now, as the dry season begins, David's rivals are gathering again.
优秀的雄性首领通常有许多盟友给予支持Successful alpha males normally have many allies to support them.
戴维却是独来独往But David is alone.
它在这种时候尤其易受攻击He has never been more vulnerable.
旱季到来时这些大块的土堆In the dry season, these huge mounds of earth
吸引了群体中全部头黑猩猩are magnets for all chimps in the group.
土堆里藏着食物饱含脂肪与蛋白质The mounds are full of food, rich in fat and protein...
黑猩猩懂得使用草棍These chimps have learned to use grass stems
充当工具来钓虫子as tools to fish out the insects.
作为首领戴维得到了最佳觅食点As leader, David gets his pick of the feeding spots.
但它很警觉周围都是它的老对头But he is wary, as he must feed alongside old enemies.
它有两个野心勃勃的对手He knows two particularly ambitious rivals.
戴维的脚趾开始抽搐它无法掩饰自己的紧张David's toes begin to twitch, a nervous tic he can't conceal.
这是大金它觊觎老大的位置已经很久了This is Jumkin, who has long-sought the top spot.
这是户瑟And this, Luthor...
一头暴躁的年轻雄性具有强烈的攻击性...a tempestuous younger male with an aggressive streak.
几个月以来第一次全族聚在一起The troupe is together for the first time in months and jostling
抢占更好的觅食点很容易导致争端for good feeding spots can easily lead to clashes.
因此戴维要维持秩序缓和局面这是关键It's vital that David keeps order, and defuses the situation.
目光全都聚焦在戴维身上All eyes are on him.
它用行动证明事态在它的掌控之中His display shows he is in control.
但在黑猩猩社群当中光靠力量是不够的But in chimp society, strength alone is not enough.
戴维必须懂得政治从而巩固权力David must be political to hold on to power.
它需要盟友He needs to make an ally.
这是克洛This is KL.
它很强壮但胡子灰白已经过了He's strong but grey-bearded and past the age where he would
争雄称霸的年纪challenge for the role of alpha.
戴维主动靠近克洛David makes an approach.
梳理毛发能让它们缔结友谊Grooming builds bonds of friendship...
给予支持作为回报得到好处...buying support and giving benefits in return.
“你帮我我也会帮你”You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
只有未来能够知晓这段新的友谊能否有所回报Only time will tell if this new alliance will pay off.
气温不断飙升Temperatures soar.
已经升到了摄氏度It's already degrees.
对于幼年黑猩猩来说旱地也许是巨大的沙坑游乐场The arid land might seem one giant sandpit for the infants...
但在成年黑猩猩看来既存的紧张气氛开始浮现...but for the adults, existing tensions are starting to surface.
戴维盯着大金And David has his eye on Jumkin.
大金袭击了年长的雌性Jumkin attacks an elderly female.
这彰显了它对权力的渴望It is a display of his aspirations for power.
戴维哪能容得下这个David can't tolerate this...
先动手的却是克洛...but KL steps in...
它狠狠地教训了大金...and gives Jumkin a sharp lesson.
紧接着戴维自己出手了It's swiftly followed by one from David himself.
奋力给了对头最后的一击With a final, huge lunge at his rival...
大金垮台了...Jumkin comes crashing down.
戴维和克洛联手形成一股新的力量Together, David and KL are now a force to be reckoned with.
整个族群四分之三的领地在大火中焚毁Fires destroy three quarters of the group's territory.
也烧毁了大批的食物和住所Much of their food and shelter has gone.
气温仍在持续不断飙升And with temperatures continuing to rise,
水变得极度短缺water is becoming perilously scarce.
黑猩猩种群必须团结在一起谋求生存The group must stick together to survive.
它们聚集在干涸的河床上它们动用了祖祖辈辈Gathering in a dried out riverbed, they use knowledge passed
传承的生存智慧down from generation to generation.
找到了干裂地表下一处潜藏的水源A hidden water source under the parched earth.
对戴维来说要担心的远不只干旱这一件事For David, there is more than just drought to worry about.
它躲不开对手He can't avoid his rivals.
事实证明克洛确实是戴维忠实的盟友KL is proving to be a loyal ally to David.
戴维比以往任何时候都更需要克洛的支持And David is going to need him more than ever.
出于罕见的巧合种群里的七头雌性By rare coincidence, three of the seven females
有三头在同一时间进入了发情期have become sexually receptive at the same time.
它们臀部的红肿吸引了全体雄性Their swellings attract the attention of all the males.
雌性会尽可能与更多的雄性交配The females will try to mate with as many males as possible. 戴维必须压制所有同伴确保自己能够独占交配权David must control them all to ensure he is the one who mates.
种群里的某些雄性比如卢瑟却打起了小算盘But some of the troupe, like Luthor, have other ideas.
其他所有雄性都发现它们的机会来了All the other males see this could be their chance.
之前从未有过如此重要的时刻There's never been a more important moment for David
戴维亟需证明它的权力to assert his power.
它先发制人He makes the first move.
它的对手亮出实力His rivals respond with their own display of strength
开始聚集起来逼近and start to close ranks.
从数量上压制了戴维和克洛David and KL seemed to be outnumbered.
一切陷入了混乱Everything turns to chaos.
入夜后的某个时刻更年轻的雄性袭击了戴维At some point during the night, the younger males turned on David.
雌性和幼年黑猩猩来到它的身边安慰它The females and their infants come to his side to support him
舔舐伤口and tend his wounds.
但它们不能久留They can't stay here.
它们和孩子都要水喝They and their young need water.
整个种群都上路了迁向最近的水洼The whole group move on to the nearest water hole.
就连克洛也抛下了戴维Even KL has to leave David behind.
到达下一个水源的旅程长达十公里It's a six mile trek to the next source of water.
戴维被抛在原地迎接死亡David is left for dead.
如今权力的顶峰出现了空缺There is now a power vacuum at the top
卢瑟看到了机遇and Luthor sees an opportunity.
在种群内部制造恐慌是登顶的途径之一Creating fear within the group is one way to become leader.
它试图恐吓同伴但掌握领导权的道路He tries to intimidate the group, but a bid for leadership 从来都不是一蹴而就的is never instant.
它可能要花许多天来展示它的恐吓威力He'll have to keep this up for many days.
众叛亲离伤痕累累戴维强撑起身Friendless and wounded, David somehow musters the energy
寻找食物to search for food.
在被彻底逐出队伍之前它必须重返种群He has to rejoined the group before he's exiled for good.
但是首先它必须养精蓄锐But first, he must regain strength.
时间不多了Time is running out.
令人惊奇的是遭到围攻的一星期后Remarkably, one week after the attack,
戴维成功踏上了漫漫归队之路David makes the long journey to find the group.
与此同时卢瑟已经结束了它的权力争夺Luthor, meanwhile, has ramped up his bid for leadership.
戴维就快成功了David has almost made it...
但它目前的状况不适合战斗...but he's in no fit state to fight.
卢瑟发现戴维正在接近Luthor spots David's approach...
它调整自己准备战斗...and readies himself for battle.
戴维击败卢瑟的唯一机会是让自己看上去David's only chance against Luthor is to make himself look
尽可能强大as strong as possible.
卢瑟被吓住了开始逃跑Intimidated, Luthor has to run.
戴维毫发无伤它东山再起Without a blow being struck, David is back!
戴维和伙计克洛再度结盟David is finally reunited with his comrade, KL.
它们为彼此梳理毛发标志着友谊的重新缔结Grooming each other reaffirms their bonds of friendship.
对于戴维来说归队意味着战斗只结束了一半For David, returning is only half the battle.
它现在疲惫又脆弱任何轻微的撼动都可能让它Exhausted and fragile, he's only hanging on to his
从高位跌下leadership by a thread.
卢瑟似乎败退了Luthor appears defeated.
它比划着臣服的手势祈求戴维的原谅With a submissive gesture, he seeks forgiveness from David.
可是戴维拒绝了它But David is unwilling to accept.
接下来几周内卢瑟发现自己失势了Over the following weeks, Luthor finds himself sidelined. 其他雄性重新聚在戴维身边The other males now gather around David.
卢瑟别无选择只能跟随大部队脚步And Luthor has no choice but to step in line.
戴维重新让整个种群团结在它的身边David has his group around him once more,
但它掩饰了自己元气大伤的事实but he doesn't show them how weakened he really is.
它的伤口尚未愈合其他雄性随时可能His injuries haven't healed and the males could turn on him
再次围攻它again at any moment.
眼下戴维似乎成功骗过了所有人For now, he seems to be fooling them all.
它在给自己争取时间好让自己He's buying himself time to regain his strength
在下次雌性发情期到来前重新积蓄力量before another female comes into season
到那时它会再次面临挑战when he will face competition once again.
密云裹挟着雨水旱季总算结束了At last, rain-filled clouds bring an end to the drought.
戴维的领地发生了变化David's territory is transformed.
到处都是水还有吃不完的食物There is water everywhere and a glut of food.
种群的负担轻了The pressure on the group is lifted.
艰难的几个月已经过去所有人都能稍稍歇口气Everyone can relax a little after months of hardship.
戴维渐渐恢复了力气David's strength appears to be returning.
它在同伴面前炫耀展现出更多自信和力量His displays in front of the group become ever more assertive.
不过比起表现出来的强大它实际更虚弱一些But in truth, he remains weaker than he lets on to the others.
所以它尽可能外出给自己补充额外的营养Whenever possible, he disappears to gather extra food.
它狼吞虎咽地吃下所有能找到的食物He gorges on everything he can find...
连蚂蚁都吃...even ants.
它快要痊愈了He's almost back to full health.
但如果只是恢复健康可能还不足以让它But that alone might still not be enough for him
守住权力to hold on to power.
很快会有其他雌性进入新的交配期Soon, another female will be ready to mate.
有了上次的教训只靠一个盟友是不够的Last time, one ally was not enough for David.
戴维选择了新的策略He tries a new strategy.
它开始为别人梳理毛发He starts grooming other males.
先梳这个First one...
再梳那个...then another.
渐渐几周过去以戴维为核心Slowly, over weeks, he surrounds himself
组建了一队盟友with a band of allies.
它们是年长的兵团An army of elders...
人人都是战斗老手又因为年迈不会觊觎戴维的宝座...experienced fighters, but too old to steal his crown.
现在戴维必须进一步观望看看它的准备工作Now, he must wait and see if he's done enough 是否足以预防再次出现谋反to prevent a recurrence of dissent in the ranks.
和预想中一样一头雌性进入了发情期Sure enough, a female has come into season.
它臀部的红肿引来了注意Her swelling doesn't go unnoticed.
上次戴维势单力薄Last time, David was vulnerable.
这次它招募了大批盟友This time, he has allies...
个个身先士卒为它扫平道路...prepared to charge ahead and clear his path.
戴维展现力量是为了警告对手滚远一点Displaying his strength reminds rivals to stay away.
如果戴维成功保住了首领的地位If David has fully secured his position as Alpha,
它将获得独一无二的交配权he will be the one who mates with the female.
一头雌性吸引了他的目光She catches his eye.
数量巨大的盟友分散在种群的各个角落With a number of allies positioned throughout the group,
没有哪个对手敢出面挑战戴维none of his rivals dare to challenge him.
戴维终于得偿所愿This is David's time to mate.
九个月后Nine months later...
新出生的幼崽...a new baby boy!
这是戴维继续执掌大权的奖励David's reward for maintaining power.
它的领导地位它的王朝的未来都得到了巩固His rule and the future of his dynasty is secure. 作为首领戴维繁育后代的数量By being Alpha, David will have sired
是种群当中其他成员后代数目的两倍twice as many offspring as any other member of the group.
也许有一天戴维的某个儿子也会像父亲一样历经波折And one day, one of his sons might just have what it takes
成为未来的领袖to be a future leader.
戴维已经成为种群当中前所未有的David has become the most powerful, longest reigning alpha,
在位最久的最强首领this group has ever seen.
但它总会迎来下一个旱季总是会有对手But there will always be another dry season, and there will always be
等候僭越的时机rivals waiting for their chance.
《王朝》摄制组用两年时间追踪黑猩猩The Dynasties crew spent two years capturing the story 和它们的故事of these chimpanzees.
每一天都这样开始我们的工作This is how every day begins.
摄制组总共走了将近两千五百公里Walking over , miles...
看到黑猩猩都小心前进你就知道地形是很陡的You know it's steep when the chimps are
being careful.
每天随身携带八十公斤装备行走在地球上...carrying around kilos each day in some of the hottest
最炎热的地带temperatures on Earth.
现在气温得有四十六摄氏度四十七摄氏度It's got to be , degrees right now.
我觉得这么说吧气温都到了四十度I think it's fair to say filming a blazing fire,
再去拍摄一团烈火可真不是什么好主意when it's degrees wasn't probably my best idea.
简直疯了今天早上这是第二次了为了躲蜜蜂It's crazy, it's the second time we've had to run away
我们被迫改变拍摄地点from bees this morning.
我被蜜蜂叮了你应该看的出来吧I got stung, and as you might be able to tell,
有点肿起来了it's swollen up a little bit.
天啊Oh, my God.
卡住了吗How stuck is it?
卡得死死的It's pretty stuck.
但最艰难的挑战是我们得去理解But the hardest challenge of all is understanding
黑猩猩的复杂生活the complexities of the lives of these chimps.
之所以能做到这一点要感谢科学研究者吉尔普鲁兹This is only possible thanks to scientist Jill Pruetz
和她的团队他们研究黑猩猩种群长达近二十年and her team, who have been studying this troupe for nearly years.
我想让人们认识黑猩猩其中一个理由是因为黑猩猩的生活One of the reasons I think I like to have people see the chimps
就像一部肥皂剧is, it is almost like a soap opera.
其实黑猩猩社群和人类社群区别不大It really is this social group that is not that different
它们都有关系的分分合合from humans. So you have relationships change
个体性格也多种多样and you have different personalities.
吉尔的远见帮助她的团队在多年的研究中Jill's insights helped the team get to know all the different characters
得以了解并命名不同的黑猩猩个体she has given names to over the years.
但从研究一开始一名叫戴维的黑猩猩But right from the start, one chimp named David,
就吸引了所有人的注意grabs everyone's attention.
我们摄制组才开机没几天戴维就迅速脱颖而出We've only been here a few days but immediately David stood out.
它非常好认He's really recognisable.
带点冒险家的风格而且总是独来独往He's a bit of a game player, but also he's often on his own.
它很迷人He's very, very charismatic.
身上有一种大摇大摆的架势He's got a real kind of swagger to him.
让人想起马龙白兰度我觉得他真的能摆出He reminds me of Marlon Brando, actually, he's got this real kind
自己的存在感of presence to him.
戴维是我最喜欢的黑猩猩之一David is one of my favourite chimps.
所以我可能有点偏心我觉得它非常聪明I maybe a little biased, I think he's quite clever.
而且非常坚强意志非常坚强I think of him as a very strong, you know, strong willed chimp,
是占绝对优势的黑猩猩同时又富有野心a very dominant chimp and he was very ambitious
戴维作为一只年轻的黑猩猩飞快地爬上高位when he first became a young adult, and he rose up the hierarchy
在它那个年纪真的是很快really quickly for his age.
它当上首领的时候还只是青少年So he became alpha, actually, when he was a teenager.
所以它一直要防范来自其他雄性的挑战He's constantly having to fend off challenges from other younger males.
不过事实证明要当首领是很难的And it just goes to show it's tough being alpha.
站在巅峰是很难的It's tough being at the top.
我们追踪戴维几个月下来After following David for so many months,
它就好像是摄制组成员的家人一样he seems almost like family to the crew.
所以戴维被凶狠围攻时我们都震惊了So when he's violently attacked its a real shock.
今天早上开工真的心都碎了Coming out this morning, it's sort of heartbreaking to see
看到这头黑猩猩过去那么强大this chimp that was so powerful...
现在这么脆弱...just looking so weak.
它看起来很不好苍蝇爬满了伤口Oh, he doesn't look good, he's covered in flies.
它看起来状态真的很不好And he's looking, looking really bad, actually.
一夜之间变得像个病弱的老人It's like a frail old man, suddenly.
就好像好像它知道自己快不行了Like he's ready to die, almost.
第二天大家的担心加剧了The following day their concerns deepen.
我们今早点到的一直没能发现哪怕一头黑猩猩We arrived at am and leave not been able to find any of the chimps.
所以我们不知道戴维现在是什么处境So we've no idea what condition David's in,
总之它状态不会好and he's in a bad way already.
我们希望它平安We wish him luck.
我有点担心它现在怎么样了I'm sort of worried about him, and his state.
我只希望它能挺过去I just really hope he's OK.
我们还在找它So we're still looking.
大家检查了水洼旁边安置的远程摄像头They check the remote camera at the water hole,
也许戴维会过来喝水where they hope David might have gone to drink.
我把记录从头看到尾I've just gone from the beginning...
然后戴维好像没有过来喝水...and it looks like David hasn't been to drink here.
米歇尔找到了一些脚印Michelle has just found some tracks.
戴维怎么弄来的食物我不确定但这给了我们希望How he finds these things I don't know, but there's a chance
也许能追上戴维是个好兆头这边走we might catch up with him. Good find, let's go.
幸运的是这些脚印确实把我们引向了戴维Luckily, the tracks do indeed lead to David.
之前我们真的担心它伤得太重了We've been really worried with the extent of his injuries,
能不能活下来能不能回归族群我们都不知道we didn't know if he was alive, or if he was ever coming back.
它真的回来了而且重新坐稳了首领的位置He came right back in and maintained that alpha status.
比起我们见过的其他首领戴维称雄的日子David has been alpha for almost double what we've
几乎是它们的两倍with other alphas.
它经受了几次挑战但最终都能保住权力He's been challenged a few times, but he's been able to hold on.
我们眼睁睁看着它险些丢了最高的位置We saw him, not only nearly lose his position in the hierarchy,
还差点丢了性命but we saw him nearly lose his life.
最后对手揍它那几下造成的伤害The injuries he sustained in the last coup,
甚至能让我这个人类丧命would have been enough to kill me.
戴维成功捱过了许多次David has been able to overcome the many challenges
来自种群内部的挑战that have come from within,
但在种群之外它和族群要面对更严峻的挑战but there's a greater threat that he and his group face.
在当今的塞内加尔黑猩猩主要的威胁来自In Senegal right now, I'd say the main threat to chimpanzees
人类开采金矿大片栖息地被夷平is the gold rush, which just obliterates huge areas.
距今不到十年前金价上涨Less than a decade ago, the prices of gold rose,
所以人们加大了金矿开采力度当地人口的数量and people have intensified gold mining, so that really has increased
明显增长the number of people here.
当地的黑猩猩和人类相伴而居已有数千年Chimps here have lived alongside people for thousands of years.
迄今为止戴维的种群已经明显适应了David's group has so far adapted to life alongside humans
与人类共生的关系in a remarkable way.
但人类对金矿的需求与日俱增But, with such demand for these minerals,
越来越多的人来到这里淘金and ever more people searching for gold in this region,
栖息地破坏盗猎行为防不胜防habitat destruction and poaching is inevitable.
幸存的黑猩猩不多了You know, there's not that many chimpanzees left.
西非黑猩猩亚种无论在塞内加尔The West African chimp here in Senegal,
还是整个西非都已升级为and in west Africa in general, has been upgraded
严重濒危物种种群数量大幅下降了to critically endangered because so many have been lost. 目前塞内加尔的黑猩猩In Senegal, the number of chimpanzees is now
仅剩下数百头左右just in the hundreds.
在过去年间%的西非黑猩猩亚种In the last years, % of Western chimpanzees
已经消失have disappeared.
在不远的将来吉尔等人的研究And in the future, studies like Jill's
将会更有力地帮助自然保护主义者will become increasingly important to help conservationists
和当地政府共同保护幸存的黑猩猩and local governments protect the surviving chimpanzees, 不只是塞内加尔境内而是整个非洲not only in Senegal, but across the whole of Africa.
下一集我们将介绍Next time...
成千上万只企鹅的王朝A dynasty of thousands.
一支深入南极冰冻荒原的远征大军A great march into the frozen wastes of Antarctica,
要经受地球上最寒冷和最严酷冬天的考验to face the coldest and cruellest winter on earth.
南极洲阿特卡海湾的秋天Autumn in Atka Bay, Antarctica.
就在几周前这还是一片浩瀚的海洋Just a few weeks ago, this was open sea.
如今万里冰封的新景象正在形成Now, a new frozen landscape is forming.
这个新世界看上去了无生机This new world appears devoid of life.
准确说几乎没有生命Well, almost.
这是一只帝企鹅An emperor penguin.
它并不孤单And he is not alone.
数千只帝企鹅踏上了这片冰冻的海湾Thousands of emperors are coming to this frozen bay.
它们之所以来此是因为对它们来说They are here because the new ice provides the safest place
新的冰层是最安全的繁殖之地for them to breed.
冰层会持续九个月The ice will last nine months,
要到来年夏天才会融化before melting away next summer.
它们需要利用这九个月中的每一天And they will need every day of those nine months
抚育后代维持这个伟大的帝企鹅王朝to raise the next generation of this great emperor dynasty.
不过要想生生不息它们必须熬过即将到来的冬季But to do so, they will have to survive the coming winter.
全球最冷最残酷的冬季The coldest and the cruellest on earth.
帝企鹅每年都要重新配对Emperors pair up anew every year...
虽然冬季正快速逼近..and although winter is fast approaching,
寻找理想配偶的过程却急不得the process of finding the perfect partner cannot be hurried.
新夫妻举行优雅的仪式New couples perform a graceful ritual
以此筑牢彼此的承诺that will cement their commitment to each other.
行动同步Moving together in synchrony
是打造紧密纽带的关键is the key to creating a powerful bond.
这根纽带必须是最牢固的And this bond needs to be one of the strongest in nature...
因为每个家族的生存..because the survival of every family here,
进而到这个王朝的生存and therefore the survival of this dynasty,
都取决于此depends upon it.
企鹅在很多方面都是美丽的A penguin is beautifully designed for many things...
然而交配不在其中..but mating is not one of them.
可惜不是所有的企鹅Unfortunately, not all the penguins have been able
都能找到理想的配偶to find the perfect partner.
眼看着时间飞逝And, with time fast running out,
这只雌企鹅放弃了繁文缛节this female forgoes the formalities.
然而这对夫妻已经情比金坚But this couple has already bonded too tightly
第三者休想插足将它们分开to be split apart by an interloper.
恋爱失败的企鹅们打道回府Penguins unlucky in love
在大海中进食过冬head back to spend the winter feeding at sea,
因为在冰面上没有食物的踪影because there's no food out here on the ice.
夫妻们正在经历数周的等待等待雌企鹅产蛋The couples now face weeks of waiting while their eggs develop.
但是有一对似乎提前了But one pair appears to have got ahead of schedule.
企鹅的腹部隆起通常代表A bulge on a penguin's belly is normally the sign of a parent
家长把蛋放在脚上保暖keeping an egg warm on its feet.
然而它保暖的对象似乎是一个雪球But she seems to be trying to keep a snowball warm.
看起来它们是在练习为真正时刻的到来准备They appear to be getting in some practice for the real thing.
白天越来越短温度也越来越低The days are becoming shorter and colder...
终于太阳最后一次落下..until finally, the sun sets for the last time for two months.
直到两个月后的春天才会再次升起It won't rise again until the spring.
如今它们生活在昏暗的世界里Now, they live in a twilight world,
相伴的只有南极洲皎洁的月光under the bright Antarctic moon.
对这对夫妻来说漫长的等待快结束了For this couple, the long wait for their egg is almost over.
雌企鹅感觉到了The female senses it.
它开始宫缩Her contractions have begun.
下一代的帝企鹅呱呱坠地The next generation of emperors is on its way.
产蛋需要消耗大量的体能Producing an egg takes a huge amount of energy,
雌企鹅的体重减轻了四分之一such that the females lose a quarter of their body weight.
它已经一个多月没有进食了She hasn't eaten for over a month
必须回到大海填饱肚子and needs to return to the ocean to feed.
由于无法把宝贵的蛋带在身边She can't take her precious egg with her,
它只能把蛋交给配偶照顾so she must pass it to her partner to care for.
雄企鹅有一个特殊的育仔囊贴近皮肤He has a special brood pouch to keep it warm,
有保暖的作用close to his skin.
雄企鹅必须迅速把蛋从冰面上拿起来If he doesn't get the egg off the ice quickly,
否则蛋会冻住it will freeze.
现在雌企鹅可以走了Now, she is free to go.
可是它似乎不愿离开But she does seem rather reluctant to leave.
这下孵蛋的重任独自落到了雄企鹅的肩上He will now have sole responsibility for their egg
它必须保证蛋度过漫长的严冬all through the long, harsh winter.
直到小企鹅破壳而出He won't see his partner again
它才能再次见到配偶until the egg has hatched.
在接下来的几天内群体里的所有雌企鹅都匆匆离去Over the next few days, every female in the colony
行进公里返回大海hurries away on the same -mile march to the sea.
源自大陆腹地的刺骨寒风来势汹汹A freezing wind blowing in from the heart of the continent 气温骤降drives the temperature down.
为了保持自身和蛋的温度To keep themselves and their eggs warm,
雄企鹅展现出了大自然最壮观的the males now perform one of the most spectacular
合作景象之一demonstrations of cooperation in nature.。