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考试采用闭粉.笔试形式.试卷満分150分,考试时间120分钟"试老由四个部分 组成.其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择題。

第三部分的篇二节和第四部 分为非选择魏・
注意事项:ill 按照廳号黑序在WHft 上各0目的笞題区域内作笞,超出WHIZtf 书 写的答案无效;在革觸纸、试无效.
第一节(共5小慰;毎小题1.5分,■分7S 分〉
听下面5段对话.毎段对话后有一个小题.从題中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中妹出 最住迭用,并标在试住的相应位置.听完毎段对话后,你都冇10秒钟的时间来冋答俗关 小聽和阅读下一小題.邯段対话仅读一週・
1. Where are the man's car keys?
A ・ In the bag.
B. On the floor. 2. Which place is the woman's destination? A. Tokyo. B. Hong Kong. 3・ Why is Kelly absent this week?
A. She b iU.
B. She h teaching a course.
C. She is busy with eiam.
4. What will (he woman do for the man?
A. Book a hotel.
K. Call ・ taxi. C. Hire a bus.
5. Where arc the speakers?
A. In the cafeteria.
B. In an office ・
C. In the woman 9! house ・ 第二节(共15小聴;毎小JS1.5分,満分22.5分)
听下面5段对话戒独白・毎段对话或枝白后育几个小規.从1!中所给的A. B 、C 三 个址顶中选出最佳选項.井标在试卷的相应位置・听每段对诂或独白前.你将有时间阅 读各个小題・毎小题5秒钟;听完后.各小趣给出5秒钟的作答时间・每段对话成独白
听第6段材料,回0 6. 7 a.
6・ lluw docs the man fed nhen he sees the nom^an?
A. Surprised ・
R. Disappointed. C. Inside the car. C. Seoul.
C. Annove
7. What h the woman suing to do next weekend?
A. Work a half dav.
B. Go to the beach.
听葡7以材料,恻祥第乳9 4.
8. Whiit arc thr speakers mainly li*lkiH| about?
A. Wbkb cihibilivn to visit.
B. When to leave the muieum.
Where la*cc forest vnimuk
9. Which hull Is Im^y now?
A. Hull 6. R. Hull 5. C Hall 3.
听第黑段材料,MS® 105l2tt.
10. How did the woman book the movie tickets?
A. On the Inlrmrt.
B. At I he ticket office,
C. On the phone.
1L When did the apCAken plan to meet the Smiths «t Hrst7
A, Al 11:30 UJH. B. Al 12:00 p.ith C At 1:00 p.m*
12. Where will (he speakers 胖on the way back home?
甩To the rrUaurant B. To the cinema. C. To thr books hire. 听第*>段材料,回答第13至I6(S・
13. Uhj did Marta quit hvr first job?
/L It really badly paid-
IL I he 讥MT were quite unfrirndly.
(',I hc bo** hM)k na mlcrcat in her
14. What dors Marfa find most »urprisin|> atwut thr mobile rrstiur«nt?
A. All h udvrrthrd online.
B. K IKM I h never thrown 3w»y.
(.Menu^ can be easily rhunted.
15. Wh«1 k the bcs( thin^ ^bou( the mobile rcstsurvnl for Marta?
A. Customm pay in advance
It She tin w<irk Qutdours.
C No wailcr h seeded.
16* Whal broHghi difficulty to Maria when she did a meal on ■ beach *
A. Thr uutL
B. The wind. C The rsin.
17. Whai do we know about the hand'i malic?
A. It K Intrnded for young |>n>pk・
B. II K easy fur pcuple iodancr tit
C* It K nice to hear while eating
离三英踽试JI m 2 K(wi2ji)
IS. Hew maoy people are Ibere in the bund?
A, Six. B. Eight. 19, Ho** did (he speaker get tu know the band?
A. From n rricnd« B, From a newspaper. 20. Why the 1 speaker choKn to join the ban (!?
A. ilc wa^ good nt playing the guil«r
B. They werr Inaking fnr ・
C. They beard him ainging somewbere.
第二部分阅X 理解
第-节(共15 毎小题2分,満分却分)
阅读下列短文,从每題所给的四亍选项(A 、鉄C 和D)中.选出最隹选项,井在 售題卡上将该顼涂SIL
John Adams (1735-1816)
The MaMachusett^born^ H>njird-educaled Adams brgan his career s lawyer. Then he bccamr a critk of Grcul Britdlfi'a authonty in Amcrio ind w 阳 A kuikr of tbe Amcricjan Revolution later From 17JJ9 to 1797, Ada mu w»<i America's firil vice prcsidvuL He wi» elected in lhe Preitidenihl electiuu of !79^ und sen td ■ singk four -}ear lerm m the second U.S. president from 1797 to ISOL Andrew Juckson (1767-1M5)
Born in poverty, Andrew Jacluon had become A wealthy Tennessn lawyer and rwinR young
[M>lilician by 1K12, when war broke out bclwccn the Unilrd Slater jnd Britaiii. His kadmhip in tb»1 con flic* earned Jackson uational fame » u military hcro T ■nd he would become America's mo»t innurniinl political n|£nre durlnj; (be 182<h and 1831K Andrew Jucluun hecumc the nudun's wvcnlh president (1829>18J7)»
John Quincy Adams (1767—1848)
John Quincy Adams bc^an bts cnre*r M llic ILS* minbter to 4hc Netherlands in !794t After that, the younger rejoined diplomatic >enke under Pre^idcat
M*dbton. Afl secrrUry «f Mate under James Monroe^ Adams pluyed * key rok in dekrmining the presidriit 1* furei^n policy. He went on to win the preiidency in an election in 1824, »nd served only one term.
高三襄谱试H 第3页(其1工真)
Abraham IJncoln (11M)9一1865)
C. Twelve,
C From M bund membrr.
Abmliam Linvdn HM th« Kith preside nt of Uniii^l States frum 1861 undl hi» Ahockin宵dcallh in 18b5. He was born In a cuttacr ind grew up un the American frontier, ctlucaled himself by rending borrowed books, and worked splitting frncc rxib and clvrkmg in a gtncr»l store. »n<J then as u country hwytr, lonj; before he becume pre^idenL
21. Whrrc did John Adami linbh bli university ednnthn?
A. Hanird. B* OiFord.
C. Cumbridge University.
D. Uwheriih' of St Aadren*.
22. What made Andrew Jacksoa a military hero?
A* Hh lewicnhkp in the war.
B r llh weitlh from fats riuiily*
G His g(Mxl c»mr.
I). Hts |wor flojniciul condilktns.
23. Who could ifleet lhe presidency foreign polio ?
A. J(»hn Adam^
B. John Quincy AdimSn
C Andrew J>ck»oo r D. Abraham Lincoln.
24. Whal do the person* mentioned in lhe text have in commua?
A. They urr highly educated.
B. They are lawyers*
C. They are politicijms. D, They »re pe»ce*lovers・
T like pbolugraphy bcoiune it captures amazlnR thing) (bat you might not tee Timmy Wabh s«ys» He Ukc5 pictures of flowerj^ suiiAets and roid、把ns* But (hose photos don't UMkdly rnd up in a scrapbook (剪站■) or on his bedroom walks.
When Timmy WJ»S fiv^ he hiund out thut ha aunl Bev had lung cincer lie ^anlrd to do
som<?lhin(f to help her His first idra wts tu sell fail photos rrom a kmonade^typ« M«nd in front of his houw in Fenn^ylv»nui. tl My mum Mid il wouldn*! work I MCUUA* were not on A l)usy str«l t M Timmy eiplums.
Hw next idea w» to have un «rl show, Timmy decoraled bis home whh candks f fluMrCH,ind wh ik lights. Then he ■rrvugctl hh photm・ Timmy's mum, Shdls, remember*: **Our dmiat-room lablr was Ullrd, Ihr llvinf{ room —cvrrytbinft WM (lllrd with photos^ Frknds. ramily^ tnd Timmy's
lc»chcn c»mc to thr show. He rahed more thin $300 for cancer research that (light. M Aunt Bev w«> very h»ppy «nd excited," he
After a kn) newspjipcr wrote t ・®ry about Timmy's photos, a volunteer offered to help him sei up u wrb^itc. Ai people karned about hh ciiust, calkii Camera fbr ■ Cure, Timmy 冋*日receiving in^ hutionj io sell bin pictures al Art KAlkries anil fiinil-r>iiMn f
« ■* 页(共12 页)
Since thrn, bit work has appeared in mort Ihun 20 lhnwii.
When Timmy h it ■ ^how t he greet* each CHJI turner and tilks ubout whil hv thinking **hen he took hb photon And he always tbarei f»rls about 恤n* c«ncer. SomrtimrM donation} and sakf arr xlow, bu< Ihit doc^n*t twlhcr him. *11 docsn'l matlrr ho* much money wt ma<k bcciuic we juht riised iwarencft^ bv SHy>. Tim my knows lh»t findinf a cure fur ling cancer will lake time and effort. So Timmy will keep doing bb pari t>> Kh(H)ting and »cllln|! pholos orIhr thin** he JI«S・
25. Ik lure Timmy Murled Cuitacri fw a Cure, hr
A* Alwiy* wold Irmonadf in front of his H OUK
B. liked making! sempbooks by uwing hh pboten
C* hud devck|)rd a deep inlcrnt in pbolugraphy
D* hud been providing photos for a local newspaper
26. What can we learn about (be arl show Timmy held al hb hume?
A. It i*as(rencr«t!y pvpulir
B. It cos! S3M (o organize IL
C. It was funded by A UDI Bev.
D. It MH tdverfted on ■ wcluiite.
17. For 1 immy, whafs lhe brocHt of srLUng hh photon at arl galkriea?
A+ Raiding money more quickly.
B. ImptovinK his phol轉mphit skilb
C. EichnDgini; kk* with olhrr artish.
I). Increasing publiciwnrcnc» oflunK cancer.
2& Wbich of tbe following am bal describe ThninyT
A. Proud ind confident
B. Im«cinalive but cautioBS,
<\ Gcntrutii but seJf>ccnlered+
I). Ikfrrinlncd »nd warm-hmrled *
f" you hi*ve i bulilies br^iti? Are you ilwiiyH looking f<»r thr ncit hig idcit? Mnylx\ like me, you fnighl ktl scltinc up ・ nrw conipuny h M>mcthin|: you mi^ht do when you^c older, whru you hive more cipcrkncv. But th«fi not always lhe cusc.
While no«n« of 口$ may (eel young aduUhiMMl k a (imc of iDccrtainly rinding our plute in th«world, slctpinz Uk and partying bird, others arc Already on « pnth lo |>mt husincM success 'l ake the founder of Micruwn, Bill Ga(e«t who flirted hb comptny A yuung unhenify »lud»< at Harvard in lhe US. There ire miny other eiampks oryoutiR
高三英语试■篇5 ft(M1151)
rtilrrprrnvun (企业和who have hrcomr hugely tuccmful. pro vine 恂箏there's no iiiinhuuiii »a,c tn brtotning lup dog.
tlul lu br the next buMnru ficruthr requires dTnrf+ You need to acquire a kren mihd And |{(HM I business intcnigcncc and 4have A IL you 8Nd enthusiasm. Slurling u new bttsiaeti cumea with an element t>F risk hut if you are ibk (o spot lhe next big idea, h T> 卩ruhHbh worlli giving U 11 Iry, Je««k> R*Ke owns »jrwdry making bustnefiK it nd admib Ihut ***vJu i n I find rted I hud n» buninrsn irninlnK bul v»hcn I woke up one ihy,. ! though I l*d really luvt Io be a jewelry ilwi^ner.** Nh« wrnt on tn he a »ucc€S!iful yuun^ entrepreneur
Being young and in business docs have H N drawbiclu; you may worry you huvr nolhntg lu brmjt lo the Ublc und thal the pn»plc 於h, werk hr you tend tu be vhkr and »i*er. I lurd what >vun| Brilish entrq)ren?ur Sukmin Saennie found. Jk atirlrd hh third ^hik iludying chcmiitlrr'・t unlvenit). Ik ways W iiow I've got I wo
jiddhianNl dirrclurs who b*ve grey bair'1 bul when they fine llirlrd he says he could tell they were thinking in the back of their beads, u l'vt |{ol • kid sitting; ID front of me/'
You nuy think siting up a new start-up is easier uki than done. As well as idean. you need dnancijil backing and eipert gunlancr・Hut if you're studying hard at univcrslly noil lion1! h»ve lhe desire(<t gn into I)usinc?i5 »nd nmke)nur rortunc, kerp on Mud>in^ - ■■ educithn h priceless!
29+ At lhe verj beginning, what's the *utl)or^ altitude Io lhe necessity of being tgtd ind elpuricnccd tn sritini; up ■ new company?
A. Supporthe.
B. 1>1怦・加眞
C. Impersonal.
D. CrilicaL
30. l he atilhur (ukrs Jcuici Row for eitnipk in order to ihow that_______________ .
A+ lining bu«incA3 needs great eflurt
B. riiihushism K raort im|M>rluni th»n a keen mind
('.business traininK ii aol nccnsiin
I). H b cisy to set up ・ new businns
31, Whai can be inlerred from the bit two paragraphs?
A- Older direclur»be employed )au are vuun^
H. Age pt»ys 19 imp^rUM role in felting op new buakru.
C. IF you Jon^t inlenJ to set up bugiiir^ Ju$t R M?” 00 your study.
I), Eiiuciliun is more valuable than seMinx up a buslDes*.
b Sitling in ,hr same cla^sroon^ reading I be tamr kitbouk, liMening tu the Mine I richer, l»ys and j[irh receive verj* diflerent rduciHons.** In fact, upon entering 忧hook
离三英诵试■第6 ff
Kirk perform equal to or brHcr than boys on nearty exen measure of uchieveinent, bul bv the time they graduate from high schtiol or colk^e, they hj*ve fulkn behind.
Thh prrfurniiiK-c(!诞『测机、w obt "HB throughout Catuch. In Ontirio^ Educutkm Minister Janet Kcler Mid that the testing reiulK of grade 3 and grude 6 in math and iT4din|; ^liuwcd thut thrre arc significant tlHcrfpannes in achievements 以nd ahiludu be*ween boys “ml glrk In British Columbia, sltudardized tetltag iodkit^ that ^irb ]Hfrr(»rm better Ihin ho vs at «lt ln7ds of reuding and writing, while Jilmoat makhing I bcm in in^th *“(J »ciencc. Bul why are women I CM competitive after Ihdr graduaiion from college? The American Anociitioa of Unhrrsity Women published a report indicaliDf thut recei^T lew attention from tcuchcrs jnd th^tt tbc uttcntion (hnt fciiulc
5tudvnls do receive is often more ne^live thun Rlknliun meived by boy*. In fHCt, ^tuih of the social dist incl ion of gender {性别)within uhools shciwi llul girb are hiprope rh educated in lhe chMroom.
The social dindnclion or eendtr within nur、rhooh assure that 刃rk arc madr aware Lhiit Ibev lire unequal tu bays. Lvcry lime sludrnts are sealed nr lined up by gender, Ivuchcn arckllin^ I hit girh and hoys ihoukl be treated differtDily, When had behavior% art more toknrled for boys tbun fur gLrh because u boys will be boys", schoals are treafinj: km a les tinfdirly. There b »onir cvHicnce that girh arc becoming mure ncudcmically wccmritl than boys, however, examinfltiont of lhe chs«r(M>m show th^t girh and boys continue to b< 他bUzed tn ways Ihal work agalnM
32. The untkrlincd word f,discrepancy14in Paragrxpli 2 can be replaced by_________ .
A. result
B. difFercnce C kvel D* study
33. Fcni:ik3 becomr I CJI* competitive aFt«r cradu^thm Froni volkge because they__ ・
A. arc not m smart males
R. do not behave well in C I MS
C. are eiiucalrd in a kind way
I), reerrve less nr bud-quulity n I tendon in chiM
J4・ F rom the last piirsgraph, we can infer that_______ .
A. boys are troted more strictly
H. bays' bad bthiviors Arc more easily >cc«pi«d
C. girls are pid more attention Io in claw
D. 取时$ should be more ,口ccessful uftcr gndanhnn
35* Wh»( is the best liik for th» puMge?
A. The imiwUnce of eduralbn
B* Different educallons for bop and girls
(\ Gtnder ioequality in educidon
I). I hedhtinction belwren bnyy and girh
馬三英语试盘第? Jt (共12$)
A Journalist is a person who ui!1c<h t write!! ;*ml diintributcK news or olher current io formal ion. A journalist enn work with general ism ex or specie U AC in <crlatn usu<^. Kovner, it is not so easy a career to be a good jimrnalitt* 36
___ J7____ I【治impjrtanf that you can gft un 鼻nd work quickly «nd rfficienllv H UK Iht olhtr tevhnic^l and creative prcxluctton team membfn. Time i、very literilly monn in media pruduclion so there b tio ruom for kamwork dilYlcultics. When thtre are dcacllinr; or hk ni^hw 叭rryonc must j»ct (ugether to com卩left the f»k ;it hand. 3H Fur rxamplc, can you build t>卩A working rehtiunship ver%' quickly 怙i山pcopk »ho you may be meetiaf for the first time?
You a ho neni 即KM] whiten und oral com munkii Lion skilh and must hive a diners writing style —writing essays is not good evidence fur this! Employers will expect you lu have » gixiil knnwledgc of current ulT»in nnd a curious juture, and to lx llcxibk cspccialh with regard tn working liaurs. 39 So how experienced ^irc you In putling in extra hours?
Another key qiialily of journnIHK h ilir ibilily to u%k thr right qu«tion»al inten ir^! ■W
_______ It h 0 xv*sic of time and tnvrjy to ask the <iunlionj< that you c*n rind In hwikst
on inteniew skills. If you research u company well rnougli. you will find i number of quc»liuns biituraUy arising thit you wish I D be answered.
You sbuuM t though, conccnlr^te un quejdons thil your inkrt^t in(and tnoii^ulion hi do* lhe job itsetf, rather than Ihr rrwards it will bring.
2 Many denunds ejin I K made i)n yctur time.
B. Would you like to bt J pruducllve journalist?
C. Wh4t qualitieA do you need to be a joumalhft?
EK Curi<f5ity h a good chmctcr fur many camrs.
K, In such eim you arc expected to mett these demands.
Working M pnrt ol a team IN cotnmon in man}1 rnediii johs.
(;.The bcit qurttions lo *sk arr Ihow 汕汹you really n^uld like to know thr tin^rn to,
高三英语血第«真(共tl JU)
The Broken Lantern
<)i»a wild JiHy night, the silurin ww getting worse ^nd worse Kufc JShelky, who livrd between Honey「rttk (小;K) and l)« Moines Rlvcr^ was 4i looking out uf the window, wuadcrin|v whether it w ou Id 42 I he !)ridges over I hem, when suddt'nly
came the loud _ 43 qf breaking wood, then followed by a great splaah (飞濫的水花X realized the bridge ov«r (he rrcek wa> 44 At that lime, the midnight truin wus
almo«t ituc. If no one told the engineer to 45 the train, it would fall into the creek
wifh a hundred or more 46 I he sitaation wa* so urgent thnt IGik deckiccJ to gu Io Moingon Uihvwy Station to help, Immrdhlcly shr ____________________________ ? _u«it into the sturm with
her ralher*! railway 4X *
fMoinyn liy on the far side of Des Moi nr s Rhen I'hc only way to gel there was (o cross a long nooden nilrnad I iridic Even in the(ia>(ime, it__ 49 to walk on it hccaune there was no fool walk or railing (栏IF} except only rikils rind (i». The Iks were 52enough ap»r( for the girl to fall through.
Kzff slapped wh^n she came to the 51 She had never <wcn Che river rising so high thiil she wa^ 52 . Iler father had been kilted in » (rain acddvnf by that river
•nd her brother h:id dr(»wn<xl there. Bill she toon munagrd tn S3 thinking more of <he [M N I happenings for she knew that train hud Io be ilonped 54 it was too late. She Parted to Mep on that diingcrous bridge, knowing the mighl hll into the ru^h w^ter at any momenL mine, she brule her bnlern whik making her wiy, exposing
lieneir to the 55 She had io climb on her band^ und knee*…
It sfcmwl like a king timt. At h»t she _ gfa the other
She Hopprti ju,st long enough Io catch ber breath. Thru ihr r>n 57 lo <hc r»Uw^y station. U hrn she finally got there^ she was oui of 58 ____________________________ t all oven her hal
blnwn hrr hi*nds >nd kners still bleeding and her eyes look in & 59 ・She tnld
the ilution mail HhMt h«d huppeurd (o (he Honey Creek Bridge before her fjtintiDg. Khutlly t the pnssenners were saved.
I he ftirl'i heroic deed wn* newardrd. For her. Ml *cu Kutc rnjoyed a right cT KHtlnu on or nfT the fruin At her door when «hc wunkd.
离三英IB 9页(共12 91)
4LA. angrily IL e^K^rly C, Hitihunly D. hopefully
42. A. wash «wsy H. gave away C. putiwuy
D. tbrev* away
43. A. crash B. cry C bluw IK voice
44. A* removed B. blocked C. coinpkfrd D* broken
45, A. change B. Mop C. catch D. leave
46. A. conducturs B. customers C pa angers D. rDgtnctni
47. A. fell B. ru»hed C climbed D. rode
4&A. lantern Khal C. horn Ik hammer
4^. A. harmTul B+ Rxilijfh C. dungerou^ D. itrinie 50. A… long B. narrow C. thick D伽
5LA. station BL bridge C. Inin D. mil
52. A, moving B. shakiag €. CKapinK IK running M, A. forgel B. admW C avoid D. risk
54.A. though B. because C. unless D, before
55. A. darknm B. dimness C cmptineiis I), coldnew
56. A. cckclrd It. reached C. round IX pMs .^ed
57.A. ciutiouMly Ik C d«nppoiiitcdLy D. desperittel) WLA, breath H. mind C* tight 1). hivor
59* A sharp B, wiiichfui C. wild D. bitter
6*0»A. honest B. modest C. generous
11, courageous
\cc0r(Hn^ t« Ma^hw'j tiknarchy of nccth* loud n nn« of ttic fundsnirndl nmk for living.
Wc can"! Ii、c without U MM L Today our knowledge of food und what it docs for our boclir, is far more__________ 61 ____ (advance) than thn( uf (he old (inicu, In the paM, moM of ux
62 (know) nothing about vHamin^, But nnw we know how cvcb kind of vitaniin^i help* in 1 he
___________ 63 (grow) of m special part of our body. There ire on the market all kinds of、itamins which can take to niHke up for our (jack of cerlain import mil things. Of course if we eul well ind M (nronerk (hr H MK! that we cat will take care of our bodies and so (here is no need to take nay kind of vltzmiiis &$ our docton US flul ««r biHliei »rt Jthort orlomdhin^ whkh cnn fr6 (s upplv| hy IL
Aparl b? __________ tht purpmit of vurviving^ some food pnssrssn lhe m«!kal
runetiuns, 6K help to resist the diMrases. In addition, food h comhned with some pleading 69 (ictivih) like award dinner^ celebration party and nRctin* break, People who love cocking would enjoy the time _ 70 (deiI) with F THK! whik mokiny healthy food becomes > big tusk in lodfiy's world.
However, overeating i> also a big problem. Thus, It li important to get a tmlinced food intake
Nowadays, many parent expect ton much of their sons or duughtrrs. I hry hopr Ibcir children can be complete devoted (o Ibeir study in order Iv br admitted Io an ideal colkgc. For lh» reiison, p«rents «rc itrkt witb our cbildren. Therefore^ they don't realize they hnvc bwn put »^rrat pressure on (hem. It h <hc great preiuure whal oflen gh« lhe children anxiety Htkd make them fruMraletL
So I h»pc thut p^rentN can provide nsy-going environment with the children. Only in thiM way could they try their best to achieve their finitl success,
Otar Tom,
Pm ghtd to know that you will tome to Chm* lo study » n homrt(*y itudenl Ih杈
Scptcm b« r. -一_______________
Li Huu
高三英苗试■第12 M (共订页}
吉林市普通中学2016 —2017学年度高中毕业班第四次调研测试
1-5 CACAB 6-10 ABACA 11-15 BCCAC
21. A.细节理解题。




























35. C.主旨大意题。


0 C F E A G
41. C.意为“焦虑地”看着窗外。

42. A.意为“冲走”。

43. A.意为“正在断裂的木头的破碎声。

44. D.意为“桥断了”。

45. B.意为“停下火车”。

46. C.意为“乘客”,由上文“ train ”可

47. B.意为:“冲进暴风雨”。

16-20 BBCAB
48. A. 由标题和下文 ...... she broke her Ian tern ..... 可知。

49. C. 意为“危险的。

50. D. 意为“枕木间距大,小女孩易坠落” 。

51. B. 由上文“ a long wooden railroad bridge ” 可知。

52. B. 意为“颤抖的。

53. C. 意为“避免”。

54. D. 意为“趁早”。

55. A. 由上文 she broke her lantern .................... 可知。

56. B. 由句意“她终于到达了对面。

57. D. 意为“拼命地跑”。

58. A. 意为“上气不接下气地”。

59. C. 意为“眼睛睁得大大地”。

60. D. 意为“勇敢的”。

Nowadays, many parent expect too much of their sons or daugh ters. They hope that
pare nts
their sons or daughters can be complete devoted to their study in order to be admitted
to an
ideal college. For this reason, parents are strict with our children. Therefore , they don ' t
their However \ realize they have bee n put a great pressure on them. It is the great pressure which often
the childre n an xiety and make them frustrated.
61. advaneed 62. knew 63. growth 64. properly 65. uni ess
66. be supplied 67. from 68. which 69. activities 70. deali ng
短文改错:(每小题 1分,满分10分)
知识运用第二节 (每小题1.5分,共10小题,满分15分)
So I hope that parents can provide A easy-going environment with ___ the children. Only
this way could they try their best to achieve their final success.
书面表达:(满分 25 分)One possible version:
Dear Tom,
I ' m glad to know that you will come to China to study as a homestay student this September. However, I am anxious about your trouble in choosing a suitable homestay because of limited kno wledge of China. So I will offer some suggesti ons.
First of all, it is of great importa nee to en sure it is n ear your school for traffic
jams are everywhere during rush hours in China. Besides, it will be better to find a host
family that can cover the charges for water and electricity. In addition, a well-educated host will be helpful for you to lear n Chin ese history and cultures. Last but no t least, you should take the livi ng and diet habits into con siderati on.
I do hope that you will find an ideal homestay as soon as possible.
Yours ,
Li Hua 附:听力录音原文
Text 1
M: I can ' t find my car keys. I thought I left them in the bag.
W: Look on the floor. Maybe you dropped them.
M: They ' re not here. They may still be in side the car.
W: I ' ll look …You ' re right, Dad. Here they are!
Text 2
W: Is there any way I can get on the next flight to Tokyo? My flight from Hong Kong didn ' t arrive on time, so I missed my connection.
M: If you ' re willing to fly by way of Seoul, there
' s a flight leaving in 25 minutes.
Text 3
M: I ' ve just spoke n to Kelly, your violi n teacher. You have n
' t got a less on this week. W: Is she ill, Dad?
M: No, she ' s tak ing a course because she ' ll do an exam next mon th. in an
Text 4 M: Hello, can you help me? I n eed a hotel room for toni ght. Near the airport.
W: Certai nly, sir.
M: And can you call a taxi to take me there?
W: Oh, you don ' t need a taxi. There ' s a free bus.
Text 5
W: What' s on the menu in the cafeteria today? I didn ' t bring my lunch with me.
M: I have no idea. Isn ' t it posted on the board outside the meeting room?
Text 6
M: Hi, Iris. Wha t are you still doing here? I thought you were working a half day, so you
could prepare for your trip to the beach.
W: That was my plan, but the weather report is calling for rain this weekend. It ' s supposed to be nicer n ext weeke nd.
M: So will you go next weeke nd in stead?
W: Yeah, I think I ' ll stay at home this weekend and work a half day next Friday. I ' d rather go whe n the weather is better.
Text 7
W: We haven' t got much time left now. There ' s still so much to see in this museum.
M: We' ll just have to choose one more exhibiti on.
W: What about Jewellery from the An cie nt World in Hall 3?
M: But look at the queue. We ' ll spend half our time waiting if we go in there. Why not
try The Rain forest in Photos in Hall 5? You can wan der around and see all the forest ani mals.
W: OK- then we won' t have time to visit Rescue by Helicopter. There ' s a real one in Hall 6.
M: Maybe next time.
Text 8
M: Amanda, could you make a call to the cinema to see if there are still some seats left
for the movie this after noon?
W: I ' ve already booked tickets online for the two o' clock movie. I ' m thinking of picking them up from the ticket office on the way to the restaura nt. What do you thi nk?
M: OK. Well, the Smiths want to move our appo in tme nt forward by a half hour earlier. That
means we should be there at 11:30.
W: Then we don ' t have eno ugh time. We ' d better get moving. Oh, before I forget, can you
remind me to stop by the bookstore on the way back home? I have to order a book there.
M: OK.
Text 9
M: Today I ' m talk ing to Marta Sta nsto n, who runs her own “ mobile restaura nt ” . Marta,
how did you get into the restaura nt bus in ess?
W: Well, I lear nt to cook at college. I always wan ted to ope n my own restaura nt —but had no mon ey. So I got a job as a chef. I had all sorts of ideas for new dishes, which the
staff thought would sell, but the boss wasn ' t interested. That ' s when a friend told me
about the “ mobile restaura nt ” idea. It soun ded great.
M: Tell us about it.
W: Well, it wor ks like this: you decide on a menu —obviously you have to be able to cook
—the n you advertise it so people can book a meal. The most amaz ing thi ng is all the
advertis ing is done through websites. People set up tables in their sitt in g-room, or in
a city car park, an empty factory —any where in fact. And because you know how many people
you' re cooking for, food doesn ' t get wasted.
M: So why is it good for you?
W: Well, various reasons. Like, I could buy all the things without risk because customers
pay in advanee. The greatest advantage, though, is by having te n customers at most, I don' t n eed to hire a waiter.
M: Do you ever run into problems?
W: The whole experienee is fun. People watch you cook and the atmosphere ' s relaxed. I
did one meal on a beach which almost went wrong because I didn ' t think about the win d blowing sand into people ' s food. Fortunately, I ' d brought a large umbrella to protect myself from the sun, so I put it around their table in stead!
Text 10
M: My name ' s Bob, and I ' ve come to tell you about the York Dance Band, Now, if you want to have a god family party, like a wedding or an important birthday, and you want。
