第7章 汉英翻译四步
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再加上从句连词用得不多,逻辑关 系不明显,因此,在翻译成英语的 时候,要特别注重这些列和对照都属于并列关系,
也就是指各分句之间在意义上是并列的。 在英译的时候,汉语的并列关系通常用 英语中的连词and,但如果是否定的并 列关系,通常用neither…nor, either…or…等表示。如:
又是受思维方式和讲话习惯制约的。 在英语的SV结构中,谓语是句子的核 心。在汉英翻译过程中,我们往往可 以先确定谓语的翻译,然后再根据英 语主谓搭配的规定和习惯来确定主语 的翻译。
每天回来,袋子里都是装得满满的。 Shells have aroused in me so much interest that every day I will come back from the seaside with pockets budging with shells.
1)没有一点“闯”的精神,没有一点 “冒”的精神,没有一股气呀,劲呀, 就走不出一条好路,走不出一条新路, 就干不出新的事业。
1)If we don’t have the pioneering spirit, if we’re afraid to take risks, if we have no energy and drive, we can not break a new path, a good path, or accomplish anything new.
在意义和范围上更进一步。汉语中表示 递进关系常用的关联词有“不仅……而 且……”、“……还……”、“……并 且……”等,体现在英语当中通常用not only…but also…; …as well as…或…as well来表示。如:
1)他既是个科学家,也是个小提琴家。 2)在太阳系,不但行星,而且太阳本身也在 不断地运动。 1)He is a scientist and a violinist as well. 2)In the solar system the planets as well as the sun itself are in constant motion.
前的形式和未来的上海贸易前景。 I called on him in his office, and he talked with me about the present situation and the future prospects of Shanghai’s foreign trade.
1)虽说他英语不怎么好,但也还能叫人 听懂。 2)实验失败了,不过他并不灰心。 1)Though he does not speak English well, he still can make himself understand. 2)The experiment failed, but he didn’t lose heart.
管理系统进行物业管理。从自动 门管理系统到停车场管理系统都 实行IC卡管理…… The most advanced intelligent management system is applied at YongCheng Tower for property management.
1)天无二日,世无二主。 2)不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明 白。 1)Heaven can not support two suns, nor earth two masters. 2)Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well.
2)只有在显微镜下才能看见红血球。 2)A microscope is needed to see red cells./ Red cells can be seen only under the microscope.
别是遭受冲击比较严重的国家和地 区,更加深切地感到解决这些问题 的紧迫性。 The outbreak of the Asian financial crisis has made Asian countries, particularly those hard-hit countries and regions, more keenly aware of the urgency to address those problems. Due to the outbreak of…, it has been an urgent task for…
事,然而闯红灯一旦形成习惯,则 问题远非是违反交通规则。
running has always been regarded as a minor wrong, so it has never been taken seriously. When the violation becomes habitual, however, a great deal more than a traffic problem is involved.
前的形式和未来的上海贸易前景。 可改为:I called on him at his office, where we talked about the present situation and future prospects of Shanghai’s foreign trade.
1)他们患得患失,生怕丢掉这些东西。 2)附近没有旁人,我得自己干了。 1)Swayed by considerations of loss and gain, they are most anxious to lose these possessions. 2)There being nobody else at hand, I have to do it by myself.
也即连动式谓语。这类句子在翻译的时 候通常只能保留一个动词作谓语,而将 其他的动词转化成名词、不定式、分词 和介词短语等。
关系到原文信息的传递是否准确,也影 响到译文的信。 无论是汉语还是英语,句子里包含的信 息必定有主次之分,只不过汉语句子的 信息主次关系多半较为隐晦,而英语句 子中多半较为明显。如:
2)越老越不要最后犯错误,越老越要谦 虚一点。 2)The older they are, the more prudent they should be and the more careful not to make mistakes in their later years.
原文中的主语是“我”,但由于译文中用了 谓语动词“arouse in”,为了与其进行搭配, 只能改用“shells”作为译文主语。这样, 译文显得更自然,更地道。
灵活确定侧重点 当然,主语的确定并非是绝对的, 在许多情况下,同样一个汉语句 子,由于侧重点的不同,其译文 中主语的选择就可能有多种处理 方法,具有一定的灵活性。这就 要求我们根据具体情况具体对待。
B从语篇衔接中确定主语 在汉语语篇中,主语的衔接作用主要是
通过对原词的重复,省略或代词替代来 实现。而英语语篇中的主语则往往避免 重复原词,更不能省略原词,而更多地 使用照应和替代来衔接上下文。
花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不闲着,酿的 蜜多,自己吃的可有限。 The bees are industrious. They work the whole year round since our province has warm weather and plenty of flowers. Though they produce much honey, they eat only a fraction of it.
杂。从类型上看,汉语的并列复合句可 以表示并列关系、递进关系、选择关系。 主从复合句可以表示目的关系、假设关 系、转折关系、条件关系、因果关系等。 鉴于汉语复合逻辑关系的复杂性,再加 上从句连词用得不多,逻辑关系不明显, 因此,在翻译成英语的时候,要特别注 重这些逻辑关系.
2)要做好防汛工作,以免临时措手不 及。 We must do a good job of flood prevention so as not to be caught unprepared.
1)倘若客人不来怎么办? 2)假若哥伦布没有发现美洲大陆,别人 也会发现的。 1)What shall we do if the guests fail to turn up? 2)Even if Columbus had not discovered the continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.
第7章 汉英翻译的 四步
子主干是句子翻译的首要步骤。 第一步是确定主语,然后是确定谓 语。
A、突出重要信息,确定译文主语 在英语中,句子的重要信息一般应
放在主要位置上,即主语的位置。 因此,在确定选取主语时应深入分 析原文的重要信息分布,而重要信 息的捕捉必须依靠上下文语境。
1)他们宁愿待在家里而不愿意去观光。 They would rather stay at home than go sightseeing.
2)外商投资企业经企业申请,税务部 门批准,可减轻或免征工商统一税。 A foreign investment enterprise may apply to tax authorities and may enjoy, if the application is approved, reduction or exemption of the consolidation industrial and commercial tax.
放性,几乎各种词类和语言单位都 可以充当汉语句子的谓语,但译成 英语时,句子的谓语只能转化成系 动词或实义动词。
词、介词短语等,译成英语的时候一般 要在这些词前面加上连系动词,如be, look, appear, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste等,否则译文句子就不能成立。如: 这个小姑娘漂亮。 This young girl is pretty.
1)为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣 食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行着斗 争。 In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.
1)这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女 儿而骄傲。 1)The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter./ The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud.
再加上从句连词用得不多,逻辑关 系不明显,因此,在翻译成英语的 时候,要特别注重这些列和对照都属于并列关系,
也就是指各分句之间在意义上是并列的。 在英译的时候,汉语的并列关系通常用 英语中的连词and,但如果是否定的并 列关系,通常用neither…nor, either…or…等表示。如:
又是受思维方式和讲话习惯制约的。 在英语的SV结构中,谓语是句子的核 心。在汉英翻译过程中,我们往往可 以先确定谓语的翻译,然后再根据英 语主谓搭配的规定和习惯来确定主语 的翻译。
每天回来,袋子里都是装得满满的。 Shells have aroused in me so much interest that every day I will come back from the seaside with pockets budging with shells.
1)没有一点“闯”的精神,没有一点 “冒”的精神,没有一股气呀,劲呀, 就走不出一条好路,走不出一条新路, 就干不出新的事业。
1)If we don’t have the pioneering spirit, if we’re afraid to take risks, if we have no energy and drive, we can not break a new path, a good path, or accomplish anything new.
在意义和范围上更进一步。汉语中表示 递进关系常用的关联词有“不仅……而 且……”、“……还……”、“……并 且……”等,体现在英语当中通常用not only…but also…; …as well as…或…as well来表示。如:
1)他既是个科学家,也是个小提琴家。 2)在太阳系,不但行星,而且太阳本身也在 不断地运动。 1)He is a scientist and a violinist as well. 2)In the solar system the planets as well as the sun itself are in constant motion.
前的形式和未来的上海贸易前景。 I called on him in his office, and he talked with me about the present situation and the future prospects of Shanghai’s foreign trade.
1)虽说他英语不怎么好,但也还能叫人 听懂。 2)实验失败了,不过他并不灰心。 1)Though he does not speak English well, he still can make himself understand. 2)The experiment failed, but he didn’t lose heart.
管理系统进行物业管理。从自动 门管理系统到停车场管理系统都 实行IC卡管理…… The most advanced intelligent management system is applied at YongCheng Tower for property management.
1)天无二日,世无二主。 2)不是他没有讲清楚,就是我没有听明 白。 1)Heaven can not support two suns, nor earth two masters. 2)Either he did not speak distinctly or I did not hear well.
2)只有在显微镜下才能看见红血球。 2)A microscope is needed to see red cells./ Red cells can be seen only under the microscope.
别是遭受冲击比较严重的国家和地 区,更加深切地感到解决这些问题 的紧迫性。 The outbreak of the Asian financial crisis has made Asian countries, particularly those hard-hit countries and regions, more keenly aware of the urgency to address those problems. Due to the outbreak of…, it has been an urgent task for…
事,然而闯红灯一旦形成习惯,则 问题远非是违反交通规则。
running has always been regarded as a minor wrong, so it has never been taken seriously. When the violation becomes habitual, however, a great deal more than a traffic problem is involved.
前的形式和未来的上海贸易前景。 可改为:I called on him at his office, where we talked about the present situation and future prospects of Shanghai’s foreign trade.
1)他们患得患失,生怕丢掉这些东西。 2)附近没有旁人,我得自己干了。 1)Swayed by considerations of loss and gain, they are most anxious to lose these possessions. 2)There being nobody else at hand, I have to do it by myself.
也即连动式谓语。这类句子在翻译的时 候通常只能保留一个动词作谓语,而将 其他的动词转化成名词、不定式、分词 和介词短语等。
关系到原文信息的传递是否准确,也影 响到译文的信。 无论是汉语还是英语,句子里包含的信 息必定有主次之分,只不过汉语句子的 信息主次关系多半较为隐晦,而英语句 子中多半较为明显。如:
2)越老越不要最后犯错误,越老越要谦 虚一点。 2)The older they are, the more prudent they should be and the more careful not to make mistakes in their later years.
原文中的主语是“我”,但由于译文中用了 谓语动词“arouse in”,为了与其进行搭配, 只能改用“shells”作为译文主语。这样, 译文显得更自然,更地道。
灵活确定侧重点 当然,主语的确定并非是绝对的, 在许多情况下,同样一个汉语句 子,由于侧重点的不同,其译文 中主语的选择就可能有多种处理 方法,具有一定的灵活性。这就 要求我们根据具体情况具体对待。
B从语篇衔接中确定主语 在汉语语篇中,主语的衔接作用主要是
通过对原词的重复,省略或代词替代来 实现。而英语语篇中的主语则往往避免 重复原词,更不能省略原词,而更多地 使用照应和替代来衔接上下文。
花又多,蜜蜂一年四季都不闲着,酿的 蜜多,自己吃的可有限。 The bees are industrious. They work the whole year round since our province has warm weather and plenty of flowers. Though they produce much honey, they eat only a fraction of it.
杂。从类型上看,汉语的并列复合句可 以表示并列关系、递进关系、选择关系。 主从复合句可以表示目的关系、假设关 系、转折关系、条件关系、因果关系等。 鉴于汉语复合逻辑关系的复杂性,再加 上从句连词用得不多,逻辑关系不明显, 因此,在翻译成英语的时候,要特别注 重这些逻辑关系.
2)要做好防汛工作,以免临时措手不 及。 We must do a good job of flood prevention so as not to be caught unprepared.
1)倘若客人不来怎么办? 2)假若哥伦布没有发现美洲大陆,别人 也会发现的。 1)What shall we do if the guests fail to turn up? 2)Even if Columbus had not discovered the continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.
第7章 汉英翻译的 四步
子主干是句子翻译的首要步骤。 第一步是确定主语,然后是确定谓 语。
A、突出重要信息,确定译文主语 在英语中,句子的重要信息一般应
放在主要位置上,即主语的位置。 因此,在确定选取主语时应深入分 析原文的重要信息分布,而重要信 息的捕捉必须依靠上下文语境。
1)他们宁愿待在家里而不愿意去观光。 They would rather stay at home than go sightseeing.
2)外商投资企业经企业申请,税务部 门批准,可减轻或免征工商统一税。 A foreign investment enterprise may apply to tax authorities and may enjoy, if the application is approved, reduction or exemption of the consolidation industrial and commercial tax.
放性,几乎各种词类和语言单位都 可以充当汉语句子的谓语,但译成 英语时,句子的谓语只能转化成系 动词或实义动词。
词、介词短语等,译成英语的时候一般 要在这些词前面加上连系动词,如be, look, appear, seem, feel, sound, smell, taste等,否则译文句子就不能成立。如: 这个小姑娘漂亮。 This young girl is pretty.
1)为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣 食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行着斗 争。 In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.
1)这位母亲很为有个聪明漂亮的女 儿而骄傲。 1)The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter./ The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud.