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浅析船舶旋回过程及 MATLAB 仿真
李纪强 张国庆
(大连海事大学 航海学院 大连 116026)
[摘 要]随着世界贸易的不断扩大,航运经济不断发展,商船数量不断增加,特别是石油、矿砂等大宗货物的需求量急 剧增加,船舶趋于大型化。超大型油轮、超大型矿砂船的出现,在便利海上运输的同时,也增加了海上运输的危险性,一 旦发生事故,将会造成巨大的经济损失和不可估量的海洋环境污染。文章以 Nomoto 数学模型为基础,介绍了船舶旋回运动 的过程,以大连海事大学教学实习船“育鲲轮”为例,进行了在一定海洋环境干扰下的船舶旋回试验 MATLAB 仿真,并对 仿真曲线进行分析 ;同时,研究了船舶旋回运动中速降问题,并以李宗波提出的速降估算公式为例,在 Nomoto 数学模型的 基础上,以 30 万吨油轮为例,对李宗波等人的试验结果进行 MATLAB 仿真,并与旋回运动中实际速度进行对比,验证了 速降估算公式对大型船舶的适用性。 [关键词]船舶 ;数学模型 ;旋回操纵 ;旋回速降 [中图分类号]U661.33+3 ;U662.2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1001-9855(2021)02-0016-07
Analysis of Ship Turning Process and MATLAB Simulation
LI Ji-qiang ZHANG Guo-qing
(Navigation College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian116026, China)
Abstract: The shipping economy is developing with the continuous expansion of the world trade. The number of merchant ships has been increasing, especially the demand for bulk cargoes, such as oil and ore, has increased sharply. Ships tend to be large-scale. The emergence of ultra-large oil tankers and ultra-large ore ships not only facilitates the maritime transportation, but also increases the risk of maritime transportation. Once an accident occurs, it will cause huge economic losses and immeasurable marine environment pollution. The ship turning is introduced based on the Nomoto mathematical model. The MATLAB simulation of the ship turning test under the certain marine environment interference has been carried out for the teaching practice ship Yukun of Dalian Maritime University, and the simulation curve has been analyzed. At the same time, the speed drop during the ship turning is studied. By taking the speed drop estimation formula that was proposed by Li Zongbo as an example, a 300 000 tonnage oil tanker has been examined to simulate the experimental results of Li Zongbo and others with MATLAB based on the Nomoto mathematical model. The applicability of the speed drop estimation formula to large ships is verified by comparing the simulated results with the actual speed in the turning motion. Finally, it is summarized to present some shortcomings in the current study. Keywords: ship; mathematical model; turning maneuverability; speed drop on turning
收稿日期 :2020-07-28 ;修回日期 :2020-09-19 作者简介 :李纪强(1993-),男,硕士。研究方向 :船舶运动控制。 通信作者 :张国庆(1987-),男,博士,副教授。研究方向 :船舶运动控制和鲁棒控制。
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2021 年 · 第 2 期 · 总第 191 期
引 言
旋回圈几何参数是表示船舶旋回性能的重要 指标,是判断船舶旋回优劣的直接依据[1]。一般 选择具有实际意义的特征参数来描述船舶的旋回 性能。IMO 操纵性标准中已经把进距和旋回初径 两个参数