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Design and Experiment of Special Header of Oil Sunflower Combine Harvester
LIU Wei1 HUANG Xiaomao1ꎬ2 MA Li’ na1ꎬ2 ZONG Wangyuan1ꎬ2 ZHU Yunfei3
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affainsꎬ Wuhan 430070ꎬ China
3. Xingguang Agricultural Machine Co. ꎬ Ltd. ꎬ Huzhou 313017ꎬ China)
Abstract: In view of the problems of material blockageꎬ accumulation and the sunflower plate can not
combined harvesters with low loss was designed. The analysis was carried out on the posture of the
sunflower stalks during the dividing process to determine the width and length of the inner divider and the
average loss rate of the header was 1 42% . The operation of the whole machine was stable during the
秆的缠绕ꎬ设计了刮板式输送器ꎻ为保证良好的切割效果ꎬ基于刀机速比 γꎬ确定了往复式切割器切割速度ꎮ 在新疆
维吾尔自治区阜康市河南庄子村进行了油葵收获田间试验ꎬ当整机前进速度为 0 8 m / s 时ꎬ喂入量为 3 3 kg / sꎬ割
speed of reel. In order to reduce the impact of the dial finger on the sunflower disk during the conveying
of the augerꎬ and prevent the sunflower stalk getting entangled on the augerꎬ a scraper conveyor auger
inner divider gap. Selecting different values of reel speed ratio λ to carry out simulation analysis to the
reels motion trajectory in order to determine the range of reel speed ratio and get the optimal diameter and
(1. College of Engineeringꎬ Huazhong Agricultural Universityꎬ Wuhan 430070ꎬ China
2. Key Laboratory of Agriculture Equipment in Mid ̄lower Yangtze Riverꎬ
was designed. The cutting speed of the reciprocating cutter was determined by the knife ̄to ̄machine speed
ratio γ to ensure a good cutting effect. For evaluating the actual harvest effect of oil sunflower harvesterꎬ
a field experiment was carried out in Henan Zhuangzi Villageꎬ Fukang Cityꎬ Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous
Region. The forward speed of the whole machine was 0 8 m / sꎬ the feed rate was 3 3 kg / sꎬ and the
3. 星光农机股份有限公司ꎬ 湖州 313017)
摘要: 针对国内现有油葵联合收获机割台存在的物料堵塞、堆积以及因拨禾轮回带导致的葵盘无法进入割台等问
题ꎬ结合我国油葵种植模式和农艺要求ꎬ设计了一种拨禾轮式油葵联合收获机专用割台ꎮ 对分禾过程中油葵茎秆
的姿态进行分析ꎬ确定了内分禾器宽度、长度和内分禾器间隙ꎻ选取不同拨禾速比 λꎬ对拨禾轮运动轨迹进行仿真分
农 业 机 械 学 报
第 51 卷 第 8 期
doi:10. 6041 / j. issn. 1000 ̄1298. 2020. 08. 009
刘 巍1 黄小毛1ꎬ2 马丽娜1ꎬ2 宗望远1ꎬ2 朱云飞3
(1. 华中农业大学工学院ꎬ 武汉 430070ꎻ 2. 农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室ꎬ 武汉 430070ꎻ
enter the header due to the reel rewind in the domestic oil sunflower combine harvestersꎬ according to
planting model and agronomic requirements of oil sunflower in Chinaꎬ a special header for oil sunflower
台平均损失率仅为 1 42% ꎬ整机作业效率 0 69 hm2 / hꎮ 收获作业过程中整机运行平稳ꎬ割台收获过程无堵塞、无缠
关键词: 油葵ꎻ 联合收获机ꎻ 专用割台ꎻ标识码: A
文章编号: 1000 ̄1298(2020)08 ̄0083 ̄06