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让我告诉你我现在的生活Let me tell you about my day so far.
在巴黎喝咖啡Coffee in paris.
在马尔代夫玩冲浪Surfed in the maldives.
在乞力马扎罗山上小憩Took a nap on mount kilimanjaro.
没错Oh yeah,
我还能在里奥买到这流行号码And I got digits from this posh chic in rio.然后我再穿梭回And then I jumped back for
NBA决赛末节的现场The final quarter of the nba finals.
当然所有这些行程Of course,I've course.
都在午饭前完成And all that was before lunch.
我还能继续但我想说的是I could go on,but what I am saying is,
我正站在世界之巅I am staying on top of the world.
以前的生活并不是这样It wasn't always like this.
我也曾是个普通的人Once I was a normal person,
和你一样受限于时空A chump just like you.
嘿米莉hi millie.
嘿大卫hi david.
你有不少城市的照片You've got a lot of cities there.
嗯人总要有梦想Well,you gonna have a dream
不过我这梦有点大是吧Might as well dream big,right?
回头见See you later.
等我一下Give me a second.
我就是想给你这个I just want to give you this.
一次旧货出售的时候买的Pick it up from a yard sale.
我想你可能会喜欢I thought you'll probably like it.
摇得时候会有些响声It's a little ding-dab.
但塔上少了几根横杠Missing a few steps.
我很喜欢I love it.
真的Do you?
真的I do.
哇塞赖斯碗少Holy crap,rice bowl.
这是什么What this?
要提前过圣诞吗Christmas come around early?
马克还给米莉Mark,give it back to her.
看看大卫给米莉了什么Look what david got for millie.
你们喜欢埃菲尔铁塔么You guys like the eiffel tower?
如果你摇晃的厉害一些If you shake hard enough,
你还真能听到塔的移动声You can actually hear the tower move.
谁想摇摇看Who wants to give a shake?
不要闹了That's enough!
住手Stop it!
还给大卫Just give it back.
不好意思在这呢I'm sorry,here.
真遗憾伙计Sorry buddy.
我好像不知道自己力气这么大Guess like I don't know my own strength. 你觉得这个可笑吗Do you think this is a joke?
我只是在开玩笑I was only playing.
这可不好玩It wasn't funny.
大卫? David?
大卫不要去那里David,don't go out there.
很危险的It's not safe.
大卫别去捡了David,just forget about it.
别这样赖斯碗少Come on rice bowl.
别傻了Don't be stupid.
大卫回来回来David,come back,come on.
别去了Just let it go.
没关系的It's ok.
别这样不值得的Stop,it is not worth it.
求你了快点回来Just come back,please.
回来大卫Come on david!
小心些Be careful,come on.
没事的你看All good,see.
回来Come back!
米莉别过去Millie,don't go out there.
救命Someone help me.
去找人帮忙Get help!
救命Help please!
你帮不了他的 You can't help him.
米莉别再往前了Millie stop,stop!
就这样有了第一次的心灵传输And that's how it happened the first time.一秒前我还是将要死的人One second I am a goner,
接着就发现And the next thing I know
自己到了公共图书馆I ended up in the public library.
家温馨的家Home,sweet home.
妈妈在我5岁时离家出走Mum left when I was 5.
而我爸爸As for my dad,
让我说他根本就没有感情Well let's just say he wasn't emotional.
你回来晚了You're late!
晚饭都凉了Supper is cold.
你到底是去哪儿了? Where have you been anyway?
你记住我问你话You know when I ask a question,
就要回答知道吗? I expect an answer,okay?
你怎么了? What happened to you?
只是学校里的琐事Those kids at school.
嘿大卫Hey david!
你下来Come back down here,
拿拖把把这弄干净Get a mop and clean it up.
你给我想清楚现在要干嘛Make the right choice!
开门Open the door.
我刚做了次心灵传输I just teleported.
我把自己送到了图书馆I teleported to the library.
这就是当时发生在我身上情况That's when it occurred to me.
事情就这样发生了This thing that just happened.
它让我得到了自由It could set me free.
如果她能离开这个家我也能And if she could run away,so could i.
我想告诉她所有的事情I wanted to tell her everything.
大卫? David?
但是就算说了谁会相信呢I mean,who would believe me any way.
我想是时候继续自己的生活了I figured it is time for me to move on.
我想要间房子I would like a room.
你不会找麻烦吧You're not going to be any trouble,
对吧Are you?
没带奇怪的东西吧No weird stuff?
没有没带奇怪的东西No,no weird stuff.
就这么到了这里so there I was.
有一大堆问题未解Had a million questions.
像心灵传输是怎么发生的Like,how does this thing work?
我怎样才能控制它How do I control it?
去那里Been there.
这儿可以看到大海和附近所有的东西You can see the ocean and everything. 要是够幸运说不定还能看见金刚呢If we're lucky maybe we'll see king kong. 真的吗Really?
你抱着我You got me.
抱住你了I got you.
不会松手的I'm not letting you go.
移民银行Emigrant savings bank
那时我才15岁I was fifteen.
想想你在那个年龄会做什么Come on,what would you have done?
我想总有一天我还的I figured I'll pay back someday.
这里有顾客用的洗手间吗There is a bathroom for customers?
这里走This way.
你快点Be quick.
我会的No problem.
我需要个大些的袋子I am going to need a bigger bag.
真幸运Oh shit!
我给你说过不能搞怪东西的I said no weird stuff.
开门Let's go.
房租你已经Two days late.
欠了我两天了You owe me rent.
警察以及联邦调查局的The police and the fbi
都已经来过了Have already been through here.
你是哪里的Whom are you with?
他们查不到任何蛛丝马迹一点头绪也没有They couldn't make heads or tails of it. 金库里有时间锁The vault has a time lock,
压力装备钢板表面 Pressure mounts,steel plates..
这个人甚至没有... This guy didn't even...
打开金库的门Open the door
过了大半天才发现We didn't even know we were robbed
自己被抢了Till half way through the day.
我要整个月的安全摄像I want the security tapes for the whole month.
我还要金库中I need the name of everyone
保险箱持有者的名单Who has a safe-deposit box in the vault.
那可是绝密的 That's confidential.
你为什么要那个名单Why do you need those names?
作案者Whoever robbed your vault
一定曾来过这里Has been in here before.
我今天就要那些人的名字和录像I want those names,and the tapes,today.
故事有了完美的结局The story had a happy ending.
那个赖斯碗少已经死了Rice bowl is dead.
但现在的我快乐无比But,I've never been more alive.
现在我住在纽约市里Now I'm living in new york.
很难想像拥有整个世界的同时Why settle in a one place,
还要在某个地方定居When you can have the whole world.
靠近那条河了Closer to the river.
但就像你看到的But as you can see this flood
洪水比10分钟前更加的凶猛Became more severe 10 minutes ago. 这些人怎么办What will happen to these people?
只有奇迹才能救得了他们It will take a miracle to get to them.
下午好强森先生Good afternoon,mr.johnson.
他们呢? How are they doing?
六点半会下来Down by six and a half.
我想你不需要雨伞的Don't think you'll be needing that umbrella. 天晓得You never know.
介意我加入吗Mind if I join you?
你在喝什么What are you drinking?
杜松子加奎宁Gin and tonic.
也给我来杯一样的Gin and tonic,please.
你住在伦敦? So,you live in london?
这太恶心了This totally sucks.
我还以为I thought this is
会有风暴经过这里呢Where the storm is supposed to hit.
我听说斐济会有I heard it hit fiji.
斐济? Fiji?
是啊那里有30英吋的大浪Yes,they had 30 foot swells.
因为你们让人憎恶Because,you are an abomination.
只有上帝才应拥有能到达Only god should have the power to be
任何地方的能力At all places.
要担心的人又少了一个One less of you to worry about.
放他下来Cut him down.
我们离开这里Let's get the hell out of here.
银行的劫案我们有线索了先生We have a lead on the bank,sir.
我会赶下一班的飞机I will be on the next plane.
安杰罗他们怎么样了? Hey,angelo,how did they do?
不是很好Not so good.
我说了你不需要那把伞的Told you,you won't need that umbrella. 你说对了You were right.
不要想逃跑Don't run.
这八年我们都在找你Eight years,we have been looking for you.
你又是谁And who are you?
我是罗兰德My name is roland.
你在我的公寓干什么? What is doing in my apartment?
我会告诉你的We will get to that.
什么样子的骗子会留下这些记号What kind of crook leaves a note?
我想我需要跟自己的律师谈谈I think I need to talk to my lawyers.
你又没被逮捕You are not under arrest.
你是说你不是... you mean you not ...
警察? Police?
谁都可以抢银行Anybody can rob a bank.
但我想知道你在连门都不用弄开的情况下What I want to know is how you can rob the bank 是怎么抢的银行Without opening the doors.
说啊Come on.
你肯定能想起点什么I am sure you can think of something.
既然你不是警察If you are not the police.
而我也没有被捕And I am not under arrest.
我想你可以离开了I like you to leave.
需要帮忙吗? You need some help with that?
你挺久没用过门了吧It has been a while since you used the door,
我知道你是谁I know who you are.
我知道你的能力I know what you are.
我们的谈话到此为止This conversation is over.
还没完呐This conversation is not over.
你得回答我的问题! You answer my questions!
告诉我... Tell me ...
你如何存活这么久? How did you last this long?
谁在帮你? Who is helping you?
在一千伏电压It's kind of hard to jump
穿过你大脑的情况下With a thousand volts of electricity
很难时空穿梭是吧? Passing through your brain,right?
谁在保护你? Who is protecting you?
快回答我我好回家Give me an answer so I can go home.
我恨你们这些人I hate jumpers.
你以为自己能一直这样Think you can go on like this forever?
不顾后果的放任自我? Living like this,without consequences?
总会有后果的There are always consequences!
你去哪? Where are you going?
我现在逮到你了I got you now.
你觉得你可以躲在墙后You think you can hide behind the wall.
隐遁到任何一个地方Go anywhere.
随心所欲Do anything.
别再做梦了Not anymore!
大卫? David?
是你吗? Is that you?
大卫! David!
别走Don't go.
听我说好吗? Just hear to me on,okay?
我不知道我是不是疯了I don't know if I am going crazy or not.
我最近有些糊涂了I don't know a lot of things these days.
但如果你能听见我But,if you can hear me.
等一等Just wait!
别离开Don't go.
我得和你谈谈I have to talk to you.
大卫儿子如果你能听到我说话David,if you can hear me son.
没事的It is okay.
只要你想回家来You can come home.
随时都行Any time you want.
你没疯You're not crazy.
我是罗兰德他跑了This is roland,he got away.
我有他的穿梭轨迹We have his jump sites.
我要大家现在全体出动全体! I want everybody up and running,everybody! 这是谁啊? Who is this?
有什么事吗? May I help you?
你好哈里森太太Hi,mrs harrison.
是我大卫 It's me,david.
大卫? David?
大卫·赖斯? David rice?
米莉说得没错你没死Millie was right,you are not dead.
死? 没有- dead,no.
其实我希望你能否告诉我Actually I was hoping if you could tell me
到哪里可以找到米莉Where to find millie.
米莉? Millie?
她有自己的住处了She's got her own place.
在瓦顿街260号In wharton,number 260.
她还在这? She is still here?
当然了Yes,of course.
她就在校园那边的酒吧打工She works in the bar down at the campus.
我的天赖斯碗少? Holy crap,rice bowl?
马克! Mark!
马克·柯伯特Mark kobolt!
不好意思我不认识你Sorry man,I don't know you.
老天爷难道我见鬼了? Jesus christ,am I seeing a ghost?
这是不是什么第六感鬼眼之类的? Is this some kind of sixth sense?
我不知道你在说什么I don't know what you are talking about,
大家来看Hey everybody.
是赖斯碗少It's rice bowl.
来啊Come on.
不想和高中老友Don't you want to grab a beer
喝上一瓶吗? With an old buddy from high school?
我不是那个大卫... I am not this david ...
大卫! David!
是你的甜心You're the rice cake.
米莉? Millie?
你打算就这样You were going to leave
什么都不说就走? Without saying anything?
对不起我刚才没看到你Sorry,I didn't see you.
没看到? No?
你刚才45分钟E2E1D95 Won't you staring at me
难道不是一直盯着我吗? For the past 45 minutes?
是啊大卫Yes david.
你怎么不说点什么? Why don't you say something?
我想你喝醉了I think you are drunk.
我没醉I am not drunk.
我很好I'm cool.
我百分之一百一的好着呢I am totally 110% cool.
那可真是好着呢That's really cool.
你怎么不去找张床好好睡一觉呢? Why don't you find a bed and sleep it off, 去吧Okay?
你怎么不再去弄点酒Why don't you go
好把我灌醉呢宝贝? And make me a drink,sweetheart?
一点点就行A splash of that.
住手! Stop!
来啊来啊! Come,come,come!
来啊! Come!
马克! Mark!
住手! Stop it!
放开! Let go!
起来赖斯碗少站起来Get up,rice,come on.
住手! Stop!
贴上去打他Go stamp on him.
你对我干了什么? What did you do to me?
怪物! Freak.
我猜你还不知道我的利害吧Guess I don't know my own strength.
你还好吧Are you okay?
-还好 -马克去哪了-Yeah -where is mark?
他走了He took off.
什么? What?
我觉得I don't think
他一时半会儿回不来He is going to come back anytime soon.
你流血了... Bleeding ...
一点点A little.
得给你处理一下We should take care of that.
来吧Come on.
我一进来你就看到我了? You saw me as soon as I came in?
我不知道说什么好了I didn't know what to say.
那不能说句"嗨"或者"你好"吗How about,hi,hello,
或者"很久不见" It's being a long time?
或者"你怎么样" How are you?
很久不见It has been a long time.
你怎么样How are you?
那你怎么样? And how is you?
这总是这么无聊It always get this boring.
我以为你不在这了I didn't think you will still be here.
我还能去哪里? Where else would I be?
你不是有个名单吗? You had those lists,right?
我不是很清楚I don't know.
不过我以为你应该去旅行了I thought you will be travelling
环球旅行Around the world.
人总会变的Things change.
我们都得长大We all need to grow up.
不是吗? Right?
那么你在做什么呢? So what do you do?
在银行? In banking?
你怎么进去的? How did you get into that?
挺容易的Pretty easy.
就那样进去了Just sort of landed in there.
你不是讨厌数学吗? Didn't you flunk algebra?
菲欧娜我想休息一会Fiona,I going to have a break now?
既然回来了So,you're back.
现在有什么打算呢? Now what's your plan?
可能去旅旅行Maybe going to do some travelling.
我有打算去罗马看看I was thinking of checking out rome actually.你打算去罗马? You were thinking of checking out rome?
算了吧Come on.
你知道那可是我的梦想You know that was my dream.
你可别想抄袭我的梦想Don't try to run me off,okay?
那跟我一起去吧So come with me.
跟你一起? Come with you?
你在邀请我去罗马? You are asking me to go to rome?
我是想说如果你不想继续再这无聊下去的话I mean only if you want to skip the boring parts.欢迎小姐Welcome,miss.
我来拿I got it.
我来拿吧I'll take it.
谢谢Thank you.
这是你的行李It's your luggage.
你能相信吗Can you believe this,
10个小时前我们还在安花园That 10 hours ago we were in ann arbor?
-是啊 -中情局这次想干嘛? -Yes -What does the cia want with this?
这是机密不能告诉你- I am afraid that's classified.
真的? Really?
那好吧可我恐怕Well then I am afraid
我得看到联邦当局的许可I am going to have to see a federal warrant.
因为我怀疑Because I don't believe you are
你的身份Who you say you are.
太好了又一个警察Great,another cop.
马克告诉我在银行发生了什么So mark,tell me what happened at the bank.
我已经告诉他们了I told them already.
你来也是一样You are just another suit.
你永远都不会相信我的You are never going to believe me.
这里有说It says here
你当时就这么跳进银行保险库里That you were being jumped into the vault.
想笑你就笑吧Want to laugh about it,go ahead,have a laugh.
你听到我笑了? You hear me laughing?
那女孩叫米莉·哈里森The girl's name is millie harrison,
她16小时前登上去罗马的飞机She boarded a plane to rome 16 hours ago.
但是她不是独自一人But she didn't go alone.
你在想什么呢? So what do you think?
我在想I think,
你还瞒着我些事情There is something you are not telling me.
什么意思? What do you mean?
这间房This room.
头等舱First class.
通常对我来说Usually in my life,
那些看起来美好的东西When things seem too good to be true,
往往不是真的They usually are.
我告诉你了我在银行工作I told you,I am in banking.
你该清楚我知道你数学很差You see,I know that you flunk algebra.
大卫如果你不打算把一切告诉我David,if you don't want to tell me everything,
那也行That's fine.
只要别对我撒谎Just don't lie to me.
我没有对你撒谎I am not lying to you.
够不着Can't reach that.
放轻松Take it easy.
你当时可以约我出来的知道吗You know,you could have asked me out on a date. 你知道这地方You know that this has always been
是我梦想计划的首选The number one from my list.
我知道I know.
你一定擅长所有这些You must be good at all this.
擅长什么Good at what?
新手你根本不知道在干什么Rookie,you have no idea.
等等等等... Wait,wait,wait ...
对不起先生不行... Sorry sir,sorry,no,no ...
关门了先生It's closed sir.
关门了? It's closed?
怎么能关门了? How is it closed?
我们只是想去那里而已We just want to go inside there.
转一转Just walk around a little.
不可以No more.
关门了? It's closed?
是的不能进去Yes,it's impossible.
大卫没关系David,it's okay.
我可以就在外面看看I got to see it from the outside.
已经很好了It's good enough.
她大老远来就是为了想进去看看She came all the way to go inside.
没关系啦Hey,come on.
不知道I don't know.
米莉! Millie!
过来Come on.
干什么? What?
来我带你私人观光Come on,I will give you a private tour.
已经关门了It's closed.
我们不能破门闯进去We can't just break into the coliseum.
谁说关门了Who said it's closed.
这个门是开着的The door is open.
想不想参观竞技场? Want to see the coliseum or not?
快来吧Come on.
我叫你不要这样做I told you not to do it.
这个地方太棒了This place is amazing.
我想让你看看I want you to see this.
你要承认这样冒险是值得的You've got to admit,it's worth the risk.
太酷了It's so cool.
下面是Down here is
他们以前关Where they used to keep
格斗者和狮子的笼子The gladiators and the lions,in cages.
那我们应该下去We should go down there.
你不能下去Can't go down there.
那里是禁区It's off limits.
没有地方是禁区Nothing is off limits.
什么? What?
米莉! Millie!
那个门也碰巧开着? That door,just opened too?
现在是开了It's open now.
你会想要进来看看的Yes you will want to see this.
相信我Trust me.
这个应该挺值钱This should worth something.
我想牌子上写的是禁止进入I think it is telling you,do not enter.
你说意大利语? You speak italian?
"Lingresso"意思是请进Lingresso means,come on in.
我还以为是推的意思Oh,I thought it meant push it.
这个意思就是你在这里等着That means you should stay here,
我去另一边去把门打开While I go around and open from the other side.别担心我马上回来It's okay,I catch up.
非常感谢Thank you very much.
下个表演在6点Next show will be at six o'clock.
请不要忘记给小费哦Don't forget to tip cash.
干嘛? What?
有一点忙? A little busy?
恩我明白Yes,I can understand that.
没关系No matter.
如果我是你我不会开那扇门Wouldn't open the door if I were you.
除非我想害死自己的女朋友Not if I want my girlfriend to keep breathing. 但只有我会这么做But that's just me.
不过你到底要干什么? What are you going to do anyway?
把她带下来Going to bring her down for
吃一顿罗马野餐吗? A nice little roman picnic?
好的下午茶Nice little tea party.
因为什么都不会发生Because nothing is going to happen.
如果你敢动她的话If you as much as look at her..
你会怎么做? What are you going to do?
把我传输到哪里? Going to jump me where?
你一直认为只有你一个会? Did you think you are the only one?
你真的什么都不知道? You really have no idea?
你过着你的生活You live the life you live.
你认为你来罗马旅游You think you go on a roman holiday
他们会不知道吗? And they wouldn't notice?
到处穿梭Just jump all over the place.
穿来穿去Jump,jump,jump,jump ...
一点后果都没有? And nothing is going to happen?
他们已经注意到了But they've noticed.
不是我Not me.
我不是在说我I am not talking about me.
是他们在那里It's them,down there.
那只剩我了Just me then.
新玩意? That's new?
欢迎加入战争Welcome to the war.
你们累的时候告诉我Let me know if you boys get tired.
差一点! Close!
大卫? David?
怎么了? What is going on?
来见见你的女朋友Let's meet the girlfriend shall we?
他们都是谁? Who are these people?
普雷德专门杀传输者Palades kill jumpers.
我杀普雷德I kill palades.
解释完毕Case dismissed.
我的天Oh my god!
你们在干什么? What you doing?
警察! Police!
警察! Police!
警察! Police!
等等! Wait!
我刚从你的穿梭通道穿过来了I just came through your jump slot. 你来这里做什么? What do you think you're doing here?
我要是你我会马上回去If I were you,I will jump right back.
你不应该看见这些东西You are not supposed to see all these stuff.你不应该来这里的You are not supposed to be here.
出去Get out.
所以请你仁慈地So would you kindly
滚出去fuck off.
就是现在As in now.
可能你的女朋友还会活着Maybe your girlfriend is still alive.
你发什么了什么事? What happened to you?
没什么走吧Nothing,let's go.
我认为我们应该出去了I think we should get out of here.
我听见声音了不像没事发生I heard these sounds unlike nothing?
你说对了You were right.
我不应该下去的I shouldn't have gone down there.
一切都好快走Everything's fine,come on.
我们还有时间去博物馆We can still make it to the museum.
大卫可以告诉我吗? David,will you talk to me?
这里应该有计程车There should be a cab somewhere.
你为什么不告诉我? Why aren't you talking to me?
请你告诉我好吗? Will you please talk to me?
回到酒店我会告诉你一切I will tell you everything back at the hotel,
好吗? Okay?
我不要等到回酒店I am not waiting for the hotel.
米莉一切都好Millie,it is all fine.
不不好No,it's not all fine.
好了我们快回去Alright,we should go back then.
我们是警察站住We are the police,stop.
不明白Don't understand.
你们是不是闯进竞技场了? Did you intrude into the coliseum?
我想你们认错了I think you guys made a big mistake.
你们在找那边的那个女孩Looking for that girl over there.
就是他们They are the ones!
我知道那... I know that ns ...
对不起I am sorry.
我知道我不应该进去那里I know I am not supposed to be back there.
冷静冷静Be calm,calm ...
你们就不能给我们个警告放我们走吗? Can't you just let us off with a warning? 好了好了Okay,okay...
米莉你先回酒店好吗? Millie,just go back to the hotel,okay?
不不不我们不是一起的No,no,no,no we are not together.
我和他是一起的I am with him.
我不认识她I don't know her.
米莉快回酒店Millie,go back to the hotel.
我再说一遍I told you.
我要见米莉I want to see millie.
尸体在哪儿? Where is the body?
我什么也没做I didn't do anything.
你要我重复多少次? How many times must I say the same thing?
你知道Do you know
他还要在那里呆多久吗? How much longer he's going to be back there?
我们要等地方长官We will wait for the magistrar.
我知道I know,
但我们已经等了他一整晚了We have been waiting for the magistrar all night.
女士请耐心等待Lady,be patient and wait.
我不会说你的语言I don't know your language.
我不知道你在说什么I don't know what you are saying.
你现在坐要不我们强迫你坐Now you sit or we will sit you.
好吧我坐Okay,I sit.
坐! Sit!
她与此事一点关系没有She has got nothing to do with this.
派德洛地方长官来了Pedro,the magistrar is here.
马上来Right valdir.
地方长官已经来了The magistrar is here.
我们要扣留你的护照We will hold on to your passport.
不用担心Don't worry.
你要去的地方都用不着护照的You wouldn't need it where you are going.
在他们进来之前You only have 30 seconds
你只有30秒Before they come through the door.
明白吗? Do you understand?
你必须离开这里You have to get out of here.
甩了那个女孩Ditch the girl.
她很弱她会死的She's weak,she'll be dead.
妈妈妈妈! Mum,mum!
20秒了大卫20 seconds,david.
妈妈妈妈! Mum,mum!
米莉! Millie!
没事了All done.
我们可以走了Free to walk.
他们让你走了? They just let you go?
是的他们放我走了Yes,they let me go.
就这样? Just like that?
就这样Just like that.
如果他们放你走了If they let you go.
我们为什么还要跑路? Why are we running?
他们强烈建议我们现在离开这个城市They strongly suggested we leave town now. 他们跟你说了什么? What did they say to you?
问了我一些问题Asked me some questions.
问了8个小时? For 8 hours?
他们问了很多问题There are a lot of questions.
我非常想相信你I really want to trust you,
但是发生的事让我越来越难相信But it is getting extremely difficult.
米莉相信我Millie,just trust me.
我们走Let's go.
能载我们吗? Can you take us?
上车米莉Get in the cab,millie.
米莉上车Millie,get in the car.
求你了上车吧Please,please get in the cab.
还记得我告诉过你Remember I told you,
你不用什么都告诉我You need not tell me everything.
我改变主意了I changed my mind.
你背包里装了什么? What is in the bag pack?
你在哪里弄到的? Where did you get that?
我不想欺骗你I don't want to lie to you.
但你也不和我说实话But you don't want to tell me the truth either.
我不能跟你一起搭这班飞机米莉I can't go on this flight with you,millie.
接下去我们要分开了This is as far as we go together.
去底特律? To detroit?
我们让他跑了长官We lost him,sir.
你们派了几个人去? How many men did you sent?
2个Two men.
我说过要你把所有人都派去的I told you to send everybody.
她说两个人就够了She said two would be enough.
但是他们还是跑了But they missed.
好像他们知道我们会来Looks like they knew we were coming.
我们已经开始找他们了We are searching through the grid now.
有什么消息就告诉我Keep me informed.
我要试试另外一个方法I am taking a different tact.
你是威廉·赖斯吗? William rice?
-是 -我是国际外协的人- yes -Ios.
我们能进屋谈谈吗? Can we go inside and talk?
其实我没有必要这么问I don't have to ask.
只是礼貌而已That is a courtesy.
到底有什么事? What is this all about?
是关于你儿子大卫的Your son,david.
怎么? Why?
他有麻烦了? Is he in some kind of trouble?
如果让我来问你问题的话This will a lot swifter
事情办起来就简单多了If you let me ask the questions.
你最后一次见到你儿子是什么时候? When was the last time you saw your son? 八年前Eight years ago.
八年前? Eight years?
是That's right.
那他的朋友呢? What about friends?
有没有我可以联系上的? Anybody I can talk to?
他没有什么朋友He didn't have a whole lot of friends.
如果可以的话我想跟大卫的母亲谈一下I would like to talk to david's mother if I could?
我也想Me too.
如果你找到她代我问声好You find her tell her I said hello.
这是她? That's her?
她叫玛丽·赖斯至少那时候她是名字是这个Mary rice,at least that was her name back then. 你最后一次见到她是什么时候? When was the last time you saw her?
孩子5岁的时候她就离开了She split when the kid turned five.
从那以后就再也没有她的任何音讯Haven't heard a word since.
如果我得到任何消息If I hear anything,
我一定会通知你的I will be sure to give you a hauler.
不你不会No,you won't.
对我不会No,I won't.
看点特别的电影做点别的事You specially movie doing this new thing though.
就好像是这新的控制器一样好It's like the better this new control...
看见没? You see that?
还活着啊你? Still alive?
我打! I'm hit.
他死了He's dead.
什么? What?
他们还有更多的人? There are more of them?
好几百呢Hundreds more.
我现在正在跟踪10个I am tracking ten right now.
你为什么这么关心这个事? Why do you care?
这里还有很多There are lots more.
那剩下的怎么办? And what about the rest?
剩下的怎么办? What about the rest?
照我说的我来猎获他们Like I said,I hunt them.
这些是什么人? Who are these guys?
我告诉过你他们是普拉德I told you,the palades.
你只告诉了我名字You told me the name.
没有告诉他们想干什么Didn't tell me what they want.
很简单啊That's pretty simple.
他们都死光了All is dead.
你还没想明白他们想干什么? Didn't you figure that out yet?
是啊这个我知道Yeah,I got that one.
那我很高兴你知道I am glad.
你能不能让一让Do you mind just move...
为什么? Why?
因为我们想干什么就干什么! Because we can do the hell we want!
现在你能不能... Now,can you please,...
我打! I'm hit.
他死了He's dead.
