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simple agreement 简单的赞同语
1. yes. 是的.
2. yeah. 是的.
3. yep. 是的.
4. yup. 是的. (yeah , yeh 和 yup 都是⼝语中yes的变体. )
5. sure. 当然.
6. of course. 当然.
7. how true! 千真万确.
8. absolutely. 可不是.
9. exactly. 完全正确.
10. well said.说得好.
11. i agree. 我同意.
12. you’re right.你说得对.
13. you got it.你算说对了.
14. you bet.没错.
15. my opinion exactly.英雄所见略同.
16. that’s for sure.那是当然.
17. that’s true. 正是如此.
saying that you agree. 表⽰赞同
1. i quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的看法.
2. i share your view on that. 对这件事我们看法⼀致.
3. i’m sure you are right. 当然你是对的.
4. i don’t think anyone would disagree. 我想没⼈会反对.
5. i have no problem with that. 对这⼀点我没有异议.
6. that’s just what i was thinking. 我正是那么想的.
7. that’s what i say. 我也会这么说.
8. i couldn’t have said it better. 我想说的也是这个意思.
9. oh, yes, i couldn’t agree more. 太对了,我举双⼿赞成.
10. i can’t argue with that. 我觉得不错.
11. okay, you’re the doctor. 好吧. 听你的. (doctor: 在此泛指某⽅⾯的专家. 本句意思是: 你是专家, 就听你的好了. )
12. sure, anything you say. 当然,你说什么就是什么.
13. don’t you know it! 你说得没错.
14. you took the words right out of my mouth. 我的话让你先说出来了.
15. i wish i had said that. 真希望那句话是我先说的.
16. you can say that again. 你说的⼀点没错.
17. i’m with you there. 我和你想的⼀样.
18. i take your point. 我同意你的观点.
19. i think i’ll go along with your proposal. 我想我⽀持你的提议.
20. i’m of the same opinion. 我也是这个意见.
21. okay, we’re all agreed. 好,⼤家的意见都统⼀了.
simple disagreement 简单的反对语
1. no. 不
2. nope. 不
3. not really. 不是吧.
4. not at all. 绝不是
5. of course not.当然不是
6. no way. 不可能
7. not a chance. 绝⽆可能.
saying that you disagree. 表⽰不同意
1. i don’t think so. 我不这么想.
2. do you really think so? 你真的这么想吗?
3. don’t be too sure. 别那么肯定.
4. don’t speak too soon. 话不要说得太早.
5. i wouldn’t say that. 我并不那么忍为.
6. i don’t know about that. 我表⽰怀疑.
7. i’m not convinced. 我持保留态度.
8. i find that hard to swallow. 对这⼀点我难⼀相信.
9. i’ll believe it when i see it. 我觉得还是眼见为实.
10. that’s not true. 那不是真的.
11. you know it isn’t true. 你⼼⾥明⽩那不是真的.
12. i’m afraid i have a different opinion. 恐怕我的看法和你不⼀样.
13. i’m afraid i don’t share your opinion. 我不敢苟同.
14. i see your point, but i can’t really agree with you. 我明⽩你的观点, 但我的确不能赞同.
15. i’m afraid we don’t see eye to eye on this. 恐怕我们在这⼀点上达不成共识.(see eye to eye on sth : 对某事看法⼀致.)
16. i am not in agreement with what he said. 他说的话我不能同意.
17. that’s not what i heard. 这与我了解的情况有出⼊.
18. that ain’t the way i need it. 据我所知,不时那么会事.
19. that was not the case. 事实并⾮如此.
20. that’s not how i see it. 我并不这么看.
21. you’ve got the facts wrong. 你把事实搞错了.
22. i don’t think you’ve got your facts straight. 我认为你没有把事实搞清楚.
23. i must take issue with your over what you said at the meeting. 我要和你好好谈谈你在会上说的那些话.(take issue with someone: 对某⼈的观点提出异议.)
24. all right, let’s agree to differ on this topic. 好吧,我们在这个问题上保留各⾃的观点.
showing strong disagreement 表⽰较强烈的反对.
1. no, i won’t agree! don’t waste your breath. 不. 我不会同意的. 别跟我这⼉费⼝⾆.
2. do you expect me to accept that? 你以为我会接受吗?
3. over my dead body! 我死也不会同意!
4. what are you talking about? 你在说什么呀?
5. are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗?
6. you must be joking. 你肯定是在看玩笑。
7. you can’t be serious. 你不会当真的。
8. you’ve got it all wrong. 你完全搞错了。
9. you’re way off base. (off base:棒球不在垒上,此处指“与事实不符”.way是副词,意思是“⾮常,⼤⼤地”.)
10. you’re really stretching the truth. 你太⾔过其实了. (stretch: 滥⽤,夸⼤)
11. you’re clueless. 你真⽆知.
12. you don’t know what you are talking about. 你不知道你在说什么.
13. you don’t know up from down. 你⿊⽩不分.
14. you don’t have a leg to stand on. 你的观点不值⼀驳.
15. i couldn’t agree with you less. 我完全不同意你的看法.
16. i couldn’t disagree with you more. 我的看法和你截然相反.
17. that’s out of the question. 决不可能.
18. that’s insane. 有没有搞错.
19. that’s ridiculous. 太可笑了.
20. that’s a load of nonsense. ⼀派胡⾔.
21. it’s pure fiction. 完全是捏造.
22. there’s no truth in it. 没有⼀丝⼀毫是真的.
23. i’ve never heard such a pile of crap in my life! 我这辈⼦从来没听过如此胡说⼋道!
24. i won’t listen to any more of this crap. 我再也不想听这胡⾔乱语了.
25. nonsense. 胡扯
26. that’s bullshit. 那是胡说⼋道.
27. you can’t fool me. 你蒙不了我.
28. who do you think you are kidding. 你想要蒙谁呢?
29. you can’t expect me to believe that. 你不会以为我会信以为真吧.
30. i wasn’t born yesterday. 我⼜不是三岁的孩⼦.
31. save that for the suckers. ⿁才信你那⼀套. (sucker: 笨蛋,易上当受骗的⼈. 本句字⾯含义:把你的话留着说给笨蛋听吧. )。