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普伐他汀钠对 LPS 诱导的中性粒细胞 NE 释放及活性的影响
陈雨虹脂多糖( LPS) 诱导的 人外周血中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶( NE) 释放及活性的影响ꎮ 方法 采用 Ficoll 密度梯度离心法分离培养人外周血中性 粒细胞ꎬ瑞氏染色法鉴定中性粒细胞及胞内嗜天青颗粒ꎬ使 用 LPS 刺激中性粒细胞脱颗粒ꎬ提取细胞上清液ꎬ应用比色 法检测上清液中过氧化物酶( MPO) 活性以确定合适的刺激 时间和浓度后ꎬ给予中性粒细胞 LPS 刺激同时予以普伐他汀 钠处理ꎬ使用 ELISA 法检测细胞培养上清液 NE 含量ꎬ比色 法检测 NE 活性ꎮ 结果 LPS 刺激后中性粒细胞培养上清液 中 NE 的含量和活性均明显增高ꎮ 普伐他汀钠处理后的细 胞培养上清液中 NE 明显降低( P < 0������ 05) ꎮ 结论 普伐他汀
中 性 粒 细 胞 弹 性 蛋 白 酶 ( neutrophil elastaseꎬ NE) 是一种存在于中性粒细胞嗜天青颗粒中的丝氨 酸蛋白酶ꎬ基因结构为 ELA2ꎬ是在 19 号染色体短臂 末端区域内含 50 个碱基的片段ꎬ含有 218 种氨基酸 和 4 个二硫键ꎬ是丝氨酸蛋白酶家族的一份子ꎮ 当 中性粒细胞暴露于各种细胞因子和趋化因子刺激下 时可释放 NEꎬ如肿瘤坏死因子( TNF ̄α) 、白细胞介 素 IL ̄8、 C5a、 细 菌 脂 多 糖 ( lipopolysaccharideꎬ LPS) 和来自细菌壁 FMLP 的三肽[1] ꎮ
钠能降低 LPS 刺激导致的中性粒细胞脱颗粒ꎬ降低 NE 释放 量及其活性ꎮ 关键词 普伐他汀钠ꎻ中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶ꎻ脂多糖ꎻ过氧 化物酶 中图分类号 R 452 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1000 - 1492(2018)06 - 0880 - 05 doi:10. 19405 / j. cnki. issn1000 - 1492. 2018. 06. 011
bral edema after traumatic brain injury and its possible relationship with aquaporin 4 ( AQP ̄4) in brain edema. Methods The animal models of traumatic brain injury were established by free ̄fall attack method and divided into four groups according to the treatment methods: blank control groupꎬ simple treatment groupꎬ cyclobufeptan ( TNF ̄ α inhibitor) treatment groupꎬ nimodipine ( Ca2 + channel blockers) treatment group. Western blot and PCR were used to detect the expression of TNF ̄α and AQP ̄4 expression in each group and the Ca2 + concentration in brain tis ̄ sue was detected by GENMED cell Ca2 + concentration assay. At the same timeꎬ the degree of brain edema in trau ̄ matic rats in each group was detected by pathological examination. Results ① After traumatic brain injuryꎬ the expression of TNF ̄αꎬ AQP ̄4 and the content of Ca2 + in the brain tissue of rats treated with traumatic brain injury were significantly higher than those in the blank control group. ② Compared with the group treated with cyclopen ̄ tanone aloneꎬ the expression of TNF ̄α and AQP ̄4 in the brain tissue of rats decreased significantlyꎬ while the con ̄ tent of Ca2 + in the brain tissue decreased. The brain edema was found by imagingꎬ the brain edema of rats in treat ̄ ment group was light. ③ The content of Ca2 + in brain tissue of nimodipine ̄treated group was significantly lower than that of the untreated groupꎬ the expression of AQP ̄4 was significantly decreasedꎬ while the expression of TNF ̄α had no significant change. Imaging showed cerebral edemaꎬ but more than the simple treatment of rats brain edema lighter. ④ Compared with nimodipine ̄treated ratsꎬ the rats treated with cyclopentanone had slightly lighter brain e ̄ dema after treatment with Ca2 + channel blockerꎬ but the difference was not obvious. Conclusion The expression of TNF ̄α and Ca2 + in brain tissue are significantly increased after traumatic brain injury. TNF ̄α and Ca2 + are in ̄ volved in brain edemaꎬ and TNF ̄α may be Ca2 + upstream signal in brain edema after trauma. TNF ̄α may be in ̄ volved in post ̄traumatic brain edema by affecting brain cell calcium overload. Key words traumatic brain injuryꎻTNF ̄αꎻCa2 + ꎻTNF ̄α inhibitorꎻCa2 + channel blockersꎻ brain edema
2017 - 12 - 14 接收 基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金( 编号:1308085MH115) 作者单位:安徽医科大学附属安徽省立医院呼吸内科ꎬ合肥 230001 作者简介:陈雨虹ꎬ女ꎬ硕士研究生ꎻ
梅晓冬ꎬ男ꎬ教授ꎬ主任医师ꎬ硕士生导师ꎬ责任作者ꎬ E ̄ mail : hfmxd@ sina. com
安徽医科大学学报 Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Anhui 2018 Junꎻ53(6)
网络出版时间:2018 - 5 - 23 14:13 网络出版地址:http: / / kns. cnki. net / kcms / detail / 34. 1065. R. 20180522. 1500. 011. html