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爱在午夜降临前Before Midnight
东西都带全了吗So you got everything?
你打算在飞机上一直玩游戏You gonna play video games all flight
还是打算真的看会书or do you think you might actually crack open a book?
大概会看会书Probably read some.
别害怕给我回邮件好吗If I write you an e-mail,don't be scared to write me back.让老爸了解下你的想法和近况Ok?It won't kill you to let your old man know
又不会要了你的命what you're thinking about or what is going on,you know?
你愿意的话If you want,
咱们每周可以用网络电话聊聊天we can try Skyping once a week or something.
好的All right.
自然科学课画的那些图纸带了吗You got the drawings for your science deal?
-应该带了-好吧-Yeah.I think so.-Alright.
你做得很好真的特别棒Well,they turned out great by the way,like really great.
-你的电脑充好电了吗-充好了-Is your computer charged?-Yeah.
等你到家以后What do you think is the first thing
你第一件要做的事是什么you are going to do when you get home?
我也不知道I don't know.
我很珍惜咱们这次交流的机会I really cherish this communication we have,you know.
-只是你的回答都有点…-怎么了-It's just...your answers are so...-What?
坚持练习弹钢琴好吗Just keep practicing the piano,Ok?
你弹得很棒You're really good
而且你都费了那么大功夫了and they spend so much time at that school of yours.
别忘了音乐这东西Just...just remember that music is actually something
会有助于你的生活that you'll use in your life.
别忘了…你要芝麻味的对吧Don't forget to...you want those sesame things right?
那种特好吃They're really good.
谢谢Thank you.
我大概十月能过去I probably make it over there in October.
我会尽量赶去看你的第一次独奏I'll try to see you in that first recital
最好还能赶上看你踢场球赛and hopefully catch a soccer game while I'm there.
今年我可能不会再踢足球了I might not even play soccer this year.
这绝对是个错误的决定相信我That would be a big mistake,trust me.
我踢得不好I'm not that good.
不你踢得很好非常好Oh no,you're pretty good,you are.
可是…我错过了夏季训练营I mean...I missed summer training camp,
所以不太可能让我回去了so the chances of me starting are miniscule.
你直接告诉教练你的情况Yes,well,just tell the coach your situation.
你爸爸住在欧洲你其实特想去Your dad lives in Europe and you really wanted to be there.就是之类的借口把责任推给我You know...blah,blah,blame me,
我父母太讨厌了但是我很上心的my parents stink but I'm really serious.
但是我没那么上心爸爸But I'm not serious,Dad.
我不是很在意那个I don't care that much.
你也不用现在就做决定多考虑考虑Well,you don't have to decide right now,just think about it.
我就是觉得团队运动很重要All I'm saying is that team sports are important.
就到这儿了Here we are.
我喜欢这个机场你呢I love this airport,don't you?
这里太酷了It's awesome.
是吧我也觉得很酷Yeah,I know it's cool,right?
要见到你妈妈了兴奋吗Are you excited about seeing your mom?
-是啊还有我的伙伴们-没错-Yeah,and all my friends.-Yeah.
你的登机牌和护照都带了吗What about your boarding pass,passport?
好的转机你没问题吧Ok...Do you feel confident about making the connection?
没事我以前都是这样的Yes,I have done this before.
但这次有点复杂Yes,but this is a tricky connection.
飞机着陆后记着坐着别起来Just remember that when you land you stay in your seat,
会有航空公司的人来接你somebody from the airline is going to come get you
把你带去登机口and take you to the gate.
-没问题的-好吧-It's not a problem.-Ok,alright.
伙计Oh boy.
看来真的得说再见了是吧Well...it looks like maybe we should just do this thing,huh?过来天啊Ok,come here!Oh,God.
我会尽量赶去看你独奏的好吗I'll do my best to make that recital,Ok?
其实…我不介意的You know...I wouldn't bother.
为什么这么说What makes you say that?
我不是故意要刻薄你Look,I'm not being mean,
但如果你不来看我独奏的话我会更轻松but it would be easier if you didn't come to the recital.
怎么会呢How come?
如果你选别的周末来看我更好It would just be better if you visited on a nothing weekend.我想看你弹琴I want to see you play.
但是妈妈真的很讨厌你Look.It's because mom hates you so much.
如果你在她会特别紧张She would be really stressed if you were there
弄得我也很有压力and then it would be tense for me.
-你知道吗-谢谢-You know...-Thank you.
而且咱们也没有时间一起玩We wouldn't have any time to hang out anyway.
别担心会有办法的Do not worry about it,we'll figure that out.
我不希望你担心这个好吗I just don't want you to worry about it,you know?
你知道我有多想你对吧I mean...You know how much I miss you,right?
你为什么觉得她还那么讨厌我Why do you think she still hates me so much?
我不知道I don't know!
我觉得相比起来她更讨厌丹尼尔一些I think she hates Daniel more than she hates you.
别担心我会想办法的Hey,don't worry about it,I'll figure something out.
我该进去了We should just do this.
好的还有什么我能帮忙的吗Yeah,but is there anything I can do to help?
我不知道I don't know.
-但是你知道我爱你对吗-当然-But you know that I love you,right?-Yeah.
我当然知道这是我过得最好的一个夏天Yeah,I know!This has been the best summer of my life!
我也这么想看吧For me too,see?
我就说过希腊会是个特别棒的地方I told you,this whole Greece thing was going to be great.
确实是And it was.
我爱你伙计Ok!I love you,pal.
我也爱你爸爸I love you too,Dad.
来握个手Ok...shake my hand.
他跟德国人有个合作项目Il a un projet avec les Allemands.
像往常一样Comme d'habitude.
听我说会议气氛太压抑了écoutez,on est stresséen cette réunion...
不不我是说下周Non,bah, semaine prochaine j'ai dit oui.
好的那太好了Ok,bon,très bien.
谢谢您也一样再见Merci,oui,oui,vous aussi hein.Au revoir.
我被排除在外了Ah,j'suis débusquée.
-怎么了-他们投票反对-What's going on?-They voted against it!
反对什么安装风力涡轮机吗What?The wind turbines?
和这些人打了六个月的交道6months dealing with these people,
好不容易都同意了they were all for it.
大家都认为这对地区有好处Everyone agreed it was great for the region.
那出什么岔子了So what happened?
现在他们都觉得涡轮机Now they've decided that they don't like the way
放在山上的样子不好看that it looks on that hill.
他们说那样有碍观瞻It's"Ruining their view."
这件事不是都定下来了吗I thought it was a done deal.
是啊当时都说定了It was!It practically was.
那他们怎么还能这么做Can they do that?
当然他们就这么做了这事儿完了Of course!They've done it,and it's over.
抱歉I'm sorry.
没事我只是太沮丧了No,no,it's so frustrating.
我忍不下去了I can't take it anymore.
我要接海米尔那活了I'm gonna take that job with Hemir.
别你不想为他们工作No,you do not wanna work for them.
-为什么-为政府工作吗-Why not?-For the government?
我觉得这届政府和以往不同I think this government is different.
我们需要法律支持这是唯一的办法We need laws and it's the only way anything is gonna happen.总有别的法子的That's not the only way,
你们已经做了很多不错的工作了you guys have been getting a lot of good work done.
我考虑过了只有这办法行得通Well,I've been thinking about it,this is the way to go.
好吧那你可别忘了Ok,well then let me remind you
你和那人合不来that you do not like that guy.
以前你在他那工作的时候The whole time you worked for him before
你整天都在抱怨you complained about him constantly.
没错他是个混蛋Yeah,yeah,yeah...He can be an asshole
但是他能帮我把事搞定but he gets things done.
从现在开始我就得这么想了That's how I'm gonna be from now on.
-好吧-我要做个贱人-Ok.-A real bitch,Ok?
每次我见他都觉得他是狼子野心Well,every time I look at that guy all I see is ambition.对不起我就是不信任他I mean,I'm sorry,I don't trust him.
他从非营利部门转入政府的唯一原因The only reason he's going from not for profit to government
就是想有人能拍他马屁is to have people kiss his ass.
我不在乎他怎么样好吗I don't care about him,Ok?
好吧我就是觉得你会过得特痛苦Ok,I think you are gonna be miserable.
面对数不清的政治活动和协商会议With all the politicking and compromise.
我已经决定了I've made my decision.
再看着它滚下来的老好人了and watches it roll down again.
他以前不是经常Wasn't he the guy who used to throw his pens
扔笔砸他的助理吗at his assistants and stuff?
我一年前就该接这份工作了Ok,I should have taken this job a year ago.
我害怕是因为工作量太大And I was scared because of the amount of work
但是我觉得这是个绝好的机会but I think it's the best opportunity ever.
工资也更高我决定了And it's more money,and I'm doing it.
好吧你确定吗Ok,are you sure?
不确定我什么都不确定行吗No,I'm not sure of anything,Ok?
如果我走了那其他人都怎么办I mean,what's gonna happen to everyone if I leave?
弗朗索瓦他们都指着我呢Like Francois...I mean,they count on me.
你觉得呢What do you think?
我该不该接那个工作Should I take it or not?
不不我不发表意见Oh,no no no,I don't have an opinion.
我只是不想你因为风力涡轮机的失败No,I just don't want to see you rush into a decision
就匆忙做出决定because this wind turbine crap is gone.
不仅是因为那个好吗It's not just that,Ok?
我都蠢蠢欲动一整个夏天了It's been stirring me all summer.
-不我知道的-我要接这个工作我决定了-No,I know it has,I know.-I should do it.I'm doing it!那就接吧Then do it.
我决定了好吗I'm doing it!Alright?
上帝啊我真希望事情都能简单些Oh God,I wish that things were simpler.
我走也完蛋我留也完蛋I mean...if I leave I get fucked,if I stay I get fucked.
永远都不确定It's always a guess.
没错这就是个操蛋的世界Yeah,the world is fucked.
天啊好不容易能度个假期了Oh God,we finally have a vacation,
头两个星期姑娘们还生病了and the girls are sick for the first two weeks.
我明白I know.
有个完美儿子却还住在一百万英里外With the perfect son who lives a million miles away.
或者是你毕生所爱Or the love of your life
刮完胡子不知道清理下who can't clean up after himself
还不肯学学怎么刮胡子or learn how to shave.
谁说的Who said that?
你不是在说这的清洁队队长吧You're not talking about Captain Clean-up over here?
清洁队队长Captain Clean-up?
那个在行动中都失踪了好几年的人The one that's been missing in action all these years.
这时候你希望我说什么What did you expect at this point?
瞧瞧她们太可爱了Oh look at them,they're so cute.
就像连体婴儿似的They look like conjoined twins.
天啊我得给她们照张相Oh my God,I'm gonna take a picture of this.
艾拉那个苹果吃完了吗Hey,did Ella finish that apple?
你要从孩子嘴里抢食吃吗You're going to take food out of your child's mouth?
都变成棕色了This all brown.
没关系还有一块可以吃No no,there is a spot here.
艾拉这是你爸爸偷你食物的证据Ella,this is evidence of your father stealing food from you.不管你变得贪食还是厌食If you become bulimic or anorexic,
都不是我的错别全怪你妈妈好吗it's not my fault,don't blame it all on your mother,Ok?
艾拉这是个家庭分享苹果Ella,this is a family apple.
我在教她们分享的重要性I'm teaching them the value of sharing.
宝贝我爱你I love you,honey.
多甜蜜啊姑娘们会比咱们还要深刻地Ahhh,so sweet,you girls will remember this vacation
铭记着这次与众不同的假期very different than we will.
那是肯定的That's for sure.
从我妈那里我就知道了I see that with my mom,
她对我童年的印象和我完全不同she remembers my childhood entirely different than I do.
别拍我了Please stop filming me.
天啊我爱你妈妈你对她太苛刻了God.I love your mom,you're always so hard on her.
因为你错过了那些操蛋的岁月It is because you missed the fucked-up years,
你赶上了好时候you are just getting the good era.
操蛋的岁月The fucked-up years.
说到操蛋我想起来了That reminds me,talking about fucked-up,
我告诉过你我那只艳后猫咪的事吗did I ever tell you the story about my little Cleopatra kitty?我记不得了我要是说过你肯定有印象I dunno?Ok.I think you would remember if I did.
故事是这样的It's the story.
我小时候养了只猫起名叫埃及艳后You know when I was a little girl I had this cat named Cleopatra.每到春天她都会跳出栅栏然后怀孕And every spring she would jump the fence and get pregnant.每次都会生出恰好两只猫咪And always end up with a litter of exactly two kittens.
-恰好两只-每次每年都是两只-Two kitties.-Every time,every year,two cats.
很神奇在我三十岁左右的某一天I mean...it's just amazing,then one days I was like around30.我和我爸爸一起吃午饭回忆过去And I was having lunch with my dad and was remembering,
提到了小埃及艳后mentioning little Cleopatra.
他说自己做过最艰难的事And he was like...the hardest thing I ever had to do
就是杀掉那些可爱的小猫咪was to kill those cute little kittens.
我惊讶极了And I was like what?!
我告诉你其实就是这么回事It turns out...listen to this.
有时她会一窝生出七只猫咪There was sometimes up to7kittens in that litter.
我爸爸就拿走五只But he would take5of them,
把它们放进一个塑料袋然后灌乙醚put them in a plastic bag,with a bunch of ether.
太可怕了That is terrible.
就好像他似乎忘记了That was like...He had forgotten
当初他和妈妈是怎么骗我的了the lie he and my mum had told me about the kittens.
他怎么决定该杀哪几只呢How did he decide which ones he wanted to kill?
其实我倒真问过他Well actually I asked him that.
是不是拿走最毛茸茸的最可爱的Did you take the,you know,the fluffiest,cutest?
然后他就开始哭可怜的老爸You know,and he just started to cry,poor daddy.
咱们说过要在这里停车的Oh we said we would gonna stop.
孩子们要看遗迹They wanted to see the ruins.
-没错-艾拉特想看-Yeah.-Well,Ella really wanted to...
是的但是咱们该把她们叫醒吗Yes,but should we wake them up?
咱们回机场的路上可以叫她们看You know,on the way back to the airport,we can catch them. -咱们不会的-没错大概是-You know we won't.-Yeah,probably not.
再见了古代遗迹不过你有什么好看的So long ancient ruins!What is so great about you,anyway?
窥一斑可见全豹You seen one,you seen them all.
天啊咱们真是对糟糕的父母Oh my God,we are shitty parents.
咱们应该停车的We should have stopped.
-没事的-这是文化掉头吧-It's Ok.-It's culture,come on,go back.
咱们得培养她们一些品质We gotta put some character to these kids somehow.
咱们在教她们重要的一课I mean,we are teaching them a valuable lesson.
在这世上如果你睡过了就错过了If you snooze,you lose in this world.
然后等姑娘们进了戒毒所And when the girls are in rehab suffering from
遭受十年的吸毒成瘾时10years of addiction to cocaine and speed.
她们会说我只是从来都睡不踏实They'll say,you just never felt comfortable going to sleep.因为我们爸爸总是告诉我们说Because our daddy always used to tell us
睡过了就错过了that if you snooze,you lose.
这就又是你的错了And that will be your fault,again.
-咱们真是糟糕的父母-我知道-Well we are shitty parents.-I know.
和汉克告别糟透了Saying goodbye to Hank sucked.
为什么他不高兴吗Why?Was he upset?
没有他说这是他过得最好的暑假No.He said it was the best summer of his life.
那很好啊我不会太担心他的Well that's great.I mean,I would not worry too much about him.我们聊了很多We spoke a bunch.
你知道他这辈子最关心什么吗You know what his main concerns in life are?
青春痘和女孩子们对他的感觉Pimples and how girls perceive him.
真是有其父必有其子The apple doesn't fall far far from the tree I guess.
我才不是那样呢I'm not like that.
拜托你脑子里只有这个Oh please!That's all you think about!
我不是在抱怨I mean...I'm not complaining.
我占用了你大部分精力I'm getting a lot of attention.
-但你总是在向姑娘抛媚眼-我没有-But you never stop ogling girls.-I don't ogle girls.
我不送秋波我用眼神传达爱意I don't ogle girls.I make love to them with my eyes.
我喜欢这个西班牙人她是不是希腊人Oh wow...I like the Spanish guy or is it Greek?
我不知道我来自何方但我体毛旺盛I do not know where I am from,but I'm very hairy.
我觉得亨利可能有点Well I think...you know...Henry might of...
-怎么了-那个叫梅丽娜的小姑娘-What?-That little,Melina girl.
我不知道他心动了但是I don't know.He had a crush,but...
你开玩笑吧Are you kidding?
你觉得他为什么说这是最好的一个暑假Why do you think he said it was the best summer of his life?因为我们一起度过了快乐的时光吗Because he and I had a good time together?
-所以呢你觉得他们接吻了吗-当然了-So what?Do you think they kissed?-Of course.
没错接吻了是的Yeah,they kissed,yeah,yeah.
我发誓要保密的I was sworn to secrecy
但是他告诉我他们接吻了but he told me they kissed.
他怎么说的What did he say?
我不应该告诉你的I'm not supposed to tell you anything,
我不说了so I'm not gonna talk.
-说吧-好吧-Come on!-Ok!
他告诉我他在琢磨接吻的事He told me he was concerned about the kissing.
而且是舌吻You know tongue to tongue.
但是他太可爱了But he was...he was so cute,
紧张的脸通红还咬着腮帮子all nervous,all red,biting his cheek.
所以他和梅丽娜是认真的So he and Melina were a real thing.
-没错-那现在会发生什么-Yeah.-What's gonna happen now?
不知道I don't know.
先做朋友在脸书上互动They must be friends,Facebook...
他们至少会保持一段时间联系They'll keep in touch at least for a while.
如果他们从此就共度余生了呢Hey,what if they end up spending all their life together?
你太俗气了You're so corny.
有时候我真觉得Sometime's I'm just like...
真的吗你以为你还是个十二岁的小姑娘Are you?What are you?A12-year-old girl?
你还记得你的初恋是谁吗With your first love,do you even remember who it was?
我记得是你Yeah I do.It was you.
拜托说得好像你二十三岁还是处男似的Oh,please,like you were a virgin at23.
我说的是初恋不是第一次性经历I said first love not first sexual experience.
就是说我是你第一个爱上的女人Like I'm the first woman you have ever fell in love with?
-差不多-我觉得不是-Yeah pretty much.-i don't think so.
第一个我觉得心灵相通的女人the first one I felt truly connected to.
怎么我不是你的初恋吗What?I wasn't your first love?
不当然不是No,of course not.
我还以为我是呢No,I just thought I was.
-杰西别这样太蠢了-不没事没关系的-Jesse,stop this.It's dumb.-No,it's Ok,it's not a big deal.好吧你多大了都No.Ok,how old are you?Come on!
年底就整四十一岁了41on the last of the year.
咱们那晚你真的是费了老大劲了You are so,so working on our little night.
勇士照我去战斗I got a trojan in my billfold
哥们有根大火箭and a rocket in my pocket.
我和一个美国青少年耗在一起了I'm stuck with an American teenager.
我真不敢相信I can't believe it,
咱们一会真要做那些事吗do we have to do all that stuff later?
什么事对了What?Oh yeah,c'mon,
那对帕特里克来说很重要的it means a lot to Patrick.
阿里阿德涅和斯特凡诺斯估计已经准备Ariadni and Stefanos are probably already there
和孩子们再来一次快乐时光了prepping the kids want to have one more big time.
-不不是-会很有趣的-No,no.-It's going to be fun.
不是我是说之后去旅馆的事No,I meant the hotel later.
我不是特别想去你好亲爱的I'm not sure I want to go there...Hi,sweetie.
没事的It's fine.
到伦敦给我打电话旅途愉快再见Call me from London,have a good flight,bye.
飞机上说把电子设备都关掉They were telling them to turn everything off.
他们要起飞了They were about to take off
我叫他上了飞机给我打电话and I asked him to call me from the plane.
我不喜欢他坐飞机You know I don't like when he flies.
-怎么了-我也不知道-What is it?-I just.I don't know.
我不确定我能一直这样下去I just don't think I can keep doing this.
每个暑假每个圣诞节就像是Just every summer,every Christmas,you know,it's like..
我明白我也不舒服I know.It makes me uncomfortable.
不应该这么糟糕的It just wouldn't be so bad.
要是我们把他送到寄宿学校If I...If we were sending him to boarding school or something.我不知道I don't know.
要是我跟他妈妈的关系能缓和点If his mom and I got along a little bit better.
我知道像亲手把他送回敌人的阵线去I know,it's like we're sending him back across enemy lines.这次我真的没法无所谓It really hit me this time,you know?
他就要去读高中了整整四年啊He's gonna be a freshman in high school4more years,
要开始学会独立了and he's gonna be on his own.
也许是件好事Maybe that's the good news,
我们也只有四年…we only have four more years of this...
不现在是关键时刻No,no,this is the crucial time,
我就觉得自己应该陪着他I just feel I should be there for him,you know.
不然就没机会了你懂吗Like it's now or never,you know?
我不懂你什么意思No.what do you mean?
我知道总有一天I thought that somehow he would
他会离开我们end up living with us,somewhere along the way.
时光飞逝当你有所察觉时Time has gone by so fast and look,
他已经要上高中了here we are it's high school.
然后是谈恋爱再来就该申请大学了It's girls,and next thing you know,is College applications.是的没错也许是时候了Yeah,you're right,maybe it's time,
我真的觉得是时候告诉他妈妈这一切I mean,I really think it's time to tell his mom all this,
问她愿不愿意让孩子跟我们一块住and ask if he can live with us.
孩子肯定很乐意He'd love it!
这是绝对不可能的好吗That's never gonna happen.Right?
除了法定义务她什么都不会给我的She will never give me one thing she is not legally obligated to.还要不要找回那个律师Do you want to call that lawyer again?
不要我不喜欢他他很差劲No,I don't like that guy,he's terrible.
要我打给孩子他妈吗Should I call his mother?
不要别再打了No,please.Never again.
他甚至还不懂怎么扔棒球I mean the kid doesn't even know how to throw a baseball!
谁在乎啊Who cares.
他用肘发力扔得跟小女生一样He just,he eads with his elbow,he throws like a girl.
这不能怪你It's not your fault.
不就都怪我No,it is my fault,
父亲就该教会儿子这些a father is supposed to teach you that.
他只是不喜欢打棒球不能怪他Ok.he just doesn't like baseball,you can't blame him.
我只是用这个例子来比喻做其他事情It's just an example,it's a metaphor for everything.
他马上就十四岁了他需要父亲的陪伴He's turning14and he needs to be with his father.
杰西我是不会搬去芝加哥的Jesse,I'm not moving to Chicago.
什么我有说吗What?Did I ask you to?
你怎么会这样想Where did that come from?
我只是想到什么说什么I'm just thinking out loud.
我曾经答应过自己不要这么冲动I mean,this is the one thing I promised myself I would never do.现在我看开了冲动就冲动吧And I look up and I'm doing it!
听着你是个好父亲Listen,you're a wonderful father.
他珍惜这段父子关系He loves the relationship you have,
他珍惜你给他写的信he loves the letters you send him.
我的信他连看都没看He doesn't even read the letters.
他当然看了你的信Of course he reads them,
他只是没有给你回…he just doesn't complement the writing the way you want...
我只是知道要是错过了这几年I just know that if I miss these years,
就永远也补不回来了they are never coming back.
老天Oh my God.
这就是结束的时刻This is where it ends.
你在说什么What are you talking about?
-这就是人们分手的节奏-老天-This is how people start breaking up.-Oh my god.
-不是的-你这是小题大做-No,no,no.-You just jumped off a cliff.
不是我要记下今天No,no.I'm marking this,
就在今天你引爆了this is the day you light the ticking bomb,
了结我们性命的定时炸弹that will destroy our lives,yeah?
好的首先Ok,well,first off,
不是引爆定时炸弹you don't light a ticking bomb,
而是安装它有定时器you set it,it has a timer.
-所以才能定时-是吗管他呢-That's why it ticks.-Oh,yeah.whatever.
现在已经开始倒计时了You know what?It's ticking right now.
说什么也没用And this is how it happens.
你自己不高兴You are unhappy and blame it
却怪别人满怀怨恨on the other person Resentment grows,
等一切都崩溃了你就提出分手everything falls apart and you break up.
-你就是这样-你这样做只是想让我闭嘴-That's it.-You are just doing this to shut me up.
不是根本不是Not at all!Not at all!
你是而且你也这样做了No,you are,and that's what you are doing,yeah.
不是我是觉得很惊讶No,I'm actually surprised,
在经历了那么多…we've lasted this long...
好的直接说你想说的Ok.So here it comes out...
我们本形同陌路但却萍水相逢We are on parallel tracks a while but now the tracks have crossed,现在却要分道扬镳了and I'm going west and you're going east.
就是这样分手的And believe me this is how it happens.
我早就知道了就像卡特琳跟亚历山大…I've seen it,ok?Katrin,Alexandre...
-你在开玩笑吧-没有-You're kidding,right?-Well,no.
你可以当玩笑但我是认真的I'm kidding,and I'm not.
-就这样了-我想看古代遗迹-This is it.-I want watch ancient ruins.
那里关门了Oh,they were closed.
宝贝下次去机场的时候Sweetie you know what,we decided to catch them,
我们再去看好吗when we're on the way back to the airport.Ok?
没错我们会早点启程对吧Exactly,we'll leave early,right?
我的苹果呢What happened to my apple?
你的苹果…Your apple...
你的苹果吗已经被你吃完了啊Ta pomme,mais elleétait finie cette pomme.
你们去买冰淇淋吧我们大概一点出发Allez vous chercher des glaces,on y passeàune heure.
-把清单拿来-我没拿-Give me the list.-I don't have it.
在你钱包里钱包拿来It's in your wallet!And your wallet.
我是将军Ok,I am the General.
妮娜上尉去帮我找厕纸Capitaine Nina,vous allez me chercher du papier toillette.遵命Oui!
谁任命你当将军的Who made you General?
我是将军好吗The General,ok?
艾拉上尉您去找卷纸Capitaine Ella,vous allez chercher les roules papiers
就在商店最里面的右边qui sont tout au fond du magasinàdroite.
-遵命-待命-Oui!-àvos ordres!
特别警告你什么都不许拿Private Clean-up,you don't touch anything!
别走太快Il vous faut pas aller trop vite.
妮娜放到厨房去Nina,la cuisine.
我的队友呢我的队友呢Where is my team!Where is my team!
去帮我找点番茄过来Allez me chercher des tomates.
挑红的The red one.
-这个行吗-很好-Celle-là?-Très bien!
其实两本我都读过Actually I read them both.
第一本叫《彼时此刻》The first one is called"That time",
第二本叫《此时此刻》and the second one is"This time".
不对第一本叫《此时此刻》No,the first is"This time",
第二本叫《彼时此刻》and the second is"That time".
我们还开玩笑第一本帮我们组建家庭We've got a joke in our family that"This"Brought us together,第二本帮我们还房贷and"That"Paid for our apartment.
但瑟琳的角色有点怪伙计But it must be a little weird for Celine,man.
她在书中的表现不觉得吗The way that she's in the book.No?
会吗可能她已习以为常了Why?I think she has gotten used to it.
第二本写得真香艳伙计But the second one is sexy,man.
男主角错过飞机后他们就把窗户关上When he misses the plane and they blackout the windows,
然后没日没夜地做爱and have sex for days and days and days.
就像明天就是世界末日一样Like there's no tomorrow.
你们真是那样吗Did you guys actually do that?
是真的对吧You did that,huh?
你看过杰西的第三本书没Have you read Jesse's third book?
事实上比前两本写得好It's actually better than the first two.。
