
USB故障不用怕 教你几招搞定问题

USB故障不用怕 教你几招搞定问题

USB故障不用怕教你几招搞定问题ZDNet 存储时代频道更新时间:2007-07-09 作者:alfa整理来源:网络整理本文关键词:USB目前,USB设备像雨后春笋般涌现出来,但一方面由于人们对USB的特性了解不够,另一方面USB及配套技术目前还未完全成熟,导致了不少用户在使用USB设备的过程中遇到了各种各样的问题,比如:无法安装USB设备、USB 2.0设备的传输速度比较慢,以及出现无法通过正常故障排除过程解决的其他通讯问题。


操作步骤如下:在Windows 2000/XP中(Windows 9x/Me的操作步骤基本类似),依次点击“开始→设置→控制面板→系统→硬件→设备管理器”,找到并双击“通用串行总线控制器”。

其中应当至少列出两类条目,一类是USB控制器,另一个是USB Root Hub(见图1)。

如果你的主板支持USB 2.0,并正常安装了驱动程序,一般会在此处显示USB 2.0 Root Hub。

小提示当中显示一个USB Root Hub条目,说明可使用2个USB端口。

比如上图显示了4个USB Root Hub条目,说明可以使用8个USB端口(通常可由BIOS设置控制可使用的USB端口数量)。

而USB 2.0 Root Hub是说明这8个USB端口均可支持USB 2.0。

如果Windows无法识别出USB控制器,或在“其他设备”中出现“USB控制器”,那么说明主板芯片组的驱动程序或USB 2.0的驱动程序没有安装成功。


二、USB控制器故障的解决方案下面针对不同的USB控制器,提出相应的解决方案:1.Intel芯片组可能出现的故障:采用Intel 82371AB、EB、MB、SB和AB/EB系列南桥芯片,Windows有可能出现无法识别连接到系统的设备,或当系统出现屏幕保护、挂起、睡眠状态时,设备和计算机可能停止通讯等故障;采用Intel 82801AA、BA和BAM南桥芯片,可能会出现间歇通讯或连接问题。

图解USB协议之四 USB枚举失败常见原因分析

图解USB协议之四 USB枚举失败常见原因分析


数据采集设备:“HD-USB12”全速/低速USB2.0协议分析仪一、如图1所示的USB枚举失败1)Index[666 - 668]:表示主机向默认地址发送GET_DESCRIPTOR指令包。

2)Index[670 - 671]:表示设备默认地址端点不可用。


(图1)(本数据由HD-USB12 USB协议分析仪采集)二、如图2所示的USB枚举失败1)Index[697 - 699]:表示主机向默认地址发送SET_ADDRESS指令包。

2)Index[701 - 703]:表示设备完成SET_ADDRESS指令后,给主机发送一个空应答。

3)Index[705 - 710]:表示主机向地址DEC=01重复发送SET_DESCRIPTOR 指令包,但设备无任何应答,因此该事务包设备并没有接收到。


(图2)(本数据由HD-USB12 USB协议分析仪采集)三、如图3所示的USB枚举失败(图3为过滤掉IN + NAK及SOF包后的数据)1)Index[694 - 696]:表示主机向默认地址发送SET_ADDRESS指令包。



(图3)(本数据由HD-USB12 USB协议分析仪采集)四、设备发送给主机的描述信息不完整,如少发送接口或端点信息等导致枚举失败。










尝试将设备插入其他USB端口,或者尝试连接其他USB 设备,以确定问题是出在设备还是电脑上。

2.检查设备驱动程序:打开设备管理器(在Windows 10中,可以通过Windows键+X组合键打开,并选择设备管理器),查看设备管理器中是否有未知设备或黄色感叹号图标。































usb 问题解决方法

usb 问题解决方法
General setup ---> Support for hot-pluggable devices
Device Drivers --->Generic Driver Options
SCSI device support
---> SCSI generic support
Probe all LUNs on each SCSI device
[root@Emux /]# mount -t vfat -o iocharset=cp936 /dev/ub/a/part1 /mnt
[root@Emux /]# ls /mnt
>如果想知道内核有没有识别出u盘的话可以执行命令:cat /proc/partitions ,看看插入USB前后分区信息有什么不同就知道了
+unsigned long upllvalue = (0x78<<12)|(0x02<<4)|(0x03);
+printk("USB Control, (c) 2006 sbc2410\n"); = &usb_sbc2410_info;
+static struct s3c2410_hcd_info usb_sbc2410_info = {

Intel USB4 评估坞站更新手册说明书

Intel USB4 评估坞站更新手册说明书

Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock Update ManualINFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL® PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN INTEL'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE FOR SUCH PRODUCTS, INTEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, AND INTEL DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY RELATING TO SALE AND/OR USE OF INTEL PRODUCTS, INCLUDING LIABILITY OR WARRANTIES RELATING TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT.A "Mission Critical Application" is any application in which failure of the Intel Product could result, directly or indirectly, in personal injury or death. SHOULD YOU PURCHASE OR USE INTEL'S PRODUCTS FOR ANY SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, YOU SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD INTEL AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES, SUBCONTRACTORS AND AFFILIATES, AND THE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES OF EACH, HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS COSTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES AND REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES ARISING OUT OF, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ANY CLAIM OF PRODUCT LIABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY, OR DEATH ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF SUCH MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION, WHETHER OR NOT INTEL OR ITS SUBCONTRACTOR WAS NEGLIGENT IN THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, OR WARNING OF THE INTEL PRODUCT OR ANY OF ITS PARTS.Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined". Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The information here is subject to change without notice. Do not finalize a design with this information.The products described in this document may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an order number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature, may be obtained by calling 1-800-548-4725, or goto: /design/literature.htm.All information provided related to future Intel products and plans is preliminary and subject to change at any time, without notice.Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.Copyright © 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.Important: Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock should be Powered off (No Power Supply must be Connected to the Board) when updating FW1.Equipment:1.1Dediprog SF600 (used to update the following components on the Intel USB4 EvaluationDock):Goshen Ridge: U8 – GR NVMDelta Bridge: UB10 – DB NVMUSB2.0 Hub: UB6 – USB2 HUB NVMFigure 1: Dediprog SF600SF600 SPI NOR Flash Programmer-Reference Link:https:///product/SF600-Link for downloading software:https:///download?productCategory=SPI+Flash+Solution&productName=SF600+SPI+NOR+Flash+Programmer&fileType=10Figure 2: Test ClipISP Testclip (SO8) (Compatible with SF100)Model Name: ISP-TC-8ISP Testclip (SO8) (Compatible with SF100)Reference Link: https:///product/ISP-TC-81.2Cypress MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit CY8CKIT – 005 (used for updating thefollowing components):Cypress DMC (J5)Cypress CCG5(J4).Figure 3: Cypress MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit CY8CKIT – 005-Reference Link: https:///product-detail/en/CY8CKIT-005/428-4713-ND/10314122?utm_medium=email&utm_source=oce&utm_campaign=3103_OCE20 RT&utm_content=productdetail_US&utm_cid=457843&so=64303907&mkt_tok=ey JpIjoiTURjNVlXVTBOekV4TW1aaSIsInQiOiJabjNuUjdzczgxZ0NCdWJBbExnR2k 3czkxNjhhZUVRcEFRdjlGSEZzeVZNNzdHcDRBSnEyYzhwa1F4QUJWS1NUeTJ wcEtXV1Z6d2tlbnpQbHUxamJCU1hqUHNhd3I4c1ZBaEd0WWtBUklLc0VsZ3F5T nc2eVRsYkZubXJrTm14dyJ9-Link for downloading software (Name of software: Download PSoC Programmer3.x.x.exe):https:///documentation/software-and-drivers/psoc-programmer-archiveNote: You need to create an account to able to download softwareNote: You need buy 5 Female to Male External Jumper for connecting.Figure 4: Female To Male Jumper-Reference Link: https:///GenBasic-Female-Solderless-Breadboard-Prototyping/dp/B077N7J6C4/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=male+to+female+jumper+wires&qid=1600894633&sr=8-7ponent Side and Back Side of Intel USB4 Evaluation DockFigure 5: Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock Component SideGR JTAG PA (UFP)DBR JTAGGR NVMCCG5 SWD Headers DMC SWD HeadersTMU CLKOUTFigure 6: Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock Back SideUB6 –USB2 HUB NVM UB10 – DB NVM Pin 0Pin 0Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock BKC File exampleGoshen Ridge: GR_4C_A0_rev9_ GATKES_BOARD.binDelta Bridge: DBR_CDR_ON_BOARD_rev1_NOSEC_sign.binFresco Hub: UB6_RegisterOnly_AddHeader_Merged_INTEL_1U5D_FL5801_1Q1_V02Cypress PD: DMC: CY7C65219‐40LQXIT_dmc_gatkex_creek_sha_3_3_0_1746_1_3_19_120W.hex CCG5: CYPD5235‐96BZXI_gatkex_3_3_1_39_2_8_0_nb.hex3.GoshenRidge FW UpdateExample file: GR_4C_A0_rev9_ GATKES_BOARD.bin-Step 1: Plug Dediprog SF600 flasher to PC-Step 2: Open Dediprog Engineering Application:o Go to Config Menu at the Top→Select Batch Operations(Top Left)→Check the Batch Operation Options is the same as Yellow Hightlight (see Figure 7) -→everything else leave as defaultFigure 7: Batch Operation Options- Step 3: Open U8 – NVM and take out the chip inside (see Figure 8)Figure 8: Chip inside U8 NVM- Step 4: Connect the SPI flash component to flasher (chip inside U8).Note: Make sure pin 0 of the chip is at the white line of the clip (see Figure 9)Figure 9: Connect the SPI Flash component to flasher (U8)- Step 5: Detect → choose First Chip number in the Memory list. (See Figure 10)- Note: If you do not see Memory list after Detect Chip → Please check the Connection between Chip and Test Clip-→Make sure they are connected correctlyPin 0Figure 10: Choose the chip from memory listNote: Majority of the time, the first component in the list is the correct chip.-Step 6: File load Goshen Ridge FW from BKC file bin file (See Figure 11), Select OKFigure 11: Load Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock bin file-Step 7: Batch-Step 8: Wait for all stages are PASS(see Figure 12), and Operation CompletelyFigure 12: All stages are PASSNote:-All stages are PASS only if you choose the correct chip in step 5.-In case you choose the wrong chip in step 5, you will see the following messageFigure 13: Error message after Batch when we choose the wrong chip Troubleshoot:-At Step 5: Detect → choose Second Chip number(W25Q168) of component in the list -Repeat Step 6 to Step 8-If Error:Programming Fail Message still occur→ At Step 5: Detect → choose Third Chip number (W25Q16CL)-Repeat Step 6 to Step 8-Step 9: Put the chip back to U8 GR NVM. Make sure pin 0 is on arrow position of U8 GR NVM .-Figure 14: Arrow Position of U8 GR NVM. Pin0 of Chip will go here4. Delta Bridge FW UpdateExample File: DBR_CDR_ON_BOARD_rev1_NOSEC_sign.bin Delta Bridge FW will be updated into UB10 componentFigure 15: Pin 0 at UB10While Dediprog SF600 flasher connected to PC and Dediprog application open:- Step 1: Connect the SPI flash component to flasher (UB10). Make sure the white linein the test clip connect to pin 0 (see Figure 16)Figure 16: Connect the SPI flash component to UB10-Step 2: Detect → choose First Chip number in the Memory list. (See Figure 17) -Note: If you do not see Memory list after Detect Chip→ Please check Connectionbetween Chip and Test Clip → Make sure they are connected correctlyFigure 17: Choose the chip from memory listNote: For most of the time, the first component in the list is a correct chip.-Step 3: File load Delta Bridge FW from BKC file bin file (See Figure 18)Figure 18: Load Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock bin file-NOTE:You may need to hold test clip to make sure test clip and chip connected. -Step 4: Batch-Step 5: Wait for all stages are PASS (see Figure 19) and Operation Completed.Figure 19: All stages are PASSNote:-All stages are PASS only if you choose the correct chip in step 2.-In the case you choose the wrong chip in step 2, you will see the following messageFigure 20: Error message after Batch when we choose the wrong chip-Troubleshoot:-At Step 3: Detect → choose Second Chip number (W25Q80) of component in the list -Repeat Step 3 to Step 5-If Error:Programming Fail Message still occur→ At Step 2: Detect → choose Third Chip number(W25Q80BL)-Repeat Step 3 to Step 55. Fresco Hub FW UpdateExample File:UB6_RegisterOnly_AddHeader_Merged_INTEL_1U5D_FL5801_1Q1_V02 Fresco Hub FW Update into UB6 componentFigure 21: Pin 0 at UB6While Dediprog SF600 flasher connected to PC and Dediprog application open:- Step 1: Connect the SPI flash component to flasher (UB6). Make sure the white line in the clip connect to bit 0.- Step 2: Detect → choose First Chip number in the Memory list. (See Figure 22) - Note: If you do not see Memory list after Detect Chip → Please check Connectionbetween Chip and Test Clip →Make sure they are connected correctlyFigure 22: Choose the chip from memory listNote: For most of the time, the first component in the list is the correct chip.-Step 3: File load Fresco USB Hub FW from BKC file bin file (See Figure 23)Figure 23: Load Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock bin file-NOTE:You may need to hold test clip to make sure test clip and chip connected. -Step 4: Batch-Step 5: Wait for all stages are PASS (see Figure 24), and Operation CompletelyFigure 24: All stages are PASSNote:-All stages are PASS only if you choose the correct chip in step 2.-In the case you choose the wrong chip in step 2, you will see the following messageFigure 25: Error message after Batch when we choose the wrong chip -Troubleshoot:-At Step 3: Detect → choose Second Chip number(W25Q168) of component in the list -Repeat Step 3 to Step 5-If Error: Programming Fail Message still occur→ At Step 2: Detect → choose Third Chip number(W25Q16CL)-Repeat Step 3 to Step 56. Cypress DMC FW UpdateExample DMC: CY7C65219‐40LQXIT_dmc_gatkex_creek_sha_3_3_0_1746_1_3_19_120W.hex Example CCG5: CYPD5235‐96BZXI_gatkex_3_3_1_39_2_8_0_nb.hex- Step 1: Plug Cypress MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit CY8CKIT to the PC - Step 2: Connect MiniProg4 to DMC SWD connector (J5).Note: Only flash to the top five header pins of DMC SWD-- - - -Figure 26: DMC Headers (pin 6 to pin 10)-- Note: Make sure jumper connected to SWDIO pin of Cypress MiniProg4 connect toPin 10 at DMC header Cypress Minipro4 PinIntel USB4 Evaluation Dock DMCHeader PinSWDIO Pin 10 SWCLK Pin 9-CLK XRES Pin 8-XRES GND Pin 7-GND VTARG Pin 6-VDD-Step 3: Open Cypress PSOC programmerFigure 27: Cypress PSOC programmerNote: Make sure you see MiniProg4 in Port Selection-Step 4: Load file – DMC FW hex file (It may be inside PD folder from BKC file)Figure 28: Load file-Step 5: ProgramFigure 29: Select program on PSOC Programmer-Step 6: Wait until everything is PASSFigure 30: Wait until everything is PASSNote: If you see FAIL message, you may get the connection wrong between Cypress MiniProg4 and DMC header→ Check connection again at Step 2If connection between Cypress MiniProg4 and DMC header are correct but still get FAIL message→Close PSOC Programmer application and detach/attach MiniProg4 to host and reopen PSOC Programmer.7.Cypress CCG5 FW UpdateCCG5ABCCG5CDFigure 31: CCG5 SWD (J4) ConnectorWhile Cypress MiniProg4 Program and Debug Kit CY8CKIT connected to the PCand Cypress PSOC programmer open:Update CCG5 AB:-Step 1: Connect Cypress MiniProg4 to first CCG5 AB (J4) connectorCypress Minipro4 Pin Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock DMCHeader PinSWDIO Pin 10SWCLK Pin 9XRES Pin 8GND Pin 7VTARG Pin 6--Step 2: Load file – CCG5 FW hex file-Step 3: Program-Step 4: Wait until everything is PASSUpdate CCG5 CD:-Step 1: Connect Cypress MiniProg4 to first CCG5 CD (J4) connectorCypress Minipro4 Pin Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock DMCHeader PinSWDIO Pin 1SWCLK Pin 2XRES Pin 3GND Pin 4VTARG Pin 5-Step 2: Load file – CCG5 FW hex file (the same file for CCG5 AB update)-Step 3: Program-Step 4: Wait until everything is PASSNote: There is only 1 CCG5 file for CCG5 AB and CCG5 CDNote: If you see FAIL message, you may get connection wrong between CypressMiniProg4 and DMC header→ Check connection again at Step 1If connection between Cypress MiniProg4 and DMC header are correct but still get FAIL message→Close PSOC Programmer application and detach/attach MiniProg4 to host and reopen PSOC Programmer.-Step 5: Power Intel USB4 Evaluation Dock。
























以下是一个USB 枚举流程:1. 枚举流程:- 连接了设备的HUB在HOST查询其状态改变端点时返回对应的bitmap,告知HOST 某个PORT状态发生了改变。

- 主机向HUB查询该PORT的状态,得知有设备连接,并知道了该设备的基本特性。

- 主机等待设备上电稳定,然后向HUB发送请求,复位并使能该PORT。

- HUB执行PORT复位操作,复位完成后该PORT就使能了。

现在设备进入到defalut 状态,可以从Vbus获取不超过100mA的电流。


- 主机通过0地址向该设备发送get_device_descriptor标准请求,获取设备的描述符。

- 主机再次向HUB发送请求,复位该PORT。

- 主机通过标准请求set_address给设备分配地址。

- 主机通过新地址向设备发送get_device_descriptor标准请求,获取设备的描述符。

- 主机通过新地址向设备发送其他get_configuration请求,获取设备的配置描述符。

- 根据配置信息,主机选择合适配置,通过set_configuration请求对设备而进行配置。


2. GET_DESCRIPTOR:总线复位及向默认地址0发送GET_DESCRIPTOR指令包,请求设备描述。

如图一所示:- Index(4-5):表示USB插入总线复位。

- Index(7-8):表示主机向默认地址发送GET_DESCRIPTOR指令包,详细信息也抓出来了。

- Index(15-17):表示设备向主机发送设备描述数据Index(16)。

- Index(18-19):表示主机完成GET_DESCRIPTOR指令后,给设备发送一个空应答。

3. SET_ADDRESS:再次复位总线及向设备发送SET_ADDRESS指令包,设置设备地址。





2、启动命令提示符窗口,分别执行以下两条命令regadd"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\SessionManager\Environment"/v"DEVMGR_SHOW_DETAILS"/d1/tR EG_SZ/fregadd"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\SessionManager\Environment"/v"DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEV ICES"/d1/tREG_SZ/f3、重新启动计算机,在打开框中键入“devmgmt.msc”命令,单击“确定”按钮或者右击桌面上“我的电脑”图标,弹出的快捷菜单选择“属性”命令,在系统属性界面切换到“硬件”选项卡,在下面单击“设备管理器”按钮。


5、双击“通用串行总线控制器”项目,将下面所有灰色项目和USB 大容量存储设备都卸载掉6、然后右击“通用串行总线控制器”项目,弹出的下拉菜单选择“扫描检查硬件改动”。







3 外设再一次接收到GetDescriptor请求。主机分析描述符的信息。主机操作系统根据描述符信息寻找相应的设备驱动程序。
4 操作系统会继续发出GetConfiguration请求,读取设备的配置信息。要把外设的各个端点的配置情形回送到主机中。如果有多个配置信息,有多次请求发生。
5 在设备能通讯前,主机给外设一个SetConfiguration请求,主机根据整个系统的USB使用情况确认设备的哪一个配置有效,告诉其怎样工作,设备收到后调整有关配置,使设备能合理使用。





第二,如果其他机器上可以使用,则是系统的问题,最有可能的是将系统的智能识别usb设备的服务被人为禁用(默认是打开的),将其打开的方法是:控制面板---管理工具(经典视图下)--服务,然后查看Universal Plug and Play Device Host服务项目是否被禁用,禁用的话将其设置为启用。




打开“设备管理器”的“通用串口总线控制器”发现有“unkown device”设备,怀疑驱动出现问题,卸载重装多次均不见效,故障依旧,但计算机的USB光电鼠标一直可以正常使用,不管插在那一个USB口上。



这让我犯难了,这到底是什么原因致使的呀?后,在“设备管理器”的“通用串口总线控制器”中我逐个停用USB控制器设备,我发现一个奇怪的现象:只要停用“SiS PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller”,卸载“unkown device”设备,进行扫描检测硬件改动能找到移动硬盘,但马上又是:“unkown device”设备。











2.更换USB端口USB设备被识别为未知设备或设备描述符请求失败可能是由于USB 端口损坏或出现连接问题导致的。
















为了解决这个问题,您可以按照以下步骤进行操作:1. 更新驱动程序:打开设备管理器,找到出问题的设备,右键单击并选择“更新驱动程序”。


2. 检查电源管理设置:有时,错误可能是由于电源管理设置不正确引起的。


3. 升级操作系统:如果您的电脑仍然遭遇DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE错误,尝试升级操作系统到最新版本或安装必要的更新补丁。


以下是一些解决方法:1. 运行内存诊断工具:Windows操作系统提供了一个内置工具,可以帮助您检查和修复内存问题。


2. 更换或重新插入内存条:有时,内存条可能会松动或损坏,导致蓝屏错误。


3. 检查内存设置:有时,内存设置不正确也会导致MEMORY_MANAGEMENT错误。










出现这种情况时,我们应该首先检查以下几个方面:1. 确保USB设备已正确连接:检查USB设备是否已正确插入计算机的USB口,也可以试着将USB设备插到其他可用的USB口上。

2. 检查USB线缆和接口:有时候,USB线缆或接口可能损坏或松动导致连接失败。


3. 检查驱动程序:确保计算机已正确安装相关的驱动程序。


4. 检查USB设备是否兼容:有些USB设备可能不兼容某些计算机或操作系统。



1. 检查USB接口和设备:首先检查USB设备是否有灰尘或污垢。


2. 适当使用USB扩展器:当USB接口不够时,我们可能会使用USB扩展器。



3. 关闭不必要的后台程序和服务:在计算机运行过程中,一些后台程序和服务可能占用过多的系统资源,影响USB设备的传输速度。











(证明不是排线的问题)6、仔细研究蓝屏时的错误代码,0X00000035,no more irp stack locations,发现网上帖子挺多,但没有实用性的,都是罗列一顿其他错误代码与解决方法。

无意中,看到微软网站上的上述错误代码解决办法,但它在说明中是“当您尝试登录到域时,您可能会收到一条STOP 0x00000035 NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS 错误消息”,半信半疑,决定试试。





注意如果不存在DfsIrpStackSize 注册表项,您必须创建它。


键入DfsIrpStackSize,然后按ENTER 键。






LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board 用户指南说明书

LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board 用户指南说明书

Copyright 2012 © Embedded Artists ABLPC2148 USB QuickStart BoardUser’s GuideGet Up-and-Running Quickly andStart Developing on Day 1…Embedded Artists ABDavidshallsgatan 16SE-211 45 MalmöSweden************************Copyright 2005-2012 © Embedded Artists AB. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Embedded Artists AB.DisclaimerEmbedded Artists AB makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaim any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Embedded Artists AB.FeedbackWe appreciate any feedback you may have for improvements on this document. Please send your comments to ***************************.TrademarksAll brand and product names mentioned herein are trademarks, services marks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their respective owners and should be treated as such.Table of Contents1Document Revision History4 2Introduction5 2.1Contents5 2.2Features5 2.3ESD Precaution6 2.4CE Assessment6 2.5Other Products from Embedded Artists6 2.5.1Design and Production Services7 2.5.2OEM / Education / QuickStart Boards and Kits7 3Board Design8 3.1Mechanical Dimensions10 3.2Examples11 3.2.1JTAG11 3.2.2Reset12 3.2.3I2C13 3.2.4SPI14 3.2.5LEDs15 4Getting Started16 4.1Test program16 4.2Program Development16 5Further Information171 Document Revision History2 IntroductionThank you for buying Embedded Artists’ LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board based on NXP’s ARM7TDMI LPC2148 microcontroller.This document is a User’s Guide that describes the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board design along with the accompanying software and program development tools. The document contains information on how to use and integrate the board in your own designs, including electrical and mechanical information.2.1 ContentsThe box received when ordering the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board contains the following: ∙The LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board.In addition, the following is needed in order to start developing applications with the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board:∙ A DC power supply, 5-10 volt, capable of providing at least 150 mA (more if external circuits need power from the 3.3 volt supply). The LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board does not containreverse polarity protection. Consult the schematic and the LD1117 datasheet for details about the voltage regulator.∙ A serial extension cable, DB9-male to DB9-female (DB9M-DM9F), for connecting the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board to a PC.∙ A USB cable of type: B-to-A, both male connectors.∙An optional Prototype QuickStart Board to quickly get up-and-running with the hardware. See Embedded Artists’ homepage for more information about the Prototype QuickStart Board.∙An optional JTAG interface, for program development debugging.2.2 FeaturesEmbedded Artists’ LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board lets you get up-and-running quickly with NXÅ’s ARM7TDMI LPC2148 microcontroller. The small form factor board offers many unique features that ease your development.∙NXP ARM7TDMI LPC2148 microcontroller with 512 KByte program Flash and 32+8 KByte SRAM∙All LPC2148 I/O pins are available on connectors∙12.0000 MHz crystal for maximum execution speed and standard serial bit rates -Phase-locked loop (PLL) multiplies frequency with five; 5 x 12 MHz = 60 MHz ∙32.768kHz RTC crystal∙ESD/EMI protected RS232 channel with DSUB-9 connector-Both UART #0 and #1 connected-Signals available on expansion connector∙ 2 Kbit I2C E2PROM for storing non-volatile parameters∙Onboard low-dropout voltage and reset generation.-Generates +3.3V from a single +5V supply-+3.3V available for external circuits, up to 300 mA-Power supply: 5-10 VDC, at least 150 mA,or via USB connector∙Simple and automatic program download (ISP) via RS232 channel-Circuit that automatically controls the bootloader from RS232 channel ∙Dimensions: 59 x 39.5 mm-Small form factor for easy integration-Dual 2x16 pins I/O connectors-Four layer PCB (FR-4 material) for best noise immunity2.3 ESD PrecautionPlease note that the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board come without anycase/box and all components are exposed for finger touches – and thereforeextra attention must be paid to ESD (electrostatic discharge) precaution.Make it a habit always to first touch the metal surface of the USBconnector for a few seconds with both hands before touching any otherparts of the board. That way, you will have the same potential as the board andtherefore minimize the risk for ESD.Note that Embedded Artists does not replace boards that have been damaged by ESD.2.4 CE AssessmentThe LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board is CE marked. See separate CE Declaration of Conformity document.The LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board is a class B product.EMC emission test has been performed on the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board. The USB interface has been in use and also powered the device during the test. General expansion connectors where internal signals are made available have been left unconnected. Connecting other devices to the product via the general expansion connectors may alter EMC emission. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure EMC emission limits are not exceeded when connecting other devices to the general expansion connectors of the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board.Due to the nature of the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board– an evaluation board not for integration into an end-product – fast transient immunity tests and conducted radio-frequency immunity tests have not been executed. Externally connected cables are assumed to be less than 3 meters. The general expansion connectors where internal signals are made available do not have any other ESD protection than from the chip themselves. Observe ESD precaution.Note that the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board can also be considered to be a component if integrated into another product. The CE mark on the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board cannot be extended to include the new (user created) product. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure EMC emission limits are not exceeded and CE mark the final product.2.5 Other Products from Embedded ArtistsEmbedded Artists have a broad range of LPC1000/2000/3000/4000 based boards that are very low cost and developed for prototyping / development as well as for OEM applications. Modifications for OEM applications can be done easily, even for modest production volumes. Contact Embedded Artists for further information about design and production services.2.5.1 Design and Production ServicesEmbedded Artists provide design services for custom designs, either completely new or modification to existing boards. Specific peripherals and I/O can be added easily to different designs, for example, communication interfaces, specific analog or digital I/O, and power supplies. Embedded Artists has a broad, and long, experience in designing industrial electro nics in general and with NXP’sLPC1000/2000/3000/4000 microcontroller families in specific. Our competence also includes wireless and wired communication for embedded systems. For example IEEE802.11b/g (WLAN), Bluetooth™, ZigBee™, ISM RF, Ethernet, CAN, RS485, and Fieldbuses.2.5.2 OEM / Education / QuickStart Boards and KitsVisit Embedded Artists’ home page, , for information about other OEM / Education / QuickStart boards / kits or contact your local distributor.3 Board DesignThis chapter contains detailed information about the electrical and mechanical design of the LPC2148USB QuickStart Board. The schematic can be downloaded in pdf format from the support page, and isrecommended to have printed out while reading this chapter. A number of example circuits are alsopresented that will lower the threshold of start developing applications with the board.Besides the LPC2148 microcontroller from NXP, the board contains an USB interface, a 3.3V low-dropout voltage regulator, a 2 Kbit I2C E2PROM with reset generation, and an ESD/EMI protected RS232 serial channel. Both UART channels on the processor can use the RS232 interface. OnlyUART #0 is however connected to the DSUB-9 connector. A red LED is connected to the reset signaland lights when reset is active, i.e., the signal is low. Power can either be supplied via the expansionconnector or via the USB connector. Powering via the USB connector should only be used if theexternal power need is limited to 100-150 mA. If the board is powered from the USB interface jumper J6 must be inserted (see schematic above). Also note that it is not allowed to both power the boardfrom the USB interface and from an external source (+5V DC). The USB interface (typically on the PC-side) can get damaged in that case. The USB interface supports the Soft Connect functionality andvoltage sense (see LPC2148 User’s Manual for more information about these functions).The microcontroller crystal frequency is 12.0000 MHz. This frequency has been selected in order to allow maximum execution speed (5 x 12 MHz = 60 MHz, which is the maximum frequency). The on-chip UART peripheral includes a fractional baud rate generator that allow standard baud rates to begenerated form the 60 MHz base clock. The USB clock is also generated from the 60 MHz clockwithout any problems.The crystal frequency can be changed to any desired value for OEM orders, provided that theconditions in the LPC2148 datasheet are met. Current requirements are (but consult the most current datasheet for latest details):∙1-30 MHz if the on-chip phase-locked loop (PLL) is not used, or∙10-25 MHz if the PLL is to be used.The design has direct and automatic support for program Array downloading (via ISP) over the RS232 serial channel. TheRS232 signal DTR controls the reset signal to the LPC2148microcontroller. The RS232 signal RTS is connected to pinP0.14 in the LPC2148 microcontroller. This pin is sampled afterFigure Figure 1 - LPC2148 QuickStart Board ISP JumpersThe board interface connectors are placed in two 2x16 pin rows along the board edges. They are 1200 mil (30.48 mm) apart. Figure 2 below illustrates the two row connectors and their signals.Note that P0.26 and P0.27 are the USB signals and should normally be left unconnected, unless and external USB connector is implemented. Sometimes P0.23 is also used by the application and should also in this case be left unconnected.Figure 2 - LPC2148 QuickStart Board Interface Connectors3.1 Mechanical DimensionsFigure 3 below contains a drawing of the board that includes mechanical measures.Figure 3 - LPC2148 QuickStart Board Mechanical Dimensions3.2 ExamplesThis section contains a few sample / illustrative circuit examples that will help you to quickly get up-and-running with the board interface design. Detailed information about the on-chip peripheral units can be found in the LPC2148 User’s Manual.3.2.1 JTAGThe LPC2148 microcontroller contains a JTAG interface that can be used for debug purposes during program development. The circuit in Figure 4 below works for many JTAG interfaces on the market, including CrossConnect from Rowley Associates, J-link from Segger, Ulink from Keil, and Wiggler from MacRaigor.The signal RTCK on the LPC2148 microcontroller is sampled during reset. Jumper J5 drives the signal low. If the signal is found low, the JTAG interface is enabled. Pin P1.26-P1.31 then changes from being general I/O pins to dedicated JTAG pins.Note that many Wiggler JTAG interfaces do not work with a processor crystal frequency above about 10 MHz. If this is the case, the crystal frequency can be changed by desoldering the 12.0000 MHz crystal and replace it with another suitable one.LPC2148 QuickStart BoardFigure 4 – Example JTAG Interface3.2.2 ResetThe on-board I2C E2PROM (CAT1025) also contains a reset generator. The reset signal will be held active (i.e., low) until the supply voltages, +3.3V, is within margins. The reset duration is typically 200 mS (consult the CAT1025 datasheet for exact details). The output reset signal is an open-collector / open-drain output. An external reset source can also control the reset generator. Figure 5 below illustrate how an external push-button can generate a reset. Note that an external driver should be an open-collector / open-drain driver.LPC2148 QuickStart BoardFigure 5 – Example External Reset Push-button3.2.3 I2CThe LPC2148 microcontroller has an on-chip I2C communication channel (actually two, but one is used and the other is optional). The LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board has connected a 2 Kbit E2PROM to this bus. More peripheral units are easily connected to the two-wire I2C bus. Figure 6 below illustrates how a pin expander circuit (PCF8574) can be connected to the I2C bus.LPC2148 QuickStart BoardFigure 6 – Example I2C InterfaceNote that the pull-up resistors (which are always needed on I2C busses) are included on the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board., and are hence not needed on the external circuit. The pull-up resistors are 3000 ohm each (see Fel! Hittar inte referenskälla. for complete board schematics).If using the second I2C channel do not forget to connect pull-up resistors to these signals also. Note that this must be done even if the I2C functionality is not used/enabled. Pins P0.11 and P0.14 are open-drain I/Os and must have pull-up resistors when configured as outputs. This is unfortunately easy to forget.3.2.4 SPIThe LPC2148 microcontroller also has two on-chip SPI serial communication channels. Figure 7 below illustrates how serial E2PROM chip, a shift register and a SD/MMC memory card are connected to the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board. In the schematic below, signal SSEL (i.e, P0.7) has been pulled high. This is normally required when the SPI controller operates as a ‘master’, and ‘master’ operation is typically the normal operating mode. Note however that for the LPC214x series, SSEL is no longer required to be pulled high when operating as a SPI master. It can be used as a general purpose I/O. A good use for this pin is to use it as chip select for (one of) the SPI slave(s) to communicate with.In Figure 7 below, signal P0.30 is used as an example to control the chip select to the serial E2PROM chip, but for the LPC214x series, it could just as well have been the P0.7 (SSEL) pin (or any other pin). Note that one chip select signal is requires for each external chip that is connected to the SPI bus.LPC2148 QuickStart BoardFigure 7 – Example SPI Interface3.2.5 LEDsThe port pins of the LPC2148 microcontrollers have a 4 mA driving capacity, just enough to directly drive LEDs. Figure 8 below illustrates how current is sourced from / sink to the microcontroller to drive the LEDs. The resistors limit the current to about 4 mA. The preloaded test program (described in Section 4.1 ) outputs a running-zero on all the port pins (P0.4 – P0.31, P1.16 – P1.31, except the USB pins). A circuit like the one in Figure 8 below can be used to verify correct operation (use “active low” circuit).LPC2148 QuickStart BoardFigure 8 – Example LED Driving4 Getting Started4.1 Test programThe LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board comes preloaded with a test program. This program can be used to verify that the board operates correctly. A circuit, like the one found in Figure 8 above, can be used to attach LEDs to port pins P0.4 – P0.31, P1.16 – P1.31 (except the USB pins). Pins P0.0 – P0.1 are tested via the serial channel and pins P0.2 – P0.3 are tested via the I2C bus. Connect also a USB cable between the LPC2148 USB QuickStart Board and a PC. The PC will react to the connection and signal that it has found new hardware.The test program outputs a running-zero to the port pins, meaning that one LED at a time will light (in a running-one pattern). Also, a terminal program should be attached to the RS232 DSUB-9 connector. The test program will output test information regarding the I2C and E2PROM test. Also, theUART/RS232 channel can be tested by typing characters in the terminal program.The settings for the terminal program are: 38.4 kbps, 8 data bits, no parity bits, and one stop bit (i.e., 8N1).The output from the test program will look something like in Figure 9 below. Note that the picture below is just an example and not the actual output text.Figure 9 – Example Test Program Output4.2 Program DevelopmentConsult the QuickStart Program Development User’s Manual for more information about the QuickStart Build Environment from Embedded Artists, and program development for the ARM7 in general.5 Further InformationThe LPC2148 microcontroller is a complex circuit and there exist a number of other documents with a lot more information. The following documents are recommended as a complement to this document.[1]NXP LPC2148 Datasheet/products/lpc2000/datasheet/lpc2141.lpc2142.lpc2144.lpc2146.lpc2148.pdf[2]NXP LPC2148 User’s Manual/support/documents/microcontrollers/pdf/user.manual.lpc2141.lpc2142.lpc2144.lpc2146.lpc2148.pdf[3]NXP LPC2148 Errata Sheet/support/documents/microcontrollers/pdf/errata.lpc2148.pdf[4]ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual. Document identity: DDI0029G/pdfs/DDI0029G_7TDMI_R3_trm.pdf[5]ARM Architecture Reference Manual. Document identity: DDI0100EBook, Second Edition, edited by David Seal, Addison-Wesley: ISBN 0-201-73719-1Also available in PDF form on the ARM Technical Publications CD[6]ARM System Developer’s Guide – Designing and Optimizing System Software, by A.N. Sloss,D Symes, C. Wright. Elsevier: ISBN 1-55860-874-5[7]Embedded System Design on a Shoestring, by Lewin Edwards.Newnes: ISBN 0750676094.[8]GNU Manuals/manual/[9]GNU ARM tool chain for Cygwin[10]An Introduction to the GNU Compiler and Linker, by Bill Gatliff[11]LPC2000 Yahoo Group. A discussion forum dedicated entirely to the NXP’s LPC2xxx series ofmicrocontrollers./group/lpc2000/[12]The Insider’s Guide to the NXP’s ARM7-Based Microcontrollers, by Trevor Martin./arm/lpc2000book/index.htmlAlso note that there can be newer versions of the documents than the ones linked to here. Always check for the latest information / version.。



电脑开机故障汇总故障提示:Cache Memory Bad,Do Not enable Cache解决方法:主板高速缓存损坏导致,找售后解决故障提示:Keyboard Not Found解决方法:可能是键盘没有插牢所致,或者主板上的USB、PS2接口损坏导致,可以将键盘插牢或更换接口故障提示:Bad of Missing Command解决方法:损坏或者丢失,使用U盘到正常电脑拷贝一个然后复制到本机引导分区故障提示:开机主机不停地响,系统反复重启解决方法:一般是显卡或内存没有插牢所致,关闭电源后,打开机箱将其插牢故障提示:Disk I/O Error,Replace Disk and Enter解决方法:系统的启动文件丢失,根据提示的丢失文件,从正常的电脑拷贝一个,进入PE 系统,然后复制该文件到引导分区故障提示:CMOS Batter State Low解决方法:CMOS电池已经没电,更换电池即可故障提示:CMOS Checksum Errordefaults loaded解决方法:也有可能是电池没有电所致,但是更换后还出现这个问题,有可能是CMOS数据错误或主板电容问题,找售后故障提示:CMOS Time&Date Not Set解决方法:开机时按住DEL进入BIOS然后设置时间和日期故障提示:Boot.ini非法解决方法:Boot.ini文件中的代码被更改,可以将下面的代码保存到c:\boot.ini中[boot loader]timeout=10default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS[operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /FASTDETECT故障提示:找不到hal.dll解决方法:如果重新编辑过boot.ini仍然无效的话,可以从正常的电脑拷贝该文件,如果内存条损坏,也会出现该问题故障提示:Check Your System On C ,The Type of the File System is Fat32解决方法:有的时候是非正常的关机或重启导致的,一般下次正常操作就不会出现该问题。







首先看看电脑出现的症状:1.进入windows xp滚动条之前,鼠标和键盘都正常,进入系统后,全部失灵2.进入PE维护系统,鼠标和键盘都正常,所以可以肯定:A.主机USB接口都是正常的B鼠标和键盘都是正常的那么出现的问题肯定是USB鼠标和键盘的驱动有关。



解决方法:在注册表找到下面的路径:【HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C46 5-11CF-8056-444553540000}】中,找到含有“通用串行总线控制器”字样的键值,把“upperfilter”值或者“lowerfilter”值删除,然后重启,系统会自动安装新的驱动。

可是,我的鼠标和键盘都失灵了,怎么删除?网上的解决方法:1.使用PS/2鼠标 2.他们都是笔记本,鼠标和键盘不能用了,还可以使用触控板。



你把PS/2鼠标和键盘插上,重启电脑,在注册表中找到下面的路径:【HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{36FC9E60-C46 5-11CF-8056-444553540000}】看到右边有“通用串行总线控制器”,请删除“upperfilter”值或者“lowerfilter”值,退出注册表,重启电脑。



因USB口连接异常导致UE连接异常释放1 现象描述在进行UE性能测试时出现掉话,在eNB侧的S1口跟踪消息中看到eNB发起UE上下文释放请求S1AP_UE_CONTEXT_REL_REQ,该消息中可以看到原因值为radioNetwork:radio-connection-with-ue-lost。




2 告警信息无3 原因分析对于LTE系统中出现的掉话,常见的原因有以下几种:1、邻区漏配或者错误配置。








4 处理过程首先分析是否为邻区漏配或者错误配置引起的掉话。


本次测试没有发现上述现象,而且,在webLMT上用命令LST EUTRANINTRAFREQNCELL查看同频邻区关系表没有出现漏配或者错配的情况,排除邻区漏配和错配的原因。





目录1.开发板调试FAQ (3)1.1we can't locate root directory in super block! (3)1.2Can't assign requested address (3)1.3Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (4)1.4The MEMSIZE is not supported (4)1.5如何判断PMON、kernel、FS是否成功加载 (5)1.6内核加载后控制台串口没有输出 (5)1.7上电后显示器花屏 (6)2.软件编译FAQ (7)2.1bin/sh: mipsel-linux-gcc: 未找到命令 (7)2.2bin/sh: pmoncfg: 未找到命令 (7)2.3'make menuconfig' requires the ncurses libraries. (8)1.开发板调试FAQ1.1we can't locate root directory in super block!用U盘加载方式引导开发板内核启动时可能会出现这个问题,原因是龙芯的PMON使用该加载方式时,会对存储器进行检查,要求存储器必须保留一段未分配的存储空间。



1.2Can't assign requested address用网口tftp方式加载内核时可能会出现此问题,原因是PMON环境下开发板的网络端口没有配置成功。

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1)操作系统Windows 98
2)要求安装VC++ 6.0WINNT DDK
EASY D12(EASYD12.DLL周立功公司技术支持文档)
1)VC 6.0,VB或C++ BUILDER 5.0
振对于USB Smart Board建议使用24MHz晶振
1) Keil C V4.0选择52以上单片机
USB51S库 V0.2版本(周立功公司技术支持文档)
1)要求Keil C V6.14以上选择52以上单片机
说明: USB51S库 V0.2版本Endpoint 1设置为中断传输方式Endpoint 2设置为批量传输方式
2问A0是命令口和数据口的地址线多地址/数据总线时接高电平但购买的D12 SMART套件印制板的A0好象只通过一10K的电阻接地固件程序中命令口和数据口的地址好象分别为0FF03 和
单地址数据总线ALE接地这是A0为1时使用MOVX输出的是命令A0为0时使用MOVX 输出的是数据
答不能因为D12不是USB Host 器件不能用来作为主机
答USB SMART BOARD的挂起的恢复是用硬件电路实现的D12检测到连续3次没有帧起始SOF
就将挂起脚置高至于测试的方法可以连接正常后把电脑进入休眠方式然后唤醒USB SMART
是连接不上的原因SMART BOARD与主机连接不上的时候D12检测到连续3次没有帧起始SOF
6问我利用easyd12.dll中的WritePort1 ( )函数写smart板的端点1没有错误提示利用ReadPort2 ( )函数读端点2程序提示“数据响应失败”能帮我分析一下原因吗
答单片机的应答超时了ReadPort2 ( )函数读端点2 D12发送的是上一次的数据发送完数据才进
行中断请求输出当只在Endpoint 2 的IN中断中输出数据到D12是不可能产生中断的
7问原盘中附带的中文D12Test编译除了几个警告没有别的问题运行出现问题对话框的标题为Unkown Board. 测试D1D2工作正常测试扫描方式打印机方式循环读写方式都提示“请求数据传送失败”
手上的smart board的板上的单片机的程序是usb51s库的demo程序就不回应philips的厂商请求所以pc的philips软件就识别固件程序就屏蔽了ep2了如果你把philips的hex代码写到58中就没问题了因为我们在用usb51s库开发自己的usb通信程序时没有必要加进philips的厂商请求
8问你的SMART 板的速度为什么只有5kB/s?
具体内容请参考网站上的USB BUS里的PDIUSBD12速度测试报告
答厂商请求是通过Endpoint 0发送一些USB1.1协议以外的指令例如可以发送设备特殊的命令在USB SMART BOARD的示范程序中用来传输版本号和对Endpoint 2操作的控制了
答reg51.h是keil C里的51单片机的SFR的说明文档在keil C的里带有。
