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The news that China bans time-
travel TV dramas and movies got a lot of attention on the Intern et. Yet, time travel in China is different from time travel in comm on sense.It is anything but science fiction and always goes ba ckwards in time.There is minimum imagination involved----
no never-
ending loops that mess up the present and future, no advanced technology, no new social orders or new human forms from the twenty-
whatever century, and everything is a known historical fact whe n you travel through in China.
It is not even called time travel. The Chinese people would rath er refer to it as time crossover.Time crossover has been an ex tremely popular theme for online novels for years (in fact , it is an indispensible part of China’s online culture), and didn’t get picked up by TV and the big screen until recent years.Most ti me-
travel dramas and movies are adapted from popular online nov els and like in other cases adaptations are never better than the original books.
The main plot of time-
travel novels or TV dramas can be very well summarized in one sentence: from nobody to somebody.Time travel in China is more about escaping from the reality than about realizing wild d reams.
In China , there is no need of time machine either.People trav el backwards in time via the possession of antiques, presence a t historical places of interest, an encounter of life-
threatening accidents or simply a look into the mirror.Some ti me-
travel novels even start with “I wanted to go back to history so much that one morning when I opened my eyes I was back.”Technology is not relevant at all.
Though China is not short of histories to go back to, people hav e their own preferences and it is pretty much a gender (性别)thing.If the main character is male then he usually goes back t o special times in history when he is able to help build up or tea r up a dynasty.A typical example is A Step Into the Past (寻秦记), the first time-
travel TV drama in China, which tells the story of how a SWAT
member helps to unite China and build up Qin Dynasty .
On the other hand , female characters primarily go back to Qing Dynasty partly because Qing Dynasty has the most number of emperors and princes to fall in love with. Yongzheng Emperor i s the favorite.As can be seen in Startling by Each Step(步步惊
心), a Qing time crossover classic, a girl goes back to Qing Dy nasty and falls in love with Yongzheng Emperor and his brother s.
67.As for time travel in China, which of the following ideas doe s the writer agree to ?
A.it is complicated and can be classified into science fiction.
B.it is often based on the familiar story in history.
C.it sometimes messes up the times and social orders.
D.it always occurs in any times but the time before. 68.The writing purpose of this passage is to .
A.explain how the time -
travel TV dramas are banned in China
B.introduce the characteristics of the time-
travel TV dramas in China
C.show the difference between time travel in China and in oth er cultures
D.advise people to watch the time-
travel TV dramas in China
69.It can be inferred from the passage that .
A.China now has banned any forms of productions about time travel
B.adapted from online novels, time-
travel TV and movie productions enjoy more praise
C.the main character always follows a set pattern in the time-travel TV dramas in China
D.all the time-
travel productions are about heroes and their success 70.The news mentioned in the very beginning is intended to .
A.prove author’s view B.introduce the topic
C.give an example D.work as a topic sentence 【参考答案】67-70 CBCB
(文章选自China Daily,略有删减,题目原创)
A winner of the 2011 L'Oreal-
UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Vivian Win g-
wah Yam says she could not have done it without the backing o f her family.
The road to scientific discovery is tougher for women than for m en and Professor Vivian Wing-
wah Yam says she couldn't have succeeded without such a sup portive family. The 47-year-
old from Hong Kong University was one of five women scientist s, from each continent, to receive the 2011 L'Oreal-
UNESCO For Women in Science Awards at a ceremony on Ma rch 3, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. It is the 13th edition o f the award since 1998.
Yam's long and fruitful research on solving the energy problem won her the prize for Asia and the Pacific. There are several re newable and sustainable(可持续
的) energy solutions, like solar power, which could provide an unlimited source of energy. Some problems must be resolved, however, such as the low efficiency of solar cells and their high supply costs. Yam and her colleagues hope to overcome these
problems by developing and testing new photoactive(光敏的) materials.
She became the third Chinese women scientist honored with th e so-
called "woman's Nobel Prize" award, after Professor Li Fanghu a from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, and Profess or Ye Ruyu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technol ogy in 2004.
"People think chemists are bad guys, but we are the good guys, " Yam said in a humorous aside before explaining her research project on photoactive materials in an earlier speech at L'Institut de France. For Yam, chemistry is science, but also an art. Ama zed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood, Yam de cided on a career in chemistry. "One of the beauties of chemistr y is the ability to create new molecules and chemical species. I have always associated chemists with artists, creating new thin gs with innovative(革新的) ideas," Yam said.
As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Yam said she is lucky to have been supported by her family. She was inspired as a c hild by her father, a professor in the Civil Engineering Faculty at Hong Kong University. Yam added her husband, Mak Shingtat, a PhD in chemistry, who accompanied Yam to the awards cere mony, was also fully supportive of her work. "I can't imagine ho
w my career could move on without his understanding and supp ort," she said. "I often stay late at night in the laboratory. He alw ays waits for me outside."
Yam received her bachelor and PhD degrees from the Universit y of Hong Kong (HKU). She taught at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong before joining HKU as a faculty member, and headed the chemistry department for two terms from 2000 to 2005. At 38, s he was the youngest member elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a Fellow of TWAS, the Academy of Sci ences for the Developing World, and was awarded the State Na tural Science Award and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Medal. 2011 is the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie' s second Nobel Prize, coinciding (一致的)
with the International Year of Chemistry. Today, Curie is still a r ole model for women in science.
Although the participation of women in science, is promoted by UNESCO, notably through L'Oreal-
UNESCO, there are still too few women doing high-
level science, says UNESCO Director-
General Irina Bokova. The latest UNESCO report shows less th an 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys equal access t o education.
Each year, the L'Oreal-
UNESCO For Women in Science Award recognizes 15 young women from all over the world, especially developing countries, to encourage and finance their studies. More than 200 young w omen scientists are currently supported. "I do not think there is a difference between men and women in terms of their intellect ual abilities and research capabilities(能
力)," Yam said. "As long as one has the passion, dedication a nd determination to pursue research wholeheartedly, one can e xcel regardless of one's gender or background."
Yam said some young women, who require stability and securit y, often have to give up their research because of family pressu res. "The only way for women to succeed in science is to get th e mental and material support from family and society. There is a day-
care center at my university, and my husband and mother-in-law help a lot with the housework, so I am able to spend my tim e on research," she said. "I have two young daughters, and it is too early to tell whether or not they want to pursue careers in sc ience. But, I will encourage them to always defend their ideas. To remain determined, and to never be afraid of failure - this is t he advice that they will need to succeed in realizing their dream s."
Yam also acknowledged her colleague's support, at the awards
ceremony. "This (award) not only recognizes me, but my collea gues and students and my country, China."
55.L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards is . A.an award for the developing world
B.equal to Women’s Nobel Prize
C.held for more than 14 times
D.only to in honour of Marie Curie
56.Why did Yam become a chemist? .
A.When she was young, she thought chemists were good. B.She was amazed by the universe, nature and color in her c hildhood.
C.She wanted to find the beauties of chemistry.
D.She was encouraged by her supportive family. 57.What’s Yam’s view on men and women? .
A.Their intellectual abilities and research capabilities are the s ame.
B.Their passion, dedication and determination are the same. C.Women require stability and security.
D.Women can’t get the mental and material support from famil y and society.
58.Yam wins the award of UNESCO For Women in Science f
or .
A.her fruitful research on solving the environmental problem B.doing research and test on new photoactive materials C.inventing an unlimited resource
D.finding solutions on renewable and sustainable energy 59.The word “recognize” in the passage means . A.admit or be aware of B.be willing to accept sb/sth as v alid or approve
C.show appreciation by giving an honor or award D.k now sb/sth again
60.For Yam, her winning the award mainly thanks to . A.her hard work B.the co-work from her students. C.the help from her colleagues D.the support from her fa mily
答案及评分标准55-60 BBADCD

Honesty may well be the policy, but it often deserts us when no one is watching, psychologists report today. Experiments with a n honesty box to collect payments for hot drinks show that peop le are better at paying up when under the gaze(注
视) of a pair of eyes. The surprise was that the eyes were not re al, but photographed.
Researchers at Newcastle University set up the experiment in s ecret. They attached a poster to a cupboard of mugs above an-honesty box alongside a kettle ,with tea, coffee and milk. Over 10 weeks, they alternated each week between images of eyes and pictures of flowers.
Dr. Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study, said that even though the eyes were not real they still seemed to m ake people behave more honestly. They effect may arise from b ehavioral characteristics that developed as early humans forme d social groups that increased their chances of survival. Individ uals had to co-
operate for the good of the group, rather than act selfishly.
"If nobody is watching us it is in our interests to behave selfishly . But when we think we're being watched we should behave bet ter, so people see us as co-
operative and behave the same way towards us, "Dr. Bateson s aid.
"We thought we'd get a slight effect with eyes, but it was quite s triking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious (潜意识
的) level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be b ecause eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to."
The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolut ionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could promote ticket sales on public transp ort and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.
41. This passage is mainly about _______________.
A. the policy of honesty
B. an honesty box to collect money
C. evolution on honesty
D. an experiment on honesty
42. The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the res earchers _____________.
A. wanted to get a comparatively more exact result
B. had known they wanted to do something illegally
C. meant to get the co-operation of their colleagues
D. intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price
43. People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes becau se _____________.
A. they want to leave a good impression
B. they fear to b e laughed at by others
C. they've got the nature through evolution
D. they take the ph oto for a real pair of eyes
44. The underlined phrase" sheds light on" in the last paragraph means _____.
A. causes somebody to become cheerful
B. makes somet hing easier to understand
C. comes upon something by accident
D. brings something i nto the broad daylight
参考答案----------41.D 42.A 43.C 44.B
BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -
- China's economic planning agency Thursday announced a ris e in minimum rice purchase prices this year to encourage farme rs to grow more grain.
A statement on the National Development and Reform Commis sion (NDRC) website said the government would continue the p olicy of minimum purchase prices in major rice-
growing regions in 2011.
The rises in the minimum rice purchase price had been approve d by the State Council, China's Cabinet, said the statement. The purchase prices for japonica rice will rise 21.9 percent to 1 28 yuan (19.4 U.S. dollars) per 50 kilograms, while prices for ea rly and middle-
late rice will increase 9.7 percent and 10.3 percent to 102 yuan and 107 yuan per 50 kg respectively.
Rice and wheat are two major grain crops in China.
The State Council pledged Wednesday to step up efforts to boo st grain production as drought continues to wreak havoc in nort h China's wheat growing regions.
China's main wheat-
growing regions, including Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Sh anxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and Jiangsu provinces, have been plague d by drought since October last year.
Drought has affected about 7.73 million hectares, or 42.4 perce nt, of the total winter wheat crop area in the country's eight key producing provinces, the Ministry of Agriculture said Wednesda y.
China's grain output rose 2.9 percent last year to 546.41 million tons, marking the seventh consecutive year of growth.
45. When was this news probably written?
A. In 2011
B. In 2010
C. In February,2011
D. On Wednesd ay, 2011
46. What is the purchase price for japonica rice before it wise a ccording to the passage?
A.105 yuan per 50 kilograms
B. 128 yuan per 50 kilograms
C. 102 yuan per 50 kilograms
D. 107 yuan per 50 kilograms
47. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the fourth par agraph?
A. completely
B. honorably
C. separately
D. exactly
48. Which of the following sentences is true according to the pa ssage.
A. A raised purchase price will encourage farmers to grow more rice.
B. The plan hasn’t been approved by the State Council, China's Cabinet.
C. Drought continues to hit the wheat growing regions in the nor th of China.
D. There are 8 grain producing provinces affected by the droug ht.
49. Which may be the headline of this news?
A. China’s minimum rice purchase prices raised to boost produ ction
B. A Steady rice purchase prices to ensure rice production
C. The Chinese government pays more attention on rice produc tion
D. China’s grain output steadily increases
【参考答案】45.C 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.A
阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

The practice of magic includes special words, actions, and obje cts. Most magic involves a person called a magician, who claim s to have supernatural powers.
Magic words. To work most magic, the magician sings or speak s special words in a certain order. These words are called incan tations or spells. Some spells form prayers to demons(魔鬼), spirits, or other supernatural forces. Many societies believe the magic will not work unless the magician recites the spells p
erfectly. Other magic words have no meaning, though they sup posedly possess power when spoken by a magician.
Magic actions accompany the words spoken in performing muc h magic. Many of these movements act out the desired effect of the magic. For example, a magician trying to make rain fall ma y sprinkle(洒) water on the ground. The magician's combined w ords and actions form a ceremony.
Magic objects include certain plants, stones, and other things wi th supposed supernatural powers. Any such object may be call ed a fetish(物神). But this term often refers to an object—
for example, a carving or a dried snake—
honored by a tribe for its magic powers. Many tribes believe feti shes have magic power because spirits live in these objects. Many people carry magic objects called amulets(护身
符)to protect themselves from harm. Many amulets are stones o r rings engraved(雕刻) with magic symbols.
The magician. In some societies, nearly everyone knows how t o work some magic. In other societies, only experts practice ma gic. Magicians may be called medicine men, medicine women, shamans, sorcerers, or witch doctors. In many societies, magici ans must inherit their powers. In others, any person may becom e a magician by studying the magical arts.
Many societies believe magicians must observe certain rules an
d taboos (forbidden actions) for their spells to work. For exampl e, they may b
e required not to eat various foods or to avoid sex ual activity for a certain period before the ceremony. 56.What do magic words mean to people in some society? A.They have the power to kill devils.
B.They have power if magician recites the right spells. C.They have no effect at all.
D.They can be used whenever they want.
57.Why do many people believe in a fetish?
A.Because it is often a ring which is worth a lot of money. B.Because it is carved with magic symbols.
C.Because people think spirits live in it.
D.Because it can help them with many things. 58.According to the passage what kind of person can become a magician?
A.Only those studying the magical arts.
B.Only those inheriting their powers.
C.Only men.
D.Almost all the people in some societies.
59.What's the best title of the passage?
A.How Magic Works
B.The Power of Magic
C.How to Practice Magic
D.The Choice of Magicians
【参考答案】阅读理解: 56-59 BCDC
The news that China bans time-
travel TV dramas and movies got a lot of attention on the Internet. Yet, time travel in China is dif ferent from time travel in common sense.It is anything but science fiction and always goes bac kwards in time.There is minimum imagination involved----no never-
ending loops that mess up the present and future, no advanced technology, no new social order s or new human forms from the twenty-
whatever century, and everything is a known historical fact when you travel through in China.
It is not even called time travel. The Chinese people would rather refer to it as time crossover.Time crossover has been an extremely popular theme for online novels for years (in fact , it is an indispensible part of China’s online culture), and didn’t get picked up by TV and the big scr een until recent years.Most time-
travel dramas and movies are adapted from popular online novels and like in other cases adapt ations are never better than the original books.
The main plot of time-
travel novels or TV dramas can be very well summarized in one sentence: from nobody to some body.Time travel in China is more about escaping from the reality than about realizing wild dre ams.
In China , there is no need of time machine either.People travel backwards in time via the pos session of antiques, presence at historical places of interest, an encounter of life-
threatening accidents or simply a look into the mirror.Some time-
travel novels even start with “I wanted to go back to history so much that one morning when I op ened my eyes I was back.” Technology is not relevant at all.
Though China is not short of histories to go back to, people have their own preferences and it is pretty much a gender (性别)
thing.If the main character is male then he usually goes back to special times in history when he is able to help build up or tear up a dynasty.A typical example is A Step Into the Past (寻秦记), the first time-
travel TV drama in China, which tells the story of how a SWAT member helps to unite China an d build up Qin Dynasty .
On the other hand , female characters primarily go back to Qing Dynasty partly because Qing D ynasty has the most number of emperors and princes to fall in love with. Yongzheng Emperor is the favorite.As can be seen in Startling by Each Step(步步惊
心), a Qing time crossover classic, a girl goes back to Qing Dynasty and falls in love with Yong zheng Emperor and his brothers.
67.As for time travel in China, which of the following ideas does the writer agree to ?
A.it is complicated and can be classified into science fiction.
B.it is often based on the familiar story in history.
C.it sometimes messes up the times and social orders.
D.it always occurs in any times but the time before.
68.The writing purpose of this passage is to .
A.explain how the time -travel TV dramas are banned in China
B.introduce the characteristics of the time-travel TV dramas in China
C.show the difference between time travel in China and in other cultures
D.advise people to watch the time-travel TV dramas in China
69.It can be inferred from the passage that .
A.China now has banned any forms of productions about time travel
B.adapted from online novels, time-travel TV and movie productions enjoy more praise C.the main character always follows a set pattern in the time-travel TV dramas in China D.all the time-travel productions are about heroes and their success
70.The news mentioned in the very beginning is intended to .
A.prove author’s view B.introduce the topic
C.give an example D.work as a topic sentence
【参考答案】67-70 CBCB
(文章选自China Daily,略有删减,题目原创)
A winner of the 2011 L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards, Professor Vivian Wing-wah Yam says she could not have done it without the backing of her family.
The road to scientific discovery is tougher for women than for men and Professor Vivian Wing-wah Yam says she couldn't have succeeded without such a supportive family. The 47-year-
old from Hong Kong University was one of five women scientists, from each continent, to receiv e the 2011 L'Oreal-
UNESCO For Women in Science Awards at a ceremony on March 3, at UNESCO Headquarter s in Paris. It is the 13th edition of the award since 1998.
Yam's long and fruitful research on solving the energy problem won her the prize for Asia and th e Pacific. There are several renewable and sustainable(可持续
的) energy solutions, like solar power, which could provide an unlimited source of energy. Som e problems must be resolved, however, such as the low efficiency of solar cells and their high s upply costs. Yam and her colleagues hope to overcome these problems by developing and testi ng new photoactive(光敏的) materials.
She became the third Chinese women scientist honored with the so-
called "woman's Nobel Prize" award, after Professor Li Fanghua from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003, and Professor Ye Ruyu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technolo
gy in 2004.
"People think chemists are bad guys, but we are the good guys," Yam said in a humorous aside before explaining her research project on photoactive materials in an earlier speech at L'Institut de France. For Yam, chemistry is science, but also an art. Amazed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood, Yam decided on a career in chemistry. "One of the beauties of chemistr y is the ability to create new molecules and chemical species. I have always associated chemist s with artists, creating new things with innovative(革新的) ideas," Yam said.
As a mother of two daughters, 12 and 14, Yam said she is lucky to have been supported by her family. She was inspired as a child by her father, a professor in the Civil Engineering Faculty at Hong Kong University. Yam added her husband, Mak Shingtat, a PhD in chemistry, who accom panied Yam to the awards ceremony, was also fully supportive of her work. "I can't imagine how my career could move on without his understanding and support," she said. "I often stay late at night in the laboratory. He always waits for me outside."
Yam received her bachelor and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong (HKU). She tau ght at City Polytechnic of Hong Kong before joining HKU as a faculty member, and headed the chemistry department for two terms from 2000 to 2005. At 38, she was the youngest member el ected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is also a Fellow of TWAS, the Academy of Sci ences for the Developing World, and was awarded the State Natural Science Award and the Ro yal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Centenary Medal. 2011 is the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie' s second Nobel Prize, coinciding (一致的)
with the International Year of Chemistry. Today, Curie is still a role model for women in science. Although the participation of women in science, is promoted by UNESCO, notably through L'Or eal-UNESCO, there are still too few women doing high-level science, says UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova. The latest UNESCO report shows less than 40 percent of countries provi de girls and boys equal access to education.
Each year, the L'Oreal-
UNESCO For Women in Science Award recognizes 15 young women from all over the world, e specially developing countries, to encourage and finance their studies. More than 200 young wo men scientists are currently supported. "I do not think there is a difference between men and wo men in terms of their intellectual abilities and research capabilities(能
力)," Yam said. "As long as one has the passion, dedication and determination to pursue rese arch wholeheartedly, one can excel regardless of one's gender or background."
Yam said some young women, who require stability and security, often have to give up their res earch because of family pressures. "The only way for women to succeed in science is to get the
mental and material support from family and society. There is a day-
care center at my university, and my husband and mother-in-
law help a lot with the housework, so I am able to spend my time on research," she said. "I have two young daughters, and it is too early to tell whether or not they want to pursue careers in sci ence. But, I will encourage them to always defend their ideas. To remain determined, and to ne ver be afraid of failure - this is the advice that they will need to succeed in realizing their dreams ."
Yam also acknowledged her colleague's support, at the awards ceremony. "This (award) not onl y recognizes me, but my colleagues and students and my country, China."
55.L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards is .
A.an award for the developing world B.equal to Women’s Nobel Prize
C.held for more than 14 times D.only to in honour of Marie Curie
56.Why did Yam become a chemist? .
A.When she was young, she thought chemists were good.
B.She was amazed by the universe, nature and color in her childhood.
C.She wanted to find the beauties of chemistry.
D.She was encouraged by her supportive family.
57.What’s Yam’s view on men and women? .
A.Their intellectual abilities and research capabilities are the same.
B.Their passion, dedication and determination are the same.
C.Women require stability and security.
D.Women can’t get the mental and material support from family and society.
58.Yam wins the award of UNESCO For Women in Science for .
A.her fruitful research on solving the environmental problem
B.doing research and test on new photoactive materials
C.inventing an unlimited resource
D.finding solutions on renewable and sustainable energy
59.The word “recognize” in the passage means .
A.admit or be aware of B.be willing to accept sb/sth as valid or approve
C.show appreciation by giving an honor or award D.know sb/sth again。
