适合初中生的听力材料 中级美国英语01 文本
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适合初中生的听力材料中级美国英语01 文本+音频
Susan's Trip to Seattle
Unit 1
Susan's Trip to Seattle
Section A 第一部分
Dialog 会话
M: Kate, look! The passengers are coming from the plane, and there's Susan.
F: Which one?
M: The tall one next to the window.
F: The one with the suitcase?
M: No. The one with the package under her arm.
F: Oh, yes! That's Susan!
M: Hello, Susan. How was the trip?
F: Fine. It was a very good flight.
男:凯特,你看! 旅客们下飞机走过来了。
女:对了! 就是苏珊!
Notes 注释
1.which one 表示哪一个(人或物)。
我们常常用the one... 来回答这个问题。
F: Which one?
M: The tall one next to the window.
F: The one with the suitcase?
M: No. The one with the package under her arm.
A: Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?
B: The red one. 红的那个。
2.on, under, in 都是介词。
另外,in front of 表示“在……前面”,in back of 表示“在……后面”,next to 表示“在……旁边”,near 表示“在……附近”,far from 表示“远离……”。
Exercises 练习
1. 根据例句做练习。
用the one 来回答which one 的问题。
Example 例句:
F: Which one? with the suitcase
M: The one with the suitcase.
1) Which one? with the curly hair
2) Which one? with the white sweater
3) Which one? with the wallet
4) Which one? with the brown shoes
2. 请根据句子意思在括号里填介词。
1) Susan is _____ the table. 苏珊在吃饭。
2) The bread is _____ the table. 面包在桌子上。
3) The milk is _____ the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。
4) The dog is _____ the table. 狗在桌子下面。
5) Susan is _____ her parents. 苏珊在她父母旁边。
6) Henry is _____ the window. 亨利在窗子前面。
7) Henry's house is _____ the park. 亨利的家在公园附近。
8) Kate lives _____ the university. 凯特住的地方离大学很远。
Section B 第二部分
Text 课文
Susan is very excited about her trip. She is going to Seattle to visit her cousins, Henry, Kate, and their children. She is bringing them presents. She has sweaters for Henry and Kate, a brown one for him and a pink one for her. She is also bringing games, one for each of the children. The presents are in a package under the seat in front of Susan. She is sitting in a seat next to the window. Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some
people on top of the airport building.
Notes 注释
1. be excited about 表示对某事感到激动和兴奋。
Tom is very excited about his new bicycle. 汤姆因为有辆新自行车而感到兴奋。
2. 介词over 表示“在……上空”,例如:
The lamp hung over the table. 灯悬系在桌子上方。
She sees the flag over the Seattle airport. 她看到旗帜在西雅图飞机场上空飘扬。
Exercises 练习
1. Where is Susan going? And who is she visiting?
2. What presents is Susan bringing her cousins?
3. Where are the presents?
4. Where is she sitting?
5. What does Susan see?
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
Seattle [si5Atl] 西雅图
passenger [5pAsindVE] n. 乘客
suitcase [5sju:tkeis] n. 手提箱
package [5pAkidV] n. 行李
flight [flait] n. 航班
pink [piNk] adj. 粉色的
sweater [5swet(r)] n. 毛线衫
1 1) The one with the curly hair.
2) The one with the white sweater.
3) The one with the wallet.
4) The one with the brown shoes.
2 1)at 2)on 3)in 4)under 5)next to 6)in front of 7)near 8)far from
1. She is going to Seattle, and she's visiting her cousins Henry and Kate, and their children.
2. She has sweaters for them; a brown one for Henry and a pink one for Kate.
3. They are in a package under the seat in front of Susan.
4. She is sitting in a seat next to the window.
5. She sees the flag over the Seattle airport.
今天我们要练习两个词组, 一个是used to, u-s-e-d t-o, used to, 另外一个是动词加上to, t-o, to 再加上动词, 也就是like to do 和want to go 等等的动词短语.首先请你听一段对话, 内容是说Henry 跟他表妹Susan 在谈做运动. 我们先把这段对话用正常速度念一遍, 请你注意正确的发音跟语调的抑扬顿挫.
M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.
现在我们把这段对话用慢速度再念一遍, 请注意听.
M: Susan, what do you do for exercise?
F: I go swimming once a week.
M: I used to swim in high school, but I don't have time anymore.
F: That's too bad. Exercise is really important.
M: I know. I'm getting a little fat. I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Well, I'm going swimming tonight. Do you want to go with me?
M: Okay. I really need to get in shape again.
现在我们把刚才那段会话里包含了今天要学的语法, 也就是有used to 跟有动词加上to 再加上动词的句子挑出来用慢速度再念一遍给你听.
M: I used to swim in high school.
M: I didn't use to be this heavy.
F: Do you want to go with me?
M: I really need to get in shape again.
首先我们练习used to 的用法. 这个词组是表示过去常常做一件事而现在不再做了.
下面我们用used to 跟在上一课里学过的字作句子; 每个句子念两遍, 请你注意
听, 同时, 在念第二遍的时候也请你跟着说.
M: Henry used to wear old gloves.
F: Henry used to wear old gloves.
M: He used to sit next to me in school.
F: He used to sit next to me in school.
M: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
F: Susan used to drink a lot of milk.
M: She used to live far from the store.
F: She used to live far from the store.
M: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
F: Henry and Kate used to go to small parties.
M: They used to go out to eat.
F: They used to go out to eat.
下面我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个有used to 这个词组的句子, 接着老师念一个短语, 学生就把这个短语换进句子里. 现在先举个例子:
M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.
好, 现在我们开始. 在学生做练习的时候, 请你也一起做.
M: I used to swim in high school.
M: to play basketball
F: I used to play basketball in high school.
M: to play volleyball
F: I used to play volleyball in high school.
M: to exercise
F: I used to exercise in high school.
M: to run
F: I used to run in high school.
好了, 现在我们看一看怎么样把He used to swim in high school. 变成问句. 在把这个句子变成问句的时候必须用did, d-i-d, did 开头,于是这句话就变成了Did he use to swim in high school? 再举一个例子: 把She used to exercise in highschool. 这句话变成问句, 就要这样说: Did she use to exercise in high school?现在我们来做练习. 由老师念一个有used to 这个词组的句子,叫学生把这些句子改为问句. 现在请你注意听.
M: He used to swim in high school.
F: Did he use to swim in high school?
M: She used to play basketball in high school.
F: Did she use to play basketball in high school?
M: You used to play volleyball in high school.
F: Did you use to play volleyball in high school?
M: They used to exercise in high school.
F: Did they use to exercise in high school?
M: Henry used to run in high school.
F: Did Henry use to run in high school?
现在我们换一个方法作练习.由老师念一个句子,请你用where, w-h-e-r-e, where 这个字, 把句子改成问句. 首先还是举个例子:
M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?
好, 现在我们正式开始. 在你把句子改为问句之后, 请听正确答案.
M: He used to swim in a river.
F: Where did he use to swim?
M: She used to work in the factory.
F: Where did she use to work?
M: They used to play volleyball in their backyard.
F: Where did they use to play volleyball?
M: Susan used to run in the park.
F: Where did Susan use to run?
现在我们再换一个方式来做练习. 先由老师用when, w-h-e-n, when这个字, 问一个有used to 这个词组的问句, 接着老师提出一个说明时间的词组, 请你用时间词组来回答问题. 首先举个例子:
M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.
现在我们正式开始. 在你回答之后, 还是请你听我们的正确答案.
M: When did he use to get up?
M: at seven o'clock
F: He used to get up at seven o'clock.
M: When did she use to have a lot of time?
M: after school
F: She used to have a lot of time after school.
M: When did they use to go to soccer games?
M: on Sundays
F: They used to go to soccer games on Sundays.
M: When did Kate use to have a vacation?
M: in the summer
F: Kate used to have a vacation in the summer.
三.动词+ TO + 动词
刚才我们练习了怎么用used to 这个词组, 现在我们来学习动词加上to, t-o, to 再加上动词的用法. 首先请你听一个句子: I like to play volleyball. 这个句子有两个动词like 和play. 这两个动词是由to, 这个字联在一起的, to play volleyball 就是like 这个动词的宾语. 再举一个例子: She likes to listen to music. 这个句子的宾语就是to listen to music. 现在我们来练习这类句子. 练习的内容都是说亨利到了周未喜欢在家做些什么.每个句子我们念两遍, 在念第二遍的时候请你跟着念.
M: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
F: Henry likes to eat at home on weekends.
M: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends.
F: Henry likes to cook his own dinner on weekends.
M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends.
F: Henry likes to make fancy dishes on weekends.
M: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.
F: Henry likes to invite friends on weekends.
除了like 这个动词, 其他动词, 比方: love, l-o-v-e, love, want, w-a-n-t, want, plan,p-l-a-n, plan, try, t-r-y, try, need, n-e-e-d, need, prefer, p-r-e-f-e-r, prefer, 都可以这样用. 现在我们用这些动词来作换字练习. 首先举个例子:
M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.
好, 现在我们开始. 在你回答之后, 请注意听正确答案.
M: Susan loves to exercise.
M: wants to play tennis
F: Susan wants to play tennis.
M: plans to go swimming
F: Susan plans to go swimming.
M: tries to run very fast
F: Susan tries to run very fast.
M: needs to study hard
F: Susan needs to study hard.
M: prefers to travel by train.
F: Susan prefers to travel by train.
下面我们换一个方式作练习. 先由老师念一个陈述句, 叫学生改为问句. 请你注意, 改为问句的时候必须要用does, d-o-e-s, does. 现在请你注意听.
M: Susan loves to exercise.
F: Does Susan love to exercise?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: Does Susan want to play tennis?
M: Susan plans to go swimming.
F: Does Susan plan to go swimming?
M: Susan tries to run very fast.
F: Does Susan try to run very fast?
M: Susan needs to study hard.
F: Does Susan need to study hard?
M: Susan prefers to travel by train.
F: Does Susan prefer to travel by train?
在下面一组练习里, 由老师念一些句子, 请你用what, w-h-a-t, what 这个字把原来的句子改为问句, 然后请你听正确答案.
M: Henry loves to cook his own dinner.
F: What does Henry love to cook?
M: Henry likes to make fancy dishes.
F: What does Henry like to make?
M: Susan wants to play tennis.
F: What does Susan want to play?
M: Susan needs to study for test.
F: What does Susan need to study for?
M: Kate plans to buy a dress.
F: What does Kate plan to buy?
M: Kate prefers to have a small party.
F: What does Kate prefer to have?
四. 听短文回答问题
现在我们来测验一下你的听力.首先请你听一段文章,内容是说亨利一家人怎么旅行, 谈到了坐火车有什么好处.好, 现在请你注意听.
Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.
刚才那段文章不知道你听懂了多少? 等一会儿, 我们再用慢速度给你念一遍.现在请你注意听我们要测验的三个问题.
M: How did Henry use to travel?
M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?
M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?
Henry used to travel by train. Nowadays there are fewer trains and Henry, like most people, prefers to travel by car. Henry's wife, Kate, however, still likes to travel by train. She wants to relax and she doesn't need to worry about gas, repairs, or parking when traveling by train. Henry's cousin, Susan, and her parents live in New York. They take the train to their jobs everyday. They travel by train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.
好了, 现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在回答之后, 请你注意听正确答案.
M: How did Henry use to travel?
F: He used to travel by train.
M: Does Kate still like to travel by train?
F: Yes,she still likes to travel by train.
第三个问题比较长, 请你注意听:
M: Why do Susan and her parents take the train to their jobs?
F: They take the train because they don't like to drive in city traffic.
在这课里我们要学习怎么用many, m-a-n-y, many 跟much, m-u-c-h, much.这两个字都有"很多" 的意思,可是用法不同.另外我们还要学习用there is 跟there are 做句子.首先还是请你听一段对话,内容是说Henry 跟Kate 的儿子Peter 要参加学校办的夏季旅行团到纽约去玩.他问妈妈应该带几个箱子, 带多少钱等等问题.我们还是先用正常速度把这段会话念一遍,请你注意英文老师的发音和声调:
M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
F: That's wonderful!
M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
F: Take two - a big one and a small one.
M: How much money do I need to take?
F: About three hundred dollars.
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.
M: Mom, I'm going to spend two weeks in New York this summer.
F: That's wonderful!
M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
F: Take two - a big one and a small one.
M: How much money do I need to take?
F: About three hundred dollars.
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes, there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.
刚才那段话, 不知道你听懂了多少? 现在我再把对话里有many, much, 跟there are 的句子挑出来,用慢速度念一遍:
M: How many suitcases do I have to take?
M: How much money do I need to take?
M: Are there many interesting places in New York?
F: Yes,there are a lot of museums and beautiful churches.
下面我们看看什么时候用many, 什么时候用much. 刚才我说过这两个字的意思都是"很多",相当于a lot of 这个词组,可是在用法上的区别是凡是指可以数的东西就用many,指不可以数的或是统称性的名词就用much.一般说来many 跟much 多半是用在疑问句和否定句里, 而 a lot of 则不受限制.现在我们来作一组练习,内容都是说到Peter 的朋友问他关于到纽约去的事情.请注意朋友提出的问句用的都是many, 而Peter 都是用a lot of 作肯定的回答.好,现在我们开始练习. 请你每听一句就跟着重复.
F: Are you going to New York with many friends?
M: Yes, I'm going to New York with a lot of friends.
F: Are you going to visit many interesting places in New York?
M: Yes, I'm going to visit a lot of interesting places.
F: Are you going to eat in many restaurants?
M: Yes, I'm going to eat in a lot of restaurants.
F: Are you going to write many letters to your parents?
M: Yes, I'm going to write a lot of letters to my parents.
下面一组练习谈的还是Peter 到纽约的事情.这次朋友用的是 a lot of 来提出问句,可是Peter 用much 作否定的答覆.还是请你听一句,重复一句.
F: Do you need a lot of time to pack?
M: No, I don't need much time to pack.
F: Do you plan to take a lot of money with you to New York?
M: No, I don't plan to take much money with me to New York.
F: Do you want to spend a lot of time shopping in New York?
M: No, I don't want to spend much time shopping in New York.
F: Do you plan to spend a lot of money in New York?
M: No, I don't plan to spend much money in New York.
下面我们给你多举一些例子, 内容都是说Kate 需要到市场去买些什么菜. 第一组练习是用many.每个句子我们念两遍,请你跟着练习.
M: How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
F: How many chickens does Kate need to buy?
M: How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
F: How many tomatoes does Kate need to buy?
M: How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
F: How many eggs does Kate need to buy?
M: How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?
F: How many heads of cabbage does Kate need to buy?
下面这些句子用的是much. 还是请你跟着练习.
M: How much bread does Kate need to buy?
F: How much bread does Kate need to buy?
M: How much butter does Kate need to buy?
F: How much butter does Kate need to buy?
M: How much milk does Kate need to buy?
F: How much milk does Kate need to buy?
M: How much fruit does Kate need to buy?
F: How much fruit does Kate need to buy?
现在我们来作换字练习. 先由老师念一个句子, 你先重复一遍. 接着老师给你一个名词,请你换进原来的句子里. 请注意在作练习的时候, 你必须要斟酌情况决定用many 或是much.好,现在我们开始. 在作完一句之后, 请你听我们的正确答案.
M: Kate doesn't need to buy many chickens.
M: tomatoes
F: Kate doesn't need to buy many tomatoes.
M: butter
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much butter.
M: fruit
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much fruit.
M: milk
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much milk.
M: eggs
F: Kate doesn't need to buy many eggs.
M: bread
F: Kate doesn't need to buy much bread.
刚才我们练习了怎么用many 和much 来表示数量, 现在我们来看一看在英文里什么时候用There is, 什么时候用There are. 简单的说, 主词是单数的时候就用There is, 多数的时侯就用There are.
现在我们先举几个例子, 由老师念一句, 学生跟着重复一句. 在学生重复的时候也请你一起重复.
M: There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
F: There is a supermarket near Henry's house.
M: There is a bank next to the supermarket.
F: There is a bank next to the supermarket.
M: There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
F: There is a lot of money in Henry's pocket.
M: There is enough fruit in the house.
F: There is enough fruit in the house.
M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
F: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
下面的句子用的都是There are:
M: There are two banks near Henry's house.
F: There are two banks near Henry's house.
M: There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
F: There are a lot of people in Henry's family.
M: There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
F: There are ten dollars in Henry's pocket.
M: There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
F: There are four tomatoes in Henry's basket.
M: There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.
F: There are a dozen eggs in Henry's box.
好, 现在我们来作换字练习. 首先由老师念一个句子, 接着他就给你一个词组,请你看情况决定用There is 或是There are 来完成新句子. 现在我们正式开始. 在你回答之后请注意听正确答案:
M: There is a loaf of bread on the table.
M: two quarts of milk
F: There are two quarts of milk on the table.
M: a dozen eggs
F: There are a dozen eggs on the table.
M: a head of cabbage
F: There is a head of cabbage on the table.
M: several kinds of vegetables
F: There are several kinds of vegetables on the table.
M: a glass of milk
F: There is a glass of milk on the table.
M: four tomatoes
F: There are four tomatoes on the table.
M: fruit
F: There is fruit on the table.
M: butter
F: There is butter on the table.
M: three loaves of bread
F: There are three loaves of bread on the table.
我们还是依照惯例念一段文章给你听, 听完之后请你回答三个问题. 今天这段文章主要是说Kate 要到超级市场去买鸡, 买青菜, 买面包, 牛奶等等. 现在我们先用正常速度念给你听.
Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what she needs to buy. How much bread does she need? How much butter? What kind of vegetables? Is there enough fruit? Next, Kate makes a shopping list. She is planning to buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also going to need two quarts of milk and a dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money.
How much money does she need? Ten dollars? No, maybe twenty. There isn't a lot of money in her purse. She'll have to stop at the bank on her way to the supermarket.
刚才那段文章你都听懂了吗? 假如没全懂,等一会儿还有机会听. 现在请你注意听我们今天要问的三个问题.
M: What is Kate going to do?
M: What food is Kate going to buy?
M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?
Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. First, she checks to see what she needs to buy. How much bread does she need? How much butter? What kind of vegetables? Is there enough fruit? Next, Kate makes a shopping list. She is planning to buy two chickens,two heads of cabbage, four tomatoes,and two loaves of bread. She's also going to need two quarts of milk and a dozen eggs. Then, she thinks about money. How much money does she need? Ten dollars? No, maybe twenty. There isn't a lot of money in her purse. She'll have to stop at the bank on her way to the supermarket.
下面请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后请听正确答案.
M: What is Kate going to do?
F: She is going to buy some groceries.
M: What food is Kate going to buy?
F: She is going to buy chickens,cabbage,tomatoes,bread,milk and eggs.
M: Where does she have to stop on her way to the supermarket?。