Apollo and Daphne




Apollo and DaphneDaphne: Hello, I am Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus. I am Apollo’s lover.played by 赵恒宇Apollo: I am playing Apollo, the god of sun as well as music.played by 张杰Eros: The god of love. by曾云霖Peneus: The river god. Daphne’s father. by曾云霖Apollo is respected by other gods when he killed the dragon, python, and he is also very proud of his victory.“I am really a good man, handsome, brave. I am the god of sun, as well as music. Oh, I cannot help praising myself.A:Hei,Eros,what are you doing now, stop!E:I am curious about your bow and arrows. Can I play with it?A:You little boy, what have you got with warlike weapons! Leave them to those who can use them. You are too young to play them.E:But in fact I can use them. I always use my bow and arrows.A:Oh.That’s ridiculous, your bow and arrows are just stage property to please child like you, but my bow and arrows are used to kill monsters, didn’t you look how I used them to kill the dragon.Eros was unhappy when he heard Apollo’s words “How can you be so conceited?A:Really?That’s not a funny story. Child, light up your flames as you call them, where you like, but don’t play with my weapons and give them to me at once.Eros was very angry! Apollo ,if you look down on my bow and arrows, you will surely be regretted.A:Never will I be regretted.E:OK!Please wait your arrows may strike all thing ,but ,Apollo, my arrows shall just strike you.Saying so ,he flew to a rock and drew two different arrows the gold one to excite love, and lead one to stop it with the gold one, he struck Apollo though the heart, at that time, he saw Daphne, without any hesitation, he struck Daphne with the lead one. Apollo thus fall in love with Daphne at once, but Daphne hated the thought of loving. Because of Eros’ trick.A: ”Hello,dear Daphne, I am very glad to meet you!”D: Thank you, god of sun.A: It’s really a nice day. Would you like to have a tea of coffee with me?D: I am afraid I have to say no. I’d like to hunt in woods.A: Hunting, that sounds great, you know I am good at shooting. Would you mind I company with you?D: In fact, I do mind.A: OK, your words hurt me, Daphne .I have something important to tell you! I’m afraid I have no chance to say later. I love you! I don’t have this kind of feeling before. At first, I can’t believe it too, but when I meet you today, I know it.I have to accept this fact.“I’m sorry . I’m not fond of you. In fact , I hate the feeling of love and being loved!”Daphne is going to leave, A followed her at once.“Wait a moment!”“D aughter of Peneus, I am not an enemy, do not run away from me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove flies the hawk if you should fall and hurt yourself because of me, I shall be very unhappy!” A“So that you shouldn’t follow me” D was a little angry.“D, please accept my love, I’m lord of Delphiana and Tenedos, and know all things, present and future. I’m the god of medicine, and know the magic power of different herbs……“I am not interested at your background, please be away from me. Don’t follow me any long er.”“No, I will never give up!”Finding his words throw away, Apollo grew impatient, so he gained his speed. But Daphne became faster too, and even as she fled, she charmed Apollo. The wind blew her clothes, and her hair streamed loose behind her.“You are really beautiful!” Apollo can’t help praising.So flew Apollo and Daphne---he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. Apollo is faster and gained upon her, and his breathe blew on her hair. Her strength began to fail, and ready to sink.So she called on her father, the river god.“Help me, my father!”“What’s up, my daughter” D said.“Dad, Apollo love me, and is chasing me now, but I didn’t like him! Can you help me? ”“Apollo? I am sorry, my dear, he is the god of sun, more importantly, his father is Zeus, I have no idea! ”“Dad, I hate love, I would rather die than marry to him! Help me” Daphne cry…“Oh, dear, I have a idea, but you have to be changed into a tree, and can not be an woman anymore. Would you willing to be a tree?”“I will, please do right now, I can’t insist any longer!”Suddenly, the earth seized her legs and arms. Her bosom began to be enclosed by a tender bark, her hair become leaves, her arms become branches, her feet become fixed in the ground as a root, her face become a treetop.Apollo stood amazed, he touched the tree and felt the flesh trembling and the new back. He held the branches in his arms and kissed.“Since you cannot be my wife” Apollo said.“You shall surely be my tree, I will wear you from my crown. When the greatRoman conquerors return in victory, you shall be worn into wreaths for their brows. And as eternal youth is mine, you shall always be green. ”Daphne is changed into a laurel tree and lowed its head in grateful acknowledgement, and laurel became Apollo’s favorite tree, and the laurel should be the price of honor and fame for deathless poets and poetry. That’s the most outstanding poet always desire to be made a poet laureate.。





他是一个俊美的男生,他力大无比,是专门掌管太阳的"太阳神" 。

女儿则是掌管月亮的"月亮女神" ,有一天阿波罗接到父亲的指示去射杀一个妖怪,在回来的路上看到一个小孩在玩弄一张弓,他就走到孩子的面前说:"你们小孩不可以玩弓"并提起射杀得的妖怪给他看。

好说了很多轻蔑的话~ 那个小孩就是就是掌管爱的伊烙克,也有人叫他丘比特。

丘比特因阿波罗的话十分生气,就说:"你信不信我回会用我的箭射中你." 阿波罗当然不相信。











读名画:阿波罗和达芙妮JoeAbout the paintingThe painting,called Apollo and Daphne,waspainted by John William Waterhouse in1908.Waterhouse was among the most popular Victorianartists. He"s known for working in the Pre-Raphaelitestyle.In the paining was a terrified girl running awayfrom the God Apollo.The girl was Daphne,the daughter of the rivergod Peneus.One day the love god Eros took twoarrows,one of gold and the other of lead.He shotApollo with the golden one,which was to inspire loveand Daphne with the leaden one,inspiring hatred.SoApollo felt in love with Daphne while Daphne wantednothing to do with him.Apollo kept chasing downher and she just ran away from him. Soon she grewweary in her running and Apollo would catch her atlast.Fearful,she called out to her father for help.Asall gods of water had the ability of transformation,Peneus transformed his daughter into a laurel tree.Apollo reached the laurel tree and claimed the treeas his special tree,and adorned himself with some ofits leaves.And that is why the laurel was a symbol ofApollo.More about ApolloApollo was the son of Zeus and Leto.Accordingto Greek mythology,Leto was driven by Hera formal and to land;at last Poseidon took pity on her andbrought the island of Delos out of water for her tolive on.There she gave birth to the twins,Apollo andArtemis.Apollo was the sun god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in hisbright eastern palace early inthe morning and made ready to start his daily journeyacross the sky.During the day he drove his carriageof gold and ivory,and brought light,life and loveto the great world te in theafternoon hecame to the end of his journey in the far western seaand got onhis golden boat to return to his easternhome.Apollo was also the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings. These feelings areexpressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and thesweet accents of his godlike voice heldthe choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stonesmarched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidon build upthe walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he wonand then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out to Pan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass.His son,Orpheus,took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.Apollo stood for youthful and manly beauty.His golden hair,stately manner and air allcombined to make him the admiration of the world.A beautiful girl,by the name of Clytle,was so fond of his beauty and glory that from dawn to dusk she knelt on the ground,her handsoutstretched towards the sun god,and her eyes looked at his golden wheeled carriage racingacross the blue sky.Though her love was not returned,she had never changed her mind aboutApollo.The gods were moved at the sad sight,andchanged her into a sunflower.关于这幅画这幅画名为《阿波罗和达芙妮》,是画家约翰威廉沃特豪斯于1908年所作。



• She soon found himself love each other dearly closely attached to the ground. And, tender skin and a layer of soft bark growing, she turned into a laurel tree. The sun god heave great sighs to embrace the trunk, trunk. To show his undying love for the maiden, he decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree, and decided to use it as a kind of honor and prestige of the award, granted it to those eternal poets and poetry. Thus the most outstanding poet always want to be a poet.

One day when she be jubilant to play in the forest, she found the sun god Appollo with abnormalities in amazement and admiration in his eyes staring at her. The radiant sun put her to a gallop. Eager Apollo followed, calling out to her to stop. Her beautiful and elegant triggered his passion. He was afraid that this would be the last time. Quick footed maiden ran, but the passionate Appollo chasing aphne is a lovely blooming fairy maiden. She is the daughter of the river god Peneus(帕尼尔斯).





他是一个俊美的男生,他力大无比,是专门掌管太阳的"太阳神" 。

女儿则是掌管月亮的"月亮女神" ,有一天阿波罗接到父亲的指示去射杀一个妖怪,在回来的路上看到一个小孩在玩弄一张弓,他就走到孩子的面前说:"你们小孩不可以玩弓"并提起射杀得的妖怪给他看。

好说了很多轻蔑的话~ 那个小孩就是就是掌管爱的伊烙克,也有人叫他丘比特。

丘比特因阿波罗的话十分生气,就说:"你信不信我回会用我的箭射中你." 阿波罗当然不相信。









因此,古希腊人把月桂树看做是阿波罗的神木,称为“阿波罗的月桂树”(The Laurel of Apollo)。



阿波罗和达芙妮《阿波罗和达芙妮》(Apollo and Daphne)是意大利雕塑家济安·劳伦佐·贝尼尼在约1622~1623年(或1622~1625年)创作的大理石人物雕塑。


















关于乔凡尼·洛伦佐·贝尼尼的介绍乔凡尼·洛伦佐·贝尼尼(Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini,1598-1680)意大利的雕刻家兼建筑师,是十七世纪最伟大的艺术大师。





















Apollo was me sun-god.He wore a purple robe.He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and madeready to start his daily journey across the sky.During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light, life and love to the great world below. Iate in the afternoon he came to the end of his journey in the far western sea and got on his golden boat to return to his eastern home.
阿波罗是太阳神。清晨他身着紫色袍,坐在那明亮的 东方宫殿,准备开始每日穿越天空的旅行。白天,他驾 着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光 明、生命和仁爱。黄昏时分,他在遥远的西海结束了旅 行,然后就乘上金船返回东方的家中。
• Apollo was the god of music and poetry.He could stir up all feelings.These feelings are expressed in lofty songs.With his lyre of gold and the sweet accents of his godlike voice heled the choir of the Muses at Olympus.The pleasant music from his lyre was so exciting that stones marched into their places in rhythmic time and of their own will when he helped Poseidonbuild up the walls of Troy.On one occasion,invited to a contest by the human musician Marsyas,he won and then flayed him to death for his pride.On another occasion,he lost out toPan at a musical contest and turned the ears of the judge,King Midas,into those of an ass. • 阿波罗是音乐神和诗神。他可唤起人们倾注于圣歌中的各 种情感。在奥林波斯山上,他手拿金质里拉,用悦耳的音 调指挥缪斯的合唱。当他帮助波塞冬建造特洛伊城墙时, 里拉奏出的音乐如此动听,以致石头有节奏地、自动地各 就其位。有一次他接受凡人音乐家马斯亚斯的挑战参加一 次竞赛。战胜对方后,他将对手剥皮致死以惩罚他的狂妄 自大。在另外一次音乐比赛中,因输给了潘神,他就将裁 判迈尔斯国王的耳朵变成了驴耳朵。

Apollo and Daphne 阿波罗和达芙妮

Apollo and Daphne  阿波罗和达芙妮

Apollo and Daphne一.The introduction of the charactersApollo:As we all know, Apollo is the most widely admired god among the Olympian gods. He is the son of Zeus and Leto. He is the god of sun and the god of music and poetry. As Apollo is an energetic and handsome man, he is welcomed and beloved by many beautiful goddesses. But the love story between Apollo and Daphne is a very appealing and attractive one.Daphne :Daphne is a lovely blooming fairy maiden. She is the daughter of the river god Peneus.Eros:The love story between them may be considered as a tragedy. And the culprit is Eros, the god of love, who is better known by his Latin name--- Cupid. Cupid in Roman mythology, Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite and Ares, younger son of Ares, often shaped as a bow and arrow in hand, dorsal wings naughty little boy. His Golden arrows have pierced the heart will love, and arrows have pierced the heart of lead will produce disgust, often with no blind firing.二.The storyApollo and Daphne is a story from ancient Greek mythology, retold by Hellenistic and Roman authors in the form of an amorous vignette; "Apollo and Daphne" by Antonio Pollaiuolo.The curse of Apollo, the god of the sun and music, was brought onto him when he insulted the young Eros (a.k.a. Cupid) for playing with bow and arrows Apollo was a great warrior and said to him, "What have you to do with warlike weapons, saucy boy? Leave them for hands worthy of them. Behold the conquest I have won by means of them over the vast serpent who stretched his poisonous body over acres of the plain! Be content with your torch, child, and kindle up your flames, as you call them, where you will, but presume not to meddle with my weapons."The petulant Eros took two arrows, one of gold and one of lead. The gold onewas supposed to incite love, while the lead one was supposed to incite hatred.With the leaden shaft, Eros shot the nymph Daphne and with the golden one, he shot Apollo through the heart. Apollo was seized with love for the maiden, Daphne, and she in turn abhorred him. In fact, she spurned her many potential lovers, preferring instead woodland sports and exploring the woods. Her father, Peneus, demanded that she get married so that she may give him grandchildren. However, she begged her father to let her remain unmarried, like Apollo's twin sister, Artemis He warned her saying, "Your own face will forbid it." By saying this he meant that she was too beautiful to keep all her potential lovers away forever.Apollo continually followed her, begging her to stay, but the nymph continued her flight. They were evenly matched in the race until Eros intervened and helped Apollo gain upon Daphne.Seeing that Apollo was bound to catch her, she called upon her father, "Help me, Peneus! Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form, which has brought me into this danger!”三. ReflectionsThis story reminds me of the poem “Life is precious and love is even more precious. For love, they can be thrown. " Daphne does not love Apollo, do not love the God of light, son of the god Zeus. Even if he plays a pivotal role in God, even if he is a near-perfect image. However, love is a strange thing, not because of who have status have the right to have others love, Apollo encountered closed the heart of Daphne, she does not love him, even could say that Apollo is a totally one-sided. Unrequited love is love, but just one person’s thing .Apollo would have ran even when Daphne escaped .Apollo also went to the trouble of chasing. Perhaps some people try to persuade Daphne and says, "You promise to Apollo's love ! You see he was right and had the potential, and also still infatuated with you, he will take care of you in the future, with fear in my mouth, hold it in your hand is afraid to fall, you have to seize the good opportunities, but do notappreciate favors! "But our Daphne was not moved by their words. I think she must have thought:He has powerful magic, but he has not opened my heart, I don't favor on him . He is noble, but humble, he has a noble heart! Love needs fate, we have acquaintance did not have love .As a result, Apollo struggling to catch up, he wouldn't stop, Daphne would rather her father turned her into a Laurel tree. At that moment she was set free, she was neither status nor the power up to hundreds or thousands of God than she won the dignity. Maybe some people will think this is a tragedy for Daphne , but I did want to say she got her most valuable thing--freedom,her life obtained the sublimation. You look! Near the Laurel , it was a picture of long boom and putrid aroma!In this story we can know that love is freedom that we can not use our power , our money to get it . In this story we can realize that Apollo feels he is the best man in the world , so when he shows his love to Daphne ,she will be very happy and accept him . This is only his own thought , so when he showed his love , Daphne ran away and would rather to be a laurel in the end . Maybe , we would say Daphne is a stupid girl , but in fact ,only in this way ,she would obtain her freedom and peaceful life . Daphne is a brave girl , she know what she want , and she would concentrate on it even if she will pay more effect to achieve it . As for cupid , he is really a irresponsible person , he has very powerful right , but he abuse of his right . This is a very bad thing . In our daily life , this king of things is very universal , they use their right to achieve their desires , even if their behavior will hurt our interests .From this story we realize that we all have desires in our mind , but we also know that we can not hurt other people’s interests . For love , we also must know it is the relationship between two person , we have the right to love , at the same time ,we also have the duty to let others happy .。

Apollo and Daphne

Apollo and Daphne
欢她, 他拥抱着树干,树叶沙沙地颤抖着。“你将 成为我的树,”他说,“你将终年长青,成 为胜利者的荣冠。” 从此,阿波罗将月桂树尊为他的圣树,他的 发上,琴上和箭袋上总是饰以桂树的枝叶。 每年,他所挑选出的全希腊最优秀的诗人, 赐予他们桂枝做的花冠以示荣耀,也赐予一 切有成就的人。 “桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)与“桂冠” 的由来。
Apollo and Daphne
Apollo & Daphne

希腊神话 一则
阿波罗与达芙妮 Apollo and Daphne
阿波罗与达芙妮 Apollo and Daphne

太阳神阿波罗向河神女儿达芙妮求爱的故事。 爱神丘比特为了向阿波罗复仇,将一支使人 陷入爱情漩涡的金箭射向了他,使阿波罗疯 狂地爱上了达芙妮;同时,又将一支使人拒 绝爱情的铅箭射向达芙妮,使姑娘对阿波罗 冷若冰霜。 达芙妮回身看到阿波罗在追她时,急忙向 父亲呼救。河神听到了女儿的声音,在阿波 罗即将追上她时,将她变成了一棵月桂树。

apollo and daphne阿波罗和达芙妮

apollo and daphne阿波罗和达芙妮

Daphne was the daughter of the river god Peneus. Daphne was Apollo’s first love. It didn’t happen by accident, but by the trick of Eros.when Eros was playing with his bow and arrows, he said to him, “You little boy, what have you got with warlike weapons? Leave them to those who can use them. Look how I used them to kill the dragon! Play with your torch, child. Light up your flames as you call them, where you like, but don’t play with my weapons.”Eros heard these words and replied, “Your arrows may s trike all things, Apollo, but mine shall just strike you.” Saying so, he flew to a rock and drew two different arrows—the gold arrow to excite love, and lead one to stop it. With the gold one, he stuck Apollo through the heart, and with the other one, he struck Daphne.Apollo thus fell in love with Daphne at once, but Daphne hated the thought of loving. Her happiness was in the sports in woods—hunting. People loved her but she refused them all, taking no thought of Eros or goddess of marriage.“Wait a moment,” said Apollo, when he met her one day, “daughter of Peneus, I am not an enemy. Do not run away from me as a lamb files the wolf, or a dove flies the hawk. If you should fall and hurt yourself on these stones because of me, I shall be very unhappy. Please run slower and I will follow slower. I am no clown, no rude peasant. Zeus id my father, and know all things, present and future. I am the god of music and poetry. My arrows miss no target, but an arrow more fatal than mine went through my heart! I am the god of medicine, and know the magic power of differen t herbs. But, what a pity, I suffer a disease that no medicine can cure!”But Daphne had already run away, leaving him half finished. And even as she fled, she charmed him. The wind blew her clothes, and her hair streamed loose behind her.Finding his words thrown away, Apollo grew impatient. Encouraged by Eros, he gained his speed.So flew Apollo and Daphne—he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. Apollo is faster and gained began to fail, and ready to sink, she called on her father, the river god: “Help me, father! Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form. It is just this form that brings me to danger!”Hardly had she said these words when stiffness seized her legs and arms. Her bosom began to be enclosed by a tender bark. Her hair became leaves, her arms became branches, her feet became fixed in the ground as a root, her face became a treetop.Apollo stood amazed. He touched the tree and felt the flesh trembling under the new bark. He held the branches in his arms and kissed, but the branches moved away from his lips.“Since you cannot be my wife,” he said, “y ou shall surely be my tree. I will wear you for my crown. When the great Roman conquerors return in victory, you shall be woven into wreaths for their brows. And as eternal youth is mine, you shall always be green.” Daphne changed into a laurel tree and bowed its head in grateful acknowledgement.To show his undying love for Daphne, Apollo decided that the laurel would be his favorite tree and should be the prize of honor and fame for deathless poets and poetry. Thus the most outstanding poet always desires to be made a poet laureate.。



丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。他趁着 阿波罗不注意的时候,“嗖”的一声把爱情之箭射 向阿波罗,阿波罗心中立刻燃起了爱情的火焰。正 巧这时,来了一名叫达芙妮的美丽少女。调皮的丘 比特把那支铅制的钝箭射向达芙妮,被射中的达芙 妮,立刻就变得十分厌恶爱情。
Cupid was Apollo say, was not convinced. Pay attention when he took advantage of Apollo, "whoosh" sound to the arrows of love Apollo Apollo hearts kindled the flame of love immediately. In this case happened to Daphne beautiful girl. Naughty Cupid put the branch leaden blunt arrows to Daphne, was shot in Daphne, immediately became very disgusted love.
离我远一点!”说着就像 valley. But the pursuit of Apollo
羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而 Daphne was not discouraged, he
去。可是阿波罗对于追求 达芙妮并不灰心,他拿着 竖琴,弹奏出优美的曲子。 不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声, 都会情不自禁的走到他面
took the harp, playing a beautiful song. Whoever heard of Apollo music, can not help but walk in front of him listening to his playing. Hiding in the mountains of Daphne also heard the beautiful music,



第一章测试1.Deucalion and Pyrrha threw ( ) to create men and women after the GreatFlood.A:arrowsB:ThemselvesC:ArksD:Stones答案:D2.Beauty and Beast is adopted from the story of ( ).A: Eros and PsycheB:Pygmalion and GalateaC:Zeus and EuropaD: Apollo and Daphne答案:A3.The golden fleece symbolizes ( ).A:power and loveB:authority and treasureC: power and treasureD:treasure and love答案:B4. A sop to Cerberus refers to means of ( ).A:briberyB:happinessC:tragedyD:sadness答案:A5.Achilles’s heel implies ( ).A:wisdomB:vitalsC:loveD:fate答案:D6.Prometheus and Epimetheus were brothers.A:对B:错答案:A7.“The virgin is destined for the bride of no mortal over. Her future husbandawaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster whom neither godsnor man can resist.” is an oracle of ( ).A:HeraB:PygmalionC: ErosD:Apollo答案:D8.Midas’ ear or ass’ ear is used to describe a person foolish.A:错B:对答案:Bbors of Hercules refers to an extremely difficult task requiring greatstrength or effort to accomplish.A:对B:错答案:A10.Which one is Homer’s epic?A:B:C:D:答案:D第二章测试1.A:EuripidesB:AeschylusC:SophoclesD:Shakespeare答案:A2.( ) was the most-awarded playwright in ancient Roman time.A:SophoclesB:ShakespeareC:EuripidesD:Aeschylus答案:A3.Zeus presented Pandora to ( ).A:PrometheusB:ApolloC:HemersD:Prometheus’ brother答案:D4.Oedipus solves the ( ) of the Sphinx.A:gameB:fateC:riddleD:identity答案:C5.Jason claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the( ).A:dragonB:Golden FleeceC:golden coronetD:fiery oxen答案:B6.“Prometheus Bound” was written by ( ).A:SophoclesB:EuripidesC:ShakespeareD:Aeschylus答案:D7.Whose work is known primarily for having reshaped the formal structure ofAthenian tragedy by portraying strong female characters?A:EuripidesB:AeschylusC:SophoclesD:Shakespeare答案:A8.Who presented Pandora to Prometheus’ brother?A:PrometheusB:AthenaC:ZeusD:Apollo答案:C9.“Oedipus Rex” was written by ( ).A:EuripidesB:ShakespeareC:SophoclesD:Aeschylus答案:C10.Who claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the Golden Fleece?A:JasonB:MedeaC:Medea’s brotherD:Medea’s father答案:A第三章测试1.A:MercutioB:HoratioC:PoloniusD:Claudius答案:A2.A:LearB:EdmundC:Earl KentD:Edgar答案:D3.A:ItalyB:EnglandC:ScotlandD:Denmark答案:C4.A:loveB:friendshipC:hatredD:good答案:C5.A:a kind of flowerB: a kind of poisonC:a bottle of potion to play deadD:a kind of perfume答案:A6.A:错B:对答案:B7.“All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”fromShakespeare’s drama “In As You Like it”.A:错B:对答案:B8.Revenge play is very popular at Shakespearean time.A:错B:对答案:B9.“King Lear” is not only a tragedy of a family and a country, b ut also a tragedyof human nature.A:错B:对答案:B10.“Othello” is said to be the most saddest tragedy of Shakespeare.A:错B:对答案:B第四章测试1.Which is not the fairy tale by Oscar Wilde?A:B:C:D:答案:A2.Oscar Wilde became known for his involvement in the rising philosophy ofaestheticism.A:对B:错答案:A3.The selfish giant in the story of “The Selfish Giant” is not selfish in the end.A:对B:错答案:A4.A:错B:对答案:B5.A:错B:对答案:B6.“The Ballad of Reading Gaol” is th e novel by Oscar Wilde.A:错B:对答案:A7.“The Picture of Dorian Gray” is the novel by Oscar Wilde.A:对B:错答案:A8.“The true perfection of man lies not in what man has ,but what manis.”describes the fairy”The Selfish Giant “A:错B:对答案:B9.A:错B:对答案:B10.In th e story of “the Happy Prince”,the little Swallow died at the feet of thelittle prince .A:对B:错答案:A第五章测试1.According to the poem “Leisure” , what is the most important thing in life ismoney.A:错B:对答案:A2.According to the poem”Leisure”, which one o f the following is the mostimportant thing in life?A: moneyB:social statusC:free timeD:beauty答案:C3.William Wordsworth is a realistic poet.A:对B:错答案:B4.William Wordsworth is a ( )A:Realistic poetB:leading figure of Romantic movementC:Romantic poetD:nature lover答案:BCD5.Which one of the stages is the most pathetic stage?A:loverB:babyC:soldierD:pantaloon答案:D6.According to the poem “on Marriage”, between husband and wife theremust be no space.A:错B:对答案:A7.Which one of the following image is not mentioned in the poem “onMarriage”?A:breadB:treeC:cupD:moon答案:D8.Byron is not a (an) :A:British poetB:American poetC:Romantic poetD:realistic poet答案:BD9.Which of the following images are not mentioned in the poem “To the Virgin,to Make Much o f time”?A:sunB:flowerC:birdD:rainbow答案:CD10. To whom the poem “To the Virgin, to Make Much of time” is written ?A:dying menB:old womenC:soldierD:young women答案:D第六章测试1.O · Henry was sent to prison because ________.A:he was committed adultory with another woman.B:people thought he had stolen money from the newspaperC:he wanted to write stories about prisonersD:people thought he had stolen money from the bank答案:B2.A:对B:错答案:A3.A:A love story between a young and poor couple.B:How to celebrate a happy Christmas for a young and rich couple.C:A love story between a young and rich couple.D:How to choose Christmas presents for couples.答案:A4.As with many other homeless people in the United States, Soapy ispsychologically experienced in thinking of the local jail as a homelessshelter.A:对B:错答案:A5.A:错B:对答案:B6.O · Henry lived a very rich life in Britain.A:对B:错答案:B7.The important theme of the story” After Twenty Years” is revealing a distinctcontrast between the loyalty to the friends and devotion to the duty.A:错B:对答案:B8.Why did Della weep before Christmas?A:She had little money to buy Jim a present.B:She had little money to buy herself a gift.C:Jim didn’t give her a Christmas gift.D:She couldn’t see Jim during Christmas.答案:A9.The gift Della bought Jim was ___________. Which of the following is NOT right.A:A gold watch chain that was at her great expense.B:A gift that Della had been planning for a month.C:Something fine and rare—- something worthy of the honor of being owned by Jim.D:A gift for which Della spent two hours searching all the stores.答案:B10.A:A love story between a young and poor couple.B:How to choose Christmas presents for couples.C:Money is love.D:How to celebrate a happy Christmas for a young and rich couple.答案:A。



下列关于罗马博尔盖塞美术馆的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Borghese Gallery is one of the most renowned art museums in Rome, Italy. Located in the beautiful Villa Borghese park, this museum houses an impressive collection of sculptures, paintings, and other works of art dating back to the 15th century. The museum's collection was originally assembled by the influential Borghese family, who were one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Rome during the Renaissance period.One of the most famous pieces in the Borghese Gallery is Bernini's sculpture of Apollo and Daphne. This breathtaking marble sculpture depicts the moment when the Greek god Apollo is chasing the nymph Daphne, who is transformed into a laurel tree to escape him. The details of the sculpture, such as the flowing hair and the delicate leaves, are truly remarkable and demonstrate Bernini's extraordinary talent as a sculptor.In addition to Bernini's masterpiece, the Borghese Gallery is also home to several other important works of art. The museum's collection includes paintings by renowned artists such asCaravaggio, Titian, and Raphael, as well as ancient Roman sculptures and mosaics. Visitors to the museum can also admire the stunning frescoes adorning the walls and ceilings of the building, which are a testament to the artistic skill of the Renaissance painters who created them.The Borghese Gallery is not only a treasure trove of art but also a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the Borghese family. The museum is housed in a lavish villa that was once the private residence of the Borghese family, who used it to showcase their collection of art and host extravagant parties for their guests. The villa itself is a work of art, with its ornate decorations, grand ballrooms, and beautifully landscaped gardens.Visiting the Borghese Gallery is a truly unforgettable experience for art lovers and history enthusiasts alike. The museum's collection is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Rome and offers a fascinating insight into the art and culture of the Renaissance period. Whether you are admiring Bernini's awe-inspiring sculptures or marveling at the exquisite paintings on display, a visit to the Borghese Gallery is sure to leave you inspired and enriched.篇2The Borghese Gallery in Rome is one of the most renowned art museums in the world. Located in the Villa Borghese, a beautiful park in the heart of the city, the museum is home to an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and antiquities.The Borghese Gallery was established by the Borghese family, one of the most powerful and influential families in Renaissance Rome. The collection was assembled by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, who was a great patron of the arts and a passionate collector. The museum houses works by some of the most famous artists in history, including Caravaggio, Bernini, Raphael, and Titian.One of the highlights of the museum is the collection of sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Bernini was a master sculptor and architect, and his works are considered some of the finest examples of Baroque art. The museum's collection includes his famous sculptures such as "Apollo and Daphne" and "David." These sculptures are known for their dynamic and lifelike quality, with figures that seem to be frozen in motion.In addition to the sculptures, the Borghese Gallery also boasts an impressive collection of paintings. One of the most famous works in the museum is Caravaggio's "David with the Head of Goliath." This painting is a powerful depiction of thebiblical story of David and Goliath, with a dark and dramatic composition that is typical of Caravaggio's style.Visitors to the Borghese Gallery can also admire masterpieces by Raphael, Titian, and Rubens, among others. The museum's collection is truly a treasure trove of art history, with works that span several centuries and movements.In addition to its impressive collection, the Borghese Gallery is also known for its beautiful setting. The museum is housed in a stunning villa that was built in the 17th century and features ornate decorations and frescoes. The surrounding Villa Borghese park is a peaceful and picturesque oasis in the bustling city, making it the perfect place to enjoy an afternoon of art and culture.Overall, the Borghese Gallery is a must-visit destination for art lovers and history buffs alike. Whether you're a fan of Baroque sculpture, Renaissance painting, or ancient antiquities, there is something for everyone to enjoy at this world-class museum. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the treasures of the Borghese Gallery on your next trip to Rome.篇3The Borghese Gallery is one of the most renowned art museums in Rome, Italy. Located in the Villa Borghese, a beautiful park in the heart of Rome, the museum is home to an impressive collection of sculptures, paintings, and antiquities dating back to ancient Roman and Greek times.The museum is housed in the former Villa Borghese, a lavish 17th-century villa built by the Borghese family. The collection was started by Cardinal Scipione Borghese, a member of the powerful Borghese family, who was an avid art collector and patron of the arts. Over the years, the collection grew as the family continued to acquire works by some of the most famous artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.One of the highlights of the museum is the collection of sculptures by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, one of the greatest sculptors of the Baroque period. Bernini's works, such as the famous "Apollo and Daphne" and "The Rape of Proserpina," are considered masterpieces of sculpture and are must-see attractions for art lovers visiting the museum.In addition to Bernini's sculptures, the Borghese Gallery also houses paintings by some of the most renowned artists of the Renaissance and Baroque periods, including Caravaggio, Raphael, and Titian. The museum's collection of paintingsincludes some of the most famous works of art in the world, such as Caravaggio's "David with the Head of Goliath" and Raphael's "The Deposition."Visitors to the Borghese Gallery can also explore the museum's collection of ancient Roman and Greek antiquities, including sculptures, mosaics, and pottery. These artifacts provide a fascinating glimpse into the art and culture of the ancient world and are sure to delight history buffs and art enthusiasts alike.Overall, the Borghese Gallery is a must-visit destination for anyone with an interest in art and history. The museum's stunning collection of sculptures, paintings, and antiquities offers a unique and unforgettable experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.。


有一次,阿波罗看到爱神丘比 特正拿著弓箭玩。他不客气跟 丘比特说:「喂!弓箭是很危险 的东西,小孩子不要随便拿来 玩。」丘比特被阿波罗这么一 说,心里很不服气。
Cupid is very angry, and want to make Apollo taste a bit of pain , so he thought of a way.
Daphne is the daughter of Alpheus and Peina Ust. She was a lovely blooming fairy maiden.
达芙妮是河神和佩娜乌斯的女儿, 她是位妩媚动人的仙女。
One day, Apollo Cupid holding a bow and arrow to play. He was blunt with Cupid said: "Hey! Bow and arrow is a very dangerous thing, a child should not be used to play Cupid by Apollo so a say, and my heart is not convinced
Cupid with gold arrows of the love to Apollo, another one can stop love arrows at the beautiful Daphne.
爱神丘比特用黄金爱情之箭射向了阿波罗,把另外一只能够止住爱情的箭射向了 达芙妮。
Appollo want to pursue Daphne, so ask to Venus, Venus said: girls are like flowers, the flowers are the best expression of the gift of love, the girls see the flowers her will see herself.” But he failed.



Forgotten Paradise'I'm leaving for school,' Apollo shouted loudly after putting on his brother's hand-me-down shoes, 'Goodbye!'But no one responded. He closed the door and left without looking back.Turning around the corner, he met Daphne who was waiting for him and walked together quietly as they always did. However, at the last corner to school, they turned left rather than right. An hour later, they escaped the town and climbed to the top of a mountain, overlooking the town that they had never left since they were born. But sure enough, they left it without missing it now.They began walking down a steep path to the valley below. The cloud was getting heavier and it was getting so dark. In no time, it rained cats and dogs.‘Put on your raincoat quickly!’ Apollo said, ‘There’s a cave. Get inside!’‘It’s such a heavy rain.My hair almost gets wet.’ Daphne complained as she took off her rain coat and fixed her chestnut silky hair. When she turned around, she cried out, ‘Look, there’s a spot of light over there.’ She backed up a few steps in panic.Apollo put up his head immediately. ‘Then let’s go and have a look.’The path in the cave was very small at the beginning, narrowly passing one person. Continuing for over tens-of-feet distance, they found the viewinstantly clearing up.Out of the cave, the rain had already stopped and they found a valley full of violets, as if the air was painted purple. Feeling like soaking into the fragrance, they would never forget about the luminous dewdrops on the flowers in some golden sun rays. However, among these enjoyable scenes, they still could not ignore an upset, disharmonious noise letting out from the cabin. They heard gears and bearings grinding. So they opened the door with great curiosity, only to see a machine, hanged on the wall, transporting and unloading all kinds of stuff here. The house tasted like a humid garage after the heavy rain.Apollo removed some old musty and wrecked furniture and find something which was familiar to him. ‘How ridiculous! There are things from people around me.’In front of him was the teddy bear which belonged to his cousin a couple of months ago There were flames radiating from its eyes like a poor, abandoned, begging dog, though its cloth was still quite clean and tidy. On his left was the incomplete fairy tale book lying on the floor, like an old beggar, covered with layers of worn-out, tattered and patched blankets. On the footer of the faded page, Apollo recognized the signature, Anne, one of his classmates in primary school.Daphne squatted down, searching like Apollo did. Then she found a shaver. She could almost hear the annoying buzz from the bathroom when her father shaved in the morning.‘Oh, a bottle of perfume! The smell is too strong. It’s uncomfortable to stay in such a room where smells were mixed with extremely strong perfume, d ecaying vegetables and musty …’ She stopped as she noticed a photo covered by heavy dust.‘Look, Apollo. It’s my parents’ wedding photo. Well, though it can be a wedding photo, my parents even didn’t hold a wedding or officially register a marriage. And you know that when my mother was pregnant, my father left us and I became a illegitimate child. It’s obvious that my mother had forgotten this photo completely though she used to stare at it for a long time every day.’Suddenly, Apollo found a painting. There was thick and awful dirt on the frame, like overmuch toppings on cakes and puddings, making it much more klunky than that in his memory. It’s a painting of violet in which the colors of the flowers were difficult to recognize. When he touched the mottled pigment on it, a feeling of extreme familiarity spread through his finger like an electric shock to his brain.‘Daphne, do you still remember this painting?’ he said unsteadily.‘It is the painting that the kind old lady, who used to live at the corner of the street to our school and whose windows were always decorated with a bowl of violet, gave us as a Christmas present. She was later sent into the nursing home and we never see her again. Do you still remember her name?’Apollo was lost in contemplation. He lived in a big family. He had four brothers and two sisters. They were all so talented and brilliant that he, such a ordinary boy, did not seem like a member of his family. Lived in such a family he seldom found the meaning of his existence and never be noticed by any one in or out his family, except for that old lady.‘Her name was Delores.’‘Wow, you have a retentive memory!’Apollo did have a very good memory, but no one had ever noticed before.‘Wait a moment.’ It’s like he suddenly found th e most important thing in the world. ‘I remembered we put this painting in the garage in my home but later we forgot it and we all moved. You used to think that it was missing but now it is here, with so many things forgotten or abandoned by people. Maybe, this is a place where all the abandoned things were collect.’‘If this is a place to hold abandoned things by people, why are we here? It seemed no one has come before, unless…’‘Unless we are forgotten by other people.’ Apollo said it calmly just like he’s just analyzing a math problem, ‘therefore, the rusty machine on the wall must transporting all the forgotten things from all over the world to this small house.Realizing this, they slept with loneliness and disappointment that night. They were used to being ignored by people around, but not untiltoday did they clearly noticed that they were forgotten. Their existence had nothing to do with anyone, even their family.Two days later, a news was reported on the local newspaper, which said two teenagers was missing since they left for school and they could be found nowhere on the town. At first, their parents, teachers, and classmates were looking for them in every place they can think of. But later on, it seems as if nothing had happened. They give up the searching and the two teenagers were considered to be dead.One night, an old lady, who got Alzheimer and was sent to the nursing home, was reading a newspaper. She notice the news that two teenagers were missing. Surprisingly, she recognized them even tho ugh she couldn’t remember anything else. It should be a miracle in medical history, isn’t it? Then she immediately decided to set out to find them. Not understanding why, she thought they can arouse her memory.She escaped from the nursing home quietly when the guard was taking a nap at midnight. Though she didn’t know where to go, but something in her heart, just like an angel, telling her to went through the mountain cave to the cabin in the violet valley. That was a tough such an old lady like her. But she insisted with great determination.It was a warming morning. Apollo and Daphne were so tired looking for food in the valley last night that they couldn’t wake up even though plenty sunshine was on their faces. During the two weeks after theirarrival, they cook, eat and sleep in the small house, for they couldn’t the way back home. Suddenly, the door crunched. They woke up and saw a woman walking in.‘Delores?!’ they asked, all in one voice. What a hack! They didn’t the woman’s face, but they cried out the name immediately as if someone had told them. I may say that is called ‘mind acts upon mind’.‘Are you guys? Daphne and Apollo?’ said the old lady.‘Yes,’ said Apollo, excitedly, but soon changed into a sad tone, ’as you see, we are all forgotten and that’s why we are all here. Here is a forgotten paradise.’‘Really? Never mind. Go out f or an adventure. We are not thoroughly forgotten. At least we treasure each other.’Apollo and Daphne were shocked. They almost ignore this fact if Delores didn’t tell them. They looked at Delores, feelingly, or rather, gratefully. Delores held their hands. The warmth, like an electric shock, again, spread through their fingers to his heart.They went out of the cabin. Perhaps they will eventually find their home; or perhaps they will live in this forgotten paradise, yes, a paradise, not corner, with love f rom each other ever after…Who knows?。



Because of the apple, Venus, Hera, Athena quarreled madly. They asked Zeus to judge who is the most beautiful goddess. Zeus made Apollo judge. Apollo put this task to the mortal(凡人) Paris.
Chinese mythology is the myth of "good". Greek mythology is the myth of "beauty" .
Thank you!
Athena is the daughter of Zeus, her mother is the wisdom of Goddess(智慧女神) Judith. Judith felt that her daughter will be particularly, and she warned Zeus she will pose a threat to his right. Then Zeus swallowed Judith.
Zeus suffered bad headache. All the gods, including Apollo God of medicine(药神) have attempted to implement(实施) an effective treatment for him, but it`s in vain.
Battle of Troy
Finally, Paris took the apple to Venus and Athena, Hera are very angry, causing up to a war lasting 10 years. Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, all participated in.

变形记 翻译

变形记 翻译

















举例:1. The story of Apollo and Daphne in "Metamorphosis" illustrates the power of unrequited love.(《变形记》中阿波罗和达芙妮的故事展示了无回应的爱情的力量。

)2. The transformation of Daphne into a laurel tree represents her desire to escape from Apollo's pursuit.(达芙妮变成月桂树代表了她想要逃避阿波罗追求的愿望。

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