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connotation of Chinese national culture, is a manifestation of Chinese culture and civilization
+ Han is a form of traditional
painting with a brush dipped in water, ink, color painting on silk or paper, this kind of painting is called "Chinese painting", referred to as "painting."
+ 古琴有泛音、散音和按音
五行,金、木、水、火、土; 外合五音,宫、商、角、徵、 羽。后来文王囚于羑里,思 念其子伯邑考,加弦一根, 是为文弦;武王伐纣,加弦 一根,是为武弦。合称文武 七弦琴。
三种音色,泛音法天,散 音法地,按音法人,分别 象征天、地、人之和合。
+ Go contains a rich
Landscape paintings
figure painting
“窈窕淑女,琴瑟友之” “琴瑟在御,莫不静好”;
桂殿秋 棋趣 垂柳下,荷塘边,楸枰落子意清闲。 玄机悟透低眉笑,细雨微风妒手谈
· 杜牧《屏风绝句》 屏风周昉画纤腰, 岁久丹青色半销。 斜倚玉窗鸾发女, 拂尘犹自妒娇娆。
鉄画银钩藏雅韵, 粗微浓淡漫馨香。 群龙墨海翻飞浪, 羡煞雏鸭翼欲张。
+ Guqin has traditionally been favored by scholars
and literati as an instrument of great subtlety and refinement. Guqin has always been viewed as the first place among the four Chinese high culture activities such as Guqin, Chess, calligraphy and painting. + 在中国古代,“琴、棋、书、画”历来被视为文 人雅士修身养性的必由之径。古琴因其清、和、 淡、雅的音乐品格寄寓了文人风凌傲骨、超凡 脱俗的处世心态,而在音乐、棋术、书法、绘 画中居于首位。
琴一般长约三尺六寸五(约120— 125公分),象征一年三百六十五 天(一说象周天365度)。一般宽 约六寸(20公分左右)。一般厚约 二寸(6公分左右)。琴体下部扁 平,上部呈弧形凸起,分别象征天 地。整体形状依凤身形而制成,其 全身与凤身相应(也可说与人身相 应),有头、颈、肩、腰、尾、足。
There are 7 strings in of Guqin. The first 5 in pentatonic scale representing 5 elements Metal, wood, water, fire and the earth. The 6 string was added by King Wen when his son was died. So the 6 string is sorrowful. The 7 string was added by King Wu when he encourage his soldiers go to the war. So the 7 string is very strong.
Guqin’s measurement line is 3 feet 65 inches representing the 365 days in a year. The top part is round representing the sky. The bottom part is flat, representing the earth. The whole body of the Guqin correspond the body of phoenix which is a bird of wonder, also the body of Guqin looks like the human body, with head, neck, shoulder, waist and feet etc.
+ 古琴最初只有五根弦,内合
The Guqin produce the most diligent and subtle tones. There are 3 category sounds produced by the Guqin. Harmonics is representing the sound from the Heaven. Open Strings is representing the sound from the earth. Stopped string is representing the Human Being
+ Guqin,string Chinese
musical instrument of the zither family with a history of more than 3000 years. The prefix "gu-" (meaning "ancient") was later added for clarification. It can also be called qixianqin (lit. "seven-stringed instrument"). + 古琴,又称中国七弦琴,为中国最古老的 弹拨乐器之一, 有文字可考的历史有四千余 年。