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化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;
外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;
实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;
射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;
冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;
超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;
膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;
分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;
无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;
化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;
食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;
过滤设备- Filtration equipment;
食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;
湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;
食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;
污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;
离析器- Separators;
饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;
温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;
检测设备- Testing equipment;
废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;
水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment;
气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.
溶剂- Solvents;
餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;
手套- Gloves;
清洁剂- Cleanser;
试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.
审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;
数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;
实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;
咨询服务- Consulting services;
食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;
食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;
食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;
HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;
微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services;
专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;
食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;
生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology
食品安全Food Safety
食品防御安全Food Security
EEC serial No.
EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂engineering food 工程食品
enrich (食品)增补(营养素),强化;富集,浓缩;加料
enriched food 强化(营养素)食品
Expert Committee on Food Additive 食品添加剂专家委员会
extruded food 挤压食品
Fabricated food 合成食品,组合食品
FAC(Food Advisory Committee) (英国)食品咨询委员会
fad food 应时食品
FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex(CA-C) FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会FAP(Food Additive Petition)(U.S.) 食品添加剂申请书
FAS(Food Additives Seriser)食品添加剂丛书
FASS(Food Additives and Comtaminants Committee) (英国)食品添加剂及污染物委员会
FCC(Food Chemicals Codex) 食品用化学品法规,食品用化学品法典
FD&C (Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act) 食品、药物及化妆品条例(法)
FDA 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDA
FDA(U.S.Food and Drug Adinistration) 美国食品与药物管理局
FDD(Food and Drug Directorate) 食品和药物理事会
fecala [由葛根、木薯等植物淀粉制成的食品]
Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国)
Federal food standards (美国)联邦食品标准
Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(FFDCA) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)fermentating food 发酵食品,酿造食品
fermented goods 发酵制品,发酵食品
FFDCA(Federal Food , Drug ,and Cosmetic Act) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)
FG(food grade) 食品级
FIA(Food Ingredients Asia) 亚洲食品配料展览会
FIC(Food Ingredients China) 中国食品配料展览会
FIE(Food Ingredients Europe) 欧洲食品配料展览会
finished food 制成的食品
FISA(Food Ingradients of South American) 南美食品配料展览会
flavology (食品)风味学
flavor food 风味食品
flavor industry 食品香料工业,调味料工业
flavor-dependent food 依赖香精的食品;与香味有关的食品
flavor-independent food 不依赖香精的食品;与香味无关的食品
flavorings 食品香精[表示多数]
flavour aditive 香味添加剂,食品香精添加剂
flavour adjunct 食品香精辅助物
flavouring foods 调味食品
flavouring industry 食品香料香精工业
flavouring matter 食品香料
FMF(Food Manufacturer’s Federation(London)) (伦敦)食品制造商联合会FNP(Food and Nutrition Paper) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集FNS(Food and Nutrition Serise) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书fold flavor 浓缩过的食品香精(香料)
food 食品,食物,粮食,养料
food additive 食品添加剂
Food Additive Petition (U.S.) (FAP) 食品添加剂申请书
food additives 食品添加剂
Food Additives Amendment 食品添加剂修正案
Food Additives Series(FAS) 食品添加剂丛书
food adjunct 食品助剂
food adulteration 食品掺假
Food Advisory Committee(FAC) 食品咨询委员会
food allergy 食品过敏
food analysis 食品分析
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Drug Administration(U.S.)(FDA) 美国食品与药物管理局
Food and Nutrition Board(FNB) 食品与营养委员会
Food and Nutrition Paper(FNP) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集Food and Nutrition Series(FNS) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书food antiseptics 食品防腐剂
food chemicals 食品用化学品
Food Chemicals Codex Committee 食品用化学品法典(规)委员会Food Chemicals Codex(FCC) 售用化学品法典;食品用化学品法规
food chemistry 食品化学
food color 食品(用)色素
food constituent 食品成分
food contamination 食品污染
food control 食品质量控制,食品质量检查
food distribution center (美)食品分销中心,批发站
food dye 食品(用)色素
food engineer 食品工程师
food engineering 食品工程(学)
food enricher 食品强化剂
food factory 食品厂
food fermentation 食品发酵
food flavour 食品香味;食品香精,食品香料;食品调味料
food flavouring 食用调味料,调味品,食品香精
food fortification 食品强化
food fortifier 食品强化剂
food grade mineral oil 食品级矿物油
food grade(FG) 食品级
food green S 食品绿S
food handling 食品加工
food hygiene 食品卫生学
food hygiene law 食品卫生法
food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定
food industry 食品工业
food infection 食品(带菌)传染
food ingredient 食品成分,食品配料
Food Ingredients Asia(FIA) 亚洲食品配料展览会
Food Ingredients China(FIC) 中国食品配料展览会
Food Ingredients Europe(FIE) 欧洲食品配料展览会
Food Ingredients of South American(FISA) 南美食品配料展览会food inspection 食品检验
food inspection rules 食品卫生检验规则
food irrdiation 食物照射,食品辐照
food labelling 食品标志
food laws 食品法规
food legislation 食品立法
food microbiology 食品微生物学
food nutrition 食品营养
food of animal origin 动物性食品
food of plant orgin 植物性食品
food packaged 食品包装
food packing 食品包装
food preservation 食品保藏
food preservative 食品保存剂,食品防腐剂
food processing 食品加工;食品热杀菌
food processing aide 食品加工助剂
food processing industry 食品加工工业
food processing plant 食品加工厂
food product 食物产品,食品
food products regulations 食品法规
food regulation 食品法规
food requirements 对食品的需要
food safety 食品安全性
Food Safety and Quality Service(FSQS) 食品安全与质量管理处Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会
Food Safey and Inspeciton Service (FSIS) 食品安全检验处
food sanitation law 食品卫生法规
food science 食品科学
food spoilage 食物腐败,食品败坏
food stability 食品稳定性,食品耐贮性
food stamp 食品券
food standard 食品标准
food standard committee 食品标准委员会
food starch, modified 食品用改性淀粉
food starch, unmodified 食品用未改性淀粉
food sterilization equipment 食品杀菌设备
food storage 食品贮存
food substance 食品
food supervisions 食品卫生监督
food supplement 食品增补剂
food supplementation 食品增补
food surveillance 食品监督
gelled foodstuff 凝胶食品
generally recognized as safe(GRAS) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全genetically modified food,GMF 转基因食品
geriatric food 老年食品
GM food (genetically modified food) 转基因食品
gourmet food 鲜美食品,珍贵食品
grading food quality 食品质量分级
GRAS(generally recognized as safe) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全green food 绿色食品
grocery 食品杂货;食品杂货店;小酒馆
Health food 健康食品,保健食品
Health Ingredients Europe(HIE) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会
health-care food 保健食品
heat-and-eat food pack 加热即食的包装食品,快速食品
heat-and-eat frozen food 加热即食的冷冻食品,速冻快速食品
HIE(Health Ingredients Europe) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会
hyposite 低热量食品
ICMSF 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSF
IFAC(International Food Additives Council) 国际食品添加剂委员会
IFIS(Iternational Food Information Service) 国际食品咨询服务处
IFMA(International Food Manufacture Association) 国际食品制造者协会
IFST(Institute of Food Science and Technology) 食品科学与工艺学学会
IFT(Institute of Food Technologists) 食品工艺学家学会[美]
indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标
indirect food additive 间接食品添加剂
infant food 婴儿食品
infant formula 婴儿配制食品
INFD(International Network of Food Data) 国际食品数据网
inflight meal 航空食品,飞机内用的便餐,机内客饭
INS(International Numbering System) 国际编码系统[联合国食品法典委员会] inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员
instant food 即食品
instantizer 速溶剂;速溶机;速溶食品生产设备
Institute of Food Technologists(IFT) 食品工艺学家学会[美]
intentional food additive 有意食品添加剂,故意(加入的)食品添加剂
intermediate-moisture foods 中等水分食品
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods of IAMS 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSF
International Food Additives Council (IFAC) 国际食品添加剂委员会
International Food Information Service(IFIS) 国际食品咨询服务处
International Food Manufacture Association(IFMA) 国际食品制造者协会
International Network of Food Data (INFD) 国际食品数据网
International Uion of Food Science and Technology(IUFOST) 国际食品科学技术协会International Union of Food Science andTechnology 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOST International Union of Food Workers (IUF)International Union of 国际食品工作者联合会invalid food 疗效食品,病人食品
irradiated food 照射食品,辐照食品
irradiated product 照射(杀菌)食品
irradiation 辐射,照射;食品照射保藏法
isolate flavor 单离食品香料
IUF(International Union of Food Workers ) 国际食品工作者联合会
IUFOST 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOST
IUFOST(International Uion of Food Workers) 国际食品科学技术协会
Japan Food Additives Associatiion(JFAA) 日本食品添加剂协会
Japanese Standard of Food Additives(JSFA) 日本食品添加剂标准
JECFA FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFA
JECFA(Jonint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) FAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会
jecorize (食品的)鱼肝油(增补)化,外加鱼肝油
JFAA(Japan Food Additives Associtatioin) 日本食品添加剂协会
JFCMP(Jonit FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFA
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA) FWO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会
Joint FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme(JFCMP) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划
JSFA(Japanese Standard of Food Additives) 日本食品添加剂标准
junior food 幼儿食品
junket 凝乳食品
Junket dessert 乳酪食品
kasher 犹太食品
lacquers 漆;(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料
lasting food 防腐食品,耐入存的食品
leavened food 发酵食品,膨发食品
low acid foods 低酸性食品[pH在4.6以上的食品]
low calorie food 低热量(能量)食品
low-fat food 低脂(肪)食品
low-fat spread 低脂(肪)涂抹食品
lubricating oil for food machine 食品工业用机械润滑油
management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理
marine food 海产食品,海味
marine food 海产食品,海味
microwaveable food 微波食品
milk substitute 代乳食品
minimally processed foods 最少加工食品
modified food starch 改性食品用淀粉
National Canners Association (NCA) (美国)罐头食品协会
National Nutritonal Foods Association(NNFA) (美国)全国营养食品协会NCA(national Canners Association) (美国)罐头食品协会
negative list (食品添加剂)禁止使用的一览表;否决单
neutraceutical [具有预防疾病性质的一类食品添加剂,如β-胡萝卜素] niacytin 结合烟酸,烟酸与糖的络合物[由烟酸与食品中的某些成分结合而成] NNFA(National Nutritional Foods Association) (美国)全国营养食品协会
novel food 新颖食品
nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的
objectionable constituent (食品中)有害成分
olderly food 老年人食品
pabulum 食粮,食品,饲料
packing 充填物;食品加工业;填充;填料
parkelp 褐藻类(制)食品
pastry 焙烤(面制)食品,发面点心,面制糕点
perishable 易腐的,易坏的;易腐食品;易腐货载
perishable food 易腐食品
pet food 宠物食品,玩赏动物食品
phenylalanine-free food 无苯丙氨酸食品
physical hazards, food-related 与食品有关的物理危害
pickle 腌菜,泡菜;腌制食品
pickled food 腌渍食品
picnic 野餐,各人自带食品的聚餐;猪前腿(肉)
PL(positive list) (食品添加剂的)准许使用名单
positive list(PL) (食品添加剂的)准话使用名单
pouch food (小)袋装食品
prepared food 预制食品,速煮食品,方便食品,预加工食品
preserved food 罐头食品
processed cheese food 加工干酪食品;加工干酪制品
processed food 加工食品
protection food 合格食品,符合质量要求的食品
protective food 保健食品
puffed food 膨化食品
quick-cooking good 速煮食品
quick-frozen food 速冻食品
quick-serve meal 快餐食品
radiated food 辐射食品
radicidation 辐射杀菌,辐射灭菌,针对性的杀菌;食品的低剂量射线处理
ready-to-eat 方便食品,即食食品,速煮食品
ready-to-eat product 方便食品
ready-to-eat-meal 快餐食品,方便食品,现成食品
ready-to-serve food 速煮食品
recombined food 调制食品,重组食品
recommended program of food safety evaluation 食品安全性评价程序建议
reconstitution 复原,还原,冲调,复水;浓缩食品稀释至初始浓度
Red book 红皮书[指美国FDA1982年出版的食品添加剂安全评价的毒物学原则一书] reformed food 改制食品
regulatory status 食品法规管理
restructured food 重组食品
retorted foods 杀菌(袋装)食品,(高压)蒸煮袋食品
SAA(The Soyfoods Association of America) 美国大豆食品协会
satchel 纸袋,袋装食品[主要指糖果]
SCF(European Scientific Committee on Food) (欧洲)食品员会
Scientific Committee for Food (欧洲)食品科学委员会
semimoist foods 半(湿)食品
set milk 凝乳食品
sitology 食品学,营养学
smoke foods 烟熏食品
snack food 小吃食品;休闲食品;零食;快餐食品
snack foods 小食品
sorption curve 吸收曲线[食品中水分和活性水分之相关曲线]
soyfoods 大豆食品
space dood 航天食品
special used food 特殊用途食品
special-purpose food 专用食品
specific foods 特种食品
standard of food hygiene 食品卫生标准
standardized foods 标准化食品
sterilized food 灭菌食品
synergist and solubilizer for antioxidants and flavours 抗氧化剂和食品香味料的增效剂和增溶剂
tannins(food grade) 食品级单宁
technical rule of food hygiene 食品卫生技术规范
textureizing agent (食品)增稠剂;质地形成剂
texturometer (食品)稠度测定仪
The Soyfoods Association of America(SAA) 美国大豆食品协会
therapeutical food 疗效(性)食品
ticbit 珍品,美味食品
traditional food 传统食品
U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 美国食品和药品管理局
U.S.RDA(U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)
U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances(U.S.RDA) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)
unintentional food additive 无意食品添加剂,非故意(加入的)食品添加剂,意外的食品添加剂
United States Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDA untraceuticals 保健食品
victual 食品,食物,粮食,饮食
vitvers 食品,食物
weaning food 断奶食品,离乳食品
WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署
WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署
WFP(World Food Programme) 世界食品规划
white oil for food-machinery 食品机械用白油
wholesome 卫生的,有益健康的(食品)
World Food Programme (WFP) 世界食品规划
Oysters 牡蜊
Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜
Crab 螃蟹
Prawn 虾
clams 蛤蚌
Crab stick 蟹肉条
Peeled Prawns 虾仁
King Prawns 大虾
Tiger Prawns 虎虾
Whelks Tops 小螺肉
Shrimps 基围虾
Cockles 小贝肉
Lobster 龙虾
花椒粉Paprika powder
孜然粉Cumin powder
姜粉Ginger powder
麻椒粉Spicy hot powder
去皮姜块Peeled Ginger Pieces
月桂粉Cassia powder
香味粉Bay Leaves powder
胡萝卜粉Carrot granules
丁香粉Ground Cloves powder
葱片Shallot flakes
蒜粉Garlic powder
甜椒粉Sweet chilli powder
黑胡椒粉Black Pepper Powder
甜青椒sweet green chilli powder
白胡椒粉White pepper powder
香葱粉Shallot powder
洋葱粉Onion Powder
菠菜粉Spinach powder
辣椒粉Chilli powder
芹菜粉Celery powder
五香粉Five Spices Powder
芥茉粉Mustard powder
咖喱粉Curry powder
百里香粉Herbs powder
八角粉(大料) Star Aniseed powder
香菇粉Fungus powder
芹菜粒Celery granules
桂皮粉Cinnamon Powder
牛肉粒Beef granules
茴香粉Fennel powder
南瓜粒Squash powder
甘草粉Licorice powder
人参粉Panax powder
砂仁粉Amomum Powder
黑胡椒碎Black pepper broken
三奈粉Couidium officinale
复合芥茉粉Mixed mustard power
沙姜粉Sand ginger powder
肉寇(玉果粉) Cardemon
姜黄粉Turmeric powder
白豆蔻粉White nutmeg powde
红豆蔻粉Red nutmeg powder
草莓粉Strawberry powder
Tenderloin (Short loin) 里脊............. (脊骨内侧(腹侧)条肉) Porterhouse(Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (臀腰部脊骨背侧肉) T Bone ... (Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (胸腰部脊骨背侧肉) Strip loin (Short loin) 嫩腰(诈称里脊) ... (二侧腰肉)
Rib eye ......... (Rib) 上脑,外脊(诈称里脊)(胸部背脊肉,略肥) Top Sirloin . (Sirloin) 米龙(诈称里脊) ... (盆骨后肌,近腰臀肉) Tir-tip ..... (Sirloin) 三岔肉 ........... (盆骨前肌,近腹腿肉) Hanger ........ (Flank) 牛腩............. (胸腹隔肌)
Flank, Skirt .. (Flank) 牛腩,腰窝........ (下腹肌)
Rump ......... (Round) 后腿,仔盖,臀尖... (近腿臀肉)
Sirloin tip .. (Round) 后腿,粗和尚头.... (大腿前伸肌)
Eye round .... (Round) 后腿,榔头肉...... (大腿肚内芯)
Top Round .... (Round) 后腿,底板肉...... (大腿肚)
Bottom Round . (Round) 后腿,黄瓜肉,腱子肉(大腿肚近膝) 三、肩胸(前腿) 部分(质老,略肥):适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——Blade .... (Chuck eye) 上脑,前烧. (近頸脊背肉,质较嫩)
7 Bone ....... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩背肉)
Shouder ...... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩臂肉)
四、肘子, 胸口(质极老) :适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——
Shank ... 肘子,蹄胖,牛腱子. (前后小腿,瘦)
Plate ... 弓扣,牛筋肉,牛腩 . (上腹肌,瘦)
Brisket . 胸口,奶脯,牛筋肉. (胸脯肉,肥)
QC quality control||品质管理人员
FQC final quality control||终点品质管制人员
IPQC in process quality control||制程中的品质管制人员
OQC output quality control||最终出货品质管制人员
IQC incoming quality control||进料品质管制人员
TQC total quality control||全面质量管理
POC passage quality control||段检人员
QA quality assurance||质量保证人员
OQA output quality assurance||出货质量保证人员
QE quality engineering||品质工程人员品质保证类:
FAI first article inspection||新品首件检查
FAA first article assurance||首件确认
TVR tool verification report||模具确认报告
3B 3B||模具正式投产前确认
CP capability index||能力指数
CPK capability index of process||模具制程能力参数
SSQA standardized supplier quality||合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit||开箱检查
QFD quality function deployment||品质机能展开
FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis||失效模式分析
8 disciplines 8||项回复内容
FA final audit||最后一次稽核
CAR corrective action request||改正行动要求
corrective action report||改正行动报告
恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器Drying Ovens/Humidity Chambers
送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Ovens 惰性气体恒温器Inert Gas Ovens
精密恒温器Precision Constant Temperature Ovens
洁净烘箱(洁净干燥箱)Clean Ovens
送风定温干燥器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Drying Ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Ovens With Air Curtain
定温干燥箱Constant Temperature Drying Ovens
角形真空定温干燥器Vacuum Drying Ovens
恒温恒湿器Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers
流水线设备In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation
干燥架drying rack
恒温培养器Constant Temperature Incubators
可程式低温培养器Low Temperature Program Type Incubators
低温培养器Low Temperature Incubators
低温稳定性培养器Low Temperature Stability Incubators
CO2培养器CO2 Incubators
振荡培养器Shaking Incubators
冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers---
冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers
离心形冻结干燥器Centrifugal Freeze Dryers
干热灭菌器Drying Sterilizers
高压灭菌器Autoclaves Sterilizers
低温等离子灭菌器Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizers
环形燃烧管灭菌器Loop Cinerator
纯水制造装置Water Purifiers---
纯水制造装置Water Stills
超纯水制造装置Ultra-pure Water Purifiers
简易纯水制造装置Water Purifiers
超纯水制造装置系统Ultra-pure Water Purifier System
大容量纯水制造装置Water Purifiers System
实验室玻璃器皿清洗机Laboratory Glassware Washers
超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners
大型超声波清洗机Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems
超声波试管清洗机Ultrasonic Pipet Washers
超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners
恒温液槽Constant Temperature Baths---
投入式恒温装置Constant Temperature Devices
油槽Oil Baths
振荡式低温水槽Low Constant Temperature Shaking Baths
深槽形恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths
粘度测定槽Kinematic Viscosity Baths
液压式恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths
精密低温恒温水槽Precision Low Constant Temperature Water Baths
低温恒温水槽Low Constant Temperature Water Baths
试验管加热板Heating Blocks
冷却液体循环器Cooling Liquid Circulators
冷却水循环器Cooling Water Circulators
便携式冷却器Immersion Cooler
寒流捕获器Cooling Trap
冷却水外部循环器Cooling Water Circulators
高温炉High Temperature Furnaces Heating Apparatus---
马弗炉Muffle Furnaces
超高温电气炉Ultra-High Temperature Electric Furnaces
高温电气炉High Temperature Electric Furnaces
真空气体置换炉Gas Replacement Vacuum Furnaces
造粒干燥装置Granulating and Drying Apparatus for Wet Powder Body and Liquid--- 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer
有机溶剂喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer
生产线喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer for Product Line
旋转蒸发仪Rotary Evaporators
溶媒回收装置Solvent Recovery Unit
乳化·搅拌·振荡器Homogenizers, Stirrers, Shakers---
磁力搅拌器Magnetic Stirrers
加热板Hot Plates
送液·减压·加压装置Aspirators, Pumps, Compressors
实验室自动乳钵Laboratory Mill/Universal Ball Mill
粉碎器Cutting Mills
YAMATO电子厂关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices
等离子装置Low Temperature Ashers, Cleaners, Etchers---
气体等离子蚀刻机Gas Plasma Etcher “Plasma Reactor”
气体等离子清洗机Gas Plasma Dry Cleaner
气体等离子灰化机Gas Plasma Asher
半导体基板自动机器Automatic Machine
电子半导体/材料关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices---
桌上小型探测显微镜Desk-Top Small Probe Microscope “Nanopics”
半导体制造用检查装置Yield Management for Semiconductor Ptoducts
非破坏评价解析装置Nondestructive Testing System
紫外线洗净·改质装置Ultra-Violet Curing System
尘埃计数器Particle Counters
去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计Auto Balanced Over Head Ion Blower
环境试验设备Temperature,Humidity Testing Chamber
防湿保管库Moisture-proof Storage
半导体用设备ANELV A
振动试验装置Vibration Test Systems
冲击试验装置Shock Testing Systems
YAMATO生命科学关连仪器Life-Science Related Instruments
生物技术关连仪器·食品分析仪器Bio-Technology Related Instruments, Food Analysises Instruments—
形态观察分析系统Mapping Analyzer
生物分子间相互作用分析系统Biomioleculer Interaction Analysis System
高速液相色谱仪LC-CE/CEC System
血管壁细胞混合培养系统Dynamic Coculture System
基因检查仪器Genopattern Analyzer
ATP测定器ATP Measuring Instrument
分光光度计Microplate Spectrophotometer
细胞培养·发酵用自动分析系统Automated Chemistry Analyzer for Monitoring Cell Culture and Fermentation Processes
细胞生死判别系统Cell Vital Analyzer
细胞计数分析装置Cell Scaler/Analyzer
荧光Spot Cutter
高速冷却离心机High Speed Refrigerated,Centrifuges
微量高速离心机High Speed micro-Centrifuges
液体中微生物简单测试仪Simple Germ Test Kit “simple Tester”
防爆冷藏柜Explosion proof Freezer and Refrigerator
杀菌水生成系统Sterilization Water Production Device
膜式脱气装置Filter-type Air Extractor
抗酸化机能水制造装置Acid-Resistant Water Purifier
分析仪器Analytical Instruments---
元素分析装置Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
ICP发光分光分析ICP Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer
X线光分析计X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
气体分析计Gas Analyzers
回折/散乱式粒度分布测定装置Analyzer,Particle Size Distribution Laser Diffraction Device
低真空走查电子显微镜Scanning Probe Micro Scope
高速液相色谱仪Liquid Chromatograph
滴定装置Automatic Titration
物性试验·测定器Physical Properties Measuring Apparatus, Testing, and Measuring Apparatus---
近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer
融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument
热分析系统Thermo System
自动反应装置Automatic Reactor
水分计Moisture Analyzer
引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression
数字粘度计Digital Viscometer
振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer
浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters
超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems
重金属排液处理装置Heavy Metal Eliminator
简易水质检查试验纸Water Quality Tester Strips
导电率计Conductivity Meters
YAMATO试验研究设施Laboratory Design and Engineering---
通风柜Fume Hoods
实验台Laboratory Furniture
保管柜Storage Cabinets
实验台用附属器具Carts and Laboratory Table Attachments
环境制御设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment control Devices---
生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment
废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment
试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment
环境实验设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment Experiment Facilities---
恒温室/恒温恒湿室Constant Temperature and Humidity Facilities
低温室Constant Low Temperature Facilities
人工气候室Artificial Atmospheric Phenomena Simulator
动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置Sterilization Systems, for Animal Research
化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;
外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;
实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;
射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology;
超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;
冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;
超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;
膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;
分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;
无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;
化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;
食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;
过滤设备- Filtration equipment;
食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;
湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;
食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;
污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;
离析器- Separators;
饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;
温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;
检测设备- Testing equipment;
废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;
水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment; 气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.
溶剂- Solvents;
餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;
手套- Gloves;
清洁剂- Cleanser;
试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.
审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;
数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;
实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;
咨询服务- Consulting services;
食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;
食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;
食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;
HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;
微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services; 专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;
食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;
生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology.
acceptable daily intake (ADI)
acclimatization 气候适应
accumulate 蓄积
acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平acid-forming food 成酸性食品
acid value 酸价
Achromobacterium 无色菌属
Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂
activity coefficient,AC 活性系数actomyosin 肌凝蛋白
acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验
additive action 相加作用
adipose tissue 脂肪组织
administrative rule 行政规范
adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adsorption 吸附,吸附作用
aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸
aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素
after-ripeness 后熟
Agaricus 伞草属
Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁
Adequate intake,AI 适宜摄入量
alamine 丙氨酸
albumin 白蛋白
albuminuria 蛋白尿
alcohol 酒精
alimentary codex 食品法规
Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属
allowance 供给量
alpha-BHC a-六六六
alpha hemolytic streptococcus
Alternaria 交链孢霉
aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝
aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝
Alzheimer's dementia
早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆) Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞
Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞
Amanita phalloides 毒伞
Amanita verna 白毒伞
Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞
amaranth 苋莱红
amatoxins 毒伞八肽类
Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨
Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属amphetamin chloride 冰毒
amygdalin 苦杏仁甙
amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯
amylose 直链淀粉
amylopectin 支链淀粉
anabolism 合成代谢
anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病
angular stomatitis 口角炎
anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂anisatin 毒八角亭
antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthraquinone 蒽醌
anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂
antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学
apatite 磷灰石
apparent digestibility 表现消化率appetite 食欲
apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白
apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白
applied nutrition 应用营养
aquatic organism 水生生物
aquatic product 水产品
arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸
arcus senilis 老年环
arginine 精氨酸
arsenic 砷
Arthrinium 节菱孢属
Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫
Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲
ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐
scorbic acid 抗坏血酸
Aspergillus 曲霉属
Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉
Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉
Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉
Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉
Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬
availability 可利用率
avidin 抗生物素蛋白
azide 重氮化合物
Bacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌
Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌
Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌bacon 咸猪肉
bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体
balanced diet 平衡膳食
balance test 平衡实验
Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫
B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌barley 大麦
basal metabolic rate,BMR 基础代谢率basal metabolism,BM 基础代谢basic energy exenditure,BEE 基础能量消耗base-forming food 成碱性食品Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲
bean curd 豆腐
bean curd blade 百叶
bean sprout 豆芽
beet 甜菜
beetle 甲虫类
benefit-risk analysis 利害分析benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑
benz(a)anthracene (BA) 苯并(a)蒽
benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) 苯并(a)芘benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病
beta-BHC β-六六六
β-carotene β-胡萝卜素
beta hemolytic streptococcus
betanin 甜菜苷
bilirubin 胆红素
biliverdin 胆绿素
bilobol 白果(二)酚
bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学
biofeedback 生物反馈
biohazard 生物危害
biological concentration
biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头) biological half-time 生物半减期biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值) biosynthesis 生物合成
biotin 生物素
biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运
bis(P-chlorophenyl)acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2--dichloroethane pp′-滴滴滴
1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylene pp′-滴滴伊。