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跟上;赶上 以防万一;万一 由于 此外 出现;到达 留下来;将……落在后面 最重要的是
用准用活 选用左栏适当短语填空 1.Frank has been punished by his parents _d_u_e_t_o___ his carelessness in the examination. 2.[2020·烟台高三月考]_In__ad_d_i_ti_o_n, anyone who finds it is guaranteed to be rewarded with $50 the moment he/she returns the handbag. 3.We couldn't _m_a_k_e_o_u_t_ what they were talking about in the next room. 4.He devoted most of his time to his training and his effort __p_ai_d_o_f_f_ eventually in the Olympics.
1.The young man who did something __i_ll_e_g_al__ (legal) has been arrested by the police.
2.S_u_r_ro_u_n_d_e_d by the forest, the village has beautiful s_u_r_ro_u_n_d_i_ng_s_,
(二)联想背短语 记全记牢
1.__t_a_k_e_c_h_ar_g_e_o_f 接管;控制 2._m_a_k_e_u_p______ 编造;组成;弥补 3._m_a_k_e_o_u_t_____ 假称;听出;看出 4._g_o_i_n_to_d_e_t_a_il_(s_) 讨论;细谈 5._s_pe_a_k_u_p______ 大声地说;自由而大胆地说出 6._s_i_t _u_p_______ 坐直;熬夜 7._b_e_li_ev_e__in_____ 信任;信仰 8._t_u_rn__o_v_er_____ 反转 9._p_a_y_o_f_f______ 得到好结果;取得成功
9.__g_r_a_sp_______ vt. 理解;领会;抓牢,抓紧 10._d_e_cr_e_a_se______ v. 减少;降低 11._e_n_v_y________ v. 羡慕;嫉妒 12._b_o_th_e_r_______ v. 打扰;烦扰
单词拼写/单句语法填空 1.[2017·江苏卷书面表达]The box-office _i_n_c_o_m_e__ (收入) of
10._k_e_ep__u_p_w_i_th___ 11._in__c_as_e_______ 12._d_u_e_to________ 13._in__a_dd_i_ti_o_n____ 14._tu_r_n_u_p_______ 15._le_a_v_e_b_e_h_in_d___ 16.a_b_o_v_e_a_ll______
5._in_s_p_e_c_t __ v.审查→_i_n_sp_e_c_ti_o_nn.检查→_i_ns_p_e_c_to_r_ n.检查员 6._c_o_m__m_i_t _ vt.承诺→_c_o_m_m__it_m_e_n_t_ n.承诺 7 .c_o_m__fo_r_t __ n . 舒 适 ; 安 逸 ; v. 安 慰 →_co_m__fo_r_ta_b_leadj. 舒适 的 →_c_o_m__fo_r_ta_b_l_y adv.舒适地→_u_nc_o_m__fo_r_ta_b_l_e adj.不舒适的
took place under her _g_u_id_a_n_c_e_.(guide) 5.The __in_s_ta_n_t__ my father received the news that my grandpa
became ill, he went to the hospital _i_n_st_a_n_tl_y_.(instant)
10.judgement n. _判_断__;__判__断__力__ 11.casual adj. 随__意__的__;__非__正_式_ 的 12.moral adj. _道_德__的________
1.“过失”与“冲突”相关词一览 ①fault n. 过错 ②argument n. 争吵;争论 ③quarrel n. 争吵;吵架 ④conflict n. 冲突 ⑤mistake n. 错误
Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015.
2.If you are ill,make sure you __c_on_s_u_l_t _ (请教,咨询) your
6.Don't __h_es_i_ta_te__ to ask me for help and I'll help you solve the
problem without _h_e_s_it_at_i_on_.(hesitate) 7.As a famous pop star, he loves being s_u_r_ro_u_n_d_e_d by so many fans
doctor before taking medicine by yourself. 3.Generally speaking, the number of the people who drive after
drinking is on the __d_e_c_re_a_s_e (减少). 4.Having _q_u_a_rr_e_ll_ed_ (quarrel) with his wife about who should wash
Unit 14 Careers
(一)分类记单词 核心单词
1. __in_c_o_m__e _____ n. 收入 2.__fl_e_x_ib_l_e_____ adj. 灵活的;柔韧的 3.__c_h_ar_g_e______ vt. 收费;要价
n. 负责 4.__a_id_________ n. 援助;帮助 5._p_a_n_ic________ v. 恐慌;惊慌 6._q_u_a_r_re_l______ vi. 争吵;吵架 7._c_o_n_s_u_lt______ vt. 请教;查阅 8._o_v_e_r_co_m__e____ vt. 战胜;克服
13._re_s_p_o_n_d__ vi.反应→_r_es_p_o_n_s_e_ n.回应
14._e_x_is_te_n_c_e_ n.存在→_e_x_is_t____ v.存在→_e_x_i_st_in_g__ adj.现存 的
15.c_o_n_s_ta_n_tl_y_ adv.不断地→_c_o_n_s_ta_n_t_ adj.不断的;不变的 16._g_u_id_a_n_c_e_ n.指导→__g_u_i_de___ n.向导;导游 v.带领;引 导
2.“奖;奖赏”家族 ①reward vt. 酬劳;奖赏 n. 报酬;奖金 ②award vt. 授予;奖给 n. 奖品;奖金 ③prize n. 奖金;奖品 ④bonus n. 奖金;红利

3.“帮助”家族 ①aid n.& vt. 帮助;援助 ②help n.& vt. 帮助 ③assist vt. 帮助;协助 ④assistance n. 帮助;协助 ⑤assistant n. 助手 ⑥support n.& vt. 支持;帮助 ⑦sponsor n.& vt. 赞助者;赞助
8. _i_ll_eg_a_l__adj.不合法的;违法的→_i_ll_e_g_al_l_y_ adv.不合法地;违法 地→___le_g_a_l __ adj.合法的;法律的
9.s_u_rr_o_u_n_d_in_g adj.附近的;周围的→_s_ur_r_o_u_n_di_n_g_s n.周围的环境
9.None of the students _re_s_p_o_nd_e_d_ to her question; in other words,her
question failed to get a _re_s_p_o_n_se__ from any of the students.(respond) 10.There are three different versions of his health record currently in
_e_x_is_t_en_c_e_ (exist).
阅读单词, 1. insurance n. _保__险_________ 2.bonus n. _额__外__津_贴__;__奖__金 3.wage n. _薪__金__,_工__资____ 4.institute n. 机__构__;__学__院____ 5.data n. __资__料__;__数__据__ 6.comprehension n. _理_解__________ 7.steep adj. 陡 __峭__的__;__险__峻__的 8.universe n. _宇_宙__________ 9.mankind n. _人__类_________
the dishes,he felt very upset. 5.Nowadays China is developing fast, which __is_e_n_v_ie_d_ (envy) by
other countries.
1.__ju_n_i_o_r __ adj.低级的→__s_e_n_io_r__ adj.高级的 2.__in_s_t_an_t__ n.片刻;瞬间→_i_n_s_ta_n_tl_y_ adv.立即;马上 3._h_e_s_it_a_te__ v.犹豫;踌躇→_h_e_s_it_a_n_t _ adj.犹豫不决的;有顾虑 的→_h_e_si_t_at_io_n_ n.犹豫 4.__r_ew__a_rd__ n.奖赏;报酬;酬金;vt.酬谢;奖赏;报答→_r_ew__a_rd_i_n_g adj.值得做的
→_s_u_r_ro_u_n_d_ v.包围 10.a_pp_o_i_n_tm__e_ntn.约见;约会→__a_p_po_i_n_t_ vt.约定;任命 11._w__is_d_o_m__ n.智慧→___w_i_se___ adj.聪明的;智慧的
12.__o_p_er_a_te__ vi.运转;运作;vt.操作→_o_p_e_r_a_ti_o_n n.手术→_op_e_r_a_to_r__ n.操作人员;接线员
coming to visit him from the s_u_rr_o_u_n_d_in_gcities. And he also likes beautiful _s_u_rr_o_u_n_d_in_g_s_ with green trees and flowers.(surround)
8.The _o_p_e_ra_t_o_r _ is _o_p_e_r_at_in_g_ the big machine according to the __o_pe_r_a_ti_o_n guidance.(operate)
which attract many visitors from __s_u_rr_o_u_n_d_in_g___ areas.(surround) 3.Mary and I had a_p_p_o_i_n_te_d_ to meet at the shopping center, but she
failed to keep the _a_pp_o_i_n_tm__e_n_t , so I was very angry.(appoint) 4.The __g_ui_d_e___ led us to the tourism spot and then all our activities