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• the most exotic country in Asia • Amazing Thailand with unique
history and economic developing path, with stunning transvestites, delicious food, beautiful landscape ,delicate handicrafts , grand palaces and Buddhism.
• Thai Massage was actually developed by Buddhist monks in Thailand as a healing modality 2,500 years ago. Thai massage uses passive stretching and gentle pressure along the body’s energy lines to increase flexibility, relieve muscle and joint tension and balance the body’s energy systems. Thai massage is both deeply relaxing and energizing.
应请男士代劳,或直接放在桌上。 • 泰国人视头部为神圣之地,因此不要随便触摸别人的
头部。 • 不要用脚指人或物,特别是脚底不要直冲着佛像。也
不要用脚开门、关门。 • 递东西时用右手,不宜用左手。 • 公共场合男女不应过分亲热。 • 泰国禁赌,即使在酒店房间里也不为主 。
特点是酸辣,开胃, 调料很独特: 泰国柠檬、鱼露 、泰国朝天椒 、咖 哩酱 ,许多调料是东南亚甚至是泰 国特有的。海鲜类著名莱式有柠檬虾 汤或东阴功(Tom Yam Kung)、脆米粉 (Mikrop)——用虾、猪肉、蛋和甜酸 酱合炒的米粉、泰式咖喱螃蟹等。
• Thailand food is hot, salty, sweet and sour. Rice is served with different types of hot sauce and soups e.g. tom yam kung (prawn soup with lemon grass). Dishes usually contain a lot of condiments and spices. Curries are popular and made with a lot of spices and condiments.
• 曼谷原意“天使之城”,有“佛庙之都”之 誉,为黄袍佛国之泰国首都, 曼谷位 于湄南河畔, 市内河道纵横,货运频 繁,有“东方威尼斯”之称。曼谷港, 是泰国和世界著名稻米输出港之一。
• For tourists, Bangkok has a feast of attractions to offer. The city is dotted with 400 glittering Buddhist temples of great beauty and fascination, magnificent
榴莲Durian: The King of Fruits
• 泰国是有名的佛教国家,被 称为东南亚“古董的天堂”,秉 承了泰国民俗文化的精髓, 纯手工工艺精湛,清迈是全 国手工艺品的中心,素以传 统手工艺品品种繁多、质量 上乘而闻名天下。
• Thailand is famous for its quality handicrafts, but most of the items offered in the shops of Bangkok have not been produced there but in the North of the country. Lacquerware, carvings, ceramics and china all make nice souvenirs. Thai silk is famous around the world .
• Traditional muay Thai has a long history in Thailand as a martial art used by the military.
6.人妖( Transvestites/Transgenders)
• “人妖”演员原为男性,是变 性人。这些“人妖”是经过整 容和注射女性荷尔蒙后, 才变得比大部分女性更漂 亮的“女”性。但不论他们如 何改造,声音仍然保持男 声,而且还有喉结
1.大王宫(Grand Palace )
• 泰国曼谷王朝一世王至八世王的王宫。 曼谷市内最为壮观的古建筑群。178 2年,曼谷王朝拉玛一世 开始兴建大 王宫。 以后历代君主集泰国建筑艺术 之精华,不断扩建大王宫,装饰也日益 宏雄华丽, 风格主要为暹罗式。 大王 宫内的寺院,即著名的玉佛寺建筑群
• The spectacular Grand Palace is an
palaces, classical dances, numerous shopping centres and traditional ways of life, especially along the "Venice of the East" timeless canals and the Chao Phraya River of the "River of Kings" winding through the city.
• 亚洲中南半岛中南部,东南临 泰国湾(太平洋),西南濒安 达曼海(印度洋),西和西北 与缅甸接壤,东北与老挝交界 ,东南与柬埔寨为邻, 南延 伸至马来半岛,与马来西亚相 接。
• Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is shaped like an elephant’s head. The face looks at Myanmar, the ears border Laos and Cambodia, and the trunk runs between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand down to Malaysia.
architectural marvel and the gem of Bangkok‘s impressive collection of
temples and palaces. Although the
Royal Family no longer resides
here, the Palace is still used for ceremonial purposes。 Appropriate dress code required (cover
shoulders and legs).
2.玉佛寺(the Temple of the Emerald
• 玉佛寺是泰国王族供奉玉佛像和举行 宗教仪式的场所,因寺内供奉着玉佛 而得名。玉佛殿供奉着被泰国视为国 宝的玉佛像。由一整块碧玉雕刻而成. 每当换季时节,泰国国王亲自为玉佛 更衣,以保国泰民安。
• 位于首都曼谷东南154公里 风光旖旎 ,气候宜人。芭堤雅旅游区素以阳光 、沙滩、海鲜名扬天下,被誉为“东 方夏威夷”,是世界著名的新兴海滨 旅游度假胜地.
• Once a fishing town, Pattaya first boomed as a military destination during the Vietnam War and developed into a familyorientated seaside destination. Pattaya has derived part of its reputation as a tourist destination due to the sex industry and the resulting nightlife. Prostitution in Thailand is technically illegal but reality shows that it is tolerated.
5.泰拳Thai boxing
• 泰拳是泰国的国技,亦是一项十分
吸引人的活动,电视台每天都要播 映泰拳比赛的录像。每逢周末,大 大小小的拳击场都要举行泰拳比赛 ,男女老幼只要有机会,都涌到拳 场观战。
Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing or Thai kickboxing, is a martial art originally from Thailand.
• Transvestism is a common enough feature of Thai society, but one which is often little considered and less understood.
三、主要旅游城市和景点 (Attractions)
• A large majority of over 63 million citizens of Thailand are ethnic Thai.
• National language: Thai
• National religion: Buddhism
• 1.礼仪禁忌 • 在泰国,佛像无论大小都要尊重,切勿攀爬。 • 对僧侣应礼让,女性不能碰触僧侣,如需奉送物品,
• It is considered the most sacred in the country. The Buddha statue claims a lofty enough status that only the king is allowed to touch it. He changes its clothing three times a year, and the ceremony is widely viewed as necessary for the country's good fortunes. It's compulsory to remove your shoes before entering a temple and be sure to never point the soles of your feet towards an image of the Buddha.
锦绣讲堂 修德明道 锦心绣行
第一讲:道德理论专题——继承和弘扬 中华民族优良道德传统
• 泰国是构建在海滩、寺庙、大象 和微笑等形象上的产业,素有“ 自由之地”、“微笑王国”、“大象 王国”、“佛教王国”之称。
• Thailand means “Land of the free/smiles/elephant/Buddhism”.
• 曼谷Bangkok :天使之城a treasure house by the River of Kings’ Chao Phraya, “City of Angels”
• 芭堤雅Pattaya: 东方夏威 夷Jewel of Thailand’s East Coast
• 普吉Phuket: 泰南珍珠、 珍宝岛Treasure Islands of the South
• 清迈Chiang Mai: 北方的 玫瑰Gold in the Hills
• 6308万 。泰国是一个由3 0多个民族组成的多民族国家 ,其中泰 族占人口总数的40 %
• 泰语为国语。 • 佛教是泰国的国教,90%以
• Thais are well-known for their friendliness and hospitality.
4.泰式按摩 Thai Massage
• 泰式按摩,发源于古印度的西部, 创始人是印度王的御医吉瓦科库玛 ,他至今仍被泰国人民奉为医学之 父。他的传统医药及按摩知识技法 由传教的僧人带入泰国,泰式按摩 是流行于泰国的一种按摩方式,以 活动关节为主,可以使人快速消除疲 劳,恢复体能,促进血液循环、解 除身心压力,泰国最佳的享受莫过於 感受一下传统按摩的神奇魔力
history and economic developing path, with stunning transvestites, delicious food, beautiful landscape ,delicate handicrafts , grand palaces and Buddhism.
• Thai Massage was actually developed by Buddhist monks in Thailand as a healing modality 2,500 years ago. Thai massage uses passive stretching and gentle pressure along the body’s energy lines to increase flexibility, relieve muscle and joint tension and balance the body’s energy systems. Thai massage is both deeply relaxing and energizing.
应请男士代劳,或直接放在桌上。 • 泰国人视头部为神圣之地,因此不要随便触摸别人的
头部。 • 不要用脚指人或物,特别是脚底不要直冲着佛像。也
不要用脚开门、关门。 • 递东西时用右手,不宜用左手。 • 公共场合男女不应过分亲热。 • 泰国禁赌,即使在酒店房间里也不为主 。
特点是酸辣,开胃, 调料很独特: 泰国柠檬、鱼露 、泰国朝天椒 、咖 哩酱 ,许多调料是东南亚甚至是泰 国特有的。海鲜类著名莱式有柠檬虾 汤或东阴功(Tom Yam Kung)、脆米粉 (Mikrop)——用虾、猪肉、蛋和甜酸 酱合炒的米粉、泰式咖喱螃蟹等。
• Thailand food is hot, salty, sweet and sour. Rice is served with different types of hot sauce and soups e.g. tom yam kung (prawn soup with lemon grass). Dishes usually contain a lot of condiments and spices. Curries are popular and made with a lot of spices and condiments.
• 曼谷原意“天使之城”,有“佛庙之都”之 誉,为黄袍佛国之泰国首都, 曼谷位 于湄南河畔, 市内河道纵横,货运频 繁,有“东方威尼斯”之称。曼谷港, 是泰国和世界著名稻米输出港之一。
• For tourists, Bangkok has a feast of attractions to offer. The city is dotted with 400 glittering Buddhist temples of great beauty and fascination, magnificent
榴莲Durian: The King of Fruits
• 泰国是有名的佛教国家,被 称为东南亚“古董的天堂”,秉 承了泰国民俗文化的精髓, 纯手工工艺精湛,清迈是全 国手工艺品的中心,素以传 统手工艺品品种繁多、质量 上乘而闻名天下。
• Thailand is famous for its quality handicrafts, but most of the items offered in the shops of Bangkok have not been produced there but in the North of the country. Lacquerware, carvings, ceramics and china all make nice souvenirs. Thai silk is famous around the world .
• Traditional muay Thai has a long history in Thailand as a martial art used by the military.
6.人妖( Transvestites/Transgenders)
• “人妖”演员原为男性,是变 性人。这些“人妖”是经过整 容和注射女性荷尔蒙后, 才变得比大部分女性更漂 亮的“女”性。但不论他们如 何改造,声音仍然保持男 声,而且还有喉结
1.大王宫(Grand Palace )
• 泰国曼谷王朝一世王至八世王的王宫。 曼谷市内最为壮观的古建筑群。178 2年,曼谷王朝拉玛一世 开始兴建大 王宫。 以后历代君主集泰国建筑艺术 之精华,不断扩建大王宫,装饰也日益 宏雄华丽, 风格主要为暹罗式。 大王 宫内的寺院,即著名的玉佛寺建筑群
• The spectacular Grand Palace is an
palaces, classical dances, numerous shopping centres and traditional ways of life, especially along the "Venice of the East" timeless canals and the Chao Phraya River of the "River of Kings" winding through the city.
• 亚洲中南半岛中南部,东南临 泰国湾(太平洋),西南濒安 达曼海(印度洋),西和西北 与缅甸接壤,东北与老挝交界 ,东南与柬埔寨为邻, 南延 伸至马来半岛,与马来西亚相 接。
• Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, Thailand is shaped like an elephant’s head. The face looks at Myanmar, the ears border Laos and Cambodia, and the trunk runs between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand down to Malaysia.
architectural marvel and the gem of Bangkok‘s impressive collection of
temples and palaces. Although the
Royal Family no longer resides
here, the Palace is still used for ceremonial purposes。 Appropriate dress code required (cover
shoulders and legs).
2.玉佛寺(the Temple of the Emerald
• 玉佛寺是泰国王族供奉玉佛像和举行 宗教仪式的场所,因寺内供奉着玉佛 而得名。玉佛殿供奉着被泰国视为国 宝的玉佛像。由一整块碧玉雕刻而成. 每当换季时节,泰国国王亲自为玉佛 更衣,以保国泰民安。
• 位于首都曼谷东南154公里 风光旖旎 ,气候宜人。芭堤雅旅游区素以阳光 、沙滩、海鲜名扬天下,被誉为“东 方夏威夷”,是世界著名的新兴海滨 旅游度假胜地.
• Once a fishing town, Pattaya first boomed as a military destination during the Vietnam War and developed into a familyorientated seaside destination. Pattaya has derived part of its reputation as a tourist destination due to the sex industry and the resulting nightlife. Prostitution in Thailand is technically illegal but reality shows that it is tolerated.
5.泰拳Thai boxing
• 泰拳是泰国的国技,亦是一项十分
吸引人的活动,电视台每天都要播 映泰拳比赛的录像。每逢周末,大 大小小的拳击场都要举行泰拳比赛 ,男女老幼只要有机会,都涌到拳 场观战。
Muay Thai, also known as Thai boxing or Thai kickboxing, is a martial art originally from Thailand.
• Transvestism is a common enough feature of Thai society, but one which is often little considered and less understood.
三、主要旅游城市和景点 (Attractions)
• A large majority of over 63 million citizens of Thailand are ethnic Thai.
• National language: Thai
• National religion: Buddhism
• 1.礼仪禁忌 • 在泰国,佛像无论大小都要尊重,切勿攀爬。 • 对僧侣应礼让,女性不能碰触僧侣,如需奉送物品,
• It is considered the most sacred in the country. The Buddha statue claims a lofty enough status that only the king is allowed to touch it. He changes its clothing three times a year, and the ceremony is widely viewed as necessary for the country's good fortunes. It's compulsory to remove your shoes before entering a temple and be sure to never point the soles of your feet towards an image of the Buddha.
锦绣讲堂 修德明道 锦心绣行
第一讲:道德理论专题——继承和弘扬 中华民族优良道德传统
• 泰国是构建在海滩、寺庙、大象 和微笑等形象上的产业,素有“ 自由之地”、“微笑王国”、“大象 王国”、“佛教王国”之称。
• Thailand means “Land of the free/smiles/elephant/Buddhism”.
• 曼谷Bangkok :天使之城a treasure house by the River of Kings’ Chao Phraya, “City of Angels”
• 芭堤雅Pattaya: 东方夏威 夷Jewel of Thailand’s East Coast
• 普吉Phuket: 泰南珍珠、 珍宝岛Treasure Islands of the South
• 清迈Chiang Mai: 北方的 玫瑰Gold in the Hills
• 6308万 。泰国是一个由3 0多个民族组成的多民族国家 ,其中泰 族占人口总数的40 %
• 泰语为国语。 • 佛教是泰国的国教,90%以
• Thais are well-known for their friendliness and hospitality.
4.泰式按摩 Thai Massage
• 泰式按摩,发源于古印度的西部, 创始人是印度王的御医吉瓦科库玛 ,他至今仍被泰国人民奉为医学之 父。他的传统医药及按摩知识技法 由传教的僧人带入泰国,泰式按摩 是流行于泰国的一种按摩方式,以 活动关节为主,可以使人快速消除疲 劳,恢复体能,促进血液循环、解 除身心压力,泰国最佳的享受莫过於 感受一下传统按摩的神奇魔力