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(1)微软发布Xbox One
Microsoft has unveiled the Xbox One which will go on sale later this year.
微软发布新一代游戏机Xbox One,该型号将于今年晚些时候上市。
The next-generation console was shown off alongside a new Kinect sensor and a redesigned gamepad.
The US firm described the voice and gesture-controlled machine as an "all-in-one" system offering games, live TV, movies and music.
The firm's Entertainment and Devices Division accounted for $9.6bn (£6.3bn) worth of sales in Microsoft's last financial year.
That only represented about 13% of its total revenue for the period - but one analyst said the importance of this launch should not be underestimated.
"Microsoft is very strong in business software and the enterprise cloud business, but its consumer businesses are facing tremendous challenges: PCs are declining rapidly and Windows Phone handsets have only a fraction of the market shares of rivals," said Jia Wu from
consultants Strategy Analytics.
"Xbox represents Microsoft's core strategy in the consumer entertainment market, especially after it sold its Mediaroom video distribution business to Ericsson earlier this year.
"This is also the unique asset which Microsoft has that can differentiate itself from Apple, Google and several of the other large tech companies."
Microsoft's decision to show off its new hardware in the opening minutes of its
presentation sharply contrasted with Sony's PlayStation 4 press conference in February when the Japanese company decided not to reveal the look of its machine - a move that was mocked by some commentators.
Despite earlier speculation, Microsoft's machine does not require an always-on internet connection and will run second-hand games - the firm told the BBC it would provide more
details about this "in the coming weeks".
∙unveil vt. 使公诸于众,揭开;揭幕vi. 除去面纱;显露
∙console n. [计] 控制台;[电] 操纵台vt. 安慰;慰藉
∙show off炫耀
∙sensor n. 传感器
∙redesigned adj. 重新设计的;修订的v. 重新设计;重新制订(redesign的过去式)
∙gamepad n. 手柄;游戏控制器
∙all-in-one n. 一体化;adj. 一件式的;连身的
∙entertainment n. 娱乐;消遣;款待
∙devices n. [机][计] 设备;[机] 装置;[电子] 器件
∙division n.部门;分割;[数] 除法;师(军队);赛区
∙account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占
∙financial year财政年度,会计年度;财年
∙total revenue总收入
∙analyst n. 分析者;精神分析医师;分解者
∙launch n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;汽艇vt. 发射(导弹、火箭等);发起,发动;使…下水vi. 开始;下水;起飞
∙underestimate vt. 低估;看轻n. 低估
∙tremendous adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的
∙Microsoft n.微软(Microsoft Corporation) (NASDAQ:MSFT,港交所:4338),是一家基于美国的跨国电脑科技公司。
总部位于美国华盛顿州的雷德蒙德,最为著名和畅销的产品为Microsoft Windows操作系统和Microsoft Office系列软件。
2001年10月25日,微软公司发布了迄今为止最受欢迎的操作系统Windows XP。
∙business software [计] 商业软件
∙PCs是Personal Communications Service的缩写,意思是"个人通讯服务"。
∙decline vi. 下降;衰落;谢绝n. 下降;衰退;斜面vt. 谢绝;婉拒
∙Windows Phone微软视窗操作系统
∙handset n. 手机,电话听筒
∙fraction n. 小部分;分数;部分;稍微
∙market shares市场份额;市场占有率
∙rival n. 对手;竞争者vt. 与…竞争;比得上某人vi. 竞争adj. 竞争的
∙consultant n. 顾问;咨询者;会诊医生
∙core n. 核心;要点;果心;[计] 磁心vt. 挖...的核
∙strategy n. 战略,策略
∙distribution business分配业务;分配业
∙asset n. 资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物
∙differentiate vi. 区分,区别vt. 区分,区别
∙hardware n. 计算机硬件;五金器具
苹果的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的
最知名的产品是其出品的Apple II、Macintosh电脑、iPod音乐播放器、iTunes商店、iMac一体机、iPhone手机和iPad平板电脑等。
∙ Google,Google公司(英语:Google Inc.,NASDAQ:GOOG、FWB:GGQ1),是一家美国的跨国科技企业,致力于互联网搜索、云计算、广告技术等领域。
∙contrast with与…形成对比;和…相对照
∙PlayStation n. 游戏机
∙press conference记者招待会,新闻发布会
∙reveal vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露n. 揭露;暴露;门侧,窗侧
∙look n. 看;样子;面容
∙move n. 移动;步骤;迁居
∙mock vt.欺骗
∙commentator n. 评论员,解说员;实况播音员;时事评论者
∙speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖
∙BBC英国广播公司(British Broadcast Company),简称BBC,成立于1922年,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一。
∙detail n. 细节
For months, a debate has raged in the media and on Capitol Hill about whether or not society (and the law) should allow 3D printed guns.
But listen to Cody Wilson speak for a few minutes, and you can't help but come away feeling that the national discussion is moot: 3D printed firearms are inevitable. Deal with it.
Today at the Inside 3D Printing conference here, Wilson, the founder and director of
Defense Distributed, argued passionately for an environment in which people can use 3D
printers to make their own guns. It's not that he doesn't recognize -- or care -- that
there's some likelihood of increased gun violence in such a world.
Rather, as an anarchist and someone who clearly appreciates that 3D printers are a
technology that expressly enable individual creation and freedom, he thinks it's absurd to try to stop people from using the increasingly popular -- and accessible -- tech to do
whatever they want with it.
To date, Wilson has become one of the most visible poster boys for the 3D printed gun
movement. During his talk today, he explained the many steps he and others have gone through in their attempts to create a functioning firearm. And he scoffed at an "expert" having told the conference's attendees earlier in the day that 3D printed guns aren't yet "real." "No, it's here today," Wilson said, explaining that he and others had successfully fired 11
rounds through a 3D-printed gun barrel not long ago. And another leader in the space,
Michael "Haveblue" Guslick, has said he successfully fired 100 rounds from an AR15 outfitted with what he called a 3D printed lower receiver.
There's no denying that Wilson and those who support him are at odds with the establishment.
On the 3D printing side of things, he faces resistance from those like Avi Reichental, the CEO of 3D Systems, the world's-largest maker of 3D printers. Yesterday, in his keynote
address to the Inside 3D Printing conference, Reichental acknowledged that the technology could "empower" "the unintended," such as guns, and added that "legislators have a
responsibility to grasp (this), and to make sure the legal and political infrastructure
keeps up."
But perhaps unwittingly, Reichental also made Wilson's point -- that 3D printed weapons probably can't be avoided -- for him, noting that the technology "doesn't care if it prints
the simplest or more complex geometry." Or, one can extrapolate, a coffee cup or an assault rifle.
Clearly, there's a huge amount of interest in the topic. Wilson said that to date, files available via Defcad, Defense Distributed's own digital repository, have been downloaded more than 800,000 times. Whether any significant number of the people who wanted the 3D
models that would be used to print gun components have the capability to actually do so
seems besides the point. The interest is definitely there, despite efforts to blunt it.
Those efforts, of course, haven't come solely from outside the 3D printing industry.
Defense Distributed originally had a printing agreement with Stratasys, but the manufacturer subsequently canceled it. Then, MakerBot's Thingiverse hosting service booted all the 3D printed gun files, forcing Wilson to start Defcad.
But despite efforts by politicians like Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), the author of a bill that would ban 3D printed guns under a provision that prohibits any firearm that could defeat an airport security system, there's little that can be done to keep people -- especially those who care deeply about what they feel is their constitutional right to possess a gun -- from utilizing this democratizing technology to do just that.
Yet, Wilson doesn't think there's really any reason the establishment should worry. "No one's going to print out a thousand guns and start a revolution," he said. "I really believe that."
But he also thinks that 3D printing technology needs to be left alone by regulators so that those who want to can do whatever it is they like. "I think if you can't print a gun,"
Wilson said, "then [the technology is] nothing I'm interested in working with."
There are those, of course, who couldn't care less what Wilson is interested in, but that sentiment may not matter. Sooner or later, like it or not, 3D printed guns will be a reality.
Will that mean more people have firearms? It's hard to say. Legislators may find ways
to enact restrictions, and the technology itself is still very young -- at least from a
consumer perspective. But if one thing Wilson said today has to be listened to, it's that 3D printed guns are a reality. They may still be rudimentary(基本的,初步的), but they'll get better. There's simply no way to stop it.
∙ moot adj. 无实际意义的;未决议的vt. 提出…供讨论n. 大会;辩论会;假设案件
∙Firearm n. 火器,枪炮;轻武器
∙3D printers 3D打印机
∙inevitable adj. 必然的,不可避免的
∙likelihood n. 可能性,可能
∙anarchist n. 无政府主义者;无政府主义的
∙To date至今;迄今为止
∙poster boys海报男孩(电影名)
∙scoff at 嘲笑;藐视
∙attendee n. 参加者;出席者
∙gun barrel枪筒;炮筒;油水分离罐
∙outfit vt. 配备;供应vi. 得到装备;n.机构;用具;全套装备
∙There's no denying that无可否认
∙be at odds with 与…争执,意见不一致;与…不和;差异
∙empower vt. 授权,允许;使能够
∙unintended adj. 无意识的;非计划中的
∙legislator n. [法] 立法者
∙infrastructure n. 基础设施;公共建设;下部构造
∙unwittingly adv. 不知不觉地;不知情地;不经意地
∙geometry n. 几何学;几何结构
∙extrapolate vt. 外推;推断
∙assault rifle突击步枪;冲锋枪
∙repository n. 贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团
∙component n. 部件;组件;成份
∙blunt adj. 钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的vt. 使迟钝
∙manufacturer n. 制造商;[经] 厂商
∙subsequently adv. 随后,其后;后来
∙cancel vt. 取消;删去vi. 取消;相互抵销n. 取消,撤销
∙provision n. 规定;条款;准备;[经] 供应品vt. 供给…食物及必需品
∙prohibit vt. 阻止,禁止
∙constitutional right宪法权利
∙utilize v. 利用
∙democratize vt. 使民主化;使大众化 vi. 民主化;大众化
∙revolution n. 革命;旋转;运行;循环
∙regulator n. 调整者;校准器; 监控者;
∙sentiment n. 感情,情绪;情操;观点;多愁善感
∙Legislator n. [法] 立法者
∙restriction n. 限制;限制条件
∙consumer perspective消费者视角
(3)美国新奥尔良市发生枪击案 11人受伤
Nineteen people have been wounded in a shooting at a Mother's Day parade in the US city of New Orleans, police say.
The victims included two children who were grazed by bullets. Police say most injuries are not life-threatening.
It is unclear what sparked the shooting in the city's 7th Ward on Sunday afternoon. Police say three suspects were seen fleeing the area.
The incident happened at about 14:00 (19:00 GMT) at the intersection(十字路口) of
Frenchmen and Villere streets.
"Shots were fired with different guns," a police statement said.
"Immediately after the shooting our officers saw three suspects running from the scene."
The statement said 10 men, seven women, a 10-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl were wounded by gunfire.
The shooting happened at what is known as a second-line parade - an impromptu(即席的)
community procession in which people dance down the street behind the official parade.
About 200 people were in the area at the time.
"It appears that these two or three people, just for a reason unknown to us, started
shooting at, towards, or in the crowd," Police Supt Ronal Serpas told reporters earlier.
"It was over in just a couple of seconds."
The BBC's Jane Little in Washington says New Orleans has a high rate of gun crime.
The area where the shooting happened is a poor neighbourhood that is still recovering from the devastation left by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, she adds.
Victim n. 受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者
∙graze vt. 放牧;擦伤vi. 吃草;擦伤n. 放牧;轻擦
∙spark vt. 发动;鼓舞;求婚n.火花;朝气;闪光vi. 闪烁;发火花;求婚
∙shooting n. 射击;打猎;摄影;射门
∙suspect n. 嫌疑犯adj. 可疑的;不可信的vt. 怀疑;猜想vi. 怀疑;猜想
∙flee vt. 逃跑,逃走;逃避vi. 逃走;消失,消散
∙incident n. 事件,事变;插曲
∙GMT abbr. 格林威治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)
∙Shot n. 发射;炮弹;射手;镜头adj. 用尽的;破旧的;杂色的,闪光的v. 射击(shoot的过去式和过去分词)
∙scene n. 现场;场面;情景;景象;事件
∙procession n. 队伍,行列;一列,一排;列队行进vi. 列队行进vt. 沿著……行进
∙in the crowd 在人群中
∙a couple of seconds几秒钟
∙a high rate高速率;高效率
∙crime n. 罪行,犯罪;罪恶;犯罪活动vt. 控告……违反纪律
∙neighbourhood n. 邻近;周围;邻居关系;附近一带
∙recover from恢复;恢复知觉
∙devastation n. 毁坏,荒废
∙Hurricane Katrina卡特里娜飓风
体育赛事Sports events
World Cup世界杯
F1 ( Formula One )/formula one racing car一级方程式赛车
NBA (National Basketball Association)全美篮球协会
world championship世锦赛
Serie A意甲,意大利足球甲级联赛
FA Premier League英超,英格兰足球超级联赛
UEFA Cup ( Union of European Football Associations Cups ) 联盟杯
European Champions Cup欧洲冠军杯
championship 冠军赛,锦标赛
Olympic Games, Olympics 奥林匹克运动会
Winter Olympics 冬季奥林匹克运动会
Paralympic Games残奥会
.篮球 basketball 排球 volleyball 足球soccer 乒乓球 table tennis 棒球 baseball 网球 tennis
羽毛球 badminton 手球 handball 垒球 softball 马球 polo 水球 water polo曲棍球,冰球 hockey
橄榄球rugby 高尔夫球golf斯诺克台球snooke
田径 track and field 跳跃 jump 跳跃运动jumping 跳高 high jump 跳远long jump (美作:broad jump)
撑竿跳pole vault 三级跳triple jump, hop step and jump
跑race 中长跑middle-distance race 短跑sprint (美作:dash) 400米栏the 400 metre hurdles
马拉松marathon 越野跑cross-country race throw
投掷 throwing 投掷运动 putting the shot, shot put 推铅球掷铁饼throwing the discus
掷链锤 throwing the hammer 掷标枪throwing the javelin
体操 gymnastics击剑 fencing 举重 weightlifting 自行车 cycling 十项decathlon 击剑fencing
摔交 wrestling拳击 boxing 射箭 toxophily 射击 shooting 柔道 judo 骑马 equestrian
冬季运动winter sports
.冰壶curling 冰球,冰上曲棍球 ice hockey滑雪 skiing 滑雪板ski 速降滑雪赛,滑降downhill race
障碍滑雪 slalom 跳高滑雪比赛ski jumping competition滑冰ice skating 花样滑冰figure skating 滑旱冰roller skating
雪橇bobsleigh, bobsled
swimming 游泳 medley relay 混合泳 crawl 爬泳 breaststroke 蛙式 backstroke 仰式 freestyle 自由式butterfly 蝶泳 diving competition 跳水冲浪surfing water polo 水球 water skiing 水橇 rowing 划船 canoe 划艇
boat race 赛艇 yacht 游艇 kayak 皮船 sailing 帆船运动 outboard boat 船外马达汽车拉力赛
riding 骑马 racecourse, racetrack 跑马场,赛马场 jockey赛马的骑师polo 马球 rider 马球运动员
show jumping competition 跳跃赛 steeplechase 障碍赛 fence 障碍 trotter 快跑的马
manager 经纪人 instructor 教练,技术指导 guide 领队 trainer 助理教练 referee/umpire (网球.棒球)裁判Linesman.巡线工人;前锋;巡边员 touch judge (橄榄球)裁判 contestant/ competitor/ player /athlet 运动员
professional 职业运动员 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 enthusiast/fan 迷,爱好者 favourite 可望取胜者 (美作:favorite) outsider 无取胜希望者 record holder 纪录创造者 goalkeeper 球门员 batsman 板球运动员 batter 击球运动员
men's singles 单打运动员 champion 冠军 long-distance runner长跑运动员 spectators n. 观众;旁观者体操器械、场地及其他
horizontal bar 单杠 parallel bars 双杠 rings 吊环 trapeze 秋千 wall bars 肋木
side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马 stadium 运动场 track 跑道 ring 圈
ground, field 场地 pitch (足球、橄榄球)场地 court 网球场 swimming pool 游泳池
team, side 队 centre kick 中线发球 goal kick 球门发球 throw in, line-out 边线发球
score a goal 射门得分 convert a try 对方球门线后触地得分 the mixed doubles 混合双打 season赛季final n. 决赛
1、一级方程式赛车(英语:Formula One,也叫Formula 1或者F1)是由国际汽车联盟举办的最高等级的年度
F1赛季包括一系列的比赛,而这些所谓的“大奖赛”(Grands Prix,出自法语,本意Great Prizes)的场地是全封闭的专门赛道或者是临时封闭的普通公路。
超级执照(英语:FIA Super Licence),这是国际汽联颁发的最高级别执照。
2、意大利足球甲级联赛,Serie A,简称意甲。
3、英格兰足球超级联赛(FA Premier League),2004年巴克莱斯银行(BarclaysBank)成为英超的赞助商,
冠名为巴克莱斯超级足球联赛(Barclays English Premier League),通常简称“英超”,是英格兰足总属下的职