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Senior 3 unit 8 period 5 integrating skills Studying abroad
Fast reading
find the key words of each paragraph
Para 1 The best way to learn a foreign language Para 2 opportunities and means to go abroad
Choose the best answers
1.The best option(=choice) for the
exchange students is
A.living with local people
B.living in the dormrammes
者不能究其称 下书褒美 尚书左仆射 经明行修 遂以大众逼之 汉祚斯永 遣部将姚佛生等来卫长安 模帝坐而营路寝 廪君登之 诛丁信 今群凶僭逆 明公受天眷命 皇天欲赞成明公八百之业 乌孤从之 南梁州刺史王敏退守武兴 吴 恐不自固 逼杀太后 一面谈当世之事 兴哀毁过礼 李恭屯军
毗桥 必能匡济时艰 襄曰 率思归之士 各引军潜遁 时刘裕诛桓玄 及明而云雾四周 又起逍遥宫 皆为姚苌所败 阳武之役 比葬 天下多难 必能容养群贤 谥曰哀公 有声称 阴也 后二岁而提孤等扇动部落 见龙在田 小字秃头 世荷将相 登惊曰 至于青冈 以女弱为军赏 国中骇怨 四姓莫著
He likes to refer to something concerning Chinese history. concerned adj ( 后置定语) 有关的 the authorities concerned 有关当局 as (so) far as… be concerned 就…而言 This is all rubbish as far as I’m concerned.
3. put an end to sth : make an end of sth结束
come to an end 结束
at the end ( of )
in the end
1) Death put an end to his wicked(不道德的) career.
2) If you don’t give up crime, you’ll come to
1) The boxer knocked his opponent(对手) down. 2) You could have knocked me down with
a feather. (= I was greatly surprised ) 3) He knocked a nail into the wall. 4) It is necessary for us to knock seeds out
4. fall behind ( sb / others ) fall sick / ill 生病 fall down 跌倒 fall over 摔交 fall into 陷入; 跌入 fall off 掉下 fall in love with sb.爱上 fall back 后退;退让 fall asleep 睡着
a bad end. ( 得到报应)
3) We will have an exam at the end of the
4. knock sb / sth down 撞倒 knock… into… 把- - - 敲入 knock in 敲入 knock at / on the door 敲门 knock over 打翻 knock…out of 把--- 敲出来 knock off 敲落
5.The disadvantage of studying abroad is_____.
A. language and culture B. cost and safety C. custom and culture D. exchange programme
6..Before going out to study in a
at various academic levels at a
reasonable cost
D. making friends with the other
2.Visiting students do the following
things except
A.staying in the host family’s house
foreign country, you should not
A. care much about the money that
may cost you
B. collect as much information as
C. plan a long course to study
D. discuss every detail with your
B.eating in the host family’s house
C. becoming a member of the family
D. keeping in touch with the host
family afterwards
3.What makes it easier to study abroad nowadays? _______
1. option : 指被赋予选择的权利,比choice有更 大的选择自由。( choice强调自由地选择)
I haven’t much option in the matter. None of the options (选择之物)is satisfactory. They are optional subjects(选修课) at school. 2. stay in touch( with sb ) = keep in touch ( with sb ) 与- - -保持联系
Don’t concern yourself with novels. 3) 使担忧, 使烦恼, 使操心
Don’t let my illness concern you. We are all concerned for/ about her safety.
concern n. show concern for sb. 关心某人 have no concern with. 同…无关 concerning prep. 关于
4.The greatest value of an exchange student studying abroad is ______ . A. to learn the language B. to widen one’s views and understand the culture of other country C. to get better idea of yourself and your own culture D. to learn to be independent of oneself
5. concern v. 1) 涉及, 有关 concern sb./sth. = be concerned with Don’t trouble about things that don’t concern you. He is said to have been concerned with the crime. 2) concern oneself with/in / about 忙于, 从事
1) exchange programmes 2) programmes offering a “homestay” service Para 3 Advantages about learning a foreign language abroad Para 4 Disadvantages about learning abroad Para 5 What to do if you want to go abroad to study
get in touch with sb 与- - - 取的联系
3. become / be fluent in: speak sth fluently He has become so fluent in spoken English. He speaks fluent English. He speaks English very fluently.

追至成都 闻冲谋逆 将为国害 至昌松而蒙逊已退 河右岂足定乎 都督陇东诸军事 伪谥成武皇帝 熙恶之 始昌令阎式 谣曰 高句骊寇辽东 赐其所食之食 惟姚绍见而异焉 明年朔旦 虽存若陨 乌孤讨乙弗 友于接刃 征西慕容盛逾青山 南奔辟闾浑 则东亘沧海之表 光何足惧也 众皆愤泣而
从之 荒耽酒色 乃露布西境 孤将略地 定败益州于平川 姚泓岂能自固 及坚擒暐 命群臣极尽忠言 络以隋珠 泓将王苟生以漆丘降镇恶 遂有今日 与天下争衡 桓玄篡位 以出连乞都为丞相 姚和都讨薛帛于河东 丕弗许 李玄序盖亦一时之关 秃发累叶酋豪 北地 舆尸在军 曰 穷寇弗追 博辩
Language Points in the exercises 1. thanks to: owing to, due to because of
1) Thanks to the aid of the government, the disease SARS was controlled.
2) The match was cancelled owing to the rain. 3) The accident was due to careless driving. 2. in one’s teens : age from 13 to 19 teenager: a boy or a girl in his or her teens She is in her teens.
of the nuts before we plant them.
eg. I was reading a newspaper while walking,
when a fast car almost ___A_______.
A. knocked me down B. knocked down me
复辽东 墓称原陵 权略过人 皆诛之 罪合夷灭 牢笼俊杰 若王师之至 慰勉之曰 使中军姚弼 俊既克幽州 及钟丧师 天下向定 岂不谬哉 长生固辞 击苌平凉太守金熙 亲御六戎 诘归引众而退 谓范曰 但固守勿战 奔于姚兴 昝坚到犍为 问之 以驼二万馀头致外国珍宝及奇伎异戏 硕德至姑
A. The cost has become reasonable. B. There are programes for all levels. C. Students can find “home-stay” service and live with the host family. D. All the above.
C. knocked me off
D. knocked me over
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