
宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司UNIVERSTAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(SHENZHEN)CO.,LTD.《温度压力流速一体化变送器》用户手册版权所有© 2010宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司保留所有权利目录1.产品描述 ············································································ - 2 -1.1.产品应用背景......................................................................................... - 2 -1.2.整体设计思路 ..................................................................................... - 2 -1.3.产品性能特点......................................................................................... - 2 -1.4.产品性能参数......................................................................................... - 2 -2.系统安装与调试 ··································································· - 2 -3.通讯协议及说明 ································································ - 5 -3.1.温压流变送器上下位机通讯协议......................................................... - 5 -3.2.串口校准调试指令说明......................................................................... - 7 -4.故障现象及解决办法····························································· - 8 -1.产品描述1.1. 产品应用背景本操作手册介绍了宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司YX-VPT烟气温压流分析仪的安装、操作和维护。

泉州日田机械有限公司 常州兰陵阀门控制有限公司 常州市东振电力设备制造厂
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备注 R Q R R
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压力差压变送器说明书 戴尔产品说明
合肥中亚传感器有限公司 EV1000系列通用变频器用户手册
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部分回转阀门电动执行机构 L2000C射频导纳物位控制器使用手册
温压流一体化变送器用户手册 LDW-100激光烟尘检测仪用户手册

F O C U S E D P H O T O N I C S I N CTPF-100温压流一体化变送器用户手册Focused Photonics Inc、聚光科技 (杭州) 有限公司UMTPF1000707100目录1阅读说明 (1)1、1用户须知 (1)1、2安全与警告 (1)1、3供货与运输 (1)1、4质保与维修 (1)1、5技术支持 (2)2仪器介绍 (2)2、1仪器概述 (2)2、2测量原理 (2)2、3仪器内部结构 (4)2、3、1取压取温单元 (4)2、3、2机箱单元 (4)2、4仪器工作流程 (5)2、5适用范围 (6)2、6性能参数 (6)3现场安装 (7)3、1安装位置 (7)3、2输出方式及阻抗匹配 (7)3、3仪器接线 (7)3、3、1差压变送器接线 (7)3、3、2压力变送器接线 (8)3、3、3温度变送器接线 (8)4仪器调试 (9)5故障处理 (10)6注意事项 (11)6、1 暂存保管 (11)6、2 开箱验货 (11)6、3售后服务 (11)1阅读说明欢迎选用聚光科技(杭州)有限公司TPF-100温压流一体化变送器(以下简称:TPF-100),TPF-100的主要功能就是监测烟气中的温度、压力、流速并将其转换成相应的比例电流(4-20)mA传送给工控机进行数据处理。
2014(Ver.RTHD-SVX01E-ZH)Trane_RTHD IOMs 安装操作维护手册(中文版)(101P)

▲! 安全警告
本设备必须由专业人员进行安装和维修。空调设备的安装、启动和维修服务可能存在不可预知的风险, 操作人员需具备专业的知识和培训。设备由无资质的人员进行安装、调试或改造,将可能导致人员伤亡 或伤害。操作设备前,应仔细留意设备上的各类警示标签。
▲! 警告
丁基手套、护目镜、硬帽/防撞帽、防摔保护、电子防护罩和反光条工作服等)。要经常对照最新的 材料安全数据表(MSDS)/安全数据表(SDS)和职业安全与健康安全标准(OSHA)手册来调整 恰当的个人防护措施。
▲! 注意
表明存在潜在的危险,如果不予以避免,可能导致人员轻度或中度受伤。 也用来提醒操作人员按正确方法操作。
注意 表明存在可能导致设备或财产损失的情况。
重要的环保意识 科学研究已经表明,某些人造化学品释放到大气中后会影响地球的天然臭氧层。特别要指出, 会影响臭氧层的已知化学品包括含有氯氟烃 (CFCs) 和氢氯氟烃 (HCFCs) 的几种制冷剂。 并非所有包含这些化合物的制冷剂都会对环境产生有害影响。特灵公司提倡负责任地处理所 有制冷剂—包括在工业上用 HCFCs 和 HFCs 代替 CFCs。
2014 年 8 月
根据需要,在本手册中会出现安全建议。您的个人安全和机器的正常运行取决于严 格遵守这些预防措施。

FOCUSED PHOTONICS INCTPF-100温压流一体变送器使用说明一、温压流结构介绍聚光公司生产的温压流一体化变送器型号为TPF-100,按安装方式分为水平安装和垂直安装两种,按皮托管长度分为400mm,800mm,1200mm,1700mmm或定制长度。
在箱体上还安装了用于皮托管反吹的反吹气入口温压流外观下图:FOCUSED PHOTONICS INCTPF-100外观图机箱单元由温度变送器、压力变送器、差压变送器和流速反吹电磁阀等组成,内部结构如下图所示:TPF-100内部结构图仪器电器接线如下图所示:FOCUSED PHOTONICS INC温压流接线图FOCUSED PHOTONICS INC二、 流速测量原理介绍气路如下图所示,仪器工作流程如下:仪表风全压静压压力变送器温度温度变送器取压和取温单元机箱单元安装法兰静压TPF-100气路原理图流速测量原理为:皮托管流速计插入烟道,其动压管和静压管检测到烟气的全压和静压后经差压变送器转换成相应的差压比例电流(4-20)mA ,传送给工控机,然后由工控机根据流速与差压之间对应关系转换进行数据处理。
注:没有工控机的情况下,流速处理将由OMA 仪表完成,详见:OMA2000(V2.0.22[SO2,NO,O2,TPF 流速])安装调试使用说明.doc流速计算具体过程为:FOCUSED PHOTONICS INC皮拖管安装示意图皮拖管如上图所示安装在烟道内,传导流过气体的全压以及静压给差压变送器,差压变送器得到气体的动压,即全压与静压的差值,并转换为对应的4-20mA电流值输出,该电流信号被集线箱(或接口板)采集并传送给工控机(或OMA仪表),工控机根据流速与动压的平方根成正比的关系计算出对应的流速值。

IMYTAHART温变中⽂版使⽤⼿册YTA 系列温度变送器HART 通信IM01C50T01-01C⽬录⽬录 (ii)1概述.........................................................................................................................1-1 本⼿册的注意事项............................................................................................1-1 安全和修订的注意事项.....................................................................................1-1 符号索引..........................................................................................................1-1 质保..............................................................................................................1-21.1检查仪表DD。
..................................................................................................1-2 2HART智能终端的操作............................................................................................2-12.1 在线通讯条件...................................................................................................2-12.1.1 YTA和HART通讯接线..........................................................................2-12.1.2在线通讯条件..........................................................................................2-12.2 HART智能终端的基本操作(275)......................................................................2-22.2.1 按键与功能.............................................................................................2-22.2.2 显⽰........................................................................................................2-32.2.3 菜单地址的呼出......................................................................................2-42.2.4数据的输⼊、设定以及发送.....................................................................2-6 3操作.........................................................................................................................3-13.1参数的⽤途和选择.............................................................................................3-13.2 菜单树..............................................................................................................3-53.3 REVIEW/回顾....................................................................................................3-63.4 基本设置...........................................................................................................3-63.4.1 传感器配置.............................................................................................3-63.4.2 过程变量赋值.........................................................................................3-83.4.3单位.......................................................................................................3-103.4.4 PV范围.................................................................................................3-113.4.5 阻尼时间常数.......................................................................................3-133.4.6⼯位号...................................................................................................3-143.5 Detailed Setup-详细设置.................................................................................3-153.5.1 Device information-设备信息.................................................................3-153.5.3 Burnout -过载功能...............................................................................3-163.5.4 内藏指⽰仪显⽰模式.............................................................................3-163.5.5 写保护..................................................................................................3-183.5.6 Sensor Trim- 传感器修正......................................................................3-193.5.7 模拟输出修正.......................................................................................3-213.5.8 Sensor Backup 传感器备份功能(仅YTA320)..................................3-223.5.9 Burst 模式............................................................................................3-233.5.10 Multi Drop...........................................................................................3-233.5.11 传感器匹配功能..................................................................................3-243.5.12 CJC 选择............................................................................................3-253.6 ⾃诊断............................................................................................................3-263.6.1 查问题..................................................................................................3-263.6.2 警告........................................................................................................3-13.6.3 ⽇志功能.................................................................................................3-2 4参数表.....................................................................................................................4-31 概述欢迎使⽤YTA系列温度变送器。

1. Do not use the compressor as a vacuum pump or air building pump
for evacuations and pressure testing the system
2. Do not start the HDI compressor before priming the oil pump 3. Do not let the compressor run without a minimum oil level of half
21. Strainer: These must be placed in the line ahead of all expansion valves of the automatic and manual type. Suction traps are standard equipment with all compressors and are intended to remove the find particles of dirt which may accumulate in the system
10. Replace faulty pressure gauges with correct one’s immediately
11. Do not run the compressor under charged because this will lead to the over heat
12. Do not run the compressor over charged to avoid the liquid coming to the compressor

3技术指标反吹单元电磁阀电源:220V AC,反吹时间:4s,反吹间隔时间:可设为1、2、4、8小时或不反吹。
工作电源:220V AC, 1、5A。
SMC Thermo-chiller HRR系列操作手册说明书

HRX-OM-Y057Monitoring software for Thermo-chillersHRR series© 2020 SMC CORPORATION All Rights ReservedTo the usersThank you for purchasing SMC’s Thermo chiller (hereinafter referred to as the “product”).For safety and long life of the product, be sure to read this operation manual (hereinafter referred to as the “manual”) and clearly understand the contents.●Be sure to read and follow all instructions noted with “Warning” or “Caution” in this manual.●This manual is intended to explain the installation and operation of the product. Only people whounderstand the basic operation of the product through this manual or who perform installation and operation of or have basic knowledge about industrial machines are allowed to work on the product.●This manual and other documents attached to the product do not constitute a contract, and will notaffect any existing agreements or commitments.●It is strictly prohibited to copy this manual entirely or partially for the use by a third party without priorpermission from SMC.HRX-OM-Y057Table of contents Table of contentsIndemnification (1)Indemnification (1)Chapter 1Information on using the operating instructions (2)Chapter 2Introduction (2)Chapter 3System requirements (2)Chapter 4Installation (3)4.1Device driver (3)4.1.1Windows 7 (3)4.1.2Windows 10 (3)4.2Monitoring software (3)Chapter 5Connecting the thermo-chiller to a PC (3)Chapter 6Starting the monitoring software (4)Chapter 7Establishing a connection between the monitoring software and the thermo-chiller (4)Chapter 8Operation (5)8.1Main window (5)8.1.1Overview (5)8.1.2Control bar (6)8.1.3Navigation bar (7)8.1.4Process values (8)8.1.5Product information (8)8.1.6Display area (8)8.1.7Status bar (9)8.2Monitoring (9)8.2.1Live data (9)8.2.2Data history (10)8.3Diagram (11)8.4Settings (11)8.4.1Standard settings (12)8.4.2Alarm settings (12)8.4.3Communication settings (12)8.5Maintenance (12)8.6Alarms (13)8.7Communication (14)HRR SeriesHRX-OM-Y057Table of contents8.8Specifications (14)8.9Info (14)8.10Language (15)8.11Messages (15)8.11.1General messages (15)8.11.2Important messages (16)8.11.3Confirmation messages (16)HRR SeriesHRX-OM-Y0570 Indemnification1-1IndemnificationIndemnificationMonitoring software for Thermo-chiller HRR series(hereinafter referred to as “this software”),the “Indemnification” below will be applied. Read and accept them before using the product.This agreement comes into effect when the user installs this software to a computer.The user cannot install, use or copy this software unless they agree to this agreement.License Agreement1. The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchange specifications or a contract if necessary. If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Article 1 (Consent)1. This software is to be used in accordance with this Agreement non –exclusively for thelimited purpose of used for SMC Thermo-chiller HRR series.2. This software can be installed and saved on a PC for the sole purpose specified in thepreceding paragraph. Article 2 (Restrictions)1. This software is not to be copied except as specified in Article 1-2.2. This software license is not to be transferred or lent wholly or in part to a third party,whetherfor payment or free of charge.3. Modification, translation, adaptation or reverse engineering and recompiling of this softwareis not permitted. Article 3 (Precautions)1. When using this software, please read the operation manual and the operation manual attached to the thermo-chiller.2. This Software or the equipment contained in are subject to change without prior notice. Article 4 (Exemption of liability)SMC is not responsible for any damage incurred in the use of Software.Article 5 (Termination)1. If there is any breach of this Agreement, or when SMC decides to terminate thisAgreement, it will be terminated. 2. When this Agreement is terminated, please destroy this Software and any copies. Article 6 (Rights of this Software)The copyright and any other rights of this Software are owned by SMC, and protected by Japanese copyright laws and international treaty provisions.HRX-OM-Y057Chapter 1 Information on using the operating instructions1-2Chapter 1 Information on using the operating instructionsUsing the instructionsThese instructions enable the safe and efficient handling of the monitoring software for thermo-chillers (HRR series). The instructions are part of the software and must be stored so that they are easily accessible to personnel at all times.The personnel must carefully read through and understand these instructions before starting all activities. Compliance with all the handling instructions is required to ensure safe operation.Illustrations in these instructions are intended to provide a basic understanding and may differ from the actual design.Chapter 2 IntroductionThese operating instructions describe the set-up and functions of the monitoring software (hereinafter referred to as the Software) for thermo-chillers made by SMC corporation.The software enables users to adjust settings, start and stop thethermo-chiller and analyze and store process values. The software also helps users detect and rectify faults.Chapter 3 System requirements⏹ Windows: 7 or 10⏹ Net Framework: Version 3.5 or higher ⏹ RAM:min. 1 GB ⏹ Monitor resolution:min. 1366 x 768 *Note 1⏹Thermo-chiller firmware version:*Note 2● HRR012 - ## - 10 1.3 or higher ● HRR018 - ## - 10 1.3 or higher ● HRR010 - ## - 20 1.2 or higher ● HRR012 - ## - 20 2.3 or higher ● HRR018 - ## - 20 2.3 or higher ● HRR024 - ## - 20 2.3 or higher ● HRR030 - ## - 20 2.3 or higher ●HRR050 - ## - 201.1 or higher*Note 1) If using other monitor resolution, some character and figures may be cut.*Note 2) If HRR has uncomfortable firmware version, this monitoring software may not workcorrectly.HRX-OM-Y057Chapter 4 Installation Chapter 4 Installation4.1 Device driver4.1.1 Windows 7A device driver is required in order to connect thermo-chillers to a PC runningthe Windows 7 operating system. The PC will not detect the thermo-chillerwithout it.4.1.2 Windows 10No device driver is needed to connect thermo-chillers to a PC running theWindows 10 operating system. The thermo-chiller is supported by a standarddriver under Windows 104.2 Monitoring softwareThe software does not have to be installed. The .exe file merely has to becopied to the designated folder and can be started from there. Chapter 5 Connecting the thermo-chillerto a PCThe thermo-chiller has a USB type B port on the front. To connect thethermo-chiller to a PC, remove the cover cap that protects thethermo-chiller’s USB port and plug in a USB cable.A USB cable is not included with the thermo-chiller. It has to be provided bythe user.HRR Series 4.1 Device driver1-3HRX-OM-Y057Chapter 6 Starting the monitoring software4.2 Monitoring softwareHRR Series1-4Chapter 6 Starting the monitoring softwareOnce the software has been started by double-clicking the .exe file , the start screen opens. The software checks whether a thermo-chiller is attached. If so, it establishes a connection.A start button appears regardless of whether a thermo-chiller was found. Pressing the start button opens the software (Fig. 1).Fig. 1 Start screenChapter 7 Establishing a connection between the monitoring software and the thermo-chillerIf a thermo-chiller was detected when the software was started, the connection is established automatically. If multiple thermo-chillers are connected, a connection is established with the first thermo-chiller that detected. If no thermo-chiller was found automatically, a connection to the software can be established manually (see Chapter 8 OperationHRR Series 8.1 Main window1-5Chapter 8 Operation8.1 Main windowThe main window consists of multiple areas, which are described in detail in this section.8.1.1 OverviewFig. 2 Main window1. Control bar (see 8.1.2)2. Navigation bar (see 8.1.3)3. Process values (see 8.1.4)4. Product information (see 8.1.5)5. Display area (see 8.1.6)6. Status bar (see 8.1.7)12536HRX-OM-Y057Chapter 8 Operation8.1 Main windowHRR Series1-68.1.2 Control barThe connection to a thermo-chiller can be controlled via the control bar. The thermo-chiller can also be started and stopped via this bar.Fig. 3 Control barMoving the mouse pointer over the control bar causes it to extend (see Fig. 3). on/offThis button can be used to start and stop the thermo-chiller. This is only possible if Control mode is activated. modeActivating Control mode enables the user to start and stop the thermo-chiller and transfer settings. When Control mode is deactivated, all the control buttons that cannot be used in this case are disabled. message box appears when this button is pressed. All the messages that have been generated since the software was started can be reread here. connectThis function is used to establish a connection between the software and a thermo-chiller. When the button is pressed, the COM ports are queried one by one. A connection is established as soon as a thermo-chiller responds. This function is disabled when a thermo-chiller is connected. To select a different thermo-chiller that is connected to the PC, the ‘Manual connect’ function must be used (see Series 8.1 Main window1- Manual connectBecause ‘Auto connect’ always connects t o the first thermo-chiller on the COM port list, the ‘Manual connect’ button can be used to connect thesoftware to a different thermo-chiller that is connected to the PC. To this end, the corresponding COM port must be selected via the ‘COM port’ button (see The connection is terminated to the currently connectedthermo-chiller and a connection is established to the selected thermo-chiller. button refreshes the COM port list (see This is necessary if a thermo-chiller is connected when the software is already open. ‘Disconnect’ button terminates the connection between the software and the connected thermo-chiller. COM portThe ‘COM port list’ shows all COM port devices which are connected to the PC. When more than one chiller is connected, it is possible to select the one which should be displayed on the software.8.1.3 Navigation barThe navigation bar enables the user to change the contents of the display area (see 8.1.6) and set the language for the software.Fig. 4 Navigation bar⏹ Monitoring (see 8.2)⏹ Chart (see 8.3)⏹ Settings (see 8.4)⏹ Maintenance (see 8.5)⏹ Alarm (see 8.6)⏹ Communication (see 8.7)⏹ Specification (see 8.8)⏹ Info (see 8.9)⏹ Language (see 8.10)8.1 Main windowHRR Series1-88.1.4 Process valuesThe most important process values are displayed in the chart in the lower area of the software. Depending on the thermo-chiller, this area may also display the electrical conductivity of the circulating fluid, in addition to the return temperature, pressure and flow rate (Fig. 5).Fig. 5 Process values8.1.5 Product informationThis area displays the product key, the serial number and the version of the firmware installed on the connected thermo-chiller (Fig. 6).Fig. 6 Product information8.1.6 Display areaThe display area displays the software content that is currently selected on the navigation bar (see 8.1.3).Fig. 7 Display area8.1.7 Status barThe most important status messages are displayed in the display area asgreen or red buttons (Fig. 8).Fig. 8 Status barRun/Stop: Green = Device in operation Red = Device in standbyAlarm status: Green = No alarm Red = Alarm activeComm. status Green = Communication active Red = No communicationControl status Green = Control mode activated Red = Control mode deactivated Remote status Green = Remote activated Red = Remote deactivated8.2 MonitoringThe monitoring menu provides a visual representation of the most importantprocess data. The process data from the past 24 hours can be viewed in the‘Live data’ window, while all the process data since recording began can beviewed in the ‘Historic data’ window.8.2.1 Live dataThe ‘Live data’ window enables the user to view process data from the past24 hours since the software was started or the live data of the thermo-chillerwas reset. The data can also be saved to a file. In addition, the user canchange the set temperature of the thermo-chiller.4 122Fig. 9 Monitoring / Live dataHRR Series 8.2 Monitoring1-91. If Control mode is activated, the user can apply the set temperature in the input field by pressing the‘Set’ button. The ‘Save’ button saves the process data to a file. ‘Reset’ deletes the previous process data.2. The Y-axes can be adjusted via the input fields and buttons.3. The displayed time window level can be set to between 2 minutes and 24 hours.4. Clicking the corresponding symbol in the ‘Graph selection’ area enables the user to select whichprocess data should be displayed on the graphs and which should be hidden.8.2.2 Data historyThe ‘Static data’ window is used to display all the process data since thesoftware started recording. Clicking the ‘Reset’ button in the ‘Live data’window (see 8.2.1) also deletes the data in ‘Static data’.12Fig. 10 Monitoring / Data history8.2 Monitoring HRR Series 1-10HRR Series 8.3 Diagram1-118.3 DiagramThe diagram visualizes the internal structure of the thermo-chiller. Relevant process values such as temperatures, pressures, durations, etc. aredisplayed here. The diagram differs depending on which thermo-chiller is connected. The software distinguishes between the following types of devices: Air-cooled, water-cooled, with DI control and without DI controlFig. 11 Diagram8.4 SettingsIn this area, the user can view, change and transfer all thermo-chiller settings and save the settings to a file. The contents of the various settings windows (see 8.4.1 to 8.4.3) are based on the operating instructions for the thermo-chillers.Fig. 12 Setting menuThe buttons in the upper right-corner enable the user to import the current settings of the thermo-chiller or export the settings that were adjusted by the software. The settings can also be exported to or importedfrom a file on the PC, and the thermo-chiller can be reset to factory settings.8.5 MaintenanceHRR Series1-128.4.1 Standard settingsAll the standard settings can be adjusted via this menu. All the settings are described in the operating instructions for the thermo-chillers. Settings that are not supported for the current device are greyed out.8.4.2 Alarm settingsAll the alarm settings can be adjusted via this menu. All the settings are described in the operating instructions for the thermo-chillers. Settings that are not supported for the current device are greyed out.8.4.3 Communication settingsAll the communication settings can be adjusted via this menu. All the settings are described in the operating instructions for the thermo-controllers. Settings that are not supported for the current device are greyed out.8.5 MaintenanceFor preventive maintenance, certain components of the thermo-chillers have operating hour counters. They can be viewed in the maintenance area.Fig. 13 Maintenance menuThere are fixed, recommended maintenance intervals for the fans, pumps and compressors. The time intervals for the dust filters (air-cooled thermo-chillers only) and DI filters (thermo-chillers with DM option only) can be adjusted via the settings (see 8.4.1) depending on the operating conditions. Operating hour counters that are unnecessary for the current device are hidden.The counters can be reset individually via the thermo-chiller display.8.6 AlarmsThermo-chillers feature a variety of alarms. When one or more alarms aretriggered, they can be analyz ed in greater detail in the ‘Alarms’ area. It is alsopossible to download and analyze the last 150 alarms from thethermo-chiller’s alarm memory. In addition to the process data at the time thealarm occurred, the user also receives an alarm description with possiblecauses and a troubleshooting suggestion.12Fig. 14 Alarms menu1. The three buttons enable the user to download the desired alarms from the thermo-chiller. The topbutton loads all current alarms, the middle one the alarm history of the last 20 alarms and the bottom one the alarm history of the last 150 alarms.2. Once the alarms have been loaded successfully, the user can view the alarm description for eachalarm as well as the process data at the time the alarm occurred. To do so, the user must select the desired alarm using the button.HRR Series 8.6 Alarms1-138.7 CommunicationHRR Series1-148.7 CommunicationThe communication area displays all the telegrams that are exchanged between the thermo-chiller and the customer application. It also displays information regarding faulty telegrams or communication problems.Fig. 15 Communication window1. Actual communication settings of the chiller.2. Current communication status3. Last transmitted and received string4.History of transmitted and received messages8.8 SpecificationsThe Specifications page displays the following characteristics of the thermo-chiller: ⏹ Cooling power (50/60 Hz) ⏹ Heating power (50/60 Hz)⏹Pump characteristics (pressure/flow rate)The software displays the appropriate characteristics for the current device type.8.9 InfoThe information area contains the legal notice and the legal provisions that are relevant to this software.1234HRR Series 8.10 Language1-158.10 LanguageWhen the software is started, the computer’s system language is used as the interface language. If the user wants to select another language, they can select it via the ‘Language’ drop -down menu. The following languages are available:⏹ English ⏹ Japanese ⏹ Spanish ⏹ Italian ⏹ Deutsch ⏹ Chinese ⏹ French ⏹ Russian ⏹ Turkish ⏹Korean8.11 Messages8.11.1 General messagesFor certain events, information is displayed on the left side of the screen and then automatically hidden. This information is shown when, for example, a command such as ‘Reset to factory settings’ is successfully executed.Fig. 16 General message8.11 MessagesHRR Series1-168.11.2 Important messagesImportant messages contain information such as triggered alarms that have a major influence on the software or the thermo-chiller. These messages must be actively acknowledged so that they can be hidden again.Fig. 17 Important message8.11.3 Confirmation messagesCertain interactions require confirmation from the user to prevent inadvertent changes to the software or the thermo-chiller.Fig. 18 Confirmation messageNote: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer. © 2020 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。


TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSDUCER SUPPLIEDFROM A CURRENT LOOPP18LUSER’S MANUALContents1. Application (2)2. Basic requirements, operational safety (2)3. Installation (2)3.1. Assembly (2)3.2. Electrical connections (3)4. Servicing (4)5. Accessories (4)6. Technical data (5)7. Before a failure will be declared (5)8. Oredering codes (6)1. ApplicationThe P18L transducer is a device destined for the continuous conversion of relative humidity or ambient temperature into a standard analog cur-rent signal. The transducer is fixed on a wall.Applied sensor shields enable the application of the P18L transducer in various ambient conditions2. Basic requirements, operational safetyIn the security scope, the transducer meets the requirements of the EN 61010 -1 standard.Remarks concerning the operator safety:1. Generall All operations concerning transport, installation, and commissioning as well as maintenance must be carried out by qualified, skilled person-nel acc. to the section 3.2. of the user’s manual.l According to this basic safety information, qualified, skilled person-nel are persons who are familiar with the installation, assembly, com-missioning, and operation of the product and who have qualifications necessary for their occupation.l In order to avoid any damage, before switching the supply on, it is recommended to ensure that all wires were correctly connected. Before the transducer assembly, one must pass supplying wires through the packing. Screw the packing seal in order to obtain the leaktightness. If the packing seal is not screwed, we cannot ensure the required IP65 leaktightness.When unpacking the P18L transducer, please check whether the type and version code on the data plate correspond to the order code.3. Installation3.1. AssemblyThe P18L transducer is designed to be mounted on a wall by means of a screw connection or glue without the loss of IP 65 tightness.The transducer housing is made of a self-extinguishing plastics. Housing dimensions: 64 x 58 x 35 mm.The transducer has screw connectors placed inside the transducer, which enable the connection of external wires of 1 mm2 cross-section. Overall dimensions and the fixing way are shown on the fig. 1Fig 1. Overall dimensions of the P18L transducerMounting holesFig.2. Lay-out of assembly holes of the P18 transducer3.2. Electrical connectionsThe P18L transducer has 2 connecting terminals to which there is access after removing the cover of the transducer housing.Fig.3 Marking of terminals for the connection of external signalsFig. 4 Way of transducer electrical connectionsIn case of the transducer work in an environment with high interference, one must apply shielded wires. The shield must be connected to the nearest PE point from the feeder side.4. ServicingAfter connecting wires, closing and servicing the housing, and swit-ching to the supply on, the transducer is ready to work.The correct measurement result appears only after the time of the measurement initialisation ca 2.5 minutes.After this laps of time, the analog output is correctly steered on.The transducer converts the temperature or relative humidity into a4-20 mA standard current signal. The choice of the converted quantity is realized by means of the jumperNr 1 of the 3-position switch placed on the transducer plate.If the jumper Nr 1 is in the position “ON”, the transducer converts the relative humidity. (Fig. 5).a)b)Fig. 5 Choice of the converted quantity:a) temperature,b) relative humidity5. AccessoriesAs a standard, the P18L transducer is equipped with a metallic shield of the sensor, destined only for indoors application.For other applications it is recommended to use additional sensor shields, depending on the transducer operation conditions.Table 1Sensor protection shieldsI t e m 2Filter made of teflon Casing made of PC, Membrane of teflon lami-nated by a film. Pore size: 1 m m Mean filtra-tion effect.Maximal temp.:up to 80°C Response time: t10/90: 15 sBuildingautomation.In roomswith lowpollution.Sintered teflon.Pore size: 50 m m High chemical resistance.. Maximal temp.:up to 180°C Response time:t10/90: 14 sDrying process in chemical applications 3Filter made of sintered bronze Sintered bronze. Pore size: 60 m mHigh mechanicalresistance.To co-opera-te with highpollution.Applied at smallair humidity.Response time:t10/90: 10 s Agricultural applications 1Order code Design Name Construction Features Typical applicationMembra- ne filter 20-015-00-0000720-015-00-0000320-015-00-000116. Technical dataBasic parameters:- range of relative humiditymeasurement (RH) 0...100% without condensation1) - basic error of relativehumidity conversion 1)± 2% for RH = 10...90%± 3% for remaining range- hysteresis of the humiditymeasurement (T) ± 1% RH- range of temperaturemeasurement (T) – 20...60°C- basic error of temperatureconversion ± 0.5% of the range- additional errors- temperature influence ± 25% of the basic error/10°C Analog output:- current 4... 20 mA- maximal load resistanceof the current output 500 WRated operating conditions:- supply 19...30 V d.c.- consumption < 1.5 VA- ambient temperature – 30...23...85°C- relative air humidity < 95% (admissible condensation) - rate of air flow 2 m/s1) In case of water vapour condensation on the sensor surface, the maximal error can increase to 3% RH- pre-heating time15 minutes - protection degree ensured by the housing IP 65- fixing on a wall - weight 125 g- dimensions(35 ´ 58 ´ 118) mm- work position:l in applications non-exposedto a direct contact with water any l in applications exposedto a direct contact with water with the sensor chamber directed towards the ground.Electromagnetic compatibility:- immunity noise acc. to EN 61000-6-2- emission noiseacc. to EN 61000-6-4Security requirements: acc. to EN 61010-1- installation category III - pollution grade2- working voltage in relation to the earth50V7. Before a failure will be declaredPossibilities of incorrect work of the P18L transducerTable 2.In the version with analog outputs, check parameters of the individual characteristic of analog outputs.SymptomsProcedureData inconsistent with our expec-tations appear on the transducer output.Example of order:The code: P18L- 0 0- 8 meansP18L –temperature and humidity transducer. 1 – current output: 4... 20 mA 00 – standard version8 – without additional quality inspection certificate.In case of need, one must order additionally the sensor protectionshield acc. to the table 1., e.g. the shield coded: 0874-490-014 means a filter made of sintered bronze.8. Ordering codesOrdering codes of P18L transducer versionsTable 3.9. Maintenance and warrantyThe P18L transducer does not require any periodical maintenance.In case of some incorrect operations:1. In the period of 12 months from the date of purchase:One should take the transducer down from the installation and return it to the Manufacturer Quality Control Dept.If the unit has been used in compliance with the instructions, the Manufacturer warrants to repair it free of charge.2. After the warranty period:One should turn over the transducer to repair it in a certified service workshop.The disassembling of the housing causes the cancellation of the granted warranty.Spare parts are available for the period of five years from the date of purchase.Our policy is one of continuous improvement and we reservethe right to make changes in design and specifications of anyproducts as engineering advances or necessity requires andrevise the above specifications without notice.Export department:tel.: (+48 68) 45 75 139, 45 75 233, 45 75 321, 45 75 386fax.: (+48 68) 32 54 091e-mail:****************.plP 18L -09LUMEL S.A.ul. Sulechowska 1, 65-022 Zielona Góra, POLAND tel.: +48 68 45 75 100, fax +48 68 45 75 .pl。

3技术指标反吹单元电磁阀电源:220V AC,反吹时间:4s,反吹间隔时间:可设为1、2、4、8小时或不反吹。
工作电源:220V AC, 1.5A。

宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司UNIVERSTAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(SHENZHEN)CO.,LTD.《温度压力流速一体化变送器》用户手册版权所有© 2010宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司保留所有权利目录1.产品描述·········································································································- 2 -1.1.产品应用背景·····························································································- 2 -1.2.产品性能特点·····························································································- 2 -2.系统安装与调试 ····························································································- 2 -3.通讯协议及说明·························································································- 5 -3.1.温压流变送器上下位机通讯协议 ···························································- 5 -3.2.串口校准调试指令说明 ············································································- 7 -4.故障现象及解决办法····················································································- 8 -1.产品描述1.1. 产品应用背景本操作手册介绍了宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司YX-VPT烟气温压流分析仪的安装、操作和维护。
OMRON E5EZ温控器通用手册(试用版)r01

OMRON E5EZ温控器通用手册声明此手册为深圳宇宙P.C.B设备有限公司内部资料,我们保留对此手册的解释权,如有变更,恕不另行通知。

Instruction manualHBLC-R-IP low temperature switch - NH3, HFC & Brine For detection of refrigerant in low temperature applications such as flow, blast and spiral freezersTable of ContentsSafety Instructions (3)Introduction (4)Measurement Principle (4)Design (4)Technical Data (5)Function (5)Application Examples (6)Installation Instructions (6)Power Connection (7)Installation Guide (7)LED Indication (9)Software (10)PC Configuration (11)Test and troubleshooting, electronic part (12)Test and troubleshooting, mechanical part (13)Fault Detection (13)Sensor Repair (13)Further Information (13)Declaration of Conformity (14)Safety InstructionsCAUTION! Always read the instruction manual before commencing work! Heed all warnings to the letter! Installation of HBLC-R-IP requires technical knowledge of both refrigeration and electronics. Only qualified personnel should work with the product. The technician must be aware of the consequences of an improperly installed sensor, and must be committed to adhering to the applicable local legislation.If changes are made to type-approved equipment, this type approval becomes void. The product's input and output, as well as its accessories, may only be connected as shown in this guide. HB Products assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from not adhering to the above.Explanation of the symbol for safety instructions. In this guide, the symbol below is used to point out important safety instructions for the user. It will always be found in places in the chapters where the information is relevant. The safety instructions and the warnings in particular, must always be read and adhered to.CAUTION! Refers to a possible limitation of functionality or risk in usage.The person responsible for operation must commit to adhering to all the legislativerequirements, preventing accidents, and doing everything so as to avoid damage to peopleand materials.Intended use, conditions of use. The HBLC-R-IP level switch is designed for level indication of refrigerant in industrial refrigeration systems. If the HBLC-R-IP is to be used in a different way and if the operation of the product in this function is determined to be problematic, prior approval must be obtained from HB Products.Prevention of collateral damage Make sure that qualified personnel assess any errors and take necessary precautions before attempting to make replacements or repairs, so as to avoid collateral damage. Disposal instructions: HBLC-R-IP is constructed so that the modules easily can be removed and sorted for disposal.IntroductionHBLC-R-IP is an intelligent microprocessor controlled sensor with integrated temperature compensation. It is specially designed for refrigerant level detection in low temperature applications, in such as flow, blast and spiral freezers or other low temperature applications. The temperature compensation also prevents ice formation on the switch and ensures that the electronic circuit works trouble free, even at very low temperatures.Measurement PrincipleThe sensor is a capacitative sensor. The capacitative measurement principle is based on the electrical properties in the proximity of a capacitor. A capacitor is an electrical component that is capable of building and sustaining an electrical charge.A capacitor basically consists of two plates.When a charge is applied to a plate, the otherplate will be charged with the opposite polarityand retain the charge until it has been grounded.The magnitude of the charge (the capacitance)that can be generated depends, among otherthings, on what is found between the plates.The substance between the plates is referred toas a dielectric.Rather than two plates, the sensor for level measurement is shaped as a cylindrical rod. When liquid covers the sensor, the measured capacity is changed..The conductivity of a material can vary depending on temperature, chemical composition, and the homogeneity of the material, and therefore it can in some cases require a different factory calibration.HB Products sensors are calibrated so that they differentiate between conductive and non-conductive liquids.In refrigeration systems, oil, HFCs and liquid CO2 are not regarded as conductive fluids, whereas refrigerants such as ammonia and brine are regarded as conductive fluids.DesignThe sensor consists of a mechanical part and an electronic part. These can easily be separated by loosening the union on the housing. The sensor is designed in accordance with IP68 waterproof rating and materials used allows (Clean-in-place) CIP cleaning. This makes the sensor the sensor suitable for installation on food processing facilities, dairies, breweries ect.The mechanical part is produced in AISI304/PTFE and tested to withstand high pressure.Technical DataSupply:Voltage: 24 V DC ±10%Current draw: Max 600 mAPlug: M12, 5 pinsOutput:Function NO or NCPermitted load on potentialfree contactless set 1A (24V DC)Installation conditions:Ambient temperature: -50…50°CRefrigerant temperature: -50…+100°CMax. operational pressure: 100 barWaterproof rating: IP68Approvals – EMC Test: EMC Emission EN61000-3-2 EMC Immunity EN61000-4-2 Mechanical specifications: Thread connection: ¾” NPT Matr. – mechanical parts: AISI304/PTFE Matr – electronic parts: PA46-GF30 Housing design: Front Indication: LED indication G reen, yellow, and red Configuration tool: USB connection and Windows based: HBLC-R-IP Tool Accessories: Low temp supply cable: HBxC-R-IP-M12/5 5 meters with M12 plug supplied with the sensor Configuration cable: HBxC-USB Torque screwdriver: HBxC-Torque for supply cable fixation (0,6Nm)FunctionHBLC-R-IP is a single point switch for level detecting of refrigerants, such as NH 3, HFC and brine.The IP68 rating and the temperature compensation allows the sensor to be installed in harsh environments with low ambient temperatures and frequent defrosting cycles.The sensor differentiates between refrigerant and gas, such that the electrical signal from the sensor changes when the liquid level drops below or rises above the level it was installed at.The sensor switches in the centre of the sensor's cylindrical part, with a configurable hysteresis. Once the refrigerant is on the same level or above this point, the 3 green LEDs illuminate.NOTE! All terminals are protected against improper termination with a supply voltage up to 40 V. If the supply voltage is greater than 40 V the electronics will be damaged.Application ExamplesHBLC-R-IP is a low temperature switch, which is well-suited for the detection of refrigerants at ambient temperatures as low as -50°C, such as for:-Indication of high and low refrigerant level in liquid separators, pump separators, economisers, etc.-on/off control of liquid injection in liquid separators, pump separators, economisers, etc.-refrigerant level detection inside flow, blast or spiral freezers.-Hot gas defrost safety sensor allowing only defrost when liquid line is drained.Installation InstructionsThe following applies during installation:1) In case the sensor is installed in a threaded sleeve/pipe stub, this should be welded at a5-10° upwards angle relative to the horizontal, so as to prevent the formation of liquidpockets.2) The installation length of the sensor must be taken into account, since there must be at least2mm between the sensor's mechanical part and other fixed or moving parts.3) Sufficient space for service and removal of sensor must be providedCAUTION! In case of welding work on the system, the electronic part must be removed. Weldingwork can damage the electronics.NOTE! The sensor element must not touch the vessel or other metal parts in its mountedposition. If so, the sensor will not give out a correct signal.Accessories:a) HBxC-R-IP-M12/5, the sensor is supplied with this special low temp. cable of 5 meters length with a pre-mounted M12 connection plug.b) HBxC-USB, for configuration purposes the HB USB communication cable is requiredc) HBxC-Torque, for correct fixation of the supply cable this 0,6Nm torque screwdriver is neededPower ConnectionThe sensor must be wired with the cable included. This is a special low temp cable with 4 cords. Length is 5 meters In case of replacement or damage, this can be orderet with spare part no HBxC-R-IP-M12/5. The supply voltage is limited to 24V DCInstallation GuideThe HBLC-R-IP is installed in a vessel or (stand)pipe.To install HBLC-R-IP, you must use a poly grip pliers, SW 32(or shifting spanner), liquid gasket and a torquescrewdriver.Apply liquid gasket to the thread.Mount the mechanical part in the vessel or standpipe and tighten with a torque corresponding to the thread type (80-150 Nm).You may re-position the electronics for easy reading by loosening the union that secures the electronic part to the mechanical part.After eventually re-positioning of the electronics it is important to tighten the union with a poly grip pliers. This in order to protect against moisture.Mount supply cable (HBxC-R-IP-M12/5) to the electronics.In order to seal correctly the plug must be mounted with a torque screwdriver (0,6Nm) (part no HBxC-Torque)NOTE! When connecting the supply cable make sure to tighten the nut appropriately This in order to seal the connection and protect against moisture.It is strongly recommended to use a 0,6Nm torque screwdriver (part no HBxC-Torque)NOTE!In case of de-mounting the electronics completelydo not wipe off any silicone grease. This holds a gasket and protects against moisture.SW 320,6NmLED IndicationLED indication:1) 3 x green LED indicate refrigerant level 2) 1 x red LED indicates alarm (ALARM)3) Yellow LED – calibration signal (CONTROL) 4) Green LED indicates 24 V DC supply (POWER)LED signal ON/OFF FunctionalityGreen (3x) ONRefrigerant detectedGreen (1x) Flashes Supply OFF No supplyYellow (1x) Flash Indicate magnet activation at calibration procedure Red (1x) OFF No alarmFlashesMechanical rod not installed or missing connection to the rod or one times flash indicate calibration achieved.Calibration and change of parametersThe switch comes pre-calibrated for ammonia with relay function set to normally closed (NC).If calibration is required this can be done by means of a magnet or a pc with a configuration tool installedIf calibration is carried out de-mounted form the system, check illustration of how this can be done under “test and troubleshooting” on page 12.No matter if the calibration is done with the sensor mounted or de-mounted, it can be carried out in two different ways:• With a magnet. This is done by 5 activations with a magnet in the area below the plug.The Yellow LED turns on during each activation. After 5 activations, the red LED illuminates toconfirm successful calibration. Factory default settings allows this way of calibration (if however the “calibration function” intentionally has been turned OFF, calibration can only be carried out by following below procedure or• With the sensor connected with a USB cable to a PC running the HBLC-R-IP Tool(see page 11 for further details).For change of any parameters a PC Tool is required. Check below of how to install and use this.NOTE! It should only be considered to change any parameters if the sensor is:• Used with other refrigerants than ammonia• Change of relay function is required (factory default: NC) • Switching signal is fluctuatingNOTE! The switch must be 100% immersed in the medium during calibration!SoftwareThe sensor is supplied with the latest firmware.In order to change any parameters a configuration tool and cable is needed. Check the following pages.Installation of the Configuration ToolPC Program1) The tool can be downloaded for free.Request access to download the tool by sending an email to *********************.You will receive a password and download instructions. 2) Download HBLC-R-IP Tool and install it on a PC. Systemrequirements: Windows-based PC with Java. If Java is not installed, it is possible to do this during the installation of the HBLC-R-IP Tool.Downloading requires an internet connection. Screen resolution min. 1366x768 3) Follow the instructions during program setup.4) Connect USB cable HBxC-USB to the PC. Allow a few moments for Windows (Vista, 7 or newer) tofind a driver for the USB cable. For this to occur automatically, an internet connection is required . If you are offline follow the instructions for the installation of drivers in the program under"Configuration Instructions". For older versions of Windows such automatic driver installation may not work! A special instruction for driver installation is required.5) Search for USB com port [Search for COM port]. Select the appropriate USB COM port in the dropdown list. For example COM3. The lowermost bar indicates that the USB com port is selected and open for communication with the sensor. The bar changes colour from red to green when there is a connection between the program and the USB cable.6) Connect the cable to the sensor. The software program registers the current version (see SWxx.x.xx).7) The connection to the sensor is established when the green, yellow, and red LEDs are flashing in aset pattern.8) The sensors current setup can be retrieved by pressing [Show current configuration] in the tool. 9) The sensors factory settings can be reset by pressing [Reset to default].10) All parameters can now be setup. After your final selection, press [Set configuration]. The selectedparameters are transferred to and saved in the sensor. Once this transfer is complete, an image of the sensor appears with a message that the configuration has been successful. Press [OK] to close.NOTE! To change the control parameters, it is necessary to have a special USB configuration cable (part no HBxC-USB), as well as a configuration tool installed on a PC.PC ConfigurationThe parameters may be set according to below table, also showing the factory settings.Setup Setup options Factory settingsFilter function, sec 0…100 sec 5 secSetpoint hysteresis 0…100 2Relay function NC or NO NCCalibration OFF/ON ONdepend on the system design.Filter function: Averages out any measurements within a certain period. It may be beneficial to increase this value (in sec) if there are small fluctuations in the measurement which result in unstable control. Setpoint hysteresis: Displays the value of the factor for hysteresis. See the relationship between setpoint hysteresis and SPAN (in mm) at the bottom of the program window.Relay function: The output function for the potential-free output can be set to NC or NO. This means therelay will be closed I.E. NC and dry conditions. The relay will be open I.E. NO and dry conditions.Test and troubleshooting, electronic partFault detection of the electronic function can be carried out without releasing pressure from the system or disassembling the mechanical part of the sensor.Separate the electronic part from the mechanical part. Do not wipe off any silicone grease. This holds a gasket and protects against moisture. After testing it is important to tighten the union with poly grip pliers. This in order to protect against moisture.The easiest way to carry out fault detection is to have a spare mechanical part available. The electronic part is mounted on the spare mechanical part and a cup/glass of water is used to test the function (see below).NOTE! In case of fault, initially only the electronic part should be replaced.This allowing the system to be pressurized.NOTE!The electrical properties of water allows testing of the sensor electronics without usingammonia. Re-calibration is NOT required!Test and troubleshooting, mechanical partElectronic tests should be completed prior to any attempts to perform fault finding on mechanical part. Test in situ is done by draining the vessel/stand pipe and use ohm meter to check insolation. If shorted the mechanical part must be exchanged.Fault DetectionFault Reason Correction of faultNo LED are ON / no function No supply to the sensor or defectivecable/plug. Check the power supply and the supply cable.No output (3 x green LED light up but the output signal is not active) Check if the sensor's output matchesthe control input; if it is an NO or NCrespectively.See the output voltage instructionsbelowCreate conformity between thesensor and the control so that thetwo are identicalNo contact activation (red LED flashes) There may be moisture between theelectronic and the mechanical parts.Separate the two parts and clean thespring tip. Remember to applysilicone grease to the spring tip so asto avoid problems with moisture.Delay in sensor activation Can be caused by gas and formationof foam in the system. Check if the sensor is placed optimal so that air and gas are avoided.There is no correlation between the output signal and the measuring distance. The sensor is not calibratedcorrectly.Re-calibrate the sensorPractical measurement of output signals:NC: There should be no signal when it is in refrigerant.NO: There should be a signal when it is in refrigerant.Sensor RepairIn case of faults with the sensor, it will typically only be necessary to replace the electronics. Reach an agreement with the distributor about how to handle complaints.Further InformationFor further information, please visit our website, www.hbproducts.dk, or send an email to: *********************.Declaration of ConformityWe, HB Products A/SHereby confirm under oath and with full responsibility that the product:Category: Instrumentation.Type: Level switch type HBLC-R-IP.Description: Level sensor based on the capacitative measurement principle. Manufactured: Developed and manufactured by HB Products A/S.This declaration confirms that the product adheres to the standards outlined below:EN 61000-6-2: 2005 EMC General Immunity RequirementsIndustrial EnvironmentEN 61000-6-4: 2007 EMC General Emission RequirementsIndustrial EnvironmentAccording to the European directive:EMC directive..............................2004/108/ECHasselager, May 1, 2012Michael ElstrømManaging & Technical DirectorHB Products A/S – Bøgekildevej 21 – DK8361 Hasselager – ********************* – www.hbproducts.dk。

TPF-100温压流一体化变器用户手册FOCUSED PHOTONICS INCTPF-100温压流一体化变送器用户手册Focused Photonics Inc.聚光科技(杭州)有限公司UMTPF1000810101目录1、阅读说明 (1)1.1用户须知 (1)1.2安全与警告 (1)1.3供货和运输 (2)1.4质保和维修 (2)1.5技术支持 (3)2、仪器介绍 (4)2.1仪器概述 (4)2.2测量原理 (5)2.3仪器内部结构 (6)2.3.1取压取温单元 (6)2.3.2机箱单元 (7)2.4仪器工作流程 (8)2.5性能参数 (10)3、现场安装 (11)3.1安装位置 (11)3.2仪器接线 (14)I4、仪器调试 (15)5、故障处理 (16)6、注意事项 (19)6.1 存放保管 (19)6.2 开箱验货 (19)6.3 售后服务 (20)II1、阅读说明欢迎选用聚光科技(杭州)有限公司TPF-100温压流一体化变送器(以下简称:TPF-100),TPF-100的主要功能是监测烟气中的温度、压力、流速并将其转换成相应的比例电流(4-20)mA传送给工控机进行数据处理。


3技术指标反吹单元电磁阀电源:220V AC,反吹时间:4s,反吹间隔时间:可设为1、2、4、8小时或不反吹。
工作电源:220V AC, 1.5A。


• 热电阻测量原理:通过感应温度变化达到组织的
变化,通过确认阻值的不同,计算出当前的温度 ,再根据热电阻的量程变送输出对应的标准信号 (4-20mA)值。即:温度变化--热电阻--电阻变化-温度变送器—(4-20mA)信号。
接线端子 注意:正负接 线要正确
张炳松 2012年2月
烟气流量装置: 1)安装角度要求(安装法兰)、安装方向要 求、相对位置(皮托管,压力变送器,吹 扫箱)要求 2)差压变送器调试方法 3)常见故障及处理方法
• 是测量工艺管道内气体流速或流量的一次
元件,当烟气流经皮托管取压口时,会在 两个金属管口之间产生压差,这个压差再 经过差压变送器测量,变成4—20mA信号, 再经过计算处理变成流速或流量。 • 皮托管不适合测量烟气流速低于5m/s的场 合
M10参数(键/功能 禁用)
1.压力单位 2. 电流mA 3. 百分比%
• 按工作原理分:热电偶,热电阻(金属),和半导
体热敏电阻。热电偶一般用于中高温的测量,而 热电阻主要是低温测量。 • 热电偶测温基本原理:将两种不同材料的导体或 半导体A和B焊接起来,构成一个闭合回路。当导 体A和B的两个执着点1和2之间存在温差时,两 者之间便产生电动势,因而在回路中行程一个大 小的电流,这种现象称为热电效应。热电偶就是 利用这一效应来工作的。 • 标准化热电偶型号:S,B,E,K,R,J,T型
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宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司UNIVERSTAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY(SHENZHEN)CO.,LTD.《温度压力流速一体化变送器》用户手册版权所有© 2010宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司保留所有权利目录1.产品描述······················································· - 2 -1.1.产品应用背景················································· - 2 -1.2.产品性能特点················································· - 2 -2.系统安装与调试················································· - 3 -3.通讯协议及说明··············································· - 6 -3.1.温压流变送器上下位机通讯协议······························· - 6 -3.2.串口校准调试指令说明········································ - 8 -4.故障现象及解决办法··········································· - 10 -1.产品描述1.1. 产品应用背景本操作手册介绍了宇星科技发展(深圳)有限公司YX-VPT烟气温压流分析仪的安装、操作和维护。
表1 可选参数和缩写1.2. 产品性能特点1.流速量程:5-40m/s 准确度(%):±5%,精密度(%): ±3%2.压力量程: -4000Pa~4000Pa 精密度(%):±3%3.温度量程:0℃~350℃示值误差:±3℃4.输出信号:4-20mA/RS485(最终目标,最后只保留RS485对外输出接口)5.工作温度范围:-20~+50℃2.系统安装与调试温压流烟气参数检测仪安装示意图如图2,根据实际可选普通型安装法兰和防腐安装法兰及伴热型安装法兰等三种,将安装法兰焊接在选定的烟道测量点上。
2.6.外部线路连接2.6.1.PT100(三芯制)与温压流接线端子的连接情况,PT100三线颜色分别为红色、红色、白色;具体接线如下图:2.6.2. 通信线的连接;将RS232/485转换器上的T/R+端与温压流接线端子A端相接,T/R-端子与温压流接线端子B端相接;2.6.3. 电源线连接;三芯电源线分别对应相接,图如下:2.6.3. 通信测试;在串口调试助手中输入>modi InforPC回车,然后发送,看是否有数据上传,有数据上传则说明通信成功:3.通讯协议及说明3.1. 温压流变送器上下位机通讯协议定义温压流变送器为丛机,主从之间通过RS485总线通讯;从机所有动作都依据主机指令执行;从机和主机之间通讯协议主要由以下两个部分构成。
1、测量指令1.1、工控机主机发送开始测量指令,当变送器从机收到主机指令:>modi Infor回车,丛机将测量的温度、静压、流速结果通过以下字符串指令格式发送给主机:>modi Infor#3个温度字符+1个静压正负标志字符+4个静压字符+5个流速字符#回车说明:(1)、从机收到主机发送的测量指令后,发送给主机一次测量结果。
1.2、工控主机发送反吹指令:>modi Fc xxxxx回车,变送器响应:>modi Fc xxxxx s ! 表示正确接收并识别指令。
如发送>modi Fc 00345回车,表示反吹345秒。
工控主机发送反吹指令示意1.3、工控主机发送校零指令:>modi Zero回车,变送器相应:>modi Zero回车表示执行了自动调节差压和静压零点。
注意:调零时务必要保证变送器在空气中进行!工控主机发送校零指令示意2、校准指令通过工控主机具体校准温度、差压、静压指令和PC端运行串口调试准手校准指令相同!3.2. 串口校准调试指令说明温度压力流速一体化变送器温度、压力、流速校准和调试通过串口命令实现,在上位机(PC)运行串口调试软件,在数据输入窗口输入命令,数据显示窗口显示下位机反馈回的信息;命令发送和接收都不要选中十六进制格式。