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Sacred(scared)/ˈseɪkrɪd/ a.神的;神圣的connected with or dedicated to God or a god; connected with religion神圣的; 宗教的: 宗教仪式﹑圣地﹑圣像(of an obligation, etc) regarded as very important; solemn (指义务等)认为重要的, 庄严的: a sacred promise, task 郑重的诺言﹑重大的任务hold a promise sacred 信守诺言regard sth as a sacred duty视某事为神圣的职责.
sacrifice n.牺牲;牺牲品;祭品v. 献祭;牺牲;献出~ sth (to sb/sth)give up sth as a sacrifice(2) 牺牲某事物: She sacrificed her career to marry him. 她为了嫁给他牺牲了自己的事业
sadden v.使悲哀;使忧愁The cruelty in the world saddens me incredibly.
saddle n.鞍子;马鞍v.装马鞍
sake n.缘故for the sake of sb/sth; for sb's/sth's sake in order to help sb/sth or because one likes sb/sth 为了某人[某事物](起见): do sth for the sake of one's family 为家庭做某事I'll help you for your sister's sake. 看在你姐姐面上, 我来帮你
saline n.盐水/selin/ adj [attrib作定语] containing salt; salty 含盐的; 咸的: a saline lake 盐湖saline springs 盐泉salubrious a.(气候,空气等)有益健康的;健
康的,有利的/səˈluːbrɪəs/adj (fml 文) (esp
of the climate) health-giving (尤指气候)有益健康的: the salubrious mountain air有益健康的山间空气
salutary a.有益健康的;有治疗作用的;有
益的/ˈsæljutrɪ/ adj having a good effect 有
益的: salutary exercise, advice 有益的锻炼﹑劝告The accident is a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing. 这一事故有益的一面是提醒了我们攀登活动是有许多危
险的.salute v.敬礼;行礼;鸣礼炮,迎接,欢迎n.招呼,行礼v give (sb) a salute; greet (sb) 向(某人)致敬, 致意; 问候或欢迎(某人): The guard saluted (the general) smartly.
卫兵非常精神地(向将军)行礼. The royal visitor was saluted by a fanfare of trumpets. 皇室贵宾在嘹亮的铜管乐曲中受到热烈欢迎.
salvage/ˈsælvɪdʒ/ v./n.海上救助;抢救;
打捞rescue of a damaged ship or its cargo; rescue of property from damage caused by fire, floods(对船﹑船上货物的)海上营救;(对火灾﹑水灾等的)财物抢救: Salvage of the wreck was made difficult by bad weather. 船遇难後因天气恶劣救援工作十分困难.[attrib 作定语] a salvage company
sarcasm n.讽刺,挖苦/ˈsɑːkæzəm/ n (use of) bitter, esp ironic, remarks intended to wound sb's feelings 讥讽; 讽刺; 挖苦: her constant sarcasm about his poor work她对他作品拙劣的一贯嘲讽.sarcastic
/sɑːˈkæstɪk / adj of or using sarcasm 讥讽的; 讽刺的; 挖苦的: a sarcastic person, tone, remark好讥讽的人﹑讽刺的语调﹑挖苦的话.
saturate v. 使饱和;浸透
saturation n.饱和;浸透
sauce n.调味汁;酱汁v.调味fruit pudding and brandy sauce 水果布丁和白兰地调味汁
sausage n.香肠,腊肠
savage/ˈsævɪdʒ/ a.野蛮的;残暴的n.未开
化的人wild and fierce 野性的; 凶猛的: a savage lion, wolf猛狮,恶狼a savage attack by a big dog凶猛的大狗的攻击. (b) cruel, vicious or hostile 残酷的; 恶毒的; 敌意的: savage criticism, remarks 粗暴的批评﹑恶毒的言语The article was a savage attack on her past actions. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击. (c) extremely
severe 极严重的: savage cuts in our budget对我们的预算做的大幅度削减. at an early stage of civilization;primitive 野蛮的; 未开化的: savage tribes这帮野蛮人. saw v.锯,锯开n.锯子,锯床saw a tree, pole, etc down锯倒树,杆等
scale n. 标度;天平;标尺;比例尺v. 过秤;
scan v.扫描;审视;浏览
scanty a.不足的;贫乏的So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.
scar n.伤疤;瘢痕;创伤v.(使)留下伤痕;结

scarce a.稀少的,罕见的;缺乏的;不足的scarcely ad.几乎不;勉强adv only just; hardly 仅仅; 几乎不: There were scarcely a hundred people present. 出席的不足一百人. I scarcely know him. 我不大认识他. Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang.她一进屋电话就响了. surely not 决不: You can scarcely expect me to believe that. 别以为我能相信那件事. scare v.惊吓,受惊;使恐慌n.惊慌;惊恐That noise scared me. 那响声把我吓坏了. He scares easily. 他动不动就害怕.
scarf n.围巾;头巾/ skɑːf/ n piece of
material worn for ornament or warmth round the neck or (by women) over the shoulders or hair 围巾; 头巾; 披肩. scarlet n./a.猩红色(的);鲜红的(的)
/ˈskɑːlət/ adj.n bright red猩红的;鲜红的: dressed all in scarlet 穿着一身鲜红的衣服She blushed scarlet when I swore. 她听到我骂街,羞得脸通红.
scatter v.驱散;散开;撒布,撒播n.消散;分散(cause people or animals to) move, usu quickly, in different directions(使人或动物)散开: The crowd scattered. 人群散开了. The police scattered the crowd. 警察驱散了人群.
scene n.景色,景象;(戏)-场;布景(事件或故事发生的)地点
scenery n.风景,景色;舞台布景general natural features of an area, eg mountains, valleys, rivers, forests 景色;风景;风光: mountain scenery 山景stop to admire the scenery停下来欣赏风景.
scent n.气味;香气;香水v.嗅,闻characteristic smell of sth, esp a pleasant one(某物特有的)气味;(尤指)香味: the scent of new-mown hay 新刈青草的气味Modern roses have no scent. 现在的玫瑰
不香. [C] particular type of smell 某种气味: scents of lavender and rosemary薰衣草和迷迭香的气味.
V. discover (sth) by the sense of smell 嗅出(某物)的存在; 闻到(某物): The dog scented a rat. 那狗嗅出有老鼠的气味. (fig 比喻) begin to suspect the presence or existence of (sth) 怀疑有(某事物);觉察出: scent a crime 察觉出有犯罪的事scent treachery, trouble怀疑有背叛行为﹑麻烦
scold v/n.训斥,责骂/skəuld/ v~ sb (for sth/doing sth)express anger, criticism, etc to a child; rebuke sb 骂,责骂(尤指对儿童;叱责某人: If I walk in with muddy boots, Dad always scolds (me). 我的靴子上要是有泥, 一进屋爸爸就骂(我)Did you scold her for breaking it?她把那件东西打破了, 你骂她了吗?
scorn n./v.藐视,轻蔑/skɔːn / n ~ (for sth) strong contempt 鄙视; 轻蔑:be filled with scorn十分鄙视dismiss a suggestion with scorn对一建议不屑一顾He had nothing but scorn for my ideas. 对於我的想法他嗤之以鼻.
scramble v.爬行,攀爬;杂乱蔓延;碎片;片段;废料climb or crawl quickly, usu over rough ground or with difficulty; clamber
攀登; 爬: scramble up the embankment
爬上堤岸The girl scrambled over the wall. 那个女孩儿翻过了墙. The children
scrambled out of the hollow tree. 孩子都
scrape v.擦;擦伤;刮去n.刮削;擦伤;擦痕~ sth (down/out/off) make (a surface, etc) clean, level or smooth by drawing a sharp tool or sth rough across it 擦净,削平,磨光(某物): scrape the floor with a stiff brush 用硬毛刷子刷地板scrape out a sticky saucepan 把锅垢刮掉scrape the walls clean 把墙擦乾净She is scraping the path clear of snow. 她正在把路上的积雪铲掉. (b) ~ sth from/off sth; ~ sth
away/off remove (mud, grease, paint, etc) in this way 除掉(泥\油渍\油漆等): scrape the rust off (sth) 把?刮掉scrape paint from a door铲掉门上的油漆.
screen v.遮蔽;庇护n.屏风;幕;遮蔽物v ~ sth/sb (off) (from sth/sb); ~ sth/sb (against sth)conceal, protect or shelter sth/sb with a screen(用隔板、屏﹑幕等)隐藏﹑掩护或遮蔽某物[某人]: The bushes will screen us while we change. 我们用灌
木丛遮挡着换衣服. The trees screen the house from view. 有这些树隔着看不见那
script n.手迹;手稿,打字原稿v.把…改
scrupulous a.审慎的;严格认真的,一丝不
苟的/ˈskruːpjuləs/ adj extremely careful and thorough; paying great attention to details 极仔细彻底的;一丝不苟的: a scrupulous examiner 认真仔细的检查员a scrupulous inspection of the firm's accounts对公司的帐目彻底审核. ~ (in
sth/doing sth)careful not to do wrong; absolutely honest 审慎的; 极诚实的: scrupulous in all her business dealings (她)对所有交易都十分老实behave with scrupulous honesty表现极为正直
seal n.封口;封条;封蜡;印戳;海豹v.封,密封
secrecy n.秘密;保密
secretary n.书记;秘书;部长;干事secrete(secret n.adj.秘密)v.藏匿;分泌(of
an organ) produce (a substance, usu liquid) either as waste material or for use within the body (指器官)分泌(某物质): The kidneys secrete urine. 肾脏是分泌尿液的
器官. Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth. 唾液是由口腔的唾液腺分泌出来的. put or keep (sth) in a secret place; hide 隐藏(某物); 藏匿: money secreted in a drawer藏在抽屉里的钱.
secretive a.不坦率的;分泌的/ˈsiːkrətɪv/ adj liking to keep things secret or to hide one's thoughts, feelings爱保密的;爱把思
想﹑感情等深藏不露的: a secretive nature 事事保密的天性.
section n.切开;切片;章节;部分;处;科;截面;剖视图v.把…分成段;将…切片divide (sth) into sections 将(某物)分成部分: a library sectioned into subject areas按科目划分的图书馆.(medical 医) cut or separate (tissue, etc) 切除或切开(组织等.sectional adj made or supplied in sections (section 2) 组装的; 组合的: a sectional fishing-rod 分节的钓鱼杆sectional furniture组合家具.
security n.安全;治安保卫;安全防卫措施freedom or protection from danger or worry 安全; 保护; 保障: children who lack the security of a good home 缺乏良好家庭照顾的儿童have the security of a guaranteed pension有保证可获养老金的
sediment n.沉淀;沉积物
seep v.渗出;渗溢/siːp/ v~ through (sth)/into sth/out (of sth)(of liquids) flow slowly and in small quantities through a substance (指液体)漏出, 渗出, 渗漏: water seeping through the roof of the tunnel 从隧道顶部渗出的水Oil is seeping out through a crack(chip缺口)in the tank. 油箱的裂缝漏出油来了.
segment n.切片;部分;片断;段,节
v.分割v [I, Tn] (cause sth to) separate into segments(将某事物)分割成弦﹑部分或瓣segregation n.分离;隔离
seize v.抓住;捉住;夺取,占领(a) take hold of (sth), suddenly and violently; grab 抓住, 捉住(某物); 攫取: She seized me by the wrist. 她抓住我的手腕. (b) (of the police, customs, etc) take (stolen goods, illegal drugs, etc) away from sb (指警方﹑海关等)扣押, 没收(赃物﹑毒品等): 20 kilos of heroin were seized yesterday at Heathrow. 昨日在希思罗机场扣押了20公斤的海洛因. (c) capture (sth); take 夺取(某物);占领;获得: seize the airport in a surprise attack 突袭而占领机场The army has seized power. 军队夺取了政权. see (an opportunity, etc) and make use of it eagerly and at once 抓住, 把握(机会等): seize the chance to make some money 抓住时机赚一些钱[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of a strong feeling, desire, etc) affect (sb) suddenly and overwhelmingly (指强烈的感情﹑愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人): We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑. selfish a.自私的,利己的He's too selfish to think of lending me his car. 他很自私, 不想把汽车借给我. a selfish refusal出於自私动机的拒绝.
semester n.学期;半年;半学年semifluid n./a.半流质(的)
senate(senator)/ˈsenɪt/ n.参议院;议员
senior a.年长的;资格老的;地位高的n.年长者;前辈
sensation n.感觉,知觉;轰动,轰动一时的事物n.feeling in one's body resulting from sth that happens or is done to it 感觉; 感受: a sensation of warmth, dizziness, falling 温暖﹑眩晕﹑下降的感觉state of great surprise, excitement, interest, etc among many people 轰动; 群情激动: The news caused a great sensation. 这个消息十分轰动. (derog 贬) Sensation-seeking newspapers tried to cash in on her misery. 专登危言耸听内容的报纸竭力渲染她的苦境来卖钱.
sensational a.感觉的;轰动的,耸人听闻的
sensitivity n.敏感性;灵敏性;灵敏度sensitize v.使敏感;致敏
sensory a.感觉的;传递感觉的adj of the senses or of sensation 感觉官能的; 感觉的; 感受的: sensory organs/nerves 感觉器官[神经]a sensory stimulus 感官刺激sensory deprivation感觉丧失.
separator n.分离者;分离器
sequence n.继续;连续;序列;顺序;结果v.按顺序排好
serial a.连续的,一连串的;连载的of, in or forming a series 连续的; 一系列的: number files in serial order 把档案按顺序编上号a serial murderer, ie one who kills several people one after another 连续杀人犯.n.连载小说;连本影片
sever v.分离;切断]~ sth (from
sth)divide or break or separate sth by cutting 切断, 割断(某物): sever a rope 割断绳子His hand wassevered from his arm. 他的手切下与胳膊分离了. (b) (fig 比喻) break off; end 中止; 结束: sever relationswith sb 与某人断绝关系She has severed her connection with the firm. 她已同那家公司脱离了关系.
severe a.严厉的,严格的;严重的;凛冽的;严峻的;艰难的
sewage/ˈsuːɪdʒ /n.污水,污物v.用污水灌溉shabby a.褴褛的;破旧的(a) (of things) in poor condition through much use or being badly cared for(指东西)因使用过久或照管不善而破旧的: a shabby dress, chair, room 破旧的连衣裙﹑椅子﹑房间(b) (of people) poorly dressed(指人)衣着寒酸的: You look rather shabby in those clothes. 你穿着那种衣服显得很寒酸. (fig 比喻) (of
situate v.使位于;使处于The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north. 公司想把总部设在北方The village is situated in a valley. 那个村子在山谷里skeleton n.骨骼;骨架a.骨骼的
sketch n.素描;速写;草图;梗概,大意v.速写,写生
slack a.懒散的,无精打采的;萧条的n.淡季,萧条期(pl.)便裤,宽松的裤子not tight or tense; loose 不紧的; 松弛的: a slack rope 松弛的绳The boxer's jaw went slack. 那拳击手的下巴松了下来(of business) not having many customers, sales, etc; not busy (指生意)清淡,萧条,不景气:Trade is slack in winter.冬季贸易不景气. Demand is slack over the summer months. 夏季的几个月市场滞销
slang n. 俚语;行语
slaughter v./n.屠杀;屠宰
sleeve n.袖子v.装袖子
slender a. 细长的;苗条的not very wide but comparatively long or high 细长的; 纤细的: slender fingers 纤细的手指small in amount or size; inadequate; scanty 微薄的; 不足的; 微少的: a slender income 微薄的收入people of slender means贫穷的人们
slide v./n.滑,滑动n.幻灯片
slim a.细长的;苗条的v.(使)变苗条slippery a.滑的,滑溜的
smother v.使窒息;透不过气来;忍住;抑制(cause sb to) die from lack of air, or from not being able to breathe; suffocate (使某人)窒息, 闷死: He smothered the baby with a pillow. 他用枕头把婴儿闷死了(fig 比喻) She felt smothered with kindness. 她感受到难以消受的热情
snatch v./n.攫取,抢夺(try to) seize (sth/sb)
quickly and sometimes rudely; grab (设法)迅速地或粗鲁地抓住(某物[某人]); 抢: It's rude to snatch. 你争我夺是粗鲁的行为. * She snatched the letter from me/out of my hand. 她从我这里[从我手中]把信抢走了. take or get (sth) quickly, esp when a chance to do so occurs 迅速抓住(某物)(尤指机会): snatch an hour's sleep 偷空儿睡一小时觉snatch a meal between jobs 趁工作间歇时吃饭.
soak v. 浸泡;浸湿;湿透n.浸泡~ (in sth) become thoroughly wet by being in liquid or by absorbing liquid 浸;泡;湿透:The dirty clothes are soaking in soapy water. 脏衣服都在肥皂水里泡着呢
sole n.脚底,鞋底a.单独的,唯一的one and only; single唯一的;单独的:the sole cause of the accident 事故的唯一原因the sole survivor of the crash那次车祸的唯一幸存者.
solely ad.单独地;唯一地;独自地solemn a.庄严的;严肃的;隆重的done, said, etc in a serious and committed way, after deep thought 庄重的;郑重的;深思熟虑的: a solemn promise, undertaking, pledge, etc郑重的许诺﹑保证﹑誓言等. solidarity n.团结(一致)
solidify v. (使)凝固,(使)固化,(使)团结~ (into sth) (cause sth to) become solid, hard or firm (使某物)变为固体, 变硬, 变得坚固: The paint had solidified in the tin. 罐子里的颜料已经乾了
solitary a.独居的;单独的;荒凉的;偏僻的;寂寞的/ˈsɔlɪtrɪ / adj [usu attrib 通常作
定语] (living) alone; without companions 单独的; 独居的; 独自的: a solitary walk 独自一人的散步lead a solitary life 过独居的生活One solitary tree grew on the mountainside. 山腰上孤零零地长着一棵树. fond of being alone; used to being alone 喜欢独处的; 习惯於独处的: a solitary kind of person喜欢离群索居的人. not often visited; in a lonely remote place 人迹罕至的; 荒僻的: a solitary valley 荒僻的山谷far-flung solitary villages 偏远冷清的村落. solitude n.孤独;寂寞;与外界隔绝soluble a.可溶的;可以解决的n.溶(解)度;(可)溶性;可解决
solute n. 溶质;溶解物
solution n. 解答;解决办法;溶解;溶液solvent a.有偿付能力的;有溶解力的n.溶剂having enough money to pay one's debts; not in debt 有偿付能力; 不负债: He's never solvent. 他总也还不清债. sophisticated a.老于世故的,老练的;复杂
having or showing much worldly experience and knowledge of fashionable life (显得)世故的, 老练的, 高雅时髦的: a sophisticated woman 老於世故的女子wearing sophisticated clothes 穿着考究的衣服sophisticated tastes高雅的口味. complicated and refined; elaborate; subtle 复杂的; 精良的; 精细的; 尖端的: sophisticated modern weapons 精良的现代武器
sour a.酸的;酸腐的;脾气坏的;乏味的v.变酸having a sharp taste (like that of vinegar, a lemon or unripe fruit) 有酸味的; 酸的: This apple is really sour!这苹果真酸哪!tasting or smelling sharp and unpleasant from fermentation; not fresh 有酸臭味道或气味的; 馊的: The milk's turned sour. 牛奶变酸了a sour smell馊味. having or showing a bad temper; disagreeable in manner 坏脾气的; 别扭的; 乖戾的: a sour and disillusioned man 阴郁颓丧的人
souvenir n.纪念品;纪念礼物
sow v.播种;散布
soybean n.黄豆,大豆
spacious a.广阔的;宽广的
span n.跨度,跨距;(寿命)长度
spark n.火花,火星v发火花;发电花sparkle v.发火花;闪耀
specialty n.专业,专长
specialize v.特加指明;列举;使专门;专门
species n.(物)种;种类
specific a.具体的,明确的;特有的;有特效的n.细节;特效药
specification n.载明,详述;规格,规范;说明书
specify v.指定;详细说明The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination. 规则中指明考试时可以用词典.
spectacle n.(复)眼镜;场面,景象;奇观,壮观
spectacular a.公开展示的;壮观的;引人注意的;惊人的n.展览物;壮观的景象adj (a) making a very fine display or show 壮观的; 精彩的:a spectacular display of fireworks壮观的烟火会. (b)(attracting attention because) impressive or extraordinary引人注目的; 出色的; 与众不同的: a spectacular victory by the French athlete那个法国运动员的辉煌胜利. spectator n.观众;旁观者
speculate v.思索;沉思;推测;投机
/ˈspekjuleɪt / v ~(about/on/upon sth) form opinions without having definite or complete knowledge or evidence; guess 思考; 思索; 推断; 推测: speculate about/upon the future 对未来的推想I wouldn't like to speculate on the reasons for her resignation. 我不愿意猜测她辞职的原因. I can only speculate that he left willingly. 我看他一定是自愿走的. speculation n.思索;沉思;推测;投机;投机事业
sphere n.球,球体;范围,领域
spice n.香料;调味品;香味
spill v.溢出;流出The ink spilt all over the desk. 墨水洒了一桌子.He knocked the bucket over and all the water spilt out.他撞翻了水桶, 水全流出去了
spiritual a.精神(上)的,心灵的of the human spiritor soul; not of physical things 精神的; 心灵的; 非物质的: concerned about sb's spiritual welfare关心某人精神上的幸福. splash v.溅,泼n.溅;飞溅声~ sth (about) (on/onto/over sb/sth); ~ sb/sth (with sth) cause (a liquid) to fly about in drops; make sb/sth wet in this way 使(液体)溅起; 溅湿某人[某物]: Stop splashing me! 别再溅我了! splash water on/over the floor 把水洒在地板上splash paint onto the canvas 把颜料泼在画布上
split v. 劈开,裂开n.裂缝,裂口;分化,分裂
spoil v.搞糟;损坏;宠坏,溺爱,变坏;腐
败make (sth) useless, valueless or unsatisfactory; ruin 毁掉,损坏,破坏,糟蹋(某事物): holidays spoilt by bad weather 因天气坏而使人扫兴的假期The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village. 新修的路彻底毁掉了那个村庄的特色
sponsor n. 发起人,主办者v.发起;主办act as a sponsor for (sb/sth) 担保或赞助(某人[某事物]); 倡议(某事): an athlete sponsored by a bank 由某银行资助的运动a government-sponsored cheap textbooks scheme 政府资助的提供廉价教科书的方案I'm doing a sponsored swim on Saturday will you sponsor me? 星期六我要参加慈善游泳--您愿意出钱赞助吗? spontaneous a.自发的;自然产生的adj (a) done,happening, said, etc because of a voluntary impulse from within, not caused or suggested by sth/sb outside 自发的; 主动的; 自动的: a spontaneous offer of help 主动提供的帮助spontaneous applause自发的鼓掌. (b) natural, not forced 自然的; 非勉强的: a spontaneous gaiety of manner 天真愉快的神态.
spot n. 地点;点;斑点;污点v.认出;弄脏;用
spotted a.有斑点的;玷污的;有污点的sprain n./v.扭,扭伤sprain one's wrist 扭伤手腕suffering from a sprained ankle踝部扭伤.
sprinkle n. 洒,喷,淋v.喷,洒~ A (on/onto/over B); ~ B (with A) scatter or throw sth in small drops or particles; scatter a shower of small drops, etc on (a surface) 撒某物;将某物洒在(另一物的表上: sprinkle water on a dusty path/sprinkle a dusty path with water 把水洒在尘土飞扬的小路上
squeeze v.压榨,挤n.榨取;压力squeeze a sponge, a tube of toothpaste 挤海绵﹑牙膏squeeze sb's hand握着某人的手捏一捏(如表示爱意﹑同情等)
stagger v./n.蹒跚;踉跄walk or move unsteadily as if about to fall (from carrying sth heavy, being weak or drunk, etc) 蹒跚; 踉跄; 摇晃着移动: She staggered and fell. 她踉跄了几步,跌倒在地
staircase n.楼梯
stale a.陈旧的,陈腐的v.变陈旧(esp of food) smelling or tasting unpleasant, mouldy or dry, because no longer fresh (尤指食物)不新鲜的, 走味的, 带霉味的, 乾瘪的no longer interesting because heard, done, etc too often before; not new 因陈旧而乏味的; 过时的: stale news, jokes, ideas 老掉牙的消息﹑笑话﹑思想Her performance has become stale. 她的表演没有新意了.
startle v./n.惊吓,(使)吃惊v[Tn] give a sudden shock or surprise to (a person or an animal);cause to move or jump suddenly (from surprise) 使(人或动物)惊吓或吓一跳: You startled me I didn't hear you come in. 你吓了我一跳--我没听见你进来.
starvation n.饥饿;饿死
starve v.饿死;饿得慌
static a.静的,静态的;静电的;固定的n.静电not moving or changing; stationary 静止的; 稳定的; 静态的: House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.房价稳定了几个月, 现在又上涨了
stationary a.不动的;静止的;不变的stationery n.文具
stature n.身高,身材importance and reputation gained by ability or achievement (凭才能或成就而获得的)名望: a scientist of international stature有国际声望的科学家.
status n.状态;地位;身份
steamer n.汽船,轮船
steep a.陡峭的,峻峭的(of a slope, stairs, etc) rising or falling sharply, not gradually (指斜坡﹑楼梯等)陡的,陡峭的,陡直的steer v.驾驶,掌舵
sterile a.不生育的;无菌的;贫瘠的(of plants, animals or humans) not producing or not able to produce seeds, young or children (指植物﹑动物或人)不产生种子的,不能生殖的,不育的: Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力.
sterilization n.消毒;灭菌;绝育
sterilize v. 使无菌,把…消毒;封存;使绝育
stick n. 棍,棒,手杖v.刺,戳,扎;粘贴
stiff a.硬的;僵直的;生硬的;死板的;艰
难的;费劲的not easily bent, folded, moved, changed in shape, etc 不易弯曲﹑打摺、移动﹑变形等的; 坚硬的; 僵直的: a sheet of stiff cardboard 一块硬纸板a stiff drawer 很紧的抽屉a stiff pair of shoes 一双硬邦邦的鞋have a stiff neck颈部强直feel stiff after a long walk走长路後感觉肢体发僵.
hard to do; difficult 不好做的; 因难的: a stiff climb 吃力的攀登a stiff exam难度大的考试
stiffness n.硬,僵直;坚实;拘谨;不自然
stimulant n. 兴奋剂;刺激物
stimulate v. 刺激;激发;促进stimulation n. 刺激(作用);兴奋(作用) stimulus n. 刺激;刺激物;促进因素sting n.刺,叮;刺痛v.刺,叮螫;刺痛stipulate n.规定,订定state (sth) clearly and firmly as a requirement 讲明, 规定(某要求)It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days. 按规定货物须在三日内送交
stir v.动;搅拌,搅动;激动;轰动n.激动;搅拌
stock n.树干;家系;库存,存货;股票;公

stocking n.长袜
stoop n./v.弯腰,俯身~ (down) bend forward and down 俯身; 弯腰: She stooped low to look under the bed. 她俯身查看床底. (b) [Tn] bend (a part of the body) forward and down 俯(身); 弯(腰): stoop one's head to get into the car俯身进入轿车.
storage n. 贮藏,保管;库房
storey n. 楼层a five-storey building 五层楼的大厦
strain n.拉紧,过劳v.紧张,过劳;扭伤,尽力
straw n.稻草;麦杆;(麦杆做的)吸管strawberry n.草莓
stray v.迷路,走失a.迷路的;离群的move away from one's group, proper place, etc with no fixed destination or purpose; wander 离群, 走离(无固定去向或目的); 走失; 迷失; 闲逛: Some of the cattle have strayed. 有些牛走失了stray into the path of an oncoming car 偏离车道而误入逆向行驶的汽车道
streamline n.流线;流线型a.流线型的v.使现代化,使合理化make (sth) more efficient and effective, eg by improving or simplifying working methods 使(某事物)效率更高﹑作用更大(如藉改进或简化工作方法): We must streamline our production procedures. 我们必须精简生产程序以提高效率.
strenuous a.奋发的,使劲的;紧张的;热烈的,狂热的/ˈstrenjuəs/ adj making great efforts; energetic 努力的; 精力充沛的: strenuous workers 干劲十足的工作人员make a strenuous attempt to reach the top of the mountain 力求登上山顶. requiring great effort 必须努力的: a strenuous itinerary 艰难的旅行路线
stretch v./n.拉长;延伸;夸大
stride v.大步走;迈进;跨过walk with long steps (in the specified direction) (朝某方向)大步行走: stride along the road 沿路大步行走striding across the fields 大步走过田地
strive v. 奋斗;努力
stroll v./n.散步,闲逛/strəul/n slow leisurely walk 散步; 漫步; 闲逛; 溜达: go for/have a stroll去散步.v walk in a slow leisurely way 散步; 漫步; 闲逛; 溜达: strolling (around) in the park 在公园(各处)溜达
stubborn a.顽固的,倔强的/ˈstʌbən/ adj (often derog 常作贬义) determined not to give way; strong-willed; obstinate 不退让的; 倔强的; 固执的; 顽固的: be too stubborn to apologize 硬是不肯道歉show stubborn resistance to change对改革采取顽抗态度.
studio n.画室;工作室;播音室;演播室stuff n. 材料;原料;东西;填充料v.填满;塞满~ sth (up) (with sth)fill sth tightly (with sth); cram sth (with sth) (用某物)塞满某物: stuff a pillow (with feathers) (用羽毛)填充枕头stuff up a hole (with newspapers) (用报纸)堵住洞
stumble v./n.跌,绊/ˈstʌmbl/ v~ (over sth)strike one's foot against sth and almost fall 绊脚: stumble and fall 绊倒I stumbled over a tree root. 树根绊了我的

sturdy a.坚定的;牢固的; 强健的;茁壮的: sturdy resistance to the plan 对该计画的坚决抵制a sturdy child
subconscious a. 下意识的;潜意识的subdivide v.把…再分;把…细分,再分,细分subdue v.屈服;抑制;缓和;减轻bring (sb/sth) under control by force; defeat 征服, 制伏(某人[某事物]); 击败: subdue the rebels镇压反叛者. calm (esp one's emotions) 克制(尤指情绪): He managed to subdue his mounting anger. 他极力克制郁积在心中的怒气.
subjective a.主观的n.主观事物submarine n.潜水艇a.水下的;水底的;海底的submarine plants海生植物submarine exploration海中探测
submerge v.浸没;淹没;潜入水中(fig 比喻) completely cover (sb/sth); overwhelm 完全覆盖(某人[某事物]);遮住: be submerged by paperwork 埋头於文牍工作The main argument was submerged in a mass of tedious detail.大量单调乏味的细节掩盖了主要论点.
submit v. 屈服,服从;呈送,提交~ (to sb/sth) accept the control, superior strength, etc (of sb/sth); yield (to sb/sth) 屈服或归顺於(某人[某事物]); 服从, 顺从(某人[某事物]): I refuse to submit. 我决不屈服.submit to discipline, superior force遵守纪律、慑服於优势兵力~ sth (to sb/sth) give sth (to sb/sth) so that it may be considered, decided on, etc (向某人[某事物])提交或呈递某事物(以供考虑﹑裁决等): submit an essay to one's tutor向指导教师呈交论文
subscribe v.预订;订阅;签署;题(词);捐款~ (sth) (to sth) (agree to) contribute (a sum of money) 认捐, 捐助(一笔款项): subscribe to a charity 向慈善机构捐款How much did you subscribe (to the disaster fund)?你(向赈灾基金)捐了多少钱?
subscription n.预订;预订费;亲笔签名;调配法;下标(处方)
subsequent a.随后的,后来的adj [attrib 作定语]later; following 後来的; 随後的: Subsequent events proved me wrong. 後来发生的事证明我错了.The first and all subsequent visits were kept secret. 第一次以及随後的各次访问均严守秘密.
subside v.沉到底;沉淀;消退,减退sink to a lower or to the normal level 下降至较低或正常水平: The flood waters gradually subsided. 洪水逐渐退去
subsidiary a.辅助的;补助的;次要的;附属的n.辅助者,辅助物~ (to sth) connected to but smaller, of less importance,etc than sth else; subordinate 附属的; 从属的; 次要的: a subsidiary stream flowing into the main river 流入大河的支流(of a business company) controlled by another (指业务机构)附属的, 附设的.
subsidy n.补助金;津贴increase/reduce the level of subsidy
substitute n.代用品;代替者v.代替substitution n.代,代替,替换;取代作用substrate n.底层;基质;被酶作用物subtle a. 稀薄的;微妙的;精巧的;细微的not easy to detect or describe; fine; delicate 难以察觉或描述的; 细微的; 精细的: subtle humour 巧妙的幽默 a subtle distinction 细微的差别paint in subtle shades of pink粉红色度略微不同的颜料. organized in a clever and complex way; ingenious; cunning 巧安排的; 巧妙的; 狡诈的: a subtle analysis of the problem对该问题的精辟的分析. able to see and describe fine and delicate differences; sensitive敏锐的; 感觉灵敏的: a subtle observer,critic,analyst细心的观察﹑评论者
orange 吸橙子的汁
suffice(sufficient) v. 足够,有能力;满足~ (for sb/sth) (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) (fml 文) be enough (for sb/sth); be adequate 能满足(某人[某事物])之需要的; 足够的: Will 10 suffice for the trip? 这趟行程10英镑够用吗? A light lunch should suffice me. 有一点儿午饭就够我吃了.
suicide n./v.自杀
suite n.(一批)随从人员;套,组;(一套)房间;(一套)家具;组曲
summarize v.概括;总结
summary n.摘要,概要a.概括的;简略的giving the main points only; brief 概括的; 扼要的; 简明的: a summary account of a long debate对一长时的辩论的概述summit n.顶;最高点a.(政府)最高级的the summit of her career, ambition她事业的颠峰\最大的抱负attend a summit in Washington峰会
summon v.召唤,召集~ sb (to sth); ~ sb (together) send a message telling sb to come; call (people) together 召唤某人; 召集(大家): I was summoned by my boss (to explain my actions). 老板把我召去(要我对自己的行为做出解释).summon sth up cause sth to come into the mind; evoke sth 使某事物浮现於脑际; 唤起某事物: a smell which summons up memories of my childhood使我回忆起童年事的一种气味. superb a.壮丽的;华丽的;超等的excellent; splendid 卓越的;杰出的;极好的: a superb player, painting, view 极好的运动员﹑画﹑景色The sports facilities are superb. 运动设施是第一流的.
superficial a.表面的;肤浅的of or on the surface only 表面的; 在表面上的: a superficial wound 表皮的损伤Superficial scratches can be easily removed. 表层的划痕很容易除掉.not thorough or profound 肤浅的; 浅薄的: a superficial book, mind 立论肤浅的书﹑浅薄无知的头脑have only a superficial knowledge of the subject对这个问题仅略知皮毛
superfluous / suːˈpɜːfluəs/a.过剩的;多余
的adj more than is needed or wanted 过多的;过剩的; 多余的;不必要的: Repack all the superfluous cups in the box.把多余的杯子都重新装入箱中.
superior n.上级a.上级的;更好的,较好的;优秀的,优越的
superstition(superstitious) n. 迷信supervise v. 管理;监视
supervision n. 管理;监督
supposition(suppose) n.想象;假定;推测suppress v. 镇压,压制,抑制,隐瞒,查禁prevent (sth) from being known or seen 防止(某事物)被人知道或看到; 查禁或禁止发表(某事物): suppress the truth about sth 隐瞒某事物的真相
supreme a.最高的;极度的,最主要的highest in authority, rank or degree (权力﹑级别或地位)最高的; 至高无上的: the supreme ruler of a vast empire 一个庞大帝国的最高统治者(fig 比喻) After a year without defeat, the team now reigns supreme as the finest in the country. 该队一年来所向无敌, 现已称雄全国. most important; greatest 最重要的; 最大的:make the supreme sacrifice. Winning an Olympic gold medal was, I suppose, the supreme moment of my life. 我认为我荣获奥运会金牌时是我一生中最重要的时刻. surplus n.adj过剩,剩余This food is surplus to requirements. 这种食物供过於求.
surpass v.超过,胜过
surprise n.诧异,惊奇v.使诧异,使惊奇surrender v./n.投降;交出;放弃~ (oneself) (to sb) stop resisting an enemy, etc; yield; give up 停止抵抗; 投降; 屈服; 放弃:The hijackers finally surrendered (themselves) to the police. 劫机者终於向警方投降了susceptible a.易受感动的;敏感的;易感的~ to sth [pred 作表语] easily influenced or harmed by sth 易受某事物影。
