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AP* TOPICS GOVERNMENT IN AMERICA,FOURTEENTH EDITION I.Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government Chapters 1,2,3
Considerations that influenced the formulation and adoption
of the Constitution pp.31–55
Separation of powers pp.49–50
Federalism pp.51–52,71–96
Theories of democratic government pp.14–17
II.Political Beliefs and Behaviors Chapters 1,6,7,8,9,10,11
Beliefs that citizens hold about their government and its leaders pp.3–8,198–205,210–211
Processes by which citizens learn about politics pp.191–195
The nature,sources,and consequences of public opinion pp.10–13,195–201,347–348
The ways in which citizens vote and otherwise participate
in public life pp.206–210,305–325
Factors that influence citizens to differ from one another in
terms of political beliefs and behaviors pp.201–205,317–325
III.Political Parties,Interest Groups,and Mass Media Chapters 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,17,19,20 Political parties and elections Chapters 8,9,10
Functions pp.248–251
Organization pp.253–256
Development pp.258–267
Effects on the political process pp.248–251,257–258,268–271,388–391,416–419 Electoral laws and systems pp.278–300,305–307,322–323,367–373,21.8–21.15 Interest groups,including political action committees (PACs)Chapters 11,12,17,19,20
The range of interests represented pp.336–342,348–355,562,613–614
The activities of interest groups pp.342–348
The effects of interest groups on the political process pp.333–348,391,613–614,20.7
The unique characteristics and roles of PACs in the pp.292–298,341–342,345–347,350–352,355–356, political process371–372
The Mass Media Chapters 7,9,13
The functions and structures of the media pp.218–235
The impact of media on politics pp.223–245,287–291,427–435
IV.Institutions of National Government:The Congress,the
President,the Bureaucracy,and the Federal Courts Chapters 3,7,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,21
The major formal and informal institutional arrangements of power Chapters 3,12,13,15,16
Congress pp.363–385
The presidency pp.406–427
The bureaucracy pp.471–494
Federal courts pp.75–80,509–533
Relationships among these four institutions,and varying
balances of power pp.385–388,415–427,495–503,518–526
Linkages between institutions and the following Chapters 6,7,9,11,12,13,15,16,21
Public opinion and voters Chapters 6,12,13,15,16
Congress pp.367–373,389–391
The presidency pp.419–421,427–432
AP* Correlation Guide xv The bureaucracy pp.210–211,471–476
Federal courts pp.537–541
Interest groups Chapters 11,12,15,16
Congress pp.342–348,391
The presidency pp.342–348
The bureaucracy pp.497–503
Federal courts pp.347,512
Political parties Chapters 9,12,13,15,16
Congress pp.388–391
The presidency pp.278–287,416–419
The bureaucracy pp.476–477
Federal courts pp.522–526
The media Chapters 7,13,16
Congress pp.224,231–235,236–241
The presidency pp.231–235,236–241,432–435
The bureaucracy pp.224,236–241
Federal courts pp.236–241,530
Subnational governments pp.514–518,21.3–21.40
V.Public Policy Chapters 1,2,3,7,8,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 Policy making in a federal system pp.75–95,385–388,21.32–21.34
The formation of policy agendas pp.236–239,388–391,457–464,20.20–20.36
The role of institutions in the enactment of policy pp.385–388,415–427,457–464,526–541
The role of the bureaucracy and the courts in policy implementation
and interpretation pp.57–60,458–459,479– 494,526–541
Linkages between policy processes and the following Chapter 12
Political institutions and federalism pp.385–388,415–427,457–464,526–541,
Political parties pp.249–251,257–258,268–271,388–391
Interest groups pp.331–348,497–503,558–562,603–606,613–615
Public opinion pp.10–13,419–421,430–432,613–615
Elections pp.319–325,420–421
Policy networks pp.497–503
VI.Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Chapters 4,5,16
The development of civil liberties and civil rights by judicial
interpretation pp.101–139,145–178,526–537
Knowledge of substantive rights and liberties pp.103–137,149–175
The impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on the constitutional
development of rights and liberties pp.103–108,147–157,162–164
The AP* Edition of Government in America includes additional features that will be
helpful to AP* students.The AP* Correlation Guide includes a detailed list of
Government and Politics:United States AP* topics correlated to Government in
America.By following the page references in the second column,students can find
the discussion of each of the six major topic areas,and their more-specific details,in
the pages of Government in America.This AP* Correlation Guide will help students
study and review for exams.
The AP* Edition also includes for each chapter a selection of multiple choice
and free response questions.These practice drills replicate actual AP* exam ques-
tions,tied specifically to each chapter of Government in America.The answers to the
questions are also included for both the multiple choice and free response questions,
and include explanations for the answers,to further guide students.The AP* Exam
questions and answers are at the back of the book.。
