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Lydia! Kitty! 莉蒂雅! 凯蒂!
My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard?亲爱的贝纳先生,你听说了吗?
Netherfield Park is let at last. Do you not want to know who has taken it?尼德斐园最后终于租出去了你想知道最后是谁租走了吗?
As you wish to tell me, my dear,I doubt I have any choice in the matter.亲爱的, 如果你想说的话, 我能说不听吗?
Kitty, what have I told youabout listening at the door?凯蒂, 我说过不要在门边偷看
There's a Mr Bingley arrived from the North.有一位叫宾里的先生从北方来了
Five thousand a year!Really?听说年收入五千磅呢!真的?
He's single!Who's single?他还是单身!谁还是单身?
A Mr Bingley, apparently. Kitty!当然是那位宾里先生阿,凯蒂!
How can that possibly affect them?这干她们什么事?
Mr Bennet,how can you be so tiresome?贝纳先生,你怎么好像兴趣缺缺阿?
You know he must marry one of them.你要知道,他要跟她们其中一个结婚
That is his design in settling here?他就是为了这个住在这里?
You must go and visit him at once.你要马上去拜访人家阿
Good heavens. People.你们好阿
For we may not visit if you do not,as you well know, Mr Bennet贝纳先生,你知道如果你不去的话我们也就不会去
Are you listening?. You never listen.You must, Papa! At once!你有在听吗? 你从来都不听我说爸, 你一定要去! 马上!
There's no need. I already have.不用了, 我已经去过了
You have?When?你去过了?什么时候?
Oh, Mr Bennet,how can you tease me so?噢, 贝纳先生,你怎么这样捉弄我?
Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?你都不可怜我的神经吗?
You mistake me, my dear.I have the highest respect for them.亲爱的, 你误会我了我是非常关心它们的
They've been my constant companions these twenty years.它们可是老老实实陪了我二十年了
Is he amiable?.Who?他人好不好阿?谁?
Is he handsome?He's sure to be.他帅不帅阿?一定是的
With 5,000 pounds a year,it would not matter if he had warts.凭他年收入5000英磅,就算他耳朵上长了疣都没关系
Who's got warts?谁长疣了?
I will consent tohis marrying whichever girl he chooses.无论他选哪个女孩结婚我都会同意的
So will he come to the ball tomorrow?.I believe so.那他明天会来参加舞会啰?我相信他会
Mr Bennet!I have to have your muslin!贝纳先生!我要拿你的棉布来用
I'll lend you my green slippers!They were mine.我可以借你我的绿拖鞋!那是我的
I'll do your mending for a week.I'll retrim your new bonnet.我会帮你做修补一个礼拜的我会保养你的帽子
Two weeks I'll do it for.我做两个礼拜
It's not the same!It's not the same.这不一样!这不一样
I can't breathe.我不能呼吸了
I think one of my toes just came off.我想我刚掉了一只脚指头
If every man does not end the eveningin love with you,如果在今晚结束前没有男人爱上妳的话, then I'm no judge of beauty.那我对美女还真没有判断力
Or men.No, they are far too easy to judge.或是男人不, 他们好判断多了
They're not all bad.他们并非全是坏的
Humourless poppycocks,in my limited experience.在我有限的经验里,他们都是无趣的东西
One day, someone will catch your eye有一天, 有人会让你迷上的
and then you'll have to watch your tongue.然后你讲话就要小心点了
How good of you to come.你能来真是太好了
Which of the painted peacocksis our Mr Bingley?这么多彩色孔雀里面哪一个才是我们的宾里先生? He's on the right.On the left is his sister.他是右边那个左边的是他妹妹
The person with the quizzical brow?.That is his good friend, Mr Darcy.那那个眉毛很好笑的是谁?那是他的好朋友, 达西先生
He looks miserable, poor soul.He may be, but poor he is not.他看起来一脸讨厌相, 穷鬼看起来是讨厌, 可是他一点都不穷
Tell me.说来听听
10,000 pounds a year,and he owns half of Derbyshire.年收入一万英镑,而且他拥有半个德比郡
The miserable half.很讨厌的那一半
Mr Bennet, you must introduce him to the girls immediately.贝纳先生,你要赶快把他介绍给女孩们阿
Smile at Mr Bingley. Smile.对宾里先生笑. 笑阿
Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know.宾里先生, 你知道的我的大女儿
Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet,Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet.我太太, 珍,伊丽莎白和玛莉
It is a pleasure. I have two others,but they're already dancing.真荣幸. 我还有两个女儿,可是她们已经在跳舞了
I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.很高兴能认识你们
And may I introduce Mr Darcyof Pemberley in Derbyshire.我想向大家介绍德比郡潘柏莱的达西先生How do you like it here in Hertfordshire?
Very much.非常喜欢
The library at Netherfield,I've heard, is one of the finest.我听说尼德斐的图书馆是国内属一属二的
It fills me with guilt. I'm not a good reader. I prefer being out of doors.这真是让我满怀罪恶感.我不擅于阅读, 我比较喜欢往户外去
Oh, I mean, I can read, of course.喔,当然我的意思是我还看得懂字
And I'm not suggesting.you can't read out of doors.而且我也不是说你不能在户外阅读
I wish I read more, but there seem to be so many other things to do.我希望我能看更多书,可是似乎有更多其它的事要做
That's exactly what I meant.我就是这个意思
Mama, Mama! You will never, ever believe what we're about to tell you.妈, 妈!你绝对不会相信我们要告诉你的事
Tell me!She's going to take the veil.快告诉我!她要去当修女了
The regiment are coming!Officers?民兵团要来了!军人?
They're going to be stationed the whole winter, right here.他们会在这里驻扎一整个冬天
Officers?.As far as the eye can see.军人?近在眼前了
Oh, look.Jane's dancing with Mr Bingley.喔, 看, 珍在和宾里先生跳舞
Mr Bennet.贝纳先生
Do you dance, Mr Darcy?.Not if I can help it.达西先生你跳舞吗?不, 恐怕我没办法
I didn't know you were coming to see me. What's the matter?.我都不知道你来看我什么事?
We are a long way from Grosvenor Square,are we not, Mr Darcy?.我们远离格洛维诺广场,是吧达西先生?
I've never seen so many pretty girls.我从来没看过这么多美女
You were dancing with the only handsome girl.刚才跟你跳舞的就是这里唯一的美女了
She is the most beautiful creature I have ever beheld.她是我看过最漂亮的姑娘了
But her sister Elizabeth is agreeable.Perfectly tolerable但是他妹妹伊丽莎白也蛮不错的.只是还好而已
Not handsome enough to tempt me. Return to your partner and enjoy her smiles.还没美到能引起我的兴趣.回去享受你的舞伴的微笑吧
You're wasting your time with me.你这是在跟我浪费你的时间
Count your blessings, Lizzie. If he liked you, you'd have to talk to him.想想你多幸运阿, 丽西.如果他喜欢你, 你就要跟他讲
I wouldn't dance with him for all of Derbyshire,就算给我整个德比郡我也不跟他跳舞,
Iet alone the miserable half.更别提那讨厌的一半
I enjoyed that so much, Miss Lucas.How well you dance, Mr Bingley.我真是太高兴了, 卢卡斯小姐.你跳得太棒了, 宾里先生
I've never enjoyed a dance so much.我从来没有跳得这么高兴过
My daughter Jane is a splendid dancer, is she not?我女儿珍是一个杰出的舞者对吧?
She is indeed.的确是
Your friend Miss Lucas is a most amusing young woman.你朋友卢卡斯小姐真的是最有趣的女人了Oh, yes, I adore her.喔是阿, 我也很喜欢她
It is a pity she's not more handsome.Mama!她能再漂亮点就更好了.妈!
Oh, but Lizzie would never admit that she's plain.喔, 不过丽西绝对不会承认她很平淡
Of course, it's my Jane who's considered the beauty of the county.当然, 我的珍可是被认为是国内的美女呢
Mama, please!妈, 拜托!
When she was 1 5, a gentleman was so much in love with her,当她15岁的时候就有个男的很爱她呢, I was sure he would make her an offer.我当时想他会对他采取点行动吧
However, he did write her some very pretty verses.不过阿,他是写了很多浪漫的诗句给她
And that put paid to it.那就够了
I wonder who discovered the power of poetry in driving away love.我在想谁发现了诗句会驱走爱情的力量
I thought poetry was the food of love.Of a fine, stout love.我想诗句是爱情的食粮.一个细致而坚固的爱
But if it is only a vague inclination,one poor sonnet will kill it.但如果只是暧昧的表现,只要一篇差劲的十四行诗就能毁了它
So, what do you recommend to encourage affection?那么,你觉得用什么来促进爱情比较好?
Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.跳舞. 即使某人的舞伴只是还好而已
Mr Bingley is just whata young man ought to be.宾里先生真是年轻人的榜样
Sensible, good-humoured...Handsome, conveniently rich...善体人意, 幽默风趣...帅气, 容易有钱...
Marriage should not be driven by thoughts of money.婚姻不应该以金钱的考量为前提
Only deep love will persuade me to marry.只有深爱才会让我想结婚
Which is why I'll end up an old maid.Do you really believe he liked me?这也是我最后会变老处女的原因你真的相信他喜欢我吗?
He danced with you most of the night,and stared at you the rest.他整个晚上大部份时间在和你跳舞,其它的时间就一直看着你
I give you leave to like him.You've liked many stupider.我准许你喜欢他你就像现在大多数的笨蛋一样
You're a great deal too apt to like people in general.你也很容易喜欢上一般人
All the world is good in your eyes.在你看起来整个世界都很美好
Not his friend. .I still can't believe what he said about you.除了他朋友以外我到现在还很难相信他怎么说你的
Mr Darcy?达西先生?
I'd more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine.要是他没有伤害我的话,我倒还能原谅他的自负
But no matter.I doubt we shall ever speak again.不过无论如何我想我们以后也不会再说了
He danced with Miss Lucas.他和卢卡斯小姐跳舞了
We were all there, dear.我们都在场, 亲爱的
It is a shame she's not more handsome.真是耻辱,她又没有更漂亮
There's a spinster in the making and no mistake.
The fourth with a Miss King of little standing,第四个跟金小姐跳了一会儿,
and the fifth again with Jane.第五个又回来和珍共舞
If he had any compassion,he would've sprained his ankle.如果他对我还有点同情心的话,他应该早在第一支舞就扭伤脚了
The way you carry on,照你这么说,
you'd think our girls look forward to a grand inheritance.你一定认为我们的女儿可以期待一大笔遗产了
When you die,which may be very soon,等你死了,反正你也快了
they will be left without a roof over their head nor a penny to their name.他们连一毛钱也不会带走的
Please, it's ten in the morning.A letter to Miss Bennet, ma'am.拜托, 现在是早上10点耶夫人, 有一封署名给贝纳小姐的信
From Netherfield Hall.从尼德斐园来的
Praise the Lord. We are saved!赞美上帝我们得救了!
Make haste, Jane,make haste. Oh, happy day!快呀, 珍,快阿!喔!美妙的一天
It is from Caroline Bingley.凯若琳宾里写来的
She has invited me to dine with her.她邀请我与她一起用餐
Her brother will be dining out. Dining out?.她兄弟会在外面吃饭在外面吃饭?
Can I take the carriage?.Let me see.我可以坐马车去吗?让我看看
It is too far to walk.This is unaccountable of him.用走的太远了他真是莫名奇妙阿, 在外面吃饭Mama, the carriage for Jane?妈, 马车要给珍用吗?
Certainly not. She'll go on horseback.当然没有. 她要骑马去
Now she'll have to stay the night,exactly as I predicted.这样她今天晚上就得待在那里了就和我预计的一样
Good grief, woman,your skills in the art of matchmaking忧喜参半阿, 女人,你们安排巧合的技艺are positively occult.还真的是很神奇阿
Though I don't think, Mama,you can take credit for making it rain.可是妈,我可不认为你可以用下雨来居功
"My friends will not hear of me returning home until I am better."在我身体好转前朋友都不会知道我回来了
Excepting a sore throat, a fever and a headache, nothing is wrong with me."It's ridiculous.除了有点头痛, 发烧, 喉咙痛以外,我都很好" 这还真荒谬
If Jane does die it will be a comfort to know it was in pursuit of Mr Bingley.如果珍真的死了她在追宾里先生的事还算让人安慰
People do not die of colds.人才不会因为感冒而死呢
But she may perish with the shame of having such a mother.但是他可能会因为他有这种母亲羞愤而死
I must go to Netherfield at once.我必须马上去尼德斐园
Lady Bathurst is redecorating her ballroom in the French style.巴瑟斯特太太正在把宴会厅重新装潢成法国式的
A little unpatriotic, don't you think?有点不爱国, 你不觉得吗?
Miss Elizabeth Bennet.伊丽莎白贝纳小姐
Good Lord, did you walk here?天阿, 你走路来的吗?
I did.是阿
I'm so sorry. How is my sister?.She's upstairs.真抱歉我姐姐怎么了?她在楼上
Thank you.谢谢
My goodness, did you see her hem?. Six inches deep in mud.天阿, 你看到她的裙摆了吗?六寸深的泥巴
She looked positively mediaeval.她看起来还真俗气阿
I feel such a terrible imposition.They're being so kind to me.我觉得好不平衡他们对我真好
I don't know who is more pleased at your being here, Mama or Mr Bingley.我真不知道你在这里是谁比较高兴是妈妈还是宾里先生
Thank you for tending to my sister so diligently.感谢你们这么尽力照顾我姐姐
She's in far better comfort than at home.她现在比在家里还舒服
It's a pleasure.你这么说真是荣幸
I mean, it's not a pleasure that she's ill. Of course not.我是说, 她生病了一点都不荣幸.当然不It's a pleasure that she's here,being ill.她在这里生病才荣幸
Not going to be famous, our pig.我们的猪是不会成名的
Black on the back, but not related to the learned pig of Norwich.背部是黑的, 但是和挪利其那些被教导过的猪是不一样的
Now that pig is...Mr Bennet.现在那些猪...贝纳先生
It's all going to plan.He's half in love with her already.现在一切照计划进行他已经一半爱上她了
Who is, blossom?Mr Bingley.谁开花了?宾里先生
He doesn't mind that she hasn't a penny.他不在乎她一毛钱都没有
He has more than enough for the two of them.反正他有够他们两个用一辈子的钱
How will we meet them?.Easy!我们要怎么见他们?简单!
Wait for me!等等我!
You drop something. They pick it up. And then you're introduced.你掉一样东西, 他们把它捡起来这样你就有露到脸了
You write uncommonly fast, Mr Darcy.你写得真是异常的快阿, 达西先生
You're mistaken. I write slowly.你错了, 我写得很慢
How many letters you must have occasion to write, Mr Darcy.你平常大概都要写几封信阿, 达西先生Letters of business.How odious I should think them.我想生意上的信件还真令人作恶
It is fortunate, then,they fall to me and not you.那他们不去妳那边,而到我这边还真是件好事阿Tell your sister I long to see her.告诉你妹妹我很想见到她
I've already told her once.I do dote on her.我已经跟她说过一次了我真是被她迷住了
I was quite in raptures at her beautiful design for a table.我为她对桌子的美丽设计深深着迷Perhaps you will give me leave to defer your raptures.你应该会准我延后你的着迷
I have not room enough to do them justice.因为我没有空间来公平的处理它们
You young ladies are so accomplished.你们年轻女孩还真有教养
What do you mean?.You paint tables, play the piano你是什么意思?你们帮桌子彩绘, 弹琴
and embroider cushions.还在垫子上绣花
I never heard of a lady,but people say she's accomplished.我还没听说过有人说,年轻女孩没有教养的
The word is applied too liberally.这个字被滥用了
I do not know more than half a dozen women我认识这样的女人不超过6个
that are truly accomplished.Nor I.他们真的都很有教养.我也没有
Goodness, you must comprehend a great deal in the idea.天阿, 你在这方面一定很了解
I do.Absolutely.的确一点都没错
She must have a knowledge of music,singing, drawing, dancing她必须了解音乐, 歌唱, 绘画, 舞蹈and the modern languages to deserve the word.以及流行语言方面的知识才配得上这个字
And something in her air and manner of walking.还有一些她的气质以及走路的仪态
And she must improve her mind by extensive reading.而且她必须广泛的阅读以促进她的知识
I'm no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women.我不会再因为你只认识六个有教养的女人而惊讶了
I wonder at you knowing any.Are you so severe on your own sex?我怀疑你有认识任何有教养的女人.你对你们女性这么严格吗?
I never saw such a woman. She would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold.我从来没见过这样的女人.她一定是个让人看了就怕的东西
Miss Elizabeth, let us take a turn about the room.伊丽莎白小姐,我们在房间里绕绕吧
It's refreshing, is it not,after sitting so long in one attitude?很提神对吧,尤其又在同一个地方坐这么久
It is a small kind of accomplishment,I suppose.我想这是小小教养的一种
Will you not join us, Mr Darcy?达西先生要不要一起来阿?
You can only have two motives,and I would interfere with either.你们只会有两种动机,而我与两者都抵触
What can he mean?他这是什么意思?
The surest way to disappoint him would be to ask him nothing.最能让他感到沮丧的方法就是不要再问他任何事
Do tell us, Mr Darcy.告诉我们吧, 达西先生
Either you are in each other's confidence你们都互相受对方的信任
and you have secret affairs to discuss,而且你们也有秘密要讨论
or you are conscious that your figures或者是你们认知到你们的体态
appear to the greatest advantage by walking.在你们走路的时候才能展露无遗
If the first,I should get in your way.如果是第一个,那我一定妨碍到你们
If the second,I can admire you much better from here.如果是第二个,我在这个位置才能好好的欣赏你们
How shall we punish him for such a speech?我们要怎么惩罚他说了这种话?
We could laugh at him.No. Mr Darcy is not to be teased.我们可以嘲笑他不, 达西先生是不会被捉弄的
Are you too proud, Mr Darcy?. And would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?你不会太骄傲吗, 达西先生?还有你觉得骄傲是美德还是错误?
I couldn't say.We're trying to find a fault in you.我不能说,我们正在试着在你身上找缺点
I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others,我发现,要原谅别人的无知及罪恶真的很难,
or their offences against me.或者是他们对我的侵犯
My good opinion,once lost, is lost forever.我的良心建议,一步错, 步步错
Oh, dear.I cannot tease you about that.喔, 天阿我不能用这嘲笑你
What a shame,for I dearly love to laugh.这是羞耻阿,因为我非常喜欢笑
A family trait, I think.我想这是家族特性吧
A Mrs Bennet, a Miss Bennet,a Miss Bennet and a Miss Bennet, sir.一位贝纳太太, 一位贝纳小姐,一位贝纳小姐和一位贝纳小姐, 先生
Are we to receive every Bennet in the country?我们该不会接待这个国家里所有姓贝纳的吧?
What an excellent room you have, sir.先生, 你的房间真棒
Such expensive furnishings.好名贵的摆设阿
I do hope you intend to stay here, Mr Bingley.宾里先生, 我真心希望你能够待在这里
Absolutely, I find the country very diverting. Don't you agree, Darcy?当然, 我发现这个地方非常的多元化.是不是阿, 达西?
I find it perfectly adequate.我觉得还好而已
Even if society is a little less varied than in town.即使在这里社交不像城里这么有变化
Less varied?. Not at all.有比较少吗? 一点也不
We dine with four and 20 families of all shapes and sizes.我们和20个各种各样的家庭一起用餐Sir William Lucas, for instance,is a very agreeable man.例如威廉卢卡斯先生就是个非常好的人And a good deal less self-important than some people half his rank.一点都不自大,不像某些人因此而降低了他的格调
Mr Bingley,is it true you will hold a ball here?宾里先生, 听说你最近要在这里举办一场舞会是真的吗?
A ball?舞会?
It would be an excellent way to meet new friends. You could invite the militia.办舞会是与新朋友见见面的好方法.你可以邀请军官们来参加
Oh, do hold a ball!Kitty!喔, 办舞会吧!凯蒂!
When your sister recovers,you shall name the day.等你姐姐康复了,就随你们选的日子办
I think a ball is an irrational way to gain new acquaintance.我觉得办舞会来认识新朋友是个很荒谬的事
It would be better if conversation,not dancing, were the order of the day.如果现在的常态是会谈而不是舞会该有多好
Indeed, much more rational,but rather less like a ball.没错, 更为理性,要是舞会的话就不理性多了
Thank you, Mary.谢谢你, 玛莉.
What a fine imposing place to be sure,is it not, my dears?的确是个壮观的好房子, 对吧?亲爱的女儿们
There's no house to equal it in the county.在这个郡里面没有能和这栋房子相比的了
Mr Darcy.Miss Bennet.达西先生.贝纳小姐.
There she is.I don't know how to thank you.她就在那真不知道该怎么谢你
You're welcome any timeyou feel the least bit poorly.随时欢迎你, 希望你没有觉得不快
Thank you for your stimulating company.Most instructive.感谢你促进友情, 这真的很有启发性
Not at all. The pleasure is all mine.不客气, 我也完全享受到这份快乐
Mr Darcy.Miss Elizabeth.达西先生伊丽莎白小姐
And then there was onewith great long lashes, like a cow.然后来了一个睫毛很长的人,像头母牛一样
Ask Mrs Hill to order us a sirloin, Betsy.吩咐希尔太太帮我们订沙朗牛肉, 贝齐.
Just the one, mind.We're not made of money.记住, 只要一份我们可不是钱做的
I hope, my dear,you've ordered a good dinner today.亲爱的, 我希望你吩咐过要准备一顿丰盛的晚餐I've reason to expect an addition to our family party.我有充分的理由期待今晚会有人来加入我们的家庭聚会
His name's Mr Collins, the dreaded cousin.他叫柯林斯, 一个可怕的表侄
Who is to inherit?.Everything.就是那个来继承的人?没错, 很明显就是所有的东西
Even my piano stool belongs to Mr Collins.连我的钢琴凳都属于柯林斯先生
He may turn us out of the house as soon as he pleases.只要他高兴随时都可以把我们轰出家门
The estate passes directly to him and not to us poor females.所有的财产都直接移转给他,而我们这些可怜的女人啥都拿不到
Mr Collins, at your service.我是柯林斯, 为您服务
What a superbly featured room and what excellent potatoes.真是华丽而体面的房间还有这马铃薯真是太棒了
It's many years since I've had such an exemplary vegetable.我已经有好几年没有吃到这么棒的蔬菜了
To which fair cousin should I compliment the excellence of the cooking?为了美丽的堂妹,舅舅我能不能对这完美的厨艺表示点敬意呢?
We are perfectly able to keep a cook.我们完全能负担得起这一餐
I'm very pleased the estate can afford such a living.我很高兴这个庄园能提供这样的生活
I'm honoured to have as my patroness Lady Catherine de Bourgh.我很幸运能有一位女赞助者凯瑟琳德波夫人
You've heard of her, I presume?我想你应该听说过她吧?
My small rectory abuts her estate,我的小教堂紧邻着他的庄园,
Rosings Park,and she often condescends罗新斯园,而且她总是很谦虚
to drive by my humble dwelling in her little phaeton and ponies.会乘着她的马车到我简陋的寒舍坐坐
Does she have any family?她有家人吗?
One daughter, the heiress of Rosings and very extensive property.一个女儿, 也就是罗新斯园和大笔财产的女继承人
I've often observed to Lady Catherine我经常和凯瑟琳女士说
that her daughter seemed born to be a duchess,她女儿似乎生来就是要当公爵夫人的
for she has all the superior graces of elevated rank.因为她拥有所有超过她的身份的过人魅力These kind of compliments are always acceptable to the ladies,女士们总是喜欢接受这样的恭维, and which I conceive myself particularly bound to pay.而我认为这就是我特别有必要去付出的How happy for you, Mr Collins,对你来说还真幸运,柯林斯先生,
to possess the talent for flattering with such delicacy.拥有如此灵巧的阿谀奉承天赋
Do these attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment这些奉承是出于急智
or are they the result of previous study?或是出于事先研究?
They arise from what is passing at the time.大多是临场脱口而出
And though I do sometimes amuse myself with arranging such little compliments,但我有时也乐于整理一些小小的恭维话,
I always wish to give them as unstudied an air as possible.我一直希望能把它们讲得尽量自然些Oh, believe me, no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed.喔, 相信我,没有人会怀疑你是事先练过的
After dinner, I thought I might read to you for an hour or two.晚饭后,我想我可以为你们读一两个小时经
I have with me Fordyce's Sermons我有本"佛德西讲道"
which speak very eloquently on all matters moral.它把道德的各种内涵描述的很生动
Are you familiar with Fordyce's Sermons,Miss Bennet?贝纳小姐对这本"佛德西讲道"熟悉吗?
Mrs Bennet, I have been bestowed by the good grace of Lady Catherine de Bourgh贝纳太太, 慈善的凯瑟琳德波夫人有送给我
a parsonage of no mean size.一间还算大的牧师公馆
I have become aware of the fact.我担心了这件事好一阵子
It is my avowed hope that soon I may find a mistress for it.我公开的表示.希望我很快能为它找个女主人
And I have to inform you that the eldest Miss Bennet而我必须告诉你, 最大的那位贝纳小姐
has captured my special attention.特别吸引我的注意
Oh, Mr Collins.喔, 柯林斯先生
Unfortunately, it is incumbent upon me很不巧的, 我有义务要告诉你的是
to hint that the eldest Miss Bennet is very soon to be engaged.最大的贝纳小姐很快就要订婚了Engaged.订婚
But Miss Lizzie,next to her in age and beauty,但是丽西小姐,虽然年纪较小, 姿色也稍次
would make anyone an excellent partner.会是任何人的好伴侣
Do not you agree?. Mr Collins?你不觉得吗? 柯林斯先生?
Indeed. Indeed.的确...的确...
A very agreeable alternative.很不错的替代
Mr Collins is a man who makes you despair at the entire sex.柯林斯先生真的是那种会让你对男人绝望的人
Yours, I believe.Oh, Mr Wickham, how perfect you are.这应该是你的吧.喔, 威卡先生, 你真是完美He picked up my handkerchief.Did you drop yours on purpose?他把我的手帕捡起来了你是故意把你的弄掉的吗?
Mr Wickham is a lieutenant.威卡先生是中尉
An enchanted lieutenant.What are you up to, Liddy?一个令人着迷的中尉你们在做什么, 莉蒂?
We happened to be looking for ribbon.. White, for the ball.我们刚好在找彩带白色的, 舞会要用的Shall we all look for some ribbon together?我们能不能一起来看一些彩带阿?
Good afternoon, Mr James.Miss Lydia, Miss Bennet.午安, 詹姆斯先生莉蒂雅小姐, 贝纳小姐
I shan't even browse.我连看都不会看
I can't be trusted.I have poor taste in ribbons.真是不敢相信.我对彩带真是一点品味都没有
Only a truly confident man would admit that.只有真正有自信的男人才会这么说
No, it's true.不, 是真的
And buckles.When it comes to buckles, I'm lost.还有钩子.一讲到钩子, 我就昏了
You must be the shame of the regiment.The laughing stock.那你大概是民兵团之耻.是笑话
What do your superiors do with you?那你的上司怎么对待你的?
Ignore me. I'm of next to no importance,so it's easily done.忽视我. 我还蛮不重要的,所以要忽视我很简单
Lizzie, lend me some money.You already owe me a fortune.丽西, 借我一点钱.你已经欠我一大笔钱了Allow me to oblige.No, Mr Wickham, please...让我帮点小忙不,威卡先生 , 拜托...
I insist.我坚持
I pity the French..So do l.我真同情法国人.我也是
Look, Mr Bingley.Mr Bingley!看, 是宾里先生宾里先生!
I was just on my way to your house.我正要去你们家呢
How do you like my ribbons for your ball?你觉得我这些买来,用在你舞会上的彩带怎样?
Very beautiful.She is. Look, she's blooming.很漂亮她才是. 看, 她正像开花一样美呢
Oh, Lydia.喔, 莉蒂雅
Be sure to invite Mr Wickham.He is a credit to his profession.记得要邀请威卡先生.他可是军人之光
You can't invite people to other people's balls.你不能邀请人去参加别人的舞会阿
Of course, you must come, Mr Wickham.当然, 你一定要来, 威卡先生
If you'll excuse me,ladies, enjoy the day.恕我失陪, 小姐们.祝你们有个美好的一天
Do you plan to go to the Netherfield ball, Mr Wickham?你有打算去尼德斐园的舞会吗, 威卡先生? Perhaps. How long has Mr Darcy been a guest there?应该吧. 达西先生来这里多久了?
About a month.大概一个月
Forgive me, but are you acquainted with him, with Mr Darcy?恕我直问,你是不是认识达西先生? Indeed, I've been connected with his family since infancy.当然, 我从小就和他们家有往来
You may well be surprised,given our cold greeting this afternoon.你可能会觉得很惊讶.尤其我们。
