牛津译林版英语九年级上册:Unit 8 Detective stories. Comic str

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养 新 世 纪 的 四有新 人而努 力。 1、 加 强 学 校 精神文 明建设 ,培养 德、智 、体、 美、劳 全面发 展的四 有新人 。我们 始 终 把 德 育 工作放 在学校 工作的 首位,大 力开展 四有教 育,着力 培养学生的优良品德 和 优 良 习 惯 ,抓住契 机、开 展理想 、信念 、爱国 主义、 集体主 义的社 会主义教育,使 我 校 形 成 了 良好的 校风、 教风、 学风、 考风,初 步树立 正确的 人生观 、价值 观的世
Detective Story 3: Who is the murderer?
Last Saturday night at 8p.m., a young man was murdered.The murder hapቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱened in Sun Town.
James Brown
Emily Smith
Make up a dialouge and discuss who you think
might be the murderer.
Sample conversation
S1: Who do you think is not telling the truth? S2: I guess Jimmy White is lying. S1: Why? S2: Because he’s tall and strong. Perhaps he’s
界观。 2、 积 极 开 展 创建文 明学校 活动成 立创建 文明学 校领导 小组,广 泛开 展创文 明学校 、 创 文 明 班 级、创 文明宿 舍、做 文明的 海平人 、向不 文明行 为告别 签字活 动等主 题 活 动 。 进 行文明 班级和 文明宿 舍评比 ,每学期 进行一 次优秀 学生干 部、优 秀学生 评 选 ,树 典 型 ,学先进 ,促进 精神文 明之花 在学生 中开放 ,校园中 的文明 言行,良 好习惯
Suspect 3
Name: Emily Smith
Lives in: Star Town
Last Saturday:
was working at her restaurant in Sun Town
small, fat and quiet
Jimmy White Frank Johnson
Suspect 1
Name: James Brown Job: Doctor Lives in: Moon Town Last Saturday:
was working in a hospital
AinpSpuenarTaonwcne/Personality: Appearance/Personality:
tall, slim and serious
Suspect 2
Name: Jimmy White
Job: shopkeeper
Lives in: Sun Town Last Saturday:
was in New City
Appearance/Personality: tall, strong and helpful
Sherlock Holmes
Bao Zheng
师 德 师 风 建 设先进 集体汇 报材料 参考 师 德 即 教 师 的职业 道德,是 一种精 神体现 ,一种深 厚的知 识内涵 和文化 品味的 体现! 以 下 是 小 编 搜集并 整理的 汇报材 料有关 内容,希 望在阅 读之余 对大家 能有所 帮助! 我 校 坚 持 社 会主义 办学方 向,全面 贯彻教 育方针 ,全面提 高学生 思想道 德素质 ,为培
Jimmy White. Because he lives in Sun Town. 2. Who does Daniel think might be the
Frank Johnson. Because he looks untidy and nervous.
Pair work
How should we protect ourselves against crimes?
(1)Don’t go alone whenever go out,go to school or after school. 外出、上下学时要结伴而行。
(2)Tell parents where to go and when to return. 出外行踪应告知父母,并言明返家时刻。
Suspect 1 Suspect 2 Suspect 3
of medium height
Who is the robber? What’s your opinion?
I think (Suspect1 /Suspect2/Suspect3)is the robber because…
Read and dub (配音)the Comic Strip.
Act it out
Fill in the blanks
Eddie is d_______rleikseseadd________et.eHcetivisedoing some very important w______. He isn’t looking oforkr a m___________. He is lookinugrdf_e_re_r_ his f______ because his food has goneomr _____o. oHde thinks his work is much m______ serious. issing
(6)Learn to get help from school or police. 学会向学校或警方求助。
Let’s help create a world of harmony.
We think we are all clever , fair ,confident and creative. We should use these good qualities to study hard , then in the future we can get our favourtive occupations and devote ourselves to creating a world of harmony.
We think
is the most likely to be
the murderer, because…
Daniel and Sandy are also talking about the murder in Sun Town.
Listen and answer.
1. Who does Sandy think might be the murderer? Why?
According to the clues, they can find out the
suspects and see who is guilty. Their job is to
tell people the truth. tell the truth
Suspect 4
Name: Frank Johnson Job: an office worker Lives in : Sky Town Last Saturday:
was at home alone
of medium height, untidy nervous
Discuss in groups
(3)Close the door whenever get or leave home. 进出家门要养成随手关门习惯。
(4)Wear tidy and clean clothes instead of expensive ones. 平日穿戴应以整齐清洁为原则,不宜过分昂贵。
(5)Keep distance when unknown drivers ask for directions. 驾车的陌生人问路,应保持距离。
good at fighting
S1: I don’t think so. He/She is helpful. S2: Then who do you think is the murderer? S1: Perhaps James Brown killed the man , because he was in Sun Town last Saturday.
Homework 1. Recite the new words and
the Comic Strip. 2. Make up a detective story.
Idiom(成语) :
Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven.
Watch and answer
1. What is he really looking for?
. His missing food
2. What is a detective? A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important.
Can you help me find out the suspect?
suspect (s)
Well done! You can be very good detectives!
Detective Story 2: Robbery (抢劫)
A man robbed an old lady on the road and he was seen running into the railway station..
蔚蓝成风。 二 深 化 教 育 改革,全 面推进 素质教 育。 1抓 《 课 程 计 划》的 落实,开 足、 开齐各 门课程 。学校 把落实 课程计 划,开足 、开齐

Di Renjie
Detectives are good at looking for clues to something important
Doyou think Eddie can be a good detective? Why or Why? What qualities should a real detective have?. He should be _________.
clever careful brave patient calm hard-working kind imaginative organized fair curious talented confident thoughtful …