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Hi, everyone, and welcome again to Radio English on Sunday. This is Bruce,
/ and this is Peter,
/ today we take a look at unit twenty two, Boston: Heart of American Culture.
Last week we talked a little bit about New England, when we talked about the stories of (Mobydick ⼈名) and of (Jaws,) today we take a look at the largest and most important city in that region, Boston, the city of Boston.
Let's get busy reading through. We read paragraph by paragraph for you; first I read it in English and then Peter will review the more important vocabulary items or structures for you to pay attention to. Then, when we finish reading and explaining the whole article, we go back for a final reading. Please listen now to the first reading of the first paragraph.
When people think of "American culture and values", they are unconsciously referring to a set of principles, a world view, and a lifestyle which can best be found in Boston. Capital of the state of Massachusetts, and the major city in all of New England. Those six relatively small states tucked away in the northeastern corner of the US. Although Boston is perhaps the seventh or eighth largest city in the US, no other city in America can compare with the influence which Boston has had on the development of government, education, medicine and the arts.
To make one fold or several folds in.
To gather up and fold, thrust, or turn in so as to secure or confine:
She tucked her scarf into her blouse.
To put in a snug spot.
To put in an out-of-the-way, snug place:
a cabin that was tucked among the pines.
To store in a safe spot; save:
tuck away a bit of lace; tuck away millions.
To draw in; contract:
He tucked his chin into his chest.
卷起, ?? 折短; 在⾐服上打横褶(up)
包起, 卷紧
使盖好被⼦安睡(up, in)
把...塞[挤]进; 藏起(in, into); 使隐藏(away); 使蜷曲
[俚]绞死, 吊死(up)
[英俚]⼤吃(in, away, into)
tuck one's book under sth.
tuck the child up in bed
be tucked away in a wardrobe
tuck away both steak and chicken
The bird tucked its head under its wing.
T-him up!
tuck away
Here we focus on Boston, which is the capital and largest city of Messichusetts, in the northeastern corner we say of the country. New England is quite a small area, and it doesn't have a big population, but over the development of the US it has had a great influence on the type of culture, which America has today. This influence can best be seen by visiting Boston, and you will notice, that it's government, the educational (pocilities) the medical (pocilities) and the art schools and art troops and so on are very well-developed there, and they were more or less the seeds from which other such institutions grew throughout the rest of the United States.
/ Right. Particularly as far as education is concerned. This city, Boston, is a very very important one, because many good schools are located in or near Boston.
/ Right.
/ Messichusetts, by the way, is the state reminds me of a very old song that used to be very popular (at) the nineteen sixties. [Singing a song...]
/ As you know, Americans have different accents or dialects, so as you travel through the country, you will hear the names of cities or other places pronounced differently. After all if we travel around China, we also hear many dialects spoken so we shouldn't be surprised to hear that Americans speak in different dialects, too.
/ to be tucked away, ..
__________tuck, v, 使隐藏,使隐蔽,
Some of the wildest natural scenery in the US is tucked away in Maine, New England.
/ to tuck them into bed at night.
/ What does this mean?
/ Oh, that was one my favorite childhood memories when Dad or Mom, when we were ready for sleep, we had sheets on the bed and blanket also in winter, and they would put the sheet or blanket under the (matress), firmly, securely, and it gave you a little bit pressure but it made you feel warm and secure, too. And this is tucking children into bed. As a child, that was one of my favorite memories.
/ ⼩孩⼦塞进毯⼦⾥头的意思,温暖,安全的感觉,
Ok, let's continue now finding out more about Boston.
This influence is due in no small part to Boston's central role in the building of a new nation. Many people think that the United States was established in seventeen seventy six, however, that was the year of the Declaration of Independence, a revolutionary document claiming self-rule from its mother country, England. Actual independence, the formation of a government with an acting present, George Washington, did not begin until seventeen eighty nine. Boston was nearly mid-aged then, as it had had its beginnings a century and a half earlier, in sixteen thirty. It maintained its position as the colonies' pre-eminent center for politics, education, and commerce until the mid-eighteenth century, when both New York and (Philiodelvia 地名), the young nation's first and second capitals respectively, overtook Bostin in size.
_______self-rule, = self-government, ⾃治
AHD: o.ver.tak.en;
AHD: o.ver.tak.ing; o.ver.takes;
To catch up with; draw even or level with.
To pass after catching up with.
To come upon unexpectedly; take by surprise:
geopolitical strategists who were overtaken by events in the Middle East.
追[赶]上; 超过
突然侵袭; 压倒
overtake another car
be overtaken by a storm
be overtaken in [with] drink
be overtaken with terror
We take a look in this paragraph at Boston's history, from sixteen thirty, when it began, when it was established, until about seventeen fifties, or seventeen sixties, for that century and a half or so, Boston was the most important city of the young colonies and the, oh that's right, the (calt) colonial period, when there were thirteen colonies, that was not yet the country of the US. During that period of America's growth, Boston was the most important city. It was the largest city, the center of political power, commercial or financial power, and of education as well. It also provided the state of Messichusetts (地名,马萨什么什么的) with, provided the US with many of its early presidents, which shows its power, even in this century. JaneCanidy (⼈名肯尼迪什么什么的) was the last president elected from Messichusetts, George Bush was born there, although he was a resident of Texas (得克杀死州) when he was elected as President. Many of our presidents were born or educated in the state of Massachusetts.
/ ...this influence is due in no small part to Boston's central role...
is due to, 表⽰由于...
他的成功部分是因为我们的帮助 His success is due in part to our help. in part, 部分地,due partly to our help.
那么 this influence is due in no small part to Boston's central role ...这个in no small part ..其实等于 mainly,
..this influence is due mainly to Boston's central role ...
/ Ok, let's continue on the next page.
Boston was settled by religious immigrants from the church of England. It was with these early settlers that the first outlines of an American culture began. A strict adherence to religious dicta, diligence in work, educational aspirations and conservative lifestyle. Because Boston is closer to Europe than any other city in the US, is was the point of entry to the colonies until the nineteen century, when New York became the new magnet for the poor, tired, and huddled masses, who were to become the backbone of the new American economy. Boston remained, however, an important commercial center until the twentieth century.
_________adherence, n
The process or condition of adhering.
Faithful attachment; devotion:
揂dherence to the rule of law . . . is a very important principle?William H. Webster)
遵守; ⽀持(常指精神⽀持); 忠诚
粘着[附, 结]; 粘着(⼒)
固着; 连接
流⼊, 注⼊
rigid adherence to rules
-ta 或 -tums
We find out about who settled Boston, these were religious immigrants; these were people who wanted to freely practise their religion, they couldn't do this in the England of the seventeenth century, so they went by ship to the north American continent, to the English colonies there, or they settled up English colonies there, and these people had certain trace or characteristics which we can still find among the people of New England. 1032 They're very religious; they follow their religions very carefully; they work very hard; they try to get as much education as they can, and they live rather conservatively. They don't buy a lot of fancy things; they live a regular daily life. Get up at the same time every morning; they have the meals at the same time everyday, and they go to bed after the evening news every night. It's a very conservative lifestyle. Now Boston has a lot of European influence, and although it was earlier the biggest city in the US, New York, during the nineteenth century, quickly overcame or overplayed Boston in size and power, because many of the new immigrants went to New York rather than to Boston, because New York has an excellent harbor, and it's a much larger area to develop the city in.
/ Even today those people from Boston give me the idea that they are very conservative, very conservative. If I were to live in that area, wow, then I don't know what will happen to me.
/ Well, Boston will go down hill, if you move there. :P
/ adherence, n, ---> adhere, v, adhere to, 1, 坚守,追随,拥护,2,粘附,粘着,
You have to adhere to your principles. 坚守你的原则,You have to abide by your principles. 在⼝语⾥⼲脆⽤you have to stick to your principles.
/ ..in oral English we often say "to stick to your principles".
/ ..for "the poor, tired, and huddled" masses, ..what does the word "huddle" exactly mean?
/ I believe these words are written on the statue of liberty. And the Statue of Liberty is the same, "give me your poor, tired, and huddled masses", here the people from Europe came by boat to the US, and they were huddled together; they put many many people together on these boats, so really "huddled" means "crowded" here.
_________the Statue of Liberty, ⽼美的⾃由⼥神像,
________Declaration of Independence, ⽼美的独⽴宣⾔,
Next paragraph, second paragraph on this page.
Today, Boston caters to finance and banking, education and medicine, with some of the top international mutual fund and insurance companies, world-renowned educational institutes, and state of the art, medical centers and schools. The city has also managed to preserve much of its earlier identity as the home of the American revolution. Thus, tourism is an important
sector in the economy of Boston as well. Like San Francisco or New Orleans, Boston has a reputation for being a pleasant city to admire while walking around it.
To provide food or entertainment.
To be particularly attentive or solicitous; minister:
The nurses catered to my every need. The legislation catered to various special interest groups.
To provide food service for:
a business that caters banquets and weddings.
To attend to the wants or needs of.
备办酒菜, 承办酒席; 提供⾷物[娱乐节⽬]
迎合, 投合
a restaurant catering only to the Muslims
专供穆斯林就餐的饭店, 清真馆⼦
cater for the need of the customers
What about Boston today? Well, finance, banking, education, medicine, also the arts, as well as tourism, help to give Boston a well-rounded economy, and a very professional white color? kind of economy. It's not a large manufactory or agricultural center, most of the industries or businesses there are what we call "white color", businesses or industries.
/ well-rounded, 很全⾯的,很周全的。
2,表⽰的⼈的时候,表⽰“成熟的,处事周到的”---> mature,
He's well-rounded, ---> he's quite mature,
/ Well, you are well-rounded, too, Peter, :P
/ :D 这是⼀种开玩笑的⽤法了。
/ Oh, yeah, that's right. If you are, uhh, look, I am a little fat, too, so I shouldn't be the (croll) calling the kettle black, what's that? / Oh, the pot calling the kettle black. 五⼗步笑百步,
/ :P We don't call people who are fat "well-rounded". I was just kidding.
Ok, let's continue here.
What can one do in Boston? Important historic sights, well-preserved examples of architecture from the seventeenth through twentieth centuries, and spacious parks invite the tourists or residents to smell the roses while in Boston. Its unhurried but sophisticated citizens boast not only high incomes, but also high levels of education. Music, flourishes here: the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the New England Conservatory of Music, and the Boston Pops Orchestra offer first-class musical entertainment in both public and private venues. The museum of fine arts is a major world gallery. Science Park, situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city, Cambridge, offers the museum of science. Had enough of high-brow culture? Boston affords its citizens and visitors many first-class restaurants and shopping dockside in (Vanual Hall 地名). Historic walking tours are a m u s t f o r t h e t o u r i s t s , e s p e c i a l l y B o s t o n C o m m o n s , a c i t y p a r k , a n d B e a
c o n H i l l , w i t h i t s r o a
d s s t i l l p a v
e d w i t h t h e o r i g i n a l s t o n e s
f r o m t h e s e v e n t e e n t h c e n t u r y . A
d m i r
e r s o
f u n i v e r s i t y c a m p u s e s s t e e p e d i n t r a d i t i o n s h o u l d s e e H a r v a r d , t h e n a t i o n ' s o l d
e s t u n i v e r s i t y , s i x t e e n t h i r t y s i x , a s w e l l a s t h e M a s s a c h u s e t t s I n s t i t u t e o
f T e c h n o l o
g y , E m e r s o n C o l l e g e , B o s t o n C o l l e g e a n d B o s t o n U n i v e r s i t y , a l l i n t
h e m e t r o p o l
i t a n a r e a . 1 7 5 3 b r > b r > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d o c k s i d e , b r > b r > n . b r > b r > T h e a r e a a d
j a c e n t t o a b o a t i n g d o c
k . b r >。