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Unit 9
Text I
1. trilogy []n. a group of three books, films/movies, etc. that
have the same subject or characters三部曲
2. voice-over []n. The voice of an unseen narrator, or of an
on-screen character not seen speaking, in a movie or a television
broadcast画外音,旁白:a male/ female voice-over男/女话外音
3. stutter [] v. a)to have difficulty speaking because you cannot stop
yourself from repeating the first sound of some words several times口吃,
结巴;b)n. this kind of speech problem口吃,结巴
4. snicker []v. to laugh quietly and in a way that is not nice at
something which is not supposed to be funny窃笑:Seeing Lily still spoke
without noticing his leaving, he snickered.看到Lily没有发现他离开了,仍在
5.traumatic ] adj. extremely unpleasant and causing you to
feel upset and/or anxious创伤的,痛苦而难忘的:Our journey home was
pretty traumatic.我们归途中不太顺心。
6. catfish []n.a type of fish that has whiskers around its mouth and
lives in rivers or lakes鲶鱼
7. prodigious []adj. very large or powerful and causing
surprise or admiration; enormous巨大的,惊人的,奇异的:We are all
overwhelmed by his prodigious memory.我们都被他那惊人的记忆力折服
8. nondenominational ] adj. not restricted to a
particular religious group不限于一宗教宗派的,与宗教宗派无关的9. humiliate ]v.to make sb. feel ashamed or stupid and lose
the respect of other people羞辱,使丢脸:It was not my intention to hurt
or humiliate her.我不是有意要伤她使她下不来台的。
10. vent n. a)an opening that allows air, gas or liquid to pass out of or
into a room, building, container, etc通风孔,出烟孔,出口;b)v. to express
feelings of anger, hatred etc, especially by doing something violent or harmful发泄,表达:to vent one’s anger on; to give vent to one’s indignation出气
11.pound v.to hit sth/ sb. hard many times, especially in a way that
makes a lot of noise捣碎,敲打,连续猛击:He pounded the table angrily.
12. grit v.clench咬紧(牙齿等):grit your teeth 咬紧牙关
13.retreat ] n.a quiet or private place that one goes to in order to
rest or concentrate on a particular problem or task隐退(处):His retreat
won him a tranquil environment for his life.他的隐退使他获得了宁静的生活
14. savor []v.enjoy and appreciate something like food, or drink, or an
experience品尝,欣赏:He savored his success.他回味自己的成就。
15. kinship []n.a feeling of being close to sb. because you have
similar origins or attitudes亲密关系:I feel a strong kinship with him.我觉
16. sermon []n.a talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given
by a religious leader during a service布道,讲道
17.critique ] n. a piece of written criticism of a set of ideas, a work
of art, etc评论,批评:The poignant critique of the journalist made the
president speechless.记者尖锐的评论使总统无言以对。
18. smirk n.an affected or silly smile假笑,得意地笑:An honesty smile
or a smirk are easily to be distinguished.真诚的微笑还是假笑是很容易区分
19. wry adj. humorously sarcastic or mocking讽刺的;扭曲的:Gradually a
wry smile settled on his face.一丝苦笑浮现在他脸上。
make a wry face做鬼脸
20. in a daze: feeling confused and not able to think clearly恍惚地,茫然地:In a daze,
I heard someone murmuring outside the door.恍惚中,我听到门外有人在
21. dubious [] adj. hesitating or doubting怀疑的,犹豫不决的:I am
dubious about accepting the offer of the job.我犹豫不定是否接受提供给我
22. cadence [] n.rhythm in sound节奏;韵律:He liked the relaxed
cadence of his retired life.他喜欢退休生活的悠闲的节奏。
23. tutelage [n. teaching and instruction监护,指导:The
children must be under the tutelage of their parents to do this kind of
24. oratorical ] adj. connected with the art of public speaking
演说的,雄辩的:an oratorical contest演说比赛;oratorical skills演讲术
25. maneuver ] n. a)(in pl.)military activities, such as pretending
to fight a battle, which are done as practice or training演习:The
military maneuver was a deterrent to Japan.那场军事演习是对日本的一
b)v. to move or turn skillfully or to move or turn something
skillfully, especially something large and heavy巧妙地操纵,运用(或处
理):He maneuvered his car into the garage.他设法把汽车开进车库。
26. mentor []n.an experienced person who advises and helps sb. with
less experience over a period of time导师:During my years in the
institution, my mentor gave me much help.在研究所的那些年,我的导师给
27. vibrant [] adj. full of activity or energy in a way that is exciting
and attractive充满活力的,生气勃勃的:The city is vibrant with life.这城市
28. resurrect ]v.a)to rise from the dead; to bring life back to
复活:That noise is enough to resurrect the dead!那噪音都能把死人吵活!
b)to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for
a long time复兴:It is possible to resurrect the broken relationship by
showing your sincerity.通过展示你的真诚,破裂的关系是有可能复原的。
29. abundant ]adj. existing in large quantities; more than
enough; plentiful丰富的, 充裕的:The country is abundant in natural
Text II
1. chip n.a small piece of silicon that has a set of complicated electrical
connections on it and is used to store and process information in computers 芯片;集成电路片:One day in the future, a tiny chip will contain all the beautiful memories of one’s old times.将来会有一天,人们昔日所有的美好记忆都可以储存在一个小小的芯片里。