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1.How many colors are in a rainbow?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
2.I have a ___ (goal) to finish my homework.
3.My ________ (玩具) is a source of inspiration.
4. A ______ (蜜蜂) is important for pollinating plants.
5.What do you call the middle of a story?
A. Beginning
B. Climax
C. Ending
D. Rising action
6. A ________ (植物适应性分析) aids understanding.
7.I have a close _____ (伙伴) at school.
8.My favorite animal is a _______ (熊猫).
9.What do we call the act of telling a lie?
A. Honesty
B. Deceit
C. Truthfulness
D. Integrity
10.My ________ (玩具名称) is a great way to make new friends.
11.They are ___ a game outside. (playing)
12.The first successful airplane flight was achieved by the ______ (莱特兄弟).
13.What is the shape of a basketball?
A. Square
B. Rectangle
C. Triangle
D. Circle
14.What is the name of the famous bear who loves adventure?
A. Yogi Bear
B. Paddington
C. Winnie the Pooh
D. Smokey Bear
15.The _______ (猴子) eats fruit from trees.
16. A _______ is a substance that can neutralize acids.
17.How many hours are in a day?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 48
18.The ____ has a unique pattern and is known for its beauty.
19.What do we call the process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide?
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Digestion
D. Fermentation
20. A solvent is a substance that dissolves a ______.
21.Different types of atoms are represented by different _____ on the periodic table.
22.I enjoy cooking with my _______ (家庭成员). It’s a fun way to spend time together.
23.How many hours are in a day?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 48
24.The prairie dog lives in ______ (地下) burrows.
25.I love my __________ (玩具名) because it is __________ (形容词).
26.Which of these colors is a secondary color?
A. Yellow
B. Red
C. Orange
D. Blue
27.The capital of North Korea is _______.
28.The ancient Romans spoke _______.
29.I found a _______ (古老的) coin.
30.The soup is ___. (hot)
31.I want to _______ (参加) a dance competition.
32.During summer vacation, I plan to __________ with my family. We might go to __________ or spend time at __________. I am excited about all the adventures we will have!
33.What do you call the place where you can borrow books?
A. Bookstore
B. Library
C. School
D. Office
34. A whale is the largest ______ (动物) in the ocean.
35.Which planet is known for its blue color due to methane in its atmosphere?
A. Earth
B. Neptune
C. Uranus
D. Saturn
36. A ______ is a small creature that can be very colorful.
37.Astronomers use spectroscopes to analyze the ______ of light from stars.
38.The chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is _______.
39.My mom loves __________ (参加志愿活动).
40.Which animal lives in the ocean?
A. Fox
B. Whale
C. Tiger
D. Eagle
41.How many players are on a rugby team?
A. Fifteen
B. Eleven
C. Thirteen
D. Twelve
42.I enjoy baking cookies. My favorite recipe is for __________.
43.It is ___ today. (hot)
44.An acid has a sour taste and can turn __________ paper red.
45.The _____ (燕子) flies gracefully.
46.Astrobiology studies the possibility of ______ life in the universe.
47.My favorite sport is ______ (橄榄球).
48.The _____ (小鸟) builds a nest in the tree. It lays eggs there. 小鸟在树上筑了一个巢。


49. A ____ is a tiny creature that hops in gardens.
50.The __________ is a famous city known for its ancient ruins. (罗马)
51.I have a toy _____ that can transform.
52.I enjoy ___ (reading) about dinosaurs.
53.My mom enjoys ____ (gardening) in her free time.
54.What do you call the person who writes books?
A. Reader
B. Author
C. Artist
D. Teacher
55.Elephants have large ______.
56.The _____ (菊花) blooms in autumn.
57.The _______ (小土拨鼠) is a great digger.
58. A _____ (环境问题) can stem from poor plant health.
59.I want to _______ (学会)如何骑自行车.
60. A ________ (沙漠) can be very hot during the day.
61.I like to read stories about ________ and their adventures.
62.impact assessment) measures social and environmental effects. The ____
63. A ______ (生态平衡) is crucial for a healthy environment.
64.Which instrument has strings and is played with a bow?
A. Flute
B. Guitar
C. Violin
D. Drum
65.What do you call the line that divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
A. Equator
B. Prime Meridian
C. Tropic of Cancer
D. Tropic of Capricorn
66.Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?
A. Halloween
B. Thanksgiving
C. Christmas
D. New Year
67.What do we call a story with a moral lesson, often featuring animals?
A. Fable
B. Myth
C. Tale
D. Novel
68.The __________ is where a fish lays its eggs.
69.I see a _______ (buffalo) in the field.
70.An ant is a small _______ that works hard.
71.I can ________ (strategize) effectively.
72. A solution is a mixture where one substance is dissolved in ________.
73.What do we call a young tiger?
A. Cub
B. Puppy
C. Kitten
D. Calf
74.The ______ is a part of the brain that processes information.
75.In PE class, we play many sports like ________ (篮球) and ________ (排球). It helps us stay ________ (健康).
76.The chemical formula for potassium permanganate is ______.
77.What do you call a person who studies rocks?
A. Biologist
B. Geologist
C. Astronomer
D. Chemist
78.The capital city of Madagascar is __________.
79.What is the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom?
A. Aphrodite
B. Hera
C. Athena
D. Artemis
80. A _______ (小花豹) is known for its speed and stealth.
81. A sound's timbre is related to its ______.
82.The first successful heart surgery was performed in ________ (20世纪).
83.What is the main language spoken in the United States?
A. Spanish
B. French
C. English
D. German
84.My favorite thing to do is ________.
85.We are going to the __________ for dinner.
86.__________ is the process of combining substances to create new ones.
87.What is the name of the sweet dessert that is typically served on birthdays?
A. Cake
B. Pie
C. Tart
D. Pudding
88.The capital of the Maldives is __________.
89. A chihuahua is one of the smallest _______ (犬种).
90.What do we call the act of reading a book aloud?
A. Reciting
B. Narrating
C. Speaking
D. Reading
91.I like to share ______ with my classmates.
92.The ____ has bright colors and loves to fly.
93.I can make my own ________ (玩具) from recycled materials.
94. A chemical that can speed up a reaction is called a ______.
95.What is the capital of Brazil?
A. Rio de Janeiro
B. Brasília
C. São Paulo
D. Salvador
96.Gardening can help promote ______ (身心健康).
97.How many colors are in a standard traffic light?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
98.What do you call a group of lions?
A. Pack
B. Pride
C. Flock
D. Pod
99.My aunt loves __________ (参加慈善活动).
100.What do we call the study of the Earth's physical features?
A. Geography
B. Geology
C. Cartography
D. Ecology
答案:A Geography。
