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【摘要】Low temperature,especially occured at booting stage,would cause sterility of rice florets and became one of restricting factors of rice yield.In order to evaluate the effect of low temperature on yield of rice,and ascertain the low temperature warning indicator at booting stage in South China,a controlled experiment was conducted with two cultivars,Tianyou 998 and Guinongzhan at four daily minimum temperature levels (18,1
6,14,and 12℃,diurnal temperature range is 4℃,nutural air temperature as CK)with three durations (1 ,3,and 5 d).The results showed that under the low temperature treatment during the booting stage of early-season rice,SOD and POD enzyme activities of the second leaf from top decreased,MDA content increased,SPAD value and photosynthetic rate declined,the percentage of pollen fertility and spikelet-fertilized rate decreased.The number of grains per panicle,seed-setting rate, and 1000-grain weight decreased,leading to a reduction in grain yield.When T min ≤ 1 6℃ (3 d),the grain yield of Tianyou 998 and Guinongzhan significantly decreased,as well as development progress of grains and photosynthesis of the second leaf from top(P <0.05).The lower temperature and longer duration have a greater influence on the damage to rice.The cold-
tolerance of hybrid rice Tianyou 998 was weaker than the conventional rice Guinongzhan.The critical temperature for chilling damage was the daily lowest temperature 1 6℃ (3 days).%以天优998和桂农占为材料进行盆栽种植,孕穗期置于人工气候箱内进行低温处理,旨在分析不同低温强度及持续时间对水稻
为日最低温(T min )18℃、16℃、14℃和12℃,日较差为4℃,均匀变温,历期分别
为1 d、3 d 和5 d,另设自然条件下生长的水稻为对照.结果表明,孕穗期低温使早
稻倒2叶 SOD 和 POD 酶活性下降,MDA 含量上升,叶绿素含量和光合速率下降,
造成光合同化物减少.同时,颖花受精率和可育率下降.每穗总粒数减少、结实率及千粒重降低是造成天优998和桂农占产量降低的主要原因.经T min≤16℃处理3d,
天优998和桂农占产量显著下降,籽粒发育形成过程明显受阻,倒2叶光合能力降低(P <0.05).温度越低,持续时间越长,受害越严重.杂交稻组合天优998比常规稻桂农占耐低温的能力略弱.日最低温度为16℃持续3 d 的低温可作为华南地区早稻孕穗期低温冷害指标.
【作者单位】华南农业大学农学院,广州 510642; 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部农业环境重点实验室,北京100081;中国气象科学研究院,北京 100080;华南农业大学农学院,广州 510642;华南农业大学农学院,广州510642;华南农业大学农学院,广州 510642
1.孕穗期低温胁迫对寒地水稻产量构成与株型特征的影响 [J], 王士强;陈书强;赵海红;萧长亮;顾春梅;那永光;解保胜;曹立勇;程式华
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3.孕穗期低温对冬小麦生理生化特性和产量的影响 [J], 张军;孙树贵;王亮明;王秀娟;杨群会;陈新宏
4.孕穗期低温对水稻生长及产量形成的影响 [J], 任红茹;荆培培;胡宇翔;陈雨霏;陈梦云;霍中洋
5.孕穗期低温灌溉对水稻剑叶和颖花生理特征的影响 [J], 罗秋红;吴俊;柏斌;庄文;姚栋萍;肖贵;刘雄伦;邓启云