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【摘要】In wireless sensor networks,clustering routing scheme is the main method for low energy routing design, and cluster-heads rotating algorithm is an effective way to balance the nodes energy consumption in clustering rou-ting. However,few studies have been done on how to calculate cluster-heads rotating intervals. A cluster-heads rota-ting interval optimization algorithm is proposed based on the concept of cluster-tree working period,and the adaptive cluster-heads rotating mechanism is implemented. Meanwhile,in order to reduce the number of the cluster-heads, this paper proposes a clustering algorithm based on
CDS( connected dominating set) . In the simulation experiment, compared with four cluster-heads rotating strategies which have different fixed-length rotating intervals,the results show that the adaptive cluster-heads rotating algorithm has the longest network lifetime;compared with classical al-gorithms such as TopDisc and Guho,the results show that the CDS constructed by the proposed algorithm has the minimum size and diameter.%分簇路由方案是无线传感器网络中低能耗路由设计的主要方法,簇头轮换机制是平衡分簇路由中节点能耗的有效手段.然而,如何优化簇头轮换间隔却鲜见文献研究.基于簇树工作周期的概念,提出了一个簇头轮换间隔的优化算法,实现了自
CDS(Connected Dominating Set)的分簇算法.仿真中,与4种不同长度的定长间隔簇头轮换策略进行了对比试验,结果表明自适应簇头轮换策略具有最长的网络寿命和最大的网络能量利用率;与TopDisc和Guho等经典算法进行了对比,该文提出的算法构造的CDS具有最小规模和直径.
1.认知无线电网络自适应能量驱动双门限簇头轮换算法研究 [J], 徐贵森;谭学治
2.无线传感网自适应能量驱动簇头轮换算法研究 [J], 黄河清;沈杰;姚道远;马奎;刘海涛
3.一种无线传感器网络簇头选择算法——基于簇头发送能耗 [J], 贾银亮;常相茂
4.无线传感器网络的簇头间距自适应HDA-LEACH算法 [J], 张昱
5.无线传感器网络簇头半径自适应调节路由算法 [J], 石为人;柏荡;高鹏;石欣
