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1.My dad shows me how to ____.
2.What is 12 + 8?
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
3. A snake does not have ______ (腿) but can still move quickly.
4._____ (温带) plants can survive in seasonal changes.
5.Which planet is known for its rings?
A. Saturn
B. Jupiter
C. Neptune
D. Mars
6.The _____ (sunset) is beautiful.
7.What do we call the edge of a planet's atmosphere?
A. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Exosphere
8.Roses grow in many _____ (颜色).
9.When vinegar and baking soda mix, they produce ________.
10.The flowers are _______ (开得很美丽).
11.The Earth's crust is shaped by both internal and external ______.
12.What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?
A. Oxygen
B. Helium
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen
13.What is the opposite of 'dark'?
A. Dim
B. Bright
C. Light
D. Shadow
14. A ____(clean air act) regulates air pollution.
15.The goldfish swims _______ (快) in its bowl.
16.I think pets are important because they can provide __________.
17.What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Precipitation
D. Sublimation
18.During lunch, I like to eat _______ (食物) with my friends. We talk about our
_______ (事情).
19.The _____ (生物圈) relies on healthy plants.
20.Flowers need ______ to grow.
21.What is the name of the famous American author known for his short stories?
A. Edgar Allan Poe
B. Mark Twain
C. Nathaniel Hawthorne
D. Ernest Hemingway
22. A dilute solution has a ______ concentration of solute.
23.What is the opposite of "dry"?
A. Wet
B. Moist
C. Damp
D. Soaked
24.My ______ enjoys cooking traditional dishes.
25.The cat is ______ on the windowsill. (napping)
26.What is the name of the activity where you throw a ball into a hoop?
A. Basketball
B. Football
C. Soccer
D. Baseball
27.The Earth's tilt causes the ______.
28. A chemical change alters the identities of the ______.
29.My sister loves ________ (唱歌).
30.The ________ (giraffe) has a long neck.
31.The seal claps its flippers when ______ (开心).
32.My favorite animal is a ______ (兔子) because they are gentle.
33.I can create a world of imagination with my toy ________ (玩具名称).
34.At the zoo, I saw a ________ (狮子) and a ________ (长颈鹿). They were really ________ (有趣).
35. A rabbit's large ears help it hear ______ (声音) from afar.
36.I love to eat ______ (pancakes) for breakfast.
37.The ancient Greeks believed in many ________.
38.What is the term for a baby pig?
A. Calf
B. Piglet
C. Lamb
D. Kid
39.My sister loves to __________ (帮助) with family projects.
40.What do we call the act of putting something in the correct place?
A. Organizing
B. Arranging
C. Sorting
D. Categorizing
41. A _______ describes how easily an element can lose electrons.
42.Which animal lives in a hive?
A. Ant
B. Bee
C. Spider
D. Worm
43.The study of Earth's history helps predict future ______.
44.The garden is _______ (满是花朵)。

45.What is the opposite of "cold"?
A. Warm
B. Cool
C. Chilly
D. Ice
46.can Civil War was fought over issues of ________ (奴隶制). The Amer
47.Plants bring ______ (快乐) to our lives.
48.My pet rabbit has a _______ (特殊的) name.
49.What do we call the time when leaves change color and fall from trees?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Winter
50.The cat loves to chase _______.
51.Many _______ are grown for their beauty.
52.My sister is ______ to a concert tonight. (going)
53. A chemical bond forms between ______.
54.What do we call the study of human societies and cultures?
A. Anthropology
B. Sociology
C. Psychology
D. History
55.We will celebrate my ________ (生日) with a party.
56.The owl hunts for its ______ (猎物) at night.
57.The ________ (资源管理) is essential for sustainability.
58.What is the color of the sky on a clear day?
A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Blue
D. Red
答案:C Blue
59.The element with the symbol Ti is __________.
60.The city of Majuro is the capital of _______.
A. London
B. Paris
C. Rome
D. Berlin
62.On weekends, I like to __________ (动词) with my __________ (玩具名).
63.I also like to help my parents in the ______. We plant flowers and vegetables, which makes our garden look very ______. Watching them grow is exciting!
64.The classroom is very ________.
65.The __________ (历史的文化认同) shapes identities.
66.The sky is ___. (blue)

68.The _______ (海鸥) searches for food.
69.The __________ of a frog helps it jump.
70.What do we call the process of making food from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Respiration
C. Fermentation
D. Digestion
答案:A Photosynthesis
71.What is the name of the highest waterfall in the world?
A. Niagara Falls
B. Angel Falls
C. Victoria Falls
D. Iguazu Falls
72.What do you call a person who repairs pipes?
A. Electrician
B. Mechanic
C. Plumber
D. Builder
73. A nebula is a giant cloud of _______ and dust in space.
A. Budapest
B. Prague
C. Bratislava
D. Vienna
75.We have a picnic in the ________.
76.What is the sum of 5 and 6?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
77. A seismic wave is a wave that travels through ______.
78.I see _____ growing in my backyard.
79.My friend is very __________ (机智).
80.I like to build a _____ (沙堡) at the beach.
81.What is the opposite of sweet?
A. Sour
B. Bitter
C. Spicy
D. Salty
82.What do you use to measure temperature?
A. Barometer
B. Thermometer
C. Ruler
D. Scale
83.What is the hottest planet in our Solar System?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
84.I enjoy ______ (看) funny videos.
85.The _______ can help improve air quality.
86.What is the capital of Spain?
A. Barcelona
B. Madrid
C. Seville
D. Valencia
87.The _______ of sound can be affected by the medium it travels through.
A. Jakarta
B. Bali
C. Surabaya
D. Medan
89.What is the main ingredient in hummus?
A. Bean
B. Chickpea
C. Lentil
D. Pea
90.The capital of Lebanon is _______.
91.What is the name of the fairy tale character who had long hair?
A. Cinderella
B. Rapunzel
C. Snow White
D. Belle
92.My cousin is very __________ (勤奋).
93.What is the name of the first spacecraft to land on the Moon?
A. Apollo 11
B. Luna 2
C. Surveyor 1
D. Ranger 7
94.My mother is a _____ (护士) who works in pediatrics.
95.The __________ (历史的收藏) preserves our legacy.
96.How many days are in a leap year?
A. 365
B. 366
C. 364
D. 363
97.What is the process of breathing in called?
A. Exhalation
B. Inhalation
C. Respiration
D. Circulation
98.My sister loves to watch ______ (鸟) in the garden.
99.I love to create ________ (涂鸦) on paper using bright ________ (颜色). 100.The playground has a big ______ (swing).。
