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【摘要】采用HPLC法测定不同产地生姜中姜酚类成分的含量,采用Agilent ZORBAX-SB C18色谱柱(250 mm× 4.6 mm,5 μm),以乙腈-0.1%甲酸溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱,流速1.0 mL/min,柱温35℃,检测波长282 nm,用标准曲线法分别对6-姜辣素、8-姜酚和10-姜酚定量.结果显示,6-姜辣素、8-姜酚和10-姜酚分别在1.005~100.5 μg/mL (r=1)、1.001~100.1 μg/mL(r=0.9999)和
0.9965~99.65 μg/mL(r=0.9999)范围内线性关系良好;平均回收率(n=6)分别为99.31%(RSD 1.26%)、98.69%(RSD 1.48%)、98.55%(RSD 1.44%).测定的14批不同产地的生姜及不同部位, 6-姜辣素、8-姜酚和10-姜酚含量存在一定的差异.由此认为所建立的方法准确、可靠、重现性好,能快速有效地测定生姜及不同部位的含量.%We established a HPLC method for content determination of gingerols in fresh ginger from different regions. Using the Agilent ZORBAX-SB C18column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)and acetonitrile-0.1% methanoic acid solution as mobile phase by gradient elution,we set the flow rate at 1.0 mL/min,the temperature at 35℃and the wavelength was 282 nm and directly calculated the quantity of 6-gingerol,8-gingerol and 10-gingerol in samples by standard curve method respectively.The results showed that 6-gingerol,8-gingerol and 10-gingerol had the good linearity at the range from 1.005-100.5 μg/mL(r=1),1.001-100.1 μg/mL(r=0.999
9)and 0.996 5-99.65 μg/mL (r=0.999 9),respectively.The average recoveries were 99.31%(RSD 1.26%),98.69%(RSD 1.48%)and 98.55% (RSD 1.44%)for each.We determined 14 batches about the fresh ginger and the different parts and found that the contents of 6-gingerol,8-gingerol and 10-gingerol in different batches existed differences.The method was accurate, repeatable and rapid which was suitable for content determination of the fresh ginger and the different parts.
1.HPLC法测定8个不同产地绞股蓝中4种人参皂苷类成分的含量 [J], 马泽刚;黄春花;钟辉云;吴秀丽;周礼仕;刘卓
2.HPLC-QAMS法测定不同产地19批山茱萸中5种环烯醚萜苷类成分的含量 [J], 孙玲;樊晓兰;戴小丽
3.UPLC法测定不同产地炮姜药材中5种姜酚类成分的含量 [J], 韩燕全;洪燕;李钰馨;汪永忠;高家荣;邓龙飞;夏伦祝
4.HPLC法测定不同产地鲜姜、干姜中6-姜酚的含量 [J], 王颖
5.RP-HPLC法测定干姜中3种姜酚的含量 [J], 钮翠然;陆娟;宋丽丽;时晓磊;金永日;马双成;李绪文