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医学信息 2018 年 11 月第 31 卷第 22 期
Medical Information Nov. 2018 Vol. 31 No.22
宦梦溪袁樊 倩袁苏敬博
பைடு நூலகம்
渊西安交通大学医学部袁陕西 西安 710004冤
摘 要院目的 以西安市雁塔区为缩影袁了解当代中国养老服务体系建设现状袁并提出一定的解决构想遥 方法 采用随机抽样调 查方法袁从 2018 年 3 月 8 日~15 日在西安市雁塔区的不同社区内发放调查问卷袁得到有效问卷 124 份遥 问卷内容包括老年人的 基本信息尧老年人生存状况尧社区养老服务建设情况尧养老体系发展情况遥 结果 调查数据科学有效袁具有普适性曰调查对象月收 入/支出偏低袁受教育程度不高曰调查者中 78.22%的老年人仍为传统的自我养老服务模式袁87.10%的老年人参加了医疗保险袁患 病情况下 89.52%的老年人由配偶及子女抚养袁尚有 10.48%的老年人处于无人护理的状态曰受访对象对社区养老服务设施和内
Yanta District of Xi'an City
HUAN Meng-xi,FAN Qian,SU Jing-bo
(Department of Medicine,Xi'an Jiao Tong University,Xi'an 710004,Shaanxi,China)
Abstract:Objective Taking the Yanta District of Xi'an as a microcosm, we will understand the current situation of the construction
Investigation on the Construction of Endowment Service System in
the elderly were raised by spouses and children, and 10.48% of the elderly were in unattended state. The respondents were satisfied
with the community pension facilities and contents. The degree is not high, and the number of "general" people is about 50.00% ;
容满意程度不高袁认为野一般冶的人数约占 50.00%曰83.87%的调查对象愿意接受养老机器人服务袁但 54.84%的受访者不愿意接受
保险护理制度遥 结论 目前社区提供的养老服务设施及内容均不完善袁我国现存养老制度仍有待改进袁可从政府鼓励民间资本
of the old-age care service system in China, and propose a certain solution. Methods A random sample survey method was used to
distribute questionnaires from different communities in Yanta District, Xi'an from March 8 to 15, 2018, and 124 valid questionnaires
was universal. The monthly income/expenditure of the respondents was low and the education level was not high. 78.22% of the
respondents were still in the traditional self-nursing service mode,87.10% of the elderly participated in medical insurance. 89.52% of
83.87% of the respondents are willing to accept the service of pension robots, but 54.84% of the respondents are unwilling to accept
the insurance care system. Conclusion At present, the old-age service facilities and contents provided by the community are not
were obtained. The questionnaire included basic information about the elderly, the living conditions of the elderly, the construction of
community pension services, and the development of the pension system. Results The survey data was scientific and effective, and it
perfect. The existing pension system in China still needs to be improved. It can be improved from the government's encouragement of
private capital investment, the advantage of the Internet, and the improvement of the elderly long-term care insurance system. The