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Abstract: Due to landslide has the characteristics of sudden and destruction, it has a great impact on the normal operation of highway. At present, the main treatment measures are cutting down slope + protection and retaining reinforcement. This paper puts forward two treatment schemes for the landslide at K1530 + 300 of Tianchan highway in Gansu province: precast antislide tunnel + cutting down slope and anti-slide pile + cutting down slope. In terms of treatment effect, anti-slide tunnel can govern the landslide completely, while the governance effect of anti-slide pile is not so well. In terms of construction technique, anti-slide tunnel requires the precast land and high requirements about hoisting technology, while the manual hole digging in the anti-slide pile has more risks than anti-slide tunnel scheme. In terms of the environment impact, the anti-slide tunnel can achieve earthwork balance, while the anti-slide pile scheme has to discard 32 000 m3 , that is not friendly to the environment. In terms of traffic influence, anti-slide tunnel needs traffic control during the arch ring hoisting, which will has certain influence on the highway operation, while the anti-slide pile has less influence as it is constructed outside the highway. The cost of anti-slide tunnel scheme is less than anti-slide pile scheme. Therefore, the anti-slide tunnel + cutting slope scheme is finally selected as the treatment scheme of this landslide. The treatment of this landslide can provide some references for the similar projects. Key words: landslide control; anti-slide pile; anti-slide tunnel; schemes comparis
The Application of Precast Arch Ring Tunnel in the Treatment of Landslide
CAO Xiaoliang1,2 , CAO Liangliang3 (1. CCCC First Highway Consultants Co. , Ltd. , Xi’an 710075, China; 2. CCCC RUITONG Road and Bridge Maintenance Technology Co. , Ltd. , Xi’an 710075, China; 3. NO. 9 Metallurgical Construction Group Co. , Ltd. , Hanzhong Branch in Hanzhong, Hanzhong 724200, China)
第 17 卷 第 1 期 2020 年 2 月
现代交通技术 Modern Transportation Technology
Vol. 17 No. 1 Feb. 203
(1. 中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司,西安 710075;2. 中交瑞通路桥养护科技有限公司,西安 710075; 3. 九冶建设有限公司汉中分公司,汉中 724200)
摘 要: 滑坡突发性和破坏性强,对公路的正常运营影响较大,目前主要的治理措施为放缓边坡 + 坡面防护和支挡 加固。 本文针对甘肃天巉公路 K1530 + 300 处隧道口滑坡,提出抗滑明洞 + 放缓边坡和抗滑桩 + 放缓边坡两种方案。 在治理效果方面,抗滑明洞方案可以彻底治理滑坡,而抗滑桩方案治理效果稍差;施工工艺方面,抗滑明洞施工方案 需要预制场,对吊装技术要求较高,抗滑桩方案人工挖孔安全风险较高;环境方面,抗滑明洞方案能够做到土方平衡, 抗滑桩方案需要弃方 3. 2 万 m3 ,对环境影响较大;保通需求方面,抗滑明洞方案需要在拱圈吊装时管制交通,对公路 运营有一定的影响,抗滑桩方案施工位于公路边坡上,对交通影响小;工程造价方面,抗滑明洞方案造价较抗滑柱方 案低。 因此,选取抗滑明洞 + 放缓边坡方案作为本滑坡的治理方案。 关键词: 滑坡治理;抗滑桩;抗滑明洞;方案对比 中图分类号: U418. 5 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672 9889(2020)01 0001 05