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1. A strong base has a pH value greater than _______.
2. A ________ is a natural formation that is found in deserts.
3.My favorite animal is a ______ (兔子) that hops around happily.
4.My _____ (好友) lives far away.
5.I am excited about the ________ (科学博览会) at school this year. I will present my ________ (项目).
6.The _____ (蛋糕) is for my birthday.
7.The _____ is the distance between two celestial bodies.
8.The process of making yogurt involves bacterial _______.
9.The stars are _____ (bright/dim) in the sky.
10.The _____ (花的形状) can vary greatly between species.
11.The _____ (狼) lives in packs and hunts together.
12.salinity) of seawater affects marine life. The ____
13.Plants can be used in ______ (城市绿化) projects.
14.My sister enjoys __________ (参加) community events.
15.What do we call a young jellyfish?
A. Polyp
B. Medusa
C. Planula
D. Larva答案:C.Planula
16.My friend is a ______. He loves to explore new ideas.
17. A __________ is a well-known location for community events.
18.My best friend has a ________ (玩具名) that is ________ (形容词). We often trade toys and share our ________ (名词).
19.I love to ______ (与朋友一起) enjoy nature.
20.What do we call the time it takes for the Earth to make one complete revolution on its axis?
A. Year
B. Month
C. Day
D. Hour答案: C
21.What is the name of the first book in the Harry Potter series?
A. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
B. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
C. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
D. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban答案:C
22.My favorite _____ is a teddy bear.
23.The parakeet chirps _______ (歌声) happily.
24.What is the name of the famous sculpture by Michelangelo?
A. David
B. The Thinker
C. The Kiss
D. Venus de Milo答案: A. David
25. A __________ (社区花园) can beautify neighborhoods.
26.The element with atomic number is __________.
27.What is the fourth planet from the sun?
A. Earth
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter答案: C
28.The chemical formula for butyric acid is ______.
29.What is the currency used in the USA?
A. Euro
B. Dollar
C. Pound
D. Yen答案: B
30.The ______ (阳光直射) encourages plant growth.
31.What do we call the part of the Earth that supports life?
A. Biosphere
B. Atmosphere
C. Lithosphere
D. Hydrosphere答案:A
32.ssance brought a renewed interest in ________ (艺术和科学). The Rena
33.Electricity can flow through a _______.
34.I like to play ______ (soccer) after school.
35.The __________ is a big desert located in Africa.
36.The first man to fly at supersonic speed was _______. (查克·耶格)
37.The children are ___ at the park. (running)
38.My best friend loves to ________ (旅行).
39.I see many ______ (小动物) in the spring.
40.I have a toy _______ that dances (我有一个会跳舞的玩具_______).
41.An acid-base reaction produces ______.
42.I love to go ______ in the summer.
43.Where does the President of the United States live?
A. The White House
B. The Capitol
C. The Pentagon
D. The Courthouse答案:a
44.The first man on the moon was ______ (尼尔·阿姆斯特朗).
45.Planting _____ (多样性植物) supports healthier ecosystems.
46.The chemical symbol for chromium is _______.
47.What do you call a shape with four equal sides?
A. Rectangle
B. Square
C. Triangle
D. Circle答案:B
48._____ (蔬菜) provide essential vitamins.
49.What do we call a scientist who studies the properties of electricity?
A. Electrician
B. Physicist
C. Engineer
D. Chemist答案: B
50.I have a big ______ (沙发) where my family gathers to watch ______ (电视).
51. A butterfly flutters around the _______ enjoying the sunshine.
52.I enjoy baking with my __________. (妈妈)
53.The colorful part of a flower that attracts bees is called a ______.
54. A ___ (小蝴蝶) flutters gently in the air.
55.My ________ (玩具) is perfect for rainy days.
56.I like to go __________ when the weather is nice. (散步)
57.My ______ loves to share her knowledge.
58. A hedgehog rolls into a ball for ______.
59.The butterfly will soon become a beautiful ______ (成虫).
60.I love to eat ________ in the fall.
61.I like to watch ________ (儿童节目) on Saturday mornings.
62.What is 3 + 4?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9答案:B 7
63. A __________ is a natural structure formed by erosion.
64.She is studying for her ___. (test)
65.The bubbles in soda are actually _______ gas. (二氧化碳)
66.I saw a _______ (小变色龙) on a branch changing colors.
67.The _____ (battle) of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War.
68.The weather is _____ (nice/bad) today.
69.The capital of Armenia is __________.
70.What is the main gas that we breathe?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen答案: A
71.I like to visit the ___ (farm).
72. A _____ (草丛) is home to many small creatures.
73.I like to ______ (参与) in cooking competitions.
74.The color change in a reaction is a sign of a _______.
75.__________ (植物) use water and sunlight for photosynthesis.
76.I like to learn about ______.
77.What is the capital of Iceland?
A. Oslo
B. Reykjavik
C. Helsinki
D. Copenhagen答案:B
78.The __________ is a region known for its history.
79.What is the name of the famous mountain in Nepal?
A. K2
B. Kilimanjaro
C. Mount Everest
D. Denali答案: C
80.My sister likes to _____ books. (read)
81.What do we call a person who studies the earth?
A. Geologist
B. Biologist
C. Chemist
D. Physicist答案: A
82.The sunflower always turns towards the _____ (太阳).
83.Every holiday, I get a new ____. (玩具名称)
84.The ancient Romans celebrated ______ (节日) in honor of their gods.
85.What is the capital of Morocco?
A. Casablanca
B. Rabat
C. Marrakech
D. Tangier答案:B
86.The chemical formula for sodium thiosulfate is ______.
87.Which shape has four equal sides?
A. Triangle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Circle答案: C
88.What is the name of the fairy tale character with long hair?
A. Cinderella
B. Rapunzel
C. Snow White
D. Belle答案: B
89.Which word means "a young child"?
A. Teenager
B. Adult
C. Toddler
D. Senior答案: C
90.My dad tells me to be ____.
91.The ________ was a time of great artistic and scientific advancement in Europe.
92.The ________ swings from branch to branch.
93.The house is ___. (big)
94.My ________ (邻居) shares their delicious cookies with us.
95.The capital of Senegal is __________.
96.Sedimentary rocks can hold ______ that preserve history.
97. A fault line is a location where tectonic plates ______.
98.What is the name of the famous red fruit that is often used in salads?
A. Tomato
B. Pepper
C. Cucumber
D. Lettuce答案: A
99.My friends are ________ (有趣).
100. A ________ (园艺产业) boosts local economies.。
