新版剑桥少儿英语一至三级[全]大讲义剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。
考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。

剑桥国际少儿英语1册1-12单元文本Mr Star:Hello. I’m Mr Star.Stella:Hello. I’m Stella Star. This is Marie. Simon:Hello. I’m Simon Star. This is Maskman. Suzy:Hello. I’m Suzy Star. This is Monty. Suzy, Stella and Simon: Goodbye.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Hello. I’m Marie. What’s your name? Maskman: Maskman. What’s your name? Monty: Monty.Meera:Hello, Stella. Hello. What’s your name? Suzy: Suzy.Meera: How old are you?Suzy:I’m three.Simon: How old are you, Meera?Meera:I’m eight, and you?Meera:Hello. I’m Marie. I’m eight.Suzy: Hello. I’m Suzy. I’m three.Red and yellow and pink and green,Orange and purple and blue.I can sing a rainbow.Sing a rainbow,Monty, boy and girl: Sid snakeMonty: Stella, Suzy, Simon, StarI’m …(姓名)How old are you?Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here. Maskman: Listen to my chant, Marie. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10.Marie: Very good, Maskman.Maskman: Yes, good.Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster!Marie:No, Maskman. It’s a …Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie.Marie: Goodbye, Maskman. Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Monty: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello, Monty.Monty: Look, a blue pencil.Monty: Look, a blue pencil.Marie: Yes, a blue pencil.Maskman: Eeeek! A blue monster! Goodbye, Marie. Maskman: Listen! Look! What …? Aaaagghh! A blue monster! Marie:No, Maskman. It’s a …Marie: Close the door, please, Maskman. Thank you. Maskman: Hello, Marie.Marie: Hello, Maskman. Close the door, please. Sit down here.Simon: Yes, it is.Suzy:It’s yellow.Simon: Yes, it is, and my pencil’s red.Suzy: Is your eraser red too?Simon:No, it isn’t. It’s green.Suzy:And what colour’s your pen?Simon:It’s blue, Suzy.Suzy:Oh , and…?Simon:Here, Suzy! Look at this. It’s my Maskman book!An eraser, a pen,A table, a chair,.2.Three blue tables.3.Six red pens.4.Seven yellow books.5.Two orange pencilsStella: Stella. Who’s that?Lenny: That’s Alex. He’s my friend.Stella: How old is he?Lenny:He’s six. Who’s that? Is she your friend? Stella: Yes, she is. That’s Meera.Lenny: Is she six?Stella: No, she isn’t. She’s eight.Lenny:I’m seven. How old are you?That’s Stella. She’s seven.That’s Lenny. He’s sevenThat’s Simon. He’s six.How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Mrs Star, Mrs Star,How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Stella Star, Stella Star,How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Simon Star, Simon Star,How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?Suzy Star, Suzy Star,How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.How are you?I’m fine, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.Monty, boy and girl: Michael Monkey Monty: Monty, Maskman, Marie, MouseCome alive.Walk and talk,On the count of fiveOne, two, three, four, fiveMarie: OK. Sit down, please, everybody.Marie: Open your Activity Books, please, and pick up your pencils. Marie: Listen to the CD and draw the monster.Maskman: Oops! Oh, my Activity Book!Monty: Here’s another book, Maskman.Marie:No, not another book, Monty. Here’s an eraser.表演故事剑桥国际少儿英语1第三单元文本Unit 3 Favourite toys’s my computer. What’s your favourite toy, Alex?Alex: My bike. What’s your favourite toy, Simon?Simon: My favourite toy’s Maskman and … the car.Meera: Is Maskman a doll?Simon: No. Marie’s a doll.Meera: Oh. My favourite toy’s my ball.Lenny: My favourite toy’s my train. What’s your favourite toy, Suzy?’s Monty?My favourite toy’s my red car.Look at my green ball. It’s my favourite toy.Wha t’s this?It’s my blue computer.What colour’s your train?It’s yellow.What’s your favourite toy?It’s my orange bike.What’s this?Look, listen, point and say.Black, brown, white, grey,×2)Simon: Er, no, it isn’t, Dad.Mr Star: Simon, is your ball on the toy box? Simon: Er, no, it isn’t, Dad.Mr Star: Simon, is your ball under the table? Simon: Er, no, it isn’t, Dad.Mr Star: Simon, where’s your ball?Mr Star: Is your ball under the train?Mr Star: Is your ball next to the door?Mr Star: Is your ball in the toy box?Mr Star: where’s your ball?Monty isn’t here.Monty isn’t there.He isn’t on the table.He isn’t under the chair.Oh, where? Where?Where is Monty?Is he in the toy box?Is he next to the computer?Look! Look! Look!Oh, Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Where? Where? Where?Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Hello, Marie. What’s that?Marie: It’s my computer. It’s my favourite toy.Maskman: Oh…Marie: What’s your favourite toy, Maskman?Maskman: My car. It’s blue and black. It’s ‘the Maskman Car’.Marie: Oh, that’s nice. Where is it?Maskman: It’s there, next to the toy box.Monty: No, it isn’t next to the toy box, Maskman.Maskman: Oh, no! Where’s my car?Monty: Is it in the toy box?Maskman: No, it isn’t.Marie: Is it under the table?Maskman: No, it isn’t under the table. Oohh. Where’s my car?Marie: I don’t know, Maskman. Is it on the chair?Maskman: Noooo, it isn’t.Monty: Look, Maskman. It’s OK. It’s here, in the bag.Maskman: Oh, thank you, Monty.MaskMaskman: My Maskman car.剑桥国际少儿英语1第四单元文本Unit 4 My family’s my father, Mr Star. He’s a pop star. Now, this is a nice picture of my mother. She’s on a white chair. Who’s thatwoman in the car? That’s my grandmother. My grandfather is next to my gandmother. He’s funny. There’s my brother, Simon. He’s on a black bike.And that’s my sister, Stella. She’s seven. Oh! And who’s that girl next to the table, Monty? Tha t’s me. And, oh, where are you? There you are, onMan: Who’s that woman, Stella?Stella: That’s my mother, Mrs Star.Stella: My sister Suzy’s three.Man: Is that your father next to Simon?Stella: No. He’s my grandfather.Man: Where’s your grandmother?Stella: She’s here, next to my sister, Suzy.Stella: This my brother, Simon. He’s six.Man: Who’s that man?Stella: My father.Man: How old is he?Stella: Ooohh! I don’t know.Look at number four. Stella: She’s … my mother.Look at number six. Stella: He’s … my grandfather.Look at number one. Stella: She’s … my sister.Look at number three. Stella: He’s … my fahter.Look at number two. Stella: She’s … my grandmother.Stella: He’s … my brother.5.’s my mother. She’s beautiful. My sister’s young--she’s three. Oh, dear! Look at that bag. My father’s sad. Today mybrother’s ugly. My grandfather’s old. He’s next to my sister. My: Young or old, happy or sad. Brother and sisters, mum and dad.//Suzy: We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister, and me.//Stella: He’s my father, she’s my mother.// She’s my sister, and he’s my brother.//Suzy: We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister, and me.//Simon: She’s my mum, he’s my dad.// Beautiful, not ugly, happy, not sad.//Suzy: We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister, and me.// We are family. My brother, my sister. My brother, my sister, andMonty, boy and girl: Bertie batMonty: Ball, bag, bike, book’s beautiful.Look at number 2. She’s old.Look at number 3. He’s sad.Look at number 4. He’s young.Look at number 5. She’s ugly.’s happy.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Look at this!Marie: What is it?Maskman: It’s a picture of my family.Monty: Who’s this?Maskman: She’s my sister, Maskgirl.Monty: And is this your young brother?Maskman: Yes, that’s Maskboy.Monty: Wow!Marie: And look, here’s my family.Monty: Wow! She’s beautiful. Is she young mother?Marie: Yes, she is. She’s my mum, Babs.Monty: And is this your father?Marie: Yes, that’s Ben, my dad.Monty: Are you my brother, Maskman?Maskman: No, I’m not.Monty: Are you my sister, Marie?Marie: No, I’m not.Monty: Where’s my family?Marie: Look, Monty. Here’s your family. It’s the mouse family.Monty: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin Mouse and Maxi Mouse. Maskman: Are you happy now, Monty?Monty: Yes, I am.they your pets?Children: Yes.Suzy: This is my pet. It’s a black and white dog.Meera: This is my favourite fish. It’s orange. What’s your favourite pet, Simon?Simon: My mouse. It’s grey.Meera: Oh! That’s, er, nice.Stella: Look at my cat. It’s white. What’s your pet, Lenny?Lenny: It’s a beautiful bird. It’s red, blue and green. Where’s your prt, Mrs Star?My dog is too.My fish is ugly.My bird is blue.My cat is young.And my mouse is grey.Here are our pets,My dog’s black. It’s old.This is my mouse. It’s whit e.My bird’s yellow. It’s happy.This is my orange fish. It’s beautiful.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Oh, look at the table. It’s dirty. The chairs are dirty too.Maskma n: Yes, they are. But the toy box is clean.Marie: And where are the pencils?Monty: Here they are. They’re on these pictures. Here’s a picture of a big dog.Marie: Aahh! The brown pencil’s short.Maskman: Yes, it is, but the grey pencil’s long.Monty: And this is a picture of a small mouse. It’s beautiful.And this is my fish.It’s a long fish.It’s a long fish.Lenny:My mane’s Lenny.And this is my bird.It’s a happy bird.It’s a happy bird.Stella: My mane’s Stella.And this is my cat.It’s a clean cat.It’s a clean cat.Suzy:My mane’s Suzy.And this is my dog.It’s a big dog.It’s a big dog.Mrs. Star:My mane’s Mrs. Star.And this is my horse.It’s a beautiful horse.It’s a beautiful horse.Simon: My mane’s Simon.And this is my mouse.It’s a small mouse.Suzy:It’s an ugly mouse.Simon: No, it isn’t.Stella: It’s a dirty mouse.Meera: It’s a short mouse.Lenny:It’s a small mouse.All: Yes, it’s a small mouse.Monty, boy and girl: Penny penguin.Monty: Pick up a pink pencil and point to a purple pet.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: What’s your favourite pet, Marie?Marie: Cats are my favourite pets. They’re beautiful and clean.Maskman:yes, but they aren’t big. Big dogs are my favourite pets.Marie: Hmm, but big dogs are ugly.Marie: Mice are good pets.Maskman:Yes, but they’re small and dirty.Monty:Pardon? Mice are small, but we aren’t dirty…and we’re happy.Maskman: Ooops. Sorry, Monty.Maskman:Mice aren’t dirty and they’re good pets. But my favourite pets are big dogs.Monty: But they’re ugly and…All three toys: 『Gasp.』Marie: Look at the puppet!Monty: Oh, no!Maskman: Eek!Maskman: No, dogs aren’t my favourite pets. My favourite pets are fish.programme.Stella: Yes, mmmm.Suzy: Ooohh. They’re big and ugly.Simon: No, they aren’t. They’re funny.Presenter:Hi, boys and girls. It’s The Troll Show.Trevor:Hello, everybody. My name’s Trevor Troll. I’m big and green…Suzy: … and ugly.Simon: Ssshh!Trevor: My head is big and I’ve got purple hair. Look at my face. It’s dirty.My eyes are orange and my mouth is big. I’ve got yellow teeth and biggreen ears. My nose is short.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Hum, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.My hair’s purple.My nose is small.I’m green.My eyes are blue.My hair’s short.My ears are big.My mouth’s red.Toys in the toy box.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Commentator: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Ugly Monster Show. Monty: Look, Maskman. It’s my favourite show.Maskman: It isn’t my favourite show. Those monsters are ugly.Monty: Shhh! Be quiet, please.Murk: Hello, boys and girls. My name’s Murk. I’ve got a purple head and short orange hair. I’ve got one big red eye and a long green nose. I’ve got four small ears.Commentator: Have you got a small mouth?Murk: No, I haven’t. I’ve got a big mouth and I’ve got four clean white teeth.Commentator: Thank you, Murk. You’re ugly.Murk: Oh, thank you.Commentator: And this is Moss. Hi, Moss.Moss:Hello, everybody. I’ve got a yellow face and long green hair. I’ve got three orange eyes and a small blue nose. I’ve got a big purple mouth and a lot of beautiful teeth. My teeth are grey.Commentator: Have you got small ears?Moss:No, I haven’t. I’ve got two big ears.Commentator:Thank you, Moss. You’re ugly too.Moss:I’ve got long green hair.Murk:I’ve got one big red eye.Moss: I’ve got a yellow face.Murk:I’ve got four small ears.I’m a very ugly monster,I’m a very ugly monster.I’ve got six dirty ears.Yes, I have.I’ve got pink hair,And my eyes are red.I’ve got a blue nose,And a purple head.I’ve got a green mouth,And my teeth are blue.My name’s Slime.Who are you?I’m a ver y ugly monster,I’m a very ugly monster,I’m a very ugly monster.I’ve got six dirty ears.I’ve got six dirty ears.Monty, boy and girl: Henry horseMonty:Here’s a happy horse with hair on hi s head.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: Look, Marie. There he is. He’s a monster.Marie: No, he isn’t, Maskman. He’s a troll.Maskman:A troll? What’s a troll? Look at his hair. It’s long and… purple! And his head… it’s big and green.Marie: Yes, Maskman. Trolls are green.Maskman: Look at his eyes, Marie… They’re orange. He’s a monster!Trevor: I’m green, I’ve got purple hair and orange eyes, but I’m not a monster.Monty: Hello, Trevor! How are you?Trevor: Hello, Monty. I’m fine, thank you.Monty: Trevor, this is Marie and this is Maskman. They’re my friends.Trevor: Hello. I’m Trevor.Marie: Hello, Trevor. How are you? Are you happy?Trevor: Yes, I am. Now I’ve got three friends.Maskman:Yes, we’re your friends.Suzy: Ok, Simon.Simon: What’s this animal? It’s a big cat. It’s orange and black. Suzy: That’s easy. It’s a tiger.Simon: Yes. Very good. What now? This animal is big and grey. Suzy: It’s a hippo.Simon: No, it’s big and grey with a l ong nose.Suzy: It’s an elephant.Simon: Ok, ok. What’s brown and yellow with a small head?Suzy: Is it a monkey?Simon: No, it isn’t.Suzy: I know! It’s a giraffe.Simon: Yes, very good. Ok. What’s this? It’s long and green and …Suzy: Er, is it a snake?Simon: Hah! No, it isn’t. This animal is big, long, green and …Suzy: I know! I know! It’s a crocodile.Simon: Yup!Suzy: Now, it’s my turn. What’s this? It’s small and white with red hair and a big mouth.Simon: Er, I don’t know. What animal is that, Suz y?Suzy: It’s a Simon! Ha! Ha! Ha!Giraffe and crocodile.Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,Listen and look.Point to the animal in this book.It’s small and brown.It’s long and green.It’s grey and dirty.It’s big and clean.It’s orange and black.It’s red and blue.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Maskman: What have you got there, Trevor?Trevor: I’ve got a book on animals. Look a t these monkeys. They are funny. Maskman: Yes, they’ve got long arms and big hands. Oooh. What are they? Trevor: They are crocodiles. They are long and green and they’ve got big mouths and long tails.Monty: How many teeth have they got?Trevor: They’ve g ot a lot of teeth.Maskman: Have they got long legs?Trevor: No, they haven’t. They’ve got short legs and feet.Look at the snakes. They’ve got no legs and no feet.Maskman: Look at the elephants. They are big and grey.They’ve got very big ears, long nose s and short tails.They’ve got short legs.They’ve got long legs.Animals, animals, short and tall.Animals, animals, dirty and clean.Animals, animals, brown and green.Come on children, sing along.Sing and move to the animal song.Let’s all do the hippo show.Let’s all do the hippo showLet’s all do the hippo showMove your hands and feet.Let’s all do the elephant dance.Let’s all do the elephant dance.Move your arms and legs.Let’s all do the snake shake.Move your head and tail.Let’s all do the crocodile smile.Let’s all do the crocodile smile.Let’s all do the crocodile smile.Show your big white teeth.Let’s all do the giraffe laugh.Let’s all do the giraffe laugh.Let’s all do the giraffe laugh.Car, computer, crocodile, catCome alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Monty: Animals, animals, big and small. Animals, animals, short and tall. Marie: Help! Help, Maskman! Look at these snakes. They’re long and ugly and they’ve got two long teeth.Maskman: I’m here, Maree. I’ve got the snakes. Snakes have got two long teeth, but I’ve got two big arms.Marie: Ooohh, Maskman, thank you. You are a superhero.Trevor: Help! Help! Help, Maskman! Look at these crocodiles. They’ve got big mouths and they’ve got a lot of teeth.Maskman: I’ m here, Trevor. I’ve got the crocodiles. Crocodiles have got big mouths and a lot of teeth, but I’ve got long legs and big hands. Trevor: Ooohh, Maskman, thank you. You are a superhero.Maskman: Help! Help! Look at these elephants. They are very big. And they’ve got very big feet. Aaaagghh!Monty: I’m here, Maskman! Elephants are very big and they’ve got very big feet, but I’m a mouse, I’m very small.Maskman, Trevor, Marie: Thank you,Monty. You are a small mouse, but you are a superhero.剑桥国际少儿英语1第八单元文本Stella: Ok, Dad.Simon: Stella, where are my grey trousers?Stella: They are under your toy box.Simon: Now, where are my socks?Stella: Your blue socks? They are in your shoes. Simon: And where are my shoes?Stella: Under the chair, Simon. Come on!Simon: Ok. Is that my green T-shirt next to the computer? Stella: Yes, it is. And your jacket’s next to the door.I’ve got a brown jacket and a purple skirt.I’ve got red shoes and long pink socks.My favorite shoes are white.I’ve got an orange T-shirt. It’s my favorite.I’ve got short grey trousers. They are my favorite.My favorite shoes are red.My favorite trousers are brown.My favorite socks are pink.My favorite T-shirt is big and yellow.My favorite skirt is blue.I’ve got brown shoes. They are my favorite.My favorite shoes are black. They are beautiful.My favorite jacket is green.Mum: I don’t know.Stella: Has Simon got my red trousers?Mum: Ask Simon, not me.Suzy: No, Stella. Simon has n’t got your red trousers.Simon: Mum, has Stella got my blue T-shirt?Mum: I don’t know. Ask Stella, not me.Suzy: No, Simon. Stella hasn’t got your blue T-shirt.Stella: No, I haven’t got your blue T-shirt. Have you got my red trousers?Simon: No, I haven’t. And who’s got my favorite white shoes?Stella and Simon: Where’s Suzy?Mrs Star: Look at Suzy. She’s got your red trousers, Stella. She has got your blue T-shirt, Simon.She has got red trousers.He has got a blue jacket in his hands, a blue jacket in his hands.He has got a purple ball in his hands, a purple ball.He has got a purple ball in his hands, a purple ball in his hands.She has got a yellow sock in her hands, a yellow sock.She has got a yellow sock in her hands, a yellow sock in her hands.She has got a pink pencil in her hands, a pink pencil.Monty, boy and girl: Daisy dog.Monty: A dirty dog, a doll and a door.Toys in the toy box.Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Marie: Look at Stella’s clothes. She has got a yellow T-shirt. She has got a blue skirt. She has got pink socks and she has got brown shoes.Maskman: But she hasn’t got a jacket. Look at these. Simon’s got a red jacket. He has got green trousers and he has got black shoes.Marie: Well, Maskman. Stella has got trousers too. Has Simon got a skirt? Maskman: Huh! No, he hasn’t.Trevor: Ooohh! Hee, hee.Monty: Suzy has got a skirt, and she has got a beautiful orange T-shirt witha mouse on it.Everybody: OK.Simon: OK, Simon says put your hands on your head.Simon: OK, good.Simon: Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny. Come and stand next to me. Lenny: Oops, yeah, OK.Simon: Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis. Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and stand next to Lenny. Stella: Ha ha ha! OK!Simon: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim. Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex! Stand next to Stella. OK, Alex, ‘Simon says’ stand next to Stella. Alex: Thank you!Simon: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike.Simon: OK, stop.Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Ride a bike.Play tennis, basketball.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Now let’s swim.Play football, the guitar.Play, play, play.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,What’s number 2?What’s number 3?What’s number 4?What’s number 5?Simon:No, I can’t, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too.Suzy: Ooh! Can you fish, too, Simon?Simon:No, I can’t. Grandpa can fish.Stella: Yes, he can. And grandma can draw pictures.Suzy: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella?Stella:Yes, I can, but I can’t sing. What can you do, Suzy?Suzy:I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green…Simon: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too?He can ride a bike.She can’t sing.She can draw.I can chant,I can chant the ‘Can chant’.Yeah!I can play basketball,I can play the guitar,I can play football,And I can ride my car.I can’t ride a bike,I can’t swim,I can’t play tennis,And I can’t sing.But I can chant,I can chant,I can chant the ‘Can chant’.Can you chant?Can you chant?Yeah!Who can play basketball?Who can swim?Who can play tennis?Who can ride a horse?Who can play football?Monty, boy and girl: Freddy frogMonty: Three friends, six feet,Four frogs, eight feet,Five fish, no feet.Monty, boy and girl: Three friends, six feet,Four frogs, eight feet,Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Maskman:Do the Maskman song, do the Maskman song.Let’s all do the Maskman song.Monty:Oooh! Look! There’s Maskman. He can ride a bik e and play tennis!Trevor: I know, and he can play basketball.Monty, Trevor and Maskman: Ride a bike. Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play.Monty: Hello, Marie.Trevor and Maskman: Hello, Marie.Trevor: Marie! Listen to the Maskman song. He can swim and he can play football!Marie: What? Pardon? Oh! Sorry, Trevor.Marie: Yes, Trevor. Maskman can swim and he can ride a bike and he canMrs Star:That’s nice , Suzy! Where’s Stella?Suzy: She’s in the plane.Mrs Star: OK, yes.Simon: Mum, can I ride on the black motorbike?Mrs Star: One moment(等一下), Simon. No, sorry, you c an’t. Alex is on the motorbike, but you can go in the white boat, next to Meera.Simon: Where’s Meera?Mrs Star: She’s on the yellow boat.Simon: OK. That’s good.Mrs Star:Now, where’s Lenny?Simon:He’s there, in the red lorry.Long, blue train.Motorbike, lorry,The pink boat’s next to the shoe. (no)The green train’s under the chair. (yes)The brown train’s next to the computer. (no)The purple plane’s next to the pink boat. (yes)The black helicopter’s on the t able. (no)The orange motorbike’s under the chair. (no)The yellow lorry’s in the toy box. (yes)The white lorry’s under the chair. (yes)Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Monty: Hello, everybody.Maskman , Trevor, Marie: Hello, Monty.Monty: Are you flying your helicopter, Maskman?Maskman: No, I’m not.Monty: What are you doing, Maskman?Maskman: I’m flying my plane.Monty: That’s a nice bus, Marie. Where are you driving?Marie:I’m driving to school.Monty: Oh! Are you riding your bike, Trevor.Trevor:Bike! No, I’m not. I’m riding my big red motorbike.Marie: What are you doing, Monty?Monty: Well, I haven’t got a bike, a motorbike, a helicopter or a plane, so …Trevor:I’m riding my big red motorbike.Maskman: I’m flying my plane.I’m walkin g in my favourite shoes, favourite shoes, favourite shoes.I’m walking.I’m driving, driving.I’m driving in my long white lorry, long white lorry, long white lorry.I’m driving.I’m sitting, sitting.I’m sitting in my big green boat, big green boat, big g reen boat.I’m sitting.I’m riding, riding.I’m riding on my motorbike, motorbike, motorbike.I’m riding.I’m flying, flying.I’m flying in my helicopter, helicopter, helicopter.I’m flying.I’m walking, walking.I’m walking in my favourite shoes, favouri te shoes, favourite shoes.Monty, boy and girl: Nancy night owlMonty: Number nine is not his nose. His nose is number four.Maskman: I’m flying my plane. (No, I’m flying my helicopter.)Monty: I’m riding a horse. (No, I’m riding a bike.)Trevor:I’m driving a train. (No, I’m driving a lorry.)Marie:I’m driving a bus. (No, I’m driving a car)Come alive.Walk and talk.On the count of five,One, two, three, four, five.Sam: Help! Help! Help!Maskman:I’m flying my helicopter. Look! I can see a boy. Oh, he can’t swim.Maskman: I can pick the boy up.Maskman: Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again. Sam: Thanks, Maskman. Wow, you are my hero.Monty: Maskman... a green lorry! Stop! You c an’t cross the street now. Look, the man’s red!Maskman: Ooh! Er! Thank you, Monty. Wow, you are my hero.Monty:That’s OK, Maskman.Marie and Trevor:Do the Maskman song,Do the Maskman song,Let’s all do the Maskman song.Grandma: Hello. We’re in the living room.Mr Star: Where are the children?Grandma: Stella’s in the kitchen, Suzy’s in her bedroom and Simon’s in the bathroom.Mr Star: Good. Stella!Stella: Hi, Dad! Yes?Mr Star: Where’s Mum?Stella: She’s in the dining room.Mrs Star: I’m here. In the dining room. Where are you?Mr Star: I’m in the hall.Grandma and Grandpa are in the kitchen.Maskman’s in the living room.The cat’s in the hall.Stella’s in the bedroom.Mr Star’s in the dining room.Suz y’s in the kitchen.Mrs Star’s in the bathroom.She’s got two chairs in her bedroom.She’s got a table in her bedroom.She’s got a computer in her bedroom.She’s got a red toy box in her bedroom.She’s got a lot of books in her bedroom.She’s got a lot of toys in her bedroom.Come alive.。

Lesson 1, Unit 3
Hello,I‘m… What’s your name? My name is …
How old are you? I’m(six,seven…)
Goodbye! .
dog duck
frog fish
How are you? 你好吗? I'm fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。 And you? 你呢?
Who is he? Who is she? Who is that? He/She is…
How many chairs? Six red chairs?
No. Five yellow chairs.
How many pencils? Two green pencils? No. Four blue pencils.
How many pens? Eight orange pens? No. Three red pens.
Say the chant
black, brown, white grey look, listen, point and say.
Say it with Monty

句型 语法点
1. What?s this, Mr. Li? /It?s a goat. 2. It?s a long tail. It?s a …(一级)
自然拼读 e
Unit 3 I like apples. 考点:
apples, grapes, bananas, mango(e)s, pears, grapefruits, oranges, peaches, pineapples, coconuts, watermelons, lemons (一级)
clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell,
hear, taste, touch(一级)
He?s got three eyes... (一级)
We can see with our eyes. (一级)
口语交际:英文课堂中外教、 中教与学生间的互动让您的孩子充分体验英语实际运用的乐趣。
环境沉浸: 英语短片欣赏和英语角使您的孩子有更多的机会运用英语进行交流,
1级 A
Unit 1 Hello, I'm Sam.
边事物, 注意培养学生的英语写作能力, 能够书写简单英文日记或小文章, 所有时态基本掌
握。建立学生的英语语言思维能力。 能听懂英文小文章, 用英文回答问题, 词汇量达到初中
[教学方法 ]

Family& friends baby liveboy man/mencousin motherbrother mum(my)child oldchildren sisterdad(dy)youngfamily personfather peoplefriend grandmagirl womangrandpa womengrandfathergrandmotherauntdaughtergranddaughter grandparentgrandsongrown-up parentsonunclemarriedwifehusbandsurnameFood& drink applebananabeanbreadbreakfastburgercakecarrotdrinkeateggfishfoodchickenfruitgrapecoconutdinnerjuicelemonlemonadelimelunchmangomeatmilkonionorangepeapearpineapplepotatoricesausagesuppertomatowaterwatermelonice creamchipsfriesbottlebowlcheesecoffeecupglasshungrypastapicnicsaladsandwichsouptea thirstyvegetablebuttertasteflourforkjamknifemealpepperpiecepizzaplatesaltsmell snackspoon sugarsweet(s)candyCookiebiscuitchocolatechopsticksHealth cold hurtcough tiredcry nursedoctor headacheearache hospitalfine toothachetemperature stomach-achematter(What’s the matter?)cutdentistillfall fall overmedicine chemistchemist’sThe home armchairbathbathroombedbedroombookcaseboxlampwindowliving roomwatchmatmirrorpaintingaddressbalconybasementblanket CDplayerfandownstairsfloorliftelevatorshowerstair(s)toothbrushtowelbrushcombcookerdiaryfridgekeyletterenvelopeshelfsoapstampswingtelephonetoiletcamera phone dreamupstairs chair picture DVD player washclock radio homecomputer room cupboard sleep desk sofa dining tableroom television doll TV door toy flower tree garden wall hall flathouse apartmentkitchenMaterialscard glass gold metal paper plastic silver wood wool NamesAlex Ann Anna Ben Bill Jill Kim Lucy May Nick Pat Sam Sue Tom TonyDaisy Fred Jack Jane Jim JohnMary Paul Peter Sally VickyBetty David Emma Harry Helen KatyMichael Richard Robert SarahWilliamNumbers1–2021–1001st–20th 101–1,00021st–31st Places behind playground above farm airport bus stop between street bank hospital bridge bookshop here park below market castle chemist(’s)inthere road near circus London in front of under bus station square club museum next toonmap straight college north shop (US store)store (UK shop)cafélibrary placeopposite cinema corner south east over&end police station directionsswimming pool sports centre factory fire station way post office supermarketfront rightget to restaurant hotel station left theatre west straight on university Schoolalphabet answer ask board listen look number openhomework textmistakeart bin club collegelanguage science scissors shelfbook bookcase class classroom close color computer correct cross cupboard desk door draw English eraser rubber example floorfind know learn lesson letterline pagepartpenpencilpictureplaygroundquestionreadrulerrightunderstandschoolsentencesit(down)spellstand(up)tickstoryteachertelltestwallwindowwordwriteexamflagsubjectgluegrouphistorystudentdictionaryrucksackgeographystudyteachuniversitymaths(US math)competitionSports&ball badminton bat kick(n)drum magazine baseball football cinema sail diary pyramid beach play CD party golf swing basketball radio CD player present hotel ski(n+v) bike read comic ride(n)meet recorder boat ride(v)comic book skip player umbrella book run dance skate race volleyball bounce sing drive(v)swimming score torch camera sport DVD sports centre sledge flashlight catch soccer DVD player towel snowb programme doll song email swim(v)tape rucksack draw(ing)watch fish pool team snowman drive(v)story go film movie tent suitcaseleisure enjoy swim(v)shopping video favorite table hop walk(n)fishing tennis holidayfly take a photo musicgame pictureguitar tennishit texthobby throwhockey toyjump walk(v)kick(v)television/TVkite pianolisten picturepaint(ing )photoTime afternoonclockendmorningtodaybirthdaydayeveningnightwatchweekendyesterdaySundayMondayTuesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWednesdayafteralwaysbeforeeveryneversometimesweeka.m.midnightago summerautumn timecentury Christmasyear tomorrowdate tonightearly winterfuture pasthalf Januaryhour Februarylate Marchlater Aprilmidday MayminuteJunemonth Julyo’clock Augustp.m.Septemberquarter Octoberspring NovemberDecemberToys ballbaseball basketballbikeboatcargamehelicopter monsterplanerobottoytraindollfootballsoccerlorrytruckkiteTransport bikeboatbuscardrive(v)flygohelicoptermotorbikeplane ride(v)runswimtraintrucklorrybusstationdrive(n)driverride(n)ticketairportbicyclefireenginetrafficrocketambulance stationtaxiWeather sun cloudcloudyrainrainbowsnowsunnyweatherwindwindyfogicestormfoggyskyWork teacher clowndoctordriverfarmerhospitalnursepirateworkactor ambulanceairport astronautartist businesscook engineercircus footballerdentist fireworkengine journalistfactory mechanicfire meetingfiremannewspaper job officeman painterrocket pilotqueen waitertaxi police stationsinger secretarypolicemanpolicewomanphotographerbusinessmanThe world around us beach sand city moon air planet sea shell country mountain bridge pyramid street sun countryside plant castle sky tree water field river cave spaceforestgrassgroundroadrockstardesertfirefuturewoodhillisland town environmentjungle villagelake waterfallleaf/leaves world。
剑桥少儿英语 1-3级 ket pet

剑桥少儿英语1-3级ket pet全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE) are a series of fun and engaging exams designed for young learners aged between 7 and 12 years old. These tests are divided into three levels: Starters (beginner), Movers (elementary), and Flyers (pre-intermediate). In this document, we will focus on the first two levels: Ket (Starters) and Pet (Movers).Ket (Starters) is the first level of the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests. It is aimed at young learners who have just started learning English. The test consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. In the Reading and Writing paper, students are tested on their ability to understand simple written English and write short sentences. The Listening paper assesses their ability to understand spoken English through a series of short recordings. Finally, the Speaking paper requires students to speak about themselves and answer questions in English.Pet (Movers) is the second level of the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests. It is designed for young learners who have a basic understanding of English. Like Ket, Pet consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. In the Reading and Writing paper, students are tested on their ability to understand short stories and write simple sentences. The Listening paper assesses their ability to understand longer spoken English passages. The Speaking paper requires students to have short conversations with the examiner and answer questions about familiar topics.Both Ket and Pet tests are designed to be interactive and engaging, with a focus on real-life communication skills. The tests are age-appropriate and feature colorful illustrations and engaging tasks to keep young learners motivated. By taking these exams, students can build their confidence in using English and track their progress as they move through the levels.In conclusion, Cambridge Young Learners English Tests Ket and Pet are excellent tools for young learners to develop their English language skills in a fun and interactive way. These exams provide a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their abilities and gain recognition for their achievements. If you are a young learner looking to improve your English, why not considertaking the Ket or Pet test? It could be the first step on your journey to becoming a confident English speaker!篇2Cambridge English Tests for Schools 1-3 Levels: KET and PETIntroductionThe Cambridge English Tests for Schools are designed for young learners aged between 7 and 12 years old. These tests are specifically tailored to assess the English language skills of children at the A1, A2, and B1 levels, which correspond to Levels 1-3 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The Levels 1-3 tests include the Key English Test (KET) at the A2 level and the Preliminary English Test (PET) at the B1 level. These tests are a great way for young learners to track their progress in English and receive a globally recognized certificate of achievement.Key English Test (KET)The Key English Test (KET) is designed for students at the A2 level, which is considered a beginner level of English proficiency. The test assesses the ability of young learners to communicate in simple everyday situations, such as ordering food in a restaurant, giving directions, or talking about their hobbies and interests.The test consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The KET is a fantastic way for young learners to build their confidence in English and prepare for higher-level exams in the future.Preliminary English Test (PET)The Preliminary English Test (PET) is designed for students at the B1 level, which is considered an intermediate level of English proficiency. The test assesses the ability of young learners to communicate in a wider range of situations, such as discussing a range of topics, expressing opinions, and writing simple letters and emails. The test consists of four papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Use of English. The PET is a great stepping stone for young learners who wish to continue their English language learning journey and pursue higher-level qualifications.Preparation for the TestsPreparation for the Cambridge English Tests for Schools can take many forms, including studying course materials, practicing past exam papers, and participating in mock exams. It is important for young learners to familiarize themselves with the format of the tests, develop their confidence in using English, and build their vocabulary and grammar skills. Teachers can alsoplay a key role in helping students prepare for the exams by providing guidance, resources, and feedback on their progress.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Cambridge English Tests for Schools at Levels 1-3 offer young learners the opportunity to assess their English language skills and receive a certificate of achievement recognized worldwide. The Key English Test (KET) and the Preliminary English Test (PET) are designed to assess students at the A2 and B1 levels, respectively, and provide a valuable benchmark for their progress in English. By preparing diligently for these exams, young learners can build their confidence in using English, improve their communication skills, and set themselves up for success in future exams and academic pursuits.篇3Title: Cambridge Young Learners English (KET PET) Levels 1-3Cambridge Young Learners English (KET PET) is a series of English language exams designed for young learners aged 7-12. The exams are produced by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations and are specifically tailored to assess students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English.There are three levels in the Cambridge Young Learners English exams: Starters (KET), Movers (PET), and Flyers (FCE). Students can take the exams in any order, depending on their proficiency level in English. The exams are designed to be fun and engaging, with tasks that are age-appropriate and relevant to young learners.Level 1: Starters (KET) is the first level in the Cambridge Young Learners English exams. This level is designed for students who are just beginning to learn English and covers basic vocabulary and grammar concepts. The exam consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The Reading and Writing paper tests students on their ability to read and write simple sentences and short texts. The Listening paper assesses students' ability to understand spoken English, while the Speaking paper requires students to complete tasks that demonstrate their ability to communicate in English.Level 2: Movers (PET) is the second level in the Cambridge Young Learners English exams. This level is designed for students who have a basic understanding of English and covers a wider range of vocabulary and grammar concepts. The exam consists of the same three papers as Starters (KET): Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. However, the tasks in the Movers examare slightly more challenging, requiring students to demonstrate a greater level of proficiency in English.Level 3: Flyers (FCE) is the third level in the Cambridge Young Learners English exams. This level is designed for students who have a good understanding of English and covers a wide range of vocabulary and grammar concepts. The exam consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The tasks in the Flyers exam are more complex and require students to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in English.Overall, the Cambridge Young Learners English exams are a great way for young learners to assess their English language skills and track their progress. The exams are recognized by schools and educational institutions around the world and can help students build confidence in their English abilities. With fun and engaging tasks, the exams are a great way for young learners to improve their English language skills and prepare for future academic and professional opportunities.。

因为最高的级别flyers的语言水平大约相当于剑桥主体考试的ket,因此它可以作为长大以后通向ket或迈向pet 的桥梁。
该考试分为三个级别,引进中国后,增加了预备级,分别为预备级(Pre-Starters)、一级(Starters), 二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)(喻示着孩子们从刚刚起步starters到渐渐前进movers直至最终起飞flyers 来学习掌握和使用英语)。

剑桥少儿英语一级必背单词动物animal cat?? dog?? sheep?? duck?? elephant?? fish? lizard??butterfly动物猫狗绵羊鸭大象鱼?? 蜥蜴蝴蝶crocodile?? cow? goat?? hippo?? giraffe?? snake?? monkey ?rabbit?? bat?鳄鱼母牛山羊河马长颈鹿蛇猴子?? 兔子蝙蝠mouse?? tiger?? horse?? chick?? chicken?? bird?? spider?? lionbear老鼠老虎马小鸡鸡、鸡肉鸟蜘蛛? 狮子熊frog panda bee turtle tortois puppy monster zebra fox 青蛙熊猫蜜蜂乌龟乌龟小狗妖怪? 斑马狐狸交通工具bike?? bus?? car?? motorbike?? plane?? helicopter?? ship自行车公共汽车轿车摩托车飞机直升飞机轮船train?? boat?? airplane火车船喷气式飞机食物、饮料、水果food?? drink?? fruit?? French fries?? fish?? chicken?? hot dog食物饮料、喝水果薯条鱼鸡肉热狗rice?? carrot?? tomato?? pea?? sausage?? cake?? bread?? dinner? 米饭胡萝卜西红柿豌豆香肠蛋糕面包正餐sandwich?? pizza?? onion?? coconut?? milk?? coffee?? juice?? burger 三明治比萨饼洋葱椰子牛奶咖啡果汁汉堡包meat? ice cream? orange?? banana?? apple? lemon?? hamburgermeal肉冰淇淋橘子香蕉苹果柠檬汉堡包?? 一餐pineapple?? pear?? peach?? watermelon?? melon?? grape?? potato??leaf菠萝梨桃子西瓜甜瓜葡萄?? 土豆叶子mango?? egg? bean? breakfast?? lunch? supper? lemonadestrawberry芒果鸡蛋豆早饭中饭晚饭?? 柠檬汁草莓你每天做什么?What do you do every day?have breakfast?? drink milk?? eat cakes?? learn English? read books 吃早饭喝牛奶吃蛋糕学英语看书ride a bike?? sit on a chair?? throw a ball?? sing songs?? sleep in bed 骑自行车坐在椅子上扔球唱歌睡在床上tell stories?? learn Maths take a walk?? kick a ball?? play with a dog讲故事学数学散步踢球和狗玩have a meeting ask and answer questions开会提出和回答问题一个忙碌的星期天早晨 A busy Sunday morningpainting flying?? standing?? eating?? walking?? sleeping? drawing? 着色、漆飞站吃走睡觉画画drinking?? reading running?? swimming? sitting?? jumping??writing?喝看书跑游泳坐跳写riding?? dancing phoning? playing with a dog?? talking?? watching?骑跳舞打电话和狗玩讲话看spelling?? kicking the tomato拼写踢土豆运动sport?? badminton?? baseball?? table tennis?? soccer?? running?cutting?运动羽毛球棒球乒乓球足球跑剪hockey?? tennis?? football?? basketball climbing?? three-legrunning?曲棍球网球足球篮球爬3条腿跑frog jumping?? swinging?? counting? fishing? going to school?? goinghome?青蛙跳荡秋千数数钓鱼去学校回家learning English?? drawing pictures?? having lunch?? riding a bike?剑桥少儿英语二级(单词、句型,单元重点)Unit1:Chinese 中国人,中文English 英国人,英语American 美国人robot机器人play the piano 弹钢琴draw pictures 画画learn English 学英语puppy 小狗Unit2: mine 我的…yours 你的…hers 她的…his他的…its 它的…ours 我们的…theirs 他们的…pet 宠物scarf 围巾beard 山羊胡moustache 八字胡blonde 金色的curly 卷曲的straight 笔直的Unit3:library 图书馆bank 银行shop 商店playground 操场café咖啡馆sports centre 体育中心dining room 餐厅round 圆的square 方的quiet 安静的strong 强壮的weak 虚弱的thirsty 口渴的tired 累的hungry 饿的different 不同的famous 著名的slow 慢的quick 快的beautiful 漂亮的Unit4: blanket 毯子bathroom 浴室cupboard 碗柜crocodile 鳄鱼comic 滑稽的kitchen 厨房lamp 台灯lizard 蜥蜴shark 鲨鱼mirror 镜子spider 蜘蛛street 街道sweater 毛衣television 电视towel 毛巾balcony 阳台Unit5:waterfall 瀑布forest 森林jungle 丛林island 岛屿lake 湖泊river 河流mountain 山city 城市village村庄hospital医院cinema 电影院supermarket 超市see a film 看电影Unit6:read a newspaper 看报纸eat fruit 吃水果wash up 洗碗cook a meal 做饭story book 故事书music book 音乐书cookery book 烹饪书Unit7: drop litter 扔垃圾drive 驾驶throw 扔, 投grass 草pick flowers 摘花dolphin 海豚mustn’t 不允许Unit8: work hard 努力学习boring 枯燥的lovely 可爱的Unit9: 1.big bigger fat fatter hot hotter thin thinner;2. brave braver late later nice nicer large larger ;3. busy busier easy easier dry drier early earlier happy happier heavy heavier;4. good/well better bad/badly worse far farther/further many/much more5. beautiful more beautiful interesting more interesting building 大楼kilometers 千米Unit10:travel 旅游snowman 雪人blue whale 蓝鲸the Nile 尼罗河sailfish 帆鱼,旗鱼difficult 困难的centimeter 厘米ladder 梯子choose 选择basement 地下室lift 电梯shoulder 肩膀apartment 公寓Unit11, 12: is/am was are were see saw give gave ride rode speak spoke take took buy bought go went eat ate swim swam sleep slept sit sat draw drew catch caught say said find found drink drank run ran sing sang fly flew write wrote put put come came get got meet metvideo-camera 摄像机digital camera 数码相机London Bridge伦敦桥Big Ben大本钟river Thames 泰晤士河unit13:Monday 星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday星期六Sunday 星期日tie the shoes 系鞋带rest 休息after在---之后before 在---之前Unit14: beef steak 牛排sea food 海鲜French fries 法式薯条vegetable 蔬菜pasta 意大利面食move away 搬走walk the dog 遛狗look out of the window 向窗外看all the time 一直sometimes 有时候earth 地球,土地once 一次twice 两次every other day每隔一天Unit15: poor 穷的(rich 富有的)sell 卖throw threw 扔beanstalk 豆茎meter 米monster 魔鬼fairy 精灵仙女castle 城堡golden金的fall down 摔下来Unit16: snowy下雪的snowflake雪花have a snowball fight 打雪仗winter 冬天snowman 雪人Unit1: village 村庄countryside 郊区field 田地shop 购物(动词) get on 上(车) get off 下(车) arrive in 到达+大地点arrive at 到达+小地点at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下set out 出发slow down 减速慢下来proud 骄傲的,自豪的people 人(集体名词) surprised 惊讶的Unit2:sunny 晴天的rainy 雨天的cloudy 多云的windy 刮风的foggy 有雾的stormy 暴雨的rainbow彩虹weather天气play with sand on the beach 在沙滩上玩沙子sunset 日落bicycle=bike cycling 骑自行车Unit3: a headache 头疼an earache耳朵疼 a toothache 牙疼 a backache 背疼 a stomachache 肚子疼have a cold 感冒 a cough咳嗽 a fever 高烧(run a temperature 发高烧)sweet food 甜食 a bad tooth 一颗蛀牙pull out 拔出(pull up拔起)lunch time 午饭时间last night 昨天晚上all night 一整晚medicine 药feel 感觉(How do you feel now?)brush teeth刷牙Unit4:dolphin 海豚starfish 海星crab 螃蟹smell 闻sound听taste尝look看tongue舌头washing powder洗衣粉soup 汤(复习所有身体部位单词)Unit5: cousin 唐表兄弟,唐表姐妹weekend 周末picnic野炊breathe 呼吸outside 外面Unit6: a bowl of 一碗 a bag of 一包 a box of 一箱 a carton of 一纸盒 a bottle of 一瓶 a cup of 一杯 a glass of 一玻璃杯 a bar of 一块 a pair of 一双一副 a kilo of 一公斤half a kilo of 一斤Unit7: clown 小丑interesting 有趣的exciting 兴奋的激动人心的gift =present 礼物Unit8: first 第一second第二third第三forth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth 第十eleventh 第十一twel f th第十二thirteenth 第十三fourteenth 第十四fifteenth 第十五sixteenth第十六seventeenth第十七eighteenth第十八nineteenth 第十九twent ie th第二十twenty-first 第二十一thirtieth 第三十fort ie th 第四十fift ie th 第五十sixt ie th 第六十sevent ie th 第七十eight ie th 第八十ninet ie th 第九十hundredth 第一百press 按button 纽扣按钮elevator 电梯(lift)choose chose 选择Unit9:sunbathe 进行日光浴yummy 美味的cute 可爱的woe 悲哀,悲痛bonny 可爱的,姣美的Unit10:pirate 海盗treasure 财富,财宝lose lost 丢失pick up 捡起know knew 知道find 找到look for 寻找rock 岩石stone石头Unit11:hobby 爱好New Zealand新西兰Africa 非洲bone 骨头chew 咀嚼paw (有爪动物的)脚掌swallow吞咽燕子Unit12:invite邀请kitten 小猫fox 狐狸useful 有用的anything 任何事naughty 淘气的trunk 树干wave 波浪,挥动,挥手quickly快速地Unit13, 14:spot看出run along 沿着---跑underground地下的,地铁ticket 票understand懂,明白push 推happen 发生no problem 没问题Unit15:walk slowly 慢慢地走sing happily 开心地唱dance beautifully跳得很优美run quickly= run fast 跑得块write carefully 仔细地写sit quietly 安静地坐着behave badly 表现很糟speak loudly 大声地讲话draw differently 画得不一样pond kit 鱼缸套装spoon 勺子race 赛跑,竞赛(速度上) cost 花费money钱dinner 正餐(一般是晚餐) ring the bell 打铃Unit16:dart 标枪,飞镖fair 公平的opposite 对立的,相对的,反义词score 得分round 一轮,一圈double两倍(名,动,形容) miss 失去,错过,思念sleepy 瞌睡的early 早的clip 回形针,夹子,别针space 空间,距离spaceship 宇宙飞船fix固定,安装wheel 车轮, 轮子剑桥少儿英语二级必须掌握的内容上册Unit one基本句型:I’ve got many new friendsThey are so lovelyMaybe I can meet her tomorrowI like to play with toysMy Chinese name is “Zhou Changcheng”My English name is “Ann”Please give it to me.Can I help you with the bag?重点朗读词汇:Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden重点记忆内容:单词:Chinese, English, American, robot, piano, crayon, strong, weak, fat, thin,句型: 见第3页的第5部分需要学生记忆家庭作业:1、练习基本句型,跟读磁带把第4页的第7部分读熟直至能背下来。

parents granddaughter
• watching TV • listening to music • riding a bike • eating fruit
• Simon’s playing football with his [uncle]. • Mrs Star’s reading a book to her [daughter]. • Grandpa Star’s taking a photo of his [son]. • Stella’s playing a game with her [aunt]. • Mr and Mrs Star are Simon’s [parents].
Listen to a song! • Mom • Dad • Brother • Sister • Grandmother • Grandfather
• My family
• aunt • uncle • daughter • son
granddaugher grandson grandparent parent
My own family tree.
She’s my aunts daughter.
Lesson 2, Unit 1
• learning English • painting a picture • playing football • reading a book

新版剑桥少儿英语一至三年级全大讲义文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。
考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。


glass of
Family & Friends
lion panda
parrot pet
The body & face
back shoulder
beard stomach
blond(e) straight
curly tooth/teeth
Food & drink
baseball kitebasketball listen (to)
beach paint(ing)
bike photoboat piano
book picture
bounce play (with)
camera radiocatch read
doll ride (n+v)
draw(ing) run
clock room
computer sleep
cupboard sofa
desk table
dining room television/TV
doll toy
door tree
flat wall
flower watch garden window hall
剑桥少儿英语 1-3级 ket pet

剑桥少儿英语1-3级ket petCambridge Young Learners English Tests (KET PET) are a series of English language proficiency exams designed specifically for young learners aged 7 to 12. These tests are part of the Cambridge English suite of exams and are designed to measure a child's ability to communicate in English in everyday situations.The KET PET exams are divided into three levels: KET (Key English Test) for beginners, PET (Preliminary English Test) for intermediate learners, and FCE (First Certificate in English) for advanced learners. Each level assesses different language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.The KET exam is the first level in the series and is designed for young learners who are just starting to learn English. This exam focuses on basic vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills. The PET exam is the second level and is designed for learners who have a good understanding of English and can communicate effectively in familiar situations. The FCE exam is the highest level in the series and is designed for learners who have a strong command of English and can communicate fluently in a wide range of situations.Preparing for the KET PET exams is essential for young learners who want to improve their English language skills and demonstrate their proficiency to schools or potential employers. There are many resources available to help young learners prepare for the exams, including practice tests, study guides, and online courses.In conclusion, the KET PET exams are a valuable tool for young learners who want to improve their English language skills and demonstrate their proficiency to schools and potential employers. By preparing for these exams, young learners can build confidence in their English abilities and open up new opportunities for themselves in the future.。
剑桥少儿英语 1-3级 ket pet

剑桥少儿英语1-3级ket pet全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE) are a series of fun, engaging exams designed for children aged between 7 and 12. There are three levels in the series: Starters, Movers, and Flyers, corresponding to A1, A2, and B1 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).For children at the beginner level, Cambridge English: Starters (also known as Cambridge English: Young Learners - Starters) is the first level of the YLE series. This exam is aimed at children who have been learning English for approximately 100 hours and allows them to demonstrate their ability to communicate in simple situations.Cambridge English: Movers (also known as Cambridge English: Young Learners - Movers) is the second level of the YLE series and is designed for children who have around 175 hours of English language learning experience. This exam tests children on their ability to understand and use basic language and is an important milestone in their language learning journey.For children at the intermediate level, Cambridge English: Flyers (also known as Cambridge English: Young Learners - Flyers) is the final level of the YLE series. This exam is aimed at children who have completed approximately 250 hours of English language learning and tests their ability to communicate in a wide range of everyday situations.All three exams assess children's listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through a variety of fun and interactive tasks such as matching exercises, multiple-choice questions, picture descriptions, and story-telling. The exams are designed to motivate children to learn English and provide them with a sense of achievement as they progress through the levels.Overall, the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are a fantastic way for children to develop their English language skills in a fun and engaging way. The exams not only test children's language abilities but also help to build their confidence and encourage them to continue learning and improving their English.篇2Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE) are a series of fun and engaging English language exams designed specificallyfor children aged 7 to 12. The YLE tests, which include Starters (pre-A1), Movers (A1), and Flyers (A2), can help children build their confidence in using English through a series of interactive tasks and activities.For children who are just starting to learn English, the Cambridge YLE Starters exam is a great way to introduce them to the language in a fun and engaging way. This exam focuses on listening and speaking skills, as well as basic vocabulary and grammar. Children are tasked with completing a series of tasks, such as matching pictures to words, listening to a story and answering questions, and describing a picture.As children progress in their English language learning journey, they can take the Cambridge YLE Movers exam, which is aimed at A1 level learners. This exam builds on the skills learned in Starters and introduces more complex tasks, such as reading and writing. Children are required to read and understand short texts, write simple sentences, and complete gap-fill exercises.For children who have reached A2 level in their English language skills, the Cambridge YLE Flyers exam is the next step. This exam is designed to test children's ability to communicate in English in a variety of situations. Children are required to listen toand understand longer texts, write short paragraphs, and engage in conversations with an examiner.Overall, the Cambridge YLE exams are a great way for children to improve their English skills in a fun and interactive way. By taking these exams, children can track their progress and work towards achieving internationally recognized qualifications in English language proficiency.篇3Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (YLE) are exams specifically designed for young learners aged between 7 and 12. The exams are divided into three levels: Starters (for beginners), Movers (for intermediate learners), and Flyers (for advanced learners). These exams are a great way for children to improve their English skills, gain confidence, and get a recognized certificate from the prestigious University of Cambridge.For children at the beginning stages of their English learning journey, the Starters level exam is ideal. It is designed for children who have basic English skills and can understand and use simple phrases and sentences. The Starters exam consists of three papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, and Speaking. In the Listening paper, children listen to a series of short recordingsand answer questions based on what they hear. In the Reading & Writing paper, children read short texts and answer questions, as well as write short words or phrases. In the Speaking paper, children participate in a one-on-one conversation with an examiner, where they demonstrate their ability to communicate in English.The Movers level exam is for children who have a bit more experience with English and can understand and use more complex language structures. The Movers exam also consists of three papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, and Speaking. In the Listening paper, children listen to longer recordings and answer questions, while in the Reading & Writing paper, they read longer texts and write short sentences. In the Speaking paper, children engage in a conversation with an examiner and demonstrate their ability to express themselves in English.The Flyers level exam is for children who have a solid foundation in English and can communicate effectively in most situations. The Flyers exam consists of four papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, Speaking, and Use of English. In the Listening paper, children listen to conversations and answer questions, while in the Reading & Writing paper, they read longer texts and write short paragraphs. In the Speaking paper, children engagein a conversation with an examiner and discuss familiar topics. The Use of English paper tests children's knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.Overall, the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are an excellent way for children to assess their English skills and progress in their language learning journey. The exams are fun, engaging, and age-appropriate, making them a great way for children to develop their language skills while building confidence. So, if you have a young learner who is ready to take their English to the next level, consider registering them for the Cambridge Young Learners English Tests today!。
剑桥少儿英语 1-3级 ket pet

剑桥少儿英语1-3级ket pet全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cambridge Young Learners English Tests (also known as YLE) are a series of tests to assess the English language skills of children aged 7 to 12. The tests are divided into three levels: Starters, Movers, and Flyers, which correspond to the levels A1, A2, and B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).In this article, we will focus on the first three levels of the YLE tests: Key English Test (KET) for Young Learners (YLE) 1, Key English Test (KET) for Young Learners (YLE) 2, and Preliminary English Test (PET) for Young Learners (YLE) 3.Key English Test (KET) for Young Learners (YLE) 1 is the first level of the YLE tests. It is designed for children who have some basic knowledge of English. The test consists of three papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The Reading and Writing paper includes matching exercises, multiple-choice questions, and short writing tasks. The Listening paper tests thechildren's ability to understand spoken English. The Speaking paper assesses their ability to interact in English.Key English Test (KET) for Young Learners (YLE) 2 is the second level of the YLE tests. It is designed for children who have a basic understanding of English and can communicate in simple situations. The test consists of the same three papers as KET 1 but includes more complex exercises that require a higher level of language proficiency.Preliminary English Test (PET) for Young Learners (YLE) 3 is the third level of the YLE tests. It is designed for children who have a good command of English and can communicate effectively in a wide range of situations. The test consists of four papers: Reading and Writing, Listening, Speaking, and Use of English. The Reading and Writing paper includes longer texts and more complex writing tasks. The Listening paper tests the children's ability to understand spoken English in different contexts. The Speaking paper assesses their ability to communicate effectively in English. The Use of English paper tests their grammar and vocabulary skills.Overall, the YLE tests are a great way for children to assess their English language skills and track their progress. By taking the tests, children can gain confidence in their abilities and setgoals for further improvement. Additionally, the YLE tests are recognized by schools and language institutions worldwide, making them a valuable asset for children who want to continue their English language education.篇2Cambridge Young Learners of English (YLE) is a series of fun and interactive English language exams designed for young learners aged between 7 and 12 years old. The exams are divided into three levels: Starters (for beginners), Movers (for elementary level learners), and Flyers (for pre-intermediate learners). Students who successfully pass these exams will receive a certificate from Cambridge English Language Assessment, which is recognized worldwide.Starters is the first level of the YLE exams and is suitable for young learners who have had some exposure to English. The exam consists of three papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, and Speaking. The Listening paper includes tasks such as listening for specific information and ordering pictures to match a story. The Reading & Writing paper tests students' ability to understand and respond to short written texts. The Speaking paper assesses students' ability to communicate in English through tasks like answering questions and describing pictures.Movers is the second level of the YLE exams and is designed for young learners who have a basic understanding of English. The exam also consists of three papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, and Speaking. The Listening paper includes tasks such as identifying and understanding information in conversations. The Reading & Writing paper tests students' ability to read and write short texts in English. The Speaking paper assesses students' ability to have a simple conversation in English.Flyers is the third level of the YLE exams and is suitable for young learners who are approaching an intermediate level of English. The exam consists of three papers: Listening, Reading & Writing, and Speaking. The Listening paper includes tasks such as listening for specific information and understanding longer conversations. The Reading & Writing paper tests students' ability to read and write longer texts in English. The Speaking paper assesses students' ability to communicate in English through tasks like talking about a picture or responding to questions.Overall, the YLE exams are a great way for young learners to improve their English language skills in a fun and engaging way. The exams are designed to test students' abilities in all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Bytaking these exams, students can track their progress and gain confidence in their English abilities. If you are a young learner looking to improve your English, consider taking the YLE exams and see how much you can achieve!篇3Cambridge Young Learners English Test (YLE) is designed for children who are learning English as a foreign language. There are three levels of the test: Starters (pre-A1 level), Movers (A1 level) and Flyers (A2 level). These tests are a great way for children to track their progress in English and to gain confidence in their language skills.The Starters test, also known as Key English Test (KET) for Schools, is the first level of the YLE exams. It is suitable for children who have been learning English for around 100 hours. The test covers basic vocabulary, grammar and listening skills. The test consists of three different parts: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking.The Reading and Writing section of the KET test includes tasks such as matching words to pictures, filling in the blanks, and reading short texts and answering questions. This sectiontests the child's ability to understand basic vocabulary and sentence structures.The Listening section involves listening to short recordings and answering multiple-choice questions. This section tests the child's ability to understand spoken English and follow instructions.The Speaking section is a one-on-one interview with an examiner. The child is asked to answer questions about themselves, describe pictures, and engage in a short conversation. This section tests the child's ability to communicate in English and express themselves orally.The Movers test, also known as Preliminary English Test (PET) for Schools, is the second level of the YLE exams. It is suitable for children who have been learning English for around 175 hours. The test covers more complex vocabulary, grammar and listening skills. The format of the Movers test is similar to the Starters test, with three different sections: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking.The Reading and Writing section of the PET test includes tasks such as matching sentences to pictures, completing sentences, and reading longer texts and answering questions.This section tests the child's ability to understand more complex vocabulary and sentence structures.The Listening section involves listening to longer recordings and answering multiple-choice questions. This section tests the child's ability to understand spoken English in different contexts.The Speaking section is also a one-on-one interview with an examiner. The child is asked to talk about a picture, answer questions, describe a picture, and engage in a short conversation. This section tests the child's ability to communicate in English and express themselves orally in more detail.The Flyers test, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools, is the highest level of the YLE exams. It is suitable for children who have been learning English for around 250 hours. The test covers advanced vocabulary, grammar and listening skills. The format of the Flyers test is similar to the Starters and Movers tests, with three different sections: Reading and Writing, Listening, and Speaking.The Reading and Writing section of the FCE test includes tasks such as matching sentences to pictures, completing sentences, and reading longer texts and answering questions. This section tests the child's ability to understand and produce more complex English sentences and texts.The Listening section involves listening to longer recordings and answering multiple-choice questions. This section tests the child's ability to understand spoken English in different contexts and follow instructions.The Speaking section is a one-on-one interview with an examiner. The child is asked to talk about a picture, answer questions, describe a picture, and engage in a longer conversation. This section tests the child's ability to communicate in English and express themselves orally in more detail and complexity.Overall, the YLE exams are a valuable tool for children to develop their English language skills and build confidence in using English. The tests are designed to be engaging and fun for children, while also providing a clear assessment of their abilities in English. Passing the KET, PET, and FCE exams is a great achievement that shows that a child is on the right track to becoming a proficient English speaker.。
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剑桥少儿英语剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构——英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为6—12岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。
考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。
[教学目标]语法点:一般将来时、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、人称或时态变换引起的动词变化、灵活判断时态、物主代词的灵活运用、THERE BE 句型、HOW句型、特殊疑问句、肯定句、否定句、反意疑问句、形容词的比较级和最高级、一般疑问句的变换,掌握941多个词汇,具体描述的主题和概念扩展到天气、健康、环境、动作、职责等。
剑桥少儿英语一级全1级AUnit 1 Hello, I'm Sam.Unit 2 It's a goat.考点:Unit 3 I like apples.考点:Unit 4 What's in my hat?考点:Unit 5 My body and the monsters 考点:Unit 6 Let's play games.考点:Unit 7 Fruit and vegetable party 考点:Unit 8 Colors around us考点:1级AUnit 9 Where is my toy car?Unit 10 An easy maths lessonUnit 11 Our family treeUnit 12 Let's make friendsUnit 13 Paper clothes showUnit 14 Let's help the oldUnit 15 A happy new yearUnit 16 An English evening1级BUnit 1 School Opening Day考点:Unit 2 “Doing” English in the classroom 考点:Unit 3 Lunch in the garden考点:Unit 4 We are having an English class.考点:Unit 5 Let’s play with letters!考点:Unit 6 More fun at “World Factory”考点:Unit 7 I like this reading-room.考点:Unit 8 Our color fair考点:1级BUnit 9 Let’s smell the flowers.Unit 10 Numbers in our lives考点:Unit 11 A visit to the park of opposites 考点:Unit 12 I like paper-folding lessons.考点:Unit 13 Happy Children’s Day!考点:Unit 14 A birthday partyUnit 15 Fun in the playground剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit 1 I’ve got many new friends.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands●通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友●学习和掌握本单元的重点句型●综合复习一下以前学过的词汇交际用语 Expressions in communication●I’ve got many new friends.●They are so lovely.●Maybe I can meet her tomorrow.●I like to play with toys.●My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.”●My English name is“Ann.”●Please give it to me.●Can I help you with the bag?重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressionsChinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden所需教具 Materials for teaching●几个男生和几个女生照片或图片●每个同学需要带自己的照片●已学过的分类图片●书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品教学步骤 Teaching ProceduresWarm up教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。
教师说:“First of all, I would like to say‘welcome’to all of you. Welcome you back to school. I’m sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester we’ve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:“This is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. He likes to play soccer, too.”介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依次在小组里做一个介绍,让大家相互了解。