

关于对艾氏剂、氯丹、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯、六氯代苯、 灭蚊灵

关于对艾氏剂、氯丹、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯、六氯代苯、 灭蚊灵
四、无害环境管理(ESM)指南...................................................... 17
A. 一般考虑:《巴塞尔公约》和《斯德哥尔摩公约》以及经济合作与发展 组织................................................................................................................. 17 1.《巴塞尔公约》 ....................................................................................... 17 2.《斯德哥尔摩公约》. .............................................................................. 17 3.经济合作与发展组织 ............................................................................... 17
关于对艾氏剂、氯丹、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、七氯、六氯代苯、 灭蚊灵或毒杀芬等农药构成、含有此类物质或受其污染或以六 氯代苯作为一种工业化学品的废物实行无害环境管理的技术准 则
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一、导言.............................................................................................................................. 5 A. 范围......................

惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书

惠普LaserJet Pro MFP M329, M428-M429 保修和法务指南说明书

1 服务与支持 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 HP 有限保修声明 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 英国、爱尔兰和马耳他 ................................................................................................................................... 3 奥地利、比利时、德国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................. 4 比利时、法国和卢森堡 ................................................................................................................................... 4 意大利 ..



skf原产地证明摘要:1.SKF 公司简介2.原产地证明的定义和重要性3.SKF 原产地证明的作用和意义4.如何获取SKF 原产地证明5.SKF 原产地证明的注意事项正文:1.SKF 公司简介SKF(Svenska Kullagerfabriken)是一家瑞典的轴承制造公司,成立于1907 年。


SKF 以其高质量的产品和服务而闻名于世,是轴承行业的领军企业。




3.SKF 原产地证明的作用和意义SKF 原产地证明对于购买SKF 轴承的消费者来说具有重要意义。

首先,它可以确保消费者购买的轴承是正宗的SKF 产品,享受到优质的售后服务。

其次,SKF 原产地证明可以帮助消费者了解轴承的产地、生产工艺和质量标准,为消费者提供更多的购买信息。

最后,SKF 原产地证明有助于消费者享受关税优惠和贸易条约中的优惠待遇,降低进口成本。

4.如何获取SKF 原产地证明要获取SKF 原产地证明,消费者需要向SKF 官方授权经销商购买轴承。




DIN EN 10305-5englisch 2010-05

DIN EN 10305-5englisch 2010-05

Daimler AG;019 - HPC D652 - GR/PQS;
Unkontrollierte Kopie bei Ausdruck (GR/PQS: Rudolf Ehinger, 2010-09-23)
DIN EN 10305-5:2010-05 EN 10305-5:2010 (E)
Foreword ..............................................................................................................................................................3 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 10 10.1 10.2 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 12 13
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Ref. No. EN 10305-5:2010: E
Unkontrollierte Kopie bei Ausdruck (GR/PQS: Rudolf Ehinger, 2010-09-23)
Tubes de précision en acier - Conditions techniques de livraison - Partie 5 : Tubes soudés calibrés avec section carrée et rectangulaire Präzisionsstahlrohre - Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil 5: Geschweißte maßumgeformte Rohre mit quadratischem und rechteckigem Querschnitt

UN38.3 Test Report(1)

UN38.3 Test Report(1)

APPLICATION FOR LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVEOn Behalf ofShenzhen Xuxing Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd.Li-ion BatteryModel: A1, X8Prepared For : Shenzhen Xuxing Telecom Technology Co.,Ltd.14I,Block A, Huaqiang Plaza, No.1019Huaqiang North Road, Futian District,Shenzhen,ChinaPrepared By : Most Technology Service Co., Ltd.No. 5, 2nd Langshan Road, North District, Hi-techIndustrial Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen,Guangdong, ChinaTEL : 0755 – 86170306FAX : 0755 – 86170310Date of receipt of test item : January 13, 2011Report Reference Number : SZSTS110103EU______ST/SG/AC.10/11Rev.5 Section 38.3Clause Requirement- Test Result - Remark Verdict38.3 Lithium metal and lithium ion batteries P 38.3.1 Purpose PThis section presents the procedures to be followedfor the classification of Lithium metal and lithium ioncells and batteries.P 38.3.2 Scope P Lithium metal and lithium ion cells and batteries whichdiffer from a tested type by:Pa) For primary cells and batteries, a change of morethan 0.1 g or 20% by mass, whichever is greater, tothe cathode, to the anode, or to the electrolyte.Nb) For rechargeable cells and batteries, a change inwatt-hours of more than 20% or an increase in voltageof more than 20%.Pc) A change that would materially affect the testresults. Shall be considered a new type and shall besubjected to the required test.P38.3.2.2 I For the purposes of classification, the followingdefinitions apply:P38.3.3 When a cell or battery type is to be tested underthis sub-section, the number and condition ofcells and batteries of each type to be tested are asfollows: Tests 1 to 5 must beconducted in sequence onthe same battery,Pa) When testing primary cells and batteries undertests 1 to 5, the following shall be tested:N Ten cells in undischarged states, N Ten cells in fully discharged states, N Four small batteries in undischarged states, N Four small batteries in fully discharged states, N Four large batteries in undischarged states N Four large batteries in fully discharged states N b) when testing rechargeable cells and batteries undertests 1 to 5 the following shall be tested:P Ten cells at first cycle, in fully charged states, N Four small batteries at first cycle, in fully chargedstates.P Four small batteries 50 cycle ending in fully chargedstates.P Two large batteries at first cycle, in fully chargedstates. N Two large batteries 25 cycle ending in fully chargedstates.NClause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______c) When testing primary and rechargeable cells under test 6(Impact), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:PFor primary cells, five cells in undischarged states and five cells in fully discharged statesPFor component cells of primary batteries, Five cells in undischarged states and five cells in fully discharged states.NFor rechargeable cells, five cells at first cycle at 50% of the design rated capacity,N For components cells of rechargeable batteries, five cells at first cycle at 50% of the design rated capacity.PFor prismatic cells, ten test cells are required instead of the five described above, so that the procedure can be carried out on five cells along the longitudinal axes and, separately, five cells along the other axes. In every case, the test cell is only subjected to one impacPd) When testing rechargeable batteries under test 7(Overcharge), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:PFour small batteries at first cycle, in fully charged states.P Four small batteries after 50 cycles ending in fully charged states.P Two large batteries at first cycle, in fully charged states,N Two large batteries after 25 cycles ending in fully charged states.Ne) When testing primary and rechargeable cells under test 8(Forced Discharge), the following shall be tested in the quantity indicated:The requirement is not applicable to test batteries. N Ten primary cells in fully discharged states N Ten rechargeable cells, at first cycle in fully discharged statesN Ten rechargeable cells after 50 cycles ending in fullydischarged statesNf) when testing a battery assembly in which the aggregate lithium content of all anodes, when fully charged, is not more than 500g, or in the case of a lithium ion battery, with a watt-hour rating of not more than 6200 Watt-hoursNClause Requirement- Test Result - Remark Verdict______38.3.4 ProcedurePTest 1 to 5 must be conducted in sequence on the same cell or battery.P Test 6 and 8 should be conducted using not otherwisetested cells or batteriesPTest 7 may be conducted using undamaged batteriespreviously used in tests 1 to 5 for purposes of testing on cycled batteriesP38.3.4.1 Test 1: Altitude Simulation P Purpose P This test simulates air transport under low-pressureconditions.-- Test procedureP stored at a pressure 11.6 kPa -- ambient temperature (20 ± 5).℃ 24℃ -- Stored times( ≥ 6 hours) 8 hours. -- RequirementCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is nomass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged statesNo mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. Battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltageimmediately prior to this procedure.PMass M of Test Battery (g)OCV (V) Group No.M1 (beforet he test) M2 (after the test)MassLoss limit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%)01 21.223g 21.223g0.00%3.861 3.861 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00%3.867 3.867 100.0%03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00%3.866 3.866 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, infully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.862 3.862 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00%3.865 3.865 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00%3.854 3.854 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00%3.860 3.860 100.0% Group B (after fiftycycles ending in fullycharged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8673.867100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Li-ion Battery had passed altitude simulation test. Test 2: Thermal Test P Purpose P This test assesses cell and battery seal integrity andinternal electrical connections. The test is conducted using rapid and extreme temperature changes.P38. Test procedurePTest temperature and stored hours 1) 75℃, ≥6h 2) -40℃, ≥6h-- The maximum time intervalBetween test temperature extremes is 30 minutes. --Test timesrepeated 10 times -- After which all test cells and batteries are to be storedfor 24 hours at ambient temperature (20±5℃)24℃ -- For large cells and batteries the duration of exposure tothe test temperature extremes should be at least 12 hours.Small batteryN RequirementCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is nomass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged statesNo mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. Battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltageimmediately prior to this procedure.PMass M of Test Battery (g)OCV (V) Group No. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00%3.861 3.835 99.33%02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00%3.867 3.854 99.66% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.866 3.845 99.46% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.862 3.836 99.33% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00%3.865 3.842 99.40% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00%3.854 3.836 99.53% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00%3.860 3.837 99.40% Group B (after fiftycycles ending in fullycharged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8673.85399.64%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Li-ion Battery had passed thermal test. Test 3: Vibration P PurposePThis test simulates vibration during transport..P Test procedure PCells and batteries are firmly secured to the platform of the vibration machine without distorting the cells insuch a manner as to faithfully transmit the vibration.-- The vibration shall be a sinusoidal waveform with a logarithmicP Duration 15min -- Frequency range 7Hz... ..200Hz.....7Hz -- Amplitude 0.8mm -- This cycle shall be repeated 12 times for a total of 3 hours for each of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell.-- Requirement PCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states No mass loss, no leakage,no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. PMass M of Test Battery (g) OCV (V)GroupNo. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00% 3.835 3.835 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00% 3.854 3.854 100.0% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.845 3.845 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00% 3.842 3.842 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00% 3.837 3.837 100.0% Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8533.853100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed vibration test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.4 Test 4: Shock P PurposePThis test simulates vibration during transport..P Test procedurePTest cells and batteries shall be secured to the testing machine by means of a rigid mount which will support all mounting surfaces of each test battery.This is small batteries. -- a half-sine shock of peak acceleration 150 g P Pulse duration 6ms -- the positive direction followed three times shocks --Each cell or battery shall be subjected to three shocks in the positive direction followed by three shocks in the negative direction of three mutually perpendicular mounting positions of the cell or battery for a total of18 shocks.-- Requirement PCells and batteries meet this requirement if there is no mass loss, no leakage, no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire and if the open circuit voltage of each test cell or battery after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure. The requirement relating to voltage is not applicable to test cells and batteries at fully discharged states No mass loss, no leakage,no venting, no disassembly, no rupture and no fire. PMass M of Test Battery (g) OCV (V)GroupNo. M1 (beforet he test) M2(afterthe test)MassLosslimit(0.1%)OCV1 (beforethe test) OCV2 (after the test) OCV (≥90%) 01 21.223g 21.223g 0.00% 3.835 3.835 100.0% 02 21.178g 21.178g 0.00% 3.854 3.854 100.0% 03 21.338g 21.338g 0.00% 3.845 3.845 100.0% Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states) 04 21.385g 21.385g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 05 21.142g 21.142g 0.00% 3.842 3.842 100.0% 06 21.465g 21.465g 0.00% 3.836 3.836 100.0% 07 21.276g 21.276g 0.00% 3.837 3.837 100.0% Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states)08 21.328g 21.328g 0.00%3.8533.853100.0%Remark1.Mass loss (%)=(M1-M2)/M1*100% (Where M 1 is the mass before the test and M 2 is the mass after the test)2.When mass loss does not exceed the value in Table: Mass loss limit, it shall be considered as "no mass loss".3.The OCV of each test cell after testing is not less than 90% of its voltage immediately prior to this procedure.4. Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed shock test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.5 Test 5: External Short Circuit P PurposePThis test simulates an external short circuit. P Test procedurePThe cell or battery to be tested shall be temperature stabilized so that its external case temperature reaches 55℃--Short circuit condition with a total External resistance of less than 0.1ohm--The cell or battery must be observed for a further six hours for the test to be concluded.--This short circuit condition is continued for at least one hour after the cell or battery external case temperature has returned to 55℃-- RequirementPCells and batteries meet this requirement if theirexternal temperature does not exceed 170℃ and there is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours of this test. Battery externaltemperature does notexceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPGroupNo.External Highest Temperature(℃)Criteria Result0155.6℃ P 02 55.5℃ P 03 55.7℃ P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 55.9℃ P 05 55.6℃ P 06 55.7℃ P 07 55.8℃ P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states) 0855.9℃Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPAmbient temperature: 23℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed external short circuit test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.6 Test 6: ImpactThe test sample Component cell of chargeable batteries. P PurposePThis test simulates an impact. P Test procedureP - Dropped height 61±2.5cm, -- - mass9.1Kg -- - diameter bar 15.8mm --- Impact position:Prismatic cell is to be impacted with its longitudinal axis parallel to the flat surface and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the 15.8 mm diameter curved surface lying across the centre of the test sample, Prismatic cell is also to be rotated 90 degrees around its longitudinal axis so that both the wide and narrow sides will be subjected to the impact.--A coin or button cell is to be impacted with the flat surface of the sample parallel to the flat surface and the 15.8 mm diameter curved surface lying across its centre. RequirementPCells and batteries meet this requirement if theirexternal temperature does not exceed 170℃ andthere is no disassembly, no rupture and no fire within six hours of this test.Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there isno disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPGroup No. ExternalHighestTemperature(℃)Criteria Result0178.2℃ P 02 76.3℃ P 03 79.4℃ P 04 80.6℃ P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)05 78.5℃ P 0648.3℃ P 07 47.6℃ P 08 50.3℃ P 09 48.6℃ P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fullycharged states) 1047.9℃Battery external temperature does not exceed 170℃, and there is no disassembly, no fire and no rupture within six hours of this testPAmbient temperature: 23℃Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed Impact test. Test 7: OverchargeP PurposePThis test evaluates the ability of a rechargeable battery to withstand an overcharge condition.P Test procedurePThe charge current2×900=1800mA, Twice the manufacturer'srecommended maximum continuous charge current--The minimum voltage of the test:--a) The minimum voltage of the test (Themanufacturer ’s recommended charge voltage is not more than 18V).2×4.2=8.4V, the lesser of two times the maximum charge voltage of the battery or 22V,-- Ambient temperature. 24℃ -- The duration of the test.24 hours RequirementPRechargeable batteries meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the testThere is no disassemblyand no fire within seven days of the test.PGroupNo. CriteriaResult 01P 02 P 03 P Group A (at first cycle, in fully charged states)04 P 05 P 06 P 07 P Group B (after fifty cycles ending in fully charged states) 08There is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the test.P Ambient temperature: 24℃Conclusion:Li-ion Battery had passed overcharge test.Clause Requirement- TestResult - RemarkVerdict______38.3.4.8 Test 8: Forced discharge N PurposeNThis test evaluates the ability of a primary or a rechargeable cell to withstand a forced discharge condition.-- Test procedureNEach cell shall be forced discharged at ambient temperature by connecting it in series with a 12 V DC, power supply at an initial current equal to the maximum discharge current specified by the manufacturer.NThe specified discharge current is to be obtained by connecting a resistive load of the appropriate size and rating in series with the test cell, Each cell shall be forced discharged for a time interval (in hours) equal to its rated capacity divided by the initial test current (in ampere)N38. RequirementNPrimary or rechargeable cells meet this requirement if there is no disassembly and no fire within seven days of the test.NPHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT。







1. Enron案Enron是美国一家能源公司,曾被誉为全球最大的能源交易公司。



2. WorldCom案WorldCom是美国一家电信公司,也因为盈余管理和财务欺诈行为而破产。


3. Tyco案Tyco是一家美国多元化企业,也曾因为财务不端行为而备受争议。


4. Lehman Brothers案Lehman Brothers是美国一家知名的投资银行和金融服务公司,也是2008年金融危机的重要参与者。

在Lehman Brothers的财务报表中,公司通过将商誉减值损失转化为资产减值损失,从而在一定程度上掩盖了实际的商誉减值情况。

5. Toshiba案Toshiba是日本一家知名的电子产品制造商,也曾因为财务丑闻而备受关注。


6. 宝能系案例宝能系是中国一家知名的投资集团,也曾因为盈余管理行为备受争议。


7. 华谊兄弟案华谊兄弟是中国一家知名的影视公司,近年来也曾因为财务造假行为备受关注。



isds案例ISDS案例是指国际投资争端解决机制(Investor-State Dispute Settlement)的案例。


以下是一些ISDS 案例的列举,以便更好地理解该机制的应用和影响。

1. 阿根廷和西班牙之间的案例:该案例涉及西班牙能源公司Repsol 的投资争议。



2. 加拿大和美国之间的案例:该案例涉及加拿大制药公司Eli Lilly 的投资争议。

Eli Lilly声称美国的药品专利审查制度侵犯了其知识产权,要求获得赔偿。

然而,加拿大最高法院最终裁定该专利无效,导致Eli Lilly的诉讼失败。

3. 澳大利亚和香港之间的案例:该案例涉及澳大利亚烟草包装法案。



4. 南非和荷兰之间的案例:该案例涉及荷兰石油公司Shell在南非的投资争议。



5. 印度和英国之间的案例:该案例涉及英国矿业公司Cairn Energy 在印度的投资争议。

印度政府冻结了Cairn Energy在印度的股权,以满足对税收的要求。

Cairn Energy随后向国际仲裁机构提起诉讼,要求获得赔偿。

6. 埃及和以色列之间的案例:该案例涉及埃及天然气输送给以色列的争议。



7. 巴西和美国之间的案例:该案例涉及巴西的互联网服务提供商Oi 公司的投资争议。





当时,普尔先生(Henry Varnum Poor)出版了《铁路历史》及《美国运河》,并以“投资者有知情权”为宗旨率先建立了金融信息业。


1906年成立标准统计局(Standard Statistics Bureau),提供在此之前难以获得的美国公司的金融信息





首先我们来看一下其法律依据:1、《关于取消要求外国公文书认证的公约》(Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents,简称1961年《海牙取消认证公约》)。







ISO TS 16189-2013

ISO TS 16189-2013

4.2 Stock solutions......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
6.2 Extraction..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
8.1 Calibration curve.................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Not for Resale
© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved
ISO/TS 16189:2013(E) 
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv





自查尔斯·道(Charles Dow)于1884年推出首个指数以来,标普道琼斯指数一直在创新和发展各资产类别范畴的指数,以帮助界定投资者衡量市场和交易状况的方式。












值得 强调 的是 , 阿拉 ・ 兹是 传统 农 场 主合 作 社 福 模式 与现 代跨 国公 司经 营模式 的完美 结 合体 。两 个 历 史 渊 源 的 北 欧 企 业—— 瑞 典 的 Ai 司 和 丹 麦 r a公 的 M od 公 司 ,都是 成 立于 1 纪末 的乳 品合 DFos 9世
年, 生产 者会 员数 量有 降低 的趋 势 , 而会员 的平均奶 牛数 持续 增加 。合 作 社会 员 每 天都 向 阿拉 ・ 兹公 福
司提供最 重要 的原 材料——原 奶 ,同时也 定期 选举
公 司的监 督 委员会 和最高 权力 机关—— 生产 者代表
大会 。 所 有 生 产者 会 员按 地 理位 置被 划 分 为 5 小 0个 区, 每个 小 区选举产 生小 区理事会 , 组成 区域委员 并 会, 由区域委 员会选举 共计 10 生产 者代 表 , 立 4个 成
先 的乳 品企业 E pes x rs 奶业 公司 合并 ,阿拉 ・ 福兹 英 国公 司 所 需 原 奶 的 8 %由 阿拉 ・ 兹 牛 奶 合 作 社 0 福
( r od i a nr i , 简 称 A MP A l F osM l P r es p a k t h F )提 供 , AM F P在 英 国 目前共 有 15 0 会 员。 0 个 如今 , 阿拉 ・ 福 兹 已成 为跨 国公 司 巨头 ,在 2 7个 国家 有 销售 办 公 室, 在丹 麦 、 典 、 国 、 西 、 国 、 拿 大 、 国 瑞 英 巴 美 加 中 ( 0 6年 1 2 20 月 7日 ,丹 麦 阿拉 ・ 兹 公 司宣 布与 我 福
界 第二 、 欧洲 最大 的乳 业公 司 。 目前 阿拉 ・ 兹是 世 福
保障、 原奶 质量 控制方 面都存 在 固有 的弊端 。因此 ,

纺织品产品 跨国企业的例证

纺织品产品 跨国企业的例证


以下是几个纺织品跨国企业的例证:1. 宜家 IKEA):瑞典家具及家居产品公司,成立于1943年,是全球最大的家具零售商之一。




2. 利维·斯特劳斯 Levi Strauss & Co.):美国牛仔裤制造商,成立于1853年。





3. 阿迪达斯 Adidas):德国体育用品制造商,成立于1924年。




4. 优衣库 Uniqlo):日本服饰品牌,成立于1984年。




5. H&M:瑞典时尚零售商,成立于1947年。




直播回顾欧洲IP实践导航:SPC的法律实践欧盟药品补充保护证书(Supplementary Pro- tection Certificate),由欧洲议会于1992年颁布通过((EEC)1768/92),并于1993年生效,是一项旨在补偿药品专利权人在寻求上市行政许可中损失的专利保护期而实施的延长保护期的制度,目的在于确保药品开发商收回研发投资并实现利益最大化。



12月2日,知产前沿新媒体邀请到瑞典AWA事务所的高级律师Louise Jonshammar 女士从SPC的批准条件、基础专利的战略选择、SPC 补偿期的计算、欧盟各地SPC实践差异、SPC的法律边界等几个方面结合了十余个经典案例为读者详细解读了【SPC的法律实践】相关问题。











目前订了一合同,货到欧洲,要求装托盘(pallet),由于货比较重,plywood托盘承受了,所以得用木托盘,木托盘是从外面买进的,是我们买来托盘自己去商检局搞熏蒸证明,还是向托盘生产厂家要?(此单要L/C付款,客人可能会在L/C 条款加上熏蒸证明,有经验的朋友指点一下,该注意?)2我们是包装公司的,我们公司的客户需求熏蒸托盘时,都是委托我们公司来弄熏蒸证明的。




木托盘熏蒸证明都是以.有出口权出口商的名义去做如果贵公司有直接木制出口权用自己的公司就可以.3IPPC熏蒸木托盘据<<中华人民共和国国家标准>>-<<托盘名词术语>>的解释: IPPC熏蒸木托盘:是出口包装用木托盘,由熏蒸公司提供木托盘熏蒸(热处理)加施"IPPC"标识,并提供全套检验检疫证书,熏蒸消毒证书,及通关单(或换证凭单)介绍IPPC熏蒸木托盘是出口包装用非木制品托盘的总称托盘,可以满足汽车配件行业、仪器仪表行业、医药食品行业、金属制品行业、化工业、电子业等出口产品包装的需要,为了适应不同行业客户的需求,生产各种不同材料的免熏蒸托盘,设计定做的整面胶合板免熏蒸托盘,载重可与木托盘相当,直接出口,条状胶合板免熏蒸托盘可根据客户产品的不同重量选择不同的结构,整面复合板免熏蒸托盘价格低廉,可大大降低产品的出口成本,出口运输的需要,免熏蒸托盘更是市场的新宠儿。

IPPC标识定义2002年3月国际保护公约(International Plant Protection Convention,简称IPPC)发布了国际植物检疫措施标准第15号出版物《国际贸易中木质包装材料管理准则》(Guidelines for Regulating Wood Packing Material in International Trade),简称第15号国际标准,即为国际木质包装检疫措施标准。

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