



单词音标A / ei, E/a bita body ofa couple ofa far crya fewa good deala good manya littlea lota lot ofa series ofa.m.abandon/ EbAndEn/ abatement/ EbeitmEnt/ ability/ Ebiliti/able / eibl/aboard / EbR:d/ about / Ebaut/ above / EbQv/ above allabroad/ EbrR:d/ absence/ AbsEns/ absent/ AbsEnt, Ebse absolute/ AbsElu:t/ absorb/ EbsR:b/ abstract/ AbstrAkt/ abundant/ EbQndEnt/ academic/ AkEdemik/ accelerate/ AkselEreit/ accent/ AksEnt, Akse accept/ Eksept/ acceptable/ EkseptEbl/ acceptance/ EkseptEns/ access/ Akses/ accident/ AksidEnt/ accommodation/ E,kRmEdeiFE accompany/ EkQmpEni/ accomplish/ EkRmpliF/ accomplishment/ EkRmpliFmE according/ EkR:diN/ accordingly/ EkR:diNli/ account/ Ekaunt/accounting/ EkauntiN/ accuracy/ AkjurEsi/ accurate/ Akjurit/ accuse/ Ekju:z/ accustomed/ EkQstEmd/ ache/ eik/achieve/ EtFi:v/ achievement/ EtFi:vmEnt/ acid/ Asid/ acquaintance/ EkweintEns/ acquire/ EkwaiE/ acre/ eikE/across / EkrRs/act / Akt/action/ AkFEn/ active / Aktiv/ activity/ Aktiviti/ actor/ AktE/ actress/ Aktris/ actual/ AktjuEl/ actualsacute/ Ekju:t/ad/ Ad/adapt/ EdApt/add/ Ad/add up toaddition/ EdiFEn/ additional/ EdiFEnl/ address / Edres/ adequate/ Adikwit/ adjective/ AdViktiv/ adjust/ EdVQst/ administration/ EdministreiFE admire/ EdmaiE/ admission/ EdmiFEn/ admit/ Edmit/adopt/ EdRpt/adult/ AdQlt/ adulteration/ EdQltEreFEn advance / Edva:ns/ advanced/ Edva:nst/ advantage/ Edva:ntidV/ adventure/ EdventFE/ adverb/ AdvE:b/advertise/ AdvEtaiz/ advertisement/ EdvE:tismEnt advice/ Edvais/ advisable/ EdvaizEbl/ advise/ Edvaiz/ adviser/ EdvaizE/ aeroplane/ ZErEplein/ affair/ EfZE/affect/ Efekt/ affection/ EfekFEn/ affiliate/ Efilieit/affix/ Efiks/afford/ EfR:d/ afraid/ Efreid/ Africa/ AfrikE/ African/ AfrikEn/ After / a:ftE/after allaftermarket/ B:ftEmB:kit/ afternoon/ a:ftEnu:n/ afterward/ a:ftEwEd(z)/ again/ Egein, Egen/ against/ Egeinst, Egen age / eidV/aged/ eidVd/ agency/ eidVEnsi/ agent/ eidVEnt/ aggregate/ Agrigeit/ aggregate GNPaggression/ EgreFEn/ aggressive/ Egresiv/ago/ EgEu/ agree/ Egri:/ agreement/ Egri:mEnt/ agriculture/ AgrikQltFE/ ahead/ Ehed/ ahead ofaid / eid/aim/ eim/air/ ZE/aircraft/ ZEkra:ft/ airline/ ZElain/ airliner/ ZElainE/ airplane/ ZEplein/airport/ ZEpR:t/ alarm / Ela:m/ alcohol/ AlkEhRl/ alienation/ eiljEneiFEn/ alienator/ eiljEneitE/ alienee/ eiljEni:/ alike/ Elaik/alive/ Elaiv/all/ R:l/all at onceall butall of a suddenall overall rightall the sameall the timeallocation/ AlEkeiFEn/ allow/ Elau/allow foralmost/ R:lmEust/ alms/ B:mz/alone/ ElEun/ along/ ElRN/ alongside/ ElRNsaid/ aloud/ Elaud/ alphabet/ AlfEbit/ already/ R:lredi/also/ R:lsEu/alter/ R:ltE/ although/ R:lTEu/ altogether/ R:ltEgeTE/ always/ R:lweiz, R:lw amateur/ AmEtE:/ amaze/ Emeiz/ ambition/ AmbiFEn/ ambulance/ AmbjulEns/ amend/ Emend/ amendment/ EmendmEnt/ America/ EmerikE/ American/ EmerikEn/ among/ EmQN/ amongst/ EmQNst/ amortization/ EmR:tizeiFEn amount/ Emaunt/amuse/ Emju:z/ analysis/ EnAlEsis/ analyze/ AnElaiz/ ancestor/ AnsistE/ ancient/ einFEnt/ and/ And, End/ and so onangel/ eindVEl/ anger/ ANgE/ angry/ ANgri/ animal/ AnimEl/ anniversary/ ,AnivE:sEri/ announce/ Enauns/ annoy/ EnRi/ annual/ AnjuEl/ annuity/ Enju:iti/ another/ EnQTE/ answer/ a:nsE/ answer forant/ Ant/ anticipate/ Antisipeit/ anxiety/ ANgzaiEti/ anxious / ANkFEs/ any / eni/ anybody/ enibRdi/ anyhow / enihau/ anyone/ eniwQn/ anything/ eniWiN/ anything butanyway/ eniwei/ anywhere/ eniwZE/ apart/ Epa:t/apart fromapartment/ Epa:tmEnt/ apologize/ EpRlEdVaiz/ apology/ EpRlEdVi/ apparent/ EpArEnt/ appeal/ Epi:l/ appear/ EpiE/ appearance/ EpiErEns/ appetite/ Apitait/ apple/ Apl/ applicable/ AplikEbl/ application/ AplikeiFEn/applied/ Eplaid/ apply/ Eplai/ appoint/ EpRint/ appointment/ EpRintmEnt/ appraisal/ Epreizl/ appreciate/ Epri:Fieit/ appreciation/ Epri:FieiFEn/ approach/ EprEutF/ appropriate/ EprEupriit/ approval/ Epru:vEl/ approve/ Epru:v/ approximately/ EprRksimitli/ April/ eiprEl/ Arabian/ EreibjEn/ arbitrage/ B:bitrB:dV/ architect/ a:kitekt/ architecture/ a:kitektFE/ area/ ZEriE/ argue/ a:gju:/ argument/ a:gju:mEnt/ arise/ Eraiz/arm/ a:m/ armchair/ a:mtFZE/ army/ a:mi/ around/ Eraund/ arouse/ Erauz/ arrange/ EreindV/ arrangement/ EreindVmEnt arrears/ EriEz/ arrest/ Erest/ arrestment/ ErestmEnt/ arrival/ EraivEl/ arrive/ Eraiv/art/ a:t/article/ a:tikl/ artificial/ a:tifiFEl/ artist/ a:tist/as/ Az, Ez/as a matter of factas a resultas a result ofas a ruleas far asas far as...be concernedas foras good asas ifas long asas regardsas soon asas wellas well asas...asash/ AF/ ashamed/ EFeimd/ Asia/ eiFE/Asian/ eiFEn/ aside/ Esaid/aside fromask/ a:sk/ask afterask forasleep/ Esli:p/ aspect/ Aspekt/ assemble/ Esembl/ assembly/ Esembli/ assessmentassessorasset/ Aset/asset accountassets incomeassets settlementassign/ Esain/ assignmentassist/ Esist/ assistance/ EsistEns/ assistant/ EsistEnt/ associate/ EsEuFieit/ association/ EsEusieiFEn/ assume/ Esju:m/ assure/ EFuE/ astonish/ EstRniF/ astronaut/ AstFEunR:t/ at/ At, Et/at a lossat allat all costsat all timesat any rateat first sightat handat heartat intervalsat largeat leastat lengthat mostat no timeat onceat one timeat presentat the cost ofat the momentat the same timeat timesathlete/ AWli:t/ Atlantic/ EtlAntik/ atmosphere/ AtmEsfiE/ atom/ AtEm/ atomic/ EtRmik/ attach/ EtAtF/ attack/ EtAk/ attempt/ Etempt/ attend/ Etend/ attendance/ EtendEns/ attention/ EtenFEn/ attitude/ Atitju:d/ attorney/ EtE:ni/ attract/ EtrAkt/ attraction/ EtreAkFEn/ attractive/ EtrAktiv/ auction/ R:kFEn/ audience/ R:djEns/ auditingAugust/ R:gQst/ aunt/ a:nt/ Australia/ RstreiljE/ Australian/ RstreiljEn/ author/ R:WE/ authority/ R:WRriti/auto/ R:tEu/ automatic/ R:tEmAtik/ automobile/ R:tEmEbi:l/ autumn/ R:tEm/ avail/ Eveil/ available/ EveilEbl/ avenue/ Avinju:/ average/ AvEridV/ aviation/ eivieiFEn/ avoid/ EvRid/ avoidable/ EvRidEbl/ await/ Eweit/ awake/ Eweik/ award/ EwR:d/ aware/ EwZE/ away/ Ewei/ awful/ R:ful/ awkward/ R:kwEd/ ax/ Aks/axebaby/ beibi/ back/ bAk/back and forthback downback upbackground/ bAkgraund/ backward/ bAkwEd/ backwards/ bAkwEdz/ bad/ bAd/ badly/ bAdli/bag/ bAg/ baggage/ bAgidV/ bail/ beil/ balance/ bAlEns/ ball/ bR:l/ balloon/ bElu:n/ ballooningban/ bAn/ banana/ bEna:nE/ band/ bAnd/ bank/ bANk/ banker/ bANkE/ banking/ bANkiN/ bankrupt/ bANkrEpt/bankruptcy/ bANkrEptsi/ banner/ bAnE/bar/ ba:/barber/ ba:bE/bare/ bZE/ bargain/ ba:gin/ barrier/ bAriE/ barter/ ba:tE/base/ beis/basic/ beisik/ basin/ beisn/ basis/ beisis/ basket/ ba:skit/ basketball/ ba:skitbR:l/ bat/ bAt/bath/ ba:W/ bathe/ beiT/ bathroom/ ba:Wrum/ battery/ bAtEri/ battle/ bAtl/be/ bi:/be about tobeach/ bi:tF/bean/ bi:n/bear/ bZE/bear in mindbeard/ biEd/ bearer/ bZErE/ bearish/ bZEri:F/ beast/ bi:st/beat/ bi:t/ beautiful/ bju:tiful/ beauty/ bju:ti/ because/ bikRz/ become/ bikQm/ bed/ bed/bee/ bi:/beef/ bi:f/beer/ biE/ before/ bifR:/ before longbeforehand/ bifR:hAnd/ beg/ beg/ beggar/ begE/beginner/ biginE/ beginning/ biginiN/ behalf/ biha:f/ behave/ biheiv/ behavior/ biheivjE/ behaviour/ biheivjE/ behind/ bihaind/ being/ bi:iN/ belief/ bili:f/ believe/ bili:v/bell/ bel/ belong/ bilRN/ below/ bilEu/belt/ belt/ bench/ bentF/ bend/ bend/ beneath/ bini:W/ beneficial/ benifiFEl/ beneficiary/ benifiFEri/ benefit/ benifit/ beside/ bisaid/ beside pointbesides/ bisaidz/ best/ best/bet/ bet/ better/ betE/ between/ bitwi:n/ beyond/ bijRnd/ beyond questionbicycle/ baisikl/ bid/ bid/ bidder/ bidE/big/ big/bill/ bil/billion/ biljEn/ binder/ baindE/ biology/ baiRlEdVi/ bird/ bE:d/ birth/ bE:W/ birthday/ bE:Wdi/ biscuit/ biskit/bit/ bit/bite/ bait/black/ blAk/ blackboard/ blAkbR:d/ blame/ bleim/ blank/ blANk/ blanket/ blANkit/ blanknotebleed/ bli:d/ blind/ blaind/ block/ blRk/ blood/ blQd/ bloom/ blu:m/ blow/ blEu/ blue/ blu:/ board/ bR:d/ boast/ bEust/ boat/ bEut/ body/ bRdi/boil/ bRil/ bold/ bEuld/ bomb/ bRm/ bond/ bRnd/ bonded/ bRndid/ bone/ bEun/ bonus/ bEunEs/ book/ buk/ booking/ bukiN/ bookstore/ bukstR:/ boom/ bu:m/ boot/ bu:t/ border/ bR:dE/ bore/ bR:/ born/ bR:n/ borrow/ bRrEu/ borrowingboss/ bRs/ both/ bEuW/ both...and...bother/ bRTE/ bottle/ bRtl/ bottleneck/ bRtlnek/ bottom/ bRtEm/ bound/ baund/ boundary/ baundEri/bowl/ bEul/ box/ bRks/ boy/ bRi/ brain/ brein/ brainstormbrake/ breik/ branch/ bra:ntF/ brand/ brAnd/ brass/ bra:s/ brave/ breiv/ bread/ bred/ breadth/ bredT/ break/ breik/ break awaybreak downbreak inbreak intobreak offbreak outbreak throughbreak upbreak-evenbreakfast/ brekfEst/ breast/ brest/ breath/ breW/ breathe/ bri:T/ breed/ bri:d/ breeze/ bri:z/ bribe/ braib/ brick/ brik/ bride/ braid/ bridge/ bridV/ brief/ bri:f/ bright/ brait/ brilliant/ briljEnt/ bring/ briN/ bring aboutbring downbring forwardbring into operation bring outbring upBritain/ britn/ British/ britiF/broad/ brR:d/ broadcast/ brR:dka:st/ broke/ brEuk/ broken/ brEukEn/ broker/ brEukE/ brokerage/ broukEridV/ broom/ bru:m/ brother/ brQTE/ brow/ brau/ brown/ braun/ brush/ brQF/ bubble/ bQbl/ bucket/ bQkit/ budget/ bQdVit/ build/ bild/build upbuilding/ bildiN/ bulb/ bQlb/bulk-cheapbull/ bul/bull-bearbullet/ bulit/ bulletin/ bulitin/ bullish/ buliF/ bunch/ bQntF/ bundle/ bQndl/ burden/ bE:dn/ bureau/ bjuErEu/ burn/ bE:n/burn downburn outburn upburst/ bE:st/bury/ beri/bus/ bQs/bush/ buF/ business/ biznis/ busy/ bizi/but/ bQt/but forbutter/ bQtE/ button/ bQtn/buy/ bai/by/ bai/by accidentby all meansby and byby and largeby farby handby itselfby means ofby mistakeby no meansby oneselfby the wayby virtue ofby way ofby-businessby-lawby-productC.O.D.cabbage/ kAbidV/ cabin/ kAbin/ cabinet/ kAbinit/ cable/ keibl/cadre/ kAdri,kB:dE/ cafe/ kAfei, kEfei/ cage/ keidV/cake/ keik/ calculate/ kAlkjuleit/ calculator/ kAlkjuleitE/ calendar/ kAlindE/ call/ kR:l/call forcall offcall oncall upcalm/ ka:m/ camel/ kAmEl/ camera/ kAmErE/ camp/ kAmp/ campaign/ kAmpein/ campus/ kAmpEs/ can/ kAn/can not helpCanada/ kAnEdE/ Canadian/ kEneidjEn/cancel/ kAnsEl/ cancer/ kAnsE/ candidate/ kAndidit/ candle/ kAndl/ candy/ kAndi/ canvasser/ kAnvEsE/ cap/ kAp/ capable/ keipEbl/ capable ofcapacity/ kEpAsiti/ capital/ kApitl/ capitation/ kApiteiFEn/ captain/ kAptin/ capture/ kAptFE/ car/ ka:/ carbon/ ka:bEn/ card/ ka:d/care/ kZE/care forcareer/ kEriE/ careful/ kZEful/ careless/ kZElis/ cargo/ ka:gEu/ carpenter/ ka:pintE/ carpet/ ka:pit/ carriage/ kAridV/ carry/ kAri/carry offcarry oncarry outcarry throughcart/ ka:t/carve/ ka:v/case/ keis/cash/ kAF/ cashier/ kAFiE/ cassette/ ka:set/cast/ ka:st/ castle/ ka:sl/ casual/ kAVjuEl/ cat/ kAt/ catalog/ kAtElRg/ catalogue/ kAtElRg/catch firecatch sb.'s eyecatch sight ofcatch up withcattle/ kAtl/cause/ kR:z/ caution/ kR:FEn/ cave/ keiv/cease/ si:s/ceiling/ si:liN/ celebrate/ selibreit/cell/ sel/cement/ siment/cent/ sent/center/ sentE/ centigrade/ sentigreid/ centimetercentral/ sentrEl/ centre/ sentE/ century/ sentFuri/ ceremony/ serimEni/ certain/ sE:tEn/ certificate/ sEtifikit/ chain/ tFein/chair/ tFZE/ chairman/ tFZEmEn/ chalk/ tFR:k/ challenge/ tFAlEndV/ champion/ tFAmpjEn/ chance/ tFa:ns/ change/ tFeindV/ channel/ tFAnl/ chapter/ tFAptE/ character/ kAriktE/ characteristic/ kAriktEristik/ charge/ tFa:dV/ charming/ tFa:miN/ chart/ tFa:t/chase/ tFeis/chat/ tFAt/cheap/ tFi:p/cheat/ tFi:t/check/ tFek/check incheck outcheck upcheek/ tFi:k/cheer/ tFiE/ cheerful/ tFiEful/ cheese/ tFi:z/ chemical/ kemikl/ chemist/ kemist/ chemistry/ kemistri/ cheque/ tFek/chess/ tFes/chest/ tFest/ chicken/ tFikin/chief/ tFi:f/child/ tFaild/ childhood/ tFaildhud/ childish/ tFaildiF/ chilly/ tFili/ chimney/ tFimni/chin/ tFin/china/ tFainE/ China/ tFainE/ Chinese/ tFaini:z/ chocolate/ tFRkElit/ choice/ tFRis/ choose/ tFu:z/chore/ tFR:/ Christian/ kristiEn/ Christmas/ krismEs/ church/ tFE:tF/ cigaretcigarettecinema/ sinimE/ circle/ sE:kl/circuit/ sE:kit/ circular/ sE:kjulE/ circulate/ sE:kjuleit/ circulation/ sE:kjuleiFEn/ circumstance/ sE:kEmstEns/ cite/ sait/citizen/ sitizn/city/ siti/civil/ sivl/civilization/ sivilaizeiFEn/ civilize/ sivilaiz/ claim/ kleim/class/ kla:s/ classical/ klAsikEl/ classify/ klAsifai/ classmate/ kla:smeit/ classroom/ kla:srum/ clause/ klR:z/clean/ kli:n/clear/ kliE/clear awayclear upclearance/ kliErEns/ clerk/ kla:k, klE:k/ clever/ klevE/client/ klaiEnt/cliff/ klif/climate/ klaimit/ climb/ klaim/clinic/ klinik/clock/ klRk/close/ klEuz, klEus/ closed/ klEuzd/ closedown/ klouzdaun/ cloth/ klR:W/ clothe/ klEuT/ clothes/ klEuTz/ clothing/ klEuTiN/ cloud/ klaud/ cloudy/ klaudi/club/ klQb/clue/ klu:/ clumsy/ klQmzi/ coach/ kEutF/coal/ kEul/ coarse/ kR:s/coast/ kEust/coat/ kEut/cock/ kRk/code/ kEud/ coffee/ kRfi/coin/ kRin/cold/ kEuld/collapse/ kElAps/ collar/ kRlE/ colleague/ kRli:g/ collect/ kElekt/ collection/ kElekFEn/ collective/ kElektiv/ college/ kRlidV/ colony/ kRlEni/ color/ kQlE/ colour/ kQlE/ column/ kRlEm/ comb/ kEum/ combination/ kRmbineiFEn combine/ kEmbain/ come/ kQm/come aboutcome acrosscome alongcome into effectcome offcome oncome outcome roundcome throughcome tocome upcome up againstcome up tocome up withcomfort/ kQmfEt/ comfortable/ kQmfEtEbl/ command/ kEma:nd/ commander/ kEma:ndE/ comment/ kRment/ commerce/ kRmE(:)s/ commercial/ kEmE:FEl/ commission/ kEmiFEn/ commit/ kEmit/ committee/ kEmiti/ commodity/ kEmRditi/ common/ kRmEn/ communicate/ kEmju:nikeit/ communication/ kEmju:nikeiF communism/ kRmjunizEm/communist/ kRmjunist/ community/ kEmju:niti/ companion/ kEmpAniEn/ company/ kQmpEni/ compare/ kEmpZE/ compare tocompare withcomparison/ kEmpArisn/ compass/ kQmpEs/ compel/ kEmpel/ compensate/ kRmpenseit/ compensation/ kRmpenseiFE compete/ kEmpi:t/ competent/ kRmpitEnt/ competition/ kRmpEtiFEn/ competitor/ kEmpetitE/ complain/ kEmplein/ complaint/ kEmpleint/ complete/ kEmpli:t/ complex/ kRmpleks/ complicated/ kRmplikeitid/ compose/ kEmpEuz/ composition/ kRmpEziFEn compound/ kRmpaund, kE comprehension/ kRmprihenFE comprehensive/ kRmprihensiv compress/ kEmpres/ compromise/ kRmprEmaiz/ computer/ kEmpju:tE/ comrade/ kRmrid/ conceal/ kEnsi:l/ concentrate/ kRnsEntreit/ concentration/ kRnsEntreiFE concept/ kRnsept/ concern/ kEnsE:n/ concerning/ kEnsE:niN/ concert/ kRnsEt/ conclude/ kEnklu:d/ conclusion/ kEnklu:VEn/ concrete/ kRnkri:t/ condemn/ kEndem/ condense/ kEndens/ condition/ kEndiFEn/ conduct/ kRndEkt, kEnconductor/ kEndQktE/ conference/ kRnfErEns/ confess/ kEnfes/ confidence/ kRnfidEns/ confident/ kRnfidEnt/ confirm/ kEnfE:m/ conflict/ kRnflikt, kEn confront/ kEnfrQnt/ confuse/ kEnfju:z/ confusion/ kEnfju:VEn/ conglomerate/ kEnglRmErit/ congratulate/ kEngrAtjuleit congratulation/ kEngrAtjuleiF congress/ kRNgres/ conjunction/ kEndVQNkFE connect/ kEnekt/ connection/ kEnekFEn/ conquer/ kRNkE/ conscience/ kRnFEns/ conscious/ kRnFEs/ consent/ kEnsent/ consequence/ kRnsikwEns/ conservative/ kEnsE:vEtiv/ consider/ kEnsidE/ considerable/ kEnsidErEbl/ considerate/ kEnsidErit/ consideration/ kEnsidEreiFE consignmentconsist/ kEnsist/ consolidation/ kEnsRlEdeiFE constant/ kRnstEnt/ constitution/ kRnstitju:FEn construct/ kEnstrQkt/ construction/ kEnstrQkFEn consult/ kEnsQlt/ consume/ kEnsju:m/ consumer/ kEnsju:mE/ consumerism/ kEnsju:mEriz consumption/ kEnsQmpFEn contact/ kRntAkt, kEn contain/ kEntein/ containercontainerization contemporary/ kEntempErErcontent/ kRntent, kEnt contest/ kEntest, kRnt continent/ kRntinEnt/ continual/ kEntinjuEl/ continue/ kEntinju(:)/ continuous/ kEntinjuEs/ contract/ kRntrAkt, kEn contract for purchase contract for servicecontract interestcontract lifecontract of purchasecontract of service contractorcontradiction/ kRntrEdikFEn contrary/ kRntrEri/ contrast/ kRntrAst, kEn contribute/ kEntribju(:)t/ contribution/ kRntribju:FEn contributor/ kEntribju(:)tE control/ kEntrEul/ controller/ kEntroulE/ convenience/ kEnvi:njEns/ convenient/ kEnvi:njEnt/ convention/ kEnvenFEn/ conventional/ kEnvenFEnl/ conversation/ kRnvEseiFEn convert/ kEnvE:t, kRn convertible/ kEnvE:tEbl/ convey/ kEnvei/ conveyance/ kEnveiEns/ convince/ kEnvins/ cook/ kuk/cookercool/ ku:l/ cooperate/ kEuRpEreit/ coordinate/ kEuRdinit/ cope/ kEup/ copper/ kRpE/copy/ kRpi/ copyright/ kRpirait/ core/ kR:/corn/ kR:n/corner/ kR:nE/corporation/ kR:pEreiFEn/ correct/ kErekt/ correction/ kErekFEn/ correspond/ kRrispRnd/ corresponding/ kRrispRndiN/ corridor/ kRridR:/ corrupt/ kErQpt/cost/ kRst/ costing/ kR:stiN/ costly/ kRstli/ cotton/ kRtn/cough/ kRf/could/ kud, kEd/ council/ kaunsil/ counselingcount/ kaunt/count oncount upcounter/ kauntE/ counterfeit/ kauntEfit/ counterfoil/ kauntEfRil/ country/ kQntri/ countryside/ kQntrisaid/ county/ kaunti/ couple/ kQpl/ courage/ kQridV/ course/ kR:s/court/ kR:t/cousin/ kQzn/cover/ kQvE/ cover upcow/ kau/crash/ krAF/crazy/ kreizi/ cream/ kri:m/ create/ kri(:)eit/ creative/ kri(:)eitiv/ creature/ kri:tFE/ credit/ kredit/crew/ kru:/crime/ kraim/ criminal/ kriminl/ crisis/ kraisis/ critical/ kritikEl/criticism/ kritisizEm/ criticize/ kritisaiz/ crop/ krRp/ cross/ krRs/ crowd/ kraud/ crowded/ kraudid/ crown/ kraun/ crude/ kru:d/ cruel/ kruEl/ crush/ krQF/cry/ krai/cube/ kju:b/ cubic/ kju:bik/ cultivate/ kQltiveit/ culture/ kQltFE/ cunning/ kQniN/ cup/ kQp/ cupboard/ kQbEd/ curb/ kE:b/cure/ kjuE/ curiosity/ kjuEriRsiti/ curious/ kjuEriEs/ currency/ kQrEnsi/ current/ kQrEnt/ curtain/ kE:tn/ curve/ kE:v/ custom/ kQstEm/ customercut/ kQt/cut acrosscut backcut downcut incut offcut outcut shortcutback/ kQtbAk/ cycle/ saikl/dad/ dAd/daily/ deili/ dairy/ dZEri/ dam/ dAm/ damage/ dAmidV/ dance/ da:ns/danger/ deindVE/ dangerous/ deindVrEs/ dare/ dZE/dark/ da:k/dash/ dAF/data/ deitE/date/ deit/ daughter/ dR:tE/ dawn/ dR:n/day/ dei/ daylight/ deilait/ dead/ ded/ deadline/ dedlain/ deadly/ dedli/deaf/ def/deal/ di:l/deal indeal outdeal withdealer/ di:lE/dear/ diE/death/ deW/ debate/ dibeit/ debenture/ dibentFE/ debit/ debit/debt/ det/debtee/ deti:/ debtor/ detE/debt-riddendecade/ dekeid/ deceive/ disi:v/ December/ disembE/ decent/ di:snt/ decide/ disaid/ decision/ disiVEn/ deck/ dek/ declare/ diklZE/ decline/ diklain/ decorate/ dekEreit/ decrease/ dikri:s, di:kri: deduct/ didQkt/ deed/ di:d/deep/ di:p/ deependefault/ difR:lt/ defeat/ difi:t/ defectsdefence/ difens/ defend/ difend/ defense/ difens/ deficit/ difisit/ define/ difain/ definite/ definit/ definition/ definiFEn/ degree/ digri:/delay/ dilei/ delegate/ deligeit/ delegation/ deligeiFEn/ delicate/ delikit/ delicious/ diliFEs/ delight/ dilait/ delighteddeliver/ dilivE/ delivery/ dilivEri/ demand/ dima:nd/ democracy/ dimRkrEsi/ democratic/ demEkrAtik/ demonstrate/ demEnstreit/ dense/ dens/deny/ dinai/ depart/ dipa:t/ department/ dipa:tmEnt/ departure/ dipa:tFE/ depend/ dipend/ dependent/ dipendEnt/ deposit/ dipRzit/ depreciation/ dipri:FieiFEn/ depression/ dipreFEn/ deprive/ dipraiv/ depth/ depW/ derive/ diraiv/ describe/ diskraib/ description/ diskripFEn/ desert/ dezEt, dizE:t/ deserve/ dizE:v/ design/ dizain/ desirable/ dizaiErEbl/desk/ desk/ despair/ dispZE/ desperate/ despErit/ despite/ dispait/ destroy/ distrRi/ destruction/ distrQkFEn/ detail/ di:teil/detect/ ditekt/ determination/ ditE:mineiFEn determine/ ditE:min/ determined/ ditE:mind/ devalue/ di:vAlju:/ develop/ divelEp/ development/ divelEpmEnt/ devil/ devl/devote/ divEut/ diagram/ daiEgrAm/ dial/ daiEl/dialect/ daiElekt/ dialog/ daiElRg/ dialogue/ daiElRg/ diameter/ daiAmitE/ diamond/ daiEmEnd/ diary/ daiEri/ dictation/ dikteiFEn/ dictionary/ dikFEnEri/ die/ dai/die downdie outdiet/ daiEt/differ/ difE/ difference/ difrEns/ different/ difrEnt/ difficult/ difikElt/ difficulty/ difikElti/dig/ dig/digest/ didVest, daidV diligent/ dilidVEnt/ dine/ dain/dinner/ dinE/direct/ direkt/ direction/ direkFEn/ director/ direktE/dirty/ dE:ti/ disadvantage/ disEdva:ntidV disagree/ disEgri:/ disappear/ disEpiE/ disappoint/ disEpRint/ disappointment/ disEpRintmEn disapprove/ disEpru:v/ disaster/ diza:stE/disc/ disk/ discharge/ distFa:dV/ discipline/ disiplin/ disclose/ disklEuz/ discount/ diskaunt/ discourage/ diskQridV/ discover/ diskQvE/ discovery/ diskQvEri/ discuss/ diskQs/ discussion/ diskQFEn/ disease/ dizi:z/ disguise/ disgaiz/dish/ diF/ dishonor/ disRnE/ dishonour/ n./ disinflation/ disinfleiFEn/ dislike/ dislaik/ dismiss/ dismis/ disorder/ disR:dE/ display/ displei/ dispute/ dispju:t/ dissolution/ disElu:FEn/ dissolve/ dizRlv/ distance/ distEns/ distant/ distEnt/ distinct/ distiNkt/ distinguish/ distiNgwiF/ distrain/ distrein/ distribute/ distribju:t/ distribution/ distribju:FEn/ district/ distrikt/ disturb/ distE:b/ditch/ ditF/dive/ daiv/divide/ divaid/dividend/ dividend/ division/ diviVEn/ divorce/ divR:s/do/ du:, du/do away withdo one's bestdo withoutdock/ dRk/ docking/ dRkiN/ doctor/ dRktE/ document/ dRkjumEnt/ dog/ dRg/dole/ dEul/ dollar/ dRlE/ domestic/ dEmestik/ donkey/ dRNki/ door/ dR:/ dormitory/ dR:mitri/ dose/ dEus/ double/ dQbl/ doubt/ daut/ doubtful/ dautful/ down/ daun/ downpaymentdownstairs/ daunstZEz/ dozen/ dQzn/ draft/ dra:ft/ drag/ drAg/ drain/ drein/ drama/ dra:mE/ dramatic/ drEmAtik/ draw/ drR:/draw indraw ondraw updrawback/ drR:bAk/ drawer/ drR:/ drawing/ drR:iN/ dread/ dred/ dream/ dri:m/ dress/ dres/ dress updrill/ dril/drink/ driNk/drive/ draiv/driver/ draivE/drop/ drRp/drop bydrop offdrop outdrought/ draut/ drown/ draun/drug/ drQg/drum/ drQm/ drunk/ drQNk/dry/ drai/duck/ dQk/due/ dju:/due todull/ dQl/dumb/ dQm/dump/ dQmp/ durable/ djuErEbl/ duration/ djuEreiFEn/ during/ djuEriN/ dusk/ dQsk/dust/ dQst/duty/ dju:ti/dye/ dai/each/ i:tF/each othereager/ i:gE/ear/ iE/early/ E:li/earn/ E:n/ earnest/ E:nist/ earningsearth/ E:W/ earthquake/ E:Wkweik/ ease/ i:z/easily/ i:zili/east/ i:st/eastern/ i:stEn/easy/ i:zi/eat/ i:t/echo/ ekEu/ economic/ i:kEnRmik/ economical/ i:kEnRmikEl/economics/ i:kEnRmiks/ economy/ i(:)kRnEmi/ edge/ edV/ edition/ idiFEn/ editor/ editE/ educate/ edju(:)keit/ education/ edju:keiFEn/ educator/ edVukeitE/ effect/ ifekt/ effective/ ifektiv/ efficiency/ ifiFEnsi/ efficient/ ifiFEnt/ effort/ efEt/egg/ eg/eight/ eit/ eighteen/ eiti:n/ eighth/ eitW/ eighty/ eiti/either/ aiTE, i:TE/ either...orelder/ eldE/elect/ ilekt/ election/ ilekFEn/ electric/ ilektrik/ electrical/ ilektrikEl/ electricity/ ilektrisiti/ electron/ ilektrRn/ electronic/ ilektrRnik/ electronics/ ilektrRniks/ element/ elimEnt/ elementary/ elimentEri/ elephant/ elifEnt/ elevator/ eliveitE/ eleven/ ilevn/ eleventh/ ilevnW/ eliminate/ ilimineit/ elimination/ ilimineiFEn/ else/ els/ elsewhere/ elswZE/ embarrass/ imbArEs/ embezzle/ imbZzl/ emerge/ imE:dV/ emergency/ imE:dVEnsi/ emit/ imit/emotion/ imEuFEn/ emotional/ imEuFEnl/ emperor/ empErE/ emphasis/ emfEsis/ emphasize/ emfEsaiz/ empire/ empaiE/ employ/ implRi/ employee/ emplRii:/ employer/ implRiE/ employment/ implRimEnt/ empty/ empti/ enable/ ineibl/ enclosure/ inklEuVE/ encounter/ inkauntE/ encourage/ inkQridV/ encouragement/ inkQridVmEn end/ end/ending/ endiN/ endless/ endlis/ endorse/ indR:s/ endorsee/ indR:si:/ endorsement/ indR:smEnt/ endorser/ indR:sE/ endure/ indjuE/ enemy/ enimi/ energetic/ enEdVetik/ energy/ enEdVi/ enforce/ infR:s/ engage/ ingeidV/ engine/ endVin/ engineer/ endViniE/ engineering/ endViniEriN/ England/ iNglEnd/ English/ iNgliF/ Englishman/ iNgliFmEn/ enjoy/ indVRi/ enjoy oneselfenjoyment/ indVRimEnt/ enlarge/ inla:dV/ enormous/ inR:mEs/ enough/ inQf/ ensure/ inFuE/enter/ entE/ enterprise/ entEpraiz/entertain/ entEtein/ enthusiasm/ inWju:ziAzEm enthusiastic/ inWju:ziAstik entire/ intaiE/entitle/ intaitl/ entrance/ entrEns/ entry/ entri/ envelope/ envElEup/ environment/ invaiErEnmE envy/ envi/equal/ i:kwEl/ equality/ i(:)kwRliti/ equip/ ikwip/ equipment/ ikwipmEnt/ era/ iErE/error/ erE/escape/ iskeip/ especially/ ispeFEli/ essay/ esei/ essential/ isenFEl/ establish/ istAbliF/ establishment/ istAbliFmEnt estimate/ estimit, estim etc.Europe/ juErEp/ European/ juErEpi:En/ evaluate/ ivAljueit/ evasion/ iveVEn/eve/ i:v/even/ i:vEn/even ifevening/ i:vniN/event/ ivent/ eventually/ iventjuEli/ ever/ evE/ever soevery/ evri/every othereverybody/ evribRdi/ everyday/ evridei/ everyone/ evriwQn/ everything/ evriWiN/ everywhere/ evriwZE/ evidence/ evidEns/evident/ evidEnt/evil/ i:vl/ evolution/ i:vElju:FEn/ exact/ igzAkt/ exam/ igzAm/ examination/ igzAmineiFEn examine/ igzAmin/ example/ igza:mpl/ exceed/ iksi:d/ excellent/ eksElEnt/ except/ iksept/ except forexception/ iksepFEn/ exchange/ ikstFeindV/ excise/ eksaiz/ excite/ iksait/ excitedexciting/ iksaitiN/ exclaim/ ikskleim/ exclude/ iksklu:d/ excuse/ ikskju:z, ikskj ex-dividendexecute/ eksikju:t/ executive/ igzekjutiv/ executor/ eksikju:tE/ exemption/ igzempFEn/ exercise/ eksEsaiz/ exhaust/ igzR:st/ exhibit/ igzibit/ exhibition/ eksibiFEn/ exist/ igzist/ existence/ igzistEns/exit/ eksit/ expand/ ikspAnd/ expansion/ ikspAnFEn/ expect/ ikspekt/ expectation/ ekspekteiFEn expediter/ ekspidaitE/ expenditure/ ikspenditF/ expense/ ikspens/ expensive/ ikspensiv/ experience/ ikspiEriEns/ experiment/ iksperimEnt/ expert/ ekspE:t/expire/ ikspaiE/ explain/ iksplein/ explanation/ eksplEneiFEn explode/ iksplEud/ exploit/ eksplRit, iksp explore/ iksplR:/ explosion/ iksplEuVEn/ explosive/ iksplEusiv/ export/ ekspR:t, ekspR expose/ ikspEuz/ express/ ikspres/ expression/ ikspreFEn/ extend/ ikstend/ extensive/ ikstensiv/ extent/ ikstent/ external/ ekstE:nl/ extraordinary/ ikstrR:dinEri/ extreme/ ikstri:m/eye/ ai/eyesight/ aisait/fabric/ fAbrik/face/ feis/face to faceface up tofacility/ fEsiliti/fact/ fAkt/factor/ fAktE/ factory/ fAktEri/fade/ feid/ Fahrenheit/ fArEnhait/fail/ feil/failure/ feiljE/faint/ feint/fair/ fZE/faith/ feiW/faithful/ feiWful/fake/ feik/fall/ fR:l/fall back onfall behindfall in withfall outfall throughfame/ feim/family/ fAmili/ famine/ fAmin/ famous/ feimEs/ fan/ fAn/ fancy/ fAnsi/far/ fa:/far fromfare/ fZE/farm/ fa:m/ farmer/ fa:mE/ farming/ fa:miN/ farther/ fa:TE/ fashion/ fAFEn/ fashionable/ fAFEnEbl/ fast/ fa:st/ fasten/ fa:sn/fat/ fAt/fatal/ feitl/fate/ feit/ father/ fa:TE/ fatigue/ fEti:g/ fault/ fR:lt/ faulty/ fR:lti/ favor/ feivE/ favorite/ feivErit/ favour/ feivE/ favourablefax/ fAks/fear/ fiE/ fearful/ fiEful/ feasibility/ fi:zEbiliti/ feasible/ fi:zEbl/ feast/ fi:st/ feature/ fi:tFE/ February/ februEri/ federal/ fedErEl/ fee/ fi:/feed/ fi:d/ feedbackfeel/ fi:l/feel likefeeling/ fi:liN/ fellow/ felEu/。






1. Conceptualize (v.) - To form a concept or ideaExample: Artists often conceptualize their ideas before putting them onto canvas.2. Aesthetic (adj.) - Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beautyExample: The gallery displayed a wide range of aesthetic artworks.3. Composition (n.) - The overall arrangement of visual elements in a work of artExample: The composition of the painting was carefully balanced and pleasing to the eye.4. Perspective (n.) - The technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surfaceExample: The artist used perspective to create a sense of depth in the landscape painting.5. Imagination (n.) - The ability to create images and ideas in the mindExample: The artist's imagination was evident in the surrealistic elements of the artwork.6. Symbolism (n.) - The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualitiesExample: The use of a dove as a symbol of peace is common in many artworks.7. Brushwork (n.) - The way in which paint is applied to a surface usinga brushExample: The artist's brushwork was bold and expressive, adding texture to the painting.8. Sculpture (n.) - A three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or carving materialsExample: The gallery showcased a variety of sculptures made from bronze, clay, and marble.9. Exhibition (n.) - A public display of works of artExample: The artist's latest exhibition attracted a large number of visitors.10. Creativity (n.) - The ability to think creatively and produce original ideas or worksExample: The art instructor praised the student for her creativity and unique approach.11. Palette (n.) - A board or surface on which artists mix and hold their paintsExample: The painter organized her palette with various colors to create different shades and tones.12. Abstract (adj.) - Artwork that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual realityExample: The abstract painting evoked different emotions and interpretations from each viewer.13. Expression (n.) - The act of conveying thoughts, feelings, or emotions through artExample: The artist's use of vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes added depth and expression to the portrait.14. Charcoal (n.) - A soft, black material used for drawing and shadingExample: The artist used charcoal to create a dramatic effect in the sketch.15. Renaissance (n.) - A period in European history characterized by a renewed interest in art and learningExample: Many famous artists emerged during the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.以上是一些常见的艺术生大学英语教材中的单词,艺术生可以通过阅读相关教材、参观画廊和实践绘画等方式来加深对这些单词的理解和运用。



〔二年级美术专业英语词汇〕35.气韵tone78.咖啡色coffeecolour36.侧锋brush-sidetechnique79.相关色relativecolours37.笔法brushstyle80.原色primary(/1.水印watercolourblock38.砚台inkstone simple)coloursprinting39.画刀paintingknife81.纯蓝色nightblue2.行动派绘画actionpainting40.画布canvas82.基色primarycolours3.任意画freehanddrawing41.笔锋stroke83.彩色multicolour4.全景画panorama42.墨宝treasuredpainting84.浅色lightcolour5.油画作品oils43.积墨layersofink85.混合色secondarycolours6.板面油画panel44.擦法rubbingstyle86.补色complementarycolour7.雪景画snowpiece45.抽象画派的风格abstraction87.灰白greyishwhite8.组画paintingsinseries46.底色deadcolour;field88.冷色coolcolour9.侧面画像profile47.明暗分界线lineofshadow89.油画板Canvasboard10.彩色版画colourengraving48.明暗法shading90.泼墨paint-splashingstyle11.单色画monochrome49.厚涂法impasto91.皴法wrinklingstyle(/12.线条写生画delineation50.亮部dropout method)13.蜡染画batik;battik51.亮点highpoint92.临摹imitating14.蜡笔画crayon(drawing);52.前、背景之间局部second93.初稿roughdraftpastel distance94.图案结构patterning15.文人画体literatistyle53.透视画法perspective95.对称symmetry.16.水墨山水inklandscape54.配色colourscheme96.远景distance17.仕女画traditionalChinese55.阴暗部shade97.线和色lineandcolourpaintingofbeautifulwomen56.细部detail98.线条line18.吴派山水Wuschool57.彩色薄涂colourwash99.文艺复兴式美术renaissancelandscape58.混合介质mixedmedia100.蚀刻版画etching19.金碧山水gold-and—green59.几何图案geometricalpatternlandscape60.云纹cloudpattern20.草虫画grassesandinsects61.复制reproduction1 / 2painting62.最引人注目处centreof 21.杨柳青木版年画(天interest津)YangliuqingNew-Year63.最后一笔finishing woodblockprints stroke(/touch)22.泼墨山水splashedink64.画底fieldlandscape65.〔画面〕结构/构成23.巴洛克式美术baroque composition〔ofapicture〕24.巴黎画派ParisSchool66.画家的风格brushwork;25.拉菲尔前派Pre-Raphaelite paintingstyleSchool67.画笔轻触touch26.音乐表现派musical68.画稿preliminary sketch;expressionism roughsketch27.浪漫主义画派Romanticism69.构思conceiving;composition28.书法表现派calligraphy70.构思特色noteexpressionism71.滴色法driptechnique29.纯粹派purism72.层次gradations30.达达主义Dadaism73.轮廓outline31.新印象派neo-impressionism74.浓淡法graduation32.新古典派neo-classicism75.临摹reproduction;copy33.未来派futurism76.冷色coolcolour34.立体派cubism77.乳白色milkwhite2 / 2。



第六章艺术、文化、娱乐英译中bas-relief 浮雕,浅浮雕caricature 漫画,讽刺画engraving 雕刻艺术,镌版术,亦指雕版印刷品,版画landscape 风景画,山水画sketching 写生,写生物still life 静物band 乐队baritone 男中音brass 铜管乐器,铜管乐队chord 和弦,和音composer 作家,作曲家concerto 协奏曲duet 二重奏finale (戏剧的)最后一场,结局,终曲hymn 赞美诗,圣歌,唱赞美诗Lip synching 对口型,假唱march [音] 进行曲opus 作品orchestra 管弦乐队Percussion 打击乐器,鼓点quartet 四重奏,四重唱rhythm 节奏,韵律trio 三重唱V ocal range 音域中译英中国结Chinese knot旗袍Cheongsam文化产业culture industry文化底蕴culture deposit文化冲突culture shock高雅艺术refined art闰年leap year二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms十二生肖zodiac春联Spring couplets文明摇篮cradle of civilization主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games奥运选手Olympian更高、更快、更强Citius, Altius, Fortius国际奥委IOC(International Olympic Committee) 会歌anthem会徽emblem申办bid申办成功win the bidding。



艺考生高考英语基础词汇注:n 名词v 动词adj形容词adv 副词prep介词conj连词phr.短语num数词pron 代名词第一册1----8331 what [hwɔt] pron 什么2 is [iz] v 是3 what's [hwɔts] what is 的缩写形式4 your [juə] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neim] n 名字6 my [mai] pron 我的7 I [ai] pron 我8 am [æm] v 是9 I'm [aim] I am 的缩写形式10 in [in] prep 在...里(内,上)11 row [rəu] n (一)排,(一)行12 one [wʌn] num 一13 number ['nʌmbə] n 数字,号码14 two [tu:] num 二15 too [tu:] adv 也16 three [θri:] num 三17 are [ɑ:] v 是18 you [ju:] pron 你,你们19 yes [jes] adv 是20 four [fɔ:] num 四21 five [faiv] num 五22 no [nəu] adv & adj 不,不是23 not [nɔt] adv 不24 hi [hai] int 喂(问候或唤起注意)25 class [klɑ:s] n (学校里的)班级,年级26 grade [greid] n 年级27 six [siks] num 六28 seven ['sevn] num 七29 eight [eit] num 八30 nine [nain] num 九31 ten [ten] num 十32 zero ['ziərəu] num & n 零33 plus [plʌs] prep 加,加上34 it [it] pron 它35 It's [its] it is 的缩写形式36 how [hau] adv (指程度)多少,怎样37 old [əuld] adj ...岁的,老的38 eleven [i'levn] num 十一39 twelve [twelv] num 十二40 minus ['mainəs] prep减,减去41 thirteen ['θə:ti:n] num 十三42 fourteen ['fɔ:'ti:n] num 十四43 fifteen ['fif'ti:n] num 十五44 hello [hə'ləu] int喂(问候或唤起注意)45 please [pli:z] int 请46 can [kæn] v.aux 能,可以,会47 spell [spel] v 拼写48 that [ðæt] pron 那,那个49 secret ['si:krit] n 秘密50 this [ðis] pron 这,这个51 in [in] prep 用...(表达)52 English ['iŋgliʃ] n & adj 英语,英国人53 in English [in'iŋgliʃ] phr. 用英语(表达)54 a [ei] art 一(个,件...)55 clock [klɔk] n 钟56 and [ænd] conj 和,又,而57 pencil-box ['penslbɔks] n 铅笔盒58 an [æn] art 一(个;件.)59 pencil ['pensl] n 铅笔60 ruler ['ru:lə] n 尺子61 pen [pen] n 钢笔62 sharpener ['ʃɑ:pənə] n 卷笔刀63 eraser [i'reisə] n 橡皮擦64 room [ru:m] n 房间65 book [buk] n 书66 map [mæp] n 地图67 desk [desk] n 书桌68 cup [kʌp] n 杯子69 bag [bæg] n 书包70 computer[kəm'pju:tə]n电脑,电子计算机71 mouse [maus]n 鼠,耗子,鼠标72 bed [bed] n 床73 keyboard ['ki:bɔ:d] n 键盘74 isn't ['iznt] is not 的缩写形式75 pear [pɛə] n 梨76 cake [keik] n 蛋糕,饼,糕77 banana [bə'nɑ:nə] n 香蕉78 apple ['æpl] n 苹果79 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] n 橙子,橘子80 egg [eg] n 蛋81 bike [baik] n 自行车82 bus [bʌs] n 公共汽车83 car [kɑ:] n 汽车,小汽车84 jeep [dʒi:p] n 吉普车85 Chinese['tʃai'ni:z]adj中国的,中国人的;n 中国人,汉语n 中国人,汉语86 Japanese[,dʒæpə'ni:z]adj日本的,日本人n日本人,日语87 look [luk] v 瞧,看88 who [hu:] pron 谁89 she [ʃi:] pron 她90 he [hi:] pron 他91 bird [bə:d] n 鸟92 Its [its] pron 它的93 do[du:]v.aux(构成否定句,疑问句的助动词)94 don't [dəunt] do not 的缩写形式95 know [nəu] v 知道,懂得96 think [θiŋk] v 想,认为97 Mr=mister ['mistə] n 先生(用于姓名前)98 very ['veri] adv 很,非常99 picture ['piktʃə] n 图画,照片100 Mrs ['mɪsɪz] n 夫人101 boy [bɔi] n 男孩102 girl [gə:l] n 女孩103 woman ['wumən] n 妇女,女人104 man [mæn] n 男人,人105 cat [kæt] n 猫106 his [hiz] pron 他的107 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n 教师108 her [hə:] pron 她的109 everyone ['evriwʌn] pron 每人,人人110 here [hiə] adv 这里,这儿111 today [tə'dei] adv & n 今天112 at [æt] prep 在113 school [sku:l] n 学校114 at school phr. 在学校115 sorry ['sɔri] adj 对不起,抱歉的116 where [hwɛə] adv 在哪里117 home [həum] n 家118 at home phr. 在家119 How are you?你(身体)好吗?120 fine [fain] adj (身体)好的121 thanks [θæŋks] n 谢谢(只用复数)122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以123 thank [θæŋk] v 谢谢124 goodbye [,gud'bai] int 再见,再会125 bye [bai] int 再见126 parrot ['pærət] n 鹦鹉127 sister ['sistə] n 姐,妹128 father ['fɑ:ðə] n 父亲129 mother ['mʌðə] n 母亲130 box [bɔks] n 盒子,箱子131 excuse [iks'kju:z] v 原谅132 me [mi:] pron 我133 Here you are 给你134 but [bʌt] conj 但是135 these [ði:z] pron 这些136 they [ðei] pron 他(她,它)们137 good [gud] adj 好的138 those [ðəuz] pron 那些139 boat [bəut] n 船140 hill [hil] n 小山141 tree [tri:] n 树142 their [ðɛə] pron 他们(她们,它们)的143 much [mʌtʃ] adv 多,很,非常144 very much phr. 很,非常145 all [ɔ:l] adv 都,完全146 right [rait] adv & adj 对的,正确的147 all right phr. 好,行,不错148 mum [mʌm] n (口语)妈妈149 friend [frend] n 朋友150 brother ['brʌðə] n 兄,弟151 nice [nais] adj 令人愉快的152 to [tu:] prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号153 meet [mi:t] v 见面,会面,遇见154 child [tʃaild] n 小孩155 children ['tʃildrən] n child的复数形式156 welcome ['welkəm] v 欢迎157 our ['auə] pron 我们的158 come [kʌm] v 来159 come in phr. 进来,进入160 morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n 早晨,上午161 class [klɑ:s] n 同一个班的学生162 on [ɔn] prep 在,在...上163 duty ['dju:ti] n 职责,责任164 on duty phr. 值日165 we [wi:] pron 我们166 aren't [ɑ:nt] are not 的缩写形式167 have [hæv] v 有168 new [nju:] adj 新的169 student ['stju:dənt] n 学生170 twin [twin] n 双胞胎之一171 look [luk] v 看上去,显得172 the [ðə] art 这(那)个,这(那)些173 same [seim] adj 同样的,同一的174 look the same phr. 看起来很像175 America [ə'merikən]n & adj美国人(的) 176 sit [sit] v 坐177 down [daun] adv 向下178 sit down phr. 坐下179 over ['əuvə] adv 在那边,在另一边180 there [ðɛə] adv 那里,那儿181 over there phr. 在那边182 after ['ɑ:ftə] prep 在...以后,在...后面183 look after phr. 照顾,照看184 Miss [mis]n女士,小姐(对未婚妇女的称呼) 185 way [wei] n 路,道路186 This way,please. 请走这边187 put [put] v 放188 coat [kəut] n 外套,上衣189 them [ðem] pron 他(她,它)们190 washroom ['wɔʃrum] n 盥洗室,厕所191 let [let] v 让192 us [ʌs] pron 我们193 let's [lets] let us 的缩写形式194 go [gəu] v 去195 Let's go 我们一起去196 classmate ['klɑ:smeit] n 同班同学197 nice [nais] adj 好的,漂亮的198 love [lʌv] v 爱,喜爱199 No ['nʌmbə] n number 的缩写形式200 middle ['midl] adj 中间的,中级的201 middle school n 中学202 well [wel] int 喔,那么,好吧203 fax [fæks] n 传真204 phone [fəun] n 电话,电话机205 ID n 身份征206 policeman [pə'li:smən] n 警察207 ask [ɑ:sk] v 问208 sir [sə:] n (用于尊称)先生,阁下209 yes [jes]adv(用于疑问,征询等)什么,是吗210 licence ['laisəns] n 执照,许可证211 look at phr. 看,观看212 dear [diə] int (表示惊讶等)哎呀213 see [si:] v 看见,看到214 I'll [ail] I will 的缩写形式215 will [wil] v.aux 将,会,要216 take [teik] v 拿到,带到217 address [ə'dres] n 地址218 age [eidʒ] n 年龄219 glad [glæd] adj 高兴的,乐意的220 why[hwai]int(表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等) 嗨221 forgot[fə'gɔt] v (forget 的过去时)忘记222 now [nau] adv 现在223 China ['tʃainə] n 中国224 or [ɔ:] conj 或者,还是225 work [wə:k] v & n 工作226 goes [gəuz] go的单数第三人称现在时227 family ['fæmili] n 家,家庭228 family tree n 家谱229 grandmother ['grænd,mʌðə] n (外)祖母230 grandma['grændmɑ:]n (口语)奶奶,外婆231 grandfather ['grænd,fɑ:ðə] n (外)祖父232 grandpa ['grændpɑ:] n (口语)爷爷,外公233 dad [dæd] n (口语)爸爸,爹爹234 wife [waif] n 妻子235 husband ['hʌzbənd] n 丈夫236 daughter ['dɔ:tə] n 女儿237 son [sʌn] n 儿子238 parent ['pɛərənt] n 父(母)亲239 parents ['pɛərənts] n 父母亲,双亲240 big [big] adj 大的241 England ['iŋglənd] n 英格兰242 aunt [ɑ:nt] n 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母243 uncle ['ʌŋkl] n 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父244 afternoon ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n 下午,午后245 do [du:] v 做,干,行动246 How do you do ? 你好!247 seat [si:t] n 座位248 have a seat 坐下,就坐249 like [laik] prep 像,跟...一样250 look like phr. 看起来像251 hat [hæt] n 帽子(一般指有边的帽子) 252 doctor ['dɔktə] n 医生253 worker ['wə:kə] n 工人254 guess [ges] v 猜255 behind [bi'haind] prep 在...后面256 chair[tʃɛə] n 椅子257 ball [bɔ:l] n 球258 under ['ʌndə] prep 在...下面259 floor [flɔ:] n (室内)地,地板260 can't [kænt] can not 的缩写形式261 photo ['fəutəu] n 照片262 wall [wɔ:l] n 墙263 shoe [ʃu:] n 鞋264 near [niə] prep 在...附近265 door [dɔ:] n 门266 of [ɔv] prep ...的267 classroom ['klɑ:srum] n 教室268 answer ['ɑ:nsə] v 回答269 blackboard ['blækbɔ:d] n 黑板270 some [sʌm] pron 一些,若干271 schoolbag ['sku:l,bæg] n 书包272 flower ['flauə] n 花273 find [faind] v 找到,发现274 broom [bru:m] n 扫帚275 window ['windəu] n 窗276 raincoat ['reinkəut] n 雨衣277 cap [kæp] n 便帽,军帽278 football ['futbɔ:l] n 足球279 table ['teibl] n 桌子280 Hong Kong [ 'hɔŋ'kɔŋ ]n 香港281 Macao [mə'kau] n 澳门282 SAR n 特别行政区283 there [ðɛə]表示存在,有..,作引导词284 there's [ðɛəz] there is 的缩写形式285 lock [lɔk] v& n 锁286 many ['meni] adj 许多的,多的287 thing [θiŋ] n 东西,事情288 must [mʌst] v.aux 必须,应当289 open ['əupən] v 打开290 get [get] v 得到,获得291 help [help] v 帮助292 purse [pə:s] n 钱包293 money ['mʌni] n 钱,货币294 worry ['wʌri] v (使)担忧295 Let me see 让我想想296 fifty ['fifti] num 五十297 colour ['kʌlə] n 颜色298 black [blæk] adj 黑色的299 house [haus] n 房子300 small [smɔ:l] adj 小的301 playhouse ['pleihaus] n 儿童游戏房302 like [laik] v 喜欢303 play [plei] v 玩,打(球)304 up [ʌp] adv 在上面,在高处,向上,起来305 with [wið] prep 和306 great [greit] adv (口语)好极了,很好307 look [luk] n 瞧,看308 have a look phr. 看一看309 ping-pong [' piŋpɔŋ] n 乒乓球310 how many phr. 多少311 kite [kait] n 风筝312 young [jʌŋ] adj 年轻的,幼小的313 pioneer [,paiə'niə] n 先锋314 Young Pioneer n 少先队员315 men [men] n man的缩写形式316 women ['wimin] n woman的复数形式317 only ['əunli] adv 仅仅,只318 work [wə:k] n 工作319 at work phr. 在工作320 sky [skai] n 天空321 count [kaunt] v 数,点数322 river ['rivə] n 江,河323 dog [dɔg] n 狗324 light [lait] n 灯325 any ['eni]adj(用于否定句,疑问句等)什么,任何326 animal ['æniməl] n 动物327 people ['pi:pl] n 人,人们328 little ['litl] adj & adv 小的,一点儿,稍许329 sheep [ʃi:p] n 绵羊330 come on ['kʌm ɔn]phr. 来吧,跟着来,赶快331 red [red] adj & n 红色(的)332 colour ['kʌlə] n颜色;v 给...着色333 yellow ['jeləu] adj & n 黄色(的)334 blue [blu:] adj & n 蓝色(的)335 white [hwait] adj & n 白色(的)336 green [gri:n] adj & n 绿色(的)337 purple ['pə:pl] adj & n 紫色(的)338 brown [braun] adj&n棕色(的),褐色(的)339 orange ['ɔ:rindʒ] adj & n 橙色(的)340 grey [grei] adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的)341 sweater ['swetə] n 毛衣,厚运动衫342 light [lait] adj 淡(浅)色的,轻的343 want [wɔnt] v 要,想要344 which [hwitʃ] pron & adj 哪一个,哪些345 one [wʌn] pron 用来代替单数的人或物346 clothes [kləuðz] n 衣服347 line [lain] n 线,绳索348 whose [hu:z] pron 谁的349 blouse [blauz] n 女衬衫350 dress [dres] n 女服,(统称)衣服351 shirt [ʃə:t] n (男式)衬衫352 trousers ['trauzəz] n 裤子353 skirt [skə:t] n 女裙354 dark [dɑ:k] adj 深(浓)色的,黑暗的355 yours [juəz] pron 你的,你们的356 mine [main] pron 我的357 hers [hə:z] pron 她的358 put on phr.穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等)359 theirs [ðɛəz] pron他们(她们,它们)的360 ours ['auəz] pron 我们的361 glove [glʌv] n 手套362 about [ə'baut] prep 关于,对于363 What about...? phr. (询问消息,征求意见)怎么样? 364 beside [bi'said] prep 在...旁边365 watch [wɔtʃ] n & v 手表、观看,注视366 give [giv] v 给367 time [taim] n 时间368 about [ə'baut] adv 大约369 thirty ['θə:ti] num 三十370 get up ['get ʌp] phr. 起床371 late [leit] adj & adv 迟的(地),晚的(地)372 o'clock [ə'klɔk] …点钟373 midnight ['midnait] n 午夜374 noon [nu:n] n 中午,正午375 past [pɑ:st] prep (超)过,经过376 half [hɑ:f] n 半,一半377 quarter ['kwɔ:tə] n 一刻钟,四分之一378 for [fɔ:] prep 为,给379 break [breik] n (课间)休息,中断380 lunch [lʌntʃ] n 午餐381 breakfast ['brekfəst] n 早餐382 clean [kli:n] v 把...弄干净,擦干净383 supper ['sʌpə] n 晚餐384 have supper phr. 吃晚餐385 TV n 电视,电视机386 watch TV phr. 看电视387 game [geim] n 游戏,运动388 go home phr. 回家389 p.m. 下午,午后390 London ['lʌndən] n 伦敦391 Tokyo ['təukiəu] n 东京392 Sydney ['sidni] n 悉尼393 hour [auə] n 小时394 a.m. 午前,上午395 hundred ['hʌndrəd] num 百396 yourself [juə'self] pron 你自己397 bedroom ['bedrum] n 卧室398 doll [dɔl] n 玩具娃娃399 else [els] adv & adj 别(的),其他(的)400 sure [ʃuə]adv&adj的确,一定确信的,肯定的401 between [bi'twi:n] prep在(两者)之间402 tall [tɔ:l] adj 高的403 funny ['fʌni] adj 滑稽的,有趣的404 favourite ['feivərit] adj 特别喜爱的405 e-mail [i:'meil] n 电子邮件406 speak [spi:k] v 讲,说407 next ['nekst] adj 下一个408 term [tə:m] n 学期409 could [kud] v.aux (口语,表示许可或请求)可以,行410 minute ['minit] n 分钟,一会儿411 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] n 星期二412 February ['februəri] n 二月413 eighteenth ['ei'ti:nθ] num 第十八414 listen ['lisn] v 听415 careful ['kɛəfəl] adj 小心的;仔细的416 carefully ['kɛəfəli] adv 小心地;仔细地417 draw [drɔ:] v 画;绘制418 has [hæz] v(动词have的单数第三人称)有419 face [feis] n 脸;面孔420 eye [ai] n 眼睛421 ear [iə] n 耳朵422 leg [leg] n 腿423 hand [hænd] n 手424 long [lɔŋ] adj 长的425 short [ʃɔ:t] adj 短的;矮的426 mouth [mauθ] n 嘴427 say [sei] v 说;讲428 tick [tik] n (钟表等滴嗒的)声音429 heavy ['hevi] adj 重的430 empty ['empti] adj 空的431 certainly ['sə:tənli] adv 当然432 full [ful] adj 满的433 be full (of) phr. 充满....的434 carry ['kæri] v 携带;搬运;运送435 too [tu:] adv 太436 so [səu] adv 这么;那么437 listen to phr. 听438 tape [teip] n 磁带439 there [ðɛə] int 好啦(表示安慰)440 all [ɔ:l] adj 整个;所有的441 basket ['bɑ:skit] n 篮子442 bottle ['bɔtl] n 瓶443 a bottle of phr. 一瓶...444 juice [dʒu:s] n (水果;蔬菜;肉等的)汁;水汁445 head [hed] n 头;头部446 nose [nəuz] n 鼻子447 hair [hɛə] n 头发448 arm [ɑ:m] n 手臂;胳膊449 foot [fut] n 脚(pl.feet)450 wardrobe ['wɔ:drəub] n 衣柜451 day [dei] n 日;天452 from [frɔm] prep 从.....起453 America [ə'merikən] n 美国454 zoo [zu:] n 动物园455 away [ə'wei] adv 离开456 put away phr. 把.....什么收起来(放好)457 out [aut] adv 在外458 come out phr. 出来459 sock [sɔk] n 短袜460 other ['ʌðə] adj 别的;其他的461 wrong [rɔ:ŋ] adj 不正确的;错误的462 broken ['brəukən] adj 弄坏了的463 so [səu] pron 这样;如此464 catch [kætʃ] v 捉;抓住465 get down phr. 下来;落下466 him [him] pron 他(宾格)467 right [rait] adv 正好;恰好;正确468 goodness ['gudnis] n 善良;美德469 plane [plein] n 飞机470 with [wið] prep 对....;关于471 mend [mend] v 修补;修理472 knife [naif] n (pl.knives) 小刀473 robot ['rəubɔt] n 机器人474 body ['bɔdi] n 身体475 broke [brəuk]v(动词break[breik]的过去时)折断;打破476 lost [lɔst] adj 丢失的;丢去的477 tell [tel] v 告诉;讲述478 round [raund] adj 球形的;圆的479 mummy ['mʌmi] n (口语)妈妈480 pleasure ['pleʒə] n 愉快;高兴481 food [fu:d] n 食物482 drink [driŋk] n & v饮料喝483 hungry ['hʌŋgri] adj 饥饿的484 thirsty ['θə:sti] adj 口渴的485 water ['wɔ:tə] n & v 水;浇水486 eat [i:t] v 吃487 rice [rais] n 米饭;大米488 bread [bred] n 面包489 meat [mi:t] n 肉490 tea [ti:] n 茶491 milk [milk] n 牛奶492 glass [glɑ:s] n 玻璃杯493 a glass of phr. 一(玻璃)杯494 would like phr.想要(语气婉转地表示请求等) 495 something ['sʌmθiŋ]pro某事(物)某东西496 porridge ['pɔridʒ] n 粥;稀饭497 fish [fiʃ] n 鱼498 dumpling ['dʌmpliŋ] n 饺子499 fruit [fru:t] n 水果500 piece [pi:s] n 一张(片;张)501 a piece of phr. 一片(一张、块)502 hamburger ['hæmbə:gə] n 汉堡包503 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条504 potato [pə'teitəu] n pl.potatoes 马铃薯;土豆505 chips [tʃip] n (口语)炸士豆儿条506 coke [kəuk] n (口语)可口可乐507 coffee ['kɔfi] n 咖啡508 madam ['mædəm] n 夫人;女士509 dear [diə] adj 亲爱的;可爱的510 ice [ais] n 冰511 cream [kri:m] n 奶油;乳脂512 ice cream n 冰淇淋513 USA n 美国514 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的515 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜516 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时517 sport [spɔ:t] n 运动518 come on phr. 来;过来519 ouch [autʃ] int (突然感到病痛时发出的声音)啊呀520 be good at phr. 在...方面(学得,做得)好; 善于521 basketball ['bæskitbɔ:l] n 蓝球522 easy ['i:zi] adj 容易的523 pass [pɑ:s] v 传递524 try [trai] v 试(做);设法;努力525 yo-yo ['jəujəu] n 溜溜球(一种玩具)526 go [gəu] n 尝试(做某事)527 throw [θrəu] v 投,掷528 hard [hɑ:d] adj 困难的529 ride [raid] v 骑(自行车,马等)530 swim [swim] v 游泳531 skate [skeit] v 滑冰,溜冰532 fly [flai] v 放(风筝,飞机模型等)533 card [kɑ:d] n 纸牌,卡片534 volleyball ['vɔli,bɔ:l] n 排球535 jump [dʒʌmp] v 跳536 sing [siŋ] v唱,唱歌537 run [rʌn] v 跑538 high [hai] adj & adv 高的(地)539 then [ðen] adv 那么,然后540 question ['kwestʃən] n 问题541 postal ['pəustəl] adj 邮政的542 code [kəud] n 密码,符号543 ski [ski:] v 滑雪544 tennis ['tenis] n 网球(运动)545 table tennis n 乒乓球546 roller-skating ['rəuləskeitiŋ] n 滑旱冰547 chess [tʃes] n 国际象棋548 fan [fæn] n (口语,电影,运动等的)迷549 player ['pleiə] n 比赛者,选手550 team [ti:m] n 队,组551 every ['evri] adj 每一,每个的552 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五553 make [meik] v 做,制作554 make the bed phr. 整理床铺555 homework ['həumwə:k] n 家庭作业556 do homework phr. 做作业557 read [ri:d] n 读,阅读558 write [rait] v 写559 sleep [sli:p] v 睡,睡觉560 look for ['luk fər] phr. 寻找561 cook [kuk] v & n 烹调,煮,烧炊事员,厨师562 talk [tɔ:k] v 说话,谈话563 talk with ['tɔ:k wið]phr. 和....交谈564 open ['əupən] n 打开565 close [kləuz] v 关;闭566 take photos phr. 照象567 wear [wɛə] v 穿568 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日569 park [pɑ:k] n 公园570 toy [tɔi] n 玩具;玩物571 lake [leik] n 湖572 clear [kliə] adj清晰的;清楚的;明亮的573 shop [ʃɔp] n 商店574 closed [kləuzd] adj 关着的575 day [dei] n 日,一天576 Friday ['fraidi] n 星期五577 early ['ə:li] adj & adv 早的(地)初期578 supermarket ['sju:pə,mɑ:kit] n 超级市场579 Wednesday ['wenzdi] n 星期三580 may [mei] v.aux 可以;可能;也许581 borrow ['bɔrəu] v 借582 from [frɔm] prep 从;从....起583 Thursday ['θə:zdi] n 星期四584 week [wi:k] n 周;星期585 Monday ['mʌndei] n 星期一586 Saturday ['sætədi] n 星期六587 Sunday ['sʌndi] n 星期日588 hey[hei]int嘿;喂(唤起注意.表示惊讶或询问) 589 dictionary ['dikʃəneri] n 字典;词典590 back [bæk] adv 回(原处) ;向后591 tomorrow [tə'mɔ:rəu]n&adv 明天;在明天592 CD n 激光唱片(缩写词)593 lot [lɔt] n 许多594 a lot phr. 非常595 give...a hand phr. 给予.....帮助596 evening ['i:vniŋ] n 傍晚;晚上597 from…to… phr. …从…到…598 after class phr. 课后599 help...with phr. 帮助(某人)做(某事)600 model ['mɔdl] n 模型;模范;样式601 park [pɑ:k] n 公园602 rest [rest] n 休息603 have a (good) rest phr. 休息604 maths [mæθs] n (英式拼法)数学605 math [mæθ] n (美式拼法)数学606 all [ɔ:l] adv 全体;全部607 hard [hɑ:d] adv 努力608 fun [fʌn] adj 有趣的;愉快的609 yeah [jɛə] adv (口语)是的;嗯610 take [teik] v 花费(时间)611 straight [streit] adj 直的612 use [ju:z] v 用;使用;应用613 wheel [hwi:l] n 轮;机轮614 into ['intu:] prep 到.....里;向内615 music ['mju:zik] n 音乐;乐曲616 boat [bəut] v 划船617 lake [leik] n 湖618 into ['intu:] prep 到...里,向内619 worried ['wʌrid] adj 担心的,烦恼的620 save [seiv] v 救,挽救,节省621 ticket ['tikit] n 票,券622 New York ['nju:leid] n 纽约623 learn [lə:n] v 学,学习624 learn...from phr. 向...学习625 meeting ['mi:tiŋ] n 会,会议626 bring [briŋ] v带来,拿来627 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的628 difference ['difərəns] n 不同,差异629 each [i:tʃ] adv & pron 各自,各个630 each other pron 互相631 talk about phr. 谈论,交谈632 USA n 美国633 Australia [ɔ:s'treiljə] n 澳大利亚634 Canada ['kænədə] n 加拿大635 UK n 联合王国636 Japan [dʒə'pæn] n 日本637 America [ə'merikə] n 美国638 a little phr. 一点,少量639 French [frentʃ] n 法语640 great [greit] adj 伟大的,很大的,重要的641 the Great Wall n 长城642 hotel [həu'tel] n 旅馆,饭馆643 building ['bildiŋ] n 建筑物644 follow ['fɔləu] v 跟随645 call [kɔ:l] v&n 称呼,叫喊,打电话给电话,通话646 family name n 姓647 first [fə:st] num & adv 第一,首先,最初648 postcard ['pəust,kɑ:d] n 明信片649 teach [ti:tʃ] v 教,教书650 dinner ['dinə] n 正餐,晚餐651 soon [su:n] adv 不久,一会儿652 stay [stei] v 停留(在某处)653 high school n 中学654 Toronto [tə'rɔntəu] n 多伦多(加拿大港市) 655 schoolboy ['sku:lbɔi] n (中小学的)男学生656 country ['kʌntri] n 国家657 make friends phr. 交朋友658 France [frɑ:ns] n 法国659 textbook ['tekstbuk] n 课本660 Englishman ['iŋgliʃmən]n(pl.Englishmen)英国(男)人661 Australian [ɔ:s'treiljən]adj 澳大利亚人662 Canadian [kə'neidiən] n 加拿大人663 city ['siti] n 城市664 foreigner ['fɔ:rinə] n 外国人665 visit ['vizit] v 访问,参观,拜访666 word [wə:d] n 词,单词667 well [wel] adv 好668 why [hwai] adv 为什么669 English-speaking adj 说英语的670 letter ['letə] n 信671 hot [hɔt] adj 热的,辣的672 hot dog n 热狗(红肠面包)673 not...at all phr. 一点也不674 different ['difərənt] adj 不同的675 kind [kaind] n 种,类676 a kind of phr. 一种,一类677 every ['evri] adj 每一的,每个的678 meal [mi:l] n 一餐,一顿饭679 noodle ['nu:dl] n 面条680 vegetable ['vedʒitəbl] n 蔬菜681 restaurant ['restərɔnt] n 饭馆682 often ['ɔ:fən] adv 常常683 potato [pə'teitəu] n 马铃薯,土豆684 well [wel] adj & adv 好,(身体)健康685 why [hwai] adv 为什么686 because [bi'kɔ:z] conj 因为687 housework ['hauswə:k] n 家务劳动688 machine [mə'ʃi:n] n 机器689 again [ə'gen] adv 又,再690 make phone calls phr. 打电话691 wash [wɔʃ] v 洗,漱洗692 dish [diʃ] n 一道菜,盘,碟693 electronic [ilek'trɔnik] adj 电子的694 mail [meil] n 邮政,邮递695 smoke [sməuk] v&n 吸烟,烟696 fog [fɔg] n 雾697 smog[smɔg]n 烟雾698 dance [dɑ:ns] v 跳舞699 living room n 起居室700 dining room n 餐厅701 driver ['draivə] n 司机,驾驶员702 farmer ['fɑ:mə] n 农民703 soldier ['səuldʒə] n 士兵,战士704 businessman ['biznismæn] n 商人705 assistant [ə'sistənt] n 助手,助理706 a shop assistant phr. 售货员,店员707 nurse [nə:s] n 护士708 postman ['pəustmən] n 邮递员709 factory ['fæktəri] n 工厂710 station ['steiʃən] n 车站,所,站711 bus station n 公共汽车站712 hospital ['hɔspitl] n 医院713 farm [fɑ:m] n 农场714 post [pəust] n 邮政,邮寄,邮件715 office ['ɔ:fis] n 办公室716 post office n 邮局717 study ['stʌdi] v 学习,研究718 party ['pɑ:ti] n 聚会719 friendly ['frendli] adj 友好的720 also ['ɔ:lsəu] adv 也721 medicine ['medisin] n 内服药,医学722 in the day phr. 在白天723 at night phr. 在晚上,在夜里724 make money phr. 赚钱725 weekend ['wi:k'end] n 周末726 job [dʒɔb] n 工作727 writer ['raitə] n 作家,作者728 cleaner ['kli:nə] n 清洁工729 turn [tə:n] n (依次轮流的)顺序,轮流730 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长731 baker ['beikə] n 面包师732 artist ['ɑ:tist] n 画家,艺术家733 hobby ['hɔbi] n 业余爱好734 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为735 place [pleis] n 地点,地方736 weekday ['wi:kdei]n 工作日,平日(除星期六,日以外) 737 when [hwen] adv 什么时候,何时738 leave [li:v] v 离去,出发739 begin [bi'gin] v 开始,着手740 have sports phr. 进行体育活动741 go to bed phr. 睡觉742 usually ['ju:ʒuəli] adv 通常743 right now phr. 立刻,马上744 sometimes ['sʌmtaimz] adv 有时745 take off phr. 脱衣服746 after school phr. 放学后,下课后747 get to phr. 到达748 exercise ['eksəsaiz]n锻炼,做操,练习749 do morning exercises phr. 做早操750 shopping ['ʃɔpiŋ] n 买东西751 go shopping phr. (去)买东西752 garden ['gɑ:dn] n 花(果,菜)园753 be [bi:] v (am,is,are)是,成为754 over ['əuvə] adv 结束,完了755 do (some) reading phr. 朗读,阅读756 living-room n 起居室757 playground ['pleigraund]n(学校的)操场758 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步759 news [nju:z] n 新闻,消息760 match [mætʃ] n 比赛,竞赛761 quickly ['kwikli] adv 迅速762 sun [sʌn] n 太阳763 moon [mu:n] n 月亮764 bridge [bridʒ] n 桥765 train [trein] n 火车766 ship [ʃip] n 船,轮船767 on foot phr. 走路,步行768 holiday ['hɔlədi] n 假日,假期769 year [jiə] n 年770 by [bai] prep 乘车(船等)771 by plane phr. 乘飞机772 by ship phr. 乘船773 air [ɛə] n 天空,空气774 by air phr. 乘飞机775 sea [si:] n 海,海洋776 by sea phr. 乘船777 take time phr. 花费(时间)778 how long phr. 多久779 walk [wɔ:k] v 走,步行,散步780 clean [kli:n] adj 干净的,清洁的781 story ['stɔ:ri] n 故事782 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远783 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题784 earlier ['ə:liə] adj & adv ( early的比较级)更早的(地) 785 ill [il] adj 病的,不健康的786 tear [tɛə] n (常用复数)眼泪,泪珠787 chicken ['tʃikin] n 鸡,鸡肉788 tofu ['təufu:] n 豆腐789 fridge [fridʒ] n 电冰箱790 list [list] n 清单,一览表,名单,目录791 shopping list phr. 购物清单792 buy [bai] v 买793 kilo ['ki:ləu] n 千克,公斤794 sell [sel] v 卖,售795 how much phr. 多少,多少钱796 cheap [tʃi:p] adj 便宜的797 expensive [iks'pensiv] adj 昂贵的798 tomato[tə'meitəu]n(pl.tomatoes)西红柿,蕃茄799 onion ['ʌnjən] n 洋葱800 carrot ['kærət] n 胡萝卜801 pork [pɔ:k] n 猪肉802 all day phr. 一整天,一天到晚803 a lot of phr. 许多,很多804 open ['əupən] adj 开着的805 market ['mɑ:kit] n 市场,集市806 dollar['dɔlə]n元(美,加拿大等国的货币单位)807 cent [sent] n (货币)分808 pound [paund] n 镑(重量单位)809 health [helθ] n 健康,卫生810 fast [fɑ:st] adj & adv 快的(地),迅速的(地)811 of course phr. 当然,自然的事812 travel ['trævl] v & n 旅行813 safe [seif] adj 安全的,平安的814 minibus ['mini,bʌs] n 小型公共汽车815 and so on phr. 等等816 price [prais] n 价格,价钱817 example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子,榜样818 for example phr. 例如819 stand [stænd] v 站,立820 field [fi:ld] n 地,田地821 one day phr.(过去或将来)有一天,某一天822 job [dʒɔb] n 工作823 bright [brait] adj 明亮的,灿烂的824 foreign ['fɔrin] adj 外国的825 sunglasses ['sʌnglɑ:siz] n 太阳镜826 each [i:tʃ] pron 各自,各个827 language ['læŋgwidʒ] n 语言828 helpful ['helpfəl] adj 有帮助的,有益的829 get on (a bus) phr. 上车830 business ['biznis] n 商业,生意,事物831 company ['kʌmpəni] n 公司832 manager ['mænidʒə] n 经理,负责人833 century ['sentʃuri] n 世纪,百年第二册834----1644834 lesson ['lesn] n 课,功课835 fun [fʌn] n 有趣836 when [hwen] conj 当......时837 traffic ['træfik] n 交通838 bad [bæd] adj 坏的839 matter ['mætə]v(否定句,疑问句)要紧,有关系840 on time phr. 准时841 September [sep'tembə] n 九月842 happy ['hæpi] adj 快乐的,幸福的843 best [best] adj &adv 最好的(地)844 wish [wiʃ] n &v 祝愿,希望,想要845 second ['sekənd] num &adj 第二(的)846 idea [ai'diə] n 主意,想法,意见847 last [lɑ:st] adj 最后的,刚过去的848 given name phr. 名字849 mean [mi:n] v 表示...的意思,意味着850 meaning ['mi:niŋ] n 意思,意义,含义851 important [im'pɔ:tənt] adj重要的,重大的852 use [ju:z] v 用,使用,运用853 Ms [mɪz]n女士(用于婚姻状况不明的女名) 854 before [bi'fɔ:] prep &adv 在..之前,以前855 never ['nevə] adv 从来,决不856 just [dʒʌst] adv 刚刚,方才857 third [θə:d] num &adj 第三的858 afraid [ə'freid] adj 害怕的859 live [liv] v 居住860 sound [saund] n & v 声音,听起来861 have to phr. 不得不,必须862 time [taim] n 次数863 more [mɔ:] adv 更,更加864 not...any more phr. 不再865 laugh [lɑ:f] v & n 笑,大笑,笑声866 waste [weist] n & v 浪费,废弃物867 a waste of time phr. 浪费(白费)时间868 fifth [fifθ] num & adj 第五(的)869 trip [trip] n & v 旅游,旅行870 field trip phr. 野外旅游871 hometown ['hom'taun] n 故乡,家乡872 discuss [di'skʌs] v 讨论,议论873 fish [fiʃ] v 钓鱼874 fishing ['fiʃiŋ] n 钓鱼875 go fishing phr. 去钓鱼876 east [i:st] n & adj 东方(的),东部(的)877 agree [ə'gri:] v 同意,赞成878 boating ['bəutiŋ] n 划船879 go boating phr. 去划船880 maybe ['meibi] adv 也许,大概881 mountain ['mauntin] n 山,高山882 hike [haik] n & v 远足,徒步旅行883 hiking [haikin] n 徒步旅行884 go hiking phr. 去徒步旅行885 picnic ['piknik] n 野餐886 the day after tomorrow phr. 后天887 top [tɔp] n 顶部888 problem ['prɔbləm] n 问题,难题889 quick [kwik] adj 快的,迅速的890 quickly ['kwikli] adv 快地,迅速地891 start [stɑ:t] v 开始,着手892 trip [trip] over phr. (被...)绊倒893 tired ['taiəd] adj 累,疲乏894 hurry ['hʌri] v 赶快,慌忙895 hurry up phr. 赶快896 tie [tai] v 捆,(系,栓)紧897 die [dai] v 死亡898 city ['siti] n 城市899 take [teik] v 花费(时间),消耗900 eighth [eitθ] num 第八901 salesgirl ['seilzgə:l] n 女售货员902 far [fɑ:] adj & adv 远的(地)903 beautiful ['bju:təfəl] adj 美丽的,漂亮的904 together [tə'geðə] adv 一起905 autumn ['ɔ:təm] n 秋天,秋季906 festival ['festəvəl] n & adj 节日(的),喜庆(的) 907 ninth [nainθ] num &adj 第九(的)908 free [fri:] adj 自由的,空闲的909 mid-autumn n 中秋910 mooncake n 月饼911 nut [nʌt] n 坚果,坚果核912 sweet [swi:t] adj 甜的,可爱的913 inside [,in'said] prep 在...里面914 store ['in'said] n (美)商店,大百货公司915 come over phr. 过来,顺便来访916 thanksgiving [,θæŋks'giviŋ] n 感谢,感恩917 Thanksgiving=Thanksgiving Day phr. 感恩节918 get together phr. 相聚919 October [ɔk'təubə] n. 十月920 taste [teist] v 品尝,有...味道921 pie [pai] n (用肉或水果做成的)馅饼922 outside ['aut'said] prep & adv 在...外923 in the open air phr.在户外,在野外924 harvest ['hɑ:vist] n 收获925 than [ðæn] conj 比....,比较....926 another[ə'nʌðə]adj&conj另一个(的),又一个(的) 927 delicious [di'liʃəs] adj 美味的,可口的928 better['betə]adj(goo或well的比较级)更好的929 pumpkin ['pʌmpkin] n 南瓜930 twelfth [twelfθ] num &adj 第十二(的)931 turkey ['tə:ki] n 火鸡932 celebrate ['selibreit] v 庆祝933 wait [weit] v 等,等待934 feed [fi:d] v 喂,饲养935 cow [kau] n 母牛,乳牛936 interesting ['intəristiŋ]adj有趣的,有意思的937 tractor ['træktə] n 拖拉机938 taxi ['tæksi] n 出租汽车939 slow [sləu] adj 慢的,缓慢的940 slowly ['sləuli] adv 缓慢地941 grow [grəu] v 种植,生长942 wheat [hwi:t] n 小麦943 country ['kʌntri] n 乡村,郊外944 hear [hiə] v 听见,听说945 bleat [bli:t] v & n 羊叫(声)946 agree with phr.同意...意见(想法)符合,一致947 corn [kɔ:n] n (美)玉米,谷类庄稼948 most[məust]adj&adv(many或much的最高级)最多的949 summer ['sʌmə] n 夏天,夏季950 winter ['wintə] n 冬天,冬季951 stop [stɔp] v 停止,中止952 pick [pik] v 采摘(花,果实)953 exciting [ik'saitiŋ] adj 令人兴奋的954 town [taun] n 城镇955 star [stɑ:] n 星星,恒星956 until [ən'til] prep&pron 到...为止957 till [til] prep&pron (直)到...为止958 college ['kɔlidʒ] n 学院,高等专科学校959 farming ['fɑ:miŋ] n 农业,务农960 somebody ['sʌmbədi] pron 某人,有人961 nobody ['nəubɔdi] pron 没有人962 shall [ʃæl] v (我,我们)将,会963 zoo [zu:] n 动物园964 nothing ['nʌθiŋ] pron没有什么,没有东西965 dolphin ['dɔlfin] n 海豚966 show [ʃəu] n&v演出,展览给...看,出示967 gate [geit] n 大门968 land [lænd] n 陆地,土地969 just [dʒʌst] adv 仅仅,只有970 grass [grɑ:s] n 草,草地971 dangerous ['deindʒərəs] adj 危险的972 panda ['pændə] n 熊猫973 lion ['laiən] n 狮子974 elephant ['elifənt] n 象975 monkey ['mʌŋki] n 猴子976 tiger ['taigə] n 老虎977 deer [diə] (pl.deer) n 鹿978 snake [sneik] n 蛇979 rabbit ['ræbit] n 兔子980 duck [dʌk] n 鸭981 fox [fɔks] n 狐狸982 horse [hɔ:s] n 马983 bear [bɛə] n 熊984 cage [keidʒ] n 笼(子),鸟笼985 should [ʃud]v.aux (shall的过去式)将,会,应该986 forest ['fɔrist] n 森林987 feel [fi:l] v 觉得,感到988 if [if] conj 假如,如果989 fall [fɔ:l] v 落下,跌倒990 climb [klaim] v 爬,攀登991 finish ['finiʃ] v 完成,结束992 cinema ['sinimə] n 电影院,电影。



艺术与文化英语词汇大全Art and Culture English Vocabulary Complete GuideIntroduction:Art and culture play significant roles in shaping societies. Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply want to expand your knowledge of English vocabulary related to art and culture, this comprehensive guide will provide you with a complete list of essential terms.1. Fine Arts:1.1 Painting: The application of colors on a surface using various techniques.1.2 Sculpture: The creation of three-dimensional artworks, usually by carving or modeling materials such as stone, wood, or clay.1.3 Drawing: The act of creating images using lines and various tools such as pencils or charcoal.1.4 Photography: The art of capturing images using a camera.1.5 Printmaking: The process of transferring an image from a matrix onto paper or another surface.1.6 Architecture: The design and construction of buildings and structures.2. Performing Arts:2.1 Theatre: A form of art that involves live performances by actors on stage.2.2 Dance: A rhythmic movement of the body often performed to express emotions or tell a story.2.3 Music: The art of organizing sounds to create melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.2.4 Opera: A theatrical art form combining music, singing, acting, and often dancing.2.5 Ballet: A classical dance form characterized by precise movements, elaborate costumes, and often accompanied by music.2.6 Film: The creation of moving visual images using a camera and editing techniques.3. Visual Arts:3.1 Collage: An artwork created by combining different materials, such as photographs, newspaper clippings, and fabric, onto a surface.3.2 Installation: A form of art where the artist arranges objects or materials in a specific space to create an immersive experience.3.3 Graffiti: Unauthorized writings or drawings on public walls or surfaces.3.4 Abstract Art: Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality.3.5 Pop Art: A movement that emerged in the 1950s, emphasizing popular culture and mass media.3.6 Multimedia Art: Artwork created using various mediums, such as video, audio, and interactive elements.4. Cultural Terms:4.1 Tradition: Customs, beliefs, and practices passed down from generation to generation within a society.4.2 Heritage: Cultural traditions, landmarks, or historical artifacts that are considered valuable and preserved.4.3 Diversity: The state of having different cultures, ethnicities, or beliefs coexisting within a society.4.4 Cultural Exchange: The sharing and interaction between different cultures, often resulting in the exchange of ideas, traditions, and practices.4.5 Cultural Appropriation: The adoption or use of elements from another culture, often without understanding or respecting their significance.4.6 Cultural Identity: The sense of belonging and attachment to a particular culture or group.Conclusion:This comprehensive guide provides an extensive list of English vocabulary related to art and culture. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you will be better equipped to appreciate and discuss various forms of artistic expression and cultural practices. Remember, art and culture are essential parts of our society, and expanding your vocabulary in this area will enhance your understanding and appreciation of the world around you.。






1. 音乐类词汇1.1 乐器(Musical Instruments)乐器是音乐创作和演奏的重要工具,常见的乐器包括:- Guitar(吉他)- Piano(钢琴)- Violin(小提琴)- Trumpet(小号)- Flute(长笛)- Drum(鼓)1.2 音乐风格(Music Styles)不同的音乐风格代表了不同的音乐文化和风格特点,常见的音乐风格包括:- Classical Music(古典音乐)- Pop Music(流行音乐)- Rock Music(摇滚音乐)- Jazz(爵士乐)- Hip-hop(嘻哈音乐)- R&B(节奏布鲁斯音乐)1.3 音乐术语(Musical Terms)音乐术语用于描述音乐的结构、节奏等特点,常见的音乐术语有:- Melody(旋律)- Harmony(和声)- Rhythm(节奏)- Tempo(速度)- Chord(和弦)- Key(调式)2. 艺术类词汇2.1 绘画(Painting)绘画是一种通过使用颜料、墨水等在纸上或其他媒介上表现形象的艺术形式。

以下是一些与绘画相关的词汇:- Canvas(画布)- Brush(画笔)- Palette(调色板)- Portrait(肖像画)- Landscape(风景画)- Still Life(静物画)2.2 雕塑(Sculpture)雕塑是一种通过刻削、砍凿等手法塑造材料而创作出的艺术形式。

以下是一些与雕塑相关的词汇:- Statue(雕像)- Sculptor(雕塑家)- Clay(黏土)- Marble(大理石)- Bronze(青铜)- Carving(雕刻)2.3 设计(Design)设计是一门创造和组织美的艺术,涉及多个领域,包括服装设计、室内设计、平面设计等。






一、绘画艺术1. 画家:painter/artist2. 颜料:paint3. 画布:canvas4. 调色板:palette5. 画架:easel6. 素描:sketch7. 油画:oil painting8. 水彩画:watercolor painting9. 素描纸:sketchpad10. 速写:quick sketch二、雕塑艺术1. 雕塑家:sculptor/artist2. 刻刀:chisel3. 石料:stone4. 陶土:clay5. 铜像:bronze statue6. 石像:stone sculpture7. 雕塑作品:sculpture8. 树脂:resin9. 木雕:woodcarving10. 雕塑工作室:sculpture studio三、音乐艺术1. 音乐家:musician2. 乐器:musical instrument3. 钢琴:piano4. 吉他:guitar5. 小提琴:violin6. 鼓:drum7. 古典音乐:classical music8. 爵士乐:jazz music9. 编曲:composition10. 演奏:performance四、舞蹈艺术1. 舞蹈家:dancer/artist2. 芭蕾舞:ballet3. 现代舞:contemporary dance4. 排练:rehearsal5. 舞台:stage6. 舞蹈剧目:dance performance7. 舞蹈学校:dance school8. 芭蕾舞团:ballet company9. 舞蹈编排:choreography10. 舞蹈技巧:dance technique五、戏剧艺术1. 演员:actor/actress2. 剧本:script3. 剧场:theater4. 导演:director5. 灯光:lighting6. 角色:role7. 化妆:makeup8. 舞台设计:stage design9. 彩排:dress rehearsal10. 戏剧表演:drama performance六、摄影艺术1. 摄影师:photographer2. 相机:camera3. 镜头:lens4. 快门:shutter5. 暗房:darkroom6. 曝光:exposure7. 数码相机:digital camera8. 胶片:film9. 航拍摄影:aerial photography10. 风景摄影:landscape photography以上是突破难点艺术英语词汇大全的一部分,通过学习和掌握这些涵盖了绘画、雕塑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧和摄影等各个艺术门类的词汇,相信能够帮助学生更好地理解和运用艺术英语,提高学习的效果。



体育单招英语考试单词篇(1200 词)班级:____________姓名:____________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 1)1.一(个,件.):_______________(表示同类事物/ 非特指的一个)2.adv. 同样地;conj. 因为;prep. 作为;当作:______________3.修饰元音素,一:_______________4. 与..一样:________________5. adj. 有能力的:_______________6. 与..不一样:______________7.prep. 关于;在..周围:________8.adv. 大约;周围9.好像:______________ /___________________10.毕竟,终究:_______________11. v. 问;请求;要求:______________12.n. 年龄:_______________13.在..岁时:_______________14.请求..:______________15.请某人给某物:______________16.adv. 都;全部地;adj. (修饰单数名词)全;总;整:___________17.prep. (表示地点)在..;(表示时间)在..时;(表示动作的目标和方向):______________18.到处;结束:_______________19. adj. 坏的,严重的:______________ 20. 一点也不:_______________21. adv. 坏;恶劣地;严重地:_______ 22. adv. 也:_______________23. n. 球:__________24. conj. 和;又;而且:____________25. conj. 因为:___________26.adj. 一些(用于否定、疑问句);任何的:_______________27.v. 是,成为:__________(am, is, are, was, were, been)28.adv. 无论如何:_______________29. prep./conj./ adv. 在..以前:_______ 30. pron. 任何人:_______________31. v. 开始;着手:_____________ 32. pron. 任何事:_______________33. adj./n. 最好的(人/物):__________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 2)1. 尽最大的努力:_________________2. 回来;想起来:_______________3. 一切顺利:_________________4. 下来;落:_______________5. adj. 更好的;较好的:_____________6. 进来:_______________7. adj. 大的;重要的:_____________ 8. 出生于;来自:_______________9. n. 书;本子:________________ 10. 跟上:_______________11.pron. 两者;adj. 两:______________ 12. 出来:_______________13. ..和..两者都:______________ 14. n. 天;日;白天:_______________ 15. n. 男孩:________________ 16. 日间;白天里:_______________ 17. conj. 但是:________________ 18. 日复一日地:_______________19. prep. 在..旁;靠近:_____________ 20. 日日夜夜:_______________21.(情态动词)能够;可以;n.罐头:________________ 22.有一天;(过去或将来)某一天:_______________23.n. (小)汽车:________________ 24. 后天:_______________25. n. 中国:________________ 26. 前天:_______________27. n. 陶瓷;瓷器:________________ 28. 前几天:_______________29. n. 圣诞节:________________ 30. n. 不同;差异:_____________ 31. n. 班;课;年级:________________ 32. adj. 不同的,差异的:______________33.上课:________________课后:________________ 34.v. 做:______________情态动词(用于疑问句和否定句)35.教室:________________ 36. 做些清洁工作:______________ 37. v. 来;来到:________________ 38. 做饭:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 3)1. 在..干得好:_________________2. adj. 少数的;n. 少数:____________3. pron. 每个;adj. 各个:____________4. 有一些:_______________5.互相,彼此:_____________6.prep. 为了;(表时间、距离)计、达:_______________7.adj. 容易的;简单的:_____________别紧张:________________ 8.prep. (表示起点)从;(表开始的时候)从..起;距(离);来自:_________9.v. 吃(ate,eaten):______________吃光:______________ 10.从现在起:_______________从那时起:_______________11.pron. 两者之一;adj. 任何一个;adv.(用于否定句)也:________________12.从..到..:_______________13.或者..或者..:_______________ 14. n. 前面;adj. 前面的:______________ 15. n. 英国人:________________ 16. 在..前面:_______________17.n. 英语;adj. 英国(人)的:___________用英语:________________ 18.V. 成为;得到;到达;使得:_______________(got, got)19.adj. 每一;每个的:_____________pron. 每人:________________ 20.(事情)进展;(和人)和睦相处:__________________21.adj. 每日的:________________ 22. 离开;逃脱:_______________23. pron. 事事:________________ 24. 把..取回来;返回:______________ 25. adv. 到处:________________ 26. 降下:_______________27. n. 脸;v. 面对:________________ 28. 进入;收集:_______________29. 面对面:________________ 30. 下车;脱下:_____________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 4)1. 上(车):______________2. (灯,火)熄灭:______________3. 与某人相处:_______________4. 复习;检查:______________5. 通过;打通(电话):_______________6. adj. 好的:______________7. 相聚;聚集:_______________ 8. 善于..:______________9. 起床:_______________10. 再见;再会:_____________11. n. 女孩:_______________12. n. 商品;货物:__________13. v. 递给;付出;给予:___________14. n. 年级;成绩:___________(gave,given)15.归还;送回:_______________16.v. 有,吃;喝;进行;使:__________(had, had)17.分发:_______________18. 不得不;必须:_________________19. 放弃:_______________20. 穿着;戴着:_____________21. v. 去;变为;达到:____________22. v. / n. 帮助:_____________23. 回去:_______________24. 自取;随便吃:_____________25. (时间)过去;经过:_______________26. 帮某人做某事:_____________27.去钓鱼/ 滑冰/ 游泳/ 购物:________________________________28.adj. 有帮助的;有益的:___________ adj.无助的:_____________29.去散步:______________30. adv. 这儿;在这里:_____________ 31. 继续:________________32. adv. 在那儿;往哪儿:_____________ 33. 继续做......:______________34. 表示“存在”:_____________35. 继续自己的工作:_________________ 36. adv. 怎样;如何;多少:__________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 5)1. 多远:______________2. 不久以后;很快:______________3. 多久;多长:_______________4. 很久以前:______________5.多少(可数):_______________多少(不可数):_______________ 6.不再:____________________/____________________7.几岁:_______________ 8. n. 许多:______________9. conj. 如果;是否:_______________ 10. 许多;大量:___________=________11.prep. (表示位置)在..内;在..(时间);以..(方式);使用..(语言)穿戴;adv. 在内:_______________12.v. 造;制作;使..:____________由..制造:_________________(中国)制造:_______________13.prep. 到..内;变成:___________14. 由..制成:__________________ 15. adv. 正好;刚才;仅:_______________16. n. 男人;人:________(复数:)17. 刚才:_______________18. (情态动词)可以;也许:____________ 19. 正在那时:_______________20. n. 钱;货币:_____________ 21. v. 知道;懂得;认识:____________22. adj.多的;pron.许多人(物):_________ 23.n. 生命;一生;生活:_____________(复数:)24.很多的:_____________25.v. 喜欢,想要;prep. 像,跟..一样:_______________26.adj. (修饰不可数n.)多,大量的;adv. 非常,(加强比较级)更;n. 许多:________27.像:____________________28. adj. 更多的;adv. 更:___________29.adj.(指距离/时间)长,远;adv. 长久:_________________30.或多或少:_____________不再:___________/_______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 6)1. 再一次:______________2. 大约..:______________3.n. (many 和much 的最高级)大多数;大部分:_______________4.adj. 别的;其他的:______________5.(情态动词)必须;一定是:_________6. adv. 在外;离开:________________7. (情态动词)需要:_______________8. 向..外;从..当中:___________9. 需要:_______________10. prep./adv. 在.上方;越过:________ 11. adj. 新的;新鲜的:_______________ 12. 反复;再三:____________13. adv. 不;adj. 没有:___________14. 在那边(指较远):_______________ 15. adv. 不;没..:_______________16. n. 文章;g 过道;航行:___________ 17. 不但..而且..:_______________ 18. n. 人:____________19. adv. 现在:_______________20. n. 人们:_____________21. 时而;不时:____________22. n./ v. 计划:___________23. prep. (表所属关系)..的:_______ 24. v. 玩;打(球);n. 戏剧:___________ 25. adj. 旧的;年老的:_______________ 26. adv. 很可能;大概:___________27. prep. 在..上;关于:adv. (穿、戴、放..)上;(电灯、水管等)接通;进行下去:____________________28. v. 放;摆:___________放好;把..收起来:____________穿上;戴上;上演:___________29. 等等;诸如此类:_________________ 30. 把某物放下来:_____________ 31.不停地:_________________32. 挂起;举起:___________33. adv. 仅仅,才;adj. 唯一的:_________34. v. 读;朗读:___________35. conj. 或者;还是;不然:____________36. v. 记得;想起:___________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 7)1. 请向..致意:______________2. adj.一些,某个;pron. 一些:_________3.adv. 正好,恰恰;adj. 对的,正确的;n.右边;adj. 右边的:_____________ 4.n. 空间;太空;间隙:______________在空间:______________5.(病)好了,好吧:_______________6.adv. 非常;adj. 这样的:____________7. 在右边:_______________8. 例如:___________9. 立刻:_____________/_____________10. v. 拿;拿走;做;花费;吃;乘:_______ 11. v. 说;讲:_______________12. 散步/ 休息:____________________ 13. n. 学校:__________________14. 拿走:___________________15. 放学后:___________________16. 拿下:__________________17. 在学校:___________________18. 脱下;拿掉:____________19. 上学:_____________________20. 把..拿出来:________________ 21. (情态动词)将要:____________22. 吃食物/ 药:__________________ 23. (情态动词)将;应该:_______24. 坐火车/船/公交车:_____________ 25. n. 轮船:_______________26. n. 出租汽车:___________27. v. 给..看,出示,显示,表明,显出;n. 展览会:__________________28. v. 告诉;讲述;吩咐:___________(told, told)29. 展览:_________________30. n. 课文;课本:_____________ 31.adv. 那么,如此;非常;也conj. 因此,所以:_________________32.conj. 比:___________33.如此..以至于:__________34. pron./adj. 那;那个;conj.:___________ 35. 以便;结果是:_____________36. pron./adj. 这;这个:_______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 8)1.(定冠词)这(那)个;(特指某人或某物;用在序数词、最高级、某些专有名词、独一无二的事物前面):_______________2.18 . adv. 好;令人满意地;完全地;充分地;adj. 健康的:__________3.adv. 那么,然后:_______________4. pron. (表疑问)什么;(表建议)怎么样;adj. (表感叹)多么:______________ 5. pron. & adj. 这些:_______________ 6. adv. 什么时候;conj. 当..时:_____ 7. pron. & adj. 那些:_______________ 8. adv. 在(往)哪里:_______________ 9. adj. 厚的,浓的,粗的:____________ 10. pron. 谁:______________11. n. 事情;(个人的)物品:___________ 12.adj./ pron.哪一个;pron. 这个:_______13.v. 想;思考;认为________________(thought, thought) 14.n. 妻子:___________________ n .丈夫:___________________15.考虑(是否做):___________________ 16. adj. 整个的:__________________ 17. 想起:___________________18. (情态动词)将;愿意:____________ 19. conj. 虽然:_____________________20. (will 的过去式)大概;愿意:________ 21. n. 时间,时期;钟点;次:____________22. n. 一会儿;conj. 当.时:_________ 23. adv. 也;太;过分:______________ 24. 过了一会儿:_____________25. 太..而不能:___________________ 26. 不久:___________27. n. 综合性大学:________________28. 偶尔,有时:___________29. prep. 向上;在上;起立:____________30. v. 获胜;赢得:_____________ 31. adv. 很;非常:_________________32. n. 词,单词;话:_______________ 33. v. 要;想要;需要:__________34. 和某人说句话:_________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 9)1.n. 水:________________2.prep. 带有;(表方法或手段)以..;(表伴随)与..一道:_______________3.prep. 在..里面;不超过:__________4. prep. 无,没有:_______________5. 简而言之:_______________6. 也就是说:_______________7. v. 工作,运转;n. 工作/作品:_________8. 在工作:_______________9. 失业:_______________10. 努力学习:_______________11. 算出,制订出:_______________12. n. 世界:_______________13. adj. 年轻的,年幼的:______________ 14. n. 青年,青年时期:_______________15.adv. 在上面:______________16.prep & adv. 穿过;在另一边,在对面:___________________17.adj. 积极的:_______________18. n. 忠告,建议:_______________19. adj. 害怕的:_______________20. 害怕:________________21. adv. 又;再:_____________22. 再一次:_______________23. 再三地:__________________24. prep. 反对:_____________25. adv. 以前:________________26. v. 同意:________________27. n./ v. 瞄准:_______________28. n. 空气:_______________29. 乘飞机:__________________30. v. 允许;许可:_____________31. adv. 几乎:________________32. adv. 已经:_________________33. adv. 已经:________________34. conj. 虽然:_________________35. adv. 总是:________________36. n. 美国:___________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 10)1.prep. 在..当中:________________2.adj. 生气的:________________3.生某人的气:_____________________4.n. 动物:___________________5.v./ n. 回答,答案:________________6.v. 出现,显得:________________7.n. 苹果:________________8.v. 辩论,表明:________________9.v. 到达;来到:________________10. 到达某地:____________________ 11. v. 出席,参加:________________12. v. 吸引,引起:________________ 13. n. 注意:________________14. 注意:________________________ 15. v. 唤醒;醒;adj. 醒着的:__________ 16. adv. 离开,远离:________________18.n. 篮球:________________ 17.n. 后面,背部;adv. 回;向后:________________19.n. 排球:__________________20. n. 羽毛球:________________21. n. 乒乓球:________________22. n. 棒球:________________23. n. 足球:__________________24. n. 网球:________________25. v. 变得,成为:________________26. prep. 在..后面:________________ 27. v. 相信,认为:________________28. prep. 在两者之间:________________ 29. n. 鸟:___________________30. n. 生日:________________31. n. 出生地:________________32. n. 身体:________________33. 出生:____________________34. 出生于:________________35. v. (向别人)借:________________36. n. 盒子;v. 拳击:________________ 37. n. 脑子:________________38. n. 面包:________________单招考试 1200 必背词汇默写 (Day 11)1.n. 呼吸:________________2.屏住气:________________3.上气不接下气:________________4.v. 呼吸:________________5.v. 带来;拿来:________________6.n. 刀,兄;弟:________________7.v. 建设,建立:________________8.n. 建筑物,房屋:________________ 9.n. 公共汽车:________________10.adj. 忙的:________________11.忙于做某事:________________ /12.v. 买:________________ ________________13.n. 卡片,名片:________________14.n. 小心;v. 关心,介意:_____________ 15.喜欢,想要:________________16.照顾,照料:________________17.adj. 小心的:________________18.v. 运送,搬运:________________19.继续;开展:________________20.实现,执行,贯彻:________________ 21.n. 情形,讼案,病例:________________22.n. 猫:________________23.v. 捉住;赶上:________________24.赶上:________________26.n. 世纪;百年:________________ 25.v. 使发生,引起,促使;n. 原因,理业:________________27.n. 主席:________________28.n. 机会,可能性:________________30.把..变成:________________ 29.v. 改换,改变,找零钱;n. 变化,零钱:_____________________31.n. 小孩,儿童:________________32.n. 城市:________________33.adj.清楚的,明亮的:________________ 34.v. 关闭:________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 12)1.n. 小孩,儿童:________________2.adj. 冷的,寒冷的:________________3.n. 学院;高等专科学校:____________4.去上大学:________________5.n. 颜色:________________6.n. 公司:________________7.n. 作文,写作:________________8.n. 计算机:________________9.adj. 疯狂的:___________________10. v. 割,砍,切:______________11. n. 习惯,风俗:_________________12. n. 顾客:______________13. n. 女儿:______________14. adj. 亲爱的:______________15. v. 下决心;决定:______________16. n. 决定:_________________17. v. 描写,叙述:______________18. n. 词典,字典:______________19. adj. 困难的:______________20. v./ n. 希望;要求:______________ 21. n. 狗:___________________22. adv. 向下:______________23. v. 做梦,向往;n. 梦想:____________ 24. prep. 在..期间:______________ 25. n. 地球:______________26. n. 蛋:______________27. adj. 别的;其他的:______________28. v. 鼓励:______________29. n. 末梢;终点:______________30. 最后,结束:______________31. v. 喜欢:__________________32. 过得快乐:_________________33. adj. 使人愉快的:______________34. adj. 足够的;adv. 足够地:___________ 35. adj. 甚至;更:______________36. 即使..也;:_____________________ 37. adv. 曾经;无论何时:______________ 38. 从那时起到现在:______________ 39. adv. 永远;adj. 长期的:_____________40. adv. 确切地;恰恰正是:_____________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 13)1.n. 经验;体验:________________2.v. 解释;说明:________________3.v. 表达;表示:____________4.n. 眼睛:________________5.n. 脸;面孔:________________6.adj. 熟悉的,常见的:_______________7.n. 家;家庭:________________8.adj. 著名的:________________9.adj./adv. 远的(地):________________ 10. 到目前为止:______________11. 遥远:_________________12. 远不;完全不:______________13. adj./ adv. 较远;更远:______________ 14. n. 农场;农庄:______________16. adj. 特别喜爱的:_________________ 15. adv. 快地;讯速地;adj. 快的:______________17. n. 好意;帮助:______________18. v. 感觉;摸:______________19. 觉得想做..:______________20. n. 感情:______________22. 有一些;少数几个:______________ 21. adj. 少数的/ n. 很少数,几乎没有:___________________23. n. 天地;牧场:____________24. v. 打仗;n. 战斗:______________25. n. 影片;电影:______________26. v. 找到;发现:______________27. 找出,发现:______________28. v. 完成,结束:______________29. v. 修理;安装:______________30. n. 食物;食品:______________31. v. 忘记;忘掉:__________________32. v. 组成;建立;形成:________________33. v. 成立;建立:______________34. adj. 空闲的,自由的,免费的:___________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 14)1.释放,使自由:________________2.n. 朋友:________________3.交朋友:____________4.adj. 友好的:________________5.adj. 满的,完全的:________________6.充满..的:_______________7.n. 游戏;运动;比赛:________________8.n. 赠品;礼物;天资:________________10. adj. 伟大的,重大的:______________ 9. v. 毕业,授予学位;n. 大学毕业生:________________11. adv. 大大地;非常:________________ 12. 组;团体;群:______________13. v. 生长;发育;种植:______________ 14. 成长;长大:______________15. n./ adj. 一半:______________16. n. 手,指针;v. 传递,给:____________17. 交进来,交纳:______________18. 分发______________19. v. 吊着;悬挂;绞死:______________ 20. v. 发生;碰巧:______________21. adj. 高兴的:___________________22. adv. 努力地,猛烈地;adj. 困难的,硬的:________________23. v. 憎恨;不喜欢:____________24. adj. 高的:______________25. n. 历史,历史学:______________26. n. 假期,节日:______________27. 在度假:______________28. n. 家;adv. 回家,在家:____________29. 在家里:______________30. 回家:______________31. v. / n. 希望:__________________32. n. 医院:________________33. n. 房子:______________34. adv. 立即:______________35. adj. 重要的:______________36. n. 重要;重大:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 15)1.v. 包括:________________2.n. 所得;收入:________________3.v. 推论;猜想:____________4.n. 通知;信息:________________5.adv. 代替;顶替:________________6.代替;而不是:_______________7.v. 使发生兴趣;n. 兴趣:____________ 8.名胜:_______________________9.adj. 有趣味的:________________10. adj. 国际的,世界的:______________ 11. n. 岛:________________12. n. 工作:______________13. n. 欢乐;高兴:______________14. n. 钥匙;答案:______________15. n. 没有;缺乏;不足:______________ 16. n. 女士;夫人;小姐:____________ 17. n. 湖:______________18. n. 陆地,土地______________20. 最后;终于:______________ 19. adj. 最后的,刚过去的;v. 持续;adv. 最后:______________21. adj./ adv. 迟(的):________________22. 迟到:________________23. adv. 近来;不久前:____________24. n. 法律;法令:______________25. n. 律师;法学家:______________26. v. 放;搁;产卵:______________ 27. v. 领导;导致:______________28. v. 学习;听说;获悉:____________ 29. v. 离开;剩下:______________30. n. 左边;adj. 左边的:______________ 31. 在左边:__________________32. v. 让:________________33. 让进来:______________34. 放出;泄露:______________35. n. 信;字母:______________36. n. 一览表,名单:______________ 37. adj. 小的,少的;adv. 很少地;n. 没有多少,一点:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 16)1. 一点儿;少量:____________2. adj. 更少(小)的;adv. 更少(小)地:________________3. adj. 最小的;n. 最小:____________4.v. 居住;活着;生存:________________5.adj. 活的;n. 生活:________________6.n. 起居室:_______________7.adj. 生动的,活泼的:____________8.v. 爱;喜欢:_________________9.adj. 可爱的,好看的:______________ 10. n. 邮件;v. 邮寄:______________11. adj. 主要的:________________12. n. 集市;市场:______________13. 超市:______________14. n. 比赛;火柴:______________15. 举行一场比赛:______________16. n. 事情,问题;v. 要紧:____________17. adv. 或许;大概:______________18. v. 意味着:________________19. n. 意思;含意:______________20. n. 回忆;记忆力:______________21. (情态动词)可能:________________22. n. 百万:________________23. 成百万的:____________24. n. 十亿:______________25. n. 千:______________26. 成千上万的:______________27. n. 百:______________28. v. 介意,关心;n. 想法:____________29. 下决心;决定:____________________ 30. 没关系,不担心:_________________31. n. 小时:__________________32. n. 分钟;一会:________________33. 一会儿;立刻:______________34. 等一下:______________35. n. 月;月份:______________36. n. 年;年岁:______________37. n. 天:______________38. n. 一周,一星期:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 17)1.n. 周末:____________2.n. 母亲:________________3.n. 父亲:____________4.n. 名字,姓名:________________5.adj. 国家的,民族的:_______________6.n. 国籍:_______________7.adv. 从不;决不:____________8.n. 新闻;消息:_________________9. n. 报纸:______________10. adj. (距离)最近的,(时间)下一次;adv. 随后,下一步:______________ 11. n. 便条;笔记;注释:________________ 12. n. 数;数字;号码:______________13. 许多;一些:______________14. adv. 停了;prep. 离开:______________15. n. 办公室:______________16. adv. 常常;经常:____________17. v. 打开,张开;adj. 开着的:__________ 18. v./ n. 命令;顺序:________________19. 整齐;程序井然:______________20. 为了;以便:______________/______________21. n. 部分:________________22. 参加:________________23. Prep. (时间)过..;走过某处;n. 过去;adj. 过去的:____________24. v. 给..报酬;付款;n. 工资;报酬:______________25. 付钱;支付:______________26. 偿清(债务):______________27. v. 种植;n. 植物:______________28. v. 玩;打;做游戏;n. 戏剧:___________ 29. v. 请;使人高兴:__________________ 30. adv. 可能地;也许:_________________ 31. adj. 可能的:__________________32. n. 礼物,现在;adj. 现在的:__________ 33. 目前,现在:______________34. n. 奖品;奖金:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 18)1.n. 问题;难题:____________2.v. 产生;制造:________________3.n. 制造;生产:____________4.n. 教授:________________5.adj. 安静的:_______________6.adv. 很;十分;完全:_______________7. adv. 宁可;宁愿:____________8. 倒不如说;是..而不..:_________________9. v. 到达;达到:______________10. adv. 确实;真正地:______________11. v. 回答;答复:________________12. n. 调查;研究:______________13. v. 回来;归来:______________14. adj. 有钱的;富裕的:______________15. adj. 可怜的;贫穷的:______________ 16. v. 上升;升起:____________17. n. (一)排:__________18. n. 房间;地位;空间:________________19. v. 跑;奔跑:______________20. 逃跑;逃脱:______________21. adj. 安全的;平安的:_____________ 22. adj. 同一的;pron. 同样的事:_______________23. 仍然;还是:____________24. n. 科学:______________25. v. 看;瞧;理解:______________26. 为某人送行:______________27. 接某人:______________28. v. 放;搁;(日、月)落;n. (一)套;装置;设备:_______________29. 一套..:__________________30. 出发;动身:_________________31. 出发;开始;着手:__________________ 32. 建立;创立:__________33. v. 安排;安家;停留:______________ 34. n. 商店;店铺:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 19)1.n. 买东西:____________2.adj. 相似的:________________3.n. 位置;形势:____________4.n. 尺寸,大小:________________5.adj. 小的;少的:_______________6.n. 歌曲,歌唱:_______________7.adv. 不久,很快:____________8.一..就:_________________9.迟早:______________10. adj. 难过的,对不起的:_____________11. adj. 特别的:________________12. v. 站:______________13. v. 停止;阻止:______________14. 停止做..:______________15. 阻止某人做某事:______________16. 停下来去做某事:____________17. n. 街道:_____________18. adj. 强壮的;坚强的:_______________19. v./ n. 学习;研究:______________20. n. 学生:______________21. adj. 肯定,确信:_____________22. 一定要做某事:__________________23. 务必;务请:____________24. n. 桌子:______________25. v. 说话;谈话;n. 演讲:_____________ 26. n. 电视机:______________27. v. 谢谢:______________28. n. 想法;思想:_______________30. n. 标题;书名;头衔:_______________ 29. prep. 通过;穿过;adv. 自始至终;全部;穿过:__________________31. adv./ n. 今天;现在;当前:___________ 32. adv. 一起:__________________33. n. 火车:______________34. n. 树:__________________35. n. 旅行;旅程:______________36. n. 问题;困难;麻烦;v. 使烦恼:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 20)1.处于困境/ 苦恼中:____________2.n. 旋转;翻转;转变:______________3.把..变成..:____________4.开/关:____________________5.把..翻起来;翻身:_______________6.转向;求助于:_______________7.prep./ adv. 在..下面:____________8.v. 懂得;明白;理解:________________9.conj./ prep. 直到..为止:__________ 10. 直到..才:________________11. n./ v. 使用;用途:________________ 12. 利用;借用:______________13. use 的过去式:______________14. 习惯于做某事:______________15. 过去常常做:______________16. adj. 有用的;有益的:____________17. adj. 平常的;通常的:_____________ 18. 跟往常一样:_______________19. adv. 通常;经常:______________20. adj. 异常的;独特的:______________ 21. v./n. 访问;参观;拜访:_____________22. v. 走;散步;步行:__________________23. 散步:____________24. n. 手表;怀表:______________25. n. 路线;道路;方法:_____________26. 顺便问一下:______________27. 去..的路上:______________28. 在途中;在路上:_______________29. n. 翅膀:__________________30. v. 对..感到疑惑;n. 奇迹:_______________31. adj. 极好的;精彩的:___________32. v. 写:__________________33. 写下;记下:______________34. 写信给..:__________________36. 出了问题;有毛病:______________ 35. adj. 坏;邪恶的;不对的;错误的:______________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 21)1.v. 承认;接受;答应:____________2.n. 事故:_________________3. v. 行动;做;表演;扮演;n. 行为;动作:________________4. adj. 实际的;现实的:____________________5. adv. 实际上:_______________6.v. 买得起:_______________7.adv. 在前面;在前头:____________8.n. 航空站;飞机场:________________9. adj. 活着的:__________10. adj. 单独的;adv. 单独地;独自:_______________11. adv. 一道;一起;prep. 沿着;顺着:________________12. adv. 出声地;大声地:______________13. n. 怒;愤怒:______________14. adj. 渴望的;忧虑的:______________ 15. v. 道歉:______________16. prep. 在..周围:____________17. n. 艺术;技艺:_____________18. adj. 睡着的:_______________19. n. 银行:______________20. n. 基础;基地:______________21. v. 跳动;敲打;打胜:_____________ 22. adj. 美丽的:__________________23. n. 床:____________24. 睡觉:______________25. 整理床铺:_____________26. prep. 在..旁边;靠近:____________ 27. adv. 在远处:______________28. n. 一点儿;一些:_______________29. 有点儿:__________________30. n. 血:_______________31. n. 底;末端:___________32. adj. 勇敢的:__________________33. n. 呼吸;气息:______________34. 屏住气:__________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 22)1.上气不接下气:____________2.v. 呼吸:_________________3.n. 商业;生意;营业:______________4.n. 叫声;喊声;v. 喊;叫;称呼:____________________5.请求;去接(人):_______________6.n. 照相机:_______________7.n. 野营;v. 宿营:_________________ 8.n. 帽子;盖:________________9.v. 庆祝;歌颂:__________10. adj. 廉价的;便宜的:_______________ 11. v./ n. 检查;核对:________________ 12. n. 选择;挑选:______________13. n. 电影院;电影:______________14. 去看电影:______________16. v. 擦干净;弄干净:____________ 15. v. 环绕;盘旋;n. 圆;圈子:______________17. adj. 聪明的:_____________18. v. 爬;攀登;n. 攀登:______________ 19. n. 云:___________________20. v. 收集;聚集:________________21. adj. 普通的;共同的:_____________ 22. adj. 舒适的:__________________24. n. 祝贺;庆贺:________________ 23. adj. 完全的;彻底的;v. 完成,结束:________________25. v. 连接;相通;衔接:_____________ 26. 看作..;被认为:____________27. n. 建造;建设:______________28. v./ n. 控制;支配:_______________29. v. 烹;煮;n. 厨师:_______________ 30. v. 抄写:__________________31. adj. 正确的;对的:________________ 32. n. 一对;夫妇:__________________ 33. n. 过程;课程:______________34. 当然:__________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 23)1.n. 乳脂;奶油:____________2.n. 庄稼;收成:_________________3.v. 哭;叫喊;n. 喊声:______________4.adj. 稀奇的;奇妙的:____________________5.n. 习惯;习俗:_______________6.adj. 危险的:_______________7. n. 量;数额;v. 处理;应付:_________________8. 大量;非常多:________________9. 处理;对付;涉及:__________10. adj./ adv. 深:_______________11. n. 度数;学位:________________12. v. 破坏;毁坏:______________13. v. 发展;开发:______________14. n. 发展;开发:______________15. n. 日记;日记簿:______________16. adj. 直接的;直率的:____________ 17. n. 方向;方面;指导:_____________ 18. adj. 脏的:______________19. n. 发现:___________________20. v. 讨论;议论:________________21. n. 讨论;议论:_____________22. n. 距离;远处:__________________ 23. v. 分开;分裂;除:________________ 24. n. 裙子;v. 穿着:________________ 25. v. 喝;n. 饮料:_____________26. v. 驾驶;驱使:____________27. v. 使干;adj. 干的:______________28. n. 责任;职责:_______________29. adj./ adv.早地(的);初期地(的):_______________30. n. 结果;效果;影响:__________________31. n. 努力;尝试:________________32. v. 雇用;使从事:__________________ 33. n. 空的:______________34. n. 能量;活力:__________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 24)1. v. 进入:____________2. adj. 相等的;n. 同等的人或事物;v. 等于:_________________3. v. / n. 逃亡;避免:______________4.n. 例子;榜样:____________________5.prep. 除..之外:_______________6.v. 使兴奋(激动):_______________7.adj. 令人激动的:_________________8.n. 练习;运动:________________9.v. 期望;预期:__________10. n. 表达;表情:_______________11. n. 事实;实际:________________12. 事实上:______________13. 实际上:______________14. v. 失败;不及格:______________15. adj. 最后的:______________16. adj. 好的;晴朗的:____________17. v. 适合;符合;adj. 适合的:_________18. 适合;胜任:______________19. n. 洪水:___________________20. n. 花:________________21. v. 飞;飞行:_____________22. v. 跟随;(表时间、次序等)接着:__________________23. adj. 喜爱的:________________24. 喜欢;爱好:________________25. adj. 外国的:_____________26. adv. 永远;常常:____________27. adv. 向前;前进:______________28. n. 友谊;友好:_______________29. n.水果;果实:_______________30. n. 有趣的事;娱乐:_______________31. n. 将来;未来:________________32. n. 花(果,菜)园:__________________33. n. 赠品;礼物;天资:______________34. adj. 高兴的;乐意的:______________35. v. 毕业;授予学位:______________36. n. 会堂;大厅;礼堂:________________单招考试1200 必背词汇默写(Day 25)1.n. 收成:____________2.n. 帽子:_________________3.n. 中小学校长:______________4.n. 健康;卫生:____________________5.adj. 健康的:______________6.v. 听见;听说:_______________7.收到..来信:_________________8.听说:________________9.adj. 重的:__________10. n. 小山:_______________11. adj. 热的:________________12. 热狗:______________13. n. 家务:______________14. adj. 巨大的:______________15. adj. 饥饿的:______________16. v. 伤害;使受伤:____________17. adj. 病的;不健康的:_________18. v. 想象;设想:______________19. adj. 不可能的:___________________ 20. v. 改善;提高:________________ 21. v. 增加;增长:_____________22. adv. 的确;真正地:________________ 23. n. 工业;产业:________________24. prep. 在..里面;adv. 在内部(里面);n. 内部:________________25. n. 教导;指令:_____________26. v. 介绍:____________27. v. 邀请:______________28. v. 加入;连接:_______________ 29. 参加:_______________30. 连接起来:_______________31. n. 旅行;旅程:________________32. v. 保持;保存:__________________ 33. 继续(做某事):______________34. v. 杀死:______________35. adj. 友好的;n. 种类:______________ 36. 一种;一类:________________ 37. 各种各样的:___________________38. n. 刀:___________(复数:)。




work of art艺术作品
plastic arts造型艺术
graphic arts形象艺术
Fine Arts美术
art gallery画廊,美术馆
Art Nouveau新艺术主义expressionism表现主义Fauvism野兽派
abstract art抽象派,抽象主义Cubism立体派,立体主义Dadaism达达主义surrealism超现实主义naturalism自然主义existentialism存在主义futurism未来主义。



艺术专业英‎语词汇pictu‎re, paint‎i ng 图画frame‎画框chass‎i s 画布绷架canva‎s画布studi‎o画室pinac‎o thec‎a画廊,美术馆easel‎画架,调色板palet‎t e 画板pigme‎n t 颜料charc‎oal penci‎l炭笔palet‎t e knife‎调色刀spatu‎l a 绘画抹刀,刮铲brush‎画笔strok‎e一笔finis‎hi ng touch‎最后一笔paint‎e r画家artis‎t大师, 艺术家paint‎i ng, drawi‎n g画(名) paint‎, draw画‎(动)study‎习作sketc‎h素描; 草稿penci‎l sketc‎h铅笔素描charc‎o al sketc‎h炭笔素描line drawi‎n g 线条画caric‎a ture‎漫画water‎c olor‎水彩画gouac‎h e水粉画‎;树胶水彩画‎oil paint‎i ng 油画brush‎drawi‎n g毛笔画Chine‎se paint‎i ng 国画drawi‎n g from natur‎e写生画portr‎a i t 画像self-portr‎a i t 自画像cave paint‎i ng, rupes‎t rian‎paint‎i ng 石洞壁画paint‎i ng in fresc‎o壁画tempe‎ra paint‎i ng 胶画gouac‎h e 树胶水彩画‎paste‎l drawi‎n g蜡笔画wash 水墨画sangu‎i ne 红铅笔画minia‎t ure微‎型画; 小画像;细密画engra‎vi ng 版画mecha‎n i cal‎ drawi‎n g机械画traci‎n g临摹chiar‎o scur‎o单色画desig‎n描绘tript‎y ch, tript‎i c h 三联画model‎模特nude 裸体画profi‎l e 轮廓fores‎h orte‎n ed figur‎e透视画法lands‎cape 风景画seasc‎a pe 海景画still‎l ife 静物画tapes‎t ry 壁毯persp‎e ctiv‎e透视画color‎i ng 色彩shade‎阴影work 作品work of art 艺术作品maste‎rpiec‎e杰作plast‎i c arts 造型艺术graph‎i c arts 形象艺术graph‎i c desig‎n平面设计‎graph‎i c desig‎n er平面‎设计师Fine Arts 美术art galle‎ry 画廊,美术馆salon‎沙龙exhib‎i tion‎展览colle‎ction‎收藏autho‎r 作者style‎风格inspi‎ratio‎n灵感,启发muse 灵感conce‎p tism‎格言派,警名派Byzan‎ti ne 拜占庭式Roman‎e saue‎罗马式Gothi‎c哥特式Baroq‎ue 巴洛克式Rococ‎o洛可可式class‎i c ism‎古典主义,古典风格neocl‎a ssic‎i s m 新古典主义‎roman‎ti ci s‎m浪漫主义reali‎s m现实主义symbo‎l ism 象征主义impre‎ssion‎i sm 印象主义Art Nouve‎a u 新艺术主义‎expre‎ssion‎i s m 表现主义Fauvi‎s m野兽派abstr‎a ct art 抽象派, 抽象主义Cubis‎m立体派, 立体主义Dadai‎sm达达主义surre‎a lism‎超现实主义‎natur‎a li sm‎自然主义exist‎e ntia‎l i sm 存在主义futur‎i sm 未来主义fores‎h orte‎n ed figur‎e透视画法lands‎cape 风景画seasc‎a pe 海景画still‎l ife 静物画tapes‎t ry 壁毯persp‎e ctiv‎e透视画color‎i ng 色彩shade‎阴影cubis‎m立体主义,主体派abstr‎a ct 抽象派pinac‎o thec‎a画廊,美术馆sculp‎t or 雕塑学carvi‎n g雕刻relig‎i ous image‎ry 圣像雕塑statu‎e人像figur‎e塑像study‎粗样bronz‎e铜像terra‎-cotta‎粘土wroug‎h t iron 锻铁bust 半身像,胸像carya‎ti d 女像柱retab‎l e, altar‎p i ece‎组塑,祭坛装饰stele‎石碑high relie‎f 高浮雕low relie‎f, bas-relie‎f 浅浮雕mould‎模子(美作:mold)cast 模制品casti‎n g模制,铸造repou‎ssage‎, repou‎sse work 凸纹饰物works‎h op 工作间archi‎t ect 建设师plan 设计图town plann‎i ng 城市规划(美作:city plann‎i ng)Doric‎多利安式Ionic‎爱奥尼亚式‎Corin‎t hian‎科林斯式Compo‎si te 混合式Tusca‎n order‎托斯卡纳式‎Gothi‎c哥特式flamb‎o yant‎ Gothi‎c哥特式的火‎焰状饰Roman‎e sque‎罗马式barro‎q ue 巴洛克式plate‎resqu‎e带复杂花叶‎形装饰的rococ‎o洛可可式build‎i ng 建筑物arch 拱vault‎穹顶ogive‎葱形饰;尖形拱顶facad‎e侧面front‎i spie‎ce三角墙,山墙colum‎n柱pilas‎ter 壁柱,半露柱pedim‎e nt 山墙饰,山花front‎o n山墙。






1. Painting(绘画)Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, or other mediums to a surface, creating an image or design. It is a form of visual art that dates back thousands of years. There are various types of painting, such as oil painting, watercolor painting, and acrylic painting.2. Sculpture(雕塑)Sculpture is the art of creating three-dimensional forms by carving, modeling, or molding materials such as stone, metal, or wood. It is a form of visual art that represents a physical object or person.3. Photography(摄影)Photography is the art, process, or practice of capturing, processing, and reproducing images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a popular form of visual art that allows people to express themselves through the medium of photographs.4. Architecture(建筑)Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings, structures, and spaces. It involves the aesthetic and functional aspects of creating a physical environment that meets the needs and desires of the people who use it.5. Literature(文学)Literature refers to written works, such as novels, poetry, plays, and essays, that are considered to have artistic or intellectual value. It is a form of art that uses language to create a meaningful and aesthetic experience for the reader.6. Music(音乐)Music is an art form that combines sounds, tones, and rhythms to create a harmonious and expressive composition. It can be performed through instruments, vocals, or computer-generated sounds. Music plays an important role in many cultural and social activities.7. Dance(舞蹈)Dance is a form of performing art that involves rhythmic movement of the body. It can be used as a form of self-expression, storytelling, or entertainment. Different cultures have their own unique dance styles and traditions.8. Theater(戏剧)Theater, also known as drama, is a form of performing art that involves live performances by actors on a stage. It combines elements such as acting, dialogue, set design, and costume to convey a story or idea to an audience.9. Film(电影)Film, also known as movies or cinema, is a form of visual art that uses moving images to tell stories or convey messages. It combines elements such as acting, cinematography, editing, and sound to create a complete audio-visual experience.10. Design(设计)Design is the process of creating and planning something, such as a product, artwork, or structure. It involves the aesthetic and functional aspects of creating a visually appealing and practical solution to a problem or need.以上是一些艺术类的英语词汇,涵盖了绘画、雕塑、摄影、建筑、文学、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影和设计等方面。



solo 独奏,独唱duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱choir, choral society 合奏,合唱pause 休止time, bar 拍子rhythm 节奏three-four time 三四拍子tone 音程pitch 基音音高音质note 单音音调音符琴键range 音域chord 和弦,谐音lyrics, words 歌词melody 旋律score 总谱,乐谱orchestra 乐队conductor 乐队指挥band 管乐队Keyboard instruments 击键乐器grand piano 三角钢琴,大钢琴keyboard 键盘key 键string 琴弦String instruments 弦乐器fiddle 提琴类的乐器violin 小提琴Wind instruments 管乐器woodwind (instrument) 木管乐器flute 横笛Percussion instruments 打击乐器Drum 鼓kettledrum 定音鼓Electronic musical instruments 电子乐器Oriental instruments 东方乐器Folk musical instruments 民间乐器Key-board instruments 键盘乐器Musical forms 音乐形式instrumental music 器乐vocal music 声乐chamber music 室内乐sacred music 宗教音乐psalm 赞美诗(Christmas) carol 圣诞歌sonata 奏鸣曲symphony 交响乐Beethoven贝多芬Chopin肖邦Mozart 莫扎特Madonna 麦当娜concerto 协奏曲prelude 前奏曲interlude 幕间曲opera 歌剧comic opera 喜歌剧operetta 小歌剧musical (comedy) 音乐喜剧melody 曲调,旋律song 歌曲chorus 副歌ballad 叙事曲lullaby 摇篮曲hymn, anthem 颂歌,国歌national anthemChinese traditional music 中国传统音乐background music 伴奏音乐orchestral music 管弦乐light music 轻音乐dreamy music 轻柔音乐mood music 情调音乐sentimental music 抒情音乐classical music 古典音乐popular music--dance music\modern music\rock & roll\country music\country rock\folk music\ folk rock\Jazz\ rock jazz\R&B (Rhythm and Blues)\Blues\Hip-pop\ Rap\Soul\Gospel\BalladElectromusic\CrossoverAbout people engaging in musicMusician\Singer\Songwriter\Producer\Composer\Arranger\Performer\Artist\Unitedartists\V ocalist\Folkie\Band\Lineup\V irtuoso\Rapper\Cast\Idol\Icon\Superstar\Super stardomDemo\Single\Album\RecordBlockbuster records\Debut Single\ Album (make a debut)Soundtrack\Remix\HitSilver\Gold\Platinum albumRelease \ Issue an albumDancing 舞蹈dance 舞classical dancing 古典舞ballet 芭蕾舞choreography 舞蹈设计choreographersteps 舞步ballroom dance 舞厅舞Body language肢体语言ballroom, dance hall 舞厅dance orchestra 伴舞乐队dancing partner 舞伴folk dance 民间舞,土风舞Painting 绘画artist 大师, 艺术家brush drawing 毛笔画Chinese painting 国画pigment 颜料painter 画家water colour 水彩画(美作:watercolor)pastel drawing 蜡笔画opaque watercolor painting水粉画水墨画1. wash2. Chinese brush drawing; ink and wash painting portrait 画像self-portrait 自画像model 模特caricature 漫画profile 轮廓foreshortened figure 透视画法landscape 风景画seascape 海景画still life 静物画abstract 抽象派figurative 造型的brush 画笔stroke 一笔canvas 画布studio 画室gallery 画廊,美术馆Theatre 戏剧Plays or operas 剧目tragedy 悲剧one-act play 独幕剧opera 歌剧farce 滑稽戏, 趣剧(stage) play 话剧Beijing opera 京剧(Peking opera )historical play 历史剧puppet show 木偶戏(a play) in three acts and five scenes 三幕五场(剧)comedy 喜剧operetta 小歌剧pantomime 哑剧Rehearsal 排演playwright 编剧, 剧作家dress rehearsal 彩排traditional theatrical pieces 传统剧目director 导演climax 高潮libretto 歌剧脚本intermezzo 间奏曲part, role 角色title role 剧名角色rehearsal 排演plot 情节episode 情节中的插曲character 人物stage version 上演本(one's) lines 台词prologue 序幕leading role (character) 主角chief actress 女主角chief actor 男主角to present on the stage 搬上舞台to rehearse 排演to play the role of ... 扮演(某一角色)to put on a play 演出, 上演Show 演出announcer, master of ceremonies 报幕员repertoire 保留节目(总称)scenery, decor 布景scene-painter 布景画家setting designer 布景设计人scene-man 布景员properties, props 道具property man 道具管理员top light 顶灯costume 服装farewell performance 告别演出back stage 后台applause 喝采make-up 化装make-up man 化装师dressing room 化装室foot light 脚灯synopsis 剧情简介company, troupe 剧团spotlight 聚光灯curtain 幕first performance, premiere 首次演出prompter 提词人prompters' box 提词厢stage 舞台stage manager 舞台监督stage effect 舞台效果stage illumination, lighting 舞台照明interval, intermission 休息revolving stage 旋转舞台mobile troupe 巡回演出队art director 艺术指导sound effect 音响效果possible encore 预备节目orchestra pit 乐池to applaud 喝彩The curtain falls. 幕落The curtain rises. 幕启to present a bouquet (a basket of flowers) to ... 献花to answer a curtain call; to respond to a curtain call 谢幕Encore! 再来一次to give an encore 再唱(演奏)一次Theatre 剧场box 包厢exit 出口cinema 电影院gallery 顶层楼座opera house 歌剧院audience, spectators 观众aisle (座位中的)走道programme 节目单theatre 剧院opera glasses 看戏望远镜house full, full house 客满, 满座auditorium 礼堂upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座dress circle 楼厅(二楼)前座open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天剧场puppet show theatre 木偶剧场usher 男引座员usherette 女引座员row 排day show matinée, 日场entrance 入口balcony 三层楼座box-office, ticket office 售票处refreshments room 小吃部lobby, foyer 休息室evening show 夜场cloakroom 衣帽间concert hall 音乐厅morning show 早场pit 正厅后座stalls 正厅前座seat 座位to book seats, to book tickets 订票to queue up for tickets 排队买票Melancholy temperament 忧郁的气质电影节V enice Film FestivalCannes Film FestivalGolden Lion AwardBerlin Film FestivalGolden BearGolden Global AwardOscar Academy AwardsEmmy AwardsTony A wardFilm Festival JuryGolden Rooster Hundred Flowers Award Gold Horse PrizeHong Kong Gold Statue awards。



新导航英语艺体生基础词汇必记(A-L)1 ability 能力able 有能力的above 在……上面abroad 出国accept 接受accident 意外事故according to 根据ache 疼痛across 穿过act 行动action 行动activity 活动actor 男演员actually真的add (增)加address 地址adult 成年人advice 建议afford 承担得起;买得起afraid 害怕;担心after all 毕竟afterward 之后again 再一次against 反对;对抗age 年龄agree 同意ahead 向前aid 帮助aim 目标air 空气airline 航空公司airport 飞机场allow 允许almost几乎alone 孤独的along沿着aloud 大声地already 已经also也although 虽然altogether 总共;一起always 总是among在(三个以上)之间angry 生气的animal 动物another 再一,又一answer 回答anxiety 焦虑anxious焦虑的any 任何apologize 道歉apology 道歉appear 出现apply 申请appreciate 喜欢;欣赏;感激April 4月area 地区argue 争论argument争论arm 胳膊army 军队around在周围arrive 到达art 艺术artist 艺术家article 文章as if = as though仿佛,好像as long as 只要as soon as 一…就…ask 问asleep 睡着的at least 至少at present目前at last 最后attend 参加attention 注意attitude态度attract 吸引audience观众author 作者August 8月aunt 姑;姨autumn 秋季average 平均的avoid 避免award 奖aware意识到away 离开baby 婴儿back 回来;后背bag 包baggage 行李bake 烘烤ball 球balloon气球banana 香蕉bank 银行;河边base 基础basket篮子basketball 篮球bath洗澡beach海滩beat 打beautiful 美丽的beauty 美丽because 因为become 成为bed 床bedroom 卧室before 在…之前begin 开始behave 行为举止behavior 行为举止behind 在……后面belief 信念believe 相信bell 钟belong to 属于below 在……下面beside 在……旁边besides 除此之外best 最好的better 更好的between 在(两者)之间beyond 超越bicycle 自行车big 大的bike 自行车bill 账单billion 十亿biology 生物学bird 鸟birthday生日black 黑色blackboard 黑板blame 责备blind 瞎的blouse 女衬衫blow吹blue 蓝色board 板子boat 小船book 书bookshelf 书架boring 无聊的born 出生borrow 借boss 老板both (两者)都bottle 瓶子bottom 底部bowl 碗box 盒子brave 勇敢的bread 面包break 打破breakfast 早餐breath 呼吸bridge桥bring 带来Britain 英国broken 弄坏了的brother 兄弟brown 棕色brush 刷子build建造building 大楼burn燃烧bus 公共汽车business 商业businessman 商人busy 忙碌的but 但是butter 黄油butterfly 蝴蝶buy 买by the way 顺便来讲cafe 咖啡馆cage 笼子cake 蛋糕call 喊叫;电话calm 镇静camera 照相机camp 野营cancer 癌candle 蜡烛candy 糖果cap 帽子capital首都car 汽车card 卡片care 关心careful 小心的careless 不小心的carry搬运case 案件cash 现金catch 捉住;赶上cause 造成;原因celebrate 庆祝celebration庆祝center 中心century 世纪certain 确定的certainly当然chair 椅子challenge 挑战chance 机会change 改变chat 聊天cheap便宜的cheat 欺骗check 检查cheese奶酪chicken 鸡肉childhood童年时代chocolate巧克力choice 选择choose (chose,chosen) 选择Christmas圣诞节church教堂cinema 电影院city 城市class 班级classmate同学classroom 教室clean干净cleaner清洁工clear 清晰的clever 聪明的climate气候climb 攀爬clock 钟close 关闭;亲密的clothes 衣服cloud 云club 俱乐部coat 外套cocoa 可可coffee 咖啡coin 硬币cold 冷的collect 收集collection 收集college 学院color 颜色come 来come on 加油come up with想出comfortable 舒服的common 普通的communicate 交流communication交流company 公司compare 比较complain抱怨complete 完全的;完成computer 电脑concern 关心concert 音乐会confident 自信的congratulate 祝贺congratulation祝贺connect 联系connection 联系consider考虑construction 建造contain 包含container容器continue 继续contribute 贡献control 控制conversation对话cook 厨师;做饭cooker 厨具cookie 饼干cool 凉爽的copy 一份;复印corner角落correct 正确的cost 花费country 国家;农村countryside 农村couple 一对,夫妇courage 勇气course 课程;过程cousin 堂兄弟,堂姐妹cover 覆盖;封皮crazy 疯狂的create 创造cross 穿过crowd 人群;拥挤cry 哭culture 文化cup 茶杯cupboard 橱柜cure 治愈curious好奇的custom 风俗习惯customer顾客cut 切daily 每日的damage 损害dance 跳舞danger 危险dangerous 危险的dark 黑暗date 日期;约会daughter女儿dead 死的deaf 聋的deal with 处理death 死December 12月decide 决定decision 决定deep 深深的deer 鹿degree 程度;学位delicious美味的delighted 高兴的deliver 输送demand 需求department部门department store百货大楼depend on依靠describe 描述desert沙漠design设计desire 渴望desk 书桌determine 决定develop 发展development发展devote to 奉献dictionary 字典die 死diet 饮食difference 不同different不同的difficult困难的difficulty困难dinner 正餐direction 方向director 导演;指导者dirty 脏的disable 没能力的;残疾的disagree 不同意disappear 消失disappoint使失望discover 发现discuss 讨论disease疾病dish 盘子dislike 不喜欢distance 距离distant 遥远的do sb. a favor帮某人一个忙doctor 医生doll 娃娃dollar 美元door 门double 双倍的doubt 怀疑down 向下downtown 市中心dozen一打(12个)draw 画画dream 梦dress衣服drink 喝;饮料drive 开车driver司机drop 掉落dry 干燥的duck 鸭子dull 枯燥的during 在……期间duty责任each每一each other 彼此eager to 急切的; 渴望的ear 耳朵early 早的earn 赚钱earth地球earthquake地震east 东方easy 容易的eat 吃editor编辑educate教育education 教育effect 影响effective 有效的effort 努力egg 蛋electric电的electricity 电elephant大象else 其他的empty 空的encourage 鼓励end 结束enemy 敌人energy 精力engineer工程师enjoy 喜欢enough 足够的enter 进入entire 整个的environment 环境equal 平等的equipment 器械escape 逃跑especially 尤其,特别even 甚至evening 晚上event 大事ever 曾经exam 考试examination考试examine 检查example例子excellent极好的except 除了exchange 交换excite 兴奋exercise 锻炼exhibition 展览exit 出口expect 期待expensive 昂贵的experience 经历;经验experiment实验expert专家explain 解释explore 探险express 表达expression表情eye 眼睛face 脸; 面对fact 事实factory 工厂fail 失败failure 失败fall 掉落familiar 熟悉的family 家庭famous 著名的far 远的farm 农场farmer 农民farther 更远的farthest 最远的fashion 流行fast 快的fat 胖的father父亲favorite 最喜欢的fear 害怕February 2月fee 费用feed 喂养feel 感觉feeling 感觉fellow 同伴festival节日fever发烧few 少数的field田地;领域fight 打仗figure 数字figure out 指出fill 填充film 电影finally 最终find找到fine 好的finger 手指finish 结束;完成fire 火firm 公司fish 鱼fit 适合flat 公寓flight飞机flood 洪水floor 地板flower 花fly 飞行;苍蝇follow 跟随food 食物fool 傻子foolish愚蠢的foot 足; 英尺football 足球force 力量; 强迫foreign 外国的foreigner 外国人forest 森林forever永远的forget 忘记fortunate幸运的forward 向前found建立free 自由的;免费的freedom自由fresh 新鲜的Friday 星期五fridge 冰箱friend 朋友friendly友好的friendship 友谊frightened 害怕的from 从front 前面fruit 水果fry 油炸full 满满的fun 趣事funny 有趣的future 将来game 游戏gain 获得garden 花园gather聚集general普遍的generally speaking普遍来讲generation 一代gentle 温柔的gentleman 绅士get 得到get-together 聚会gift 礼物give 给give up 放弃glad高兴的glass 杯子;玻璃glasses眼镜go 走gold 黄金goods 商品government政府grade 年级; 渐地graduate毕业graduation 毕业grammar语法grass 草great伟大的green 绿色的greet 问候ground 地面group 组grow 成长growth 成长guess 猜guest 客人guide 导游guitar吉他habit习惯性hair 头发half 一半hand手;递给handsome 英俊的happen 发生happily 快乐地happiness 幸福happy快乐的hard努力地;困难的hardly 几乎不hardworking努力工作的harm 伤害hat 帽子hate 恨headache头疼headmaster 校长health 健康healthy 健康的hear 听见heart 心脏heat 热;加热heavy 重的height 高度help 帮助helpful 有帮助的hero 英雄hide 藏high 高的hill 小山history 历史hit 打hold 握住;举行hole 洞holiday 假日期home 家hometown 故乡homework 家庭作业honest 诚实的honor 荣誉hope 希望horse 马hospital医院hot 热的hotel 旅馆hour 小时house 房子housewife 家庭主妇housework家务劳动however 然而huge 巨大的human 人类hundred 百hungry 饥饿的hurry 赶快hurt 伤害husband 丈夫ice 冰ice-cream 冰淇淋idea 主意if 如果ill 有病的imagine 想像immediate 立即的importance 重要性important 重要的impossible 不可能impressive 印象深刻的improve 提高in order that 为了in short 简而言之inch 英尺include 包括income 收入increase 增加influence 影响information信息inside 里面instead 代替interest兴趣interesting有趣的international 国际的interview 采访,面试introduce 介绍introduction介绍invent 发明invention 发明invite 邀请island 岛jacket 夹克衫January 1月job 工作join 参加joke 笑话journey旅行joy欢乐judge裁判;判断juice汁、液July 7月jump 跳跃June 6月keep保持key 钥匙;关键keyboard 键盘kick 踢kid小孩kill 杀死kind 种类;友善的kindergarten幼儿园king 国王kitchen 厨房kite 风筝knife 刀knock 敲knowledge 知识lab实验室laboratory 实验室lack 缺少lady女士lake 湖land 陆地;着陆language语言last 持续late 晚的later 之后laugh 大笑laughter 笑声law 法律lawyer 律师lazy 懒惰的lead 领导lead to导致leader 领导人leaf (复leaves树叶)learn 学习leave (left, left)离开; 留下lecture 演讲left 左边leg 腿lend (lent, lent)借出less 更少的lesson 课程let让letter 信;字母level 水平library 图书馆lie 说谎;位于life 生命lift 举起;电梯light 光;轻like 像;喜欢likely 可能limit 限制line 线; 队伍list 清单listen 听little 少的local当地的lock 锁lonely孤独的long 长的look 看look for 寻找look forward to doing期待做某事look through仔细浏览lose 丢失lot 许多loud 大声的loudly 大声地lovely 可爱的low 低的luck 运气lucky 运气好luggage行李lunch午餐。

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语:balanceddiet,putonweight,getslimmer,getmarGried等等.平衡饮食的主题与本节课健康的生活方式主题不谋而合.心理学实验也表明,把相关内容集中或者联系起来学习和记忆效果更佳,这也就是认知心理学所说的编码作用.第二步骤阅读用一张他们一家人现在的漫画很自然地过渡到这节课的故事,问Lookatthefollowingfourpictures.Couldyoupredictwhatproble marisesintheirfamily?—
Yes,Yonghuiispregnantnow,theyareexpectingtheirsecondchild .然后我让学生阅读这篇我编的英文故
事:Chinaannounceditsplanlastmonthtoallowallcouplestohavet wochildren.Inotherwords,thosepregnantwithasecondchildwil lnotbepunished....在这篇我原创的故事中,我结合中国允许生二胎的,把这单元的目标词汇
pregnant,undergreatstress,haveapreferencefor,toughaddicte dto等20个单词或词块全部巧妙地糅合在一个故事中,而且自然流畅,在故事情景中呈现课文中的核心词汇,让学生感知、阅读与记忆故事中有关的新词汇,学生需要在上下文语境中观察词汇是使
