
全新版大学英语综合教程2第二版学生用书第六单元单词miniature a. very small 极小的,微型的herd n. a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together 兽群,牧群a herd of 一群pony n. 小型马,矮种马doll n. 玩偶,洋娃娃hard-pressed a. experiencing severe or continuous difficulties 处于困境的,遭受强大压力的playroom n. 儿童游戏室tomboy n. 假小子,顽皮女孩ironic a. (of a situation) odd or amusing because it is very different from what is expected 颇有讽刺意味的,令人啼笑皆非的mechanical a. having to do with, or worked by, machinery ; machine like 机械(方面)的,机械般的;呆板的convert v. change (from one form, use, etc. to another) (使)转变,(使)转化guzzle v. 猛吃,狂欢gas-guzzling a. 大量耗费汽油的,用油特多的SUV=(AmE) Sports Utility Vehicle 运动型多用途汽车Hybrid a. 混合的,杂种的n. 混合型机器,杂交动植物multivariable a. 多变量的,多元的calculus n. 微积分differential equation n. 微分方程not know/understand the first thing about not know anything about or how to do (sth.)对…一窍不通distinguish v. see, hear or notice as being separate or distinct, recognize clearly 辨认出;分辨transmission n. (机器或汽车上的)传动装置,变速器;传输alternator n. 交流发电机mechanic a. person whose job is to repair and maintain machines 机修工;技工opener n. 开启工具;开瓶器,开罐器not know any better(used to say that someone does sth., bad or stupid because they have not been told that it is wrong)因无知而做错事情或干傻事crave v. feel a powerful desire for 渴望得到decent a. good enough; socially acceptable 像样的,相当好的;得体的can't help doing be unable to prevent oneself from doing 忍不住要做某事shudder v. shake uncontrollably; tremble with fear or disgust 战栗,(因恐惧或厌恶而)发抖at a disadvantage in a situation where one is less likely to succeed because of a problem 处于不利地位when it comes to when the subject being discussed is (a particular thing) 一谈到,就…而言imply v. express indirectly, suggest 暗示,含有……的意思abnormal a. different, often in an undesirable way, from what is normal, or expected 不正常的,变态的stumble v. hit your foot against sth. when walking; walk unsteadily 绊了一下,跌跌撞撞而行stumble into enter by accident 偶然步入grit v. 咬紧grit one's teeth press one's teeth together tightly in anger or determination 咬紧牙关;下定决心algebra n. 代数indication n. a sign that shows sth. exists, is true, or will happen 迹象,表示retake v. take again 重(考),补(考)panic n. sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety 惊慌,恐慌v. 惊慌失措buzz v.,n. (make)a continuous sound like bees (作)嗡嗡声fluorescent a. 发荧光的fluorescent light 荧光灯,日光灯estrogen n. 雌激素thermodynamics n. 热力学femininity n. qualities that are considered typical of women 女性气质faulty a. mistaken or misleading because of flaws; defective 有缺陷的premise n. a previous statement from which another follows as a conclusion 前提cultural a. relating to the culture of a particular society, group or country 文化(上)的infant n. a very young child 婴儿;幼儿videogame n. 电子游戏incredibly adv. extremely, unusually 极其,非同一般地incredible a. surprising or hard to believe 令人惊讶的,难以置信的flexible a. able to change or be changed to suit new needs or conditions; able to bend or be bent easily 灵活的;有弹性的leap n.,v. (a sudden) jump 跳;跃a leap of faith sth. you do even though it involves a risk, hoping that it will have a good result 冒险一试selective a. tending to choose carefully 仔细挑选的,有选择的。
新标准大学综合英语2 unit6AR2词汇

2. This painting is strongly reminiscent of Da Vinci’s “Annunciation”.
Words & Phrases
n. [C] 1) a piece of music that is sung by a large group of people
2. He was the best boxer in the tournament.
Synonym: championship: a competition to find the best player or team in a sport or game 锦标赛;冠军赛
Words & Phrases
blow the whistle on sth. back and forth tend to do sth. put a good face on sth. by chance off course take (the) credit for sth. peel off tick away at a loss for words
newcomer whack cranium accidentally random
striker peel sprint precision
priority periodically
writhe massage phony baloney
illustration soar hairy shooter

Unit 11 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。
( give rise to; form an alliance with; launch; bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes. The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。
( shrink; gone are the days; a means to an end) Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and the students are becoming more and more practical. Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。

Unit2 Food,glorious food!Frown[fraun] 词形变化: frowningly frowner frowned frowned frowning frowns•n. 皱眉,不悦v. 不同意,皱眉头•vi.〔因烦恼、焦虑或沉思而〕皱眉、蹙额•frown on 表示不满,不赞许,皱眉frown at 朝……皱眉头,对……表示不满,不赞许•frown upon不赞成,不以为然frown down用皱眉蹙额压制住nasty['nɑ:sti]词形变化: nastily nastier nastiest nastiness nasties•adj. 〔味道、气味、样子或感觉〕令人作呕的,令人厌恶的;下流的,严重的,令人不快的,难懂的,危害的• a nasty piece of work n. 阴谋,下流的家伙cheap and nasty adj. 价廉物劣(中看不中用,金玉其外败絮其中)• a nasty one n. 责骂,使人一蹶不振的打击something nasty in the woodshed•video nasty n. 恐怖录像片nasty-nice adj. 笑里藏刀的•leave a nasty taste in the mouth留下讨厌的气味Jack nasty鬼鬼祟祟的人•have a nasty spill [口](被)摔得很重(指从马背或自行车上摔下)leavea nasty taste in someone’s mouth给(某人)留下坏印象•sling a nasty foot跳舞跳得到家了nasty piece of work n. 令人讨厌的人,令人难以忍受的人•nasty taste in the mouth不愉快的感觉Things look nasty.事态险恶,事情不妙,有恶化之势• a nasty proposition难对付的人a nasty piece of goods讨厌的家伙,卑鄙的人• a nasty quarter of an hour不愉快的短暂时刻cut up nasty [口]发怒,冒火;露出凶相;找人吵架• a nasty bit of goods讨厌的家伙,卑鄙的人a nasty bit of work讨厌的家伙。

e.g. I will be waiting for you at the e.g. I didn't travel much when I wase.g. If you put a coin in the slot ofe.g. This is the time for democrats e.g. I am only partly responsible fore.g. Tom admits that playinge.g. The children's legal rights muste.g. This town has very good road e.g. You can add the fluid to thee.g. She's an old acquaintance ofe.g. Many of the leaders have引出e.g. His speech called forth anangry response.e.g. There was a lack ofcommunications between us.5. individualn. a single human being 个人e.g. We designed this software inorder to meet the needs of individualusers.6. innocenta. knowing no evil, naive天真无邪的n. an innocent persone.g. Jack is still as innocent as achild and is easily taken in.7. intensea. serious and concentrated 认真的,紧张的e.g. I have never seen an intensestudent like him.8. needless to sayas you already know or would expect不用说e.g. Needless to say, I survived theearthquake.9. on the wholeall things considered, in general 总的看来,大体上,基本上e.g. On the whole, your opinion isright.10. on top ofin addition to 除……之外(还)e.g. An extra 700 jobs are being cuton top of the 2,000 that were lost lastyear.11. outwardsad.向外e.g. The door opens outwards.12. overnightad. during or for the night 一整夜,一夜间e.g. If you leave your bike hereovernight, it's likely to disappear. 13. plotn. a plan or an outline of the events ina play or novel 情节e.g. The author wove a story fromthree plots.14. scattervt. throw in different directions 散布e.g. The farmers are scatteringseeds over the fields.15. slipvi.溜(走),悄悄地走e.g. He slipped out into the garage.16. tendencyn.倾向e.g. There is a tendency to useplastics in place of metals.17. to one's knowledgeas far as one knows personally 据……所知e.g. To my knowledge, Jack didn't18. vehiclen. 传播媒介;交通工具e.g. Air is the vehicle of sound.e.g. The comet caused a worldwide e.g. I've read the Chinese versione.g. We still remember the volcanice.g. He went to the aid of the hurte.g. I bumped into a tree in the dark.e.g. I gave him some medicine to e.g. Peter was dismissed form hise.g. He was imprisoned for 19 yearsand yet held on to his belief. e.g. Kathy fainted when she saw the horrible sight.7. impatienta. not patient 不耐烦的e.g. He is too impatient with his kids. 8. in good/excellent/poor health 健康状况良好(很好,差)e.g. All the kids are in good health. 9. in spite of 尽管e.g. In spite of all his efforts, the boy did not recover. 10. incline v. (使)倾向于e.g. Mr. Brown inclines towards conservatism. 11. installvt. place, fix (a piece of equipment) in position for use 安装,安置 e.g. I will definitely have a gas heater installed in my house before this winter. 12. interval n. 间隔e.g. Trees will be planted on both sides of the street at intervals of 10 meters.13. miserablea. 令人痛苦的;悲惨的,不幸的e.g. He lived a miserable life when he was young. 14. optimistic a. 乐观的e.g. He was optimistic about the future of mankind. 15. penetratevi. force a way (into or through sth.); be fully understood 穿透,刺入;被充分领悟e.g. Our eyes could not penetrate the darkness. 16. progressivea. advancing gradually by stages over a period of time 进行性的;循序渐进的 e.g. One prominent symptom of the disease is the progressive loss of memory. 17. shortcomingn. weakness that a person or thing has 缺点,短处e.g. Despite all his shortcomings, he makes a good friend. 18. suffer from 患……病;苦于e.g. She sometimes suffers from a stomachache.19. to a degreeto a certain extent , partly 一定程度上,部分地e.g. These statements are, to a degree, all correct.20. trait n. 个性,特点e.g. The color of one's eyes is a genetic trait.e.g. He was making great efforts to e.g. The interview continued, with e.g. His political rivals are biding their e.g. He is by nature rather ane.g. I was charmed by her slim figuree.g. Michael consumes nearly a pound e.g. Several multinational corporations e.g. Despite the fact that she felle.g. A doctoral thesis must be written in e.g. She was like a princess in a fairy e.g. He put on a gaily colored shirt.e.g. Steve will have to get his acte.g. The trial is concerned only with thee.g. I don't know what's the mattere.g. I could see from her expressione.g. It seemed incredible that peoplee.g. There is a fascinating news item ine.g. The Martian atmosphere containse.g. She ran this shop for ten yearse.g. The novel has been translated from e.g. The police now recognize that big e.g. The mayor is a skilled politician. e.g. It is said that Michael possesses a e.g. The instant he put pencil to paper, e.g. Rarely have I seen a student who is e.g. Having finished the work, I spente.g. She wore a red ribbon in her hair.e.g. Some scientists think average e.g. Even in the most spotless homes,e.g. Einstein formulated the theory of e.g. My daughter's idea about wealthe.g. The Australians are in control of e.g. Fish are plentiful in the lake.e.g. He suffered an allergic reaction to e.g. Young graduates are seeking after e.g. They succeeded in what they set e.g. She stirred the sugar into thee.g. I can't take all the credit; thee.g. The bank is being weighed down by e.g. The baby is a welcome addition to e.g. She is in heaven with the angels.e.g. These educational toys givee.g. The space capsule has threee.g. Most of my friends believe ine.g. Brought up in the south of China, e.g. The Academy ruled that suche.g. In computer technology,e.g. These ideas descend from those of e.g. Jimmy spent the year driftinge.g. That once poor coastal village has e.g. The story of his adventures in the e.g. He asked in his Germanic English ife.g. This island is inhabited only by e.g. The Germans invaded Poland in e.g. Waving his arms in a kinglye.g. The constitution guards the liberty e.g. The company is the world's largest e.g. The ancient temple's massivee.g. The school authorities plan toe.g. A lot of people would consider a TV e.g. The fire was out of control by the e.g. When you have finished readinge.g. The small boys loved watching thee.g. They go to the market to buye.g. Science took a new and differente.g. I usually have a snack of ae.g. The Russian Federation declarede.g. After working for his father fore.g. The police began a systematice.g. I agree with him to some extent, e.g. Hundreds of translations ofe.g. Video has been made wide use of e.g. He has an English vocabulary of e.g. The Welsh eat more potatoes than1. aspectn. an element or side of a situation or idea 方面e.g. You have only considered one aspect of the problem, but there are many.2. authorityn. 权威人士(或机构)e.g. He is an authority on plant diseases.3. contribute tohelp to cause 促成,有助于,是……的部分原因e.g. Various factors contributed to his downfall. 4. crudea. not refined 粗糙的e.g. His manners are rather crude.5. dominatev. have control of or a very strong influence on 支配, 统治e.g. He has authority, but he doesn't try to dominate others. 6. economica. of an economy or economics 经济(学)的e.g. The country is in a bad economic state. 7. exceedvt. go beyond in quantity, degree, etc. 超过e.g. The cost will not exceed $500.8. genuinea. real, not fake or artificial 真的,非伪造的e.g. It's either a genuine diamond or a very good fake.9. give way toyield to 对……让步,屈服于e.g. It seems the President has given way to pressure from hard-liners.10. in transitionin the course of changing into another state or condition 在过渡时期,在转变过程中e.g. The company is still in transition from one boss to another.11. integratevt. make into a whole 使成一整体 e.g. Foreign immigrants here don't integrate well into the white community. 12. predictvt. declare or tell in advance 预言 e.g. The earthquake was predicted several weeks ago.13. professional n., a. 专业人员(的)e.g. You need a professional to sort out your finances.14. rid oneself offree oneself from 使自己摆脱e.g. The country is making attempts to rid itself of corruption.e.g. She hastily shifted the subject. e.g. The success of her book has given e.g. That is a very substantial e.g. Lots of our friends are coming: e.g. It is obvious from the graph that e.g. None of these social problems aree.g. Some products are chosen for theire.g. The space shuttle Columbia wille.g. It is unrealistic to believe thate.g. He acted in accordance with hise.g. Poverty is a breeding ground fore.g. The cancer has spread to here.g. He has charge of the children whilee.g. It's a miracle that some of thee.g. Our findings conflict with thee.g. An economic crisis may havee.g. Consumption of oil has risen in e.g. Don't all living creatures havee.g. Passive smoking can be deadly e.g. The election demonstratede.g. French doctors tend to regard drug e.g. It's hard to draw a distinctione.g. We need helpers of all types,e.g. The area's ecosystem ranges from e.g. The committee is passing new laws e.g. Children are not allowed to see the e.g. The doctor said the patient was e.g. Lewis was not in the right frame of e.g. The generator has broken down.。

大学英语综合教程2Unit1~5单词释义及句子翻译Unit1anklen.踝,踝节部bankn.银行,储库boltv.逃跑,猛冲buttn.屁股calfn.小腿肚careen v.使倾斜colleague n.同事 confusionn.混乱 descentn.下降 devastatinga.毁灭性的 dilemman.困难的选择 drawstringn.拉绳 flightn.一段楼梯或阶梯 gaspn.喘气声 heavyseta.体格魁伟的 illusionn.幻觉lash v.猛烈地冲击 lobby n.大厅,休息室pandemoniumn.喧嚣;极端混乱嘈杂的地方purgatory n.灾难;涤罪ripv.撕rumblen.隆隆声sap soakv.浸,泡spasmn.抽筋stairwelln.楼梯井swayv.摇晃ultimate a.极端的cast into 卷入find one’s way to找到 guinea pig豚鼠off and on断断续续wade into 涉入 window shade 百叶窗1.那部关于古代战争的电影采用了先进的技术,令观众仿佛身临其境Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves.2.在那场大火中,整个古城毁于一旦,但是这块石碑却幸运地保存了下来That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone tablet survived.3.他们看了那段录像,听了那位妇女的讲述,心里充满了对那位地震孤儿的同情The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake.4.那场大地震中,我们听到过太多太多教师的事迹,他们拒绝离开学生自己逃生,献出了自己的生命In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives.5.豫园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金短缺时建时停,1578年才建成The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.6.1980年我遇到她时,她刚从国外读完硕士回来In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree.7.这是我第一次来纽约,但我还是设法找到了那家小公司It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm.8.在电影界要达到顶峰是非常困难的,但是作为一名导演谢晋做到了It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it.unit2accomplished a.完成的 adolescent a.青春期的n.aging 老龄化过程agonyn.痛苦apta.有倾向,易于aspect n.方面awaitv.等待blazer contentmentn.满足contradict v.反驳,同矛盾 contrastn.明显的差异convincev.使信服criticala.决定性的,关键的delay v.使耽搁,延期deviln.邪恶diet v.节食distinct a.明显的,显著的feverishlyad.激动地framen.框架;体格freak n.怪人jogv.慢跑lanklya.瘦的,细长的loose-fittingq.宽大的megadosen.(维生素等)大剂量musculara.肌肉的plead v.央求,恳求premise n.前提pursuev.从事quirkn.怪癖saint n.圣经sanity n.神智健全;头脑清楚slicen.片tailor v.缝制teenn.青少年though ad.但是un-American unsettlinga.使人不安的waistn.腰wiry a.瘦而结实的worship v.崇拜be obsessed with 痴迷于keep score 记分milk shake奶昔pecan pie 山核桃馅饼take up with 开始于来往;开始产生兴趣work out 锻炼1.如今许多爱慕虚荣的年轻人,尽管还不富裕,但却迷上了漂亮的小轿车Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2.当他的婚外恋被妻子发现后,他们的婚姻终于破裂了Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.3.那位艺术家为了获得创作的灵感,在农村住了三年,放弃了生活上的许多享受For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.4.我不知道明天去崇明岛的远足活动能不能成行,因为这要取决于会不会下雨I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.5.他早年到日本学医,回国后却改变了主意,一辈子从事文学创作When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to China he changedhis mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6.她最近和足以做他父亲的老头好上了。

全新版大学英语第二册单词第一单元New Words and Expressionsstyle n.行为方式,风格 classical; in the style of; in style; out of stylebustling a.繁忙的,熙攘的kindergarten n.幼儿园 go to kindergarten; at kindergarten elementary a.基本的,初级的,基础的 primary, senior, junior, superior, inferiortelling a.难忘的;有力的telling effect/evidence; telling condemnation of the systemlobby n.大堂,大厅 corridor; aisle; isleattach vt.系,贴,连接 tie; connect; lease; linkattendant n.服务员;侍者,随从slot n.狭缝,狭槽vigorously ad.用力的;精力充沛地 energetically; dynamically; tender a.年幼的;温柔的 slender; fondlenot in the least 一点也不find one's way 到达;进入,流入bang v.猛敲,猛击 bang the door; bang on the table; exploratory a.探索的phenomenon n.现象staff n.全体职工,全体雇员 faculty member;initial a.开始的,最初的 initiate; stage; planassist v.帮助=help; assist sb. with sth.; assist sb. to do reposition vt.改变...的位置 =move; remove/replaceinsert vt.插入,嵌入somewhat ad.稍微,有点expectantly ad.期待地await vt..等待,等候occasion n.时刻,场合 an occasional caseon occasion 有时,间或 occasionallyfrown v.,n.皱眉 frown at sb.; frown upon sth.; a frowning man; slight a.轻微地 crash; bruise;neglect vt.忽视 overlook; ignore; look down upon; give a cold shoulder toparental a. 父的,母的,父母的relevant a.有关的,切题的 related toinvestigate v.调查;探究creativity n. 创造力anecdote n.趣闻,轶事exception n.例外 an exception to the rule;colleague n.同事action n. 动作;行为 take actions toon one's own 独立地;独自地desirable a.值得向往的;称心的 =ideal; desirable daughter; accomplish vt.完成(某事)activity n.活动,行为accomplishment n.本领,技艺;完成,成就in due course 在适当时机 in time; in due time; an overdue library booksympathetically ad.同情地 sympathy; sympathizecritical a.至关重要的;危急的effectively ad.有效地self-reliance n.依靠自己,自力更生principal a.首要的,主要的 principlerear v.养育,抚养extreme a.极度的,极端的 n.极端,过分 go to extremes=go crazy make up for 补偿,弥补misdeed n.不端行为 misconduct; mischief恶作剧; mischievous view vt.看待,考虑creative a.独创的solution n.解决(问题的办法);解答in retrospect 回顾artistic a.艺术的well-intentioned a.好意的meritorious(值得称道的); ill-intentionedintention n.意图observer n.观察者,观察员clumsily ad.笨拙地facility n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施 facilitate; facilitory; mold vt.塑造 mouldperformance n.表现,行为;演出,表演tradition n.传统continual a.不断的,一再重复的 continuousapply vi.适用;申请work on/at 从事于;致力于 work on my homework/ the novel/ the wall/;work at English grammar/Greek historycraft n.手艺;工艺reversal n.颠倒;转换;挫折 role reversal;priority n.优先考虑的事;重点give priority to sth./sb.; take/have priority overbold a.勇敢的,无畏的departure n.背离;出发,离开inseparable a.不可分离的evolve v.使逐步发展 evolutionsummarize vt.总结,概述originality n.新颖;独创性 initiative;independence n.独立,自主contrast n.对比 comparisonculture n.文化harbor vt.怀有 harbor hatred/anger/bitterness towards; harbor any hopes offearful a.害怕的,担心的on the one hand..., on the other hand 一方面...,另一方面... comparable a.比得上的;可比的promote vt.促进,推进emerge vi.出现 emergentpick up 获得;学会overstate vt.把...讲得过分,夸大enormous a.巨大的;极大的technological a.技术的,工艺的innovation n.革新;新事物 initiationexaggerate v.夸大,夸张breakthrough n.突破reliance n.依靠,依赖achievement n.成就;成绩valid a.有根据的 a valid argument/comment/contract; validity foster vt.培养worthwhile a.值得的superior a.优良的;叫好的 inferiorcalligrapher n.书法家Proper NamesHoward Gardner 霍华德·加德纳Ellen 埃伦(女子名)Nanjing 南京Jinling Hotel 金陵饭店全新版大学英语第二册单词第二单元New Words and Expressionsmansion n.(豪华的)宅邸,大厦remote a. 遥远的dime n.(美国、加拿大的)10分硬币billion n.(美、法)十亿;(德、英)万亿discount n.折扣pickup n.小卡车,轻型货车muddy a.沾满泥的;泥泞的sigh vi.叹气,叹息billionaire n.亿万富翁;大富翁carry on 举止随便;进行;继续做folk n.人们,人民get away with 做(某事)而未被发现或未受惩罚shell n.猎枪弹;炮弹;壳local n.地方的,当地的treatment n.对待,待遇corporate n.公司的memo n.备忘录folksy a.友好的,坦率的mayor n.市长by/from all accounts 人人都说cheerful a.愉快的;令人愉快的blend v.(将...)混合blend in 融洽,十分协调throw one's weight around 盛气凌人reserve vt.将...留作专用;预定barber n.理发师open up 开门;打开employee n.雇员,受雇者headline n.(报纸上的)标题hold to 遵守,不改变stock n.资本;股票,证券on the run 奔跑,逃避;忙个不停steer v.驾驶steer clear of 避开,避免scheme n.阴谋;计划rank v.(将...)列为(某等级)make up 构成,组成excutive a.,n.经营管理方面的(人员);行政方面的(人员)rally v.,n.集会opening n.(正式的)开张,开幕liable a.有可能做的lay down v.制定;设立loyalty n.忠诚qualify v.(使)具有资格option n.期权,购买(或出售)权;选择自由court n.球场scholarship n.奖学金tornado n.龙卷风cultivate vt.培养,陶冶reward v.奖赏retire v.使退休stun vt.使惊吓generosity n.慷慨大方stingy a.吝啬的employer n.雇佣者,顾主aboard prep.在(船、车、飞机等上come aboard 入伙,加盟handout n.印刷品,宣传品deserve vt.应受,值得Proper NamesArt Harris 阿特·哈里斯Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯-罗伊斯汽车Wal-Mart 沃尔玛公司Ford 福特起车Mayhall 梅霍Forbes 福布斯(杂志名)全新版大学英语第二册单词第三单元New Words and Expressionslocation n. 位置fastfood a. 供应快餐的dining room 餐厅dine vi. 进餐embarrass vt. 使窘迫;使不好意思guitar n. 吉他dumb a. 愚蠢的;哑的unison n. 一致;齐唱;齐奏in unison vi. 一致地;一起consist vi. 组成,构成consist of 由...组成squat vi. 蹲palm n. 手掌yeah ad. (口语)是fade vi. 褪色;变暗淡;消失awhile ad. 片刻overall ad. 大体上;trade (something) for (something else) 用一物交换另一物suspense n. 悬念keep (somebody) in suspense 使产生悬念,故意迟迟不告诉interrupt vt. 打断...的讲话;中断...的行动bet vt. 敢说;确信distract vt. 转移(注意力);使分心simultaneously ad. 同时地simultaneous a. 同时的prom n.(高中或大学等的)班级舞会oops int. 哎约clench vt. 咬紧,握紧monotone n.(语调、色彩等的)单调hysterical a. 歇斯底里的er int.(用于表示迟疑、沉吟)哦,厄uh int. 嗯,唔glorious a. 极好的;辉煌的;光荣的dessert n.(餐后)甜点心recipe n. 烹饪法;秘诀hand down 把...传下去at any rate 无论如何,不管怎样community n. 社区;社会welfare n. 福利;幸福narrow down 减少,缩小mumble v. 咕哝;含糊地说exhaust vt. 使筋疲力尽;用完,耗尽repeatedly ad. 反复地come over (指某种感觉)刺激或影响swallow v. 吞,咽jut v.(使)突出,伸出jut out (使)突出,伸出jerk vt. 猛地一扭(或一拉等)frank a. 坦白的,直率的know better than (that/to do something) 明事理而不至于(做某事)humiliate vt. 羞辱;使丢脸interference n. 干涉;干扰constant a. 持续的,不变的dread n. 畏惧;恐慌in charge (of) 主管,负责exceptional a. 杰出的,特别的fill out 填写patience n. 耐心,忍耐proof n. 证据,证明vaccination n. 疫苗接种talented a. 有才能的;天才的talent n. 才能;天才darling n. (用作称呼)亲爱的;心爱的人junior a. 较年幼的,地位较低的angel n. 天使Proper NamesMarsh Cassady 马什•卡萨迪Heidi 海蒂(女子名)Diane 戴安(女子名)Sean 肖恩(男子名)Higgins 希金斯(男子名)Thompson 汤普森(姓氏)Dan Lucas 丹•卢卡斯(Luke的异体)Kyle 凯尔(男子名)Hilda 希尔达(女子名)Benjamin Harrison 本杰明•哈里森高级中学全新版大学英语第二册单词第四单元New Words and Expressionsvirtual a.虚拟的;实质上的accent n.口音interpret v.理解,解释;(做)口译clipped a.发音快而清脆的tone n.语气,口气,腔调fluid a.不稳定的,可变的;n.液体stretch v.拉长,伸展telecommuter vi.远程工作者submit vt.提交,呈递edit vt.编辑email n.电子邮件 vt.发电子邮件communicate vi.通信,交往Internet n.互联网relationship n.关系at times 有时endless a.无休止的take in 收进,吸收data n.(datum的复数形式)数据,资料spit vt.吐出on line 在线symptom n.征兆;症状aversion n.厌恶,反感socialize vi.社交,交际critic n.评论家;对......持批评态度的人nightmare n.噩梦crawl vi.爬行interaction n.交往,相互作用cyber-interaction n.通过网络交往conversely ad.相反地appropriately ad.适当地,得体地appropriate a.适当的,得体的T-shirt n.T恤衫underwear n.内衣but then 但另一方面,然而jar v.使感到不快,刺激(神经等)commercial n.商业广告;a.商业的suck v.吸,吮suck in 吸引,使卷入;吸收opera n.歌剧(艺术)soap opera 肥皂剧(以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视剧) keep up with 及时了解或跟上angle n.角度,立场in sight 可看到的;临近bad-tempered a.脾气坏的;易怒的insensitive a.感觉迟钝的,麻木不仁的sensitive a.敏感的remark n.言辞,话语 v.说,评说project v.以为别人也有(与自己同样的情绪) misinterpret vt.错误地理解;错误地解释emotional a.感情上的,动感情的cue n.提示,暗示doggedly ad.顽强地,坚持不懈地routine n.例行事务,日常工作,惯例rely vi.依靠;依赖unemployment n.失业externally ad.从外面,在外部external a.外面的,外部的abuse n.滥用;虐待crime n.(犯)罪suicide n.自杀restore vt.恢复arrange vt.安排flee v.逃走;逃离gym n.体育馆,健身房set apart 使分离,使分开interview vt.n.接见,面试appointment n.约会laughter n.笑声intolerable a.无法容忍的;不能容忍的apartment n.公寓click v.用鼠标点击 n.咔哒声modem n.调制解调器annoying a.讨厌的,恼人的annoy vt.使恼怒,使烦恼connection n.连接tune n.曲子,曲调password n.口令,密码Proper NamesMaia Szalavitz 迈亚·塞拉维茨Liverpool 利物浦(英格兰西部港口城市)Dateline 美国National Brodcasting Company(NBC)的专题新闻报道节目Frontline 美国Public Broadcasting Service(PBS)的专题新闻报道节目Nightline 美国America Broadcast Company(ABC)的专题新闻报道节目CNN =Cable News Network(美国)有线新闻电视网全新版大学英语第二册单词第五单元New words and expressionsbear out 证实sweat vi. 出汗 ; n.汗水towel n. 毛巾,手巾pole-vault vi., n. 撑杆跳高vault n. 撑杆跳高 ; 撑物跳跃grace n. 优美 , 优雅 ; 雅致gymnast n. 体操家,体操运动员body builder n. 健美运动员mere a. 仅仅,只不过fantasy n. 幻想numerousa. 许多的 , 无数的passion n. 热情recur vi. 再来 ; 再发生outrun vt. 跑的比…快 / 好 ; 超过eagle n. 鹰coincide vi. 同时发生 ; 一致coincide with 与…同时发生hard-core a. 顽固不化的core n. 核心realist n. 现实主义者motto n. 格言 , 座右铭work out 体育锻炼,训练weightlifting n. 举重alternate a. 交替的 , 轮流的coach n. 体育运动的教练dedication n. 奉献 , 献身dedicate vt. 献身于 , 致力于chore n. 家庭杂务relax vt. 放松 , 松弛on one/two/several occasion(s) 有一 ( 两,几 ) 次vain a. 虚荣的 , 自负的bar n. 横竿 , 条块inflate n. ( 使 ) 充气 ,( 使 ) 膨胀mat n. 垫子 , 席子competitor n. 竞争者 , 对手emotion n. 情感 , 感情preparation n. 准备be ashamed of n. 因…感到难为情finger-tipped a. 用手的push-up n. 俯卧撑runway n. 跑道startle vt. 使大吃一惊bale n. (一)大包,(一)大捆hay n.干草intensity n. 强烈,剧烈,紧张anxiety n. 忧虑,担心tension n. 紧张,不安tense a. 通情达理的,理智的along with 连同stretch out 伸展breeze n. 微风,清风deafen vt.使聋deaf a. 耳聋的sprint vi. 疾跑take-off n. 起跳;起飞effortless a. 容易的,不费力的erruption n. 爆发errupt vi. 爆发thump n. 重击声bring (sb) back to earth 使回到现实中in one's mind's eye 在想象中congratulate vt. 祝贺mdia n. 大众传播媒体sponsorship n. 资助Proper NamesDavid Naster 大卫·纳史特The Olympics =Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会Michael 迈克尔(男子名)Bert 伯特(男子名,Albert,Herbert, Bertram 的昵称,亦作Burt) Mildred 米尔德里德(女子名)全新版大学英语第二册单词第六单元New Words and Expressionsalumnus n.(男)校友bulletin n.简报,通讯;会刊;公告item n.一则(消息);一条,一项,一件doctoral a.博士的dissertation n.(博士)学位论文,专题论文draft n.草稿undo vt.使烦恼,使不安;松开,解开hit/strike home (言语等)击中要害idiot n.(colloq) a foolincredible a.难以置信的skeptical a.持怀疑态度的,怀疑的dieter n.节食者;忌食某些事物的人devour vt.狼吞虎咽的人cookie n.饼干occasionally adv.偶尔地,间或occasional a.偶尔的,间或consume 吃;喝;耗尽;消费superwoman n.具有非凡才能的女性,女强人politician n.政治家care for 照料pediatrician n.儿科医生anchorwoman n.(广播、电视节目的)女主持人anchor n.corporation n.公司spotless a.十分清洁的Swiss a.,n.瑞士的,瑞士人的rarely ad.很少,难得guilt n.内疚;有罪guilty n.内疚的,感到惭愧的;有罪的strawberry n.草莓gaily a.鲜艳的;快乐的red-checked a.有红格子图案的ribbon n.丝带,缎带,装饰带decorate vt.装饰client n.顾客,客户lap n.(人坐着时)大腿的上方,膝上;(旅程的)一段reproach vt.责备movers and shakers 有权势的人们theory n.理论tonal a.音调的,圣调的harmony n.和谐;协调;一致baseball n.棒球by nature 生性get one's act together 将自己的各事安排得有条不紊military a.军事的,军队的novel n.小说put pencil/pen to paper 开始动笔写remainder 剩下的时间(人或物)at intervals 每隔...时间(或距离);不时aside ad.在一边;向一边set aside 留出supermarket n.超市Martian a.,n.火星的;(假想的)火星的race the clock 争分夺秒地工作possess vt.拥有organizational a.有关组织方面的fairy n.神话故事bide vt.等待prince n.王子;亲王charm v.吸引;迷人take in 欺骗despite prep.尽管;不顾positively ad.极其,非常positive a.确信的;有益的,建设性的have sth./little/much to do with 与...有关(几乎无关,很有关系)achieve/have one's hearts desire 得到心中渴望的东西a piece of cake 不费吹灰之力的事情heroine n.女英雄sophisticated a.世故的;老练的;复杂的;尖端的falter vi.变弱;犹豫move on to 更换(工作,话题等)investment n.投资Proper NamesBrooklyn 布鲁克林(美国纽约市西南部的一区)Adrienne 艾德丽安·波柏Oklahoma (美国)俄克拉荷马州John Milton 约翰.弥尔顿(1608-1674,英国著名诗人)全新版大学英语第二册单词第七单元New Words and Expressionsmessiness n. 杂乱状况massive a. 大量的,大规模的vocabulary n. 词汇(量)snack n. 快餐,点心parade n. 游行;阅兵队列corrupt vt. 讹用,使(语言)变得不标准;腐蚀,贿赂ban vt. 禁止,取缔walkman n. 随身听invent vt. 发明fascinating a. 迷人的,有极大吸引力的manufacturer n. 制造商product n. 产品tolerance n. 容忍,宽容;忍耐to a (very real, certain, etc.) extent 在(极大,某种)程度上necessity n. 必需品;必要(性)Anglo-Saxon n. 盎格鲁—萨克逊人arouse vt. 唤起,激起channel n. 海峡;渠道;频道surrender v. give in 投降virtually ad. 差不多,几乎invade vt. 侵入,侵略inhabit vt. 居住于Welsh a., n. 威尔士语(的),威尔士人的mystery n. 神秘的事物Sanskrit n. 梵语resemble vt. 与…相似Greek n. 希腊语systematic a. 有系统的descend vi. 起源于;下来linguist n. 语言学家Indo-European a. 印欧语系的scholar n. 学者establish vt. 建立,确立drift vi. 漂泊climate n. 气候(区)Germanic a. 日耳曼(人)的,日耳曼语的,德国(人)的tribe n. 部落pass (sth.) on to (sb.) 将…传给…influence n. 影响Christianity n. 基督教Christian a. 基督教的disciple n. 信徒,门徒martyr n. 殉难者,烈士addition n. 增加的人(或物)Norman n., a. 诺曼人(的),诺曼语(的),诺曼文化的conquer v. 征服kingly a. 国王(般)的royal a. 国王或女王的;皇家的sovereign a. 拥有最高统治权的,至高无上的;拥有主权的alternative n. 供选择的东西modify vt. 修改,更改enrich vt. 使富裕,使丰富Renaissance n. (欧洲14-16世纪的)文艺复兴classic n. 经典作品capsule n. 密封小容器;胶囊;航天舱habitual a. 惯常的catastrophe n. 大灾难thermometer n. 温度计video n., a. 录像(的)cyberspace n. 网络空间,虚拟空间independent a. 独立的,自主的out of control 失去控制,不受约束academy n. 学会,学院,研究院fortunately ad. 幸运地,幸亏put into practice 将…付诸实施Danish a. 丹麦(人)的,丹麦语的liberty n. 自由strike out 创造,开创cultural a. 文化的nourish vt. 滋养,培育preserve n. 独占的地区或范围;禁猎地 vt. 保护,保存grammarian n. 语法学家intellectual n., a. 知识分子(的)elite n. (总称)出类拔萃的人,精英Proper NamesRobert MacNeil 罗伯特·麦克尼尔Winston Churchill 温斯顿·丘吉尔(1874 — 1965,英国政治家、首相)Hitler 希特勒(1889 — 1945,纳粹德国元首)Julius Caesar 尤利乌斯·凯撒(100 — 44BC,古罗马将军、政治家)Britain 英国India 印度Pakistan 巴基斯坦Viking (8 — 10世纪时劫掠欧洲西北海岸的)北欧海盗Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚England 英格兰William Caxton 威廉·卡克斯顿(英国印刷商、翻译家)Otto Jespersen 奥托·叶斯柏森(1860 — 1943)全新版大学英语第二册单词第八单元New Words and Expressionsenvironmental a. (自然)环境的sensitivity n. 敏感(性)belief n. 信念,信仰;相信democracy n. 民主(制度)conflicting a. 不一致的,冲突的,矛盾的proposal n. 提议,建议restriction n. 限制;限制性规定regulation n. 规章;规定in the name of 以…为由,以…为借口,以…的名义distinguish v. 区别,辨别regardless ad. 不顾一切地;无论如何fundamental a. 基本的,根本的environmentalism n. 环境保护论;环境论combat v. (与…)斗争,战斗ecological a. 生态的;生态学的atmosphere n. 大气;气氛ozone n. 臭氧layer n. 层reduction n. 减少cancer n. 癌,恶性肿瘤cataract n. 白内障plankton n. 浮游生物reality n. 现实;真实speculative a. 猜测性的,推测的consequence n. 后果,结果deadly a. 致命的,毁灭性的melt v. (使)融化,(使)熔化urgent a. 紧急的;急迫的universal a. 全世界的;普遍的,全体的unashamedly ad. 坦然地,满不在乎地man-centered a. 以人为中心的,只考虑人类的利益的call for 要求on the grounds of/on…grounds 因为;以…为理由self-preservation n. 自我保护sentimentalize vt. 感情用事地对待(或看待)creature n. 生物(尤指动物)resistance n. 反对,反抗voter n. 投票者,(法定)选举人vote v. 投票选举snail darter n. 蜗牛鱼(一种濒临绝种的很小的淡水鱼)run/go against the grain (of sth. or to do sth.) 与(…)格格不入;违反意愿(做某事)contemporary a. 当代的,现代的worship n., vt. 崇拜;崇敬to the point of 达到…的程度excess n. 过节,无节制organism n. 生物体,有机体spiritual a. 精神的;非物质的nothing more than 无异于;只不过,仅仅sentimental a. 感情用事的;多愁善感的selective a. 选择的;有选择性的Bengali n., a. 孟加拉人(的);孟加拉语(的);孟加拉的jungle n. 杂乱无章的事物;(热带)丛林current a. 当前的,现在的debate n. 辩论;争论rage vi. 激烈地进行wildlife n. (总称)野生动物(尤指野生动物)refuge n. 庇护所;避难处work one's way 设法抵达(或获得通过);努力达到目标congress n. 国会;立法机关;代表大会exploration n. 勘查,探测;探索conserve vt. 保护;保存either/or a. 只能两者择其一的proposition n. 提议;命题consumption n. 消费(量)come through 经历;从(…中)活下来(或挺过来)in part 在某种程度上;部分地dependence n. 依靠,依赖ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒谬的sentimentalism n. 感情用事;多愁善感,感伤主义deny vt. 不给;不准attainable a. 可达到的;可得到的attain vt. 达到;取得disrupt vt. 使陷于混乱;干扰breeding ground 动物繁殖的地方breed (bred) v. (使)繁殖;产(后代)reindeer n. (单复同)驯鹿Arctic a., n. 北级(的),北极圈(的)mate v. (使)交配similarly ad. 同样地,相同地owl n. 猫头鹰aesthetic a. 美学的;美感的;美的livelihood n. 生计logging n. 伐木业log v. 砍伐;伐(木)distinction n. 区别,差别charge n. 被照管的人(或事物)well-being n. 幸福;福祉accommodate vi. 适应新的情况;迁就 vt. 容纳,向…提供住处;协调fate n. 命运,结局bind (bound) vt. 捆,绑;将…绑在一起atmospheric a. 大气的threat n.废墟;灰,灰烬lesser a. 较小的,更少的,次要的pollutant n. 污染物generator n. 发电机fatal a. 致命的;毁灭性的ecosystem n. 生态系统moderate a. 适中的;适度的concern n. 有利害关系的事,关心的事,担扰frame n. 状态;框架,构架frame of mind 心绪;心境humanistic a. 人本主义的,人文主义的Proper NamesCharles Krauthammer 杰尔斯·克劳特哈默Midwest 美国中西部Lowa (美国)爱荷华州Albuquerque 阿尔伯克基(美国新墨西哥州城市)Siberia 西伯利亚(俄罗斯一地区)Gaia (希神)盖亚(大地女神)Protagoras 普罗泰戈拉(c.481 — c.411 B.C.,古希腊哲学家)Alaska (美国)阿拉斯加州。

新标准大学英语综合教程2-单词Unit 1霾,烟雾haze大麻marijuana(被视为某个经济实体的)国家economy(大学的)校园campus(美国)州长governor持不同政见的;持不同政见者dissident主张变革的人liberal冲突;激烈的争吵clash(国家的)统治集团,当权派;建立,确立establishment强烈的情感passionpetition手镯,臂镯bracelet哲学philosophy自信的表现或做某事;断言,宣称assert怀旧的,念旧的nostalgic(情感的)共鸣,反响resonance时代,纪元era巨大的,重大的profound权利,控制,支配;抓牢,紧握grip规章,法令法规statute授权,许可authorizeddeduction来源,出处source(以法律规定等)迫使oblige强调,重视emphasize处罚;不公平对待(某人)penalize先前的,之前的prior告发,控告;谴责denounce迫使某人屈服bring sb to one’s knees引起,为…的原因give rise to sth与…结盟form an alliance with使发生,导致bring about不顾,不管in spite of(使)不靠近keep off退出活动,退学drop out递降的in descending order本质上,就本身而言in\of itself(为生活等)依赖rely on开办,建立set up警觉;关注;熬夜sit up就本质而言;从定义上说by definition去,往;走上take to支持stand for坚持自己主张assert oneself与…有关联be associated with讲得通,有意义make senseUnit 2发生,发展;展开,打开unfold(液体)流出,涌出well爬行,匍匐前进crawl重新找回,收回retrieve追究,追溯(来源)trace婴儿,幼儿infant同情的,有同情心的sympathetic苦恼,悲伤,忧虑distress造成干扰的事物;干扰disturbance苦恼,痛苦,苦难misery模仿imitation理解,领悟comprehend使人想起,唤起(感情,想法或记忆)evoke有区别的,不同的;单独的distinct困境,苦境plight全部技能repertoire小甜饼,曲奇饼cookie轻拍(以示关心或抚慰)pat总的,整体的overall(天生的)悟性,敏感sensitivity训导discipline(儿童)不听话的,调皮的naughty光荣的,值得尊敬的honorable乐善好施的;仁慈benevolence仓促的,匆忙的hasty把…塞进,(尤指)把…藏入tuck眉开眼笑,面露喜色beam附件,零件accessory耳环earring商品目录,购物指南catalog夹子,回形针clip颜色,色彩hue装腔作势的说,夸大其辞的称赞;(液体)涌,喷gush削弱;损害impair多半,绝大部分mostly戏剧性事件;戏剧,电视剧drama女权主义者feminist人;男人,家伙guy在(绳、线等)上打结knot长沙发couch(电视等)音量;体积,容量volume未醉的,清醒的sober揭示,揭露reveal反应reaction除…之外apart from源于,是…的缘故stem from闪避,躲开;(车辆或司机)开走pull away(使)镇定下来calm down不注意,不理睬tune out泄漏,透露(机密)let on很,非常ever so仅仅,不过,只有nothing but引人注目的,显眼stand out寻找in search of(无意间)学会;开始养成(好习惯)pick upUnit 3欺骗行为deception伪造,假冒;锻造forge伪造罪;伪造品forgery欺诈,诈骗fraud拘留,拘押;照看,照管,监护custody顾问服务公司,咨询公司consultancy(用碎纸机)切碎;极少量shred垃圾trash一美元buck匿名的,无名的anonymous在线服务的,联机的online普通的,平凡的commonplace家用的;家人household预防措施,防备方法precaution在夜里;一下子,突然间overnight非法侵入(他人计算机系统)hack正式记录,记载;原木,圆材log冒犯的,使人不快的offensive加强,巩固consolidate现行的,当前的current恐怖分子terrorist武器,兵器weapon不和,分歧;摩擦friction商业,贸易commerce设法获取,强索extract(使)相关correlate实例instance危险peril样品,试样sample关注,报道,宣传publicity对…提起诉讼prosecute起诉,控告sue偿还(借款)pay back依靠,指望count on采取预防措施take precautions浏览look through撕毁,撕碎tear up(键入某个词)退出计算机系统一直,始终all the time着手做go about something存档on file大量,非常a good\great deal迟早,终归sooner or later更不必说not to mention真希望,要是…就好了if onlyUnit 4夸张,言过其实exaggerate与历史有关的historical恐怖,恐惧轰动的sensational反应reaction使受惊吓startle贫穷poverty在进行中ongoing奇特的,古怪的odd意想不到的unexpected技术人员technician重要的,重大的momentous再现,仿效;回声echo追逐chase要素,基本组成部分element受培训的人;学员trainee表述,表达frame同样地similarly图像,影像image指导方针guideline(逐步)消弱;侵蚀erode下放(权利)移交(职责)devolve博客日记blog来源,出处source收入,收益revenue恶毒的,邪恶的vicious猛烈的,残暴的ferocious(收集信息的)办事处bureau企图,努力bid俘虏;捕获capture内含意义connotation小巧的,袖珍的compact建立,创立establish网站website反馈feedback分派的任务;指派,分派assignment新闻业journalism不承认,否定deny十亿billion种植区;财产estate仍然,不过nevertheless调查survey便携式电脑laptop服务员attendant正直,诚实;完整,完全integrity新闻报告coverage(报纸的)社论editorial声望,威信prestige而且,此外moreover专门的specialized作为头条新闻报道make the headlines以(事迹或话题)开始lead with sth耽搁,延迟hold up谈到…When it comes to (doing) sth不一定,未必not necessarily改用,开始用turn to发表in print(永久)关闭close down砍倒,降低cut down恢复原样;往回走turn back使…过于简单化dumb down也就是说that is (to say)。

精品文档anecdote n.趣闻,轶事Unit 1colleague n.同事style n.行为方式,风格desirable a.值得向往的;称心的bustle vi.忙碌,奔忙accomplish vt.完成(谋事)bustling a.繁忙的,熙攘的accomplishment n.造诣,才艺;完成;成就elementary a.基本的,初级的,基础的in due course 到时候,在适当的时候telling 难忘的;有力的a.sympathetically ad.同情地sympathetic a.同情的lobby 大堂,大厅n.critical a.至关重要的;危急得系,贴,连接vt.effectively ad.有效地attach effective a.有效的attendant n.服务员;侍者,随从self-reliance n.依靠自己,自力更生slot 狭缝,狭槽n.principal a.主要的,首要的用力地;精力充沛地ad.rear vt.养育,抚养vigorously make up for 补偿,弥补vigorous misdeed n.不端行为 a.有力的,精力充沛的creative a.独创的retrospect n.回顾tender 年幼的;温柔的a.in retrospect 回顾not at all artistic a.艺术的not in the least well-intention a.好意的'find ones way intention n.意图到达;进入,流入observer n.观察者,观察员猛敲,猛击v.s rescue come to sb.'救助某人bangclumsily ad.笨拙地exploratory a.探索的clumsy a.笨拙的not likely to cause harmharmless facility n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施phenomenon 现象n.gentleness n.轻柔;优雅initial 开始的,最初的a.mold vt.塑造assist 帮助v.performance 行为,表现;表演,演出n.reposition ·的位置·vt.改变·tradition 传统n.insert vt.插入,嵌入continual 不断地,一再重复的a.somewhat 有点,稍微ad.apply 适合;申请vi.expectantly ad.期待地calligraphy n.书法家await vt.等待,等候work on 从事occasion n.时刻,场合craft n.手艺;工艺on occasion 有时,间或reversal 颠倒n.frown n.皱眉priority 优先考虑的事;重点n.neglect vt.忽视bold 勇敢的,大胆的a.parental a.父的,母的;父母的departure n.背离;出发,离开incident 事件n.inseparable 不可分离的a.relevant a.有关的,切题的evolve (使)逐步发展v.investigate v.调查;探究summarize 总结,概述vt.throw light on 帮助理解originality新颖;独创性n.creativity 创造力n. 精品文档.精品文档independence exceptionalad.罕见的;非凡的n.独立;自主energize vt.使精力充沛contrast 差异,对比n.cherish vt.关爱,珍惜harbor vt.怀有poetry n.(总称)诗,诗歌fearfula.害怕的,担心的fabricate vt.虚构,捏造on the other hand 另一方面tickle vt.逗乐;瘙痒逗笑comparable a.类似的;可比的vital a.极其重要的promote 促进,推进vt.a.well(-)off 富裕的,有钱的emerge vi.出现emotional a.感情上的pick up 获得;学会vi.pursuit n.追求,寻求overstate vt.·讲得过分,夸大将··out of place 不自在,格格不入enormous 巨大的;极大的a.dateda.陈旧的,过时的technological a.技术的,工艺的shortly after ···之后不久innovation 革新;新事物n.go south 走下坡路,失败exaggerate 夸大,夸张v.seemingly ad.表面上,看上去breakthrough n.突破abrupt a.突然的,意外的valid 有根据的a.joltv.使震惊;(使)foster 培养vt.颠簸,(使)震动worthwhile 值得的a.memorable a.值得纪念的,难忘的superiora.优良的;较好的in contrast to 与···形成对比(对照)Unit 2consequence n.结果,后果itemn.一条,一项,一件ringer 摇铃人;敲钟人mercial n.商业广告,商业的confront·的面前;正视,应对·摆在vt.·high-end a.高档的,高端的be confronted with 面临,遭遇focus v.集中注意力于;n.重点;焦点doorway n.门道,门洞affluent a.富裕的donation 捐款,捐赠物vt.apronn.围裙donate 捐赠vt.economically ad.经济上;节省地,节约地kettle 水壶;锅n.economical a节省的,节约的stand n.架,台,座genuine a.真正的confusion n.困惑go through 经历,度过curiosity n.好奇心linger vi.长时间持续;磨蹭,拖延stammer v.结结巴巴地说countless a.不计其数no-no n.禁忌的事individual n.个人,个体;deny 否定;否认vt.a.个人的,私人的fill out 填写sentiment n.祝愿,祝词;情绪,态度fall into 属于bless vt.祈求上帝保佑bracket n.等级,档次thankful a.感激的;庆幸的nothing more than 仅仅,不多于,不强于tangiblea.有形的,可触摸的whim 冲动,突然的念头n.Unit 3attainvt.获得,达到wear and tear 磨损,损害location n.场所;位置dependable a.可靠的fast-food a.供应快餐的primarily 主要地ad.guitar n.吉他minimala.极小的;最低限度的dumb a.愚蠢的;哑的exceptionally a.罕见地;非凡地unison一致;齐唱;齐奏a. 精品文档.精品文档in unison talent n.才能,天才一致地;一起twistconsist v.转动;扭曲;扭伤组成,构成vi.over and over consist of 一再地;多次由···组成junior squat a.较年幼的;地位较低的vi.蹲angel palm n.天使n.手掌typical ad.有代表性的;典型的Until 4assure vt.向(某人)保证,使确信virtual fade a.褪色,变黯淡;逐渐消失vi. 虚拟的;实质上的accent suspensen.口音n.悬念interpret v.理解;解释;)in 使产生悬念,故意迟迟不告诉(作)口译keep(sb.clipped suspense a.发音快而清脆的tone betn.敢肯定,确信vt. 语气,口气,腔调fluid sweetheart a.n.亲爱的;男(女)朋友不稳定的,可变的;n.液体stretchsimultaneously v. 拉长,伸展ad.同时地telecommuter simultaneous n.远程工作者a.同时的edit prom vt.编辑班级舞会n.viaclench prep. vt.咬紧;握紧通过,借助于,用internet monotone n.互联网,因特网n.(语调,色彩等的)单调at times hysterical 有时a.歇斯底里的groceries glorious n.极好的;辉煌的;光荣的a. 食品杂货take in dessert 接收,得到(餐后)甜点心n.date recipen.数据,资料n.烹饪法;秘诀spit hand down vt.传下去·把··吐出on line at any rate 联机,在线无论如何,不管怎样symptom community n.n.社区;社会征兆;症状aversion welfare n.厌恶,反感福利;幸福n.socialize mumblevi.咕哝;含糊地说社交,交际v.criticnarrow down n.的范围评论家;··缩小·exhaust 对使筋疲力尽;用完,耗尽vt. ···持批评态度的人nightmare repeatedly n.噩梦ad.反复地crawlcome over vi.(某种感觉)爬行;缓慢移动突然影响(某人)interactionscheme n.阴谋,诡计;计划n. 交往;相互作用cyber-interaction jut n. v.(使)突出,伸出通过网络交往conversely jut out ad.相反地(使)突出,伸出underwear jerk n.内衣猛地一扭(或一拉等)vt. but then frank但另一方面,然而a.坦白的,直率的jar know better thanv.使感到不快,使震惊明事理而不至于(做谋事)suckv.吸,吮)(that/to do sth.be sucked in/into humiliate 羞辱,使丢脸vt. (身不由己地)卷入opera interference 干涉;干扰n.歌剧n.angle constant 持续的;不变的a.角度,立场n.in sightdread 畏惧,恐怖n. 可看到的;临近bad-tempered patience 耐心,忍耐n. 脾气坏的,易怒的a.temper proof n.情绪,心情证据,证明n.insensitive vaccinate 为(某人)接种疫苗vt.感觉迟钝的,麻木不仁的a.sensitivetalented 敏感的a. 有才能的;天才的a. 精品文档.精品文档remark outrunvt.跑地比···v.说,评说快;n.言辞,话语;project 跑得比··v.以为别人也有·好;超过locomotive n.(与自己同样的情绪)机车;火车头soar misinterpret vi.高飞,翱翔;骤升,猛增vt.错误地理解,错误地解释eagle cuen.鹰提示,暗示n.coincidedoggedly vi.同时发生;一致ad.顽强地,坚持不懈地coincide with routine 与···同时发生;与···一致n.例行事务,日常工作,惯例hard-core co-worker a.n.同事顽固不化的core long-term n.核心a.长期的realist unemployed n.现实主义者n.失业mottoemployment n.格言,座右铭n.就业weightlifting externally n.举重(运动)ad.从外面,在外面alternate external a.交替的;轮流的外面的,外部的a.coach abuse n.(体育运动的)教练n.滥用;虐待dedication crime n.奉献,献身n.(犯)罪dedicate suicide vt.献身于,致力于n.自杀chorerestore n.恢复vt. 家庭杂物on one/two/several arrange 有一(两,几)次vt.安排occasion(s) flee 逃走;逃离v.vain gym a.虚荣的,自负的n.体育馆,健身房bar set apart n.横杆;条;块使分离,使分开inflate appointment v.(使)充气,约会n. (使)膨胀mat laughter n.n.笑,笑声垫子;席子unaware intolerable a.不知道的,未意识到的难以忍受的,无法容忍的petitor unbearable n.竞争者,对手 a.不能容忍的emotion click n.咔哒声;v.用鼠标点击;n.点击激情,感情,情绪groanmodem vi.叹息,呻吟调制解调器n.be ashamed of annoying 因···感到难为情a.使恼怒,使烦恼finger-tipped connection a.用手指尖的连接n.push-up tune n.俯卧撑n.曲子,曲调runway passwordn.口令,密码n.跑道startle vt.使大吃一惊Unit 5bale n.(一)大捆,(一)大包haysweat n.vi.干草汗水出汗n.intensity towel n.n.强烈,剧烈,紧张毛巾,手巾anxiety pole-vault n.撑杆跳高vi. 忧虑,担心tension vault n.紧张,不安n.撑杆跳高tensegrace a.(令人)紧张的优美,优雅;雅致n.along with gymnast 连同体操家,体操运动员n.stretch out body 伸展健美运动员n.upper mere a.上部的a.仅仅,只不过breeze fantasy n.微风,轻风幻想n.deafen numerous vt.a.使聋许多的,无数的sprint excitement vi. 兴奋,激动n.疾跑,冲刺take-off passion n.起跳;(飞机)起飞热情n.effortlessrecur 容易的,不费力气的a. 再来;再发生vi. 精品文档.精品文档motion n.运动;移动开罐器not know any better eruption 因无知而做错事或干傻事n.爆发erupt crave v.渴望得到爆发vi.decent thumpa.重击(声)像样的,相当好的;n.bring (sb.) back to 得体的使回到现实中t help doing earth'can忍不住要做(某事)shudder s mind's eye in one'v.战栗;在想象中hug(因恐惧或厌恶而)发抖拥抱vt.at a disadvantage congratulate 处于不利地位vt.祝贺when it comes to media一谈到,就··n.大众传播媒介·而言imply sponsorship v.暗示;含有·资助;赞助··的意思n.abnormal sponsora.不正常的;变态的n.资助者;赞助者stumble v.绊了一下;跌跌撞撞而行资助;赞助vt.stumbleinto 偶然步入Unit 6gritv.咬紧s teeth grit one'miniature 咬紧牙关;下定决心极小的;微型的a.algebra n.代数微型器物;缩微模型n.indication herd n.迹象;表示n.兽群;牧群retake a herd of v.重(考),一群···(补)考panic pony n.惊慌;恐慌v.惊慌失措n.小型马;矮种马buzzdolln. n.玩偶;洋娃娃(作)嗡嗡声fluorescenthard-passed a.a.发荧光的处于困境的,fluorescent light 荧光灯,日光灯遭受强大压力的b. estrogenplayroom n.雌激素儿童玩具室a.thermodynamics tomboy n.假小子,顽皮女孩n. 热力学femininity ironic n.女性气质a.颇有讽刺意味的,faulty a.令人啼笑皆非的有缺陷的 b.premise mechanical n.前提机械(方面)的;机械般的cultural a. 呆板的文化(上)的infantconvert n.婴儿;幼儿(使)转化v.(使)转变,videogame guzzlen.电子游戏猛吃,狂饮v.incredibly gas-guzzling adv.极其,非同一般地大量耗费汽油的,a.flexible a.灵活的;有弹性的用油特多的leapSUV v.运动型多用途汽车跳跃a leap of faith hybrid冒险一试a.混合的;杂种的selectivemultivariable a. a.多变量的;多远的仔细挑选的;有选择的calculus n.微积分Unit 7differential微分方程n.messiness not know/understand n.对··杂乱状况·一窍不通massive the first thing about a.大量的,大规模的snack distinguish n.辨认出;分辨v.快餐,点心parade transmission n. (机器或汽车上的)n.游行;阅兵列队hit parade 流行唱片目录传动装置,变速器;传输corrupt alternator vt.讹用,使交流发电机n.(语言)变得不标准;mechanic 腐蚀,贿赂n.机修工;技工banopener n.禁止,取缔开启工具;开瓶器;vt. 精品文档.精品文档Walkman conquer v.征服n.随身听kingly fascinating a.国王(般)的迷人的, a.royal a.b.有极大吸引力的国王或女王的;皇家的sovereign strictly speaking a.严格地讲拥有最高统治权的,invent 至高无上的;拥有主权的vt.发明alternative invention n.供选择的东西n.发明modify manufacturer vt.修改,更改制造商n.Renaissance tolerancen.n.容忍,宽容;忍耐文艺复兴capsule to a (very real, n.在(极大,某种)程度上密封小容器;胶囊;certain, etc.) 航天舱habitual extent a.惯常的catastrophe necessity n. 大灾难n.必需品;必要(性)thermometer Anglo-Saxon n.温度计盎格鲁n.-撒克逊人cyberspace core n.网络空间,虚拟空间n.核心;果核settler arouse n.移民,殖民者vt.唤起,激起sourcechannel n.源,来源n.海峡;渠道;频道out of control surrender 失去控制,不受约束v.投降academyfor effect n.学会,学院,研究院为了增强效果,为了引起注意put into practice invade 将···付诸实践vt.侵入,侵略respecter inhabit n.对···表示尊敬的人vt.居住于liberty mystery n.自由n.神秘的事物strike out theory 创造,开创学说,说法;理论n.nourish Sanskrit vt梵语滋养,培育n.shoot resemble n.相似·嫩芽,嫩枝·与vt.·spring up resemblance 涌向相似n.preserve Latinn.独占的地区或范围;禁猎地拉丁语n.grammarian systematic n. a.有系统的语法学家elitedescend n.vi.(总称)出类拔萃的人,精英起源于;下降,下来linguist语言学家n.Unit 8come up with ;提出想出(计划,回答等)harmonywolf n. n.狼和谐,融洽in harmony with scholar 与···和谐学者n.surroundings establish n.建立,确立周围的事情,环境vt.the middle part of sth.midstdrift 漂泊vi.in the midst of climate 在当中;n.气候(区)westward 正当(某件事)发生的时候向西(的)a.checkerboard triben. 部落n.国际跳棋棋盘prosperous pass (sth.) on to a.将······传给繁荣昌盛的hillside (sb.) n.山腰,山坡orchard influence n.果园影响vt.bloomChristianity n.v.(开)花基督教e into bloom Christian 盛开着花基督教徒n.基督教的a. oak enrich n. 使富裕,使丰富vt.橡树,栎树maple disciple n.n.枫树信徒,门徒birch martyr n. 殉难者,烈士n.白桦树blazeaddition 火焰,光辉;五彩缤纷n. 增加的人(或物)n. 精品文档.精品文档blossom n.(全部)花朵vi.熊熊燃烧开花vi.pollination flame n.vi烧得很旺;授粉roadside n.路边(像火一样)发光be lined with flicker 两边···排列成行vi.摇曳,闪烁brown backdrop (v.周围景物;背景使)变成棕(褐)色n.wither pine v.n.松树(使)枯萎vegetation bark n.草木,植被v.吠,叫angler mist n.薄雾,雾气垂钓者n.gutter laurel n.n.月桂树排水管,排水沟eave feed on n. ·以··为食屋檐shingle berryn.木瓦,墙面板n.浆果granular abundance a.颗粒的充裕,丰富n.patch migrant n.n.块,斑候鸟,迁徙动物witchcraft stream n. n.小河,小溪巫术,魔法silence shady vt.使缄默,压制背阴的a.rebirthtrout n.再生,复兴n.鲑鱼counterpart barn n.职能相当的人或物牲口棚,谷仓n.misfortune blight n.厄运,不幸n.破坏因素;grim a. (植物的)枯萎病阴森的,无情的,峥嵘的spectre creep n.幽灵悄悄缓慢地走,蔓延,弥漫vi.unnoticed evil a.不被察觉的n.a.邪恶的邪恶,罪恶tragedy spell n.惨案,悲剧魔力;着魔状态,中邪;n.stark 严酷的a.一段时间,一阵settle on 降临,笼罩mysterious 不可思议的,神秘的a.malady 疾病;弊病v.flock n.一群(禽,畜等)sickenv.生病,使恶心unexplained a.莫名其妙的stricken 患病的,罹难的a.stillness 寂静,静止n.backyard 后花园n.desert a.垂死的violent 剧烈的,猛烈的a.throb (心脏、机器等)跳动,vi. 有规律地颤动chorus 合唱曲n.robin n.知更鸟dove n.鸽子scores of 大量,许多marsh 沼泽,湿地n.brood vi.孵卵hatch (使)孵出plain vi.抱怨,投诉litter n.一窝drone 发出嗡嗡声vi. 精品文档.。
全新版大学英语综合教程 2 学生用书 单词表

[键入公司名称][键入文档标题] [键入文档副标题][键入作者姓名]2013/11/6Unit 1style ,n行为方式,风格bustle ,vi忙碌,奔忙bustling ,a繁忙的,熙攘的elementary ,a基本的,初级的telling ,a难忘的,有力的lobby ,n大堂,大厅attach ,vt系,贴,连接attendant ,n服务员,侍者,随从slot ,n狭缝,狭槽vigorously ,ad用力的,精力充沛的vigorous ,atender ,a年幼的,温柔的bang ,v敲击,猛击exploratory ,a探索的harmless ,a 无害的phenomenon ,n现象initial ,a开始的,最初的assist ,v帮助reposition ,vt改变…的位置insert ,vt插入,嵌入somewhat ,ad有点,稍微expectantly ,ad期待地await ,vt等待,等候occasion ,n时刻,场合frown ,v&n皱眉neglect ,vt忽略parental ,a父的,母的,父母的incident ,n事件relevant ,a有关的,切题的investigate ,v调查,探究creativity ,n创造力anecdote ,n趣闻,轶事colleague ,n同事desirable ,a值得向往的,称心的accomplish ,vt完成(某事)accomplishment ,n造诣,才艺,完成,成就sympathetically ,ad同情地sympathetic ,acritical ,a至关重要的,危急的effectively ,ad有效地effective ,a principal ,a主要的,首要的rear ,vt养育,抚养misdeed ,n不端行为creative ,a创造的retrospect ,n回顾artistic ,a艺术的well-intentioned ,a好意的intention ,n意图observer ,n观察者,观察员clumsily ,ad笨拙地clumsy ,afacility ,n熟练,灵巧,设备,设施gentleness ,n轻柔,优雅mold ,vt塑造performance ,n行为,表现,表演,演出tradition ,n传统continual ,a不断的,一再重复的apply ,vi适用,申请calligrapher ,n书法家craft ,n手艺,工艺reversal ,n颠倒priority ,n优先考虑的事,重点bold ,a勇敢的,大胆的departure ,n背离,出发,离开inseparable ,a不可分离的evolve ,v(使)逐步发展summarize ,vt总结,概述originality ,n新颖,独创性independence ,n独立,自主contrast ,v差异,对比harbor ,vt怀有fearful ,a害怕的,担心的comparable ,a类似的,可比的promote ,vt促进,推进emerge ,vi出现overstate ,vt将…讲得过分,夸大enormous ,a巨大的technological ,a技术的,工艺的innovation ,n革新,新事物exaggerate ,v夸大,夸张breakthrough ,n突破valid ,a有根据的foster ,vt培养worthwhile ,a值得的superior ,a优良的,较好的account ,n账户,描述,记述notion ,n观念,想法furthermore ,ad此外,而且intend ,vt打算swallow ,vt吞下,吞没compound ,a复合的,vt使复合,使合成defect ,n缺陷,缺点scheme ,n计划,方案,阴谋consumption ,n消费(量)appall ,vt使惊骇video ,n&a录像(的)resource ,n财力,资源deposit ,n存款pace ,n速度annual ,a每年的allowance ,n零用钱,津贴withdrawal ,n提款operation ,n运行,运转protest ,v抗议,反对percentage ,n百分比,百分率fund ,n存款,基金,专款feature ,n特征permission ,n许可incentive ,n刺激,鼓励buck ,n(一)美元additional ,a附加的,另外的cajole ,vt劝说geode ,n空心晶体球crack ,v(使)裂开,破裂undoubtedly ,ad无疑,必定shrewd ,a精明的,机灵的adopt ,vt采纳,采取perspective ,n视角,观点Unit 2ringer ,n摇铃人,敲钟人confront ,vt摆在…的面前,正视,应对doorway ,n门道,门洞donation ,n捐款,捐赠物donate ,vtkettle ,n水壶,锅stand ,n架,台,座confusion ,n困惑curiosity ,n好奇心stammer ,v结结巴巴地说no-no ,n禁忌的事deny ,vt否定,否认bracket ,n等级,档次whim ,n冲动,突然的念头attain ,vt获得,达到dependable ,a可靠的primarily ,ad主要地minimal ,a极小的,最低限度的exceptionally ,ad罕见地,非凡地exceptional ,aenergize ,vt使精力充沛cherish ,vt关爱,珍惜poetry ,n(总称)诗,诗歌fabricate ,vt虚构,捏造tickle ,vt逗乐,瘙痒逗笑vital ,a极其重要的well(-)off ,a富裕的,有钱的emotional ,a感情上的pursuit ,n追求,寻求dated ,a陈旧的,过时的seemingly ,ad表面上,看上去abrupt ,a突然的,意外的jolt ,v使震惊memorable ,a值得纪念的,难忘的consequence ,n结果,后果item ,n一条,一项,一件commercial ,n商业广告,a商业的high-end ,a高档的,高端的focus ,v将(注意力等)集中于,n 重点,焦点affluent ,a富裕的apron ,n围裙economically ,ad经济上,节省地,节约地economical ,a节省的,节约的genuine ,a真正的linger ,vi长时间持续,磨蹭,拖延countless ,a不计其数的individual ,n个体,个人sentiment ,n祝愿,祝辞,情绪,态度bless ,vt祈求上帝保佑thankful ,a感激的,庆幸的tangible ,a有形的,可触摸的mansion ,n豪宅,大厦dime ,n(美国,加拿大的)10分硬币discount ,n折扣billionaire ,n亿万富翁,大富翁folk ,n(usu,pl)人们local ,a本地的,当地的corporate ,a大公司的memo ,n备忘录mayor ,n市长blend ,v混合barber ,n理发师employee ,n雇员celebrity ,n名人rank ,v排列,排名rally ,n大会,集会liable ,a可能,会loyalty ,n忠诚system ,n系统,设备court ,n球场cultivate ,vt培养reward ,vt奖赏(某事,某人)stun ,vt使震惊generosity ,n慷慨,大方employer ,n雇主Unit 3 location ,n位置fast-food ,a供应快餐的guitar ,n吉他dumb ,a愚蠢的,哑的unison ,n一致,齐唱,齐奏consist ,vi组成,构成squat ,vi蹲palm ,n手掌yeah ,ad yestypical ,ad有代表性的,典型的assure ,vt向(某人)保证,使确信fade ,vi褪色,变暗淡,逐渐消失suspense ,n悬念bet ,vt确信,敢肯定sweetheart ,n亲爱的,男(女)朋友simultaneously ,ad同时地simultaneous ,aprom ,n(高中或大学的)班级舞会oops ,int哎呦clench ,vt咬紧,握紧monotone ,n(语调色彩等)单调hysterical ,a歇斯底里的glorious ,a极好的,辉煌的,光荣的dessert ,n甜点心recipe ,n烹饪法,秘诀community ,n社区,社会welfare ,n福利,幸福mumble ,v含糊地说exhaust ,vt使精疲力竭,用完,耗尽repeatedly ,ad反复地scheme ,n阴谋,诡计,计划jut ,v(使)突出,伸出jerk ,vt猛地一扭frank ,a坦白地,直率地humiliate ,vt羞辱,使丢脸interference ,n干涉,干扰constant ,a持续的,不变的dread ,n畏惧,恐怖patience ,n耐心,忍耐proof ,n证据,证明vaccination ,n疫苗,接种vaccinate ,vt为(某人)接种疫苗talented ,a有才能的,天才的talent ,n才能,天才twist ,v转动,扭曲,扭伤junior ,a较年幼的,地位较低的angel ,n天使gap ,n差异,缺口comment ,n评论,评述chatter ,vi唠叨,喋喋不休define ,vt表明,给…下定义spur ,vt使发生,促进,鼓励alike ,a&ad同样的(地),相似的(地)automobile ,n汽车shuttle ,v穿梭,往返运送era ,n时代,纪元virtual ,a虚拟的distinctly ,ad清楚地,清晰地popularity ,n普及,流行trend ,n趋势,潮流impact ,n强烈的影响mobile ,a活动的,可移动的minus ,n缺点,负号zone ,n地区,地带consume ,vt消耗,花费gulf ,n隔阂,鸿沟,海湾clueless ,a不了解的,不知情的opportunity ,n机会,时机alienate ,vt使疏远dynamic ,n动态,动力unfold ,vi展开,发展prompt ,n促使(某人做某事)interview ,vt面谈,采访,面试version ,n版本,改变形式decode ,vt解…的密码alert ,vt使警觉relate ,vi理解,认同etiquette ,n礼仪remark ,v评论,发表意见enforce ,v强制执行Unit 4virtual ,a虚拟的,实质上的accent ,n口音interpret ,v理解,解释,(作)口译clipped ,a发音快而清脆的tone ,n语气,口气,腔调fluid ,a不稳定的,可变得,n液体stretch ,v拉长,伸展telecommuter ,n远程工作者edit ,vt编辑via ,prep通过,借助于Internet ,n互联网groceries ,n食品杂货data ,n数据spit ,vt吐出symptom ,n征兆,症状aversion ,n厌恶,烦感socialize ,vi社交,交际critic ,n评论家,对…持批评态度的人nightmare ,n噩梦crawl ,vi爬行,缓慢移动interaction ,n交往,相互作用cyber-interaction ,n通过网络交往conversely ,ad相反地underwear ,n内衣jar ,v使感到不快,使震惊suck ,v吮,吸opera ,n歌剧angle ,n角度,立场bad-tempered ,a坏脾气的,易怒的temper ,n情绪insensitive ,a感觉迟钝的,麻木不仁的sensitive ,a敏感的remark ,n言辞,v说,评说project ,v以为别人也有(与自己相同的情绪)misinterpret ,vt错误地理解cue ,n提示,暗示doggedly ,ad顽强地routine ,n例行事务,日常工作,惯例co-worker ,n同事long-term ,a长期的unemployment ,n失业employment ,n就业externally ,ad从外面,在外面external ,n外面的,外部的abuse ,n滥用,虐待crime ,n(犯)罪suicide ,n自杀restore ,vt恢复arrange ,vt安排flee ,v逃走,逃离gym ,n体育馆,健身房appointment ,n约会laughter ,n笑,笑声intolerable ,a无法容忍的unbearable ,a不能容忍的click ,v(使)发咔嗒声,用鼠标点击,,n点击,咔嗒声modem ,n调制解调器annoying ,a讨厌的,恼人的annoy ,vt使恼怒connection ,n连接tune ,n曲子,调子password ,n口令,密码household ,n一家人,家庭intense ,a认真的,紧张的worldwide ,a&ad全世界的,在全世界范围内scatter ,vt散布outwards ,ad向外inwards ,ad向内vehicle ,n传播媒介,交通工具liar ,n(惯于)撒谎的人denial ,n否定,不给overnight ,ad一整夜,一夜间reasonable ,a合情合理的tendency ,n倾向overlook ,vt没有注意到,忽视nutter ,n疯子,怪人nerd ,n不善交际的家伙,怪人slip ,vi溜(走),溜(进)horror ,n惊恐,恐怖plot ,n情节axe ,n斧子imitate ,vt模仿Unit 5sweat ,vi出汗towel ,n毛巾pole-vault ,n撑杆跳grace ,n优美,优雅gymnast ,n体操家,体操运动员mere ,a仅仅,只不过fantasy ,n幻想numerous ,a许多的,无数的excitement ,n兴奋,激动passion ,n热情recur ,vi再来,在发生outrun ,vt跑得比…快,超过locomotive ,n机车,火车头soar ,vi高飞,翱翔,骤升,猛增eagle ,n鹰coincide ,vi同时发生,一致hard-core ,a顽固不化的core ,n核心realist ,n现实主义者motto ,n格言,座右铭weightlifting ,n举重alternate ,a交替的,轮流的coach ,n教练dedication ,n奉献,献身dedicate ,vt献身于,致力于chore ,n家庭杂物vain ,a虚荣的,自负的bar ,n横杆,条,块inflate ,v(使)充气,(使)膨胀mat ,n垫子,席子unaware ,a不知道的,未意识到的competitor ,n竞争者,对手emotion ,n激情,感情,情绪groan ,vi叹息,呻吟finger-tipped ,a用手指尖的push-up ,n俯卧撑runway ,n跑道startle ,vt使大吃一惊bale ,n(一)大捆,(一)大包hay ,n干草intensity ,n强烈,剧烈,紧张anxiety ,n忧虑,担心tension ,n紧张,不安tense ,a(令人)紧张的upper ,a上部的breeze ,n微风,轻风deafen ,vt使聋sprint ,vi疾跑,冲刺take-off ,n起跳,(飞机)起飞effortless ,a容易的,不费力气的motion ,n运动,移动eruption ,n爆发erupt ,vi爆发thump ,n重击(声)hug ,vt拥抱congratulate ,vt祝贺media ,n大众传播媒介sponsorship ,n资助,赞助sponsor ,n资助者,赞助者vt资助,赞助incline ,v(使)倾向于athlete ,n运动员horrible ,a恐怖的,可怕的progressive ,a进行性的,循序渐进的aid ,n&v帮助,援助install ,vt安装,安置optimistic ,a乐观的utterly ,ad完全地,绝对地disillusion ,vt使幻想破灭cripple ,n残废者miserable ,a凄惨的,痛苦的philosophy ,n人生观,哲学dismiss ,vt摒除,排除,解除…的职务horn ,n(汽车)喇叭crutch ,n拐杖bundle ,vt包好,裹严实tilt ,v(使)倾斜interval ,n间隔slam ,n(门)砰的关上merry ,a欢乐的penetrate ,vi穿透,刺入,被充分领悟bolt ,n螺栓,插销trait ,n个性特征overflow ,v从…溢出,泛滥selfishness ,n自私pray ,vi祈祷,祈求awareness ,n认识,了解,意识shortcoming ,n缺点,短处Unit 6 miniature ,a极小的,微型的n微型器物,微缩模型herd ,n兽群,牧群pony ,n小型马,矮种马doll ,n玩偶,洋娃娃hard-pressed ,a处于困境的,遭受强大压力的playroom ,n儿童游戏室tomboy ,n假小子,顽皮女孩ironic ,a颇有讽刺意义的,令人啼笑皆非的mechanical ,a机械(方面)的,机械般的,呆板的convert ,v(使)转变,(使)转化guzzle ,v猛吃,狂欢gas-guzzling ,a大量耗费汽油的,用油特多的SUV 运动型多用途汽车hybrid ,a混合的,杂种的n混合型机器,杂交动植物multivariable ,a多变量的,多元的calculus ,n微积分distinguish ,v辨认出,分辨transmission ,n(机器或汽车上的)传动装置,变速器,传输alternator ,n交流发电机mechanic ,n机修工,技工opener ,n开启工具,开瓶器,开罐器crave ,v渴望得到decent ,a像样的,相当好的,得体的shudder ,v颤栗,(因恐惧或厌恶而)发抖imply ,v暗示,含有…的意思abnormal ,a不正常的,变态的stumble ,v绊了一下,跌跌撞撞而行grit ,v咬紧algebra ,n代数indication ,n迹象,表示retake ,v重考,补考panic ,n惊慌,恐怖v使惊慌失措buzz ,v&n(作)嗡嗡声fluorescent ,a发荧光的estrogen ,n雌性激素thermodynamics ,n热力学femininity ,n女性气质faulty ,a有缺陷的premise ,n前提cultural ,a文化(上)的infant ,n婴儿,幼儿videogame ,n电子游戏incredibly ,adv极其,非同一般地incredible ,a令人惊讶的,难以置信的flexible ,a灵活的,有弹性的leap ,n&v跳,跳跃selective ,a仔细挑选的,有选择的anew ,a重新,再bout ,n一阵party ,vi(在社交聚会上)尽情欢乐undergraduate ,n(大学)本科生journalist ,n记者Lord ,interj天啊crisis ,n危机,紧要关头plead ,v提出…为借口,恳求renew ,vt重新开始,使恢复positive ,a肯定的,确信的steel ,v使(自己)坚强supportive ,a给予帮助的,提供支持的outsider ,n局外人semester ,n一学期,半学年expense ,n花费,费用stir ,vt搅动,搅拌plentiful ,a丰富的,多的snap ,n轻而易举的事realization ,n认识,领悟breezy ,a有微风的。
全新版大学英语综合教程2 unit1ways of learning 重点单词总结与整理

Unit1Ways of LearningⅡ.Words and Expressions1.(L.7)attach:vt.fasten or join(one thing to another)*She attached an antenna to the radio.天线(=A tag was attached to each article.)Pattern:attach sth.to sth.be attached to sth.2.(L.21)initial:adj.of or at the beginning;first最初的会谈是后来达成协议的基础。
(=The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.)*the initial letter of a word一个词的首字母3.(L.25)await:vt.wait for*He was anxiously awaiting her reply.他早就期待着这个时刻了。
(=He has long awaited this moment.)4.(L.25)on occasion:now and then*It has,on occasion,created trouble for the bank.你有时使人们感到诧异。
(=You have on occasion surprised people.)CF:on occasion&on the occasion of这两个词组非常相似,但意思不同。
on occasion有时,间或。
on the occasion of在…之际。
*on the occasion of sb.'s wedding5.(L.26)neglect:vt.give too little attention or care to*neglect one's meals and sleep离开时别忘了锁门。
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Unit 1霾,烟雾haze 大麻marijuana (被视为某个经济实体的)国家economy (大学的)校园campus (美国)州长governor 持不同政见的;持不同政见者dissident 主张变革的人liberal 冲突;激烈的争吵 clash (国家的)统治集团,当权派;建立,确立 establishment 强烈的情感 passion 感情强烈的;激昂的 passionate (强烈的)抗议;异议 protest 结盟;联盟 alliance 发动;发起(军事袭击、公众调查等) launch 激进主义,行动主义 resignation 成为…的特征 characterize 首要的,最重要的 prime 职业,工作 employment 胜算,成功可能性;(尤指好事发生)可能性prospect (值得关注的)问题;议题 issue 机会 opportunity 费解的;无名的,默默无闻的 obscure 无上幸福的 bliss 性别 gender 殖民主义 colonialism 词义;定义 definition 工业的,产业的 industrial 颠覆;使下台 overthrow (统治或法律)残酷的,严苛的 repressive 造反;反抗 rebel 反复得喊,反复的唱 chant 毁灭,摧毁destruction 请愿书petition 手镯,臂镯bracelet 哲学philosophy 自信的表现或做某事;断言,宣称assert 怀旧的,念旧的nostalgic (情感的)共鸣,反响resonance 时代,纪元era 巨大的,重大的profound 权利,控制,支配;抓牢,紧握 grip、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。

⼤学英语综合教程2单词Unit1Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择Constant a.不断的;连续发⽣的;⼀再重复的Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废Impressive a.给⼈以强烈或良好印象的,令⼈难忘的Initial a.开始的,最初的Move n.步骤;⾏动Put v.安置,放React vi.反应;反对Shallow a.肤浅的,浅薄的Tackle v.处理;应付;解决Universal a.全体的;与全体有关的Capture vt.占领;刻画;俘获Construct vt.建造;创⽴;构造Contact n.接触;联系Entitle vt.给……提名Generate vt.产⽣;创造Genuine a.真的;真诚的Rough a,粗超的Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某⼈;因某事⽽低估某⼈Do sb wrong 中伤某⼈;冤枉某⼈;虐待某⼈Find it in oneself to do sthLike it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢Root out sth 根除Take hold 固定下来;确⽴Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的Aware of 意识到;知道In any case ⽆论如何Unit2adopt vt.采取characterize vt.是…的特征,以…为特征confine vt.把…局限于,把…限制于convince vt.使确信,使信服emphasize vt.强调,着重picture vt.想象,设想remarkable a.值得注意的;⼗分不平常的;出众的response n.回答reveal vt.展现,显露(出)stretch vi. (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延lower vt.降下,把…放低owe vt.⽋(债)等;感激propose vt.提议为…⼲杯;提议,建议;提出(⾏动﹑计划或供表决的⽅案等)remedy n.补救(⽅法);纠正(办法)tremble vi.颤抖,发抖,震颤,战栗all but ⼏乎,差不多in particular 特别;尤其in search of 搜索long for 切盼,渴望take in 看到,注意到first and foremost 最重要的,⾸要的keep back 不谈;隐瞒on earth 在世间;在地球上single out( for) 挑出,选出unit3Neglect n. 忽略,忽视prospect n.指望,期望Reward vt. 报答,酬谢trace vt .追溯,追查Consent vi. 同意,赞成creep vi. 缓慢或悄悄地进⾏Discouraged a. 灰⼼丧⽓的establish vt .建⽴,创⽴Favourable a .博得好感的refresh vt. 使恢复精神Remark v .谈起,说起resolve vt. 下决⼼Somewhat ad. 有⼏分,稍微sufficient a. ⾜够的,充⾜的Undergo v .遭受,经历worthy a.值得…的Come across 遇到,发现come up with 提出,想出Flood in 涌⼊many a 许多Pack up 收拾⾏李plunge in /into 跳⼊,投⼊Put to the test 使…经受考验stay the course 坚持到底In sb’s favour 对…有利occur to sb(主意等)被某⼈想起unit4accomplish vt. 完成(任务等);做成功address vt. 着⼿解决conversely ad 另⼀⽅⾯;相反地crisis n. 危机;紧要关头curse v. 诅咒highlight vt. 使….显着;使注意⼒集中incredible adj. 不可相信的;难以置信的issue n. 问题;流出perspective n. (观察问题的)视⾓positive adj. 积极的;确定的rare adj. 稀有的shape n. 形状;⾝材focus n. 集点;中⼼;清晰ignore vt. 忽视;不理睬outcome vt. 结果;成果quit vt. 离开;放弃reject vt. 拒绝;排斥tense adj. 紧张的;拉紧的transform vt. 改变;转换concerned with 关⼼的in reverse 反之亦然live through经历…后仍然活着make a difference对…有影响pull over把车停在路边result in 导致slip over 忽视give it a try 再试⼀下(in) one way or another 相反设法Unit5casual a.⾮正式的,随便的challenging a.富有挑战性的;困难⽽有趣的charm n.魔⼒,魅⼒,吸引⼒consult v.当顾问;查阅(书籍等);(向专业⼈员)咨询,请教dilemma n.左右为难emerge vi.(尤指调查后)显露,露出真相function n.与另⼀事物有密切关系的事物;可变因素guarantee v.保证guideline n.指导⽅针,准则,⾏动纲领infinite a.巨⼤的,极⼤的staff n.(⼀个机构的)全体职⼯,全体⼯作⼈员,员⼯variety n.种种,各种各样的事物visible a.明显的,可察觉到的convention n.惯例;常规;习俗internal a.国内的,本国的ounce n. 盎司,英两become of sb./sth. (常指坏事)…发⽣或遭遇某种情况;结果(怎么样)do sb. a favour 帮某⼈⼀个忙inside out ⾥⾯翻到外⾯;由⾥到外shake off 摆脱;逃脱;甩掉disapprove of 不赞成,不同意inasmuch as 因为,由于,鉴于make out (在⽣意或⽣活中)取得成功【进展】run a/the (red) light 闯红灯show up (按预期或安排)到达unit6criticism 批评;批判;考证;审定current 当前的;最近的;流⾏的exhibit 显⽰;表⽰;陈列;展览integrate 使结合;使合并;使⼀体化;完整的objective 客观的;公证的;⽬标的outstanding 杰出的;显着的painful 使痛苦的;困难的;讨厌的strategy 策略;计谋;战略strive 努⼒;奋⽃;⽃争I;1)thick 最密集处;最厚double 是……的两倍eliminate 消除;淘汰;排除logical 符合逻辑的;合理的mysterious 神秘的;难以理解的narrow 变狭窄;变窄;狭隘的;狭窄的similarity 相似之处;类似;相像性at rest 静⽌不动的dry out ⽤尽;枯竭in this/that regard 在这⽅⾯on the sidelines 作为旁观者;不参与rely on/upon sb. / sth.(for) 依靠;依赖;信赖take a chance 冒险;碰运⽓without regard to 不顾;不管for the most part ⼤部分make sense 有意义Unit7Assess vt评价Competent adj有能⼒的Differ vi 有区别Dismiss v 不予考虑Employment n 职业Merely adv仅仅Objective v ⽬标Personally adj 个⼈的Reserve v储备Valid adj 正当的Alter v 改动Conventional adj传统的Convey v 传达intense adj 强烈的norm n 标准productive adj 富有成效的professional adj 专业的shift v 改变strength n 强点typical adj 典型的viewpoint n 观点assess/judge sth.on its(own) merits对……客观评价feel free(to do sth.)不受约束做某事follow the herd随⼤流in reserve备⽤的in view of考虑到take up 接受to someone’s credit为某⼈带来荣誉in person 亲⾃take a turn 改变unit8Classic 【⽆⽐较级】最优秀的;经典的;第⼀流的;(可作)典范的Claim(对……)提出要求;索取;认领;声称有……的权利Elect 选举;推选Identify 发现;承认;确定Mature (使)成熟Stuff 东西;所有物;材料Tap 利⽤;开发;发掘Breed 引起;酿成;产⽣Convert (使)转变;(使)转化;(使)转换Identity ⾝份Impulse 冲动Media ⼤众传播媒介Maintain 维持;保持;坚决主张Shortcoming 短处;缺点Stress 压⼒;重压;紧张Fire sb. up 使某⼈⽣⽓Graduate with honours作为优等⽣(毕业)Graduate with honours作为优等⽣(毕业)Make an excuse 找借⼝nurse sb.\sth. through (sth)悉⼼照料……使之度过Take action 采取⾏动Take…by the throat 决⼼应对In kind以同样的⽅法In the face of ⾯对。


全新版⼤学英语综合教程2(第⼆版)第三单元单词Test Alocationn.场所,位置fast-fooda.供应快餐的guitarn.吉他dumba.愚蠢的;哑的unisonn.⼀致;齐唱;齐奏in unision⼀致地;⼀起consistvi.组成,构成consist of由······组成squatvi.蹲palmn.⼿掌typicala.有代表性的,典型的assurevt.向(某⼈)保证,是确信fadevi.褪⾊,变黯淡;逐渐消失suspensen.悬念keep (sb.)in suspense使产⽣悬念,故意迟迟不告诉betvt.敢肯定,确信sweetheartn.男(⼥)朋友simultaneousa.同时的,同时发⽣的,同时存在的; 联⽴的;clenchvt.咬紧,握紧monotonen.单调hystericala.歇斯底⾥的gloriousa.极好的;辉煌的;光荣的dessertn.(餐后)甜点⼼recipen.烹饪法;秘诀hand down把······传下去at any rate⽆论如何,不管怎样communityn.社区;社会welfaren.福利;幸福mumblev.咕哝;含糊地说narrow down缩⼩······的范围exhaustvt.使筋疲⼒尽;⽤完;耗尽repeatedlyad.反复地come over(某种感觉)突然影响(某⼈)schemen.阴谋,诡计;计划jut out(使)突出,伸出jerkvt.猛地⼀扭(或⼀拉等)franka.直率的,坦⽩的know better than (that / to do sth.)明事理⽽不⾄于(做某事) humiliatevt.羞辱,使丢脸interferencen.⼲扰;⼲涉constanta.持续的;不变的dreadn.畏惧,恐怖patiencen.耐⼼,忍耐proofn.证明,证据vaccinate为(某⼈)接种疫苗talentn.才能,天才twistv.转动;扭曲;扭伤over and over⼀再地;多次juniora.较年幼的;地位较低的angeln.天使。

Unit 1霾,烟雾haze大麻marijuana(被视为某个经济实体的)国家economy(大学的)校园campus(美国)州长governor持不同政见的;持不同政见者dissident主张变革的人liberal冲突;激烈的争吵clash(国家的)统治集团,当权派;建立,确立establishment 强烈的情感passion感情强烈的;激昂的passionate (强烈的)抗议;异议protest结盟;联盟alliance发动;发起(军事袭击、公众调查等)launch激进主义,行动主义resignation成为…的特征characterize 首要的,最重要的prime职业,工作employment 胜算,成功可能性;(尤指好事发生)可能性prospect (值得关注的)问题;议题issue机会opportunity 费解的;无名的,默默无闻的obscure无上幸福的bliss性别gender殖民主义colonialism 词义;定义definition工业的,产业的industrial颠覆;使下台overthrow (统治或法律)残酷的,严苛的repressive造反;反抗rebel反复得喊,反复的唱chant毁灭,摧毁destruction请愿书petition手镯,臂镯bracelet哲学philosophy自信的表现或做某事;断言,宣称assert怀旧的,念旧的nostalgic (情感的)共鸣,反响resonance时代,纪元era巨大的,重大的profound权利,控制,支配;抓牢,紧握grip规章,法令法规statute授权,许可authorized扣除deduction来源,出处source(以法律规定等)迫使oblige强调,重视emphasize处罚;不公平对待(某人)penalize先前的,之前的prior告发,控告;谴责denounce迫使某人屈服bring sb to one’s knees 引起,为…的原因give rise to sth与…结盟form an alliance with 使发生,导致bring about不顾,不管in spite of(使)不靠近keep off退出活动,退学drop out递降的in descending order本质上,就本身而言in\of itself(为生活等)依赖rely on开办,建立set up警觉;关注;熬夜sit up就本质而言;从定义上说by definition去,往;走上take to支持stand for坚持自己主张assert oneself与…有关联be associated with讲得通,有意义make senseUnit 2发生,发展;展开,打开unfold(液体)流出,涌出well爬行,匍匐前进crawl重新找回,收回retrieve追究,追溯(来源)trace婴儿,幼儿infant同情的,有同情心的sympathetic苦恼,悲伤,忧虑distress造成干扰的事物;干扰disturbance苦恼,痛苦,苦难misery模仿imitation理解,领悟comprehend使人想起,唤起(感情,想法或记忆)evoke有区别的,不同的;单独的distinct困境,苦境plight全部技能repertoire 小甜饼,曲奇饼cookie轻拍(以示关心或抚慰)pat总的,整体的overall(天生的)悟性,敏感sensitivity 训导discipline (儿童)不听话的,调皮的naughty光荣的,值得尊敬的honorable 乐善好施的;仁慈benevolence 仓促的,匆忙的hasty 把…塞进,(尤指)把…藏入tuck眉开眼笑,面露喜色beam附件,零件accessory 耳环earring商品目录,购物指南catalog夹子,回形针clip颜色,色彩hue装腔作势的说,夸大其辞的称赞;(液体)涌,喷gush削弱;损害impair多半,绝大部分mostly戏剧性事件;戏剧,电视剧drama女权主义者feminist 人;男人,家伙guy在(绳、线等)上打结knot长沙发couch(电视等)音量;体积,容量volume未醉的,清醒的sober揭示,揭露reveal反应reaction除…之外apart from 源于,是…的缘故stem from 闪避,躲开;(车辆或司机)开走pull away (使)镇定下来calm down 不注意,不理睬tune out泄漏,透露(机密)let on很,非常ever so仅仅,不过,只有nothing but 引人注目的,显眼stand out寻找in search of (无意间)学会;开始养成(好习惯)pick upUnit 3欺骗行为deception伪造,假冒;锻造forge伪造罪;伪造品forgery欺诈,诈骗fraud拘留,拘押;照看,照管,监护custody顾问服务公司,咨询公司consultancy(用碎纸机)切碎;极少量shred垃圾trash一美元buck匿名的,无名的anonymous在线服务的,联机的online普通的,平凡的commonplace家用的;家人household预防措施,防备方法precaution在夜里;一下子,突然间overnight非法侵入(他人计算机系统)hack正式记录,记载;原木,圆材log冒犯的,使人不快的offensive加强,巩固consolidate现行的,当前的current恐怖分子terrorist武器,兵器weapon不和,分歧;摩擦friction商业,贸易commerce设法获取,强索extract(使)相关correlate实例instance危险peril样品,试样sample关注,报道,宣传publicity对…提起诉讼prosecute起诉,控告sue偿还(借款)pay back依靠,指望count on采取预防措施take precautions浏览look through撕毁,撕碎tear up(键入某个词)退出计算机系统log off一直,始终all the time着手做go about something存档on file大量,非常 a good\great deal 迟早,终归sooner or later 更不必说not to mention 真希望,要是…就好了if onlyUnit 4夸张,言过其实exaggerate与历史有关的historical恐怖,恐惧horror轰动的sensational反应reaction使受惊吓startle贫穷poverty在进行中ongoing奇特的,古怪的odd意想不到的unexpected技术人员technician重要的,重大的momentous再现,仿效;回声echo追逐chase要素,基本组成部分element受培训的人;学员trainee表述,表达frame同样地similarly图像,影像image指导方针guideline(逐步)消弱;侵蚀erode下放(权利)移交(职责)devolve博客日记blog来源,出处source收入,收益revenue恶毒的,邪恶的vicious猛烈的,残暴的ferocious(收集信息的)办事处bureau企图,努力bid俘虏;捕获capture内含意义connotation小巧的,袖珍的compact建立,创立establish网站website反馈feedback分派的任务;指派,分派assignment新闻业journalism不承认,否定deny十亿billion种植区;财产estate仍然,不过nevertheless调查survey便携式电脑laptop服务员attendant正直,诚实;完整,完全integrity新闻报告coverage(报纸的)社论editorial声望,威信prestige而且,此外moreover专门的specialized作为头条新闻报道make the headlines以(事迹或话题)开始lead with sth耽搁,延迟hold up谈到…When it comes to (doing) sth 不一定,未必not necessarily改用,开始用turn to发表in print(永久)关闭close down砍倒,降低cut down恢复原样;往回走turn back使…过于简单化dumb down也就是说that is (to say)。

Unit 1ankle n. the part at the bottom of your leg where your foot joins your legbank n. a set of machines arranged close together in a rowbolt v. run away quicklybutt n. (sl.) the buttocks, the part of the body on which a person sitscalf n. the thick part at the back of the leg between the ankle and the kneecareen v. (of a ship) turn over or tiltcolleague n. someone who works in the same organization or department as you confusion n. a situation in which things are badly organizeddescent n. the act or process of going downdevastating a. causing a lot of harm or damagedilemma n. a situation in which one has to make a difficult choicedrawstring n.(often pl.) a string or cord that can be pulled tighter or looser to tie up bags, etcflight n. a set of stairs between one floor and the nextgasp n. an attempt to get enough air into your lungs by breathing in quickly heavyset a. (of people) rather broad and strong-lookingillusion n. sth. that deceives a person by seeming to be reallash v. hit violently or suddenlylobby n. the area just inside the entrance to a large buildingpandemonium n. a state of wild and noisy disorderpurgatory n. a place or condition of great sufferingrip v. tear apart quickly and violentlyrumble n. a series of long low soundssap v. (cause) to become wet thoroughly by being in a liquidspasm n. a sudden uncontrolled movement of musclesstairwell n. the space, going up through all the floors of a building, where the stairs are sway v. move or swing gently from side to sideultimate a. most extremeUnit 2accomplished a. skilledadolescent a. relating to or characteristic of the process of developing from a child into an adultaging n. the process of growing oldagony n. extreme mental or physical pain or sufferingapt a. likely to do sth.aspect n. one of the parts of a situation or subject that can be considered separately await v. wait forblazer n. a jacket with the special sign of a school on itcontentment n. the happiness you fell when you have everything you want and enjoy yourlifecontradict v. be opposite in nature tocontrast n. a noticeable difference between people or thingsconvince v. persuade sb. to do sth.critical a. extremely important; crucialdelay v. make sth. latedevil n. an evil spiritdiet v. eat particular foods or small amounts of food because you are trying to become thinnerdistinct a. definite and obviousfeverishly ad. excitedlyframe n. a person with strange ideas, habits or appearancejog v. run slowly for exerciselanky a. ungracefully tall and thinloose-fitting a. loose, esp. in order to become comfortablemegadose n. a larger than usual amount of medicine, vitamin, etc.muscular a. having well-developed musclesplead v. ask for sth. in an urgent or anxious waypremise n. a statement or idea on which reasoning is basedpursue v. engage in (an activity or course of action)quirk n. a strange habit or feature that sb. or sth. hassaint n. someone who is considered to be very special and holy, esp. by the Catholic Churchsanity n. the condition of being mentally healthy; the ability to think and behave normally and reasonablyslice n. a flat piece of bread, meat, etc., cut from a larger piecetailor v. make by cutting and sewing clothing, esp. to fit a particular personteen n. a person aged between 13 and 19 yearsthough ad. howeverun-American a. not typical of the attitudes, ways of life etc. that approved of or considered normal in the USunsettling a. making you feel worried or nervouswaist n. the part around the middle of your body just above your hipswiry a. rather thin, but with strong musclesworship v. show great admirationUnit 3anguish n. very great pain and suffering, esp. of the mindassure v. tell sb. that sth. will definitely happen or is definitely true, so that they are less worriedauthorize v. give official permission forbeneficiary n. the receiver of a benefit (cf. benefactor)breast n. one of the two round raised parts on a woman’s chest that can produce milk for her babiescollide v. hit each other accidentallyconsequence n. sth. that happens as a result of sth. elseconsole v. give comfort to sb. in times of sadnessdeplorable a. shockingly bad in qualitydiagnostic a of or for identifying the nature of an illnessego n. the self, esp. as distinct from the world and other selves; self-importance endure v. bearepiphany n. a comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realizationestablish v. start an organization that will exist for a long timeeventually ad. at last; in the endfascism n. a right-wing political system in which people’s lives are completely controlled by the state and no political opposition is allowed, used in Germanyand Italy in the 1930s and 40sfatal a. very dangerous; causing deathflee v. leave a place very quickly in order to escape from dangergurney n. a long narrow table with wheels used for moving sick people in a hospital helicopter n. a type of aircraft which can land in a small space and take off without running over the groundinstantly ad. immediately, at onceintuition n. the power of knowing sth. without reasoninglump n. a hard swelling on sb.’s skin or in their bodymalignant a. (of a disease)serious enough to cause death if not preventedmanicure n. a treatment for the hands and esp. the fingernails, including cleaning, cutting, etc.manicurist n. sb. whose job is to give people manicuresmiff v. annoyoccupation n. the period of being controlled by military forcepoignant a. keen or strong in mental appealpsychiatrist n. a doctor trained in the treatment of disease of the mindrear n. the back partrescuer n. sb. who saves people from harm or dangerslur v. pronounce unclearlyspinal a. of or for the back bonestriking a. very attractive or impressivestroke n. an unexpected piece (of luck); a sudden illness in part of the brain which damages it and can cause loss of the ability to move some part of the body subtitle n. (in films or on television) text of dialogue translated into a foreign language and shown at the bottom of the screensuicidal a. with a tendency to commit suicidesurgery n. the performing of medical operations, usu. including the cutting open of theskintherapist n. a specialist in a particular branch of medical treatmentthreaten v. be likely to harm or destroy sth.tumor n. a group of disease cells in the body that grow too quicklyundergo v. experience sth. esp. sth. that is unpleasant but necessarywreckage n. the remains of sth. that is destroyedwrist n. the part of the body between the hand and the armUnit 5admonition n. a warning or criticism about sb.’s behaviorafflict v. cause severe suffering or painaid n. helpbang n. a sudden noiseblowout n. a sudden bursting of a tirebundle v. quickly push sb. or sth. into sth.clank n. a short loud soundcripple n. sb. who is unable to use his limbs, esp. the legscrutch n. a stick under one’s arm, for supporting a person who has difficulty in walkingdismiss v. refuse to accept that sth. might be true or importantdriveway n. a road for vehicles that connects a private houseenormity n. the quality of being very great, esp. in difficultyfrail a. weak and poor in healthfrustrated a. feeling impatient or angry because you are unable to de what you want to do fumble v. move the fingers in an attempt to do sth.gauge n. a fact or event that can be used for judging sb. or sth.gusty a. characterized by or blowing in strong rushes of windhobble v. walk with difficultyhonk v. make the horn of a vehicle produce a short loud noisehorn n. an apparatus, e.g. in a car, which makes a loud warning sound indifference n. lack of interest, love, etc.install v. set upinterval n. a period of time between activitiesjack n. an apparatus for lifting a car off the groundjerk v. pull suddenly and quicklyoverflow v. be so full that the contents go over the sides; be very fullparalyze v. cause to be unable to movepenetrate v. enter, pass (into or through)peninsula n. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but still joined to a large mass of landprophet n. someone who people believe has been sent by God to teach them the rightway to follow their religionthe Prophets the Jewish holy men whose writing form part of the Old Testament, or the writings themselvesScriptural a. from or relating to the Bibleslacken v. become slower or less activeslash v. (esp. of wind) come hard down and cross`slick a. smooth and slipperyspent a. extremely tiredsplit-level a. (of a building or room) having floors at different heights in different parts sweep v. move quickly and smoothly (all over)thump v. move forcefully or with a heavy deadened soundtilt v. cause to slopeutterly ad. completelywhatever pron. whateveryardstick n. sth. that you compare similar thing to as a way of judging their quality or valueUnit 6aftermath n. the result following a bad eventaglow a. bright with excitementammunition n. bullets, shells etc. that are fired from a weaponassume v. suppose to be the case, without proofbombard v. keep attacking heavily (as if) with gunfirecivilian n. a person not of the armed forcescorpse n. a dead body, esp. of a personcripple v. injure sb.’s legs or backs so that they can never move or walk properly again doom v. cause to suffer sth. unavoidable, such as death or destructiondub v. nameengulf v. surround and swallow upenrage v. make sb. extremely angryerr v. do sth. wrongfiery a. full of violent feelingsfootstep n. the sound of each step when sb. is walkinggrim a. stern, severe, or causing fearhatred n. the state or feeling of intense dislikeheap n. a pile or mass of things on top of each otherignorant a. lacking knowledge, esp. of sth. one ought to know aboutinfantryman n. a soldier who fights on footjoint n. a part of the body where two bones are fitted togethermakeshift a. used only for a short period of time because there is nothing better mystery n. sth. that you are not able to get information aboutodds n. the probability that sth. will or will not happenplatoon n. a small body of soldiers which is part of a companyprecaution n. sth. that you do to prevent sth. bad or dangerous from happeningragtag n. a confused mixture of things which are different from each other regiment n. a large military group commanded by a colonelrifle n. a type of military gun fired from the soldier, with a long spirally grooved barrelrubble n. (a mass of) broken stones or bricksshell n. a metal container filled with explosive material, which is fired from a large gunsoul n. spirit of a personspot n. a particular placestiff a. not easily bentstrew v. scattertask n. a piece of work to be done or undertakentattered a. old and torntuck v. make sb. (esp. a child)comfortable in bed by pulling the sheets tight turmoil n. a state of confusion, disorder or great anxietyvalid a. reasonable and generally acceptedvow v. solemnly promise that you will do sth.warfare n. the activity of fighting a warwartime n. the period when a war is taking placeUnit 7academic a. connected with education, esp. in a college or universityassumption n. what is thought to be true or will happen, without any real proof character n. the qualities that make up sb.’s personalitycharacteristic n. a quality or feature that sb. or sth. typically hascoercive a. using force to persuade people to do what they are unwilling to docolonel n. an officer with a high rank in the army, marine, or the USA air force complex a. with a lot of details, which makes sth. difficult to deal withconventional a. of the usual type that has been used for a long timecoordinate n. (usu. pl.)one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map or graphcorporal n. a soldier who has a low rank in the army or air forcecurriculum n. all of the subjects that are taught at a school, college, etc.define v. state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning ofeligibility n. the qualifications or abilities requires for doing sth.essence n. the most basic and important idea or qualityflunk v. judge (sb. in an examination or test) not to have passedfrequent v. visit oftenfuzzy a. not cleargarment n. a piece of clothinggear n. the machinery in a vehicle that you use to go comfortably at different speedshamper v. prevent from happening or processing normallyhew v. shape or carve from some materialhumor n. disposition, temperamentinadequacy n. being too low in quality or woo small in amountindicate v. show that sth. existsirrelevant a. not connected or appropriate to what you are discussing or doingknit v. make things such as clothes by using two long needles to connect wool or other kinds of thread into joined rowslieutenant n. an officer who has a middle rank in the army, navy or air force misleading a. likely to make sb. believe sth. that is not truenorm n. level of achievement most students are expected to reach, what is considered as standardoddly ad. in a strange or unusual wayoffset v. counterbalance or compensate forpermanently ad. for all future time, or for a very long timeperspective n. a way of regarding situations, facts etc.proficiency n. skill; abilityrank n. the level if importance that sb. has in an organization such as in society repute n. reputationresent v. feel bitter or indignant atretain v. keep; continue to haveritual n. fixed ways of doing thingssemester n. one of the two periods into which the school or college year is divided sergeant n. an officer of fairly low rank in the army or policeshift v. move or change from one position or direction to anotherspecies n. a particular class of a larger of groupswap v. give sth. to sb. in exchange for sth. elsetranscript n. an official record of a student’s school progress and achievements underneath prep. directly under sth.Unit 9automobile n. a carbanner n. a wide piece of cloth with a message on it, often stretched between two polesbudget n. the amount of money a person or organization has to spend on sth. cardinal a. very importantcatatonic a. (of a person) stiff and not moving, as if deadcertificate n. a document that officially states that sth. is truechin n. the front part of your face below your mouthdealer n. a person who buys and sells a particular productdeclare v. announce officially that sth. is true or happeningdedicate v. spend time and effort doing sth.; devotedeliberately ad. with a definite intention, not by chance or by accidentdisapprove v. not approve of sb. or sth.display v. give a clear demonstration of (a quality, emotion, or skill)exhale v. breathe air out through your mouth or nosefeature n. a newspaper or magazine article that concentrates on a particular subject felicity n. great happinessfiction n. books or stories about imaginary events and peopleflawless a. without any mistakes, marks or bad featuresforce n. a strong effect that sth. hasheighten v. increase or make sth. increasehormone n a chemical substance produced by your body that influences its growth, development, and conditioninherent a. being a natural part of an activity or situation and can’t be separated from it insatiability n. desire or need that are so strong that cannot be satisfiedissue v. provide sb. with the things they need for a particular actionknave n. an old word for “a dishonest man”laxative n. sth. which you eat or drink that relieves constipation by making you defecatelicense n. an official document that gives sb. permission to do or use sth. orthopedics n. the part of medicine that deals with the treatment of bone injuries or disease patriotism n. strong feelings of love, respect, and duty towards your country perception n. opinion of what sth. is and what it is likeperpetual a. continuing all the timepharmacopoeia n. a book that lists medical drugs, and describes how to prepare and use them pursue v. try to achieve sth.pursuit n. the process of trying to achieve sth.release v. start offering to sell sth. by making it available for people to buysake n. the purpose of doing, getting, or achieving sth.salve n. a medical cream that you spread on sore skin to reduce the painstocking n. a very thin of clothing that fits closely over a woman’s leg and foottablet n. a small hard round piece of medicine that you can swallowtherapy n. a form of treatment for an illness or medical conditiontorture n. an extremely unpleasant or painful experienceunderline v. emphasize sth. or state that it is importantuplifting a. making you feel happier or more helpfulvaguely ad. in a way that is not clearUnit 11acknowledge v. admit; recognize the factadopted a. legally made a part of family that is not your original familyatonement n. repayment (for a crime)betray v. be unfaithful tobully n. a person who uses strength or power to frighten or hurt those who are weakercell n. a small room in a prison for one personcloak n. sth. that hidescompel v. force sb. to do sth.contribution n. the state of feeling guilty and sorry for sth. bad that you have done convince v. make (sb.) completely certain about sth.cover n. sth. that hides or keeps sth. secretcruel a. deliberately making people or animals feel pain or sadnessdeny v. declare untruedivine a. having the quality of God, or coming from Goddomineering a. trying to control others, usu. without any consideration of their feelings duplicity n. the quality of being dishonest and deceitfulescalator n. a set of moving stairs that take people from one level to another in a large buildingeven v. make or become equal in number, amount, or valuefaculty n. a natural power of the mindfallible a. capable of making mistakes or being wrongfester v. become infected and diseasedfire v. dismiss from a jobfoe n. enemyfury n. very great angergrip n. a firm hold; a tight graspguideline n. instruction on how sth. should be donehothead n. a person who does things too quickly, without thinkinginfidelity n. a lack of loyaltyinsight n. power of using one’s mind to understand the true nature of a situationlest conj. in caselodge v. make or become firmly fixed in a placemalice n. intention to hurt sb.malignancy n. the state of being full of hate and a strong wish to do harmmortgage v. do sth. that gives you immediate advantage but is likely to cause problem in the futuremuddle v. continue doing sth. without any clear plan or purpose, or without enough help or supportperish v. diepregnant a. having an unborn childpromote v. give sb. a higher positionrage v. (of an emotion) have or reach a high degree of intensityrebellion n. an act of opposing sb. in a position of controlrecommendation n. the act of praising as being good for a purposereconcile v. bring back friendly relations betweenreconciliation n. bringing back friendly relationsretaliation n. action against sb. who has done sth. bad to youscapegoat n. (in the Bible) a goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people on it; a person taking the blamefor the fault of othersskeptical a. doubting; distrustfulsolitary a. lonely, alonestifle v. prevent from developingtrapped a. unable to escapeunjust a. not right or fairvengeance n. revengewrong v. be unfair or cause suffering。
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Unit 1
(国家的)统治集团,当权派;建立,确立establishment 强烈的情感passion
感情强烈的;激昂的passionate (强烈的)抗议;异议protest
成为…的特征characterize 首要的,最重要的prime
职业,工作employment 胜算,成功可能性;(尤指好事发生)可能性prospect
机会opportunity 费解的;无名的,默默无闻的obscure
殖民主义colonialism 词义;定义definition
颠覆;使下台overthrow (统治或法律)残酷的,严苛的repressive
怀旧的,念旧的nostalgic (情感的)共鸣,反响resonance
迫使某人屈服bring sb to one’s knees 引起,为…的原因give rise to sth
与…结盟form an alliance with 使发生,导致bring about
不顾,不管in spite of
(使)不靠近keep off
退出活动,退学drop out
递降的in descending order
本质上,就本身而言in\of itself
(为生活等)依赖rely on
开办,建立set up
警觉;关注;熬夜sit up
就本质而言;从定义上说by definition
去,往;走上take to
支持stand for
坚持自己主张assert oneself
与…有关联be associated with
讲得通,有意义make sense
Unit 2
全部技能repertoire 小甜饼,曲奇饼cookie
(天生的)悟性,敏感sensitivity 训导discipline (儿童)不听话的,调皮的naughty
光荣的,值得尊敬的honorable 乐善好施的;仁慈benevolence 仓促的,匆忙的hasty 把…塞进,(尤指)把…藏入tuck
附件,零件accessory 耳环earring
女权主义者feminist 人;男人,家伙guy
除…之外apart from 源于,是…的缘故stem from 闪避,躲开;(车辆或司机)开走pull away (使)镇定下来calm down 不注意,不理睬tune out
泄漏,透露(机密)let on
很,非常ever so
仅仅,不过,只有nothing but 引人注目的,显眼stand out
寻找in search of (无意间)学会;开始养成(好习惯)pick up
Unit 4
夸张,言过其实exaggerate 与历史有关的historical
轰动的sensational 反应reaction
意想不到的unexpected 技术人员technician 重要的,重大的momentous 再现,仿效;回声echo
指导方针guideline (逐步)消弱;侵蚀erode
猛烈的,残暴的ferocious (收集信息的)办事处bureau
内含意义connotation 小巧的,袖珍的compact
分派的任务;指派,分派assignment 新闻业journalism 不承认,否定deny
作为头条新闻报道make the headlines
以(事迹或话题)开始lead with sth
耽搁,延迟hold up
谈到…When it comes to (doing) sth 不一定,未必not necessarily
改用,开始用turn to
发表in print
(永久)关闭close down
砍倒,降低cut down
恢复原样;往回走turn back
使…过于简单化dumb down
也就是说that is (to say)。